Valentine FAYS
Nombre de publications : 40
    Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
    • Fays, V., Mahy, B., & Rycx, F. (04 May 2024). "Do migrants and their descendants displace natives? Empirical evidence using matched empoyer-employee panel data" [Paper presentation]. 2024 Annual Meeting of the Society of Labour Economists, Portland, United States.
    • Fays, V., Mahy, B., & Rycx, F. (26 January 2024). "Do migrants displace native-born workers on the labour market? The impact of workers' origin" [Paper presentation]. Conférence internationale sur l'immigration, Mons, Belgium.
    Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication publiée dans un périodique
    • Equeter, L., Cools, A., Cultrera, L., Dupont, N., Fays, V., Giancola, K., Gillet, M., Glineur, C., Heyman, M., Invernizzi, S., Lucassen, L., Main, J., Mégret, A., Menet, Q., Mincheva, R., Pirson, F., Sobczak, F., Thiebault, F., Vachaudez, A., ... Vitry, V. (2024). Abstract book du Mardi des Chercheurs 2024. "Abstract book du Mardi des Chercheurs".
    Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
    • Fays, V., Mahy, B., & Rycx, F. (26 March 2024). "Do migrants displace native-born workers on the labour market? The impact of workers’ origin" [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs 2024.
    Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication publiée sur un site web
    • Fays, V., Mahy, B., & Rycx, F. (11 April 2024). "Do migrants displace native-born workers on the labour market? The impact of workers’ origin" [Paper presentation]. 16th workshop on Labour Economics 2024, Trier, Germany.
    Périodiques scientifiques/Article
    Mémoires et thèses/Thèse de doctorat
    • Fays, V. (2023). "Immigration and the Labour Market: An Empirical Investigation of Wages, Productivity and Workers’ Substitutability" [Doctoral thesis, UMONS - Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.
    Allocutions et communications diverses/Conférence donnée hors contexte académique
    • Fays, V., & Storme, E. (2023). "Les NEETs et leur coût sociétal et financier en Belgique" [Paper presentation]. Le Service Citoyen : quels impacts socio-économiques pour quel retour sur investissement ?, Bruxelles, Belgium.
    Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
    • Fays, V., Mahy, B., & Rycx, F. (08 December 2022). "Wage Differences According to Workers' Origin: The Role of Working More Upstream in GVCs" [Paper presentation]. Asian and Australasian Society of Labour Economists.
    • Fays, V., Mahy, B., & Rycx, F. (07 October 2022). "Native and migrant workers' substitutability-complementarity: What about migrants of 2nd generation?" [Paper presentation]. Belgian Day of Labour Economists 2022.
    • Fays, V., Mahy, B., & Rycx, F. (09 January 2022). "Wage Differences According to Workers' Origin: The Role of Working More Upstream in GVCs" [Paper presentation]. LERA@ASSA 2022, On-line, United States.
    Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
    • Fays, V., Mahy, B., & Rycx, F. (06 September 2022). "Wage differences according to workers' origin: The role of working more upstream in Global Value Chains" [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs, Mons, Belgium.
    • Fays, V., Mahy, B., & Rycx, F. (06 May 2022). "Wage differences according to workers' origin: The role of working more upstream in Global Value Chains" [Poster presentation]. SOLE 2022 Conference, Minneapolis, United States.
    Rapports/Rapport de recherche externe
    • Marx, I., Verbist, G., Lens, D., Mussche, N., Oslejová, J., Neels, K., Maes, J., Wood, J., Biegel, N., Rycx, F., Mahy, B., Volral, M., Fays, V., Jacobs, V., & Pineda-Hernandez Kevin. (2022). "Improving the Labour Market Position of People with a Migration background in Belgium".
    Allocutions et communications diverses/Conférence donnée hors contexte académique
    • Rycx, F., Jacobs, V., Fays, V., Mahy, B., & Volral, M. (2022). "Are workers' employment conditions determined by their national origin?" [Paper presentation]. IMMILAB Closing Conference, Bruxelles, Belgium.
    Conférences scientifiques dans des universités ou centres de recherche/Conférence scientifique dans des universités ou centres de recherche
    • Fays, V., Mahy, B., & Rycx, F. (13 December 2022). "Substitutability-complementarity between natives, 1st- and 2nd-generation migrant workers" [Paper presentation]. Mardi de la Rechercheur.
    Périodiques scientifiques/Article
    Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
    • Fays, V., Mahy, B., & Rycx, F. (07 January 2021). "The impact of Upstreamness on Wages: What about Origin?" [Paper presentation]. IMMILAB Follow-up committee, Online, Unknown/unspecified.
    Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
    • Fays, V., Mahy, B., & Rycx, F. (30 March 2021). "Native-immigrant wage gaps: Is it worth moving upstream?" [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs, Virtual Meeting, Unknown/unspecified.
    Allocutions et communications diverses/Article grand public
    • Fays, V. (2021). Les raisons qui expliquent la hausse des NEETs, ces jeunes sans emploi, ni aux études ni en formation, en période de crise. "La Libre Eco".
    Périodiques scientifiques/Article
    • Fays, V., Mahy, B., & Rycx, F. (16 April 2020). Upstreamness, wages, and workers' origin: A review of the literature. "Reflets et Perspectives de la Vie Economique, 2020/2-3" (LVIII), 105-114.
    • Fays, V., Jacobs, V., Mahy, B., Rycx, F., & Volral, M. (15 January 2020). Migration, discrimination salariale et suréducation : quel est l'impact de l'hétérogénéité des travailleurs ? "Dynamiques Régionales, 2020/1" (N° 9), 57-71.
    Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
    • Fays, V., Mahy, B., & Rycx, F. (19 May 2020). "The impact of Upstreamness on Wages: What about Origin?" [Paper presentation]. Mardi de la Recherche, Université de Mons, Mons, Belgium.
    Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication publiée dans un périodique
    • Fays, V., Mahy, B., Rycx, F., & Volral, M. (2020). "Wage discrimination against migrants: how much do country of birth, tenure and product market competition matter?" [Paper presentation]. EconWorld2020@Porto Conference, Porto, Portugal.
    Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
    • Fays, V., Mahy, B., Rycx, F., & Volral, M. (10 October 2019). "Wage Discrimination Based on the Country of Birth: Do tenure and product market competition matter?" [Paper presentation]. Naar een betere arbeidsmarktpositie van personen met een migratie-achtergrond in België (IMMILAB), Brussels, Belgium.
    • Fays, V., Mahy, B., Rycx, F., & Volral, M. (05 April 2019). "Wage discrimination against migrants: how much do country of birth, tenure and product market competition matter?" [Paper presentation]. Dulbea workshop on 'Migration and labour market', Brussels, Belgium.
    • Sukadi A Sukadi, E., Buchet, A., Carette, J., Cobert, C., Fays, V., & Vermeersch, M. (02 April 2019). "PhDHouse: la naissance d'une communauté de doctorants" [Paper presentation]. Les Journées Jeunes Chercheurs Transfrontalières, Reims, France.
    • Fays, V., Buchet, A., Carette, J., Cobert, C., Sukadi A Sukadi, E., & Vermeersch, M. (01 April 2019). "The PhD House" [Paper presentation]. Eurodoc Annual Conference, Brussels, Belgium.
    • Fays, V., Mahy, B., Rycx, F., & Volral, M. (25 March 2019). "Wage discrimination against migrants: how much do country of birth, tenure and product market competition matter?" [Paper presentation]. Seizième journée de collaboration scientifique entre les écoles doctorales en gestion de l'Université Paris I-Panthéon-Sorbonne et de l'Université Libre de Bruxelles, Paris, France.
    • Fays, V., Mahy, B., Rycx, F., & Volral, M. (24 January 2019). "Wage discrimination against migrants: how much do country of birth and product market competition matter?" [Paper presentation]. IMMILAB Project Meeting, Bruxelles, Belgium.
    Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication publiée dans un périodique
    • Fays, V., Jacobs, V., Mahy, B., Rycx, F., & Volral, M. (2019). "Migration, discrimination salariale et sur-éducation : l'impact de l'hétérogénéité des travailleurs" [Paper presentation]. 23ème Congrès des Economistes, Charleroi, Belgium.
    • Fays, V., Mahy, B., Rycx, F., & Volral, M. (2019). "Wage discrimination based on the Country of Birth: Do tenure and product market competition matter?" [Paper presentation]. 31st Conference of the European Association of Labour Economists, Uppsala, Sweden.
    Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
    • Fays, V., Mahy, B., Rycx, F., & Volral, M. (05 March 2019). "wage discrimination against migrants: Do country of birth and product market competition matter?" [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs, Mons, Belgium.
    E-prints, Working papers et Carnets de recherche/Working paper
    • Fays, V., Mahy, B., Rycx, F., & Volral, M. (2019). "Wage Discrimination Based on the Country of Birth: Do Tenure and Product Market Competition Matter? - IZA DP No. 12706". ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.
    Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
    • Fays, V., Mahy, B., Rycx, F., & Volral, M. (23 October 2018). "Wage discrimination against migrants: how much do country of birth and product market competition matter?" [Paper presentation]. Mardi de la recherche - FWEG - UMONS, Mons, Belgium.
    • Fays, V., Mahy, B., Rycx, F., & Volral, M. (04 October 2018). "Wage discrimination against migrants: how much do country of birth and product market competition matter?" [Paper presentation]. IMMILAB Project Meeting, Anvers, Belgium.
    • Buchet, A., Deprince, E., Fays, V., Radermecker, L., & Sukadi A Sukadi, E. (18 May 2018). "La gouvernance" [Paper presentation]. PhD -r-evolution, la maison des doctorants, Mons, Belgium.
    • Fays, V., Mahy, B., Rycx, F., & Volral, M. (02 March 2018). "Wage discrimination against migrants: how much does product market competition matter?" [Paper presentation]. Intern workshop of DULBEA, Bruxelles, Belgium.
    Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication publiée dans un périodique
    • Fays, V., Mahy, B., Rycx, F., & Volral, M. (2018). "Discrimination salariale envers les migrants - De l'importance du pays de naissance et de la concurrence sur le marché des produits" [Paper presentation]. Journée de la recherche en Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Belgium.