Nombre de publications : 88
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Delcoucq, L., Lecron, F., & Fortemps, P. (27 May 2024). "Optimisation des processus : le rôle clé du Process Mining" [Paper presentation]. 29ème conférence de l’AIM, Montpellier, France.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Thiebaut, E., Lecron, F., & Mahmoudi, S. (21 May 2024). "Vers un jeu plus responsable : Identifier les facteurs de risques d’addiction à l’aide de Machine Learning" [Poster presentation]. 10e Journée scientifique du Pôle Hainuyer, Mons, Belgium.
- Manderlier, M., & Lecron, F. (26 March 2024). "Au-delà des recommandations : un voyage ludique au coeur de l’intelligence artificielle explicable" [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs 2024.
Mémoires et thèses/Thèse de doctorat
- Vu thanh, O. (2024). "Low-Rank Matrix Factorizations with Volume-based Constraints and Regularizations" [Doctoral thesis, UMONS - University of Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/49955
Allocutions et communications diverses/Communication dans les médias
- Lecron, F. (2024). "Amélioration du sommeil, impact sur la mémoire & diagnostic précoce d’Alzheimer : le point sur les recherches". Belgium: RTBF/La Première - Émission "Les éclaireurs".
Conférences scientifiques dans des universités ou centres de recherche/Conférence scientifique dans des universités ou centres de recherche
- Delmotte, P., Lecron, F., Lefebvre, L., & Ris, L. (21 May 2024). "Vers un dépistage précoce de la maladie d'Alzheimer" [Paper presentation]. 10e Journée scientifique du Pôle Hainuyer, Mons, Belgium.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Vu thanh, O., Gillis, N., & Lecron, F. (31 May 2023). Bounded Simplex-Structured Matrix Factorization: Algorithms, Identifiability and Applications. "IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 71", 2434-2447. doi:10.1109/TSP.2023.3289704
E-prints, Working papers et Carnets de recherche/Eprint diffusé en premier sur ORBi
- Manderlier, M., & Lecron, F. (2023). "RecSys Challenge 2023: From data preparation to prediction, a simple, efficient, robust and scalable solution". ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/48235.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Delcoucq, L., Dupiereux-Fettweis, T., Lecron, F., & Fortemps, P. (2022). Resource and activity clustering based on a hierarchical cell formation algorithm. "Applied Intelligence". doi:10.1007/s10489-022-03457-9
- Raneri, S., Lecron, F., Hermans, J., & Fouss, F. (2022). Predictions through Lean startup? Harnessing AI-based predictions under uncertainty. "International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research".
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication publiée dans un périodique
- Vu Thanh, O., Gillis, N., & Lecron, F. (2022). Bounded Simplex-Structured Matrix Factorization. "IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. Proceedings". doi:10.1109/ICASSP43922.2022.9747124
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Itani, S., Lecron, F., & Fortemps, P. (16 March 2020). A One-Class Classification Decision Tree Based on Kernel Density Estimation. "Applied Soft Computing, 91", 106250. doi:10.1016/j.asoc.2020.106250
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication publiée dans un périodique
- Delcoucq, L., Lecron, F., Fortemps, P., & van der Aalst, W. M. P. (2020). Resource-centric process mining: clustering using local process models. "SAC '20: Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing".
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Itani, S., Rossignol, M., Lecron, F., & Fortemps, P. (26 April 2019). Towards Interpretable Machine Learning Models for Diagnosis Aid: A Case Study on Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. "PLoS ONE, 14" (4). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0215720
- Itani, S., Lecron, F., & Fortemps, P. (15 March 2019). Specifics of Medical Data Mining for Diagnosis Aid: A Survey. "Expert Systems with Applications, 118", 300-314. doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2018.09.056
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Delcoucq, L., Lecron, F., & Fortemps, P. (07 February 2019). "Process Mining: resources and tasks clusteringbased on Cell Formation algorithm" [Paper presentation]. ORBEL 33, Hasselt, Belgium.
- Delcoucq, L., Lecron, F., & Fortemps, P. (15 January 2019). "Process Mining : resources clustering" [Paper presentation]. Complex Systems think tank, Mons, Belgium.
- Itani, S., Lecron, F., & Fortemps, P. (15 January 2019). "Data science for medical diagnosis prediction: objectives and challenges" [Paper presentation]. Complex Systems think tank, Mons, Belgium.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication publiée dans un périodique
- Itani, S., Lecron, F., & Fortemps, P. (2019). "Data Mining for ADHD & ASD Prediction based on Resting-state fMRI Signals: A Literature Review" [Paper presentation]. BNAIC/BENELEARN 2019 - The reference AI & ML conference for Belgium, Netherlands & Luxemburg, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Itani, S., Rossignol, M., Lecron, F., & Fortemps, P. (24 May 2019). "Autism in DSM-IV vs DSM-V: What if Machine Learning Could Help Us See Things More Clearly?" [Poster presentation]. 13th National Congress of the Belgian Society for Neuroscience, Brussels, Belgium.
- Delcoucq, L., Lecron, F., & Fortemps, P. (05 March 2019). "Process Mining: A resources based view" [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs 2019 (MdC2019), Mons, Belgium.
- Itani, S., Lecron, F., & Fortemps, P. (05 March 2019). "Artificial Intelligence for Medical Diagnosis: Insights into Major Paradigms" [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs, Mons, Belgium.
- Itani, S., Thanou, D., Rossignol, M., Lecron, F., & Fortemps, P. (05 February 2019). "Exploiting the Structure-Function Interplay of Brain Regions for the Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Machine Learning Approach" [Poster presentation]. The Childbrain Conference, Leuven, Belgium.
Mémoires et thèses/Thèse de doctorat
- Itani, S. (2019). "Towards Explainable Knowledge-Guided Data Mining for Medical Diagnosis Aid: Application to Children Mental Disorders" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/33828
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Mahmoudi, S., Belarbi, M. A., El Adoui, M., Larhmam, M., & Lecron, F. (2018). Real Time Web-based Toolbox for Computer Vision. "Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts".
- Lecron, F., & Fouss, F. (09 February 2018). An Optimization Model for Collaborative Recommendation Using a Covariance-Based Regularizer. "Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 32" (3), 651-674. doi:10.1007/s10618-018-0552-3
- Itani, S., Lecron, F., & Fortemps, P. (01 January 2018). A Multi-level Classification Framework for Multi-site Medical Data: Application to the ADHD-200 Collection. "Expert Systems with Applications, 91", 36-45. doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2017.08.044
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Itani, S., Lecron, F., & Fortemps, P. (10 July 2018). "A Novel Training Algorithm to Build Decision Trees for Anomaly Detection" [Paper presentation]. EURO2018 - 29th European Conference on Operational Research, Valence, Spain.
- Itani, S., Lecron, F., & Fortemps, P. (02 February 2018). "A Density-based Decision Tree for One-class Classification" [Paper presentation]. 32nd Annual Conference of the Belgian Operational Research Society (ORBEL 32), Liège, Belgium.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication publiée dans un périodique
- Itani, S., Lecron, F., & Fortemps, P. (2018). "A Gender-Differentiated MR-Sort Model for Diagnosis Aid of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)" [Paper presentation]. DA2PL'2018 - From Multiple Criteria Decision Aid to Preference Learning, Poznan, Poland.
- Itani, S., Rossignol, M., Lecron, F., & Fortemps, P. (2018). "Towards Sustainable Technologies for the Early Diagnosis of Mental Disorders in Children" [Paper presentation]. Symposium HERA - Transmettre un monde habitable aux générations futures : l'apport de la recherche, Mons, Belgium.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Itani, S., Rossignol, M., Lecron, F., & Fortemps, P. (19 July 2018). "On the Involvement of the Limbic System in the Diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder" [Poster presentation]. International Neuropsychological Society 2018 Mid-Year Meeting, Prague, Unknown/unspecified.
- Itani, S., Lecron, F., & Fortemps, P. (24 April 2018). "Explainable Artificial Intelligence: the Promise of Increased Transparency in Data Processing" [Poster presentation]. Quatrième journée scientifique du Pôle hainuyer - Pour une société innovante : de l'économie circulaire à l'intelligence artificielle, Mons, Belgium.
- Itani, S., Lecron, F., & Fortemps, P. (28 March 2018). "A Density-Based Decision Tree for One-Cass Classification" [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs 2018, Valenciennes, France.
- Delcoucq, L., Lecron, F., & Fortemps, P. (27 March 2018). "Process Mining : A science with a wide range of applications" [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs (MdC2018), Valenciennes, France.
- Itani, S., Rossignol, M., Lecron, F., & Fortemps, P. (27 March 2018). "What's going on, Doc? - When Machine Learning Addresses Neuropathologies with Readability" [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs 2018, Valenciennes, France.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Vaghasyia, T., Bhatt, N., Vallée, F., Lecron, F., & De Grève, Z. (17 July 2017). Wind Power Prediction by Using Matrix Factorization Technique. "International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development, 4" (7), 351-362.
- Mahmoudi, S., Lecron, F., Wilmet, V., & Mahmoudi, S. (2017). Fusion based computer-aided biopsy for early diagnosis of liver cancer. "International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery".
- Fremal, S., & Lecron, F. (25 January 2017). Weighting Strategies for a Recommender System Using Item Clustering Based on Genres. "Expert Systems with Applications, 77", 105-113. doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2017.01.031
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Itani, S., Lecron, F., & Fortemps, P. (25 August 2017). "Specifics of Medical Data Mining for Neurological Diagnosis Prediction" [Paper presentation]. Computers in Scientific Discovery 8, Mons, Belgium.
- Itani, S., Lecron, F., & Fortemps, P. (29 June 2017). "Data Mining et Informatique Affective pour l'Aide au Diagnostic de Troubles Mentaux chez l'Enfant" [Paper presentation]. Séminaire ONE Academy, UMONS, Belgium.
- De Grève, Z., Lecron, F., Vallée, F., & Venkateswaran, A. (12 June 2017). "Data Analytics in Smart Grids (Tutorial)" [Paper presentation]. 24th International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, CIRED 2017, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
- Itani, S., Rossignol, M., Lecron, F., & Fortemps, P. (31 May 2017). "On Objective Models to Aid in Diagnosing Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder" [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Science (BAPS), Bruxelles, Unknown/unspecified.
- Itani, S., Lecron, F., & Fortemps, P. (03 February 2017). "Statistical Analysis of Medical Data using a Multilevel Approach" [Paper presentation]. 31st Annual Conference of the Belgian Operational Research Society (ORBEL 31), Bruxelles, Belgium.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication publiée dans un périodique
- Sommer, F., Lecron, F., & Fouss, F. (2017). Recommender Systems: The case of repeated interaction in Matrix Factorization. "WI '17: Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Intelligence".
- Mahmoudi, S., El Adoui, M., Belarbi, M. A., Larhmam, M., & Lecron, F. (2017). "Cloud-based Platform for Computer Vision Applications" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Smart Digital Environment (ICSDE'17), Rabat, Morocco.
- De Grève, Z., Lecron, F., Vallée, F., Mor, G., Perez, D., Danov, S., & Cipriano, J. (2017). "Comparing Time Series Clustering Approaches for Electrical Load Patterns" [Paper presentation]. 24th International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, CIRED 2017, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
- Lecron, F., De Grève, Z., Vallée, F., Mor, G., Perez, D., Danov, S., & Cipriano, J. (2017). "Using Matrix Factorization for the Prediction of Electrical Quantities" [Paper presentation]. 24th International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, CIRED 2017, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Itani, S., Rossignol, M., Lecron, F., & Fortemps, P. (13 October 2017). "A Tree-Based Decision Support System For Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Diagnosis" [Poster presentation]. 57th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Vienne , Austria.
- Itani, S., Lecron, F., & Fortemps, P. (25 April 2017). "Kids Mental Health at the Core of Data Mining and Neuroscience Concerns: a Promising Interaction to Face Major Challenges" [Poster presentation]. Troisième journée scientifique du Pôle hainuyer - Les technologies de l'information, Eurometropolitan e-campus, Froyennes, Belgium.
- Itani, S., Lecron, F., & Fortemps, P. (07 March 2017). "On Objective Models to Aid in Diagnosing Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder" [Poster presentation]. Huitième édition montoise du MdC : le Mardi des Chercheurs 2017, UMons, Belgium.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Vallée, F., Moutier, F., Klonari, V., Toubeau, J.-F., Lecron, F., De Grève, Z., & Lobry, J. (11 April 2016). On the Correlation between Prosumers in Probabilistic Analysis of Low Voltage Distribution Systems. "International Review of Electrical Engineering, 11" (3), 277-283.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication publiée dans un périodique
- Itani, S., Fortemps, P., & Lecron, F. (2016). "Data Mining for Aiding Diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder by a Multilevel Approach" [Paper presentation]. Belgian-Dutch Conference on Machine Learning, BeneLearn, Courtrai, Belgium.
Mémoires et thèses/Mémoire de licence/master
- Itani, S. (2016). "Analyse statistique de données médicales par une approche multiniveau : Aide au diagnostic du trouble du déficit de l'attention avec ou sans hyperactivité" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/26114
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Mahmoudi, S., Lecron, F., & Benjelloun, M. (24 June 2015). Digital mammograms classification for breast cancer detection. "International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, S (2015) 10" (Suppl 1), 125-S126. doi:10.1007/s11548-015-1213-2
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication publiée dans un périodique
- Vallée, F., Moutier, F., Klonari, V., Toubeau, J.-F., Lecron, F., De Grève, Z., & Lobry, J. (2015). "Clustering of Photovoltaic Generation for the Consideration of Time Changing Geographical Correlation in Probabilistic Analysis of Low Voltage Distribution Systems" [Paper presentation]. 5th International Workshop on Integration of Solar Power into Power Systems, Brussels, Belgium.
- Aubert, A., Fortemps, P., & Lecron, F. (2015). "Introduction à l'art de l'ingénieur : fonder une pratique et un projet professionnels : Comment accompagner et évaluer la 'transformation' des étudiants ?" [Paper presentation]. Questions de Pédagogie dans l'Enseignement Supérieur, Brest, France.
Allocutions et communications diverses/Article grand public
- Ancia, P., Bette, S., Dualibe, F., Lecron, F., & Lupant, D. (2015). Introduction à l' art de l' ingénieur et initiation aux métiers de l'ingénieur, des projets dès la Bachelier : Le dispositif : la démarche, les moyens et l'évaluation. "Polytech.News, N°52".
Allocutions et communications diverses/Autre
- Lecron, F. (2015). "Les défis de la reconstruction 3D en imagerie médicale".
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Lecron, F., Boisvert, J., Mahmoudi, S., Labelle, H., & Benjelloun, M. (01 November 2013). Three-Dimensional Spine Model Reconstruction Using One-Class SVM Regularization. "IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 60" (11), 3256-3264. doi:10.1109/TBME.2013.2272657
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Lecron, F. (12 September 2013). "3D model fitting on noisy 2D datasets" [Paper presentation]. Journée du Comité Scientifique du CMMI, Centre de Microscopie et d'Imagerie Moléculaire, Belgium.
- Lecron, F. (17 April 2013). "Statistical models of the spine with applications in medical image processing" [Paper presentation]. Image and Signal Processing Seminars, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication publiée dans un périodique
- Vandenbulcke, V., Lecron, F., Ducarroz, C., & Fouss, F. (2013). Customer segmentation based on a collaborative recommendation system: Application to a mass retail company. "Proceedings of the 2013 conference of European Marketing Academy".
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Lecron, F., & Noël, S. (12 March 2013). "Machine learning regularization for the three-dimensional reconstruction of scoliotic spines" [Poster presentation]. 7ième Matinée des Chercheurs, Mons, Belgium.
Mémoires et thèses/Thèse de doctorat
- Lecron, F. (2013). "Modélisations statistiques de la colonne vertébrale et applications" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/6724
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Lecron, F., Benjelloun, M., & Mahmoudi, S. (09 November 2012). Cervical spine mobility analysis on radiographs: A fully automatic approach. "Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 36" (8), 634-642.
- Lecron, F., Boisvert, J., Mahmoudi, S., Labelle, H., & Benjelloun, M. (08 October 2012). Fast 3D Spine Reconstruction of Postoperative Patients Using a Multilevel Statistical Model. "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 7511" (05), 446-453.
- Lecron, F., Benjelloun, M., & Mahmoudi, S. (25 June 2012). Descriptive Image Feature for Object Detection in Medical Images. "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 7325", 331-338.
- Lecron, F., & Benjelloun, M. (2012). La 3D : effet de mode ou vrai service à la société ? "Polytech.News", (47), 28.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication publiée dans un périodique
- Mahmoudi, S., Lecron, F., Manneback, P., Benjelloun, M., & Mahmoudi, S. (2012). "Efficient Exploitation of Heterogeneous Platforms for Vertebra Detection in X-Ray Images" [Paper presentation]. Biomedical Engineering International Conference, Biomeic, Tlemcen, Algeria.
- Lecron, F., Boisvert, J., Benjelloun, M., Labelle, H., & Mahmoudi, S. (2012). "Multilevel statistical shape models: A new framework for modeling hierarchical structures" [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Barcelona, Spain.
- Lecron, F., Benjelloun, M., & Mahmoudi, S. (2012). "Fully automatic vertebra detection in x-ray images based on multi-class SVM" [Paper presentation]. SPIE Medical Imaging: Image Processing, San Diego, United States - California.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Benjelloun, M., Mahmoudi, S., Lecron, F., & Libert, G. (2011). Mesure de la mobilité cervicale. "AIMS Journal".
- Lecron, F., Mahmoudi, S., Benjelloun, M., Mahmoudi, S., & Manneback, P. (15 August 2011). Heterogeneous Computing for Vertebra Detection and Segmentation in X-Ray Images. "International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, Volume 2011," (10.1155/2011), 1-12. doi:10.1155/2011/640208
- Lecron, F., Benjelloun, M., & Mahmoudi, S. (24 June 2011). Vertebra segmentation for the computer-aided cervical mobility evaluation on radiographs. "International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 06" (S1), 46-S52. doi:10.1007/s11548-011-0573-5
- Mahmoudi, S., Benjelloun, M., & Lecron, F. (23 June 2011). Medical image retrieval applied to computer aided diagnosis. "International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 06" (S1), 67-S73. doi:10.1007/s11548-011-0591-3
- Benjelloun, M., Mahmoudi, S., & Lecron, F. (03 June 2011). A Framework of Vertebra Segmentation Using the Active Shape Model-Based Approach. "International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, 2011".
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Lecron, F., Benjelloun, M., & Mahmoudi, S. (03 November 2011). "3D reconstruction of the spine from multi-planar radiographs" [Poster presentation]. Grascomp Day, Graduate School in Computing Science of the Belgium's French Community, ULB, Bruxelles, Belgium.
- Lecron, F., Benjelloun, M., & Mahmoudi, S. (22 March 2011). "Reconstruction 3D de la colonne vertébrale à partir de radiographies multi-planaires" [Poster presentation]. 6ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs (MDC 2011), Mons, Belgium.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication publiée dans un périodique
- Mahmoudi, S., Lecron, F., Manneback, P., Benjelloun, M., & Mahmoudi, S. (2010). "GPU-based segmentation of cervical vertebra in X-Ray images" [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, Crete, Greece.
- Lecron, F., Benjelloun, M., & Mahmoudi, S. (2010). "Points of Interest Detection in Cervical Spine Radiographs by Polygonal Approximation" [Paper presentation]. IPTA 2010, International conference on image processing theory, tools and applications, Paris, France.
- Lecron, F., Manneback, P., & Tuyttens, D. (2010). "Exploiting Grid Computation for Solving the Vehicle Routing Problem" [Paper presentation]. ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, Hammamet, Tunisia.
- Benjelloun, M., Mahmoudi, S., & Lecron, F. (2010). "L'utilisation de la méthode active shape model pour la segmentation des vertèbres" [Paper presentation]. E-medisys 2010, the third international conference E-medisys 2010: E-medical systems, Fez, Morocco.
- Benjelloun, M., Mahmoudi, S., & Lecron, F. (2010). "A New Semi-Automatic Approach for X-Ray Cervical Images Segmentation Using Active Shape Model" [Paper presentation]. BIOSIGNALS 2010, International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing, Valence, Spain.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Mahmoudi, S., Manneback, P., Lecron, F., Benjelloun, M., & Mahmoudi, S. (19 October 2009). "Parallel image processing with CUDA and OpenGL" [Paper presentation]. 1st scientific workshop, open network for high-performance computing on complex environments, action cost 805, Lisbon, Portugal, Lisbon, Portugal.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Lecron, F., Mahmoudi, S., & Benjelloun, M. (01 July 2009). "Etude de la dynamique vertébrale 2D et 3D" [Poster presentation]. Nouveaux outils mathématiques pour l'analyse d'images et la vision par ordinateur, Figeac, France.
- Benjelloun, M., Mahmoudi, S., & Lecron, F. (17 March 2009). "Etude de la dynamique vertébrale 2D et 3D" [Poster presentation]. Matinée des chercheurs 2009, Mons, Belgium.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Lecron, F., Manneback, P., & Tuyttens, D. (05 November 2008). "Solving the vehicle routing problem with paradiseo using grid'5000" [Paper presentation]. Deuxième journée aladdin-grid'5000, inria lille nord europe, Lille, France.