Number of publications : 84
    Scientific journals/Article
    • Durieux, M., Pouleur, J.-A., & Scoubeau, C. (13 April 2023). Une approche transdisciplinaire de la problématique de la mobilité scolaire à Mons (Belgique). "Enjeux et Société, 10" (1), 132-162.
    Dissertations and theses/Doctoral thesis
    • Durieux, M. (2023). "Analyse transdisciplinaire des problèmes de mobilité des élèves entre l’école et le domicile : Cas d’étude de la commune de Mons" [Doctoral thesis, Marianne Durieux]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.
    Scientific journals/Article
    • Durieux, M., Pouleur, J.-A., Scoubeau, C., & Waroux, T. (06 July 2022). De l’influence des écoles sur la mobilité d’une ville moyenne : le cas révélateur de la densité d’élèves sur la ville de Mons. "Belgeo: Revue Belge de Géographie, 1". doi:10.4000/belgeo.55325
    Reports/Internal report
    • Durieux, M., Simoens, P., Lago, N., Scoubeau, C., Pouleur, J.-A., Van Gyseghem, J.-M., Michel, A., & Gillard, N. (2022). "Smart City, participation citoyenne et mobilité : Fiches de recommandations pour optimiser l'utilisation des plateformes numériques de participation en Wallonie".
    Diverse speeches and writings/Article for a general audience
    • Durieux, M., Simoens, P., Lago, N., Scoubeau, C., & Pouleur, J.-A. (2022). Un guide de recommandations Participation citoyenne, préparé par Wal-e-Cities. "Régional-IT".
    Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal
    • Durieux, M., Pouleur, J.-A., Scoubeau, C., & Lago, N. (2021). "Citizen Participation exposed to digitals : The relationship between traditional and digital tools observed on three Belgian study field" [Paper presentation]. Hyperurbain 7 : Towards a Smart Social City | Vers une ville sociale intelligente|, Rio-de-Janeiro, Brazil.
    Diverse speeches and writings/Article for a general audience
    Diverse speeches and writings/Other
    • Durieux, M., & Scoubeau, C. (2021). "Atelier Université des Enfants à Mons (UDEM) : Comment me rendre de l'école à la maison ?"
    Scientific journals/Article
    • Pozniak, L., & Scoubeau, C. (15 July 2020). Quel investisseur êtes-vous ? Proposition de profils. "Revue Management et Avenir, 117", 83-102.
    Diverse speeches and writings/Other
    • Simoens, P., Durieux, M., Lago, N., Scoubeau, C., & Pouleur, J.-A. (2020). "Séminaire sur la participation citoyenne liée au cadre de vie : Vers une mobilité plus durable avec la Smart City".
    • Simoens, P., Durieux, M., Lago, N., Scoubeau, C., & Pouleur, J.-A. (2020). "Séminaire sur la participation citoyenne liée au cadre de vie : Vers une mobilité plus durable avec la Smart City".
    Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
    • Durieux, M., Pouleur, J.-A., Scoubeau, C., & Lago, N. (30 October 2019). "Citizen Participation exposed to digitals : The relationship between traditional and digital tools observed on three Belgian study field" [Paper presentation]. Hyperurbain 7 : Towards a Smart Social City | Vers une ville sociale intelligente|, Rio-de-Janeiro, Brazil.
    • Lago, N., Durieux, M., Pouleur, J.-A., Scoubeau, C., Elsen, C., & Clémentine, S. (01 August 2019). "Citizen Participation through Digital Platforms: the Challenging Question of Data Processing for Cities: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Smart Cities, Systems, Devices and Technologies" [Paper presentation]. SMART2019 The Eighth International Conference on Smart Cities, Systems, Devices and Technologies, Nice, France.
    • Scoubeau, C., Durieux, M., Lago, N., & Pouleur, J.-A. (06 March 2019). "Does Digital Citizen participation allow a better taking into account of the needs of the Citizens ?" [Paper presentation]. 10th International Symposium 'The emergence of the Smart City: stakes, challenges, practices and impacts for public governance', Esch-sur-Alzette/Belval, Luxembourg.
    Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal
    • Lago, N., Durieux, M., Pouleur, J.-A., Scoubeau, C., Elsen, C., & Clémentine, S. (2019). "Citizen Participation through Digital Platforms: the Challenging Question of Data Processing for Cities: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Smart Cities, Systems, Devices and Technologies" [Paper presentation]. SMART2019 The Eighth International Conference on Smart Cities, Systems, Devices and Technologies, Nice, France.
    Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster
    Reports/Internal report
    • Durieux, M., Lago, N., Pouleur, J.-A., Scoubeau, C., & Simoens, P. (2019). "Diagnostic de la gouvernance urbaine numérique à Mons et Tournai, Wal-e-cities".
    • Durieux, M., Ngambi, L., Waroux, T., Pouleur, J.-A., Simoens, P., & Scoubeau, C. (2019). "Etude de cartographies des données des déplacements des élèves domicile-écoles en Wallonie, Wal-e-cities".
    Scientific journals/Article
    Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
    • Durieux, M., Pouleur, J.-A., Scoubeau, C., Lago, N., & Simoens, P. (07 November 2018). "Séminaire Smart Governance 'La puissance des données au service des territoires' : Atelier Wal-e-cities : Contextualisation de la Smart City et présentation des premiers résultats de l'analyse de la plateforme" [Paper presentation]. Séminaire Smart Governance : La puissance des données au service du territoire, Gosselies, Belgium.
    Diverse speeches and writings/Article for a general audience
    • Scoubeau, C., & Pozniak, L. (2018). Identifiez votre profil d'investisseur. "La Libre Entreprise".
    Scientific journals/Article
    • Pozniak, L., & Scoubeau, C. (29 November 2017). Understanding Belgian Individual Investors: Complementarity of Qualitative and Quantitative Methodologies in a Grounded Theory Approach. "International Journal of Business Administration, 8" (7), 154-160. doi:10.5430/ijba.v8n7p154
    • Scoubeau, C., & Pozniak, L. (09 June 2017). Information research by individual investors : Evidence from Belgium. "Global Journal of Business Research, 11" (2), 79-89.
    Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
    • Scoubeau, C., & Pozniak, L. (05 December 2017). "Existe -t-il un profil d'investisseur individuel en Belgique ?" [Paper presentation]. Réunion du club des investisseurs Pactol, Bruxelles, Belgium.
    • Scoubeau, C., & Pozniak, L. (14 June 2017). "How to communicate with belgian private investors?" [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de recherche Trust Media, Bruxelles, Belgium.
    Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal
    • Pozniak, L., & Scoubeau, C. (2016). "Individual investors and Internet Financial Communication" [Paper presentation]. 81th International Atlantic Economic Conference, Lisbonne, Portugal.
    Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster
    • Scoubeau, C., & Pozniak, L. (18 May 2016). "La bourse, un jeu?" [Poster presentation]. 9ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs 2016 (MdC2016), Valenciennes, France.
    Scientific journals/Article
    • Scoubeau, C. (01 February 2015). To re-create life in the cities : the LICI project. "International Advances in Economic Research, 21" (1), 125_126.
    Diverse speeches and writings/Other
    • Scoubeau, C. (2015). "la marque 'je suis Charlie'".
    Scientific journals/Article
    • Scoubeau, C., & Balasse, A. (01 February 2014). Relational Strategies and Competitiveness. "International Advances in Economic Research, 20" (1), 115-116.
    Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
    • Scoubeau, C. (04 April 2014). "Urban Lifestyle Points and the lively cities project : a way to recreate life in the cities" [Paper presentation]. 77th International Atlantic Economic Conference, Madrid, Spain.
    Dissertations and theses/Doctoral thesis
    • Lago, N. (2014). "Développement d'une démarche d'urbanisme expérientiel : Aide à la conception d'espaces publics plus attractifs par l'amplification de leurs dimensions sensibles" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.
    Diverse speeches and writings/Article for a general audience
    • Scoubeau, C. (2014). le marketing au service de la ville. "La Libre".
    Diverse speeches and writings/Other
    • Scoubeau, C., & projet interreg IVB Lively CIties. (2014). "Lively Cities Toolbox".
    • Scoubeau, C., & Projet Interreg IV B Lively CIties. (2014). "Lively CIties Toolbox" (Scoubeau, C., ... projet interreg IVB Lively CIties, Trans.).
    • Scoubeau, C., & Projet Interreg IV B Lively CIties. (2014). "Lively Cities Toolbox" (Scoubeau, C., ... projet interreg IVB Lively CIties, Trans.).
    • Scoubeau, C. (2014). "impact des campagnes de communication des marques d'electroménager suite à la qualification des diables rouges".
    Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
    • Scoubeau, C. (20 September 2013). "partage de l'espace public et création du lien social" [Paper presentation]. 10ème journée d'études sur la consommation et le marketing méditerranéens, Marseille, France.
    • Scoubeau, C. (01 July 2013). "De la gestion centre-ville au Place Making" [Paper presentation]. 13ème rencontre sur la prospective des métiers : prospective des métiers de la ville de demain, Deauville, France.
    • Balasse, A., & Scoubeau, C. (04 April 2013). "Strategic alliances and performance in a belgian industriel context" [Paper presentation]. International Atlantic Economic Society, Vienne, Austria.
    Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal
    • Scoubeau, C., & Calonger, J.-L. (2013). "De la gestion centre-ville au Place Making" [Paper presentation]. 13ème rencontre sur la prospective des métiers : prospective des métiers de la ville de demain, Deauville, France.
    Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster
    • Scoubeau, C., & Calonger, J.-L. (12 March 2013). "recréer la vie en ville" [Poster presentation]. Matinée des chercheurs ( MDC'2013), Mons, Belgium.
    Dissertations and theses/Doctoral thesis
    • Pozniak, L. (2013). "Communication financière sur l'Internet. Le cas des Marchés non réglementés de Bruxelles" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.
    Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal
    • Scoubeau, C., & Calonger, J.-L. (2012). "How to develop an Urban Livestyle Point: or how to turn a non descript plublic space into the place to be" [Paper presentation]. International COnference Place Branding - special edition, Utrecht, Netherlands.
    Dissertations and theses/Doctoral thesis
    • Geerts, A. (2012). "Etude du comportement communicationnel en ligne des marques de luxe: Proposition d'une typologie" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.
    Scientific journals/Article
    • Scoubeau, C., & Calonger, J.-L. (2011). Comment créer du désir sur de petits espaces urbains ?: Urban Lifestyle Point (ULP). "Cahiers Nouveaux (Les)", (80), 65-73.
    • Scoubeau, C., Geerts, A., & Arnone, L. (01 March 2011). Event sponsoring as a communication tool to tribes : international brands versus consumer point of view. "Journal of Business and Economics, 2" (3), 198-208.
    Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster
    • Surin, C., Geerts, A., Arnone, L., & Scoubeau, C. (22 March 2011). "Perspective Triadique sur la Recherche en Marketing : Consommateurs, Marques et Entreprises" [Poster presentation]. 6ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs (MDC 2011), Mons, Belgium.
    Scientific journals/Article
    • Scoubeau, C., & Balasse, A. (01 December 2010). Approche multidimensionnelle des déterminants de la compétitivité en milieu industriel. "Revue Française de Gestion Industrielle, 29" (4), 7-30.
    Books/Book published as author, translator, etc.
    • Scoubeau, C. (2010). "Problématique du marketing des projets industriels". Editions Universitaires Européennes.
    E-prints, Working papers and Research blog/Working paper
    • Arnone, L., Geerts, A., & Scoubeau, C. (2010). "Vers un Modèle Pratique des Stratégies Internationales de Création de Communautés Virtuelle B-to-C". ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.
    Scientific journals/Article
    • Arnone, L., Geerts, A., & Scoubeau, C. (01 January 2009). Implementing Company-Managed Virtual Communities as a Relationship Marketing Tool a Decision System Analysis. "Journal of Customer Behaviour, 8" (1), 5-27.
    Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
    • Geerts, A., Arnone, L., & Scoubeau, C. (14 March 2009). "Event's Sponsoring as a Communication Tool to tribes : International Brands vs Consumer Point of View" [Paper presentation]. 67th International Atlantic Economic Conference, Rome, Italy.
    Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal
    • Arnone, L., Geerts, A., & Scoubeau, C. (2008). "How to Build Company-Managed Virtual Communities in Relationship Marketing Programs" [Paper presentation]. 16th International Colloquium in Relationship Marketing, Swansea, United Kingdom.
    E-prints, Working papers and Research blog/Working paper
    • Geerts, A., Scoubeau, C., & Arnone, L. (2008). "New Luxury : The Transposition of a US Consumption Trend in Belgium". ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.
    Scientific journals/Article
    • Beauloye, L., Bricman, C., Colmant, B., Heldenbergh, A., & Scoubeau, C. (2007). Communication financière : comment tourner une obligation en source d'opportunités ? "Finance Management", (12), 22-30.
    Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
    • Geerts, A., Scoubeau, C., & Arnone, L. (13 September 2007). "New Luxury : The Transposition of a US Consumption Trend in Belgium" [Paper presentation]. 3rd Annual Colloquium of the Academy of Marketing : Brand, Corporate Identity and Reputation, SIG, London, United Kingdom.
    Scientific journals/Article
    • Scoubeau, C., Heldenbergh, A., Arnone, L., & Croquet, M. (01 May 2006). Financial Communication by Belgian Banks and Insurance Companies during a Periode of Transition. "Corporate Communications, 11" (2), 174-188.
    Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
    • Arnone, L., Geerts, A., & Scoubeau, C. (05 January 2006). "Building and strengthening the link with consumer tribes : An analysis of the major Belgian outdoor tribal events" [Paper presentation]. 11th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications, Ljubliana, Unknown/unspecified.
    Scientific journals/Article
    • Heldenbergh, A., & Scoubeau, C. (01 May 2005). The Role of Financial Communication in Public Share Issues : an analysis of the Belgian Experience. "Corporate Communications, 10" (3), 189-200. doi:10.1108/13563280510614456
    Scientific journals/Article
    • Croquet, M., Arnone, L., Scoubeau, C., & Heldenbergh, A. (2004). Fusions bancaires : quelle communication financière. "Banque et Stratégie", (218), 35-39.
    Scientific journals/Article
    • Scoubeau, C., Heldenbergh, A., & Ponchau, C. (2003). De la nécessité d'une approche globale de communication financière dans le cas d'une opération d'introduction en bourse. "Revue Bancaire et Financière", (4), 237-242.
    • Scoubeau, C., Balasse, A., & Goczol, J. (01 March 2003). A qualitative approach of how belgian firms managers conceive competitiveness. "International Advances in Economic Research, 9" (1).
    • Scoubeau, C., & Goczol, J. (01 February 2003). Corporate communication and strategy in the field of projects. "Corporate Communications, 8" (1), 60-66.
    Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
    • Scoubeau, C., Heldenbergh, A., & Ponchau, C. (07 April 2003). "Some strategic aspects of financial communication in the case of public offering" [Paper presentation]. New Challenges for corporate and Marketing Communications, London, United Kingdom.
    Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal
    • Scoubeau, C., & Duckstein, C. (2003). "Les services offerts avant l'entrée à l'Université: information et orientation des futurs étudiants" [Paper presentation]. l'Accueil, l'Information et l'Orientation des Etudiants, Rabat, Morocco.
    • Scoubeau, C., & Duckstein, C. (2003). "Activités proposées dans le cadre des relations avec l'enseignement non universitaire" [Paper presentation]. l'Accueil, l'Information et l'Orientation des Etudiants, Rabat, Morocco.
    Scientific journals/Article
    • Scoubeau, C. (01 March 2002). A strategic approach to industrial construction firms in Belgium. "International journal for Construction Marketing, 3" (2), 31-41.
    Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
    • Scoubeau, C., & Goczol, J. (29 April 2002). "Main priorities in the field of industrial communication and behaviour: Some empirical results from a sample of Belgian Firms" [Paper presentation]. 7th international conference on corporate and marketing communications, Anvers, Belgium.
    • Goczol, J., Balasse, A., & Scoubeau, C. (31 January 2002). "Strategic Behavior and Key Factors of Success of Belgian Industrial Firms" [Paper presentation]. 53rd International Atlantic Economic Conference, Paris, France.
    Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
    • Scoubeau, C., & Goczol, J. (23 April 2001). "Corporate communication and strategy in the field of projects" [Paper presentation]. 6th international conference on corporate and marketint communication, Belfast, Ireland.
    Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal
    • Scoubeau, C. (2001). "Specific dimensions of projects marketing in the construciton industry" [Paper presentation]. 2nd international construction marketing conference, Leeds, United Kingdom.
    Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
    • Scoubeau, C. (01 September 2000). "Technological and relational positioning : the main dimensions of Belgian firms working on projects" [Paper presentation]. 16th Annual IMP Conference, Bath, United Kingdom.
    Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal
    • Scoubeau, C., & Couvreur, P. (2000). "Les approches multidimentionnelles au service de l'analyse du comportement d'entreprises travaillant sur projets industriels" [Paper presentation]. 2ème Colloque francophone sur les sondages, Bruxelles, Belgium.
    Scientific journals/Article
    • Scoubeau, C. (01 January 1999). How to select the best projects in the construction industry. "Advances in Business Marketing and Purchasing, 8", 131-135,230-234.
    Parts of books/Contribution to collective works
    • Scoubeau, C. (1998). Approches stratégiques du marketing des projets industriels. In I. Pannecoucke, W. Lahaye, J. Vranken, R. Van Rossem, I. Pannecoucke (Ed.), W. Lahaye (Ed.), J. Vranken (Ed.), ... R. Van Rossem (Ed.), "annuaire marketing" (pp. 114-127). Academia Press.
    Scientific journals/Article
    • Scoubeau, C. (01 November 1998). Relational network and information system of belgians firms. "International Advances in Economic Research, 4" (4), 448.
    • Scoubeau, C., Balasse, A., & Goczol, J. (01 February 1998). Strategies and industrial reality : experience from belgian firms. "International Advances in Economic Research, 4" (1), 96.
    • Goczol, J., Balasse, A., & Scoubeau, C. (1998). Stratégies et performances dans un contexte concurrentiel. "Gestion 2000".
    • Scoubeau, C., Balasse, A., & Goczol, J. (01 January 1998). Stratégies et performances : une enquête en milieu industriel. "Gestion 2000, 4", 117-137.
    Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
    • Balasse, A., Scoubeau, C., & Goczol, J. (31 January 1997). "Competitiveness, Corporate Strategies and Performance Within a Competitive Environment: Some Observations from a Sample of Belgian Industrial Firms" [Paper presentation]. 43rd International Atlantic Economic Conference, Londres, United Kingdom.
    Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal
    • Scoubeau, C. (1997). "The behaviour of some important belgian construction firms : how to succeed in obtaining contracts" [Paper presentation]. The 2nd National Construction Marketing Conférence, Oxford, United Kingdom.