Guillaume CAULIER
Guillaume Caulier is a Teaching and Research Associate in the Laboratory of Biology of Marine Organisms and Biomimetics at the University of Mons. He teaches courses in Zoology; Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology; and Biodiversity and Adaptations to the Marine World. He supervises various practical works such as Animal Biology; Zoology and Vertebrate Comparative Anatomy for students of 2nd and 3rd Bac as well as Masters in Biology. He partially supervises internships in the laboratory of Biology of Marine Organisms and Biomimicry (Electron Microscopy) and thesis internships (Master 2 in Biology) as well as field missions abroad (e.g. Toliara, Madagascar).
Overall, Guillaume Caulier's research interests are in the field of Marine Invertebrate Biology. Specifically, he is interested in the characterization of symbiotic associations and chemical ecology in the marine environment. He also works on the characterization of immune cells (coelomocytes) in Echinoderms.