Number of publications : 69
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published on a website
- Ahmed, A., & Quoitin, B. (01 January 2025). "Low Complexity Deep Learning Models for LoRa Radio Frequency Fingerprinting" [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Workshop on Industrial Wireless Networks, Valencia, Spain.
Reports/Expert report
- Moeyaert, V., Quoitin, B., & Naseh, M. (2025). "Analysis of the 6G LANDSCAPE survey - final version - BEL6GICA (Blueprint for Excellence and Leadership in 6G through Interregional Concerted Action) project - Deliverable T2.2-2".
- Moeyaert, V., & Quoitin, B. (2025). "Compilation of 5G+ survey from BEL6GICA PPAB members - Final version - BEL6GICA (Blueprint for Excellence and Leadership in 6G through Interregional Concerted Action) project - Deliverable T2.2-1".
- Singh, R. K., Callebaut, G., Cappelle, J., Vanderperre, L., Vanmulders, J., Pappinisseri Puluckul, P., Nasser, S., Famay, J., Quoitin, B., Naseh, M., & Moeyaert, V. (2025). "Internet of Things - Final Version - BEL6GICA (Blueprint for Excellence and Leadership in 6G through Interregional Concerted Action) project - Deliverable T3.2".
Scientific journals/Article
- GEORLETTE, V., Vallois, N., Moeyaert, V., & QUOITIN, B. (31 October 2024). Enhancing Visible Light Communication Channel Estimation in Complex 3D Environments: An Open-Source Ray Tracing Simulation Framework. "Informatics, 11" (4), 80. doi:10.3390/informatics11040080
- Ahmed, A., QUOITIN, B., Gros, A., & Moeyaert, V. (08 July 2024). A Comprehensive Survey on Deep Learning-Based LoRa Radio Frequency Fingerprinting Identification. "Sensors, 24" (13), 4411. doi:10.3390/s24134411
- Haj-Hassan, A., Imine, Y., Gallais, A., & Quoitin, B. (April 2024). Detecting malicious proxy nodes during IoT network joining phase. "Computer Networks, 243", 110308. doi:10.1016/j.comnet.2024.110308
Scientific journals/Article
- Thaenkaew, P., Quoitin, B., & Meddahi Ahmed. (14 November 2023). Leveraging Larger AES Keys in LoRaWAN: A Practical Evaluation of Energy and Time Costs. "Sensors, 23" (22). doi:10.3390/s23229172
- Haj-Hassan, A., Imine, Y., Gallais, A., & Quoitin, B. (25 June 2023). Consensus-based mutual authentication scheme for Industrial IoT. "Ad Hoc Networks, 145". doi:10.1016/j.adhoc.2023.103162
Dissertations and theses/Doctoral thesis
- Golzadeh, M. (2023). "Identifying Development Bots in Social Coding Platforms" [Doctoral thesis, UMONS - Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.
- Georlette, V. (2023). "Technical Feasibility of Visible Light Communication Systems for Low Bitrate Smart Cities and the Industry 4.0 Applications" [Doctoral thesis, UMONS - University of Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.
Scientific journals/Article
- Charlier, M., Koutsiamanis, R.-A., & Quoitin, B. (02 March 2022). Scheduling UWB Ranging and Backbone Communications in a Pure Wireless Indoor Positioning System. "IoT, 3" (1), 219-258. doi:10.3390/iot3010013
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a book
- Plum, J., Dufrasne, I., Quoitin, B., Mahmoudi, S., & Frédéric, L. (2022). Development and evaluation of an autonomous and automatic monitoring system for grazing cattle. In "Precision livestock farming '22". Vienne, Austria: D. Berckmans, M.Oczak, M. Iwersen, K. Wagener.
- Plum, J., Dufrasne, I., Quoitin, B., Mahmoudi, S., & Lebeau, F. (2022). Use of watering hole data as a decision support tool for the management of a grazing herd of cattle. In "ICPA Proceedings". United States: International society of precision agriculture.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published on a website
- Thaenkaew, P., Quoitin, B., & Meddahi, A. (July 2022). "Evaluating the Cost of Beyond AES-128 LoRaWAN Security" [Paper presentation]. International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC'22).
- Haj hassan, A., Youcef, I., Gallais, A., & Quoitin, B. (June 2022). "Zero-Touch Mutual Authentication Scheme for 6TiSCH Industrial IoT Networks" [Paper presentation]. International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2022).
Dissertations and theses/Doctoral thesis
- Coppens, A. (2022). "Integrating Immersive Technologies for Algorithmic Design in Architecture" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.
Scientific journals/Article
- Hauweele, D., Koutsiamanis, R.-A., Quoitin, B., & Papadopoulos, G. (2021). Thorough Performance Evaluation & Analysis of the 6TiSCH Minimal Scheduling Function (MSF). "Journal of Signal Processing Systems".
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a book
- Dubrulle, J., Quoitin, B., & Gallais, A. (2021). Opportunities and limitations of multi-instance RPL. In "Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS)" (pp. 10-17). IEEE. doi:10.1109/DCOSS52077.2021.00015
Scientific journals/Article
- Hauweele, D., & Quoitin, B. (2020). Toward accurate clock drift modeling in Wireless Sensor Networks simulation. "Computer Communications".
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a book
- Koutsiamanis, R.-A., Papadopoulos, G., Quoitin, B., & Montavont, N. (2020). A Centralized Controller for Reliable and Available Wireless Schedules in Industrial Networks. In "Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mobility, Sensing and Networking (MSN)" (pp. 1-9). IEEE. doi:10.1109/MSN50589.2020.00018
- Hauweele, D., Koutsiamanis, R.-A., Quoitin, B., & Papadopoulos, G. (2020). Pushing 6TiSCH Minimal Scheduling Function (MSF) to the Limits. In "Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC)" (pp. 1-7). IEEE. doi:10.1109/ISCC50000.2020.9219692
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal
- Brihaye, T., Geeraerts, G., Hallet, M., Monmege, B., & Quoitin, B. (2019). "Dynamics on Games: Simulation-Based Techniques and Applications to Routing" [Paper presentation]. Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, .
- Hauweele, D., & Quoitin, B. (2019). "Toward accurate clock drift modeling in Wireless Sensor Networks simulation" [Paper presentation]. International Symposium on Modeling Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, Miami Beach, United States - Florida.
- Plum, J., De Cock, N., Dubois, J.-P., Dufrasne, I., Soyeurt, H., Quoitin, B., Mahmoudi, S., & Bindelle, J. (2019). "Evaluation of Intel Realsense Depth cameras for open source remote monitoring of heifers on pastures" [Paper presentation]. European conference dedicated to the future use of ICT in the agri-food sector, bioresource and biomass sector (EFITA 2019)), Rhodes, Greece.
- Charlier, M., Quoitin, B., & Hauweele, D. (2019). "UWB-TSCH : Time and Frequency Division Multiplexing for UWB Communications" [Paper presentation]. Rencontres Francophones sur la Conception de Protocoles, l'Évaluation de Performance et l'Expérimentation des Réseaux de Communication (CORES2019), Saint Laurent de la Cabrerisse, France.
- Charlier, M., Quoitin, B., & Hauweele, D. (2019). "Challenges in Using Time Slotted Channel Hopping With Ultra Wideband Communications" [Paper presentation]. ACM, International Conference on Internet of Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI '19), Montreal, Canada. doi:10.1145/3302505.3310071
Scientific journals/Article
- NASSAR, J., BERTHOME, M., Dubrulle, J., GOUVY, N., MITTON, N., & Quoitin, B. (2018). Multiple Instances QoS Routing in RPL: Application to Smart Grids. "Sensors".
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a book
- Quoitin, B., Pollin, S., & Oestges, C. (2017). "2017 IEEE Symposium on Communications and Vehicular Technology (SCVT)" [Paper presentation]. IEEE Symposium on Communications and Vehicular Technology in the Benelux, Heverlee, Belgium.
Scientific journals/Article
- Hauweele, D., Quoitin, B., Pelsser, C., & Bush, R. (2016). What do parrots and BGP routers have in common? "Computer Communication Review".
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal
- CHARLIER, M., Quoitin, B., Bette, S., & Eliasson, J. (2016). "Support for IEEE 802.15.4 ultra wideband communications in the Contiki operating system" [Paper presentation]. IEEE Symposium on Communications and Vehicular Technology in the Benelux, Mons, Belgium.
- Charlier, M., Quoitin, B., Bette, S., & Jens, E. (2016). "Support for IEEE 802.15.4 ultra wideband communications in the Contiki operating system" [Paper presentation]. 2016 Symposium on Communications and Vehicular Technologies (SCVT), Mons, Belgium.
- Hauweele, D., Quoitin, B., Pelsser, C., & Bush, R. (2016). "The Origin of BGP Duplicates" [Paper presentation]. 1ères Rencontres Francophones sur la Conception de Protocoles, l'Évaluation de Performance et l'Expérimentation des Réseaux de Communication (CoRes), Bayonne, France.
- Michel, M., Voigt, T., Tsiftes, N., Mottola, L., & Quoitin, B. (2016). "Predictable MAC-level Performance in Low-power Wireless under Interference" [Paper presentation]. European Conference/Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks, Graz, Austria.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal
- Michel, M., Duquennoy, S., Quoitin, B., & Voigt, T. (2015). "Load-Balanced Data Collection through Opportunistic Routing" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, Fortaleza, Brazil.
Scientific journals/Article
- Battaglia, C., Bruyère, V., Gauwin, O., Pelsser, C., & Quoitin, B. (29 January 2014). Reasoning on BGP Routing Filters using Tree Automata. "Computer Networks, 65", 232-254.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal
- Michel, M., & Quoitin, B. (2014). "Analyse des raisons de l'efficacité de ContikiMAC" [Paper presentation]. 16èmes Rencontres Francophones pour les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications (Algotel), Le-Bois-Plage-en-Ré, France.
Dissertations and theses/Doctoral thesis
- Deronne, S. (2014). "Evaluation of IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac MAC layer performance in radio-over-fiber architectures" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.
Scientific journals/Article
- Tarissan, F., Quoitin, B., Mérindol, P., Donnet, B., Pansiot, J.-J., & Latapy, M. (2013). Towards a Bipartite Graph Modeling of the Internet Topology. "Computer Networks".
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal
- Deru, L., Dawans, S., Ocana, M., Quoitin, B., & Bonaventure, O. (2013). "Redundant Border Routers for Mission-Critical 6LoWPAN Networks" [Paper presentation]. Real-World Wireless Sensor Networks, Como Lake, Italy.
- Michel, M., & Quoitin, B. (2013). "Impact of a sleep schedule on the AODV convergence time in WSN" [Paper presentation]. INFOCOM (IEEE), Torino, Italy.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
- Battaglia, C., Bruyère, V., Gauwin, O., & Quoitin, B. (11 September 2012). "Reasoning on BGP Routing Filters Using Tree Automata" [Paper presentation]. Journées Montoises d'Informatique Théorique, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
Scientific journals/Article
- Zhang, G., Quoitin, B., & Zhou, S. (2011). Phase changes in the evolution of the IPv4 and IPv6 AS-Level Internet topologies. "Computer Communications". doi:10.1016/j.comcom.2010.06.004
Scientific journals/Article
- Muhlbauer, W., Uhlig, S., Feldmann, A., Maennel, O., Quoitin, B., & Fu, B. (06 October 2010). Impact of routing parameters on route diversity and path inflation. "Computer Networks, 54" (14), 2506-2518. doi:10.1016/j.comnet.2010.04.006
- Pelsser, C., Uhlig, S., Takeda, T., Quoitin, B., & Shiomoto, K. (06 October 2010). Providing scalable NH-diverse iBGP route re-distribution to achieve sub-second switch-over time. "Computer Networks, 54" (14), 2492-2505. doi:10.1016/j.comnet.2010.04.007
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
- Quoitin, B. (20 November 2009). "Wide Area Network Emulation" [Paper presentation]. Symposium on Click Modular Router, Ghent, Belgium.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal
- Quoitin, B., Van den Schrieck, V., François, P., & Bonaventure, O. (2009). "Igen : Generation of router-level internet topologies through network design heuristics" [Paper presentation]. International Teletraffic Congress, Paris, France.
- Vanbever, L., Quoitin, B., & Bonaventure, O. (2009). "A Hierarchical Model for BGP Routing Policies" [Paper presentation]. Conference on Applications, Technologies, Architectures, and Protocols for Computer Communication, Barcelona, Spain. doi:10.1145/1592631.1592646
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal
- Kleiberg, T., Fu, B., Kuipers, F., Van Mieghem, P., Avallone, S., & Quoitin, B. (2008). "DeSiNe : a Flow-Level QoS Simulator of Networks" [Paper presentation]. QoSim, Marseille, France.
Scientific journals/Article
- Boucadair, M., Lévis, P., Griffin, D., Wang, N., Howarth, M., Pavlou, G., Mykoniati, E., Georgatsos, P., Quoitin, B., Rodriguez Sanchez, J., & Garcia-Osma, M. (2007). A Framework for End- to-End Service Differentiation : Network Planes and Parallel Internets. "IEEE Communications Magazine".
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal
- Quoitin, B., Iannone, L., de Launois, C., & Bonaventure, O. (2007). "Evaluating the Benefits of the Locator/Identifier Separation" [Paper presentation]. International Workshop on Mobility in the Evolving Internet Architecture, Kyoto, Japan.
- Wang, N., Griffin, D., Spencer, J., Griem, J., Rodriguez Sanchez, J., Boucadair, M., Mykoniati, E., Quoitin, B., Howarth, M., Pavlou, G., Elizondo, A., Garcia-Osma, M., & Georgatsos, P. (2007). "A Framework for Lightweight QoS Provisioning : Network Planes and Parallel Internets" [Paper presentation]. IFIP/IEEE Symposium on Integrated Network Management, Munich, Germany.
Scientific journals/Article
- de Launois, C., Quoitin, B., & Bonaventure, O. (2006). Leveraging Network Performancs with IPv6 Multihoming and Multiple Provider-Dependant Aggregatable Prefixes. "Computer Networks".
- Leduc, G., Abrahamsson, H., Balon, S., Bessler, S., D'Arienzo, M., Delcourt, O., Domingo-Pascual, J., Cerav-Erbas, S., Gojmerac, I., Masip, X., Pescapé, A., Quoitin, B., Romano, S. P., Salvadori, E., Skivée, F., Tran, H. T., Uhlig, S., & Umit, H. (2006). An Open Source Traffic Engineering Toolbox. "Computer Communications".
- Uhlig, S., Quoitin, B., Balon, S., & Lepropre, J. (2006). Providing public intradomain traffic ma- trices to the research community. "Computer Communications Review".
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal
- Cerav-Erbas, S., Delcourt, O., Fortz, B., & Quoitin, B. (2006). "The Interaction of IGP Weight Optimization with BGP" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Internet Surveillance and Protection (ICISP), Cap Esterel, Côte d'Azur, France.
Scientific journals/Article
- Quoitin, B., & Uhlig, S. (2005). Modeling the Routing of an Autonomous System with C-BGP. "IEEE Network".
- Quoitin, B., Pelsser, C., Bonaventure, O., & Uhlig, S. (2005). A Performance Evaluation of bgp- based Traffic Engineering. "International Journal of Network Management".
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal
- Quoitin, B. (2005). "Topology generation based on network design heuristics" [Paper presentation]. Conference on Emerging Network Experiment and Technology, Toulouse, France.
- Quoitin, B., & Tandel, S. (2005). "A BGP Solver for Hot-Potato Routing Sensitivity Analysis" [Paper presentation]. EUNICE Open European Summer School, Colmenarejo, Madrid, Spain.
- Quoitin, B., & Uhlig, S. (2005). "A Cooperative Approach to Interdomain Traffic Engineering" [Paper presentation]. Network of Excellence, Rome, Italy.
- Uhlig, S., & Quoitin, B. (2005). "Tweak-it : Bgp-based interdomain traffic engineering for transit ases" [Paper presentation]. Network of Excellence, Rome, Italy.
- Uhlig, S., Pelsser, C., Quoitin, B., & Bonaventure, O. (2005). "Vers des réflecteurs de routes plus intelligents" [Paper presentation]. Colloque Francophone sur l'Ingénierie des Protocoles, Bordeaux, France.
- de Launois, C., Quoitin, B., & Bonaventure, O. (2005). "Leveraging Network Performances with IPv6 Multihoming and Multiple Provider-Dependent Aggregatable Prefixes" [Paper presentation]. 3rd international workshop on QoS in multiservice IP networks (QoS-IP), Catania, Italy.
Scientific journals/Article
- Quoitin, B., Tandel, S., Uhlig, S., & Bonaventure, O. (2004). Interdomain Traffic Engineering with Redistribution Communities. "Computer Communications".
Parts of books/Contribution to collective works
- Bonaventure, O., Trimintzios, P., Pavlou, G., Quoitin, B., Azcorra, A., Bagnulo, M., Flegkas, P., Garcia-Martinez, A., Georgatsos, P., Georgiadis, L., Jacquenet, C., Swinnen, L., Tandel, S., & Uhlig, S. (2003). Internet Traffic Engineering. In "Quality of Future Internet Services, COST263 final report". Springer-Verlag.
Scientific journals/Article
- Quoitin, B., Uhlig, S., Pelsser, C., Swinnen, L., & Bonaventure, O. (2003). Interdomain Traffic Engineering with BGP. "IEEE Communications Magazine".
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal
- Uhlig, S., Bonaventure, O., & Quoitin, B. (2003). "Interdomain Traffic Engineering with Minimal BGP Configurations" [Paper presentation]. International Teletraffic Congress, Berlin, Germany.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal
- Quoitin, B., Uhlig, S., & Bonaventure, O. (2002). "Using redistribution communities for Inter- domain Traffic Engineering" [Paper presentation]. 3rd international conference on quality of future internet services (QoFIS), Zurich, Switzerland.