Nombre de publications : 34
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Caballero-Montes, T., & Godfroid, C. (2024). Governing professional microfinance associations: the Tanzanian case through the prism of institutional design. "Review of Managerial Science". doi:10.1007/s11846-024-00767-9
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Godfroid, C., & Caballero-Montes, T. (26 February 2024). "Governing Professional Microfinance Associations: The Tanzanian Case through the Prism of Institutional Design" [Paper presentation]. IXèmes journées internationales de la microfinance, Yaoundé, Cameroon.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Kivalya, N. Y. I., & Caballero-montes, T. (2023). Understanding the dimensions of women entrepreneurs’ empowerment: a systematic review of the microfinance literature and avenues for research. "International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship". doi:10.1108/IJGE-06-2023-0162
- Caballero-montes, T. (June 2023). Integrating market conditions into regulatory decisions on microfinance interest rates: does competition matter? "Annals of Finance, 19" (2), 201 - 232. doi:10.1007/s10436-022-00417-8
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Caballero-montes, T. (February 2022). The relationship between financial and social performances in microfinance: Insights from the provision of agricultural loans in Cambodia. "Savings and Development, 46".
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Caballero-Montes, T., & Godfroid, C. (20 June 2022). "Supporting microfinance via professional associations: Analysis of the Tanzanian case through the lens of Ostrom's institutional design principles" [Paper presentation]. 7th Research Conference on Microfinance, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Caballero-Montes, T., Godfroid, C., & Labie, M. (12 June 2021). Are interest rate caps a relevant tool to cool down overheating microfinance markets? "Strategic Change, 30" (4), 319-330.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Caballero-Montes, T., & Labie, M. (17 December 2021). "How does regulation affect microfinance institutitons? Insights from the 2012-2014 regulatory strengthening in Benin ?" [Paper presentation]. World Finance Banking Symposium, online, Unknown/unspecified.
- Caballero-Montes, T., & Godfroid, C. (17 December 2021). "Supporting Microfinance via Professional Associations: Analysis of the Tanzanian Case through the Lens of Ostrom's Institutional Design principles" [Paper presentation]. World Finance Banking Symposium, online, Unknown/unspecified.
- Caballero-Montes, T. (04 October 2021). "Integrating Market Conditions into Regulatory Decisions on Microfinance Interest Rates: Does Competition Matter?" [Paper presentation]. EMES 8th International Research Conference - Social enterprise, cooperative and voluntary action: Bringing principles and values to renew action, Universidad de Zaragoza, Teruel, Spain.
- Caballero-Montes, T., & Godfroid, C. (04 October 2021). "Supporting Microfinance via Professional Associations: Analysis of the Tanzanian Case through the Lens of Ostrom's Institutional Design" [Paper presentation]. EMES 8th International Research Conference - Social enterprise, cooperative and voluntary action: Bringing principles and values to renew action, Universidad de Zaragoza, Teruel, Spain.
- Caballero-Montes, T., & Godfroid, C. (09 September 2021). "To what extent is industry self-regulation applicable to microfinance ? The case of Tamfi" [Paper presentation]. VIII Congreso Internacional de Investigacion en Economia Social de Ciriec, San José, Costa Rica.
- Caballero-Montes, T. (08 September 2021). "Integrating Market Conditions into Regulatory Decisions on Microfinance Interest Rates: Does Competition Matter?" [Paper presentation]. VIII Congreso Internacional de Investigacion en Economia Social de Ciriec, San José, Costa Rica.
- Caballero-Montes, T., & Godfroid, C. (12 May 2021). "Soutenir le secteur de la microfinance via les associations professionnelles : analyse du cas tanzanien à travers le prisme de la théorie des communs" [Paper presentation]. 1er Webinaire International de Microfinance de l'Association Internationale des Chercheurs Francophones en Microfinance, Online, Unknown/unspecified.
- Caballero-Montes, T. (24 February 2021). "Integrating Market Conditions into Regulatory Decisions on Microfinance Interest Rates: Does Competition Matter?" [Paper presentation]. 17th International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic,and Social Sustainability, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Caballero-Montes, T. (16 December 2020). "Integrating Market Conditions into Regulatory Decisions on Microfinance Interest Rates: Does Competition Matter?" [Paper presentation]. Emerging Markets Finance Conference, Mumbai (Online), India.
- Caballero-Montes, T. (15 December 2020). "Integrating Market Conditions into Regulatory Decisions on Microfinance Interest Rates: Does Competition Matter?" [Paper presentation]. Young Researchers' Overseas Day 2020, Bruxelles (Online), Belgium.
- Caballero-Montes, T. (05 December 2020). "Integrating Market Conditions into Regulatory Decisions on Microfinance Interest Rates: Does Competition Matter?" [Paper presentation]. World Finance and Banking Symposium 2020, Riga (Online), Latvia.
- Caballero-Montes, T. (03 December 2020). "Integrating Market Conditions into Regulatory Decisions on Microfinance Interest Rates: Does Competition Matter?" [Paper presentation]. Brown Bag Seminar, Centre Emile Bernheim, Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, Bruxelles (Online), Belgium.
- Caballero-Montes, T. (09 June 2020). "How Does Competition Affect the Fate of Poor Borrowers in Rate-Capped Microfinance Markets?" [Paper presentation]. Mardi de la Recherche, Faculté Warocqué d'Économie et Gestion, Mons (Online), Belgium.
- Caballero-Montes, T. (21 May 2020). "To What Extent Is Industry Self-Regulation Applicable to Microfinance? The Case of TAMFI in Tanzania" [Paper presentation]. 15th Organization studies summer workshop - Organizing sustainably actors, institutions, and practices, Chania (Online), Greece.
Allocutions et communications diverses/Autre
- Caballero-Montes, T., Godfroid, C., & Labie, M. (2020). "Research Note N°1 on Microfinance Regulation - Interest Rate Restrictions and Microfinance: Insights from Cambodia".
- Caballero-Montes, T. (2020). "Research Note N°2 on Microfinance Regulation - Investigating the Interplay between Interest Rate Caps and Competition in a Financial Inclusion Context".
- Caballero-Montes, T. (2020). "Research Note N°3 on Microfinance - Regulation Industry Self-Regulation and Microfinance: Exploring Key Issues through the Case of TAMFI in Tanzania".
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Caballero-Montes, T., Godfroid, C., & Labie, M. (10 December 2019). "Freiner un marché de microfinance en surchauffe : les plafonds de taux d'intérêt sont-ils pertinents ?" [Paper presentation]. VIIIèmes Journées Internationales de la Microfinance, Cotonou, Benin.
- Caballero-Montes, T. (14 November 2019). "To What Extent Is Industry Self-Regulation Applicable to Microfinance? The Case of TAMFI in Tanzania" [Paper presentation]. Fourth Inclusive and Sustainable Finance Research Conference, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
- Caballero-Montes, T. (21 October 2019). "To What Extent Is Industry Self-Regulation Applicable to Microfinance? The Case of TAMFI in Tanzania" [Paper presentation]. Research Meets Africa Conference, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
- Caballero-Montes, T., Godfroid, C., & Labie, M. (03 June 2019). "The Ins and Outs of Interest Rate Caps in the Microfinance Industry: The Case of Cambodia" [Paper presentation]. 6th European Research Conference on Microfinance, Paris, France.
- Caballero-Montes, T. (2019). "To What Extent Is Industry Self-Regulation Applicable to Microfinance? The Case of TAMFI in Tanzania" [Paper presentation]. 4th Inclusive and Sustainable Finance Research Conference, Université de Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication publiée dans un périodique
- Caballero-Montes, T. (2019). "To What Extent Is Industry Self-Regulation Applicable to Microfinance? The Case of TAMFI in Tanzania" [Paper presentation]. Research Meets Africa Conference, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Caballero-Montes, T. (09 May 2019). "La Régulation du Taux d'Intérêt du Microcrédit: Le Cas du Cambodge" [Poster presentation]. Learning Labs Sustainable Development, Fondation pour les Générations Futures, Université Saint-Louis, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Caballero-Montes, T., Godfroid, C., & Labie, M. (08 December 2018). "The Ins and Outs of Implementing Interest Rate Caps in Microfinance Industry" [Paper presentation]. L'émergence en question : Marqueurs et dynamiques du développement - Financial Inclusion: Item 8, Dijon, France.
- Caballero-Montes, T. (13 November 2018). "Microcredit Interest Rate Regulation: The Case of Cambodia" [Paper presentation]. Third Inclusive and Sustainable Finance Research Conference, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
- Caballero-Montes, T., Godfroid, C., & Labie, M. (30 May 2018). "The Ins and Outs of Implementing Interest Rate Caps in Microfinance Industry" [Paper presentation]. XXXIVèmes Journées ATM 8, Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France.