Nombre de publications : 270
Parties d’ouvrages/Contribution à des ouvrages collectifs
- Gevart, T., Freis, B., Vangijzegem, T., Ramirez, M. L. A., Stanicki, D., Begin, S., & Laurent, S. (2024). Design of iron oxide nanoparticles as theranostic nanoplatforms for cancer treatment. In B. Doudin, M. Coey, ... A. Cebers, "Magnetic Microhydrodynamics : a emerging research field". Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-58376-6_13
- Vangijzegem, T., Van leuven, L., Stanicki, D., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (2024). Chapter 9 : Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide and Ferrite Nanoparticles for MRI. In C. Geraldes, "Lanthanide and Other Transition Metal Ion Complexes and Nanoparticles in Magnetic Resonance Imaging". CRC Press.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Garifo, S., Vangijzegem, T., Stanicki, D., & Laurent, S. (2024). A Review on the Design of Carbon-Based Nanomaterials as MRI Contrast Agents. "Molecules". doi:10.3390/molecules29071639
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Vangijzegem, T., Van leuven, L., Ternad, I., Lecomte, V., Muller, R., Stanicki, D., & Laurent, S. (October 2024). "Radiosensitizing Effect of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles (IONPs) : Towards Improved Radiotherapy Outcomes" [Paper presentation]. CMR, Oslo, Norway.
- Kadanuru rajashekar, G. K., Stanicki, D., Henoumont, C., & Laurent, S. (2024). "Synthesis and relaxometric studies of MN-complexes associated to silica nanoparticles" [Paper presentation]. FC-relax, NMR relaxometry.
- Ternad, I., Stanicki, D., Vangijzegem, T., Lecomte, V., H-F. Renard, A-C Heuskin, C. Michiels, S. Penninckx, Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (2024). "Exploring the Radiosensitizing Potential of Magnetic Nanoparticles" [Paper presentation]. Journée scientifique d'impact, Bordeaux, France.
- Van leuven, L., Vangijzegem, T., Stanicki, D., & Laurent, S. (2024). "Stabilizer Effects on Flow Synthesis of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in Polyol Medium: Towards a Comprehensive Understanding of Formation Mechanisms" [Paper presentation]. 21st International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (NN24), Thessalonique, Greece.
- Van leuven, L., Vangijzegem, T., Stanicki, D., & Laurent, S. (2024). "Effect of Surfactants on Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Polyol Synthesis by Flow Chemistry" [Paper presentation]. EDT CHIM PhD Scientific Day, Liège, Belgium.
- Van leuven, L., Vangijzegem, T., Gossuin, Y., Muller, R., Stanicki, D., & Laurent, S. (2024). "Flow Assisted Polyol Synthesis of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles: Towards a Greener and Safer Synthesis Pathway" [Paper presentation]. Young SRC chemists research day 2024, namur, Belgium.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Van leuven, L., Vangijzegem, T., Stanicki, D., & Laurent, S. (17 October 2024). "Flow assisted polyol synthesis of iron oxide nanoparticles : exploring stabiliser effects and formation mechanisms" [Poster presentation]. SRC scientific day, Bioinspired chemistry : from molecules to cells, Mons, Belgium.
- Ternad, I., Stanicki, D., Vangijzegem, T., Lecomte, V., Renard, H.-F., Penninckx, S., Muller, R., Lucas, S., & Laurent, S. (17 October 2024). "The radiosensitizing potential of iron oxide nanoparticles" [Poster presentation]. SRC scientific day, Bioinspired chemistry : from molecules to cells, Mons, Belgium.
- Maes, A., Garifo, S., Ernotte, P., Stanicki, D., Vangijzegem, T., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (17 October 2024). "Development of a new theranostic nanoplatform combining quantitative 19F MRI and boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT)" [Poster presentation]. SRC scientific day, Bioinspired chemistry : from molecules to cells, Mons, Belgium.
- Maes, A., Garifo, S., Ernotte, P., Vangijzegem, T., Stanicki, D., & Laurent, S. (October 2024). "Development of theranostic nanoplatform suitable for quantitative 19F MRI and tailored for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT)" [Poster presentation]. Tumor Targeting, Imaging et Radiotherapies, Erquy, France.
- Maes, A., Ernotte, P., Garifo, S., Stanicki, D., Vangijzegem, T., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (2024). "Development of theranostic nanoplatform suitable for quantitative 19F MRI and tailored for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT)" [Poster presentation]. Tumour Targeting, Imaging, radiotherapies (Canceropole Grand ouest), Erquy, France.
- Drewek, I., Pietka, A., Christophe Chipot, Van melderen, L., Surin, M., Leclère, P., Wattiez, R., Stanicki, D., & Laurent, S. (2024). "Exploring the antibacterial potential of bisbenzimidazole compounds with remarkable physico-chemical and biological properties" [Poster presentation]. EDT-CHIM 2024, Université de Liège, Liège, Belgium.
- Drewek, I., Pietka, A., Christophe Chipot, Van melderen, L., Surin, M., Leclère, P., Wattiez, R., Stanicki, D., & Laurent, S. (2024). "Self-Assembling Bisbenzimidazole Derivatives: A Pioneering Approach to Bacterial Flocculation" [Poster presentation]. Nano in Bio 4th Edition, Le Gosier (Guadeloupe).
- Ternad, I., Stanicki, D., Vangijzegem, T., Lecomte, V., H-F.Renard, S. Penninckx, Muller, R., S. Lucas, & Laurent, S. (2024). "Exploring the Radiosensitizing Potential of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles" [Poster presentation]. ESMI, Porto, Portugal.
- Ternad, I., Lecomte, V., Stanicki, D., Vangijzegem, T., S. Penninckx, Muller, R., Lucas S., & Laurent, S. (2024). "Iron oxide nanoparticles as a theranostic agent" [Poster presentation]. EDT-CHIM 2024, Liège, Belgium.
- Ternad, I., Stanicki, D., Vangijzegem, T., Lecomte, V., H-F.Renard, S. Penninckx, Larbanoix, L., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (2024). "Exploring the Radiosensitizing Potential of magnetic Nanoparticles" [Poster presentation]. Jeune chimiste de la SRC.
- Lecomte, V., Ternad, I., Stanicki, D., Vangijzegem, T., Boutry, S., Muller, R., Michiels C., & Laurent, S. (2024). "Radiosensitizing Magnetic Nanoparticles as a Targeted Theragnostic Agent for Cancer Therapy" [Poster presentation]. The future of Molecular MR 2024, orléans, France.
- Vangijzegem, T., Van leuven, L., Ternad, I., Lecomte, V., Muller, R., Stanicki, D., & Laurent, S. (2024). "Radiosensitizing Effect of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles: Towards Improved Radiotherapy Outcomes" [Poster presentation]. Radiosensitizing Effect of Iron Oxide , Towards Improved Radiotherapy Outcomes.
- Lecomte, V., Ternad, I., Stanicki, D., Vangijzegem, T., Boutry, S., Muller, R., Michiels, C., & Laurent, S. (2024). "Targeted radiosensitizingmagnetic nanoparticles as a therapeutic agent for cancer therapy" [Poster presentation]. SRC scientific day, Bioinspired chemistry : from molecules to cells, Mons, Belgium.
Parties d’ouvrages/Contribution à des ouvrages collectifs
- Stanicki, D., Larbanoix, L., Boutry, S., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (2023). Molecular Imaging and Contrast Agents. In "Book Series Frontiers in Nanomedicine (Vol. title: Biomaterials and Polymers for Medical Devices and Pharmaceuticals)". Bentham Science Publishers.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Vangijzegem, T., Lecomte, V., Ternad, I., Van leuven, L., Muller, R., Stanicki, D., & Laurent, S. (2023). « Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles (SPION): From Fundamentals to State-of-the-Art Innovative Applications for Cancer Therapy. "Pharmaceutics". doi:10.3390/pharmaceutics15010236
- Ternad, I., Penninckx, S., Lecomte, V., Vangijzegem, T., Conrard, L., Lucas, S., A.-C. Heuskin, Michiels, C., Muller, R., Stanicki, D., & Laurent, S. (2023). Advances in the Mechanistic Understanding of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles’ Radiosensitizing Properties. "Nanomaterials".
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Vangijzegem, T., Van leuven, L., Stanicki, D., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (2023). "Continuous flow manufacturing of magnetic nanoparticles using polyol solvents: the Magnified project" [Paper presentation]. EMRS 2023 Spring Meeting, 40th Anniversary Congress & Exhibition Centre, Strasbourg, France, France.
- Stanicki, D., Ternad, I., S. Penninckx, Muller, R., Vangijzegem, T., S. Lucas, C. Michiels, & Laurent, S. (2023). "Advances in the mechanistic understanding of iron oxide nanoparticles’ radiosensitizing properties" [Paper presentation]. EMRS 2023 Spring Meeting, 40th Anniversary Congress & Exhibition Centre, Strasbourg, France, France.
- Garifo, S., Ernotte, P., Maes, A., Stanicki, D., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (2023). "Design and Testing of Enzyme Responsive and/or Vectorized Contrast Agents" [Paper presentation]. Primogaia, Bordeaux, France.
- Drewek, I., Q. Tran, S. Amarie, N. Fraikin, L. Van Melderen, M. Surin, P. Leclère, R. Wattiez, Stanicki, D., & Laurent, S. (2023). "Investigation d’un proceed de floculation bactérienne novateur induit par de nouveaux dérivés bisbenzimidazoles à l’aide de la microscopie à force atomique" [Paper presentation]. Forum des microscopies à sonde locale, Obernai (France).
- Drewek, I., Pietka, A., Stanicki, D., N. Fraikin, L. Van Melderen, M. Surin, P. Leclere, R. Wattiez, & Laurent, S. (2023). "Benzimidazole Derivatives with Molecular Self-fassembly Properties: An Innovative Approach for Inducing Fast and Effective Bacterial Flocculation »" [Paper presentation]. EDT chim, UMONS, MONS, Belgique.
- Royer, V., Drewek, I., Stanicki, D., Mincheva, R., Wattiez, R., J.-M. Raquez, & Laurent, S. (2023). "Antibacterial Surface Coatings Combining PCL and Bisbenzimidazoles" [Paper presentation]. 50èmes Journées d’études des Polymères (JEPO), Val-Joly, Hauts-De-France, France.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Garifo, S., Stanicki, D., Vangijzegem, T., Maes, A., P. Mellet, R. Abergel, S. Durand, Muller, R., Y.-M. Frapart, & Laurent, S. (April 2023). "Recent development in the Nanodiamonds field" [Poster presentation]. Poster communication presented at the 1st Workshop on Emerging Trends in Molecular Imaging, Turin, Italy, Milan, Italy.
- Van leuven, L., Vangijzegem, T., Stanicki, D., & Laurent, S. (2023). "Influence of surfactants in Magnetic iron oxide nanoparticle synthesis by thermal decomposition in polyol for flow chemistry" [Poster presentation]. EDT chim, UMONS, MONS, Belgique.
- Garifo, S., Stanicki, D., P. Mellet, R. Abergel, S. Durand, Muller, R., Y.-M. Frapart, & Laurent, S. (2023). "Electron paramagnetic Resonance Characterizations of diamonds nanoparticles»" [Poster presentation]. EDT chim, UMONS, MONS, Belgique.
- Ernotte, P., Maes, A., Stanicki, D., Y.-M. Frapart, & Laurent, S. (2023). "Study of spin-spin interactions on a nanoparticle surface to design new EPR imaging probes" [Poster presentation]. Oral communication presented at the EPR 2023: International Conference on EPR Spectroscopy and Imaging of Biological Systems, Paris, France, paris, France.
- Garifo, S., Stanicki, D., Vangijzegem, T., Maes, A., P. Mellet, R. Abergel, S. Durand, Muller, R., Y.-M. Frapart, & Laurent, S. (2023). "Carbon Nanoparticles for Bioapplications, Recent Developments" [Poster presentation]. SRC Young Chemists’ Day, Mons.
- Van leuven, L., Vangijzegem, T., Stanicki, D., & Laurent, S. (2023). "Magnetic Iron Nanoparticle Flow Chemistry Synthesis by Thermal Decomposition in Polyol: Influence of Surfactant Nature" [Poster presentation]. SRC Young Chemists’ Day, Mons.
- Royer, V., K. Wandji, Stanicki, D., R. Mincheva, J.-M. Raquez, R. Wattiez, & Laurent, S. (2023). "Design of a Benzimidazole-modified Polymer as Antibacterial Surface Coatings" [Poster presentation]. SRC Young Chemists’ Day, Mons.
- Royer, V., K. Wandji, Stanicki, D., R. Mincheva, J.-M. Raquez, R. Wattiez, & Laurent, S. (2023). "Antibacterial Surface Coatings, A Polymer Solution" [Poster presentation]. Mardi des chercheurs, Valenciennes, France.
- Royer, V., Stanicki, D., Mincheva, R., Raquez, J.-M., Wattiez, R., & Laurent, S. (2023). "Antibacterial Surface Coatings Containing PCL and Bisbenzimidazoles" [Poster presentation]. SRC, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium.
- Lecomte, V., Ternad, I., Stanicki, D., Vangijzegem, T., S. Penninckx, Muller, R., Lucas, S., & Laurent, S. (2023). "Radiosensitizing magnetic nanoparticles as a targeted theranostic agent for cancer therapy" [Poster presentation]. 19eme édition de l’YBMRS, Blankenberge.
- Drewek, I., Pietka, A., L. Van Melderen, M. Surin, P. Leclère, R. Wattiez, Stanicki, D., & Laurent, S. (2023). "Fast and Effective Bacterial Flocculation Induced by New Self-Assembling Benzimidazole Derivatives" [Poster presentation]. SRC Young Chemists’ Day, Mons.
- Drewek, I., Pietka, A., N. Fraikin, L. Van Melderen, M. Surin, P. Leclère, R. Wattiez, Stanicki, D., & Laurent, S. (2023). "Benzimidazole Derivatives with Molecular Self-Assembly Properties: An Innovative Approach for Inducing Fast and Effective Bacterial Flocculation" [Poster presentation]. ACSMEDI-EFMC Medicinal Chemistry Frontiers 2023, Boston (MA, USA).
- Drewek, I., Pietka, A., Fraikin N., Van melderen, L., Surin, M., Leclère, P., Wattiez, R., Stanicki, D., & Laurent, S. (2023). "Fostering Rapid and Efficient Bacterial Flocculation via Innovative Molecular Self-Assembly of Benzimidazole Derivatives" [Poster presentation]. SRC, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium.
- Ternad, I., Penninckx, S., Lecomte, V., Vangijzegem, T., Garifo, S., L. Conrard, S. Lucas, A.-C. Heuskin, C. Michiels, Muller, R., Stanicki, D., & Laurent, S. (2023). "Evaluation of Radiosensitizing Magnetic Nanoparticles as a Novel Theranostic Agent for Cancer Therapy" [Poster presentation]. Poster communication presented at the European Molecular Imaging Meeting (EMIM 2023), 18th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Molecular Imaging, Salzburg, Austria.
- Lecomte, V., Ternad, I., Stanicki, D., & Laurent, S. (2023). "Evaluation of Radiosensitizing Magnetic Nanoparticles as a novel Theranostic Agent for the Therapy of Cancer" [Poster presentation]. SRC Young Chemists’ Day, Mons.
- Ternad, I., Lecomte, V., Stanicki, D., Vangijzegem, T., S. Penninckx, Muller, R., Laurent, S., & S. Lucas. (2023). "Magnetic nanoparticles as theranostic agents" [Poster presentation]. EDT chim, UMONS, MONS, Belgique.
- Van leuven, L., Lecomte, V., Garifo, S., Vangijzegem, T., Stanicki, D., & Laurent, S. (2023). "PEGylated nanoparticles functionalization by flow photochemistry approach”" [Poster presentation]. SRC, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium.
- Lecomte, V., Ternad, I., Stanicki, D., Vangijzegem, T., Penninckx S., Muller, R., Lucas S., & Laurent, S. (2023). "Radiosensitizing Magnetic Nanoparticles as a Targeted Theranostic Agent for Anti-Cancer Therapy" [Poster presentation]. YBMRS 2023, blanckenberge, Belgium.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Gossuin, Y., Martin, E., Vuong, Q. L., DELROISSE, J., Laurent, S., Stanicki, D., & Rousseau, C. (June 2022). Characterization of commercial iron oxide clusters with high transverse relaxivity. "Journal of Magnetic Resonance Open, 10-11", 100054. doi:10.1016/j.jmro.2022.100054
- Garifo, S., Stanicki, D., Boutry, S., Larbanoix, L., Ternad, I., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (03 May 2022). Preparation, Characterizations and Imaging Study of a Nanometric Platform for Resonance and Fluorescence Imaging. "Oral communication and poster session presented at BMIC-DyMIC Imaging Congress, Anvers, Belgium, 2", 1-2.
- Stanicki, D., Vangijzegem, T., Ternad, I., & Laurent, S. (22 February 2022). An update on the applications and characteristics of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles for drug delivery. "Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, 15", 1-15. doi:10.1080/17425247.2022.2047020
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Parzy, E., Boudries, D., Jacoutot, S., Albalat, M., Vanthuyne, N., Franconi, J.-M., Mellet, P., Thiaudiere, E., Audran, G., Marque, S. R. A., Massot, P., Garifo, S., Stanicki, D., Laurent, S., & Muller, R. (August 2022). "Enzymatic Activity Monitoring through Dynamic Nuclear Polarization in the Earth magnetic field, the PRIMOGAIA Project" [Paper presentation]. Contrast Media Research Symposium, CMR 2022, Annapolis, United States.
- Garifo, S., Stanicki, D., Boutry, S., Larbanoix, L., Ternad, I., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (August 2022). "Preparation and characterizations of a Nanoplatform-based MRI/OI Contrast Agent" [Paper presentation]. Contrast Media Research Symposium, CMR 2022, Annapolis, United States.
- Ternad, I., Stanicki, D., Vangijzegem, T., Penninckx, S., Muller, R., Lucas, S., & Laurent, S. (August 2022). "PEGylated magnetic nanoparticles as a theranostic agent" [Paper presentation]. Contrast Media Research Symposium, CMR 2022, Annapolis, United States.
- Ternad, I., Stanicki, D., Vangijzegem, T., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (10 January 2022). "PEGylated Iron oxide nanoparticles as a potential radiosensitizer" [Paper presentation]. EDT-CHIM 2021 (20 mai), virtual meeting, .
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Vangijzegem, T., Van Leuven, L., Stanicki, D., & Laurent, S. (05 December 2022). "Continuous “polyol” synthesis of magnetic nanoparticles : the Magnified project" [Poster presentation]. SF Nano.
- Garifo, S., Stanicki, D., Mellet, P., Abergel, R., Durand, S., Muller, R., Frapart, Y.-M., & Laurent, S. (18 October 2022). "Electron Spin Resonance Characterizations of Nanodiamonds" [Poster presentation]. Journée scientifique de la Société Royale de Chimie, Liège, Belgium.
- Van Leuven, L., Vangijzegem, T., Stanicki, D., & Laurent, S. (18 October 2022). "Magnetic iron oxide nanoparticle synthesis by thermal decomposition in polyol: a parametric study" [Poster presentation]. Journée scientifique de la Société Royale de Chimie, Liège, Belgium.
- Drewek, I., Pietka, A., Stanicki, D., Fraikin, N., Van Melderen, L., Wattiez, R., & Laurent, S. (18 October 2022). "Synthesis of new heterocyclic derivatives bearing benzimidazole moieties and evaluation of their biological activity: A study on bacterial flocculation properties" [Poster presentation]. Journée scientifique de la Société Royale de Chimie.
- Ternad, I., Lecomte, V., Stanicki, D., Vangijzegem, T., Penninckx, S., Muller, R., Lucas, S., & Laurent, S. (18 October 2022). "Iron oxide nanoparticles for theranostics applications" [Poster presentation]. Journée scientifique de la Société Royale de Chimie.
- Drewek, I., Pietka, A., Stanicki, D., Wattiez, R., & Laurent, S. (11 September 2022). "Synthesis of new heterocyclic derivatives bearing benzimidazole moieties and evaluation of their biological activity" [Poster presentation]. 12th International Symposium on Drug Analysis & 32nd International Symposium on Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, Mons, Belgium.
- Van Leuven, L., Vangijzegem, T., Stanicki, D., & Laurent, S. (06 September 2022). "Thermal decomposition in polyol : an efficient process for the synthesis of magnetic nanoparticles" [Poster presentation]. Mardi des chercheurs, 11ème édition, Mons, Belgium.
- Garifo, S., Stanicki, D., Mellet, P., Abergel, R., Durand, S., Muller, R., Frapart, Y.-M., & Laurent, S. (06 September 2022). "Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Study on Nanodiamonds" [Poster presentation]. Mardi des chercheurs, 11ème édition, Mons, Belgium.
- Drewek, I., Pietka, A., Stanicki, D., Wattiez, R., & Laurent, S. (06 September 2022). "Synthesis of new heterocyclic derivatives bearing benzimidazole moieties and evaluation of their biological activity as bacterial flocculating agents" [Poster presentation]. Mardi des chercheurs, 11ème édition, Mons, Belgium.
- Ternad, I., Stanicki, D., Vangijzegem, T., Boutry, S., Penninckx, S., Lecomte, V., Muller, R., Lucas, S., & Laurent, S. (06 September 2022). "Magnetic nanoparticles for theranostics applications" [Poster presentation]. Mardi des chercheurs, 11ème édition, Mons, Belgium.
- Gossuin, Y., Martin, E., Vuong, Q. L., Delroisse, J., Laurent, S., Stanicki, D., & Rousseau, C. (July 2022). "Characterization of commercial iron oxide clusters as potential Magnetic Resonance Imaging contrast agent" [Poster presentation]. euromar 22.
- Ternad, I., Stanicki, D., Vangijzegem, T., Boutry, S., Penninckx, S., Lecomte, V., Muller, R., Lucas, S., & Laurent, S. (03 May 2022). "PEGylated Magnetic Particles for MRI and Radiotherapy Application" [Poster presentation]. Flash talk and poster session presented at BMIC-DyMIC Imaging Congress, Anvers, Belgium.
- Royer, V., Stanicki, D., Mincheva, R., Raquez, J.-M., Wattiez, R., & Laurent, S. (01 April 2022). "Elaboration of Benzimidazole-modified Polymers as Antibacterial Contact-Active Coatings" [Poster presentation]. Poster session presented at Jeunes chimistes de la Société Royale de Chimie (SRC), Liège, Belgium.
- Drewek, I., Tran, T. Q., Stanicki, D., Leclère, P., Wattiez, R., & Laurent, S. (07 March 2022). "Synthèse de Nouveaux Dérivés Bisbenzimidazoles et Évaluation de leur Activité Biologique : une étude du phénomène de floculation bactérienne à l’aide de la microscopie à force atomique" [Poster presentation]. Poster session presented at Forum des microscopies à sonde locale, Saint-Valéry-sur-Somme, France.
- Gossuin, Y., Martin, E., Vuong, Q. L., Delroisse, J., Laurent, S., Stanicki, D., & Rousseau, C. (2022). "Characterization of commercial iron oxide clusters as potential Magnetic Resonance Imaging contrast agent" [Poster presentation]. BPS 2022.
- Vangijzegem, T., Stanicki, D., Boutry, S., Panepinto, A., Socoliuc, V., Veka, L., & Laurent, S. (2022). "Relaxometry as a tool to assess the magneto-crystalline state and surface modification of sub-5 nm iron oxide nanoparticles obtained through continuous flow synthesis" [Poster presentation]. 12th Conference on Fast-Field Cycling Relaxometry, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
- Garifo, S., Stanicki, D., Vangijzegem, T., R., A., S. Durand, Muller, R., Y.-M., F., & Laurent, S. (2022). "EPR imaging study of Nanodiamonds" [Poster presentation]. 29th Benelux EPR Society Meeting.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Garifo, S., Stanicki, D., Ayata, G., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (02 December 2021). Nanodiamonds as nanomaterial for biomedical field. "Frontiers of Materials Science, 15" ((3)), 334 - 351.
- Campodoni, E., Velez, M., Fragogeorgi, E., Morales, I., de la Presa, P., Stanicki, D., Dozio, S. M., Xanthopoulos, S., Bouziotis, P., Dermisiadou, E., Rouchota, M., Loudos, G., Marín, P., Laurent, S., Boutry, S., Panseri, S., Montesi, M., Tampieri, A., & Sandri, M. (2021). Magnetic and radio-labeled bio-hybrid scaffolds to promote and track in vivo the progress of bone regeneration. "Biomaterials Science".
- Garifo, S., Stanicki, D., Boutry, S., Larbanoix, L., Ternad, I., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (24 November 2021). Functionalized silica nanoplatform as a bimodal contrast agent for MRI and optical imaging. "Nanoscale, 13" (39), 16509 - 16524.
- Javanbakht, T., Laurent, S., Stanicki, D., & Salzmann, I. (23 November 2021). Rheological Properties of Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles. "Journal of engineering Sciences, 8" ((1)), 29-C37.
- Dallet, L., Stanicki, D., Voisin, P., Miraux, S., & Ribot, E. J. (2021). Micron-sized iron oxide particles for both MRI cell tracking and magnetic fluid hyperthermia treatment. "Scientific Reports", (20).
- Stanicki, D., Larbanoix, L., Boutry, S., Vangijzegem, T., Ternad, I., Garifo, S., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (2021). Impact of the chain length on the biodistribution profiles of PEGylated iron oxide nanoparticles: a multimodal imaging study. "Journal of Materials Chemistry B". doi:10.1039/d1tb00573a
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Garifo, S., Stanicki, D., Boutry, S., Larbanoix, L., & Laurent, S. (24 August 2021). "Preparation of Functionalized Silica Nanoparticles for Multimodal Imaging" [Paper presentation]. 16th European Molecular Imaging Meeting (ESMI), Virtual Meeting, Unknown/unspecified.
- Garifo, S., Stanicki, D., Boutry, S., Larbanoix, L., Vangijzegem, T., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (20 May 2021). "Development of a Nanoplatform-based Contrast Agent for Multimodal Imaging" [Paper presentation]. EDT-CHIM, Virtual Meeting, Unknown/unspecified.
- Garifo, S., Stanicki, D., Boutry, S., Larbanoix, L., Vangijzegem, T., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (20 May 2021). "Development of a Nanoplatform-based Contrast Agent for Multimodal Imaging" [Paper presentation]. EDT-CHIM, Virtual meeting , Unknown/unspecified.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Royer, V., Stanicki, D., Raquez, J. M., Mincheva, R., Wattiez, R., & Laurent, S. (14 October 2021). "Development of Benzimidazole-modified Polymers as Antibacterial Contact-Active Coatings" [Poster presentation]. SRC, ULB, Bruxelles, Belgique, .
- Garifo, S., Stanicki, D., Boutry, S., Larbanoix, L., Ternad, I., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (14 October 2021). "Silica Nanoplatform for Multimodal Imaging: preparation and biodistribution studies" [Poster presentation]. SRC, ULB, Bruxelles, Belgique, .
- Ternad, I., Stanicki, D., Vangijzegem, T., Penninckx, S., Muller, R., Lucas, S., & Laurent, S. (14 October 2021). "'PEGylated magnetic nanoparticles for radiation therapy application" [Poster presentation]. SRC, ULB, Bruxelles, Belgique, Bruxelles, Belgium.
- Drewek, I., De Cock, M., Pietka, A., Stanicki, D., Wattiez, R., & Laurent, S. (14 October 2021). "Synthesis of new benzimidazole derivatives and evaluation of their biological activity as bacterial flocculating agents" [Poster presentation]. SRC, ULB, Bruxelles, Belgique, .
- Drewek, I., De Cock, M., Pietka, A., Stanicki, D., Wattiez, R., & Laurent, S. (02 September 2021). "Synthesis of new heterocyclic derivatives bearing benzimidazole moieties and evaluation of their bacterial flocculation properties" [Poster presentation]. 26th EFMC International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry, EFMC-ISMC, Virtual Meeting, .
- Ternad, I., Stanicki, D., Vangijzegem, T., Penninckx, S., Muller, R., Lucas, S., & Laurent, S. (29 August 2021). "Study of the radiosensitizing properties induced by PEGylated magnetic nanoparticles" [Poster presentation]. 26th EFMC International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry, EFMC-ISMC 2021, Virtual meeting, .
- Drewek, I., De Cock, M., Pietka, A., Stanicki, D., Wattiez, R., & Laurent, S. (29 August 2021). "Synthesis of new heterocyclic derivatives bearing benzimidazole moieties and evaluation of their bacterial flocculation properties" [Poster presentation]. 26th EFMC International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry, Virtual Meeting, Unknown/unspecified.
- Garifo, S., Stanicki, D., Boutry, S., Larbanoix, L., & Laurent, S. (24 August 2021). "Preparation of Functionalized Silica Nanoparticles for Multimodal Imaging" [Poster presentation]. 16th European Molecular Imaging Meeting, ESMI, Lokhalle Göttingen, Allemagne (24-27 août 2021), .
- Garifo, S., Ternad, I., Vangijzegem, T., Stanicki, D., Boutry, S., Larbanoix, L., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (07 June 2021). "Preparation of a Silica Nanoplatform as Contrast Agent for MRI and Optical Imaging" [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs, Virtual Meeting, Unknown/unspecified.
- Drewek, I., Pietka, A., De Cock, M., Stanicki, D., Wattiez, R., & Laurent, S. (28 April 2021). "Synthesis and evaluation of the biological activity of new benzimidazoles derivatives:Study of bacterial flocculation properties" [Poster presentation]. 29th European Colloquium on Heterocyclic Chemistry, ECHC, Virtual Meeting, .
- Drewek, I., Pietka, A., De Cock, M., Stanicki, D., Wattiez, R., & Laurent, S. (26 April 2021). "Synthesis and evaluation of the biological activity of new benzimidazoles derivatives:Study of bacterial flocculation properties" [Poster presentation]. 29th European Colloquium on Heterocyclic Chemistry, Virtual Meeting, Unknown/unspecified.
- Laurent, S., Henoumont, C., & Stanicki, D. (01 April 2021). "Développement d'agents de contraste pour l'imagerie médicale: de la synthèse à l'application" [Poster presentation]. Evènement de maillage UHMAP, .
- Ternad, I., Stanicki, D., Vangijzegem, T., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (30 March 2021). "Study of the radiosensitizing properties induced by iron oxide nanoparticles" [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs, Virtual Meeting, Unknown/unspecified.
- Drewek, I., Royer, V., Pietka, A., De Cock, M., Stanicki, D., Wattiez, R., & Laurent, S. (30 March 2021). "Synthesis and evaluation of the biological activity of new bisbenzimidazole derivatives: Study of bacterial flocculation properties" [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs, Virtual Meeting, Unknown/unspecified.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Mathieu, P., Chalet, M., Clain, M.-M., Teulon, L., Benoist, E., Leygue, N., Picard, C., Boutry, S., Laurent, S., Stanicki, D., Henoumont, C., Novio, F., Lorenzo, J., Montpeyo, D., Ciuculescu-Pradines, D., & Amiens, C. (2020). Surface engineering of silica nanoparticles with a gadolinium-PCTA complex for efficient T1-weighted MRI contrast agents. "New Journal of Chemistry".
- Andre, S., Larbanoix, L., Verteneuil, S., Stanicki, D., Nonclercq, D., Vander Elst, L., Laurent, S., Muller, R., & Burtea, C. (05 June 2020). Development of an LDL receptor-targeted peptide susceptible to facilitate the brain access of diagnostic or therapeutic agents. "Biology, 9, 161", 1-26. doi:10.3390/biology9070161
- Fanfone, D., Stanicki, D., Nonclercq, D., Port, M., Vander Elst, L., Laurent, S., Muller, R., Saussez, S., & Burtea, C. (14 March 2020). Molecular Imaging of Galectin-1 Expression as a Biomarker of Papillary Thyroid Cancer by Using Peptide-Functionalized Imaging Probes. "Biology, 9" (53), 1-25. doi:10.3390/biology9030053
- Javanbakht, T., Laurent, S., Stanicki, D., & David, E. (2020). Related physicochemical, rheological and dielectric properties of nanocomposites of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles with polyethyleneglycol. "Journal of Applied Polymer Science".
- Mireles, L. K., Stanicki, D., Laurent, S., Deschênes, D., Sacher, E., & Yahia, L. H. (01 January 2020). Nitric oxide attachment to SPIONs: demonstration of the covalent S-NO bond in a nanodelivery system. "Applied Surface Science, 521" (145959).
- Vangijzegem, T., Stanicki, D., Panepinto, A., Socoliuc, V., Vekas, L., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (01 January 2020). Influence of experimental parameters of a continuous flow process on the properties of very small iron oxide nanoparticles (VSION) designed for T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). "Nanomaterials, 10(4)" (757).
- Javanbakht, T., Laurent, S., Stanicki, D., & Frenette, M. (01 January 2020). Correlation between physicochemical properties of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles and their reactivity with hydrogen peroxide. "Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 98(10)".
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Garifo, S., Ternad, I., Stanicki, D., Boutry, S., Larbanoix, L., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (24 August 2020). "Functionalized Silica Nanoplatform as Bimodal Contrast Agent for MRI and Optical Imaging" [Poster presentation]. 15th European Molecular Imaging Meeting (ESMI) - Virtual Meeting, Gottingen , Germany.
- Campodoni, E., Velez, M., Fragogeorgi, E., de la Presa, P., Stanicki, D., Maria Dozio, S., Rouchota, M., Loudos, G., Marin, P., Laurent, S., Tampieri, A., & Sandri, M. (01 April 2020). "Biomimetic scaffold functionalized with magentic nanoparticles to follow in vivo bone regeneration" [Poster presentation]. World Biomaterials Conference (WBC 2020), Glasgow, United Kingdom.
- Garifo, S., Ayata, G., Montante, S., Ferrante, G., Wintzheimer, S., Fidler, F., Geninatti-Crich, S., Aime, S., Audran, G., Marque, S., Mellet, P., Thiaudière, E., Parzy, E., Massot, P., Franconi, J. M., Stanicki, D., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (06 March 2020). "Design of Vectorized Nanodiamond as Contrast Agent for Prepolarized MRI at Earth Field: PrimoGAIA project" [Poster presentation]. La journée rencontre des jeunes chimistes de la SRC, Namur, Belgium.
- Stanicki, D., Henoumont, C., Vangijzegem, T., Boutry, S., Larbanoix, L., & Laurent, S. (27 January 2020). "Développement d'agents de contraste pour l'imagerie médicale : de la synthèse à l'application" [Poster presentation]. Evenement de maillage avec le CHU Ambroise Paré, Hôpital Ambroise Paré, Mons, Belgium.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Mathieu, P., Coppel, Y., Respaud, M., Nguyen, Q. T., Boutry, S., Laurent, S., Stanicki, D., Henoumont, C., Novio, F., Lorenzo, J., Montpeyo, D., & Amiens, C. (2019). Silica Coated Iron/Iron Oxide Nanoparticles as a Nano-Platform for T2 Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging. "Molecules".
- Devreux, M., Henoumont, C., Dioury, F., Stanicki, D., Boutry, S., Larbanoix, L., Ferroud, C., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (22 June 2019). Bimodal Probe for Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Photoacoustic Imaging Based on a PCTA-Derived Gadolinium(III) Complex and ZW800-1. "European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 29", 3354-3365.
- Vangijzegem, T., Stanicki, D., & Laurent, S. (2019). Magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles for drug delivery: applications and characteristics. "Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery". doi:10.1080/17425247.2019.1554647
- Hannecart, A., Stanicki, D., Vander Elst, L., Muller, R., Brûlet, A., Sandre, O., Schatz, C., Lecommandoux, S., & Laurent, S. (2019). Embedding of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles into membranes of well-defined poly(ethylene oxide)-block-poly(ε-caprolactone) nanoscale magnetovesicles as ultrasensitive MRI probes of membrane bio-degradation. "Chemistry of Materials".
- Mathieu, P., Coppel, Y., Respaud, M., Nguyen, Q. T., Boutry, S., Laurent, S., Stanicki, D., Henoumont, C., Novio, F., Lorenzo, J., Montpeyo, D., & Amiens, C. (01 January 2019). Silica coated iron/iron oxide nanoparticles as a nano-platform for T2 weighted magnetic resonance imaging. "Molecules, 24 (24)" (4629).
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Hannecart, A., Stanicki, D., Muller, R., Vander Elst, L., Brûlet, A., Schatz, C., Lecommandoux, S., Laurent, S., & Sandre, O. (08 July 2019). "Embedding of USPIO nanoparticles into membranes of poly(ethylene oxide)-block-poly(ε-caprolactone) nanoscale magnetovesicles as ultrasensitive MRI probes of membrane degradation" [Paper presentation]. 15th International Conference on Magnetic Fluids - ICMF 2019, Université de la Sorbonne, Paris, France.
- Laurent, S., & Stanicki, D. (03 June 2019). "Syntthesis and physico-chemical characterization of silica nanoparticles for holographic microscopy" [Paper presentation]. Maison de l'Industrie, Gosselies, Belgium.
- Dallet, L., Faller, T., Lambert, O., Stanicki, D., Laurent, S., Miraux, S., & Ribot, E. J. (11 May 2019). "Comparison of iron oxide particles for theranostic: MRI cell monitoring and anti-cancer thermoablation" [Paper presentation]. ISMRM, Montreal, Canada.
- Vangijzegem, T., Stanicki, D., Boutry, S., Paternoster, Q., Muller, R., Vander Elst, L., & Laurent, S. (09 May 2019). "PEGylated Very-Small Iron Oxide Nanoparticles (VSION) : Evidence of their Potential as T1 Contrast Agents for Magnetic Resonance Imaging" [Paper presentation]. European Magnetic Resonance Forum, Mons, Université de Mons, Belgium.
- Vangijzegem, T., Stanicki, D., Boutry, S., Paternoster, Q., Vander Elst, L., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (23 April 2019). "PEGylated iron oxide nanoparticles: evidence of their potential as T1 contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging" [Paper presentation]. Belgian Molecular Imaging Congress 2019, Academy Palace, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Ternad, I., Garifo, S., Stanicki, D., Boutry, S., Larbanoix, L., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (10 December 2019). "Silica Nanoplatform as Bimodal Contrast Agent for 1H MRI and Optical Imaging" [Poster presentation]. SF Nano - C Nano Joint Meeting, Dijon, France.
- Vangijzegem, T., Stanicki, D., Socoliuc, V., Panepinto, A., Vekas, L., & Laurent, S. (10 December 2019). "Continuous flow synthesis of iron oxide nanoparticles: experimental parameters influencing the size and magnetocrystalline properties of small-sized nanoparticles designed for T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging" [Poster presentation]. SF Nano - C Nano Joint Meeting, Dijon, France.
- Ternad, I., Garifo, S., Stanicki, D., Boutry, S., Larbanoix, L., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (10 December 2019). "Silica Nanoplatforms as Bimodal Contrast Agents for 1H MRI and Optical Imaging" [Poster presentation]. SF Nano - C Nano Joint Meeting, Dijon, France.
- Larbanoix, L., Boutry, S., Vangijzegem, T., Stanicki, D., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (14 November 2019). "Multimodal in vivo characterizations of novel pegylated and fluorescent VSIONs" [Poster presentation]. Optoacoustic Imaging Meeting 2019, University Hospital Essen, Essen, Germany.
- Coyez, S., Stanicki, D., Vangijzegem, T., Gossuin, Y., & Laurent, S. (10 November 2019). "Parametric Study of Flow Processes for the Synthesis of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in Polyol Media" [Poster presentation]. Contrast Media Research Symposium, the Ettore Majorana Foundation and International Centre for Scientific Culture, Erice, Sicile, Italy.
- Ternad, I., Garifo, S., Stanicki, D., Boutry, S., Larbanoix, L., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (01 November 2019). "Development of silica nanoparticles for 1H MRI and optical imaging" [Poster presentation]. 5th International Electronic Conference on Medicinal Chemistry ECMC-5, Bruxelles, Belgium.
- Garifo, S., Ternad, I., Stanicki, D., Boutry, S., Larbanoix, L., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (10 October 2019). "Functionalized Silica Nanoplatform as bimodal Contrast Agent for 1H MRI and optical imaging" [Poster presentation]. SRC Scientific Day, Namur, Belgium.
- Vangijzegem, T., Stanicki, D., Socoliuc, V., Vekas, L., Muller, R., Vander Elst, L., & Laurent, S. (10 October 2019). "Influence of experimental parameters of a continuous flow process on the size, magnetic and crystalline properties of iron oxide nanoparticles" [Poster presentation]. SRC Scientific Day, Namur, Belgium.
- Mathieu, P., Collière, V., Coppel, Y., Respaud, M., Benoist, E., Leygue, N., Picard, C., Laurent, S., Stanicki, D., Henoumont, C., Boutry, S., Novio, F., Lorenzo Rivera, J., Montpeyo, D., Rodriguez Calado, S., & Amiens, C. (03 June 2019). "Iron/iron oxide nanoparticles coated with silica as a nanoplatform for multimodal biomedical imaging" [Poster presentation]. ICTK-10, Toulouse, France.
- Garifo, S., Stanicki, D., & Laurent, S. (09 May 2019). "Functionalized Silica Nanoplatform Containing Gd(III) Complexes as Contrast Agent for 1H MRI" [Poster presentation]. European Magnetic Resonance Forum, Mons, Université de Mons, Belgium.
- Stanicki, D., Boutry, S., Larbanoix, L., Vangijzegem, T., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (09 May 2019). "Changing the Length, Changing the Properties: Effect of the PEG Molecular Weight on the Pharmacokinetic Properties of VSIONs" [Poster presentation]. European Magnetic Resonance Forum, Mons, Université de Mons, Belgium.
- Coyez, S., Stanicki, D., Gossuin, Y., & Laurent, S. (09 May 2019). "Parametric Study of Flow Processes for the Synthesis of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in Polyol Media" [Poster presentation]. European Magnetic Resonance Forum, Mons, Université de Mons, Belgium.
- Vangijzegem, T., Stanicki, D., Boutry, S., Socoliuc, V., Vekas, L., Muller, R., Vander Elst, L., & Laurent, S. (26 April 2019). "Contoinuous flow synthesis of nanoparticulate contrast agents : a parametric study" [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of SRC, Mons, Belgium.
- Stanicki, D., Henoumont, C., Vangijzegem, T., Boutry, S., Larbanoix, L., & Laurent, S. (18 March 2019). "Développement d'agents de contraste pour l'imagerie médicale : de la synthèse à l'application" [Poster presentation]. Evénement de maillage UMONS-CHU Ambroise Paré (UMHAP), Mons, Belgium.
- Vangijzegem, T., Stanicki, D., Boutry, S., Socoliuc, V., Vekas, L., Muller, R., & Vander Elst, L. (05 March 2019). "Contoinuous flow synthesis of nanoparticulate contrast agents : a parametric study" [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs, Mons, Belgium.
- Furgiuele, S., Descamps, G., Stanicki, D., Journe, F., Laurent, S., & Saussez, S. (05 March 2019). "Protontherapy for Head and Neck Cancers" [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs 2019 (MdC2019), Mons, Belgium.
- Ternad, I., Garifo, S., Stanicki, D., Boutry, S., Larbanoix, L., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (29 January 2019). "Development of silica Nanoplatforms as Bimodal Contrast Agent" [Poster presentation]. Nanomaterials Applied to Life Sciences 2020 (NALS 2020), Madrid, Spain.
Mémoires et thèses/Mémoire de licence/master
- Van Der Auwera, A., Laurent, S., & Stanicki, D. (2019). "Evaluation des propriétés bactériostatiques de nouveaux benzimidazoles" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/28951
Parties d’ouvrages/Contribution à des ouvrages collectifs
- Hannecart, A., Stanicki, D., Vander Elst, L., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (2018). Magnetic polymersomes for MRI and theranostic applications. In "Clinical Applications of Magnetic Nanoparticles". Thanh Nguyen, Chemical & Life Sciences | CRC Press | Taylor & Francis Group.
- Stanicki, D., Vander Elst, L., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (2018). Synthesis of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles: Chapitre 4.2. In "New Developments in NMR No.13, Contrast Agents for MRI : Experimental Methods". Valerie C. Pierre and Matthew J. Allen, The Royal Society of Chemistry.
- Stanicki, D., Vander Elst, L., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (2018). General Theory of the Relaxivity of Particulate Contrast Agents': Chapitre 4.1. In "New Developments in NMR No.13, Contrast Agents for MRI : Experimental Methods". Valerie C. Pierre and Matthew J. Allen, The Royal Society of Chemistry.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Valentini, X., Deneufbourg, P., Paci, P., Rugira Uwamahoro, P., Laurent, S., Frau, A., Stanicki, D., Ris, L., & Nonclercq, D. (23 August 2018). Morphological alterations induced by the exposure to TiO2 nanoparticles in primary cortical neuron cultures and in the brain of rats. "Toxicology Reports, 5", 878-889. doi:10-1016
- Vangijzegem, T., Stanicki, D., Boutry, S., Paternoster, Q., Vander Elst, L., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (01 June 2018). VSION as high field MRI T1 contrast agent: evidence of their potential as positive contrast agent for magnetic resonance angiography. "Nanotechnology, 29" (26).
- Belaid, S., Stanicki, D., Vander Elst, L., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (2018). Influence of experimental parameters on iron oxide nanoparticles properties synthesized by thermal decomposition: size and nuclear magnetic resonance studies. "Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences".
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Vangijzegem, T., Stanicki, D., Boutry, S., Paternoster, Q., Socoliuc, V., Vekas, L., Muller, R., & Vander Elst, L. (16 October 2018). "VSION: evidence of their potential as T1contrast agents for MRI and development of a production method by means of continuous flow process" [Paper presentation]. COST Radiomag, Florence, Italy.
- Muller, R., Stanicki, D., Vangijzegem, T., & Laurent, S. (25 June 2018). "Développement de nanoplateformes pour l'Imagerie Médicale: conception, caractérisation et applications d'agents de contraste pour l'IRM" [Paper presentation]. Nanomed 2018 : quels verrous reste-t-il à lever pour la nanomédecine de demain ?, Semur-en-Auxois, Bourgogne, France.
- Vangijzegem, T., Stanicki, D., Boutry, S., Vander Elst, L., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (15 May 2018). "Nanoparticules d'oxyde de fer en tant qu'agents de contraste T1 pour l'imagerie par résonance magnétique" [Paper presentation]. Journée FMP, Mons, Belgium.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Vangijzegem, T., Stanicki, D., Muller, R., Vander Elst, L., & Laurent, S. (06 December 2018). "Development of a continuous flow process for the synthesis of iron oxide nanoparticles: a parametric study" [Poster presentation]. YBMRS, Spa, Belgium.
- Vangijzegem, T., Stanicki, D., Socoliuc, V., Vekas, L., Muller, R., Vander Elst, L., & Laurent, S. (16 October 2018). "Development of a continuous flow process for the synthesis of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles for T1-weighted MRI" [Poster presentation]. COST Radiomag, Florence, Italy.
- Ternad, I., Stanicki, D., Larbanoix, L., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (11 October 2018). "'Fluorescent SiO2 nanoparticles for optical imaging and photoacoustic - Chemistry of bio-sourced molecules and materials '" [Poster presentation]. Journée SRC, Mons, Belgium.
- Vangijzegem, T., Stanicki, D., Socoliuc, V., Vekas, L., Muller, R., Vander Elst, L., & Laurent, S. (11 October 2018). "Continuous-flow synthesis of iron oxide nanoparticles for T1-weighted MRI: a parametric study" [Poster presentation]. Journée SRC 'Chemistry of bio-sourced molecules and materials', Mons, Belgium.
- Vangijzegem, T., Stanicki, D., Boutry, S., Paternoster, Q., Vander Elst, L., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (27 March 2018). "PEGylated very-small iron oxide nanoparticles (VSION) as positive contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)" [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs (MdC2018), Valenciennes, France.
- Vangijzegem, T., Stanicki, D., Boutry, S., Paternoster, Q., Vander Elst, L., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (21 March 2018). "Small-sized PEGylated iron oxide nanoparticles (IONP) for T1-enhanced MRI" [Poster presentation]. ESMI 2018, San Sebastian, Spain.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Andre, S., Ansciaux, E., Saidi, E., Larbanoix, L., Stanicki, D., Nonclercq, D., Vander Elst, L., Laurent, S., Muller, R., & Burtea, C. (07 November 2017). Validation by magnetic resonance imaging of the diagnostic potential of a heptapeptide-functionalized imaging probe targeted to amyloid beta and able to cross the blood-brain barrier. "Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 60" (4), 1547-1565. doi:10.3233/JAD-170563
- Fanfone, D., Despretz, N., Stanicki, D., Rubio Magnieto, J., Fossepre, M., Surin, M., Rorive, S., Salmon, I., Vander Elst, L., Laurent, S., Muller, R., Saussez, S., & Burtea, C. (2017). Toward a new and noninvasive diagnostic method of papillary thyroid cancer by using peptide vectorized contrast agents targeted to galectin-1. "Medical Oncology".
Ouvrages/Ouvrage publié en tant qu’auteur, traducteur, etc.
- Laurent, S., Henoumont, C., Stanicki, D., Boutry, S., Lipani, E., Belaid, S., Muller, R., & Vander Elst, L. (2017). "MRI contrast agents: From molecules to particles". Springer.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Vangijzegem, T., Stanicki, D., Boutry, S., Vander Elst, L., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (23 October 2017). "Small-sized iron oxide nanoparticles as potential theranostic agents for MRI and protontherapy" [Paper presentation]. CMR 2017, Durango, United States - Colorado.
- Vangijzegem, T., Hannecart, A., Stanicki, D., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (23 October 2017). "Polymersomes as ultrasensitive MRI probes" [Paper presentation]. CMR 2017, Durango, United States - Colorado.
- Vangijzegem, T., Stanicki, D., Boutry, S., Muller, R., & Vander Elst, L. (16 May 2017). "Small-sized iron oxide nanoparticles as T1 contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging" [Paper presentation]. BMIC, Bruxelles, Belgium.
- Fanfone, D., Paternoster, Q., Stanicki, D., Fossepre, M., Surin, M., Rorive, S., Vander Elst, L., Laurent, S., Muller, R., Saussez, S., & Burtea, C. (16 March 2017). "Imaging of papillary thyroid cancer using peptide vectorized iron oxide nanoparticles targeted to galectin-1" [Paper presentation]. 3rd Belgium Molecular Imaging Congress, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Vangijzegem, T., Stanicki, D., Boutry, S., Paternoster, Q., Vander Elst, L., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (04 December 2017). "Development of PEGylated VSION for TI-weighted magnetic resonance imaging" [Poster presentation]. YBMRS 16e édition, Blankenberge, Belgium.
- Vangijzegem, T., Stanicki, D., Muller, R., Vander Elst, L., & Laurent, S. (12 October 2017). "Flow synthesis of small-sized iron oxide nanoparticles (IONP) for contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)" [Poster presentation]. Journée Scientifique Annuelle de la Société Royale de Chimie, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
- Vangijzegem, T., Stanicki, D., Muller, R., Vander Elst, L., & Laurent, S. (03 July 2017). "Development of a continuous flow reactor for the synthesis of small-sized iron oxide nanoparticles active as T1 contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)" [Poster presentation]. Flow 17, Paris, France.
- Vangijzegem, T., Stanicki, D., Boutry, S., Muller, R., Vander Elst, L., & Laurent, S. (09 May 2017). "Development of small-sized iron oxide nanoparticles for T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)" [Poster presentation]. EDT-CHIM, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech (ULg), Belgium.
- Diricq, J., Stanicki, D., Vander Elst, L., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (09 May 2017). "From SiO precursor to bimodal probe : An innovative way to target inflammation" [Poster presentation]. EDT-CHIM, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech (ULg), Belgium.
- Fragogeorgi, E., Daich, J., Fysikopoulos, E., Lacroix, S., Doumont, G., Georgiou, M., Stanicki, D., Pita, M., Laurent, S., Bouziotis, P., Velez, M., & Loudos, G. (04 April 2017). "Collagen scaffolds labelled with MRI and SPECT contrast agents for non invasive imaging in bone tissue engineering" [Poster presentation]. ESMI, Cologne, Germany.
- Diricq, J., Stanicki, D., Vander Elst, L., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (07 March 2017). "From SiO precursor to bimodal probe : An innovative way to target inflammation" [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs (MdC2017), Mons, Belgium.
- Fanfone, D., Stanicki, D., Fossepre, M., Surin, M., Rorive, S., Vander Elst, L., Laurent, S., Muller, R., Saussez, S., & Burtea, C. (07 March 2017). "Development of peptide vectorized contrast agents targeting galectin-1 in the context of imaging diagnosis of papillary thyroid cancer" [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs (MdC2017), Mons, Belgium.
- Vangijzegem, T., Stanicki, D., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (07 March 2017). "Development of a microfluidic approach for the thermal decomposition synthesis of a nanoparticulate contrast agents" [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs (MdC2017), Mons, Belgium.
Mémoires et thèses/Mémoire de licence/master
- VAN RENTERGHEM, L. (2017). "Développement d'un agent de contraste positif pour l'imagerie par résonance magnétique" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/23202
- Burtea, C., Laurent, S., Muller, R., Stanicki, D., Fanfone, D., & Saussez, S. (26 September 2017). "Galectin-1 binding peptides and use thereof for diagnostic and therapeutic purpose".
Parties d’ouvrages/Contribution à des ouvrages collectifs
- Laurent, S., Vander Elst, L., Stanicki, D., & Muller, R. (2016). MRI T2 weighted theranostic nanodevices and chemotherapy. In S. Mura & P. Couvreur (Eds.), "Nanotheranostics for personalized medicine". Word Scientific Publishing.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Javanbakht, T., Laurent, S., Stanicki, D., & Wilkinson, K. (12 June 2016). Relating the surface properties of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) to their bactericidal effect towards a biofilm of Streptococcus mutans. "PLoS ONE, 11" (4), 0154445.
- MIRELES, L. K., SACHER, E., YAHIA, L. H., Laurent, S., & Stanicki, D. (12 April 2016). A comparative physicochemical, morphological and magnetic study of silane-functionalized superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles prepared by alkaline coprecipitation ». "International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 75", 203-211.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Fanfone, D., Stanicki, D., Fossepre, M., Surin, M., Rorive, S., Vander Elst, L., Laurent, S., Muller, R., Saussez, S., & Burtea, C. (08 December 2016). "Papillary thyroid cancer diagnostic by galectin-1 targeting using peptide vectorized contrast agent for MRI" [Paper presentation]. Séminaire des chercheurs Télévie 2017, Woluwé, Belgium.
- Muller, R., Stanicki, D., & Laurent, S. (03 June 2016). "Theranostic: how to couple diagnosis by imaging with treatment" [Paper presentation]. Forum BIOCHEM, Meeting Academia Industry, Strasbourg, France.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Hannecart, A., Stanicki, D., Vander Elst, L., Mespouille, L., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (05 December 2016). "Clustering of iron oxide nanoparticles into poly(thyleneoxide)-block-poly(-caprolactone) nanoassemblies as ultrasensitive MRI probes" [Poster presentation]. YBMRS (Young Belgian Magnetic Resonance Scientits), Spa, Belgium.
- Diricq, J., Stanicki, D., Vander Elst, L., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (05 December 2016). "From SiO precursor to bimodal probe: A innovative way to target inflammation?" [Poster presentation]. YBMRS (Young Belgian Magnetic Resonance Scientits), Spa, Belgium.
- Hannecart, A., Stanicki, D., Vander Elst, L., Mespouille, L., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (29 November 2016). "Clustering of iron oxide nanoparticles into poly(ethylene oxide)-block-poly(ε-caprolactone) nanoassemblies as ultrasensitive MRI probes" [Poster presentation]. BMIC 'Imaging in Drug Discovery and development', Janssen Pharmaceutica, Beerse, Belgium.
- Hannecart, A., Stanicki, D., Vander Elst, L., Mespouille, L., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (01 November 2016). "Clustering of iron oxide nanoparticles into poly(ethylene oxide)-block-poly(ε-caprolactone) nanoassemblies as ultrasensitive MRI probes" [Poster presentation]. 2nd International Electronic Conference on Medicinal Chemistry, .
- Hannecart, A., Stanicki, D., Vander Elst, L., Mespouille, L., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (13 October 2016). "Clustering of iron oxide nanoparticles into poly(thyleneoxide)-block-poly(-caprolactone) nanoassemblies as ultrasensitive MRI probes" [Poster presentation]. journée scientifique annuelle de la SRC, 'Technologies et approaches innovantes pour la chimie du futur', Liège, Belgium.
- Diricq, J., Stanicki, D., Vander Elst, L., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (13 October 2016). "From SiO precursor to bimodal probe: A new way to target inflammation" [Poster presentation]. journée scientifique annuelle de la SRC, 'Technologies et approaches innovantes pour la chimie du futur', Liège, Belgium.
- Vangijzegem, T., Stanicki, D., Boutry, S., Muller, R., Vander Elst, L., & Laurent, S. (13 October 2016). "Development of a nanoparticulate T1 contrast agent for magnetic resonance imaging" [Poster presentation]. Journée scientifique annuelle de la SRC 'Technologies et approches innovantes pour la chimie du futur', Liège, Belgium.
- Vangijzegem, T., Stanicki, D., Boutry, S., Muller, R., Vander Elst, L., & Laurent, S. (05 October 2016). "Synthesis and characterization of a nanoparticulate T1 contrast agent for magnetic resonance imaging" [Poster presentation]. YBMRS (Young Belgian Magnetic Resonance Scientits), Spa, Belgium.
- Fanfone, D., Despretz, N., Stanicki, D., Laurent, S., Muller, R., Rorive, S., Vander Elst, L., Saussez, S., & Burtea, C. (03 September 2016). "Study of novel galectin-1 targeted peptides in the context of a new and non-invasive papillary thyroid cancer diagnosis and evaluation of their potential inhibitor effect" [Poster presentation]. 39th annual meeting of the european thyroid association, Copenhague, Denmark.
- Palmisano, M., Stanicki, D., Dubois, P., Hemery, G., Laurent, S., Mespouille, L., Sandre, O., & Lecommandoux, S. (23 May 2016). "Preparation of thermoresponsive diblock and copolymers by RAFT polymerization for the stabilization of SPIONs as potent contrast agents" [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Belgian Polymer Group (BPG), Hasselt , Belgium.
- Hannecart, A., Stanicki, D., Vander Elst, L., Mespouille, L., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (18 May 2016). "Self-assembly of poly(ethylene oxide)-block-poly(ε-caprolactone) copolymers with iron oxide nanoparticles" [Poster presentation]. Matinée des Chercheurs, Valenciennes , France.
- Fanfone, D., Stanicki, D., Laurent, S., Rorive, S., Saussez, S., Vander Elst, L., Muller, R., & Burtea, C. (18 May 2016). "Approche diagnostique non invasive du cancer thyroïdien à l'aide de peptides ciblant la galectine-1 à potentiel anti-cancéreux" [Poster presentation]. 9ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs 2016 (MdC2016), Valenciennes, France.
- Diricq, J., Stanicki, D., Vander Elst, L., & Laurent, S. (18 May 2016). "Study of the interaction between Sialyl Lewisx mimetic and E-selectin: A new way to target inflammation?" [Poster presentation]. 9ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs 2016 (MdC2016), Valenciennes, France.
- Hannecart, A., Stanicki, D., Vander Elst, L., Mespouille, L., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (26 April 2016). "Self-assembly of poly(ethylene oxide)-block-poly(ε-caprolactone) copolymers with iron oxide nanoparticles for potential drug delivery and magnetic resonance imaging applications" [Poster presentation]. Journée rencontre des jeunes chimistes, Bruxelles, Belgium.
- Laurent, S., Stanicki, D., Boutry, S., Larbanoix, L., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (08 March 2016). "Polysiloxane coated nanoparticles: an innovative platform for pre-clinical MRI" [Poster presentation]. 11th annual meeting of the European Society for Molecular Imaging (ESMI), Utrecht, Unknown/unspecified.
- Fanfone, D., Despretz, N., Stanicki, D., Laurent, S., Muller, R., Rorive, S., Vander Elst, L., Saussez, S., & Burtea, C. (17 February 2016). "Effects of novel galectin-1-targeted peptides on human cells in the context of a new and non-invasive thyroid cancer diagnosis" [Poster presentation]. Belgian Peptide Group Meeting, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Mémoires et thèses/Mémoire de licence/master
- Vangijzegem, T. (2016). "Développement d'agents de contraste nanoparticulaires T1 pour l'imagerie par résonance magnétique" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/25777
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Javanbakht, T., Laurent, S., Stanicki, D., Raphael, W., & Tavares, J. (20 December 2015). Charge Effect of Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles on their Surface Functionalization by Photo-Initiated Chemical Vapor Deposition. "Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 17" (12), 462.
- Helvenstein, M., Stanicki, D., Laurent, S., & Blankert, B. (2015). Interaction between iron oxide nanoparticles and HepaRG cells: a preliminary In vitro evaluation. "Journal of Nanomaterials". doi:10.1155/2015/463841
- Pourcelle, V., Laurent, S., Welle, A., Vriamont, N., Stanicki, D., Vander Elst, L., Muller, R., & Marchand-Brynaert, J. (30 April 2015). Functionalization of the PEG corona of nanoparticles by clip photochemistry in water: application to the grafting of RGD ligands on PEGylated USPIO imaging agent. "Bioconjugate Chemistry, 26(5)", 822-829.
- Laurent, S., Stanicki, D., Boutry, S., Roy, J., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (17 April 2015). Development of a New Molecular Probe for the Detection of Inflammatory Process. "Journal of Molecular Biology and Molecular Imaging, 2" (1).
- Hannecart, A., Stanicki, D., Vander Elst, L., Muller, R., Lecommandoux, S., Thévenot, J., Bonduelle, Y., Trotier, A., Massot, P., Miraux, S., Sandre, O., & Laurent, S. (30 March 2015). Nano-thermometer with Thermo-sensitive Polymer Grafted USPIOs behaving as Positive Contrast Agents in low-field MRI. "Nanoscale, 7(8)", 3754-3767. doi:10.1039/C4NR07064J
- Stanicki, D., Vander Elst, L., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (30 March 2015). Synthesis and Processing of Magnetic Nanoparticles. "Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, 8", 7-14.
- MBEH, D. A., MIRELES, L. K., Stanicki, D., TABET, L., MAGHNI, K., Laurent, S., SACHER, E., & YAHIA, L. H. (27 March 2015). Human Alveolar Epithelial Cell Responses to Core-Shell Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles (SPIONs). "Langmuir, 31", 3829-3839. doi:10.1021/la5040646
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Stanicki, D., Boutry, S., Vander Elst, L., Muller, R. N., & Laurent, S. (07 November 2015). "Polysiloxane coated nanoparticles, an innovative platform for bimodal molecular imaging" [Paper presentation]. Contrast Media Research, Berlin, Germany.
- Halin, E., Stanicki, D., Laurent, S., & Gerbaux, P. (08 October 2015). "Extraction magnétique sélective de molécules organiques en phase aqueuse : conception et évaluation d'un système original basé sur des nanoparticules modifiées par des récepteurs macrocycliques" [Paper presentation]. Journée scientifique annuelle de la SRC sur 'Chimie aux interfaces', Bruxelles, Belgium.
- Halin, E., Stanicki, D., Laurent, S., & Gerbaux, P. (08 October 2015). "Selective magnetic extraction of organic molecules in aqueous phase: design and evaluation of an original system based on nanoparticles modified by macrocyclic receptors" [Paper presentation]. Réunion annuelle de la Société Royale de Chimie, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Hannecart, A., Stanicki, D., Vander Elst, L., Mespouille, L., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (04 December 2015). "Camptothecin loaded in biodegradable magnetic polymersomes" [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Doctoral School EDT-CHIM, Mons, Belgium.
- Diricq, J., Stanicki, D., Dubois, P., Vander Elst, L., Laurent, S., & Mespouille, L. (04 December 2015). "Improving stabilization and responsiveness of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles with a triblock copolymer" [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Doctoral School EDT-CHIM, Mons, Belgium.
- Fanfone, D., Despretz, N., Stanicki, D., Laurent, S., Muller, R., Rorive, S., Vander Elst, L., Saussez, S., & Burtea, C. (03 December 2015). "Development of a galectin-1 targeted contrast agent for the MRI diagnosis of papillary thyroid cancer" [Poster presentation]. Televie's researchers seminar : towards new therapies for cancer patients, Gembloux, Belgium.
- Hannecart, A., Stanicki, D., Vander Elst, L., Mespouille, L., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (01 December 2015). "Highly efficient T2-contrast agents made by the self-assembly of poly(ethylene oxide)-block-poly(ε-caprolactone) copolymers with iron oxide nanoparticles" [Poster presentation]. The 14th edition of the Young Belgium Magnetic Resonance Scientist 'YBMRS', Blankenberge, Belgium.
- Stanicki, D., Laurent, S., Muller, R. N., & Vander Elst, L. (30 November 2015). "Easy aqueous transfer of SPION synthesized by thermal decomposition method" [Poster presentation]. The 14th edition of the Young Belgium Magnetic Resonance Scientist 'YBMRS', Blankenberge, Belgium.
- Diricq, J., Stanicki, D., Dubois, P., Vander Elst, L., Laurent, S., & Mespouille, L. (30 November 2015). "Improving stabilization and responsiveness of iron oxide nanoparticles with a triblock copolymer" [Poster presentation]. Young Belgium Magnetic Resonance Scientist, Blankenberge, Belgium.
- Hannecart, A., Stanicki, D., Vander Elst, L., Mespouille, L., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (08 October 2015). "Self-assembly of poly(ethylene oxide)-block-poly(ε-caprolactone) copolymers with iron oxide nanoparticles for potential drug delivery and magnetic resonance imaging applications" [Poster presentation]. Journée Scientifique SRC 2015-Chimie aux Interfaces, Bruxelles, Belgium.
- Fanfone, D., Despretz, N., Stanicki, D., Laurent, S., Muller, R., Vander Elst, L., Saussez, S., & Burtea, C. (03 October 2015). "Development of a new diagnosis approach by MRI of papillary thyroid cancer using a vectorized contrast agent directed against galectin-1" [Poster presentation]. ESMRMB 2015 32th annual scientific meeting, Edimbourg, United Kingdom.
- Hannecart, A., Stanicki, D., Vander Elst, L., Mespouille, L., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (11 September 2015). "Self-assembly of poly(ethylene oxide)-block-poly(ε-caprolactone) copolymers with iron oxide nanoparticles for potential drug delivery and magnetic resonance imaging applications" [Poster presentation]. COST Action TD1004 - Theranostics Imaging and Therapy: An Action to Develop Novel Nanosized Systems for Imaging- Guided Drug Delivery, Belgrade, Serbia.
- Ruggiero, M., Laurent, S., Sieni, E., Sgarbossa, P., Dughiero, F., Stanicki, D., Vander Elst, L., & Aime, S. (18 March 2015). "New magnetic nanodevices for Magneto Fluid Hyperthermia applications" [Poster presentation]. ESMI, Tubingen, Germany.
Parties d’ouvrages/Contribution à des ouvrages collectifs
- Gossuin, Y., Laurent, S., Stanicki, D., & Vuong, Q. L. (2014). Les Nanotechnologies: Chapitre 9 : Nanomagnétisme. In "Les Nanotechnologies, 3e édition". DUNOD.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Stanicki, D., Boutry, S., Laurent, S., Wacheul, L., Nicolas, E., Crombez, D., Vander Elst, L., Lafontaine, D., & Muller, R. (03 March 2014). Carboxy-silane coated iron oxide nanoparticles: a convenient platform for cellular and small animal imaging. "Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2" (4), 387-397.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Stanicki, D., Vander Elst, L., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (02 October 2014). "Development of a Molecular Probe for the Detection of Inflammatory Process" [Paper presentation]. COST TD-1004 (Theranostics imaging and therapy: an action to develop novel nanosized systems for imaging-guided drug delivery), Istanbul, Turkey.
- Hannecart, A., Stanicki, D., Vander Elst, L., Muller, R., Trotier, A., Massot, P., Miraux, S., Thévenot, J., Bonduel, C., Lecommandoux, S., Laurent, S., & Sandre, O. (24 August 2014). "Nano-thermometer with Thermo-sensitive Brush Grafted iron oxide nanoparticles behaving as Positive Contrast Agents in low-field MRI" [Paper presentation]. Société Française de Physique, Condensed Matter in Paris CMD25 - JMC14, Paris, France.
- Hannecart, A., Stanicki, D., Vander Elst, L., Muller, R., Trotier, A., Massot, P., Miraux, S., Thévenot, J., Bonduel, C., Lecommandoux, S., Sandre, O., & Laurent, S. (14 June 2014). "Nano-Thermometer With Thermo-Sensitive Polymer Grafted USPIOs Behaving As Positive Contrast Agents In Low-Field MRI" [Paper presentation]. 10th International Conference on the Scientific and Clinical Applications of Magnetic Carriers, Dresden, Unknown/unspecified.
- Boutry, S., Laurent, S., Stanicki, D., Roy, J. C., Lafontaine, D., & Muller, R. (27 March 2014). "Iron oxide nanoparticles for biomedical imaging applications" [Paper presentation]. EU FP7 Project Glowbrain Workshop 'Application of biomaterials and in vivo imaging in stem cell research', Zagreb, Croatia.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Stanicki, D., Boutry, S., Vander Elst, L., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (25 November 2014). "Polysiloxane coated nanoparticles, an innovative platform for bimodal molecular Imaging" [Poster presentation]. YBMRS (13ème edition), Spa Sol Cress, Belgium.
- Helvenstein, M., Stanicki, D., & Blankert, B. (22 June 2014). "In vitro evaluation of the interaction of iron oxide nanoparticles with the HepaRG cells" [Poster presentation]. Drug Analysis, Liège, Belgium.
- Laurent, S., Stanicki, D., Boutry, S., Roy, J., Larbanoix, L., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (04 June 2014). "Development of a Molecular Probe for the Detection of Inflammatory Process" [Poster presentation]. EMIM, 9th European Society for Molecular Imaging (ESMI), Anvers, Belgium.
- Stanicki, D., Boutry, S., Nicolas, E., Wacheul, L., Vander Elst, L., Lafontaine, D., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (04 June 2014). "Carboxy-silane coated iron oxide nanoparticles: a convenient platform for cellular and small animal imaging" [Poster presentation]. EMIM, 9th European Society for Molecular Imaging (ESMI), Anvers, Belgium.
- Diricq, J., Stanicki, D., Mertz, D., Dubois, P., Laurent, S., & Mespouille, L. (19 May 2014). "Improving stabilization and responsiveness of iron oxide nanoparticles with a triblock copolymer" [Poster presentation]. BPG (Belgian Polymer Group), Gand, Belgium.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Hannecart, A., Laurent, S., Sandre, O., Stanicki, D., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (20 December 2013). Greffage de polymères thermosensibles à la surface de nanoparticules d'oxyde de fer. "Chimie Nouvelle, 113", 4-9.
- Bridot, J.-L., Stanicki, D., Laurent, S., Boutry, S., Gossuin, Y., Leclère, P., Lazzaroni, R., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (02 November 2013). New Carboxysilane Coated Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Non-Specific Cell Labelling. "Contrast Media and Molecular Imaging, 8", 466-474.
- Stanicki, D., Pottier, M., Gantois, N., Pinçon, C., Forge, D., Mahieu, I., Boutry, S., Vanden Eynde, J. J., Martinez, A., Dei-Cas, E., & Aliouat, E. (18 June 2013). Diamidines versus Monoamidines as Anti-Pneumocystis Agents : an in vivo Study. "Pharmaceuticals, 6", 837-850.
- Belaid, S., Stanicki, D., Laurent, S., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (24 April 2013). Les agents de contraste nanoparticulaires pour l'imagerie médicale : conception, caractérisation et applications. "Chimie Nouvelle, 112", 25-32.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Hannecart, A., Stanicki, D., Trotier, A., Massot, P., Miraux, S., Thévenot, J., Bonduel, C., Lecommandoux, S., Sandre, O., Vander Elst, L., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (02 December 2013). "Polymer-grafted USPIO as Thermosensitive Contrast Agents for MRI" [Paper presentation]. 12ème YBMRS, Blankenberge, Belgium.
- Muller, R., Hannecart, A., Sandre, O., Stanicki, D., Miraux, S., Lecommandoux, S., Vander Elst, L., & Laurent, S. (03 November 2013). "Polymer grafted USPIO as thermosensitive contrast agents for MRI" [Paper presentation]. Contrast Media Research, Pekin, China.
- Hannecart, A., Stanicki, D., Vander Elst, L., Muller, R., Lecommandoux, S., Thévenot, J., Bonduel, C., Trotier, A., Massot, P., Miraux, S., Sandre, O., & Laurent, S. (29 May 2013). "Polymer-grafted USPIOs as Thermosensitive Constrast Agents for MRI" [Paper presentation]. E-MRS 2013 SPRING MEETING, SPRING 13 U: Design of multifunctional nano-objects for biomedical applications, Strasbourg, France.
- Capette, L., Stanicki, D., Boutry, S., Granato, L., Laurent, S., Muller, R., & Vander Elst, L. (23 May 2013). "Design and synthesis of MRI contrast agents dedicated to the Imaging of the central nervous system" [Paper presentation]. IUAP-VII/11 : Annual IUAP meeting, Leuven, Belgium.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Hannecart, A., Stanicki, D., Trotier, A., Massot, P., Miraux, S., Thévenot, J., Bonduel, C., Lecommandoux, S., Sandre, O., Vander Elst, L., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (15 November 2013). "Polymer-grafted USPIO as Thermosensitive Contrast Agents for MRI" [Poster presentation]. école doctorale EDT CHIM, Namur, Belgium.
- Hannecart, A., Stanicki, D., Vander Elst, L., Muller, R., Lecommandoux, S., Thévenot, J., Bonduel, C., Trotier, A., Massot, P., Miraux, S., Sandre, O., & Laurent, S. (05 October 2013). "Grafting of a thermosensitive polymer onto the surface of iron oxide nanoparticles" [Poster presentation]. 30ème meeting annuel de l'European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB), Toulouse, France.
- Hannecart, A., Stanicki, D., Vander Elst, L., Muller, R., Lecommandoux, S., Thévenot, J., Bonduel, C., Trotier, A., Massot, P., Miraux, S., Sandre, O., & Laurent, S. (31 August 2013). "Polymer-grafted USPIO as Thermosensitive Contrast Agents for MRI" [Poster presentation]. COST TD-1004 (Theranostics imaging and therapy: an action to develop novel nanosized systems for imaging-guided drug delivery), Athènes, Greece.
- Stanicki, D., Laurent, S., Boutry, S., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (31 August 2013). "Development of a stable superparamagnetic platform for biomedical applications" [Poster presentation]. COST TD-1004 (Theranostics imaging and therapy: an action to develop novel nanosized systems for imaging-guided drug delivery), Athènes, Greece.
- Hambye, S., Stanicki, D., Vanden Eynde, J.-J., & Blankert, B. (30 June 2013). "Development and validation of liquid chromatography (LC) methods for the determination of pentamidine and new analogs in rat plasma and urine" [Poster presentation]. 24th International Symposium on Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, Bologne, Italy.
- Hannecart, A., Laurent, S., Sandre, O., Stanicki, D., Miraux, S., Lecommandoux, S., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (29 May 2013). "Grafting of a thermosensitive polymer onto the surface of iron oxide nanoparticles" [Poster presentation]. E-MRS 2013 SPRING MEETING, SPRING 13 U: Design of multifunctional nano-objects for biomedical applications, Strasbourg, France.
- Stanicki, D., Laurent, S., Boutry, S., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (12 May 2013). "Carboxy-silane coated iron oxyde nanoparticles : an innovative paltform for various biomedical applications" [Poster presentation]. Nanohybrids, Porquerolles, France.
- Stanicki, D., Laurent, S., Boutry, S., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (13 February 2013). "Carboxy-silane coated nanoparticles: an innovative paltform for multiple biomedical applications" [Poster presentation]. Contrast-Enhanced Biomedical Imaging 2013, 14th Biennial Conference on Contrast Agents and Multimodal Cellular and Molecular Imaging (EMRF-ESMR), Valence, Spain.
- Hannecart, A., Laurent, S., Sandre, O., Stanicki, D., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (29 January 2013). "Grafting of a thermosensitive polymer onto the surface of iron oxide nanoparticles" [Poster presentation]. ', Journée de l'école doctorale en sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques, UMONS, Mons, Belgium.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Forge, D., Cappoen, D., Laurent, J., Stanicki, D., Mayence, A., Huang, T. L., Verschaeve, L., Huygen, K., & Vanden Eynde, J.-J. (2012). 1,4-Diarylpiperazine and Analogs as Anti-tubercular Agents : Synthesis and Biological Evaluation. "European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry".
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Laurent, S., Hannecart, A., Sandre, O., Stanicki, D., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (30 November 2012). "Greffage de polymères thermosensibles à la surface de nanoparticules d'oxyde de fer" [Paper presentation]. Journée annuelle de la SRC, 'L'analyse chimique, outil des experts', Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
- Hannecart, A., Laurent, S., Sandre, O., Stanicki, D., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (11 October 2012). "Greffage de polymères thermosensibles à la surface de nanoparticules d'oxyde de fer" [Paper presentation]. Journée annuelle de la SRC, 'L'analyse chimique, outil des experts', Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
- Hannecart, A., Laurent, S., Sandre, O., Stanicki, D., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (11 October 2012). "Greffage de polymères thermosensibles à la surface de nanoparticules d'oxyde de fer" [Paper presentation]. Journée scientifique annuelle de la Société Royale de Chimie, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Hannecart, A., Laurent, S., Sandre, O., Stanicki, D., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (30 November 2012). "Grafting of a thermosensitive polymer onto the surface of iron oxide nanoparticles" [Poster presentation]. Belgian-German (macro)molecular meeting, 'Advance materials by modular strategies: from synthesis to industrial applications', Houffalize, Belgium.
- Stanicki, D., Laurent, S., Boutry, S., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (28 November 2012). "Carboxy-silane coated nanoparticles : an innovative paltform for multiple biomedical applications" [Poster presentation]. Biowin day, Science for business, Innovation for the economy and for the patients, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
- Henoumont, C., Vander Elst, L., Stanicki, D., Laurent, S., & Muller, R. (26 November 2012). "Study of the iron oxide nanoparticle surface by NMR" [Poster presentation]. Young belgian magnetic resonance scientists symposium, Spa, Belgium.
- Stanicki, D., Laurent, S., Boutry, S., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (01 October 2012). "Flurophore-tagged iron oxide nanoparticles as bimodal contrast agents for MRI and optical imaging" [Poster presentation]. COST TD1004 (Theranostics imaging and therapy: an action to develop novel nanosized systems for imaging-guided drug delivry), Londres, United Kingdom.
- Henoumont, C., Vander Elst, L., Stanicki, D., Laurent, S., & Muller, R. (29 May 2012). "Etude de la surface de nanoparticules de fer par RMN" [Poster presentation]. Conférence du GERM, Domaine Saint-Hilaire, France.
- Stanicki, D., Laurent, S., Vander Elst, L., Roch, A., & Muller, R. (03 April 2012). "Development of a stable superparamagnetic platform for biomedical applications" [Poster presentation]. 2nd scientific meeting of the Wallonia Network for Nanotechnologies, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Hambye, S., Michèle, F., Stanicki, D., Colet, J.-M., Aliouat, E.-M., Vanden Eynde, J.-J., & Blankert, B. (12 May 2011). "Liquid chromatography (LC) methods for the determination of pentamidine and new analogs in rat plasma and urine: Validation using accuracy profiles and application to a preliminary pharmacokinetic study" [Paper presentation]. 15ème Forum des Sciences Pharmaceutiques, Spa, Belgium.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Hambye, S., Stanicki, D., Colet, J.-M., Aliouat, E.-M., Vanden Eynde, J.-J., & Blankert, B. (22 March 2011). "Development and optimization of liquid chromatography (LC) methods for pentamidine and two new analogs quantification in rat plasma after solid-phase extraction (SPE)" [Poster presentation]. Matinée des Chercheurs, Mons, Belgium.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Hambye, S., Stanicki, D., Colet, J.-M., Aliouat, E.-M., Vanden Eynde, J.-J., & Blankert, B. (26 October 2010). Three optimized and validated (using accuracy profiles) LC methods for the determination of pentamidine and new analogs in rat plasma. "Talanta, 83", 832-839.
- Laurent, J., Stanicki, D., Huang, T., Dei-Cas, E., Pottier, M., Aliouat, E.-M., & Vanden Eynde, J.-J. (07 June 2010). Bisbenzamidines as Antifungal Agents. Are Both Amidine Functions Required to Observe an Anti-Pneumocystis carinii Activity? "Molecules, 15" (6), 4283-4293.
- Vamecq, J., Maurois, P., Pages, N., Bac, P., Stables, J. P., Gressens, P., Stanicki, D., & Vanden Eynde, J.-J. (29 March 2010). 1, 2-Ethane bis-1-amino-4-benzamidine is Active Against Several Brain Insult and Seizure Challenges Through Anti-NMDA Mechanisms Targeting the 3H-TCP Binding Site and Antioxidant Action. "European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 45", 3101-3110.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication publiée dans un périodique
- Forge, D., Mayence, A., Normand, P., Peron, F., Pietka, A., Scrève, M., Stanicki, D., & Vanden Eynde, J.-J. (2010). "Greening Chemical Protocols for the Preparation of Novel Potential Antimalarial Candidates" [Paper presentation]. International Symposium Developing Countries facing Global Warming: a Post-Kyoto Assessment, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Stanicki, D., Aliouat, E.-M., Dei-Cas, E., & Vanden Eynde, J.-J. (01 March 2009). "Synthèse et Activité Antifongique de Nouvelles Benzamidines" [Poster presentation]. Matinée des Chercheurs de la Faculté Polytechnique, Mons, Belgium.
- Stanicki, D., Aliouat, E.-M., Pottier, M., Dei-Cas, E., & Vanden Eynde, J.-J. (01 March 2009). "Preparation of Novel Bisbenzamidines and Evaluation of Their Anti-Pneumocystis carinii Effectiveness" [Poster presentation]. SRC - Journée Rencontre des Jeunes Chimistes, Wépion, Belgium.
- Vanden Eynde, J.-J., Stanicki, D., Maurois, P., Vamecq, J., & Gressens, P. (01 January 2009). "Bisbenzamidine Derivatives for Use as Antioxidant".
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Stanicki, D., Aliouat, E.-M., Pottier, M., Dei-Cas, E., & Vanden Eynde, J.-J. (01 September 2008). "Synthesis and Anti-Pneumocystis Activity of New N-substituted Benzamidines" [Poster presentation]. XXth International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry, Vienna, Austria.
- Stanicki, D., Aliouat, E.-M., Pottier, M., Dei-Cas, E., & Vanden Eynde, J.-J. (01 July 2008). "Preparation of Novel Bisbenzamidines and Evaluation of Their Anti-Pneumocystis carinii Effectiveness" [Poster presentation]. 11th Belgian Organic Synthesis Symposium, Ghent, Belgium.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Stanicki, D., Laurent, J., Aliouat, E.-M., & Vanden Eynde, J.-J. (01 October 2007). "Synthèse et Activité Antifongique de Nouvelles Benzamidines" [Poster presentation]. Journée Scientifique Annuelle de la Société Royale de Chimie, Mons, Belgium.
- Stanicki, D., Aliouat, E.-M., & Vanden Eynde, J.-J. (01 July 2007). "Synthèse et Evaluation de Nouvelles Benzamidines pour le Traitement de la Pneumonie à Pneumocystis" [Poster presentation]. 3éme Journée de l'Ecole Doctorale en Sciences Pharmaceutiques ULB-UMH, Mons, Belgium.
- Stanicki, D., & Vanden Eynde, J.-J. (01 July 2007). "Synthèse et Activité Antitumorale de Nouvelles Bisbenzamidines" [Poster presentation]. 21èmes Journées Franco-Belges de Pharmacochimie, Namur, Belgium.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Vanden Eynde, J.-J., Stanicki, D., Pietka, A., & Mayence, A. (01 January 2006). Du Paludisme. "Mémoires et Publications de la Société des Sciences, des Arts et des Lettres du Hainaut, 103", 127-137.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Pietka, A., Rosier, C., Stanicki, D., Wattiez, R., & Vanden Eynde, J.-J. (01 December 2006). "Synthesis and Pharmacological Evaluation of Novel Bisbenzimidazoles Mimicking Pentamidine" [Poster presentation]. 26th Interdisciplinary Meeting on Anti-infectious Chemotherapy, Paris, France.
- Stanicki, D., Aliouat, E.-M., Pottier, M., Dei-Cas, E., Pietka, A., & Vanden Eynde, J.-J. (01 December 2006). "Synthesis and Evaluation of Novel Bisbenzamidines for the Treatment of Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia" [Poster presentation]. 26th Interdisciplinary Meeting on Anti-infectious Chemotherapy, Paris, France.
- Vanden Eynde, J.-J., Stanicki, D., & Pietka, A. (01 November 2006). "Synthesis and Selection of Novel Potential Antiplasmodial Agents" [Poster presentation]. Annual One Day Symposium 'Personalized Medicine: New Opportunities for Drug Discovery, Anvers, Belgium.
- Stanicki, D., Pietka, A., & Vanden Eynde, J.-J. (01 October 2006). "Synthèse et Sélection de Nouveaux Antipaludiques Potentiels" [Poster presentation]. Journée Scientifique Annuelle de la Société Royale de Chimie, Bruxelles, Belgium.
- Pietka, A., Stanicki, D., & Vanden Eynde, J.-J. (01 October 2006). "Synthèse Assistée par Micro-ondes de Nouveaux Bisbenzimidazoles Présentant une Analogie Structurale avec la Pentamidine" [Poster presentation]. Journée Scientifique Annuelle de la Société Royale de Chimie, Bruxelles, Belgium.
- Vanden Eynde, J.-J., Pietka, A., Stanicki, D., & Mayence, A. (01 July 2006). "Microwave-Mediated Synthesis of Novel Bisbenzimidazoles Mimicking Pentamidine" [Poster presentation]. 42nd International Meeting on Medicinal Chemistry, Marseille, France.
- Vanden Eynde, J.-J., Stanicki, D., & Pietka, A. (01 June 2006). "Synthèse et Evaluation de Nouvelles Bisbenzamidines Potentiellement Efficaces Dans le Traitement du Paludisme" [Poster presentation]. 20èmes Journées Franco-Belges de Pharmacochimie, Lille, France.