Guillaume CAULIER
Number of publications : 171
Scientific journals/Article
- Lourtie, A., Eeckhaut, I., Caulier, G., Brasseur, L., Mallefet, J., & Delroisse, J. (December 2024). Exploring symbiont gene expression in two echinoid-associated shrimp species under host separation. "Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part D, Genomics and Proteomics, 52", 101327. doi:10.1016/j.cbd.2024.101327
- Khodja, I., Mezali, K., Savarino, P., GERBAUX, P., FLAMMANG, P., & CAULIER, G. (13 November 2024). Structural Characterization and Profiles of Saponins from Two Algerian Sea Cucumbers. "Molecules, 29" (22). doi:10.3390/molecules29225346
- LOURTIE, A., MUSSOI, L., Caulier, G., Isorez, M., Mahavory, H., Tolodraza, T., Engels, G., David, F., Eeckhaut, I., & Mallefet, J. (2024). Exploring the mimetic pigmentation of symbiotic shrimps associated with echinoderms. "Symbiosis". doi:10.1007/s13199-024-01018-x
- Bernardi, M., Hantson, A.-L., Caulier, G., Eyley, S., Thielemans, W., De Weireld, G., & Gossuin, Y. (September 2024). Ni2+ removal by ion exchange resins and activated carbon: a benchtop NMR study. "International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 21" (13), 8337 - 8360. doi:10.1007/s13762-024-05547-2
- Hixon, S. W., Fernandes, R., Andriamahaihavana, A., Baden, A. L., Blanco, M. B., CAULIER, G., Dammhahn, M., Eeckhaut, I., Eppley, T. M., Frédérich, B., Ganzhorn, J. U., Garbaras, A., Gibson, D., Goodman, S. M., Irwin, M., Kelley, E. A., Michel, L. N., Lepoint, G., Loudon, J. E., ... Crowley, B. E. (09 August 2024). Introducing IsoMad, a compilation of isotopic datasets for Madagascar. "Scientific Data, 11" (1), 857. doi:10.1038/s41597-024-03705-2
- FLANDROIT, A., Simon, L., & CAULIER, G. (25 May 2024). Description of Limb Anomalies Resulting from Molt Irregularities in Ammothea hilgendorfi (Pycnogonida: Ammotheidae). "Arthropoda, 2" (2), 156-168. doi:10.3390/arthropoda2020012
- Eeckhaut, I., Sturaro, N., Andriantsilonina, C., Rasolofonirina, R., Caulier, G., & Delroisse, J. (15 April 2024). Yields of embryos and larvae produced in a “large-scale” hatchery of Holothuria scabra comparing thermal shock and in vitro fertilization methods. "Aquaculture, 584", 740628. doi:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2024.740628
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
- Mussoi, L., Lourtie, A., Ver hoeye, K., Hédouin, L., Groignet, L., Gerbaux, P.* , & Caulier, G.*. (12 December 2024). "To bleach or not to bleach: The symbiotic question. Pigmentation changes and chemical investigation of Scleratinian ectosymbionts" [Paper presentation]. Belgium Zoology Congress, Mons, Belgium.
- Mussoi, L., Lourtie, A., Ver hoeye, K., Maire, J., Groignet, L., Laetitia, H., Gerbaux, P., & Caulier, G. (12 September 2024). "Chromatic Variations of Pocillopora acute Symbionts: Color changes and Chemical Investigation" [Paper presentation]. Centre Interuniversitaire de Biologie des Invertébrés Marins (CIBIM), Liège, Belgium.
- Flandroit, A., Simon, L., Eeckhaut, I., & Caulier, G. (September 2024). "Stronger together - Can gregariousness explain the first and only sea spider invasion in the world?" [Paper presentation]. Neobiota 2024 - 13th Conference on Biological Invasions, Lisbonne, Portugal.
- Flandroit, A., Simon, L., Eeckhaut, I., & Caulier, G. (15 May 2024). "United they stand: exploring the role of gregarious behavior in the success of the invasive sea spider Ammothea hilgendorfi" [Paper presentation]. 23rd International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster
- Mussoi, L., Lourtie, A., Lepoint, G., David, F., & Caulier, G. (06 March 2024). "Fusional marine hues: exploring the shared colors of the Zenopontonia soror shrimp and starfish" [Poster presentation]. VLIZ Marine Science Day, Ostende, Belgium.
- Flandroit, A., Simon, L., Decoux, B., Geerinckx, N., Eeckhaut, I., & Caulier, G. (2024). "An Unknown Alien: Characterization of the First Invasive Population of Sea Spiders" [Poster presentation]. ZOOLOGY 2024, Mons, Belgium.
Scientific conferences in universities or research centers/Scientific conference in universities or research centers
- Mussoi, L., Lourtie, A., & Caulier, G. (28 March 2024). "Plongée dans le monde coloré de deux crevettes symbiotiques du récifs de Tuléar" [Paper presentation]. Jeudi des océans, Tuléar, Madagascar.
Parts of books/Contribution to collective works
- Caulier, G., Jobson, S., Wambreuse, N., Borrello, L., Delroisse, J., Eeckhaut, I., Mercier, A., & Hamel, J.-F. (2023). Vibratile cells and hemocytes in sea cucumbers—Clarifications and new paradigms. In A. Mercier, J.-F. Hamel, A. Suhrbier D., ... C. Pearce M., "The World Of Sea Cucumbers" (pp. 403-411). London, United Kingdom: Elsevier-Academic Press. doi:10.1016/B978-0-323-95377-1.00024-2
- Eeckhaut, I., Mamike, L., & Caulier, G. (2023). Sea cucumbers and cheese making: Exploring the use of milk coagulant obtained from the digestive tract of Holothuria scabra. In "The World of Sea Cucumbers". Elsevier. doi:10.1016/b978-0-323-95377-1.00029-1
Scientific journals/Article
- Lourtie, A., Eeckhaut, I., Mallefet, J., Savarino, P., Isorez, M., Mussoi, L., Bischoff, H., Delroisse, J., Hédouin, L., Gerbaux, P., & Caulier, G. (04 August 2023). Species-specific metabolites mediate host selection and larval recruitment of the symbiotic seastar shrimp. "Scientific Reports, 13" (1), 12674. doi:10.1038/s41598-023-39527-2
- Caulier, G., Terrana, L., Jossart, Q., Eeckhaut, I., Préat, A., Motreuil, S., David, B., & De Ridder, C. (25 June 2023). Exploring chemical stimuli guiding the pea crab Dissodactylus primitivus towards its echinoid host Meoma ventricosa. "Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 566", 151922. doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2023.151922
- Claereboudt, E., Claereboudt, M. R., Savarino, P., Caulier, G., Gaumez, L., Deleu, M., Gerbaux, P., & Eeckhaut, I. (16 March 2023). A Distinct Saponin Profile Drives an Olfactory-Mediated Aggregation in the Aquacultivated Sea Cucumber Holothuria scabra. "Marine Drugs, 21" (3), 184. doi:10.3390/md21030184
- Wambreuse, N., Caulier, G., Eeckhaut, I., Borrello, L., Bureau, F., Fievez, L., & Delroisse, J. (2023). Morpho-functional Characterisation of Cœlomocytes in the Aquacultivated Sea Cucumber Holothuria Scabra: From Cell Diversity to Transcriptomic Immune Response. "SSRN Electronic Journal". doi:10.2139/ssrn.4658658
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
- Mussoi, L., Lourtie, A., David Frank, Lepoint, G., & Caulier, G. (20 October 2023). "Chromatic harmony in symbiosis: Acquisition and characterization of pigments in Zenopontonia soror, associated with Culcita novaeguineae" [Paper presentation]. European Echinoderms Conference, Lyon, France.
- Wambreuse, N., Bossiroy, E., Delroisse, J., Vanwinge, C., Eeckhaut, I., & Caulier, G. (17 October 2023). "Divergent functions between perivisceral and hydrovascular fluids under immunological stress in sea cucumbers (Holothuria forskali)" [Paper presentation]. 11th European Conference On Echinoderms, Lyon, France.
- Caulier, G., Lourtie, A., Gerbaux, P., Claereboudt, E., Flammang, P., & Eeckhaut, I. (17 October 2023). "Saponins: Multitasking Chemical Signatures in Asteroids and Holothuroids" [Paper presentation]. 11th European Conference on Echinoderms, Lyon, France.
- Mussoi, L., Lourtie, A., Hanitriniala Mahavory, Isorez Mathilde, & Caulier, G. (10 September 2023). "Mimetic Coloration In Four Symbiotic Shrimps: Color Changes and Histological Investigation" [Paper presentation]. CIBIM (Conference Interuniversitaire de Biologie des Invertébrés Marins), Tournai, Belgium.
- Lourtie, A., Mussoi, L., Caulier, G., Isorez, M., Eeckhaut, I., & Mallefet, J. (31 May 2023). "How does the host separation impact the coloration and the survivability of obligate symbiont" [Paper presentation]. Benelux Congress of Zoology, Leiden, Netherlands.
- Flandroit, A., Caulier, G., & Simon, L. (31 May 2023). "An Invasive Sea Spider: Investigating Population Dynamics and Gregarious Behaviour for Insights into its Thriving Success" [Paper presentation]. ZOOLOGY 2023, Leiden, Netherlands.
- Lourtie, A., Caulier, G., Mussoi, L., Isorez, M., Eeckhaut, I., & Mallefet, J. (2023). "Impact of host separation on the echinoderms obligate symbionts" [Paper presentation]. Echinoderms, Lyon, France.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster
- Mussoi, L., Lourtie, A., David, F., Lepoint, G., & Caulier, G. (May 2023). "Chromatic harmony in symbiosis: Acquisition and characterization of pigments in Zenopontonia soror associated with Culcita novaeguineae" [Poster presentation]. Biological congress of Zoology, Leiden, Netherlands.
- Flandroit, A., Caulier, G., & Simon, L. (May 2023). "An Invasive Sea Spider: Population Dynamics & Interaction with the Environment" [Poster presentation]. 11th International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions.
Scientific journals/Article
- Caulier, G., Lourtie, A., Brasseur, L., Mallefet, J., Gerbaux, P., Flammang, P., & Eeckhaut, I. (09 March 2022). Crinoid anthraquinones as kairomones allowing host selection for the symbiotic snapping shrimp Synalpheus stimpsonii. "Chemoecology, 32", 95-104. doi:10.1007/s00049-022-00368-6
- Savarino, P., Colson, E., Caulier, G., Eeckhaut, I., Flammang, P., & Gerbaux, P. (15 January 2022). Microwave-Assisted Desulfation of the Hemolytic Saponins Extracted from Holothuria scabra Viscera. "Molecules, 27" (2), 537.
Books/Book published as author, translator, etc.
- Hamel, J.-F., Eeckhaut, I., Conand, C., Sun, J., Caulier, G., & Mercier, A. (2022). "Global knowledge on the commercial sea cucumber Holothuria scabra". Elsevier. doi:10.1016/bs.amb.2022.04.001
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
- Wambreuse, N., Delroisse, J., Tagliatti, V., Eeckhaut, I., Borrello, L., & Caulier, G. (13 December 2022). "A multi-omics approach provides a deeper understanding of the immune response of sea cucumber coelomocytes to lipopolysaccharides" [Paper presentation]. Fourth Congress of the International Society of Fish and Shellfish immunology, Bodo, Norway. doi:10.1016/j.fsi.2022.10.042
- Caulier, G., Jobson, S., Wambreuse, N., Borrello, L., Delroisse, J., Eeckhaut, I., Mercier, A., & Hamel, J.-F. (04 October 2022). "From diseases to coelomocytes: the mysterious immune system of sea cucumbers" [Paper presentation]. Sea Cucumber Aquaculture : New Challenges, Concarneau, France.
- Wambreuse, N., Delroisse, J., Tagliatti, V., Eeckhaut, I., Laura, B., & Caulier, G. (04 October 2022). "How de sea cucumbers cope with bacterial infection? Let's bring coelomocytes into the world of omics" [Paper presentation]. Sea cucumber aquaculture: new challenges, Concarneau, France.
- Caulier, G., Hamel, J.-F., Hendrycks, E. A., Conlan, K., & Mercier, A. (23 September 2022). "Mutualistic relationship between the amphipod Stenula normanni (Stephensen, 1931) and the nephtheid coral Gersemia rubiformis (Ehrenberg, 1834)" [Paper presentation]. Benelux Congess of Zoology 2022, Kortrijk, Belgium.
- Lourtie, A., Caulier, G., Bischoff, H., Hédouin, L., Mallefet, J., & Eeckhaut, I. (23 September 2022). "Marine symbiotic association: may the host recognition be possible since the early stage of symbiont life?" [Paper presentation]. Benelux Congress of Zoology.
- Wambreuse, N., Delroisse, J., Tagliatti, V., Eeckhaut, I., Laura, B., & Caulier, G. (22 September 2022). "The complex immune system of sea cucumbers: a cell story" [Paper presentation]. Benelux Congress of Zoology 2022, Courtrai, Belgium.
- Wambreuse, N., Delroisse, J., Eeckhaut, I., Borrello, L., & Caulier, G. (28 April 2022). "Into the secrets of the coelomocytes – the immune system sentinels of the endangered sea cucumber Holothuria scabra" [Paper presentation]. Biodiversity in rapidly changing world, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
- Wambreuse, N., Delroisse, J., Tagliatti, V., Gabriele, S., Deridoux, A., Vanwinge, C., Ormenese, S., Eeckhaut, I., & Caulier, G. (2022). "Complex immune system of sea cucumbers - into the secrets of coelomocytes" [Paper presentation]. Zoology 2021, Kortrijk, Belgium.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster
- Wambreuse, N., Delroisse, J., Borrello laura, Eeckhaut, I., & Caulier, G. (2022). "Immunity of the endangered sea cucumber Holothuria scabra: a cell story" [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs 2022 (Mdc2022), Mons, Belgium.
Scientific journals/Article
- Cauchie, G., Delfau-Bonnet, G., Caulier, G., Hantson, A.-L., Renault, J.-H., & Gerbaux, P. (19 June 2021). Comprehensive lipid profiling of Microchloropsis gaditana by liquid chromatography - (tandem) mass spectrometry: Bead milling and extraction solvent effects. "Algal Research, 58".
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
- Lourtie, A., Caulier, G., Brasseur, L., Delroisse, J., Terrana, L., Gerbaux, P., Flammang, P., Mallefet, J., & Eeckhaut, I. (05 September 2021). "Anthraquinones produced by crinoids allow host selection for the symbiotic snapping shrimp Synalpheus stimpsoni" [Paper presentation]. International Society of Chemical Ecology.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster
- Lourtie, A., Delroisse, J., Caulier, G., Brasseur, L., Terrana, L., Mallefet, J., & Eeckhaut, I. (05 September 2021). "Does the chemical environment impact the survival of a host-specific symbiont? A transcriptomic approach of a 'host-separation syndrome'" [Poster presentation]. 36th annual meeting of the International Society of Chemical Ecology, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Scientific journals/Article
- Caulier, G., Hamel, J.-F., & Mercier, A. (2020). From coelomocytes to colored aggregates: cellular components and processes involved in the immune response of the holothuroid Cucumaria frondosa. "Biological Bulletin".
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster
- Michel, A., & Caulier, G. (11 December 2020). "The role of damselfishes in the coral-algal war" [Poster presentation]. Scientific Workshop training 2020, UMONS, Belgium.
- Marin, L., & Caulier, G. (11 December 2020). "Neuromasts, the top edge of technology" [Poster presentation]. Scientific Workshop training 2020, UMONS, Belgium.
- Savu, A., & Caulier, G. (11 December 2020). "When animals collabore with bacteria. Metabolism variations of chemosynthetic bacteria in deep-sea snails" [Poster presentation]. Scientific Workshop training 2020, UMONS, Belgium.
- Santerre, R., & Caulier, G. (12 November 2020). "A new method to improve stress resistance in endosymbiosis. Stress tolerance alteration in the freshwater cnidarian green hydra (Hydra viridissima) via symbiotic algae mutagenesis" [Poster presentation]. Scientific Workshop training 2020, UMONS, Belgium.
Dissertations and theses/Master’s dissertation
- Wambreuse, N., & Caulier, G. (2020). "Caractérisation fonctionnnelle des coelomocytes de l'holothurie Holothuria forskali Delle Chiaje, 1823 (Holothuroidea, Echinodermata) : une approche multidisciplinaire" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.
Diverse speeches and writings/Other
- Caulier, G., & Borello, L. (2020). "Article/interview publié sur le blog Daily Science. Tirer le portrait des amas cellulaires. :".
- Caulier, G. (2020). "28-05-2020 Conférence Youtube live sur la chaîne du MUMONS. Explorer l'invisible...en direct !".
- Caulier, G. (2020). "Interview par la radio Vivacité, annonce de la conférence youtube « Explorer l'invisible...en direct ! »".
- Caulier, G. (2020). "Conférence Youtube live sur la chaîne du MUMONS. Sciences ou fictions ? Les incroyables capacités Biologiques des organismes vivants".
- Caulier, G. (2020). "Conférence Youtube live sur la chaîne du MUMONS. Conférence-Quizz : Exploration de l'arbre de la vie. :".
Scientific journals/Article
- Jossart, Q., Terrana, L., De Ridder, C., Eeckhaut, I., Monteyne, D., & Caulier, G. (2019). To see or to smell: the role of vision in host-recognition by an ectoparasitic crab. "Symbiosis".
- Colson, E., Decroo, C., Cooper-Sgepherd, D., Caulier, G., Henoumont, C., Laurent, S., De Winter, J., Flammang, P., Palmer, M., Claereboudt, J., & Gerbaux, P. (26 August 2019). Discrimination of Regioisomeric and Stereoisomeric Saponins from Aesculus hippocestanum Seeds dy Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry. "Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 30" (11), 2228-2237. doi:10.1007/s13361-019-02310-7
- Claereboudt, E., Caulier, G., Decroo, C., Colson, E., Gerbaux, P., Claereboudt, M., Schaller, H., Flammang, P., Deleu, M., & Eeckhaut, I. (13 June 2019). Triterpenoids in echinoderms: Fundamental differences in diversity and biosynthetic pathways. "Marine Drugs, 17" (352). doi:10.3390/md17060352
- Decroo, C., Colson, E., Caulier, G., De Winter, J., Cabrera, G., Cornil, J., Flammang, P., & Gerbaux, P. (2019). Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry of Saponin Ions. "Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry", 1-12. doi:10.1002/rcm.8193
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
- Caulier, G., Hamel, J.-F., Montgomery, E., Gianasi, B., Sun, J., Ferguson-Roberts, J., & Mercier, A. (10 March 2019). "Exploring the sea cucumber Cucumaria frondosa as an emerging aquaculture candidate: the good and the bad" [Paper presentation]. WAS Aquaculture 2019, New Orleans, United States - Louisiana.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster
- Corte-Real, N., & Caulier, G. (13 December 2019). "Seaweeds for breast cancer. Polyphenol-rich Eucheuma cottonii extract suppresses breast tumour via hormone modulation and apoptosis induction" [Poster presentation]. Scientific Workshop Training 2019, Mons, Belgium.
- Grassi, S., & Caulier, G. (13 December 2019). "The future of oyster farming in a changing world. Factors that influence the motility and the speed of oyster spermatozoa" [Poster presentation]. Scientific Workshop Training 2019, Mons, Belgium.
- Caulier, G., Hamel, J.-F., & Mercier, A. (10 March 2019). "Role of coelomocyte aggregates in the commercial sea cucumber Cucumaria frondosa and possible use in the context of aquaculture" [Poster presentation]. WAS Aquaculture 2019, New Orleans, United States - Louisiana.
Diverse speeches and writings/Article for a general audience
- Caulier, G. (2019). Vivre dans le Noir. "Québec Sciences".
Scientific journals/Article
- Brasseur, L., Caulier, G., Lepoint, G., Gerbaux, P., & Eeckhaut, I. (07 November 2018). Echinometra mathaei and its ectocommensal shrimps: the role of sea urchin spinochrome pigments in the symbiotic association. "Scientific Reports, 8", 17450. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-36079-8
- Brasseur, L., Caulier, G., Flammang, P., Gerbaux, P., & Eeckhaut, I. (03 September 2018). Mapping of spinochromes in the body of three tropical shallow water sea urchins. "Natural Product Communications, 13" (12), 1659-1665.
- Brasseur, L., Demeyer, M., Decroo, C., Caulier, G., Flammang, P., Gerbaux, P., & Eeckhaut, I. (22 August 2018). Identification and quantification of spinochromes in body compartments of Echinometra mathaei's coloured types. "Royal Society Open Science, 5".
- Vanderplanck, M., Declèves, S., Roger, N., Decroo, C., Caulier, G., Glauser, G., Gerbaux, P., Lognay, G., Richelle, A., Escaravage, N., & Michez, D. (01 January 2018). Is non-host pollen suitable for generalist bumblebees? "Insect Science, 25", 259-272.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
- Caulier, G., Hamel, J.-F., Montgomery, E., Gianasi, B., Sun, J., & Mercier, A. (15 October 2018). "Exploring the Attributes of Sea Cucumber (Cucumaria frondosa) for Aquaculture" [Paper presentation]. Ocean First institute Conference, St John's, Canada.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster
- Caulier, G., Hamel, J.-F., & Mercier, A. (15 October 2018). "On the Role of the Mysterious 'Brown Bodies' in the Sea Cucumber (Cucumaria frondosa)" [Poster presentation]. Ocean First institute Conference, St John's, Canada.
- Caulier, G., Claereboudt, E., Flammang, P., Gerbaux, P., & Eeckhaut, I. (28 May 2018). "SNIFFING OUT DISEASE: ULCERATED HOLOTHUROIDS INDUCE DIFFERENT CHEMOTAXIS BEHAVIORS IN SYMBIOTIC AND PREDATORY CRABS" [Poster presentation]. 16th International Echinoderm Conference, Nagoya , Unknown/unspecified.
- Colson, E., Gerbaux, P., Flammang, P., Cornil, J., Caulier, G., & Decroo, C. (24 January 2018). "Characterisation and Antifungal activity from saponin extract" [Poster presentation]. HTC 15-15th International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Separation Technology, Cardiff, United Kingdom.
Diverse speeches and writings/Other
- Caulier, G. (2018). "Interview par la radio CBC (Terre-Neuve, Canada). 'NL, the Broadcast'".
- Caulier, G. (2018). "Interview dans le magazine LUMONS-élément n°30. « Guillaume Caulier, Chercheur-bourlingueur en Biologie Marine »".
Scientific journals/Article
- Brasseur, L., Hennebert, E., Fievez, L., Caulier, G., Bureau, F., Tafforeau, L., Flammang, P., Gerbaux, P., & Eeckhaut, I. (16 June 2017). The Roles of Spinochromes in Four Shallow Water Tropical Sea Urchins and Their Potential as Bioactive Pharmacological Agents. "Marine Drugs, 15" (6), 179.
- Decroo, C., Colson, E., Demeyer, M., Lemaur, V., Caulier, G., Eeckhaut, I., Cornil, J., Flammang, P., & Gerbaux, P. (02 June 2017). Tackling saponin diversity in marine animals by mass spectrometry: data acquisition and integration. "Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 409", 3115-3126.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
- Caulier, G., Eeckhaut, I., & Flammang, P. (14 December 2017). "Chemical communication under the sea: how marine symbionts recognize each other?" [Paper presentation]. Séminaire 'Biodiversity Research', Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium.
- Decroo, C., Caulier, G., De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., Flammang, P., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (07 May 2017). "Ion mobility mass spectrometry of saponins: from ion conformation to molecule structure" [Paper presentation]. 35th informal meeting on mass spectrometry, Aussois , Unknown/unspecified.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster
- Colson, E., Decroo, C., Caulier, G., Cornil, J., Flammang, P., & Gerbaux, P. (23 June 2017). "Tackling the saponin diversity in marine animals by mass spectrometry : Data acquisition and integration" [Poster presentation]. Phytoday, Reims, France.
- Decroo, C., Caulier, G., De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., Flammang, P., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (23 June 2017). "Ion mobility mass spectrometry of saponins: from ion conformation to molecule structure" [Poster presentation]. Phytoday, Reims, France.
- Colson, E., Decroo, C., Caulier, G., Cornil, J., Flammang, P., & Gerbaux, P. (11 May 2017). "Tackling the saponin diversity in marine animals by mass spectrometry : Data acquisition and integration" [Poster presentation]. 35th informal meeting on mass spectrometry, Aussois , Unknown/unspecified.
- Decroo, C., Caulier, G., De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., Flammang, P., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (08 February 2017). "Ion mobility mass spectrometry of saponins: from ion conformation to molecule structure" [Poster presentation]. BSMS Annual Meeting 2017, Leuven, Belgium.
- Colson, E., Decroo, C., Caulier, G., Cornil, J., Flammang, P., & Gerbaux, P. (08 February 2017). "Tackling the saponin diversity in marine animals by mass spectrometry : Data acquisition and integration" [Poster presentation]. BSMS Annual Meeting 2017, Leuven, Belgium.
Dissertations and theses/Master’s dissertation
- Claereboudt, E. (2017). "Chemical defenses in sea cucumbers: Saponins Vs. lipid membranes, Masters thesis" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.
Diverse speeches and writings/Article for a general audience
- L'avenir (Presse), & Caulier, G. (2017). "L'UMons envoie sept jeunes défendre les couleurs belges en robotique aux Etats-Unis".
- La Nouvelle Gazette (Presse), & Caulier, G. (2017). "UMONS : nos as de la robotique à Washington".
- Fabienne, V., & Caulier, G. (2017). "Le concombre de mer, le droit des déchets et le corps du musicien. : Intervention à la radio (La Première) rediffusée sur le site de la RTBF (Auvio) dans l'émission « Les éclaireurs »".
- Caulier, G., & Saintghislain, V. (2017). "Quoi de neuf docteur ?"
Diverse speeches and writings/Other
- Caulier, G., Dumenil, M., & Saintghislain, V. (2017). "Un robot made in Belgium à Washington !"
- Vivacité (Radio), & Caulier, G. (2017). "Interview à la radio (Vivacité) dans l'émission « Quoi de neuf ? » : Feedback de la compétition First Global Challenge à Washington".
- RTBF info, & Caulier, G. (2017). "Un robot pour sensibiliser les jeunes au manque d'eau potable :".
- Caulier, G., & Bonneel, M. (2017). "Création d'un Audioguide de visite d'une exposition d'anatomie comparée des Vertébrés (Muséum de zoologie de l'ULB) : Dans le cadre de travaux pratiques (Master II : Anatomie Comparée des Vertébrés)".
- RTL-TVI, & Caulier, G. (2017). "Les capacités étonnantes des animaux : Intervention télévisée à RTL TVI dans l'émission « Tout s'explique »".
Scientific journals/Article
- Caulier, G., Mezali, K., Soualili, D., Decroo, C., Demeyer, M., Eeckhaut, I., Gerbaux, P., & Flammang, P. (01 July 2016). Chemical characterization of saponins contained in the body wall and the Cuvierian tubules of the sea cucumber Holothuria (Platyperona) sanctori (Delle Chiaje, 1823). "Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 68", 119-127. doi:10.1016/j.bse.2016.06.005
- Brasseur, L., Parmentier, E., Caulier, G., Vanderplanck, M., Michez, D., Flammang, P., Gerbaux, P., Lognay, G., & Eeckhaut, I. (04 May 2016). Mechanisms involved in pearlfish resistance to holothuroid toxins. "Marine Biology, 163", 129. doi:10.1007/s00227-016-2901-3
- De Bruyn, C., David, B., Motreuil, S., Caulier, G., Jossart, Q., Rigaud, T., & De Ridder, C. (21 March 2016). Should I stay or should I go? Causes and dynamics of host desertion by a parasitic crab living on echinoids. "Marine Ecology. Progress Series, 546", 163-171.
- Terrana, L., Caulier, G., Todinanahary, G., Lepoint, G., & Eeckhaut, I. (2016). Characteristics of the infestation of Seriatopora corals by the coral gall crab Hapalocarcinus marsupialis Stimpson, 1859 on the Great Reef of Toliara, Madagascar. "Symbiosis".
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
- Decroo, C., Caulier, G., De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., Flammang, P., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (28 November 2016). "Structural characterization of Echinoderm saponins by Hyphenated Mass Spectrometry techniques and computational chemistry" [Paper presentation]. Biological and bio-inspired adhesion meeting, Research Institute for Biosciences, UMONS, Belgium.
- Caulier, G., Lepoint, G., Terrana, L., Flammang, P., & Eeckhaut, I. (22 August 2016). "Use of stable isotopes to characterize symbiotic associations" [Paper presentation]. JOINT EUROPEAN STABLE ISOTOPES USER group MEETING, Ghent, Belgium.
- Decroo, C., Caulier, G., De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., Flammang, P., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (17 April 2016). "Ion mobility mass spectrometry of saponins: from ion conformation to molecule structure" [Paper presentation]. NVMS/BSMS International Congress on Mass Spectrometry, Rolduc, Netherlands.
- Decroo, C., Caulier, G., De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., Flammang, P., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (13 April 2016). "Ion mobility mass spectrometry of saponins: from ion conformation to molecule structure" [Paper presentation]. CIBIM, Mons, Belgium.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster
- Colson, E., Decroo, C., Caulier, G., Cornil, J., Flammang, P., & Gerbaux, P. (28 November 2016). "tackling the saponin diversity in marine animals by mass spectrometry: data acquisition and integration" [Poster presentation]. Biological and bio-inspired adhesion meeting, Research Institute for Biosciences, UMONS, Belgium.
- Decroo, C., Caulier, G., De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., Flammang, P., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (20 August 2016). "Ion mobility mass spectrometry of saponins: from ion conformation to molecule structure" [Poster presentation]. 21st International Mass Spectrometry Conference, Torronto, Canada.
- Colson, E., Decroo, C., Caulier, G., Cornil, J., Flammang, P., & Gerbaux, P. (13 August 2016). "tackling the saponin diversity in marine animals by mass spectrometry: data acquisition and integration" [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of SRC 2016, Liège, Belgium.
- Caulier, G., Eeckhaut, I., & Flammang, P. (18 May 2016). "Le rôle de la communication chimique dans la reconnaissance hôte-symbiote" [Poster presentation]. 9ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs 2016 (MdC2016), Valenciennes, France.
- Decroo, C., Caulier, G., De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., Flammang, P., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (15 May 2016). "Ion mobility mass spectrometry of saponins: from ion conformation to molecule structure" [Poster presentation]. IMMS 2016, Fiera Di Primiero, Italy.
- Decroo, C., Caulier, G., De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., Flammang, P., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (17 April 2016). "Ion mobility mass spectrometry of saponins: from ion conformation to molecule structure" [Poster presentation]. NVMS/BSMS International Congress on Mass Spectrometry, Rolduc, Netherlands.
Dissertations and theses/Doctoral thesis
- Caulier, G., Eeckhaut, I., & Flammang, P. (2016). "Chemical Communication in Marine Symbioses: Characterization of the kairomones in two crustacean-echinoderm association models" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.
Diverse speeches and writings/Other
- Caulier, G., & Delroisse, J. (2016). "'Finding Dory' vu par deux biologistes marins".
Scientific journals/Article
- Demeyer, M., Wisztorski, M., Decroo, C., De Winter, J., Caulier, G., Hennebert, E., Eeckhaut, I., Fournier, I., Flammang, P., & Gerbaux, P. (10 September 2015). Inter- and intra-organ spatial distributions of sea star saponins by MALDI imaging. "Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 407", 8813-8824.
- Eeckhaut, I., Caulier, G., Brasseur, L., Flammang, P., Gerbaux, P., & Parmentier, E. (25 June 2015). Effects of Holothuroid Ichtyotoxic Saponins on the Gills of Free-Living Fishes and Symbiotic Pearlfishes. "Biological Bulletin, 228", 253-265.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
- Decroo, C., Demeyer, M., Caulier, G., De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., Flammang, P., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (18 September 2015). "Ion mobility as a promising tool to definitively access the molecular structure of saponins" [Paper presentation]. BSMS VUB, Bruxelles, Belgium.
- Caulier, G., & Eeckhaut, I. (22 June 2015). "Socio-ecological aquaculture : development of sea cucumber aquaculture" [Paper presentation]. Exposition Universelle 2015, Milano, Italy.
- Brasseur, L., Caulier, G., Demeyer, M., Gerbaux, P., & Eeckhaut, I. (25 May 2015). "Spinochromes - Kairomones involved in the symbiosis between the shrimp Tuleariocaris holthuisi and the sea urchin Echinometra mathaei" [Paper presentation]. 15th International Echinoderm Conference, Playa del Carmen, Mexico.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster
- Decroo, C., Caulier, G., De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., Flammang, P., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (08 October 2015). "Ion mobility mass spectrometry of saponins: from ion conformation to molecule structure" [Poster presentation]. Journée scientifique annuelle de la SRC sur 'Chimie aux interfaces', Bruxelles, Belgium.
- Decroo, C., Demeyer, M., Caulier, G., De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., Flammang, P., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (18 September 2015). "Ion mobility as a promising tool to definitively access the molecular structure of saponins" [Poster presentation]. BSMS VUB, Bruxelles, Belgium.
- Demeyer, M., Hennebert, E., Caulier, G., De Winter, J., Wisztorski, M., Fournier, I., Eeckhaut, I., Flammang, P., & Gerbaux, P. (31 May 2015). "MALDI Imaging as an efficient tool to assess the biological roles of saponins in the sea star Asterias rubens" [Poster presentation]. American Society for Mass Spectrometry, St Louis, United States.
- Caulier, G., Brasseur, L., Flammang, P., & Eeckhaut, I. (29 May 2015). "Behavioral chemical induction experiments in two crustacean-echinoderm model symbioses" [Poster presentation]. 15th International Echinoderm Conference, Playa del Carmen, Mexico.
- Decroo, C., Demeyer, M., Caulier, G., De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., Flammang, P., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (10 May 2015). "Ion mobility as a promising tool to definitively access the molecular structure of saponins" [Poster presentation]. 33rd informal meeting on mass spectrometry, Szczyrk, Poland.
- Demeyer, M., Hennebert, E., Caulier, G., De Winter, J., Wisztorski, M., Fournier, I., Eeckhaut, I., Flammang, P., & Gerbaux, P. (10 May 2015). "MALDI Imaging as an efficient tool to assess the biological roles of saponins in the sea star Asterias rubens" [Poster presentation]. 33rd informal meeting on mass spectrometry, Szczyrk, Poland.
- Brasseur, L., Caulier, G., Terrana, L., & Preat, N. (18 March 2015). "Plongée à Madagascar" [Poster presentation]. Campus Plein Sud, UMONS, Belgium.
- Brasseur, L., Caulier, G., Demeyer, M., Gerbaux, P., & Eeckhaut, I. (10 March 2015). "Spinochromes - Kairomones involved in the symbiosis between the shrimp Tuleariocaris holthuisi and the sea urchin Echinometra mathaei" [Poster presentation]. 8ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs 2015 (MdC2015), Mons, Belgium.
- Decroo, C., Demeyer, M., Caulier, G., De Winter, J., Flammang, P., & Gerbaux, P. (10 March 2015). "Mass spectrometry study of saponins from Holothuriafoskali: structural molecular diversity and inter-organ distribution" [Poster presentation]. Matinées des chercheurs Umonspolytech, Mons, Belgium.
- Caulier, G., Flammang, P., Gerbaux, P., & Eeckhaut, I. (10 March 2015). "Sentir un hôte malade" [Poster presentation]. 8ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs 2015 (MdC2015), Mons, Belgium.
Computer developments/Other
- Caulier, G., Eeckhaut, I., & Flammang, P. (2015). "Actualités UMONS: « Perspectives de collaborations marines entre l'UMONS et Shangai »".
- Caulier, G., & Eeckhaut, I. (2015). "Actualités UMONS : « L'UMONS a l'expo universelle de Milan pour parler 'nourritures de demain' »".
- Caulier, G. (2015). "Actualités UMONS: « Deux chercheurs de l'UMONS à la finale interuniversitaire 'Ma Thèse en 180 secondes' »".
Diverse speeches and writings/Article for a general audience
- Caulier, G., & Eeckhaut, I. (2015). "Magazine WAW n°29 (Milano 2015) : « Les holothuries, cibles des gourmets chinois et des chercheurs montois »".
- Caulier, G., Demeuldre, M., Terrana, L., Brasseur, L., Todinanahary, G., Tsiresy, G., & Eeckhaut, I. (2015). "L' UMONS n°18: 'Recherches marines croisées entre Mons et Madagascar'".
Diverse speeches and writings/Other
- Caulier, G., & Eeckhaut, I. (2015). "Blog du PASS: 'Le concombre de mer, porteur de grandes espérances' :".
- Caulier, G., & Eeckhaut, I. (2015). "Diffusion du Documentaire Scabra: aquaculture d'holothuries à Madagascar".
- Caulier, G. (2015). "Diffusion RTBF 3 MT180 :La communication chimique; quand les odeurs permettent aux animaux de collaborer. MT".
- Caulier, G. (2015). "Finale inter-universitaire 'Ma thèse en 180s': La communication chimique; quand les odeurs permettent aux animaux de collaborer".
- Caulier, G. (2015). "Finale UMONS 'Ma thèse en 180s': La communication chimique; quand les odeurs permettent aux animaux de collaborer.La communication chimique; quand les odeurs permettent aux animaux de collaborer".
Scientific journals/Article
- Caulier, G., Lepoint, G., Van Nedervelde, F., & Eeckhaut, I. (15 March 2014). The diet of the Harlequin crab Lissocarcinus orbicularis, an obligate symbiont of sea cucumbers (holothuroids) belonging to the genera Thelenota, Bohadschia and Holothuria. "Symbiosis, 62" (2), 91-99.
- Demeyer, M., De Winter, J., Caulier, G., Eeckhaut, I., Flammang, P., & Gerbaux, P. (01 January 2014). Molecular diversity and body distribution of saponins in the sea star Asterias rubens by mass spectrometry. "Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part B, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 168" (February 2014), 1-11.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
- Caulier, G., Flammang, P., Gerbaux, P., & Eeckhaut, I. (13 December 2014). "Comparison of the behavioral patterns of a symbiotic and a predatory crab chemically detecting diseased Holothuroids" [Paper presentation]. 21st Benelux Congress of Zoology, Liège, Belgium.
- Terrana, L., Caulier, G., Lepoint, G., Todinanahary, G., & Eeckhaut, I. (12 December 2014). "Symbiosis between the coral gall crab Hapalocarcinus marsupialis (Decapoda: Cryptochiridae) and the stony coral Seriatopora hystrix (Hexacorallia: Scleractinia) within the Great Reef of Toliara, Madagascar" [Paper presentation]. 21st Benelux Congress of Zoology, Liège, Belgium.
- Demeyer, M., Hennebert, E., Caulier, G., De Winter, J., Wisztorski, M., Fournier, I., Eeckhaut, I., Flammang, P., & Gerbaux, P. (14 May 2014). "Molecular Diversity and Body Distribution of Saponins in the Sea Star Asterias rubens by Mass Spectrometry" [Paper presentation]. 32nd Informal meeting on Mass Spectrometry, Balatonszarszo, Hungary.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster
- Caulier, G., Flammang, P., Gerbaux, P., & Eeckhaut, I. (16 December 2014). "Comparison of the behavioral patterns of a symbiotic and a predatory crab chemically detecting diseased Holothuroids" [Poster presentation]. Young Researchers Overseas' Day, Bruxelles, Belgium.
- Decroo, C., Demeyer, M., Caulier, G., De Winter, J., Flammang, P., & Gerbaux, P. (07 November 2014). "Mass spectrometry study of saponins from Holothuriafoskali: structural molecular diversity and inter-organ distribution" [Poster presentation]. GSK Annual Meeting of BSMS, Wavre, Belgium.
- Decroo, C., Demeyer, M., Caulier, G., De Winter, J., Flammang, P., & Gerbaux, P. (07 November 2014). "Mass spectrometry study of saponins from Holothuria foskali : structural molecular diversity and inter-organ distribution" [Poster presentation]. GSK Annual Meeting of BSMS, Wavre, Belgium.
- Demeyer, M., Hennebert, E., Caulier, G., De Winter, J., Wisztorski, M., Fournier, I., Eeckhaut, I., Flammang, P., & Gerbaux, P. (07 November 2014). "MALDI Imaging as an efficient tool to assess the biological roles of saponins in the sea star Asterias rubens" [Poster presentation]. GSK Annual Meeting of BSMS, Wavre, Belgium.
- Decroo, C., Demeyer, M., Caulier, G., De Winter, J., Flammang, P., & Gerbaux, P. (09 October 2014). "Mass spectrometry study of saponins from Holothuria foskali : structural molecular diversity and inter-organ distribution" [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of SRC, Namur, Belgium.
- Decroo, C., Demeyer, M., Caulier, G., De Winter, J., Flammang, P., & Gerbaux, P. (09 October 2014). "Mass spectrometry study of saponins from Holothuriafoskali: structural molecular diversity and inter-organ distribution" [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of SRC, Namur, Belgium.
- Demeyer, M., Hennebert, E., Caulier, G., De Winter, J., Wisztorski, M., Fournier, I., Eeckhaut, I., Flammang, P., & Gerbaux, P. (24 August 2014). "MALDI Imaging as an efficient tool to assess the biological roles of saponins in the sea star Asterias rubens" [Poster presentation]. 20th International Mass Spectrometry Conference, Geneva, Switzerland.
- Demeyer, M., Hennebert, E., Caulier, G., De Winter, J., Wisztorski, M., Fournier, I., Eeckhaut, I., Flammang, P., & Gerbaux, P. (13 April 2014). "Molecular Diversity and Body Distribution of Saponins in the Sea Star Asterias rubens by Mass Spectrometry" [Poster presentation]. NVMS Meeting, Rolduc, Netherlands.
Dissertations and theses/Master’s dissertation
- Terrana, L., Caulier, G., & Eeckhaut, I. (2014). "Biologie du crabe marsupial Hapalocarcinus marsupialis Stimpson, 1859 (Cryptochiridae), parasite de coraux scléractiniaires" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.
Diverse speeches and writings/Article for a general audience
- Brasero Et Martin, N., Caulier, G., Delroisse, J., & Lecocq, T. (2014). L'arbre de la vie poussera à Mons. "Element n°10".
Scientific journals/Article
- Caulier, G., Flammang, P., Rakotoarisoa, P., Gerbaux, P., Demeyer, M., & Eeckhaut, I. (01 October 2013). Preservation of bioactive saponins through the preparation of trepang. "Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 54", 685-690.
- Caulier, G., Flammang, P., Gerbaux, P., & Eeckhaut, I. (12 September 2013). When a repellent becomes an attractant: harmful saponins are kairomones attracting the symbiotic Harlequin crab. "Scientific Reports, 3" (2639), 1-5. doi:10.1038/srep02639
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
- Demeyer, M., De Winter, J., Caulier, G., Eeckhaut, I., Fournier, I., Wisztorski, M., Flammang, P., & Gerbaux, P. (15 November 2013). "Molecular Diversity and Body Distribution of Saponins in the Sea Star Asterias rubens by Mass Spectrometry: /" [Paper presentation]. école doctorale EDT CHIM, Namur, Belgium.
- Caulier, G., Flammang, P., Gerbaux, P., & Eeckhaut, I. (22 August 2013). "Comparison of the chemical communication allowing host selection in two marine symbioses which associate crustaceans with echinoderms" [Paper presentation]. International Chemical Ecology Conference, Melbourne , Australia.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster
- Demeyer, M., Caulier, G., De Winter, J., Wisztorski, M., Fournier, I., Eeckhaut, I., Flammang, P., & Gerbaux, P. (10 October 2013). "Molecular Diversity and Body Distribution of Saponins in the Sea Star Asteriasrubens by Mass Spectrometry" [Poster presentation]. Journée annuelle de la SRC, 'La catalyse hétérogène, science et outil de la chimie moderne', Mons, Belgium.
Diverse speeches and writings/Other
- Wauters, A., Lancelot, C., Vancutsem, K., De La Kethulle De Ryhove, L., Devalckeneer, A., Guyot, C., Caulier, G., & Delroisse, J. (2013). "La nuit européenne des chercheurs 2013 : Bar à cocktails moléculaires".
Scientific journals/Article
- Caulier, G., Parmentier, E., Lepoint, G., Van Nedervelde, F., & Eeckhaut, I. (15 December 2012). Characterization of the population of the Arlequin crab, Lissocarcinus orbicularis Dana, 1852, an obligate symbiont of holothuroids, in Toliara bay (Madagascar): Echinoderm Research 2010: Proceedings of the Seventh European Conference on Echinoderms,Göttingen, Germany, 2-9 October 2010. "Zoosymposia, 7", 177-183.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
- Caulier, G., Flammang, P., Gerbaux, P., & Eeckhaut, I. (21 October 2012). "The ability to recognize diseased host by smell ; Symbiotic harlequin crabs chemically detect and avoid their sea cucumber hosts when they suffer from skin ulceration disease" [Paper presentation]. 19th Benelux Congress of Zoology, Brussels, Belgium.
- Caulier, G., Van Nedervelde, F., Lepoint, G., & Eeckhaut, I. (23 August 2012). "Feeding preferences of the Arlequin crab, Lissocarcinus orbicularis (Dana, 1852), an obligate symbiont of holothurians" [Paper presentation]. 14th International Echinoderm Conference, Brussels, Belgium.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster
- Caulier, G., Flammang, P., & Eeckhaut, I. (20 October 2012). "Chemical induction experiments in two crustacean-echinoderm model symbioses" [Poster presentation]. 19th Benelux Congress of Zoology, Brussels, Belgium.
- Caulier, G., Flammang, P., Gerbaux, P., & Eeckhaut, I. (21 August 2012). "Preservation of bioactive saponins through the preparation of trepang" [Poster presentation]. 14th International Echinoderm Conference, Brussels, Belgium.
- Caulier, G., Flammang, P., & Eeckhaut, I. (23 July 2012). "'Diagnosing' disease by smell: the symbiotic harlequin crab is able to chemically detect if its sea cucumber host is infected by skin ulceration disease" [Poster presentation]. International Society of Chemical Ecology, 28th annual meeting, Vilnius, Lithuania.
- Caulier, G., Flammang, P., & Eeckhaut, I. (25 June 2012). "When a repellent becomes an attractant: antifeedant quinones are the potential kairomones that maintain the symbiosis between the snapping shrimp Synalpheus stimpsoni and their crinoid hosts" [Poster presentation]. International Society of Chemical Ecology, 28th annual meeting, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Diverse speeches and writings/Other
- Brasero Et Martin, N., Caulier, G., & Delroisse, J. (2012). "Plongez dans votre aquarium!"
Scientific journals/Article
- Van Dyck, S., Caulier, G., Todesco, M., Gerbaux, P., Fournier, I., Wisztorski, M., & Flammang, P. (24 March 2011). The triterpene glycosides of Holothuria forskali: usefulness and efficiency as a chemical defense mechanism against predatory fish. "Journal of Experimental Biology, 214", 1347-1356. doi:10.1242/jeb.050930
- Caulier, G., Van Dyck, S., Gerbaux, P., Eeckhaut, I., & Flammang, P. (18 January 2011). Review of saponin diversity in sea cucumbers belonging to the family Holothuriidae. "Beche-de-Mer Information Bulletin, 31", 48-54.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
- Caulier, G., Flammang, P., Gerbaux, P., Rakotoarisoa, P., & Eeckhaut, I. (24 July 2011). "When a repellent becomes an attractant: harmful saponins are kairomones that maintain the symbiosis between the Arlequin crab and their sea cucumber hosts" [Paper presentation]. 27th Meeting of the International Society of Chemical Ecology, Vancouver, Canada.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster
- Caulier, G., Flammang, P., & Eeckhaut, I. (24 July 2011). "Smelling disease: the harlequin crab is able to detect if its sea cucumber host is infected by skin ulceration disease or not" [Poster presentation]. 27th Meeting of the International Society of Chemical Ecology, Vancouver, Canada.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
- Caulier, G., Flammang, P., Gerbaux, P., Rakotoarisoa, P., & Eeckhaut, I. (07 October 2010). "When a repellent becomes an attractant: harmful saponins are kairomones that maintain the symbiosis between the Harlequin crab and their sea cucumber hosts" [Paper presentation]. European Conference on Echinoderm, Gottingen, Germany.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster
- Caulier, G., Lepoint, G., Van Nedervelde, F., & Eeckhaut, I. (06 October 2010). "Characterization of the symbiotic crab Lissocarcinus orbicularis (Dana, 1952) population in Toliara bay, Madagascar" [Poster presentation]. European Conference on Echinoderm, Gottingen, Germany.
Dissertations and theses/Master’s dissertation
- Caulier, G., Flammang, P., & Eeckhaut, I. (2009). "Caractérisation de kairomones impliquées dans la reconnaissance des holothuries-hôtes par le crabe symbiotique Lissocarcinus orbicularis Dana, 1952" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.
In Press
Scientific journals/Article
- Wambreuse, N., Coubris, C., Mallefet, J., Delroisse, J., Caulier, G., & Duchatelet, L. (In press). New insights into ophiuroid coelomocytes: from their cell diversity to their putative function in the transfer of coelenterazine in the bioluminescent brittle star Amphiura filiformis. "Cahier de Biologie Marine, 65".