Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Malekkhouyan, R., Paint, Y., Noirfalise, X., Gonon, M. F., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., & Olivier, M.-G. (March 2025). Dioctyl sulfosuccinate sodium salt (AOT) as a corrosion inhibitor for AZ31 Mg alloy: Effects of integration with layered double hydroxide (LDH). "Applied Surface Science, 684", 161927. doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2024.161927
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Gonzalez-Casal, S., Jouclas, R., Arbouch, I., Geerts, Y. H., VAN DYCK, C., Cornil, J., & Vuillaume, D. (21 November 2024). Thermoelectric Properties of Benzothieno-Benzothiophene Self-Assembled Monolayers in Molecular Junctions. "Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 15" (46), 11593 - 11600. doi:10.1021/acs.jpclett.4c02753
- Scardamaglia, M., Casanova-Cháfer, J., Temperton, R., Annanouch, F. E., Mohammadpour, A., Malandra, G., Das, A., Alagh, A., Arbouch, I., Montoisy, L., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., Llobet, E., & Bittencourt, C. (23 August 2024). Operando Investigation of WS2 Gas Sensors: Simultaneous Ambient Pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Electrical Characterization in Unveiling Sensing Mechanisms during Toxic Gas Exposure. "ACS Sensors, 9" (8), 4079 - 4088. doi:10.1021/acssensors.4c01033
- Ullah, W., Slassi, A., Wang, C., Paineau, E., Ha-Thi, M.-H., Pino, T., Halime, Z., Gayral, A., Vallet, M., Degrouard, J., Cornil, J., & Ghazzal, M. N. (09 August 2024). Defect-Rich Graphdiyne Quantum Dots as Efficient Electron-Donors for Hydrogen Generation. "Advanced Energy Materials, 14" (30). doi:10.1002/aenm.202401547
- Gicevičius, M., James, A. M., Reicht, L., Mcintosh, N., Greco, A., Fijahi, L., Devaux, F., Mas-Torrent, M., Cornil, J., Geerts, Y. H., Zojer, E., Resel, R., & Sirringhaus, H. (29 July 2024). Impact of hydrophilic side chains on the thin film transistor performance of a benzothieno-benzothiophene derivative. "Materials Advances, 5" (15), 6285 - 6294. doi:10.1039/d4ma00594e
- Brouillac, C., Serez, A., Mcintosh, N., Rault-Berthelot, J., Jeannin, O., Heinrich, B., Quinton, C., De Sagazan, O., Jacques, E., Cornil, J., & Poriel, C. (08 July 2024). Importance of the curvature in electronic, structural and charge transport properties: oligomers of N-pyridine carbazole. "Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 12" (32), 12598 - 12607. doi:10.1039/d4tc02304h
- Nguyên Lê, T. N., Kondratenko, K., Arbouch, I., Moréac, A., Breton, J.-C. L., Van dyck, C., Cornil, J., Vuillaume, D., & Fabre, B. (09 May 2024). Electronic Properties of Electroactive Ferrocenyl-Functionalized MoS2. "Journal of Physical Chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces, 128" (18), 7706 - 7722. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.4c00606
- Brouillac, C., Mcintosh, N., Heinrich, B., Jeannin, O., De Sagazan, O., Coulon, N., Rault-Berthelot, J., Cornil, J., Jacques, E., Quinton, C., & Poriel, C. (April 2024). Grafting Electron-Accepting Fragments on [4]cyclo-2,7-carbazole Scaffold: Tuning the Structural and Electronic Properties of Nanohoops. "Advanced science (Weinheim, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany), 11" (13), 2309115. doi:10.1002/advs.202309115
- Hnid, I., Yassin, A., Arbouch, I., Guérin, D., Van dyck, C., Sanguinet, L., Lenfant, S., Cornil, J., Blanchard, P., & Vuillaume, D. (28 February 2024). Molecular Junctions for Terahertz Switches and Detectors. "Nano Letters, 24" (8), 2553 - 2560. doi:10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c04602
- Wang, S., Wei, H., Rillaerts, A., Deneme, İ., Depriester, M., Manikandan, S., Andreasen, J. W., Daoudi, A., Peralta, S., Longuemart, S., Usta, H., Cornil, J., Hu, Y., & Pisula, W. (2024). N-Type Molecular Thermoelectrics Based on Solution-Doped Indenofluorene-Dimalononitrile: Simultaneous Enhancement of Doping Level and Molecular Order. "Advanced Materials Technologies". doi:10.1002/admt.202401131
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Henrard, G., Robert, T., Tassignon, B., Serez, A., De Winter, J., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (17 May 2024). "Original heteroaryl azobenzenes anchored on peptoids as solar thermal fuel" [Paper presentation]. SRC Young Chemists’ Day 2024, Namur, Belgium.
- Tassignon, B., De winter, J., Cornil, J., Gerbaux, P., Wang, Z. (Other coll.), & Moth-Poulsen, K. (Other coll.). (23 April 2024). "Peptoids as Promising Azobenzene Support for the Chemical Storage of Solar Energy" [Paper presentation]. Functional Molecular Photoswitches for Energy Storage and Beyond, Barcelone, Spain.
- Cornil, J. (2024). "Computing Heat Transport in Organic Semiconductors via Molecular Dynamics-Based Methods" [Paper presentation]. Invited seminar, Tucson, United States.
- Cornil, J. (2024). "Electronic Properties of Monolayers at Interfaces: 2D Materials and Self-Assembled Monolayers" [Paper presentation]. Invited seminar, Tucson, United States.
- Cornil, J. (2024). "Thereotical Design of Functional Molecular Junctions" [Paper presentation]. International Francqui Symposium.
- Cornil, J. (2024). "Theoretical Design of Functional Molecular Junctions" [Paper presentation]. Symposium “New Trends in Molecular Modelling.
- Cornil, J. (2024). "Modelling Organic Semiconductors : Part 1 – Isolated Molecules" [Paper presentation]. European Master program "Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling" (EM-TCCM).
- Cornil, J. (2024). "Les Cellules Solaires : Au-delà du Silicium" [Paper presentation]. Exposé dans le secondaire.
- Cornil, J. (2024). "Les Cellules Solaires : Au-delà du Silicium" [Paper presentation]. Exposé dans le secondaire.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Piplart, E., Henrard, G., Serez, A., De Winter, J., Frère, M., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (17 December 2024). "Self-Assembled Monolayers Based on Azobenzene Derivatives as Molecular Solar Thermal Systems" [Poster presentation]. Evènement annuel de l'IIS CETWA, Mons, Belgium.
- Serez, A., Piplart, E., Lemaur, V., Frère, M., Gerbaux, P., & Cornil, J. (17 December 2024). "Theoretical study of the thermal-back isomerization of azobenzene and its derivatives" [Poster presentation]. Evènement annuel de l'IIS CETWA, Mons, Belgium.
- Piplart, E., Henrard, G., Serez, A., Frère, M., Cornil, J., Gerbaux, P., & De winter, J. (17 October 2024). "Self-Assembled Monolayers Based on Azobenzene Derivatives as Molecular Solar Thermal Systems" [Poster presentation]. SRC scientific day, Mons, Belgium.
- Henrard, G., Robert, T., Tassignon, B., De Winter, J., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (17 October 2024). "Original Heteroaryl Azobenzenes anchored on Peptoids as Solar Thermal Fuel" [Poster presentation]. SRC 2024.
- Serez, A., Piplart, E., Lemaur, V., Frère, M., Gerbaux, P., & Cornil, J. (17 October 2024). "Theoretical study of the thermal-back isomerization of azobenzene and its derivatives" [Poster presentation]. SRC scientific day, Mons, Belgium.
- Piplart, E., Henrard, G., Serez, A., De winter, J., Frère, M., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (17 May 2024). "Self-Assembled Monolayers Based on Azobenzene Derivatives as Molecular Solar Thermal Systems" [Poster presentation]. - Journée-Rencontres des Jeunes Chimistes, Namur, Belgium.
- Serez, A., Piplart, E., Lemaur, V., Frère, M., Gerbaux, P., & Cornil, J. (17 May 2024). "Theoretical study of the thermal-back isomerization of azobenzene and its derivatives" [Poster presentation]. SRC Young Chemists’ Day, Namur, Belgium.
- Piplart, E., Henrard, G., Serez, A., De winter, J., Frère, M., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (25 April 2024). "Self-Assembled Monolayers Based on Azobenzene Derivatives as Molecular Solar Thermal Systems" [Poster presentation]. Functional Molecular Photoswitches for Energy Storage and Beyond, Barcelone, Spain.
- Serez, A., Piplart, E., Lemaur, V., Frère, M., Gerbaux, P., & Cornil, J. (25 April 2024). "Theoretical study of the thermal-back isomerization of azobenzene and its derivatives" [Poster presentation]. Functional Molecular Photoswitches for Energy Storage and Beyond, Barcelone, Spain.
- Henrard, G., Robert, T., Tassignon, B., De Winter, J., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (24 April 2024). "Original Heteroaryl Azobenzenes anchored on Peptoids as Solar Thermal Fuel" [Poster presentation]. Functional Molecular Photoswitches for Energy Storage and Beyond 2024, Barcelone, Spain.
Mémoires et thèses/Thèse de doctorat
- Smeets, S. (2024). "Analytical and numerical investigation of the two-photon spontaneous emission process near plasmonic nanostructures" [Doctoral thesis, UMONS - Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/49822
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- James, A. M., Greco, A., Devaux, F., Mcintosh, N., Brocorens, P., Cornil, J., Pandey, P., Kunert, B., Maini, L., Geerts, Y. H., & Resel, R. (01 November 2023). Memory Effect by Melt Crystallization Observed in Polymorphs of a Benzothieno-Benzothiophene Derivative. "Crystal Growth and Design, 23" (11), 8124 - 8131. doi:10.1021/acs.cgd.3c00847
- TASSIGNON, B., Wang, Z., Galanti, A., De winter, J., Samorì, P., Cornil, J., Moth-Poulsen, K., & GERBAUX, P. (2023). Site Selectivity of Peptoids as Azobenzene Scaffold for Molecular Solar Thermal Energy Storage. "Chemistry", 202303168. doi:10.1002/chem.202303168
- James, A. M., Mcintosh, N., Devaux, F., Brocorens, P., Cornil, J., Greco, A., Maini, L., Pandey, P., Pandolfi, L., Kunert, B., Venuti, E., Geerts, Y. H., & Resel, R. (02 October 2023). Polymorph screening at surfaces of a benzothienobenzothiophene derivative: discovering new solvate forms. "Materials Horizons, 10" (10), 4415 - 4422. doi:10.1039/d3mh00764b
- Montanari, C., Bianconi, T., Sheokand, M., Teunens, T., Cavalletti, G., Cornil, J., Misra, R., & Carlotti, B. (28 June 2023). Enabling red thermally activated delayed fluorescence by increasing the push-pull strength in naphthalimide-phenothiazine derivatives. "Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 11" (32), 10893 - 10904. doi:10.1039/d3tc01939j
- Duez, Q., Hoyas, S., Josse, T., Gerbaux, P., Cornil, J., & De winter, J. (23 May 2023). Gas-phase structure of polymer ions: Tying together theoretical approaches and ion mobility spectrometry. "Mass Spectrometry Reviews, 42" (4), 1129 - 1151. doi:10.1002/mas.21745
- Regnier, F., Rillaerts, A., Lemaur, V., Viville, P., & Cornil, J. (03 May 2023). The impact of side chain elongation from the Y6 to Y6-12 acceptor in organic solar cells: a fundamental study from molecules to devices. "Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 11" (22), 7451 - 7461. doi:10.1039/d3tc00666b
- Slassi, A., Gali, A., Cornil, J., & Pershin, A. (28 March 2023). Non-covalent Functionalization of Pristine and Defective WSe2 by Electron Donor and Acceptor Molecules. "ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 5" (3), 1660 - 1669. doi:10.1021/acsaelm.2c01718
- Biliak, K., Nikitin, D., Ali-Ogly, S., Protsak, M., Pleskunov, P., Tosca, M., SERGIEVSKAYA, A., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., KONSTANTINIDIS, S., Košutová, T., Černochová, Z., Štěpánek, P., Hanuš, J., Kousal, J., Hanyková, L., Krakovský, I., & Choukourov, A. (31 January 2023). Plasmonic Ag/Cu/PEG nanofluids prepared when solids meet liquids in the gas phase. "Nanoscale Advances, 5" (3), 955 - 969. doi:10.1039/d2na00785a
- Vercouter, A., Lemaur, V., Melis, C., & Cornil, J. (2023). Computing the Lattice Thermal Conductivity of Small-Molecule Organic Semiconductors: A Systematic Comparison of Molecular Dynamics Based Methods. "Advanced Theory and Simulations, 6" (5). doi:10.1002/adts.202200892
- Regnier, F., Rillaerts, A., Viville, P., & Cornil, J. (2023). A Joint Theoretical and Experimental Characterization of the Rising Star Y6 Acceptor Used in Organic Solar Cells: From Molecules to Devices. "Chimie Nouvelle, 140", 17-31.
- Rogert, M., Y. Bretonnière, Y. Trolez, A. Vacher, Arbouch, I., Cornil, J., G. Félix, De winter, J., S. Richeter, S. Clément, & Ph. Gerbier. (01 January 2023). Synthesis and Characterization of Tetraphenylethene AIEgen-Based Push-Pull Chromophores for Photothermal Applications: Do the Cycloaddtion – Retroelectrocyclization Click Reaction Could Make any Molecule Photothermically Active ? "International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24", 8715.
- Serez, A., Lemaur, V., Henrard, G., Tassignon, B., Gerbaux, P., & Cornil, J. (01 January 2023). Etude Théorique et Expérimentale de la Rétro-isomérisation Thermique de l’Azobenzène et de ses Dérivés au Sein de Processus de Stockage Thermique. "Chimie Nouvelle, 144", 7-16.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Tassignon, B., Henrard, G., Robert, T., De winter, J., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (20 September 2023). "Peptoid as Promising Azobenzene Support for the Chemical Storage of Solar Energy" [Paper presentation]. 25th Belgian Society for Mass Spectrometry Meeting, Gent, Belgium.
- Konstantinidis, S., Halem, H., De winter, J., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., & Sergievskaya, A. (01 June 2023). "Synthesis of (gold) nanoparticles by DCMS and HiPIMS using a liquid substrate" [Paper presentation]. European Materials Research Society Spring meeting.
- Tassignon, B., Henrard, G., De winter, J., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (22 May 2023). "Peptoids as Promising Azobenzene Support for the Chemical Storage of Solar Energy" [Paper presentation]. Journée des Jeunes Chimistes de la SRC 2023.
- Henrard, G., Robert, T., Tassignon, B., De winter, J., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (22 May 2023). "Original Heteroaryl Azobenzene derivatives As Solar Thermal Fuel Candidates : a Mass Spectrometry and UV-vis Spectrophotometry Investigation" [Paper presentation]. Journée scientifique des jeunes chimistes de la SRC 2023, Mons, Belgium.
- Tassignon, B., Henrard, G., De winter, J., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (17 May 2023). "Use of Advanced Mass Spectrometry Techniques to Help in the Chemical Storage of Solar Energy" [Paper presentation]. 39th Informal Meeting on Mass Spectrometry.
- Cornil, J. (2023). "Computing Heat Transport in Organic Semiconductors via Molecular-Dynamics Based Methods" [Paper presentation]. Invited seminar.
- Cornil, J. (2023). "Charge Transport in Organic Semiconductor: A Joint Experimental and Theoretical View" [Paper presentation]. Summer School LUMOMAT “Sustainable Strategies in Organic Electronics”, Angers, France.
- Cornil, J. (2023). "Theoretical Insight into the Electronic Properties of Switchable Molecular Junctions" [Paper presentation]. MRS Spring Meeting 2023, San Francisco, United States.
- Cornil, J. (2023). "“Modelling Organic Semiconductors : Electronic and Optical Properties of Isolated Molecules - Modelling Organic Semiconductors : Charge Transport Properties”" [Paper presentation]. First African School on Molecular Modelling (Marocco), Kenitra, Morocco.
- Cornil, J. (2023). "Role of Phonons in Charge and Heat Transport in Organic Semiconductors" [Paper presentation]. Telluride Science & Innovation Center (TSIC) Workshop: Hierarchical Assembly and Function of Organic and Hybrid Materials, Telluride, United States.
- Cornil, J. (2023). "-“Computing Heat Transport in Organic Semiconductors via Molecular Dynamics-Based Methods - Electronic Properties of Monolayers at Interfaces: 2D Materials and Self-Assembled Monolayers”" [Paper presentation]. Invited seminars at the University of Arizona, Tucson (USA), Tucson, United States.
- Cornil, J. (2023). "Theoretical Design of Molecules for Functional Junctions" [Paper presentation]. Deuxièmes Journées Plénières du GDR NEMO, Lille, France.
- Cornil, J. (2023). "-“Modelling Organic Semiconductors : Part 1 – Isolated Molecules” -“Modelling Organic Semiconductors : Part 2 - Charge Transport Properties”" [Paper presentation]. European Master program "Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling" (EM-TCCM), Madrid, Spain.
- Cornil, J. (2023). "“Les Cellules Solaires : Au-delà du Silicium »" [Paper presentation]. l'Association des Ingénieurs diplômés par l'U_Liège.
- Cornil, J. (2023). "Les Cellules Solaires : Au-delà du Silicium" [Paper presentation]. Institut Provincial d’Enseignement Technique - IPET, Nivelles, Belgium.
- Cornil, J. (2023). "A la découverte du Monde de l’Electronique Organique" [Paper presentation]. Athénée Royal de Mons.
- Cornil, J. (2023). "Modelling Organic Semiconductors : Part 1 – Isolated Molecules" [Paper presentation]. European Master program "Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling" (EM-TCCM).
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Tassignon, B., Henrard, G., Robert, T., De winter, J., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (19 October 2023). "Peptoids as Promising Azobenzene Support for the Chemical Storage of Solar Energy" [Poster presentation]. Journée Scientifique de la SRC 2023, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium.
- Tassignon, B., Henrard, G., Robert, T., De winter, J., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (20 September 2023). "Peptoids as Promising Azobenzene Support for the Chemical Storage of Solar Energy" [Poster presentation]. 25th Belgian Society for Mass Spectrometry Meeting, Gent, Belgium.
- Henrard, G., Robert, T., Tassignon, B., De winter, J., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (17 September 2023). "Mass Spectrometry and Photochemical Study of Photoisomerization and Thermal Back-isomerization of Heteroaryl Azobenzenes anchored on Peptoids for the Chemical Storage of Solar Energy" [Poster presentation]. 6th International Mass Spectrometry School, Cagliari, Italy.
- Henrard, G., Robert, T., Tassignon, B., Serez, A., De winter, J., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (14 May 2023). "Original Heteroaryl Azobenzene derivatives As Solar Thermal Fuel Candidates : a Mass Spectrometry and UV-vis Spectrophotometry Investigation" [Poster presentation]. IMMS 2023, Paris, France.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Günder, D., Diez-Cabanes, V., Huttner, A., Breuer, T., Lemaur, V., Cornil, J., & Witte, G. (12 October 2022). F-Center-Mediated Growth of Patterned Organic Semiconductor Films on Alkali Halides. "ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 14" (40), 46086 - 46094. doi:10.1021/acsami.2c13934
- Kong, F.-C., Zhang, Y.-L., Quinton, C., Mcintosh, N., Yang, S.-Y., Rault-Berthelot, J., Lucas, F., Brouillac, C., Jeannin, O., Cornil, J., Jiang, Z.-Q., Liao, L.-S., & Poriel, C. (26 August 2022). Pure Hydrocarbon Materials as Highly Efficient Host for White Phosphorescent Organic Light-Emitting Diodes: A New Molecular Design Approach. "Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 61" (35), 202207204. doi:10.1002/anie.202207204
- Jouclas, R., Liu, J., Volpi, M., Silva de Moraes, L., Garbay, G., Mcintosh, N., Bardini, M., Lemaur, V., Vercouter, A., Gatsios, C., Modesti, F., Turetta, N., Beljonne, D., Cornil, J., Kennedy, A. R., Koch, N., Erk, P., Samorì, P., Schweicher, G., & Geerts, Y. H. (July 2022). Dinaphthotetrathienoacenes: Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications in Organic Field-Effect Transistors. "Advanced Science, 9" (19), 2105674. doi:10.1002/advs.202105674
- Dreher, M., Cornil, D., Tripp, M. W., Koert, U., Cornil, J., & Witte, G. (June 2022). On the Role of Collective Electrostatic Effects in Electronic Level Pinning and Work Function Changes by Molecular Adlayers: The Case of Partially Fluorinated DNTTs Adsorbed Flat-Lying on Various Metals and Hetero-Structures. "Advanced Materials Interfaces, 9" (18), 2200361. doi:10.1002/admi.202200361
- Prudkovskiy, V., Arbouch, I., Léaustic, A., Yu, P., Van Dyck, C., Guérin, D., Lenfant, S., Mallah, T., Cornil, J., & Vuillaume, D. (14 April 2022). Terphenylthiazole-based self-assembled monolayers on cobalt with high conductance photo-switching ratio for spintronics. "Nanoscale, 14" (15), 5725-5742. doi:10.1039/d2nr00591c
- Weber, P., Hoyas, S., Halin, E., Coulembier, O., De Winter, J., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (15 March 2022). On the conformation of anionic peptoids in the gas phase. "Biomacromolecules, 23", 1138-1147. doi:10.1021/acs.biomac.1c01442
- Bocchese, F., Cornil, D., Haye, E., Cornil, J., & Lucas, S. (01 January 2022). Three-Zone Model for Ti, Al Co-Doped ZnO Deposited by Magnetron Sputtering. "Surfaces and Interfaces, 28", 101595. doi:10.1016/j.surfin.2021.101595
- Mitra, G., Delmas, V., Al Sabea, H., Norel, L., Galangau, O., Rigaut, S., Cornil, J., Costuas, K., & Scheer, E. (01 January 2022). Electronic Transport Through Single-Molecule Oligophenyl-Diethynyl Junctions with Direct Gold-Carbon Bonds Formed at Low Temperature. "Nanoscale Advances, 4", 457-466.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Sergievskaya, A., Bol, F.-E., Patel, K., Chauvin, A., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., & Konstantinidis, S. (05 December 2022). "Sputtering onto liquid substrates, Towards the synthesis of nanoparticles" [Paper presentation]. Japan-Belgium Bilateral Research Workshop on Plasma-based Processes for Advanced Surface Treatments, Tokyo, Japan.
- Cornil, J. (30 November 2022). "Impact of Phonons on Charge and Heat Transport in Organic Semiconductors" [Paper presentation]. MRS Fall Meeting.
- De Winter, J., Chirot Fabien, Dugourd Philippe, Cornil, J., Gerbaux, P., & Tassignon, B. (07 October 2022). "Mass Spectrometry Study of the Photoisomerization and Thermal Back-Isomerization of Azobenzene-Functionalized Peptoids for the Chemical Storage of Solar Energy" [Paper presentation]. 24th Belgian Society for Mass Spectrometry Meeting, Braine-L'Alleud, Belgium.
- Henrard, G., Tassignon, B., Robert, T., De Winter, J., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (07 October 2022). "Mass Spectrometry and Photochemical Study of Photoisomerization and Thermal Back-isomerization of Substituted Azobenzenes anchored on Peptoids for the Chemical Storage of Solar Energy" [Paper presentation]. 24th BSMS meeting, Braine-l'Alleud, Belgium.
- Cornil, J. (27 September 2022). "Theoretical Insight into the Electronic Properties of Functional Molecular Junctions" [Paper presentation]. Annual Days of the Groupement de Recherche (GDR) Nemo.
- Sergievskaya, A., Bol, F.-E., Patel, K., Chauvin, A., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., & Konstantinidis, S. (11 September 2022). "Magnetron Sputtering onto Liquids: from Plasma-Liquid Interactions to Nanoparticle Growth" [Paper presentation]. The 22nd International Vacuum Congress (IVC-22), Sapporo, Japan.
- Cornil, J. (01 June 2022). "Materials for Solar Energy Conversion and Storage: A Synergy Between Theory and Experiment" [Paper presentation]. at ESEMA 2022 – International Workshop on Emerging Solar Energy Materials and Applications.
- Tassignon, B., Henrard, G., De Winter, J., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (01 April 2022). "Synthesis and Photochemical Characterization of azobenzene-Functionalized Peptoids for the Chemical Storage of Solar Energy" [Paper presentation]. Journée des Jeunes Chimistes de la SRC, Liège, Belgium.
- Henrard, G., Tassignon, B., De Winter, J., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (01 April 2022). "Mass Spectrometry and Photochemical Study of Photoisomerization and Thermal Back-isomerization of Substituted Azobenzenes anchored on Peptoids for the Chemical Storage of Solar Energy" [Paper presentation]. Journée scientifique des jeunes chimistes de la SRC, Liège, Belgium.
- Van Dyck, C., & Cornil, J. (2022). "Theoretical Insight into the Electronic Properties of Functional Molecular Junctions" [Paper presentation]. GDR NEMO - CNRS, Paris, France.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Tassignon, B., De Winter, J., Chirot Fabien, Dugourd Philippe, Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (18 October 2022). "Mass Spectrometry Study of the Photoisomerization and Thermal Back-Isomerization of Azobenzene-Functionalized Peptoids for the Chemical Storage of Solar Energy" [Poster presentation]. Journée Scientifique de la SRC 2022, Liège, Belgium.
- Henrard, G., Tassignon, B., Robert, T., De Winter, J., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (18 October 2022). "Mass Spectrometry and Photochemical Study of Photoisomerization and Thermal Back-isomerization of Substituted Azobenzenes anchored on Peptoids for the Chemical Storage of Solar Energy" [Poster presentation]. SRC 2022 Scientific Day, Liège, Belgium.
- Henrard, G., Robert, T., Tassignon, B., De Winter, J., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (07 October 2022). "Mass Spectrometry and Photochemical Study of Photoisomerization and Thermal Back-isomerization of Substituted Azobenzenes anchored on Peptoids for the Chemical Storage of Solar Energy" [Poster presentation]. 24th BSMS meeting, Braine-l'Alleud, Belgium.
- Weber, P., Cornil, J., Gerbaux, P., De Winter, J., & Coulembier, O. (27 August 2022). "Investigation of peptoid ions secondary structures by ion mobility mass spectrometry - mass spectrometry" [Poster presentation]. IMSC, Maastricht, Netherlands.
- Tassignon, B., Le Fèvre Aurélien, Henrard, G., De Winter, J., Chirot Fabien, Dugourd Philippe, Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (August 2022). "Mass Spectrometry Study of the Photoisomerization and Thermal Back-Isomerization of Azobenzene-Functionalized Peptoids for the Chemical Storage of Solar Energy" [Poster presentation]. International Mass Spectrometry Conference, Maastricht, Netherlands.
- Henrard, G., Tassignon, B., Robert, T., De Winter, J., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (August 2022). "Mass Spectrometry and Photochemical Study of Photoisomerization and Thermal Back-isomerization of Substituted Azobenzenes anchored on Peptoids for the Chemical Storage of Solar Energy" [Poster presentation]. The International Mass Spectrometry Conference, Maastricht, Netherlands.
- Henrard, G., Tassignon, B., De Winter, J., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (01 April 2022). "Mass Spectrometry and Photochemical Study of Photoisomerization and Thermal Back-isomerization of Substituted Azobenzenes anchored on Peptoids for the Chemical Storage of Solar Energy" [Poster presentation]. Journée scientifique des jeunes chimistes de la SRC, liège, Belgium.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Panepinto, A., Krumpmann, A., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., & Snyders, R. (15 October 2021). Switching the electrical characteristics of TiO2 from n-type to p-type by ion implantation. "Applied Surface Science, 563" (150274).
- Hoyas, S., Weber, P., Halin, E., Coulembier, O., De Winter, J., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (16 August 2021). Helical Peptoid Ions in the Gas Phase: Thwarting the Charge Solvation Effect by H‑Bond Compensation. "Biomacromolecules, 22", 3543-3551. doi:10.1021/acs.biomac.1c00623
- Sergievskaya, A., O'Reilly, A., Alem, H., De Winter, J., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., & Konstantinidis, S. (09 August 2021). Insights on the Formation of Nanoparticles Prepared by Magnetron Sputtering Onto Liquids: Gold Sputtered Onto Castor Oil as a Case Study. "Frontiers in Nanotechnology, 3".
- Chauvin, A., Sergievskaya, A., Fucikova, A., Antunes Corêa, C., Vesely, J., Cornil, J., Cornil, D., Dopita, M., & Konstantinidis, S. (28 June 2021). Insights into the growth of nanoparticles in liquid polyol by thermal annealing. "Nanoscale Advances, 3", 4780.
- Hoyas, S., Roscioni, O. M., Tonneaux, C., Gerbaux, P., Cornil, J., & Muccioli, L. (19 May 2021). Peptoids as a Chiral Stationary Phase for Liquid Chromatography: Insights from Molecular Dynamics Simulations. "Biomacromolecules, 22" (6), 2573-2581. doi:10.1021/acs.biomac.1c00302
- SERGIEVSKAYA, A., O'Reilly, A., Chauvin, A., Vesely, J., PANEPINTO, A., De Winter, J., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., & Konstantinidis, S. (20 April 2021). Magnetron sputter deposition of silver onto castor oil: The effect of plasma parameters on nanoparticle properties. "Colloids & Surfaces A, 615".
- Thomas, L., Arbouch, I., Guérin, D., Wallart, X., Van Dyck, C., Mélin, T., Cornil, J., Vuillaume, D., & Lenfant, S. (31 March 2021). Conductance Switching of Azobenzene-Based Self-Assembled Monolayers on Cobalt Probed by UHV Conductive-AFM. "Nanoscale, 13" (14), 6977-6990. doi:10.1039/D1NR00106J
- Selezneva, E., Vercouter, A., Schweicher, G., Lemaur, V., Broch, K., Antidormi, A., Takimiya, K., Coropceanu, V., Brédas, J. L., Melis, C., Cornil, J., & Sirringhaus, H. (01 January 2021). Strong Suppression of Thermal Conductivity in the Presence of Long Terminal Alkyl Chains in Low-Disorder Molecular Semiconductors. "Advanced Materials, 33" (37), 2008708. doi:10.1002/adma.202008708
- Li, J., Slassi, A., Han, X., Cornil, D., Ha-Thi, M. H., Pino, T., Debecker, D., Colbeau-Justin, C., Arbiol, J., Cornil, J., & Ghazzal, M. N. (01 January 2021). Tuning the Electronic Bandgap of Graphdiyne by H-Substitution to Promote Interfacial Charge Carrier Separation for Enhanced Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production. "Advanced Functional Materials, 31", 2100994.
- Tassignon, B., Weber, P., Hoyas, S., Galanti, A., De Winter, J., Cornil, J., Samori, P., & Gerbaux, P. (01 January 2021). Synthèse et Etudes Photochimiques de Peptoïdes Porteurs de Groupements Azobenzènes pour le Stockage Chimique de l'Energie Solaire. "Chimie Nouvelle, 136", 1-15.
- Gueye, M. N., Vercouter, A., Jouclas, R., Guérin, D., Lemaur, V., Schweicher, G., Lenfant, S., Antidormi, A., Geerts, Y., Melis, C., Cornil, J., & Vuillaume, D. (01 January 2021). Thermal Conductivity of Benzothieno-benzothiophene Derivatives at the Nanoscale. "Nanoscale, 13", 3800-3807.
- Diez-Cabanes, V., Van Dyck, C., Osella, S., Cornil, D., & Cornil, J. (01 January 2021). Challenges for Incorporating Optical Switchability in Organic-Based Electronic Devices. "ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 13", 27737.
- Sessini, V., NGUYEN, T. C., Amorin, H., Jimenez, R., Samuel, C., Caillol, S., Cornil, J., Hoyas, S., Barrau, S., Dubois, P., Leclère, P., & Raquez, J. M. (01 January 2021). Solvent-Free Design of Biobased Non-isocyanate Polyurethanes with Ferroelectric Properties. "ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 9", 14946-14958.
- Han, Y., Nickle, C., Maglione, M. S., Karuppannan, S. K., Casado-Montenegro, J., Quin, D., Chen, X., Tadich, A., Cowie, B., Mas-Torrent, M., Rovira, C., Cornil, J., Veciana, J., Barco, E., & Nijhuis, C. A. (01 January 2021). Bias-Polarity-Dependent Direct and Inverted Marcus Charge Transport Affecting Rectification in a Redox-Active Molecular Junction. "Advanced Science, 8".
- Xie, Z., Diez-Cabanes, V., Van Nguyen, Q., Rodriguez-Gonzalez, S., Norel, L., Galangau, O., Rigaut, S., Cornil, J., & Frisbie, D. (01 January 2021). Quantifying Image Charge Effects in Molecular Tunnel Junctions Based on Self-Assembled Monolayers of Substituted Oligophenylene Ethynylene Dithiols. "ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 13", 56504-56512.
- Lucas, F., Mcintosh, N., Jacques, E., Lebreton, C., Heinrich, B., Donnio, B., Jeannin, O., Rault-Berthelot, J., Quinton, C., Cornil, J., & Poriel, C. (01 January 2021). '[4]Cyclo-N-Alkyl-2,7-Carbazoles: Influence of the Alkyl Chain Length on the Structural, Electronic, and Charge Transport Properties. "Journal of the American Chemical Society, 78". doi:10.1021/jacs.1c03240
- Cerfontaine, S., Troian-Gautier, L., Duez, Q., Cornil, J., Gerbaux, P., & Elias, B. (01 January 2021). MLCT Excited-State Behavior of Trinuclear Ruthenium(II) 2,2'-Bipyridine Complexes. "Inorganic Chemistry, 60", 366-379.
- Diez Cabanes, V., Van Dyck, C., Osella, S., Cornil, D., & Cornil, J. (01 January 2021). Challenges for Incorporating Optical Switchability in Organic-Based Electronic Devices. "ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 13" (24), 27737-27748.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Cornil, J. (30 October 2021). "Interfacial, Cooperative, and Switchable Effects in Two-Dimensional Electronic Systems" [Paper presentation]. Invited seminar, Rennes, France.
- Cornil, J. (21 October 2021). "Molecular Switches at Interfaces and in Junctions: A Theoretical Insight" [Paper presentation]. Smart Materials and Interfaces 2021, Virtual, Unknown/unspecified.
- Sergievskaya, A., O'Reilly, A., Chauvin, A., Patel, K., De Winter, J., Vesely, J., Alem, H., Panepinto, A., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., & Konstantinidis, S. (23 September 2021). "Synthesis of nanoparticles by magnetron sputtering of gold, silver, and copper targets onto vegetable oils" [Paper presentation]. E-MRS 2021 Fall Meeting, online, Unknown/unspecified.
- Konstantinidis, S., O'Reilly, A., Patel, K., Chauvin, A., De Winter, J., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., Panepinto, A., Vesely, J., Alem-Marchand, H., & Sergievskaya, A. (16 September 2021). "Magnetron sputtering of copper, silver and gold onto oils for nanoparticle synthesis" [Paper presentation]. Plathinium, Online, France.
- Sergievskaya, A., Chauvin, A., Patel, K., De Winter, J., Vesely, J., Alem, H., Panepinto, A., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., & Konstantinidis, S. (07 September 2021). "Synthesis of metal nanoparticles by magnetron sputtering onto vegetable oils" [Paper presentation]. 10th International Workshop on Functional Nanocomposites, Varese, Villa Cagnola, Italy.
- Cornil, J. (23 August 2021). "Theoretical Characterization of Interfacial Electronic Effects in Donor-Acceptor Bilayers of 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides" [Paper presentation]. 2DMAT2021 conference, Paris, France.
- Konstantinidis, S., O'Reilly, A., Patel, K., Chauvin, A., De Winter, J., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., Panepinto, A., Vesely, J., Alem-Marchand, H., & Sergievskaya, A. (18 June 2021). "Sputtering onto liquids for nanoparticle synthesis" [Paper presentation]. 11th International Conference on HiPIMS, Online, Unknown/unspecified.
- Weber, P., Hoyas, S., Cornil, J., Gerbaux, P., Coulembier, O., & De Winter, J. (28 May 2021). "How the 3D structure of peptoid ions during the transfer to the gas phase can be retained? Investigation by ion mobility spectrometry-mass spectrometry" [Paper presentation]. BPG annual meeting, Virtual event, Unknown/unspecified.
- Weber, P., Hoyas, S., Cornil, J., Gerbaux, P., Coulembier, O., & De Winter, J. (27 May 2021). "How the 3D structure of peptoid ions during the transfer to the gas phase can be retained? Investigation by ion mobility spectrometry-mass spectrometry" [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of Belgium Polymer Group, Webinar, Unknown/unspecified.
- Tassignon, B., De Winter, J., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (31 March 2021). "Synthesis and Photochemical Characterization of Azobenzene-Functionalized Peptoids for the Chemical Storage of Solar Energy" [Paper presentation]. XXVèmes Rencontres Club Jeune Spectrométrie de Masse - Ecole de Printemps, En ligne, Unknown/unspecified.
- Charlier, H., Hoyas, S., Lemaur, V., Cornil, J., Lahem, D., & Debliquy, M. (11 February 2021). "Detection of Antibiotics with Molecularly Imprinted Polymers: Theoretical Understanding of Detection Mechanisms using EIS and Molecular Dynamics" [Paper presentation]. 18th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors (IMCS 18th), Chicago, United States - Illinois.
- Cornil, J. (02 January 2021). "Modelling Organic Semiconductors from Basics to Applications" [Paper presentation]. European Master in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling (EM TCCM), Virtual, Unknown/unspecified.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Weber, P., Hoyas, S., Cornil, J., Gerbaux, P., Coulembier, O., & De Winter, J. (14 October 2021). "Preserving the helical structure of peptoids upon electrospray ionization : a joint ion mobility spectrometry/molecular dynamics study" [Poster presentation]. SRC Scientific Day - ULB, Bruxelles, Belgium.
- Tassignon, B., De Winter, J., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (14 October 2021). "Synthesis and Photochemical Characterization of Azobenzene-Functionalized Peptoids for the Chemical Storage of Solar Energy" [Poster presentation]. Journée Scientifique SRC 2021 Chemicals from Carbon Dioxide, ULB, Belgium.
Mémoires et thèses/Thèse de doctorat
- Hoyas, S. (2021). "Characterization and Exploitation of Peptoid Secondary Structures: A Synergistic Experimental and Computational Approach" [Doctoral thesis, UMONS - Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/48718
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Duez, Q., Moins, S., Coulembier, O., De Winter, J., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (12 October 2020). Assessing the Structural Heterogeneity of Isomeric Homo and Copolymers: an Approach Combining Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry and Molecular Dynamics Simulations. "Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 31" (11), 2379-2388. doi:10.1021/jasms.0c00352
- Cerfontaine, S., Duez, Q., Troian-Gautier, L., Barozzino-Consiglio, G., Loiseau, F., Cornil, J., De Winter, J., Gerbaux, P., & Elias, B. (20 September 2020). Efficient convergent energy transfer in a heptanuclear luminescent terpyridine-based Ru(II)-Os(II) dendrimer. "Inorganic Chemistry, 59" (19), 14536-14543. doi:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.0c02336
- Panepinto, A., Cornil, D., Guttmann, P., Bittencourt, C., Cornil, J., & Snyders, R. (22 August 2020). Fine Control of the Chemistry of Nitrogen Doping in TiO2: A Joint Experimental and Theoretical Study. "Journal of Physical Chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces, 124", 17401-17412.
- Cornil, D., Rivolta, N., Mercier, V., Wiame, H., Beljonne, D., & Cornil, J. (17 August 2020). How to Enhance the Adhesion Energy at Oxide/Ag Interfaces in Low-Emissivity Glasses: A Theoretical Insight into Doping and Vacancy Effects. "ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 12", 40838-40849.
- Chauvin, A., Sergievskaya, A., Abdel-Aziz, E. M., Fucikova, A., Antunes Correa, C., Vesely, J., Duverger-Nédellec, H., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., Tessier, P.-Y., Dopita, M., & Konstantinidis, S. (17 August 2020). Co-sputtering of gold and copper onto liquids: a route towards the production of porous gold nanoparticles. "Nanotechnology, 31", 455303.
- Tourneur, P., Lucas, F., Quinton, C., Olivier, Y., Lazzaroni, R., Viville, P., Cornil, J., & Poriel, C. (02 June 2020). White-light electroluminescence from a layer incorporating a single fully-organic spiro compound with phosphine oxide substituents. "Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 8", 14462-14468.
- Duez, Q., Metwally, H., Hoyas, S., Lemaur, V., Cornil, J., De Winter, J., Konermann, L., & Gerbaux, P. (04 February 2020). Effects of Electrospray Mechanisms and Structural Relaxation on Polylactide Ion Conformations in the Gas Phase: Insights from Ion Mobility Spectrometry and Molecular Dynamics Simulations. "Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22" (7), 4193-4204. doi:10.1039/C9CP06391A
- Haler, J., Lemaur, V., Far, J., Kune, C., Gerbaux, P., Cornil, J., & De Pauw, E. (03 February 2020). Sodium Coordination and Protonation of Poly(ethoxy phosphate) Chains in the Gas Phase Probed by Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometry. "Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 31" (3), 633-641. doi:10.1021/jasms.9b00079
- Hoyas, S., Halin, E., Lemaur, V., De Winter, J., Gerbaux, P., & Cornil, J. (16 January 2020). Helicity of Peptoid Ions in the Gas Phase. "Biomacromolecules, 21" (2), 903-909. doi:10.1021/acs.biomac.9b01567
- Han, Y., Maglione, S., Diez-Cabanes, V., Casado-Montenegro, J., Yu, X., Karuppannan, S. K., Zhang, Z., Crivillers, N., Mas-Torrent, M., Rovira, C., Cornil, J., Veciana, J., & Nijhuis, C. A. (01 January 2020). Reversal of the Direction of Rectification Induced by Charge Transfer at Molecule-Electrode Interfaces in Redox-Active Tunneling Junctions. "ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 12", 55044-55055.
- Delmas, V., Diez-Cabanes, V., Van Dyck, C., Scheer, E., Costuas, K., & Cornil, J. (01 January 2020). On the Reliability of Acquiring Molecular Junction Parameters by Lorentzian Fitting of I/V Curves. "Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22", 26702-26706.
- Arbouch, I., Karzazi, Y., & Cornil, J. (01 January 2020). Influence of the Nature of the Anchoring Group on the Interfacial Energy Level Alignment in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: A Theoretical Perspective. "Physical Review Materials, 4".
- Cornil, D., Rivolta, N., Mercier, V., Wiame, H., Beljonne, D., & Cornil, J. (01 January 2020). How to Enhance the Adhesion Energy at Oxide/Ag Interfaces in Low-Emissivity Glasses: A Theoretical Insight into Doping and Vacancy Effects. "ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 12", 40838-40849.
- Wittmann, A., Schweicher, G., Broch, K., Novak, J., Lami, V., Cornil, D., McNellis, E., Zadvorna, O., Venkateshvaran, D., Katimiya, K., Geerts, Y., Cornil, J., Vaynzof, Y., Sinova, J., Watanabe, S., & Sirringhaus, H. (01 January 2020). Tuning Spin Current Injection at Ferromagnet-NonMagnet Interfaces by Molecular Design. "Physical Review Letters, 124".
- Slassi, A., Gali, S. M., Pershin, A., Gali, A., Cornil, J., & Beljonne, D. (01 January 2020). Interlayer Bonding in Two-Dimensional Materials: The Special Case of SnP3 and GeP3. "Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 11", 4503-4510.
- Slassi, A., Cornil, D., & Cornil, J. (01 January 2020). Theoretical Characterization of the Electronic Properties of Heterogeneous Vertical Stacks of 2D Metal Dichalcogenides Containing one Doped Layer. "Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22", 14088-14098.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Chauvin, A., Sergievskaya, A., Fucikova, A., Antunes Corêa, C., Vesely, J., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., Dopita, M., & Konstantinidis, S. (27 November 2020). "Sputtering onto liquids: the behaviour of nanoparticles under thermal annealing" [Paper presentation]. Struktura 2020, Virtual, Unknown/unspecified.
- Charlier, H., Hoyas, S., Lemaur, V., Lahem, D., Cornil, J., & Debliquy, M. (23 November 2020). "Detection of Antibiotics with Molecularly Imprinted Polymers: Theoretical Understanding of Detection Mechanisms using EIS and Molecular Dynamics" [Paper presentation]. AllSensors 2020 (DigitalWorld 2020), Valencia, Spain.
- Cornil, J. (16 November 2020). "When organics meets electronics" [Paper presentation]. Webinar of the Young Chemists of the Royal Society of Chemistry, Virtuak, Unknown/unspecified.
- Charlier, H., Hoyas, S., Lemaur, V., Lahem, D., Cornil, J., & Debliquy, M. (23 July 2020). "Detection of Antibiotics with Molecularly Imprinted Polymers: Theoretical Understanding of Detection Mechanisms using EIS and Molecular Dynamics" [Paper presentation]. AllSensors 2020 (DigitalWorld 2020), Valencia, Spain.
- Cornil, J. (11 July 2020). "Charge Transport in Organic Semiconductors: A Molecular Insight" [Paper presentation]. 14th International Summer School on Organic Electronics, Virtual, Unknown/unspecified.
- Cornil, J. (07 June 2020). "Molecular Switches at Interfaces and in Junctions: A Theoretical Insight" [Paper presentation]. 13th International Symposium on Flexible Organic Electronics, Virtual, Unknown/unspecified.
- Cornil, J. (18 February 2020). "A la découverte du Monde de l'Electronique Organique" [Paper presentation]. Institut Provincial d'Enseignement Technique - IPET, Nivelles, Belgium.
- Cornil, J. (11 February 2020). "A la découverte du Monde de l'Electronique Organique" [Paper presentation]. Institut Notre Dame, Charleroi, Belgium.
Mémoires et thèses/Mémoire de licence/master
- Tassignon, B. (2020). "Synthèse et études photochimiques de peptoïdes porteurs de groupements azobenzènes pour le stockage chimique de l’énergie solaire" [Master’s dissertation, UMONS - Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/45930
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Halin, E., Hoyas, S., Lemaur, V., De Winter, J., Laurent, S., Connolly, M., Zuckermann, R., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (19 November 2019). Backbone cleavages of protonated peptoids upon Collision-induced Dissociation: competitive and consecutive B-Y and A1-YX reactions. "Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 30", 2726-2740. doi:10.1007/s13361-019-02342-z
- Willocq, B., Khelifa, F., Odent, J., Lemaur, V., Yang, Y., Leclère, P., Cornil, J., Dubois, P., Urban, M. W., & Raquez, J. M. (18 November 2019). Mechanistic insights on spontaneous moisture-driven healing of urea-based polyurethane. "ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 11", 46176-46182.
- Willocq, B., Khelifa, F., Odent, J., Lemaur, V., Yang, Y., Leclère, P., Cornil, J., Dubois, P., Urban, M. W., & Raquez, J. M. (09 November 2019). Mechanistic Insights on Spontaneous Moisture-Driven Healing of Urea-Based Polyurethanes. "ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 11", 46176-46182.
- Halin, E., Hoyas, S., Lemaur, V., De Winter, J., Laurent, S., Cornil, J., Roithová, J., & Gerbaux, P. (26 October 2019). Side-chain loss reactions of collisionally activated protonated peptoids : A mechanistic insight. "International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 435" (1), 217-226. doi:10.1016/j.ijms.2018.10.032
- Duez, Q., Van Huizen, N., Lemaur, V., De Winter, J., Cornil, J., Burgers, P. C., & Gerbaux, P. (09 October 2019). Silver ion induced folding of alkylamines observed by ion mobility experiments. "International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 435", 34-41. doi:10.1016/j.ijms.2018.10.016
- Gali, S. M., Quarti, C., Olivier, Y., Cornil, J., Truflandrier, L., Castet, F., Muccioli, L., & Beljonne, D. (28 June 2019). Impact of Structural Anisotropy on Electro-Mechanical Response in Crystalline Organic Semiconductors. "Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 7", 4382-4391.
- Lemaur, V., Cornil, J., Lazzaroni, R., Sirringhaus, H., Beljonne, D., & Olivier, Y. (2019). Resilience to Conformational Fluctuations Controls Energetic Disorder in Conjugated Polymer Materials: Insights from Atomistic Simulations. "Chemistry of Materials".
- Idé, J., Cornil, D., Amaury, J., Benjamine, N., Boulanger, P., Ventelon, L., Lazzaroni, R., Beljonne, D., & Cornil, J. (16 May 2019). Glass Hardness Modification by Means of Ion Implantation: Electronic Doping versus Surface Composition Effect. "Advanced Theory and Simulations, 2019", 1900039. doi:10.1002/adts.201900039
- Osella, S., Minoia, A., Quarti, C., Cornil, J., Lazzaroni, R., Goffin, A.-L., Guillaume, M., & Beljonne, D. (16 May 2019). Modelling Coupled Ion Motion in Electrolyte Solutions for Lithium-Sulfur Batteries. "Batteries and Supercaps, 2", 473 - 481. doi:10.1002/batt.201800150
- Galanti, A., Santoro, J., Mannancherry, R., Duez, Q., Diez-Cabanes, V., Valasek, M., De Winter, J., Cornil, J., Gerbaux, P., Mayor, M., & Samori, P. (15 May 2019). A New Class of Rigid Multi(azobenzene) Switches Featuring Electronic Decoupling: Unravelling the Isomerization in Individual Photochromes. "Journal of the American Chemical Society, 141" (23), 9273-9283. doi:10.1021/jacs.9b02544
- Delpierre, S., Willocq, B., Manini, G., Lemaur, V., Goole, J., Gerbaux, P., Cornil, J., Dubois, P., & Raquez, J. M. (24 April 2019). Simple approach for a self-healable and stiff polymer network from iminoboronate-based boroxine chemistry. "Chemistry of Materials, 31" (10), 3736-3744. doi:10.1021/acs.chemmater.9b00750
- Duez, Q., Lienard, R., Moins, S., Lemaur, V., Coulembier, O., Cornil, J., Gerbaux, P., & De Winter, J. (16 April 2019). One step further in the characterization of synthetic polymers by ion mobility mass spectrometry: Evaluating the contribution of end-groups. "Polymers, 11" (4), 688-701. doi:10.3390/polym11040688
- Decroo, C., Colson, E., Caulier, G., De Winter, J., Cabrera, G., Cornil, J., Flammang, P., & Gerbaux, P. (2019). Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry of Saponin Ions. "Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry", 1-12. doi:10.1002/rcm.8193
- Lemaur, V., Cornil, J., Lazzaroni, R., Beljonne, D., & Olivier, Y. (2019). Resilience to Conformational Fluctuations Controls Energetic Disorder in Conjugated Polymer Materials: Insights from Atomistic Simulations. "Chemistry of Materials".
- Hou, I. C. Y., Diez-Cabanes, V., Galanti, A., Valasek, M., Mayor, M., Cornil, J., Narita, A., Samori, P., & Müllen, K. (2019). Photo-modulation of Two-Dimensioanl Self Assembly of Azobenzene-Hexa-peri-Hexabenzocoronene-Azobenzene Triads. "Chemistry of Materials".
- Santidrian, A., Gonzalez-Dominguez, J. M., Diez Cabanes, V., Hernandez-Ferrer, J., Maser, W. K., Benito, A. M., Anson-Casaos, A., Cornil, J., Da Ros, T., & Kalbac, M. (2019). A Tool Box to Ascertain the Nature of Doping and Photoresponse in Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes. "Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics".
- Zhang, F., Lemaur, V., Choi, W., Kafle, P., Seki, S., Cornil, J., Beljonne, D., & Diao, Y. (2019). Repurposing DNA Binding Agents as H-Bonded Organic Semiconductors. "Nature Communications".
- Wang, Q., Ligorio, G., Schlesinger, R., Diez Cabanes, V., Cornil, D., Garmhausen, Y., Hecht, S., Cornil, J., List-Kratochvil, E. J. W., & Koch, N. (2019). Switching the Electronic Properties of ZnO Surfaces with Negative T-type Photochromic Pyridyl-dihydropyrene Layers and Impact of Fermi Level Pinning. "Advanced Materials Interfaces".
- Diez-Cabanes, V., Gomez, A., Souto, M., Gonzalez-Pato, A., Minoia, A., Cornil, J., Veciana, J., & Ratera, I. (2019). Reversible Switching of the Au(111) Work Function by Near Infrared Irradiation with a Bistable SAM Based on a Radical Donor-Acceptor Dyad. "Journal of Materials Chemistry C".
- Wang, Y., Slassi, A., Stoeckel, M.-A., Bertolazzi, S., Cornil, J., Beljonne, D., & Samori, P. (01 January 2019). Doping of Monolayer Transition Metal Dichalcogenies via Physisorption of Aromatic Solvent Molecules. "Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 10", 540-547.
- Wang, Q., Diez Cabanes, V., Dell'Elce, S., Liscio, A., Kobin, B., Li, H., Brédas, J. L., Hecht, S., Palermo, V., List-Kratochvil, E. J. W., Cornil, J., Koch, N., & Ligorio, G. (2019). Dynamically Switching the Electronic and Electrostatic Properties of Indium-Tin Oxide Electrodes With Photochromic Monolayers: Toward Photoswitchable Optoelectronic Devices. "ACS Applied Nano Materials".
- Slassi, A., & Cornil, J. (01 January 2019). Theoretical Characterization of Strain and Interfacial Electronic Effects in Donor-Acceptors Bilayers of 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides. "2D Materials, 6".
- Galanti, A., Diez Cabanes, V., Santoro, J., Minoia, A., Valasek, M., Mayor, M., Cornil, J., & Samori, P. (2019). Electronic Decoupling in C3-Symmetrical Light-Responsive Tris(Azobenzene) Scaffolds: Self-Assembly and Multi-Photochromism. "Journal of the American Chemical Society".
- Mohankumar, M., Chattopadhyay, B., Hadji, R., Sanguinet, L., Kennedy, A. R., Lemaur, V., Cornil, J., Fenwick, O., Samori, P., & Geerts, Y. (2019). Oxacycle-Fused [1]Benzothieno[3,2-b][1]benzothiophene Derivatives: Synthesis, Electronic Structure, Electrochemical Properties, Ionisation Potential and Crystal Structure Data. "ChemPlusChem".
- Wang, Y., Slassi, A., Cornil, J., Beljonne, D., & Samori, P. (01 January 2019). Tuning the Optical and Electrical Properties of Few-Layer Black Phosphorus via Physisorption of Small Solvent Molecules. "Small, 5", 1903432.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Cornil, J. (05 December 2019). "Theoretical Insight into Electronic Processes at Hybrid Interfaces in Opto-electronic Devices" [Paper presentation]. Invited seminar at the Philipps-Universität Marburg, Marburg, Germany.
- Halin, E., Hoyas, S., De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., Cornil, J., Laurent, S., & Gerbaux, P. (10 October 2019). "Secondary structure of ionized peptoids by ion mobility mass spectrometry: influence of the basic terminal group and the side chain" [Paper presentation]. SRC Scientific Day, Namur, Belgium.
- Cornil, J. (01 October 2019). "Pinning Effects at Hybrid Interfaces: A Theoretical Insight" [Paper presentation]. Imaginenano conference 2020, Virtual, Unknown/unspecified.
- Panepinto, A., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., & Snyders, R. (18 September 2019). "Fine control of the nitrogen chemistry in TiO2:N - An experimental and theoretical study" [Paper presentation]. E-MRS 2019 fall meeting, Warsaw, Poland.
- Cornil, J. (28 August 2019). "Pinning Effects at Interfaces" [Paper presentation]. European Conference on Molecular Electronics 2019, Linkoping, Sweden.
- Cornil, J. (25 July 2019). "Charge Transport in Polymer Assemblies and Molecular Junctions" [Paper presentation]. Invited seminar at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States - Georgia.
- Panepinto, A., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., & Snyders, R. (02 July 2019). "Can we engineer the chemistry of N-doped TiO2 ?" [Paper presentation]. 6th Researchers' Day of the UMONS Materials Research Institute, Mons, Belgium.
- Konstantinidis, S., Carette, X., Debièvre, B., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., Leclère, P., Raquez, J. M., Gautier, N., Gautron, E., & El Mel, A.-A. (11 June 2019). "Sputtering metals on liquid substrates for nanoparticle synthesis" [Paper presentation]. The 15th International Symposium on Sputtering and Plasma Processes, Kanazawa, Japan.
- Delpierre, S., Willocq, B., Manini, G., Lemaur, V., Goole, J., Gerbaux, P., Cornil, J., Dubois, P., & Raquez, J. M. (05 June 2019). "Simple approach for a self-healable and remendable stiff polymer network from iminoboronate-based boroxine chemistry" [Paper presentation]. 7th international conference on self-healing materials, Yokohama, Japan.
- Delpierre, S., Willocq, B., Manini, G., Lemaur, V., Goole, J., Gerbaux, P., Cornil, J., Dubois, P., & Raquez, J. M. (28 May 2019). "Simple approach for a self-healable and remendable stiff polymer network from iminoboronate-based boroxine chemistry" [Paper presentation]. BPG annual meeting, Houffalize, Belgium.
- Cornil, J. (17 May 2019). "International Symposium on Molecular Design of Organic Optoelectronic Materials" [Paper presentation]. International Symposium on Molecular Design of Organic Optoelectronic Materials, Beijing, China.
- Cornil, J. (15 May 2019). "Molecular Switches at Interfaces and in Junctions: A Theoretical Insight" [Paper presentation]. International Symposium in honor of Professor Jean-Luc Brédas for his 65th anniversary, Beijing, China.
- Cornil, J. (10 May 2019). "Les Cellules Solaires : Au-delà du Silicium" [Paper presentation]. Exposé pédagogique au Lycée des Sciences et des Technologies, Soignies, Belgium.
- Duez, Q., Cornil, J., Gerbaux, P., & De Winter, J. (26 April 2019). "From Molecules in Solution to Ions in Gas-Phase: Modelling the Electrospray Ionization Process" [Paper presentation]. 12ème Journée Rencontre des jeunes Chimistes de la SRC, Bruxelles, Belgium.
- Cornil, J. (15 April 2019). "Modelling Interfacial Electronic Processes in Organic-Based Opto-Electronic Devices" [Paper presentation]. Midlands Computational Chemistry meeting, Lougborough, United Kingdom.
- Cornil, J. (10 April 2019). "Modelling Electronic Processes at Interfaces Involving Organic Semiconductors" [Paper presentation]. Network school of the European RTN SEPOMO project, Mons, Belgium.
- Duez, Q., Cornil, J., Gerbaux, P., Konermann, L., & De Winter, J. (01 April 2019). "Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry and Molecular Dynamics Reveal Insights on ESI Mechanisms" [Paper presentation]. 4th NVMS-BSMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Rolduc, Netherlands.
- Halin, E., Hoyas, S., De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., Cornil, J., Laurent, S., & Gerbaux, P. (31 March 2019). "Gas-phase structure of peptoid ions: impact of structural factors" [Paper presentation]. 4th NVMS-BSMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Rolduc, Netherlands.
- Cornil, J. (21 February 2019). "A la découverte du Monde de l'Electronique Organique" [Paper presentation]. Exposé pédagogique à l' Institut Provincial d'Enseignement Technique - IPET, Nivelles, Belgium.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication publiée dans un périodique
- Konstantinidis, S., Carette, X., Debièvre, B., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., Leclère, P., Raquez, J. M., Gautier, N., Gautron, E., & El Mel, A.-A. (2019). "Sputtering metals on liquid substrates for nanoparticle synthesis" [Paper presentation]. The 15th International Symposium on Sputtering and Plasma Processes, Kanazawa, Japan.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Halin, E., Hoyas, S., De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., Cornil, J., Laurent, S., & Gerbaux, P. (10 October 2019). "Secondary structure of ionized peptoids by Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry : Influence of the basic terminal group and the side chain" [Poster presentation]. Journée Scientifique SRC, Namur, Belgium.
- Duez, Q., Josse, T., Lemaur, V., Chirot, F., Minh Choi, C., Dubois, P., Cornil, J., Gerbaux, P., & De Winter, J. (10 October 2019). "Correlation between the Shape of the Ion Mobility Signals and the Stepwise Folding Process of Polylactide Ions" [Poster presentation]. Journée Scientifique SRC, Namur, Belgium.
- Weber, P., Hoyas, S., Cornil, J., Gerbaux, P., Coulembier, O., & De Winter, J. (10 October 2019). "Synthesis and (Ion Mobility) MS characterization of polypeptoids" [Poster presentation]. Journée SRC - UMamur, Namur, Belgium.
- De Winter, J., Galanti, A., Duez, Q., Cornil, J., Samori, P., & Gerbaux, P. (05 June 2019). "AZOBENZENE PHOTOSWITCHES : OBSERVING MOLECULES SWITCHING USING ION MOBILITY MASS SPECTROMETRY" [Poster presentation]. 67th conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, Atlanta, United States - Georgia.
- Duez, Q., Metwally, H., Hoyas, S., Lemaur, V., Cornil, J., Gerbaux, P., Konermann, L., & De Winter, J. (03 June 2019). "Gaseous Polylactide Ions Retain Structural Memory of How They Were Produced by ESI: An Ion Mobility Spectrometry/Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study" [Poster presentation]. ASMS, Atlanta, United States - Georgia.
- Lienard, R., Duez, Q., Moins, S., Lemaur, V., Coulembier, O., Cornil, J., Gerbaux, P., & De Winter, J. (23 May 2019). "How important are polymer end-groups in ion mobility mass spectrometry ?" [Poster presentation]. Annual Chimie meeting, Namur, Belgium.
- Lienard, R., Duez, Q., Moins, S., Lemaur, V., Coulembier, O., Cornil, J., Gerbaux, P., & De Winter, J. (23 May 2019). "How important are polymer end-groups in ion mobility mass spectrometry ?" [Poster presentation]. ETD CHIM, UNamur, Belgium.
- Liénard, R., Duez, Q., Moins, S., Lemaur, V., Coulembier, O., Cornil, J., Gerbaux, P., & De Winter, J. (23 May 2019). "How important are polymer end-groups in ion mobility mass spectrometry" [Poster presentation]. Annual Chim Meeting and From Atomistic to Subatomistic Computational Simulations, Namur, Belgium.
- Lienard, R., Duez, Q., Moins, S., Lemaur, V., Coulembier, O., Cornil, J., Gerbaux, P., & De Winter, J. (08 May 2019). "How important are polymer end-groups in ion mobility mass spectrometry ?" [Poster presentation]. 34th Informal meeting on mass spectrometry, Fiera di Primiero, Italy.
- Liénard, R., Duez, Q., Moins, S., Lemaur, V., Coulembier, O., Cornil, J., Gerbaux, P., & De Winter, J. (08 May 2019). "How important are polymer end-groups in ion mobility mass spectrometry" [Poster presentation]. 34th Informal meeting on mass spectrometry, Fiera di Primiero, Italy.
- Delpierre, S., Willocq, B., Manini, G., Lemaur, V., Goole, J., Gerbaux, P., Cornil, J., Dubois, P., & Raquez, J. M. (08 May 2019). "A simple approach for self-healable and stiff polymer network from iminoboronate-based boroxine chemistry" [Poster presentation]. 37th Informal meeting on mass spectrometry, Fiera di Primiero, Italy.
- Lienard, R., Duez, Q., Moins, S., Lemaur, V., Coulembier, O., Cornil, J., Gerbaux, P., & De Winter, J. (06 May 2019). "How important are polymer end-groups in ion mobility mass spectrometry ?" [Poster presentation]. 37th IMMS, Fiera di Primiero, Italy.
- Liénard, R., Duez, Q., Moins, S., Lemaur, V., Coulembier, O., Cornil, J., Gerbaux, P., & De Winter, J. (30 April 2019). "How important are polymer end-groups in ion mobility mass spectrometry" [Poster presentation]. 4th NVMS-BSMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Rolduc, Netherlands.
- Lienard, R., Duez, Q., Moins, S., Lemaur, V., Coulembier, O., Cornil, J., Gerbaux, P., & De Winter, J. (01 April 2019). "How important are polymer end-groups in ion mobility mass spectrometry ?" [Poster presentation]. 4th NVMS-BSMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Rolduc, Netherlands.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Chung, H., Dudenko, D., Zhang, F., D'Avino, G., Beljonne, D., Ruzié, C., Richard, A., Schweicher, G., & Cornil, J. (01 December 2018). Rotator Side Chains Trigger Coopertaive Transition for Shape and Function Memory Effect in Organic Semiconductors. "Nature Communications, 9", 278.
- Carette, X., Debièvre, B., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., Leclère, P., Maes, B., Gautier, N., Gautron, E., El Mel, A.-A., Raquez, J. M., & Konstantinidis, S. (15 October 2018). On the Sputtering of Titanium and Silver onto Liquids, Discussing the Formation of Nanoparticles. "Journal of Physical Chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces, 122" (46), 26605-26612. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b06987
- Hoyas, S., Lemaur, V., Duez, Q., Saintmont, F., Halin, E., De Winter, J., Gerbaux, P., & Cornil, J. (20 September 2018). PEPDROID: Development of a Generic DREIDING-Based Force Field for the Assessment of Peptoid Secondary Structures. "Advanced Theory and Simulations, 1", 1-14. doi:10.1002/adts.201800089
- Rodriguez-Gonzalez, S., Xie, Z., Galangau, O., Selvanathan, P., Norel, L., Van Dyck, C., Costuas, K., Frisbie, C. D., Rigaut, S., & Cornil, J. (03 May 2018). HOMO Level Pinning in Molecular Junctions: Joint Theoretical and Experimental Evidence. "Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 9" (9), 2394-2403. doi:10.1021/acs.jpclett.8b00575
- He, T., Wu, Y., D'Avino, G., Schmidt, E., Stolte, M., Cornil, J., Beljonne, D., Ruden, P. P., Wurthner, F., & Frisbie, D. (01 January 2018). Crystal Step Edges can Trap Electrons on the Surfaces of N-Type Organic Semiconductors. "Nature Communications, 9", 2141.
- Duez, Q., Romain, M., Tonneaux, C., De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., Cornil, J., Poriel, C., & Gerbaux, P. (01 January 2018). Discrimination of Positional Isomers by Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry: Application to Organic Semiconductors. "Analytical Methods, 10", 2303-2306. doi:10.1039/C8AY00568K
- Vercouter, A., Lemaur, V., Idé, J., Muccioli, L., Beljonne, D., & Cornil, J. (2018). Modélisation Théorique de la Conductivité Thermique de Réseau de Semiconducteurs Organiques. "Chimie Nouvelle".
- Diez Cabanes, V., Rodriguez-Gonzalez, S., Osella, S., Cornil, D., Van Dyck, C., & Cornil, J. (2018). 'Energy Level Alignment at Interfaces Between Au(111) and Thiolated Oligophenylenes of Increasing Chain Size: Theoretical Evidence of Pinning Effects'. "Advanced Theory and Simulations".
- Souto, M., Diez Cabanes, V., Yuan, L., Kyvyk, A., Ratera, I., Nijhuis, C. A., Cornil, J., & Veciana, J. (01 January 2018). Influence of Donor Unit on the Rectification Ratio in Tunnel Junctions Based on Donor-Acceptor Self-Assembled Monolayers using PTM Units as Acceptors. "Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20", 25638-25647.
- Chung, H., Dudenko, D., Zhang, F., D'Avino, G., Ruzié, C., Richard, A., Schweicher, G., Cornil, J., Beljonne, D., Geerts, Y., & Diao, Y. (2018). 'Rotator Side Chains Trigger Cooperative Transition for Shape and Function Memory Effect in Organic Semiconductors'. "Nature Communications".
- Carroy, G., Lemaur, V., Henoumont, C., Laurent, S., De Winter, J., De Pauw, E., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (01 January 2018). Flying Cages in Traveling Wave Ion Mobility: Influence of the Instrumental Parameters on the Topology of the Host-Guest Complexes. "Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 29", 121-132. doi:10.1007/s13361-017-1816-7
- Diez Cabanes, V., Morales, D. C., Souto, M., Paradinas, M., Delchiaro, F., Painelli, A., Ocal, C., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., Ratera, I., & Veciana, J. (01 January 2018). Effect of the Molecular Polarizability of SAMs on the Work Function of Gold : Closed- versus Open-Shell Donor-Acceptor SAMs. "Advanced Materials Technologies, 3".
- Luponosov, Y. N., Solodukhin, A. N., Kozlov, O. V., Flament, B., Douhéret, O., Viville, P., Beljonne, D., Lazzaroni, R., Cornil, J., Pshenichnikov, M. S., & Ponomarenko, S. A. (01 January 2018). Simple Donor-Acceptor Molecule with Long Exciton Diffusion Length for Organic Photovoltaics. "Organic Electronics, 53", 185-190.
- Wang, Q., Ligorio, G., Diez Cabanes, V., Cornil, D., Kobin, B., Hildebrandt, J., Nardi, M. V., Timpel, M., Hecht, S., Cornil, J., List, E. J. W., & Koch, N. (2018). 'Dynamic Photo-Switching of Electron Energy Levels at Hybrid ZnO/Organic Photochromic Molecule Junctions. "Advanced Functional Materials".
- Galanti, A., Diez Cabanes, V., Santoro, J., Minoia, A., Valasek, M., Mayor, M., Cornil, J., & Samori, P. (01 January 2018). Electronic Decoupling in C3-Symmetrical Light-Responsive Tris(Azobenzene) Scaffolds: Self-Assembly and Multi-Photochromism. "Journal of the American Chemical Society, 140", 16062-16070.
- Diez Cabanes, V., Seber, G., Franco, C., Bejarano, F., Crivillers, N., Mas Torrent, M., Veciana, J., Rovira, C., & Cornil, J. (2018). Design of Polychlorotriphenylmethyl (PTM) Radical-Based Compounds for Optoelectronic Applications: The Role of Orbital Delocalization. "Chemphyschem: A European Journal of Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry".
- Rodriguez-Gonzalez, S., Xie, Z., Galangau, O., Selvanathan, P., Norel, L., Van Dyck, C., Costuas, K., Frisbie, D., Rigaut, S., & Cornil, J. (2018). HOMO Level Pinning in Molecular Junctions: Joint Theoretical and Experimental Evidence'. "Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters".
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Cornil, J. (11 December 2018). "A Theoretical Insight into Switchable Self-Assembled Monolayers" [Paper presentation]. Invited speaker at the symposium 'Perspectives on Switchable Systems and Materials for Smart Electronics', Berlin, Germany.
- Cornil, J. (09 September 2018). "UNIBOlar Transport in Supramolecular Architectures" [Paper presentation]. Invited speaker at the workshop 'A Scientific Journey in the World of Liquid Crystals and Beyond', Erice, Italy.
- Halin, E., Hoyas, S., De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., Cornil, J., Laurent, S., & Gerbaux, P. (26 August 2018). "Secondary structure of ionized peptoids by Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry: Influence of the basic terminal group and the side chain" [Paper presentation]. XXII International Mass Spectrometry Conference, Florence, Italy.
- Cornil, J. (10 August 2018). "What's Up in Mons Doc ?" [Paper presentation]. Invited seminar au Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States - Georgia.
- Cornil, J. (12 July 2018). "Modelling Electronic Processes in Organic Solar Cells" [Paper presentation]. Invited speaker at the international summer school FOREverOPV, Pau, France.
- Cornil, J. (20 June 2018). "Pinning Effects at Hybrid Interfaces" [Paper presentation]. Invited speaker at the E-MRS Meeting, symposium J, Strasbourg, France.
- Trasobares, J., Rech, J., Jonckheere, T., Martin, T., Aleveque, O., Levillain, E., Diez Cabanes, V., Olivier, Y., Cornil, J., Nys, J. P., Sivakumarasamy, R., Smaali, K., Leclère, P., Fujiwara, A., Théron, D., Vuillaume, D., & Clément, N. (18 June 2018). "Estimation of pi-pi intermolecular interactions from C-AFM on sub-10 nm Au nanodot-molecule junctions" [Paper presentation]. E-MRS 2018 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France.
- De Winter, J., Duez, Q., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (02 June 2018). "Polymers for Travelling Wave Ion Mobility Spectrometry Calibration: Why? How? What?" [Paper presentation]. WATERS User's meeting, San Diego, United States - California.
- Cornil, J. (29 May 2018). "Pinning Effects at Hybrid Interfaces" [Paper presentation]. Invited seminar, University of Konstanz, Germany.
- Cornil, J. (16 May 2018). "Modelling activities on silver/oxide interfaces with AGC and Li-ion batteries with Solvay" [Paper presentation]. Invited speaker at the Workshop 'Industry-Academia Day on Computer Simulations of Materials Properties, Liège, Belgium.
- De Winter, J., Galanti, A., Duez, Q., Santoro, J., Valasek, M., Cornil, J., Samori, P., & Gerbaux, P. (09 May 2018). "Azobenzene Photoswitches : Observing Molecules Switching Using Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry" [Paper presentation]. Informal meeting on mass spectrometry, Koszeg, Hungary.
- Duez, Q., Metwally, H., Lemaur, V., Cornil, J., Konermann, L., Gerbaux, P., & De Winter, J. (07 May 2018). "Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry and Molecular Dynamics for The Structural Characterization of Polymer Ions: Insights of Electrospray Ionization Mechanisms" [Paper presentation]. 36th Informal Meeting on Mass Spectrometry, Koszeg, Hungary.
- Cornil, J. (17 April 2018). "Electronic and Optical Properties of Organic Semiconductors: Basic Concepts" [Paper presentation]. Invited speaker at the thematic school 'Excitonics for Photonic Applications', Les Houches, France.
- Vuillaume, D., Trasobares, J., Rech, J., Jonckheere, T., Martin, T., Aleveque, O., Levillain, E., Diez Cabanes, V., Olivier, Y., Cornil, J., Nys, J. P., Sivakumarasamy, R., Smaali, K., Leclère, P., Fujiwara, A., Théron, D., & Clément, N. (02 April 2018). "Nanodot-Molecule Junctions Assessing Intermolecular Interactions and Electron Transport at Microwave Frequencies with C-AFM and iSMM" [Paper presentation]. MRS Spring Meeting 2018, Phoenix AZ, United States - Arizona.
- Halin, E., Hoyas, S., Lemaur, V., Cornil, J., De Winter, J., Laurent, S., & Gerbaux, P. (26 March 2018). "Probing the primary and secondary structures of peptoid foldamers by combining Mass Spectrometry techniques and computational chemistry" [Paper presentation]. XXIII Rencontre Club Jeune Spectrométrie de Masse, Saint-Martin-de-Londres, France.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Halin, E., Hoyas, S., De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., Cornil, J., Laurent, S., & Gerbaux, P. (11 October 2018). "Secondary structure of ionized peptoids by Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry : Influence of the basic terminal group and the side chain" [Poster presentation]. Journée annuelle SRC - Société Royale de Chimie, Mons, Belgium.
- Hoyas, S., Halin, E., Weber, P., Lemaur, V., De Winter, J., Gerbaux, P., & Cornil, J. (11 October 2018). "Secondary structures of Peptoids in gas phase assessed by Ion Mobily Mass Spectrometry and Molecular Modeling" [Poster presentation]. Journée Scientifique de la Société Royale de Chimie, Mons, Belgium.
- Halin, E., Hoyas, S., De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., Cornil, J., Laurent, S., & Gerbaux, P. (11 October 2018). "Etudes de la structure secondaire de peptoïdes ionisés par mobilité ionique: influence du groupement terminal basique et de la chaine latérale" [Poster presentation]. Journée SRC 'Chemistry of bio-sourced molecules and materials', Mons, Belgium.
- Carette, X., Debièvre, B., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., Leclère, P., Maes, B., Gautier, N., Gaudron, E., El Mel, A. A., Raquez, J. M., & Konstantinidis, S. (17 September 2018). "Sputtering Metals on Liquid Substrates for Nanoparticle Synthesis" [Poster presentation]. 16th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (PSE 2018), Garmisch-Partenkirchen , Germany.
- Hoyas, S., Halin, E., Weber, P., Lemaur, V., De Winter, J., Gerbaux, P., & Cornil, J. (15 September 2018). "Secondary structures of Peptoids in gas phase assessed by Ion Mobily Mass Spectrometry and Molecular Modeling" [Poster presentation]. 6 th Symposium on Foldamers 2018, Bordeaux, France.
- Halin, E., Hoyas, S., De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., Cornil, J., Laurent, S., & Gerbaux, P. (26 August 2018). "Secondary structure of ionized peptoids by Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry : Influence of the basic terminal group and the side chain" [Poster presentation]. XXII International Mass Spectrometry Conference, Florence, Italy.
- Duez, Q., Josse, T., Lemaur, V., Chirot, F., Choi, C. M., Dubois, P., Dugourd, P., Cornil, J., Gerbaux, P., & De Winter, J. (03 July 2018). "Correlation between the Shape of the Ion Mobility Signals and the Stepwise Folding Process of Polylactide Ions" [Poster presentation]. 5e Journée Scientifique de l'Institut Matériaux, Mons, Belgium.
- Hoyas, S., Halin, E., Weber, P., Lemaur, V., De Winter, J., Gerbaux, P., & Cornil, J. (29 June 2018). "Secondary structures of Peptoids in gas phase assessed by Ion Mobily Mass Spectrometry and Molecular Modeling" [Poster presentation]. 5th Researchers' Workshop of the Materials Research Institute, Mons, Belgium.
- Lienard, R., Duez, Q., Cornil, J., Coulembier, O., Gerbaux, P., & De Winter, J. (10 May 2018). "Assessment of the architectural purity of cyclic polymers by ion mobility mass spectrometry" [Poster presentation]. 36th Informal Meeting on Mass Spectrometry, Koszeg, Hungary.
- Lienard, R., Duez, Q., Cornil, J., Coulembier, O., Gerbaux, P., & De Winter, J. (07 May 2018). "Assessment of Architectural Purity of a Cyclic Polymer Thanks to the Ion Mobility Spectrometry" [Poster presentation]. 36th Informal Meeting on Mass Spectrometry, Koszeg, Hungary.
- Hoyas, S., Halin, E., Lemaur, V., De Winter, J., Gerbaux, P., & Cornil, J. (02 May 2018). "Identification of primary and secondary structures of Peptoids: Association of Molecular Modeling and Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry" [Poster presentation]. 36th Informal Mass Spectrometry Meeting: Kőszeg, Kőszeg, Hungary.
- Duez, Q., Josse, T., Lemaur, V., Chirot, F., Choi, C. M., Dubois, P., Dugourd, P., Cornil, J., Gerbaux, P., & De Winter, J. (29 March 2018). "Correlation between the Shape of the Ion Mobility Signals and the Stepwise Folding Process of Polylactide Ions" [Poster presentation]. XXI Belgian Society for Mass Spectrometry Meeting, Liège, Belgium.
- Halin, E., Hoyas, S., De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., Cornil, J., Laurent, S., & Gerbaux, P. (24 January 2018). "Primary and secondary structures of peptoids as probed by Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry" [Poster presentation]. 15th International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Separation Technology, Cardiff, United Kingdom.
- Halin, E., Hoyas, S., De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., Cornil, J., Laurent, S., & Gerbaux, P. (24 January 2018). "Primary and secondary structures of peptoids as probed by Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry" [Poster presentation]. HTC 15-15th International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Separation Technology, Cardiff, United Kingdom.
- Colson, E., Gerbaux, P., Flammang, P., Cornil, J., Caulier, G., & Decroo, C. (24 January 2018). "Characterisation and Antifungal activity from saponin extract" [Poster presentation]. HTC 15-15th International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Separation Technology, Cardiff, United Kingdom.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Duez, Q., Chirot, F., Lienard, R., Josse, T., Choi, C. M., Coulembier, O., Dugourd, P., Cornil, J., Gerbaux, P., & De Winter, J. (01 November 2017). Polymers for Traveling Wave Ion Mobility Spectrometry Calibration. "Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, Volume 28" (Issue 11), 2483-2491.
- Lenfant, S., Viero, Y., Krzeminski, C., Vuillaume, D., Demeter, D., Dobra, I., Oçafrain, M., Blanchard, P., Roncali, J., Van Dyck, C., & Cornil, J. (08 June 2017). New Photomechanical Molecular Switch Based on a Linear π-Conjugated System. "Journal of Physical Chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces, 121" (22), 12416 - 12425. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b01240
- Moins, S., Delbosc, N., Decroly, A., Dubois, P., Krumpmann, A., Lemaur, V., Lazzaroni, R., Martins, J. C., Cornil, J., Gohy, J.-F., & Coulembier, O. (05 June 2017). Potential of polymethacrylate pseudo crown ethers as solid state polymer electrolytes. "Chemical Communications, 53", 6899-6902.
- Decroo, C., Colson, E., Demeyer, M., Lemaur, V., Caulier, G., Eeckhaut, I., Cornil, J., Flammang, P., & Gerbaux, P. (02 June 2017). Tackling saponin diversity in marine animals by mass spectrometry: data acquisition and integration. "Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 409", 3115-3126.
- Cornil, D., Wiame, H., Lecomte, B., Cornil, J., & Beljonne, D. (09 May 2017). Which Oxide for Low-Emissivity Glasses? First-Principles Modeling of Silver Adhesion. "ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 9", 18346-18354.
- Kozlov, O. V., Luponosov, Y. N., Solodukhin, A. N., Flament, B., Olivier, Y., Lazzaroni, R., Cornil, J., Ponomarenko, S. A., & Pshenichnikov, M. S. (26 April 2017). Ultrasfast Exciton-to-Polaron Conversion in Densely Packed Small Organic Semiconducting Molecules. "Advanced Optical Materials, 7", 1700024. doi:10.1002/adom.201700024
- Trasobares, J., Rech, J., Jonckheere, T., Martin, T., Aleveque, O., Levillain, E., Diez-Cabanes, V., Olivier, Y., Cornil, J., Nys, J. P., Sivakumarasamy, R., Smaali, K., Leclère, P., Fujiwara, A., Théron, D., Vuillaume, D., & Clément, N. (30 March 2017). Estimation of π-π Electronic Couplings from Current Measurements. "Nano Letters, 17", 3215 - 3224.
- Dervaux, J., Cormier, P.-A., Struzzi, C., Scardamaglia, M., Bittencourt, C., Petaccia, L., Cornil, D., Lasser, L., Beljonne, D., Cornil, J., Lazzaroni, R., & Snyders, R. (01 January 2017). Probing the Interaction Between 2-2'-bithiophene-5-carboxylic acid and TiO2 by Photoelectron Spectroscopy: A Joint Experimental and Theoretical Study. "Journal of Chemical Physics, 147", 244704.
- Lenfant, S., Viero, Y., Krzeminski, C., Vuillaume, D., Demeter, D., Dobra, I., Ocafrain, M., Blanchard, P., Roncali, J., Van Dyck, C., & Cornil, J. (01 January 2017). New Photomechanical Molecular Switch Based on a Linear Pi-Conjugated System. "Journal of Physical Chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces, 121", 12416-12425.
- Keerthi, A., Radha, B., Rizzo, D., Lu, H., Diez Cabanes, V., Hou, I. C. Y., Beljonne, D., Cornil, J., Casiraghi, C., Baumgarten, M., Mullen, K., & Narita, A. (01 January 2017). Edge Functionalization of Structurally Defined Graphene Nanoribbons for Modulating the Self-Assembled Structures. "Journal of the American Chemical Society, 139", 16454-16457.
- Duez, Q., Josse, T., Lemaur, V., Chirot, F., Choi, C., Dubois, P., Dugourd, P., Cornil, J., Gerbaux, P., & De Winter, J. (01 January 2017). Correlation between the Shape of the Ion Mobility Signals and the Stepwise Folding Process of Polylactide Ions. "Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 52" (3), 133-138. doi:10.1002/jms.3915
- Arbouch, I., Cornil, D., Karzazi, Y., Hammouti, B., Lazzaroni, R., & Cornil, J. (01 January 2017). Influence of the Nature of the Anchoring Group on Electron Injection Processes at Dye-Titania Interfaces. "Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19", 29389-29401.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Halin, E., Hoyas, S., Henoumont, C., Trevisan, M., Lemaur, V., Cornil, J., De Winter, J., Surin, M., Laurent, S., & Gerbaux, P. (05 December 2017). "Probing the secondary structure of peptoid foldamers by combining Mass Spectrometry, Nuclear magnetic Resonance, Circular Dichroism and computational chemistry" [Paper presentation]. Young Belgian Magnetic Resonance Scientist meeting, Blankenberge, Belgium.
- Cornil, J. (19 July 2017). "Modelling the Electronic Properties of Interfaces Involving Organic Semiconductors" [Paper presentation]. Invited speaker at the TSRC Workshop on 'Regulating the Interfacial Physicochemical Processes of Organic Semiconductors by Design', Telluride, United States - Colorado.
- Konstantinidis, S., Raza, M., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., Lucas, S., Pierson, J.-F., Boulet, P., Rinnert, H., Horwat, D., dos Santos Gomez, L., Esposito, V., Sanna, S., & Snyders, R. (07 July 2017). "On the synthesis and properties of sputter deposited Oxygen Vacancy Stabilized Zirconia Thin Films" [Paper presentation]. International Symposium on Sputtering Processes, Kanazawa, Japan.
- Willocq, B., Khelifa, F., Lemaur, V., Leclère, P., Cornil, J., Dubois, P., & Raquez, J. M. (26 June 2017). "Moisture-driven healing of urea-based polymer" [Paper presentation]. International conference on self-healing materials, Friedrischaven, Germany.
- Decroo, C., Caulier, G., De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., Flammang, P., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (07 May 2017). "Ion mobility mass spectrometry of saponins: from ion conformation to molecule structure" [Paper presentation]. 35th informal meeting on mass spectrometry, Aussois , Unknown/unspecified.
- Willocq, B., Khelifa, F., Lemaur, V., Leclère, P., Cornil, J., Dubois, P., & Raquez, J. M. (04 May 2017). "Moisture-driven healing of urea-based polymer" [Paper presentation]. BPG Annual Meeting 2017, Houffalize, Belgium.
- Cornil, J. (23 March 2017). "LED it be, OLED it be" [Paper presentation]. Journée Math-Sciences, Mons, Belgium.
- Duez, Q., Lemaur, V., Cornil, J., Gerbaux, P., & De Winter, J. (21 March 2017). "Correlation between the Shape of the Ion Mobility Signals and the Stepwise Folding Process of Polylactide Ions" [Paper presentation]. XXIIe Rencontres du Club Jeunes de la Société Française de Spectrométrie de Masse, Trélon, France.
- Cornil, J. (23 February 2017). "La Thermoélectricité à Base de Matériaux Organiques" [Paper presentation]. Séminaire du département de physique, Mons, Belgium.
- Duez, Q., Lemaur, V., Cornil, J., Gerbaux, P., & De Winter, J. (08 February 2017). "Correlation between the Shape of the Ion Mobility Signals and the Stepwise Folding Process of Polylactide Ions" [Paper presentation]. BSMS Annual Meeting 2017, Leuven, Belgium.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Colson, E., Decroo, C., Caulier, G., Cornil, J., Flammang, P., & Gerbaux, P. (23 June 2017). "Tackling the saponin diversity in marine animals by mass spectrometry : Data acquisition and integration" [Poster presentation]. Phytoday, Reims, France.
- Decroo, C., Caulier, G., De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., Flammang, P., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (23 June 2017). "Ion mobility mass spectrometry of saponins: from ion conformation to molecule structure" [Poster presentation]. Phytoday, Reims, France.
- Willocq, B., Khelifa, F., Lemaur, V., Leclère, P., Cornil, J., Dubois, P., & Raquez, J. M. (22 May 2017). "Moisture-driven healing of urea-based polymer" [Poster presentation]. APME, Gand, Belgium.
- Lienard, R., Duez, Q., Cornil, J., Coulembier, O., Gerbaux, P., & De Winter, J. (12 May 2017). "Assessment of the architectural purity of cyclic polymers by ion mobility mass spectrometry" [Poster presentation]. 35th informal meeting on mass spectrometry, Aussois , Unknown/unspecified.
- Colson, E., Decroo, C., Caulier, G., Cornil, J., Flammang, P., & Gerbaux, P. (11 May 2017). "Tackling the saponin diversity in marine animals by mass spectrometry : Data acquisition and integration" [Poster presentation]. 35th informal meeting on mass spectrometry, Aussois , Unknown/unspecified.
- Duez, Q., Josse, T., Lemaur, V., Chirot, F., Choi, C. M., Dubois, P., Cornil, J., Gerbaux, P., & De Winter, J. (07 May 2017). "Correlation between the Shape of the Ion Mobility Signals and the Stepwise Folding Process of Polylactide Ions" [Poster presentation]. 35th informal meeting on mass spectrometry, Aussois , Unknown/unspecified.
- Lienard, R., Duez, Q., Cornil, J., Coulembier, O., Gerbaux, P., & De Winter, J. (07 May 2017). "Assessment of Architectural Purity of a Cyclic Polymer Thanks to the Ion Mobility Spectrometry" [Poster presentation]. 35th informal meeting on mass spectrometry, Aussois , Unknown/unspecified.
- Decroo, C., Caulier, G., De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., Flammang, P., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (08 February 2017). "Ion mobility mass spectrometry of saponins: from ion conformation to molecule structure" [Poster presentation]. BSMS Annual Meeting 2017, Leuven, Belgium.
- Colson, E., Decroo, C., Caulier, G., Cornil, J., Flammang, P., & Gerbaux, P. (08 February 2017). "Tackling the saponin diversity in marine animals by mass spectrometry : Data acquisition and integration" [Poster presentation]. BSMS Annual Meeting 2017, Leuven, Belgium.
Parties d’ouvrages/Contribution à des ouvrages collectifs
- Cornil, J., Beljonne, D., & Castet, F. (2016). Modelling Organic Solar Cells: What are the Challenges Ahead? In "Unconventional Thin Film Photovoltaics: Organic and Perovskite Solar Cells" (pp. 367-390). RSC Publishing.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Duez, Q., Lienard, R., Lemaur, V., Cornil, J., Gerbaux, P., & De Winter, J. (01 December 2016). Différenciation et identification d'architectures polymères par spectrométrie de masse à mobilité ionique. "Chimie Nouvelle, 122", 1-9.
- Raza, M., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., Lucas, S., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (30 November 2016). Oxygen vacancy stabilized zirconia (OVSZ); a joint experimental and theoretical study. "Scripta Materialia, 124", 26-29. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2016.06.025
- Viani, L., Minoia, A., Cornil, J., Beljonne, D., Egelhaaf, H. J., & Gierschner, J. (07 November 2016). Resonant Energy Transport in Dye-Filled Monolithic Crystals of Zeolite L: Modeling of Inhomogeneity. "Journal of Physical Chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces, 120", 27192-27199.
- D'Avino, G., Muccioli, L., Castet, F., Poelking, C., Andrienko, D., Soos, Z. G., Cornil, J., & Beljonne, D. (07 September 2016). Electrostatic Phenomena in Organic Semiconductors: Fundamentals and Implications for Photovoltaics. "Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 28".
- Willocq, B., Lemaur, V., El Garah, M., Cieselski, A., Samori, P., Raquez, J. M., Dubois, P., & Cornil, J. (14 May 2016). The role of curvature in Diels-Alder functionalization of carbon-based materials. "Chemical Communications, 52", 7608-7611.
- Thiry, D., Konstantinidis, S., Cornil, J., & Snyders, R. (28 February 2016). Plasma diagnostics for the low-pressure plasma polymerization process: A critical review. "Thin Solid Films, 646", 19-44.
- Roscioni, O. M., Muccioli, L., Mityashin, A., Cornil, J., & Zannoni, C. (01 January 2016). Structural Characterization of Alkylsilane and Fluoroalkylsilane Self-Assembled Monolayers on SiO2 by Molecular Dynamics Simulations. "Journal of Physical Chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces, 120", 14652-14662.
- Soulo, M., Bendixen, D., Jensen, M., Diez Cabanes, V., Cornil, J., Jeppesen, J. O., Ratera, I., Rovira, C., & Veciana, J. (01 January 2016). Synthesis and Characterization of Ethylenedithio-MPTTF-PTM Radical Dyad as a Potential Neutral Radical Conductor. "Magnetochemistry, 2-4", 1-10.
- Carroy, G., Lemaur, V., De Winter, J., Isaacs, L., De Pauw, E., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (01 January 2016). Energy-resolved Collision-induced Dissociation of Non-Covalent Ions: Charge- and Guest-dependence of the Decomplexation Reaction Efficiencies.'. "Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18", 12557-12568.
- Sun, Y., Lemaur, V., Beltran, J. I., Cornil, J., Huang, J., Zhu, J., Wang, Y., Frölich, R., Wang, H., Jiang, L., & Zou, G. (01 January 2016). Neutral Mononuclear Copper(I) Complexes: Synthesis, Crystal Structures, and Photophysical Properties. "Inorganic Chemistry, 55", 5845-5852.
- Ruzié, C., Karpinska, J., Laurent, A., Sanguinet, L., Hunter, S., Anthopoulos, T., Lemaur, V., Cornil, J., Kennedy, A. R., Fenwick, O., Samori, P., Schweicher, G., Chattopadhay, B., & Geerts, Y. H. (01 January 2016). Design, Synthesis, Chemical Stability, Packing, Cyclic Voltammetry, Ionisation Potential, and Charge Transport of [1]Benzothieno[3,2-b][1]benzothiophene Derivatives. "Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 4", 4863-4879.
- Carroy, G., Daxhelet, C., Lemaur, V., De Winter, J., De Pauw, E., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (01 January 2016). 'Influence of Equilibration Time in Solution on the Inclusion/Exclusion Topology Ratio of Host-Guest Complexes Probed by Ion Mobility and Collision-Induced Dissociation.'. "Chemistry, 22", 4528-4534.
- Lloyd, A., Cornil, D., Van Duin, A. C. T., Van Duin, D., Smith, R., Kenny, S. D., Cornil, J., & Beljonne, D. (01 January 2016). Development of a ReaxFF Potential for Ag/Zn/O and Application to Ag Deposition on ZnO. "Surface Science, 645", 67-73.
- Tsutsui, Y., Schweicher, G., Chattopadhay, B., Sakurai, T., Arlin, J. B., Ruzié, C., Aliev, A., Ciesielski, A., Colella, S., Kennedy, A. R., Lemaur, V., Olivier, Y., Hadji, R., Sanguinet, L., Castet, F., Osella, S., Dudenko, D., Beljonne, D., Cornil, J., ... Geerts, Y. H. (01 January 2016). Unraveling Unprecedented Charge Carrier Mobility through Structure Property Relationship of Four Isomers of Didodecylbenzothienol(3,2-b) (1) benzothiophene. "Advanced Materials, 28", 7106-7114. doi:10.1002/adma.201601285
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Decroo, C., Caulier, G., De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., Flammang, P., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (28 November 2016). "Structural characterization of Echinoderm saponins by Hyphenated Mass Spectrometry techniques and computational chemistry" [Paper presentation]. Biological and bio-inspired adhesion meeting, Research Institute for Biosciences, UMONS, Belgium.
- Raza, M., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., Lucas, S., Thomann, A. L., Caillard, A., El Mokh, M., Pierson, J.-F., Boulet, P., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (08 November 2016). "Phase formation and stability of reactive sputtered zirconium dioxide thin films" [Paper presentation]. AVS 63rd symposioum, Nashville, United States - Tennessee.
- Duez, Q., Lemaur, V., Cornil, J., Gerbaux, P., & De Winter, J. (13 October 2016). "Évaluation et développement de l'association mobilité ionique / dynamique moléculaire pour l'étude structurale de macro-ions en phase gazeuse : analyse conformationnelle d'ions polymères produits par Electrospray" [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of SRC 2016, Liège, Belgium.
- Konstantinidis, S., Raza, M., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., Pierson, J.-F., Boulet, P., Lucas, S., & Snyders, R. (16 September 2016). "Oxygen vacancy stabilized zirconia thin films: A joint experimental and theoretical study" [Paper presentation]. PSE Conference Germany 2016, Garmisch, Germany.
- Cornil, J. (06 July 2016). "Theoretical Modelling of Electronic Processes at Interfaces Involving Organic Semiconductors" [Paper presentation]. IEMN Workshop 'Chimtronique', Lille, France.
- Cornil, J. (13 June 2016). "Modelling the Packing and the Electronic Properties of Conjugated Polymer Chains in Bulk and at Interfaces" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Organic Electronics, Bratislava, Slovakia.
- Cornil, J. (03 May 2016). "Modelling the Structural and Electronic Properties of Organic Materials in Bulk and Interfaces in the Field of Organic Electronics" [Paper presentation]. Invited Seminar, Université de Bordeaux, France.
- Decroo, C., Caulier, G., De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., Flammang, P., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (17 April 2016). "Ion mobility mass spectrometry of saponins: from ion conformation to molecule structure" [Paper presentation]. NVMS/BSMS International Congress on Mass Spectrometry, Rolduc, Netherlands.
- Decroo, C., Caulier, G., De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., Flammang, P., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (13 April 2016). "Ion mobility mass spectrometry of saponins: from ion conformation to molecule structure" [Paper presentation]. CIBIM, Mons, Belgium.
- Cornil, J. (03 January 2016). "Theoretical Modelling of Interfacial Electronic Processes in Organic-Based Opto-electronic Devices" [Paper presentation]. International school on 'Advanced Optical Materials and Devices, Londres, United Kingdom.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Colson, E., Decroo, C., Caulier, G., Cornil, J., Flammang, P., & Gerbaux, P. (28 November 2016). "tackling the saponin diversity in marine animals by mass spectrometry: data acquisition and integration" [Poster presentation]. Biological and bio-inspired adhesion meeting, Research Institute for Biosciences, UMONS, Belgium.
- Duez, Q., Josse, T., Lemaur, V., Chirot, F., Choi, C., Dubois, P., Dugourd, P., Cornil, J., Gerbaux, P., & De Winter, J. (22 August 2016). "Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry for polymer ions : Arrival Time Distribution symmetry along the ion series" [Poster presentation]. 21st International Mass Spectrometry Conference, Torronto, Canada.
- Decroo, C., Caulier, G., De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., Flammang, P., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (20 August 2016). "Ion mobility mass spectrometry of saponins: from ion conformation to molecule structure" [Poster presentation]. 21st International Mass Spectrometry Conference, Torronto, Canada.
- Colson, E., Decroo, C., Caulier, G., Cornil, J., Flammang, P., & Gerbaux, P. (13 August 2016). "tackling the saponin diversity in marine animals by mass spectrometry: data acquisition and integration" [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of SRC 2016, Liège, Belgium.
- Decroo, C., Caulier, G., De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., Flammang, P., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (15 May 2016). "Ion mobility mass spectrometry of saponins: from ion conformation to molecule structure" [Poster presentation]. IMMS 2016, Fiera Di Primiero, Italy.
- Carroy, G., Daxhelet, C., Lemaur, V., De Winter, J., De Pauw, E., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (14 May 2016). "Extraction of cucurbiturilcomplexes from the solution to the gas phase of a mass spectrometer: Time dependence on the inclusion/exclusion topology ratio probed by Energy-resolved Collision-Induced Dissociation and Ion Mobility" [Poster presentation]. IMMS 2016, Fiera Di Primiero, Italy.
- Raza, M., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., Lucas, S., Thomann, A. L., Caillard, A., El Mokh, M., Pierson, J.-F., Boulet, P., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (08 May 2016). "Phase formation and stability of reactive sputtered zirconium dioxide thin films" [Poster presentation]. Plasma-Surface Interaction IAP workshop, Nancy, France.
- Decroo, C., Caulier, G., De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., Flammang, P., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (17 April 2016). "Ion mobility mass spectrometry of saponins: from ion conformation to molecule structure" [Poster presentation]. NVMS/BSMS International Congress on Mass Spectrometry, Rolduc, Netherlands.
- Carroy, G., Daxhelet, C., Lemaur, V., De Winter, J., De Pauw, E., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (17 April 2016). "Extraction of cucurbiturilcomplexes from the solution to the gas phase of a mass spectrometer: Time dependence on the inclusion/exclusion topology ratio probed by Energy-resolved Collision-Induced Dissociation and Ion Mobility" [Poster presentation]. NVMS/BSMS International Congress on Mass Spectrometry, Rolduc, Netherlands.
Mémoires et thèses/Mémoire de licence/master
- Panepinto, A. (2016). "Synthèse de films minces nano-structurés de TiO2:N par pulvérisation magnétron co-réactive associée au GLAD pour l'élaboration de cellules solaires de Grätzel" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/4990
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Kozlov, O. V., Luponosov, Y. N., Ponomarenko, S. A., Paraschuk, D. Y., Olivier, Y., Cornil, J., Kausch-Busies, N., & Pshenichnikov, M. S. (23 December 2015). Ultrafast electron and hole dynamics in novel conjugated star-shaped molecules. "Springer Proceedings in Physics, 162", 564-567.
- Ligot, S., Guillaume, M., Raynaud, P., Thiry, D., Lemaur, V., Da Ponte Silva, T., Britun, N., Cornil, J., Dubois, P., & Snyders, R. (01 May 2015). Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Plasma Chemistry of Ethyl Lactate Plasma Polymerization Discharges. "Plasma Processes and Polymers, 12", 405-415.
- Kozlov, O. V., Luponosov, Y. N., Ponomarenko, S. A., Kausch-Busies, N., Paraschuk, D. Y., Olivier, Y., Beljonne, D., Cornil, J., & Pshenichnikov, M. S. (01 January 2015). Ultrafast Charge Generation Pathways in Photovoltaic Blends Based on Novel Star-Shaped Conjugated Molecules. "Advanced Energy Materials, 5", 1401657.
- Ratcliff, L., Grisanti, L., Genovese, L., Deutsch, T., Neumann, T., Danilov, D., Wenzel, W., Beljonne, D., & Cornil, J. (01 January 2015). Toward Fast and Accurate Evaluation of Charge On-Site Energies and Transfer Integrals in Supramolecular Architectures using Linear DFT-based Methods. "Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 11", 277-286.
- Lasser, L., Ronca, E., De Angelis, F., Cornil, J., Lazzaroni, R., & Beljonne, D. (01 January 2015). Pinning Effects in the Energy Level Alignment at Titanium-Dye Interfaces: Implications for Electron Injection and Light Harvesting. "Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 119" (9899-9909).
- Wex, B., El-Ballouli, A. O., Van Vooren, A., Zschieschang, U., Klauk, H., Krause, J. A., Cornil, J., & Kaafarini, B. (01 January 2015). Crystalline TQPP as p-type Semiconductor : X-ray Crystallographic Investigation, OTFT Device, and Computational Analysis of Transport Properties. "Journal of Molecular Structure, 1093", 144-149.
- Fenwick, O., Van Dyck, C., Murugavel, K., Cornil, D., Reinders, F., Haar, S., Mayor, M., Cornil, J., & Samori, P. (01 January 2015). Modulating the Charge Injection in Organic Field-Effect Transistors: Fluorinated Oligophenyl Self-Assembled Monolayers for High Work Function Electrodes. "Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 3", 3007-3015.
- Schweicher, G., Lemaur, V., Niebel, C., Ruzié, C., Diao, Y., Goto, O., Lee, W. Y., Kim, Y., Arlin, J. B., Karpinska, J., Kennedy, A. R., Parkin, S. R., Olivier, Y., Mannsfeld, S. C. B., Cornil, J., Geerts, Y., & Bao, Z. (01 January 2015). Bulky End-Capped [1]Benzothieno[3,2-b]benzothiophenes: Reaching High Mobility Organic Semiconductors by Fine Tuning of the Crystalline Solid-State Order. "Advanced Materials, 27", 3066-3072.
- Niebel, C., Kim, Y., Ruzié, C., Karpinska, J., Chattopadhyay, B., Schweicher, G., Richard, A., Lemaur, V., Olivier, Y., Cornil, J., Kennedy, A. R., Diao, Y., Lee, W. Y., Bao, Z., & Geerts, Y. (01 January 2015). Thienoacene Dimers Based on the Thieno[3,2,b]thiophene Moiety: Synthesis, Characterization, and Electronic Properties. "Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 3", 674.
- Ligot, S., Guillaume, M., Renaux, F., Thiry, D., Lemaur, V., Silva, T., Britun, N., Cornil, J., Dubois, P., & Snyders, R. (01 January 2015). Experimental and theoretical study of the plasma chemistry of ethyl lactate plasma polymerization discharges. "Plasma Processes and Polymers, 12", 405-415.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Gerbaux, P., Carroy, G., Lemaur, V., De Winter, J., & Cornil, J. (21 September 2015). "Supramolecular mass spectrometry: association of MS methods to computational chemistry to access, at a molecular level, systems relevant to host-guest chemistry" [Paper presentation]. 1st MS-NatMedDay, Natural Molecules and Molecular Complexes : characterization and biomedical effects, Sansepolcro, Italy.
- Decroo, C., Demeyer, M., Caulier, G., De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., Flammang, P., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (18 September 2015). "Ion mobility as a promising tool to definitively access the molecular structure of saponins" [Paper presentation]. BSMS VUB, Bruxelles, Belgium.
- Cornil, J. (03 September 2015). "Modeling the Packing and Electronic Properties of Conjugated Polymer Chains" [Paper presentation]. European Conference on Molecular Electronics (ECME 2015), Strasbourg, France.
- Gerbaux, P., Lemaur, V., Carroy, G., De Winter, J., & Cornil, J. (12 May 2015). "Supramolecular mass spectrometry: association of MS methods to computational chemistry to access, at a molecular level, systems relevant to host-guest chemistry" [Paper presentation]. 33 Informal Meeting on Mass Spectrometry, Szczyrk, Poland.
- Raza, M., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., Thomann, A. L., Caillard, A., El Mokh, M., Gautron, E., El Mel, A. A., Lucas, S., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (11 May 2015). "Understanding the phase formation of reactive sputtered zirconium oxide thin films; A joint experimental and theoretical study" [Paper presentation]. E-MRS Spring meeting symposium on Protective coatings and thin films (EE), 11th -15th of May, Lille, France.
- Gerbaux, P., Carroy, G., Lemaur, V., De Winter, J., & Cornil, J. (10 May 2015). "Supramolecular mass spectrometry: association of MS methods to computational chemistry to access, at a molecular level, systems relevant to host-guest chemistry" [Paper presentation]. 33rd informal meeting on mass spectrometry, Szczyrk, Poland.
- Cornil, J. (13 April 2015). "Theoretical Insight at the Molecular Scale into Key Electronic Processes in Organic Solar Cells" [Paper presentation]. Winterschool 'Organic Photovoltaics: From Materials to Modules, Hasselt, Belgium.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication publiée dans un périodique
- Konstantinidis, S., Raza, M., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., Boulet, P., Pierson, J.-F., Lucas, S., & Snyders, R. (2015). "OXYGEN VACANCY STABILIZED CUBIC ZIRCONIA" [Paper presentation]. MIATEC-RSD 2015, Paris, France.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Carroy, G., Daxhelet, C., Lemaur, V., De Winter, J., De Pauw, E., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (08 October 2015). "Extraction of cucurbiturilcomplexes from the solution to the gas phase of a mass spectrometer: Time dependence on the inclusion/exclusion topology ratio probed by Energy-resolved Collision-Induced Dissociation and Ion Mobility" [Poster presentation]. Journée scientifique annuelle de la SRC sur 'Chimie aux interfaces', Bruxelles, Belgium.
- Decroo, C., Caulier, G., De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., Flammang, P., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (08 October 2015). "Ion mobility mass spectrometry of saponins: from ion conformation to molecule structure" [Poster presentation]. Journée scientifique annuelle de la SRC sur 'Chimie aux interfaces', Bruxelles, Belgium.
- Carroy, G., Daxhelet, C., Lemaur, V., De Winter, J., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (18 September 2015). "Extraction of cucurbituril complexes from solution to the gas-phase of a Mass Spectrometer: time dependence of the inclusion/exclusion topology ratio probed by Energy-Resolved CID and Ion Mobility" [Poster presentation]. BSMS VUB, Bruxelles, Belgium.
- Decroo, C., Demeyer, M., Caulier, G., De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., Flammang, P., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (18 September 2015). "Ion mobility as a promising tool to definitively access the molecular structure of saponins" [Poster presentation]. BSMS VUB, Bruxelles, Belgium.
- Raza, M., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., Caillard, A., El Mokh, M., Thomann, A. L., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (30 June 2015). "On the phase formation of zirconium oxide thin films" [Poster presentation]. 2nd Researcher's Day of the Materials Research Institute, Mons, Belgium.
- Carroy, G., Lemaur, V., De Winter, J., De Pauw, E., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (04 June 2015). "Probing dissociation of collisionally excited non-covalent complexes by Energy-Resolved CID and computational chemistry" [Poster presentation]. American Society for Mass Spectrometry, St Louis, United States.
- Decroo, C., Demeyer, M., Caulier, G., De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., Flammang, P., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (10 May 2015). "Ion mobility as a promising tool to definitively access the molecular structure of saponins" [Poster presentation]. 33rd informal meeting on mass spectrometry, Szczyrk, Poland.
- Carroy, G., Lemaur, V., De Winter, J., De Pauw, E., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (10 May 2015). "Probing dissociation of collisionally excited non-covalent complexes by Energy-Resolved CID and computational chemistry" [Poster presentation]. 33 Informal Meeting on Mass Spectrometry, Szczyrk, Poland.
- Raza, M., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., Caillard, A., El Mokh, M., Thomann, A. L., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (10 March 2015). "On the phase formation of zirconium oxide thin films" [Poster presentation]. 8ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs 2015 (MdC2015), Mons, Belgium.
- Carroy, G., Laurent, M., Lemaur, V., De Winter, J., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (10 March 2015). "Supramolecular Mass Spectrometry: association of MS methods to computational chemistry to access, at a molecular level, systems relevant to host-guest chemistry" [Poster presentation]. 8ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs 2015 (MdC2015), Mons, Belgium.
Mémoires et thèses/Thèse de doctorat
- Josse, T. (2015). "Towards Quantitative Macrocyclizations by Original Synthetic Approaches and Characterization Methods" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/2377
Parties d’ouvrages/Contribution à des ouvrages collectifs
- Brédas, J. L., Cornil, J., Beljonne, D., Lazzaroni, R., & Leclère, P. (2014). L'électronique moléculaire/L'électronique plastique/Fabrication des Nanostructures. In "Les Nanotechnologies, Troisième Edition, edited by M.Wautelet". Dunod 2014.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Ershov, S., Khelifa, F., Lemaur, V., Cornil, J., Cossement, D., Habibi, Y., Dubois, P., & Snyders, R. (13 August 2014). Free radical generation and concentration in a plasma polymer: The effect of aromaticity. "ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 6" (15), 12395-12405.
- Van Dyck, C., Geskin, V., & Cornil, J. (05 August 2014). Fermi Level Pinning and Orbital Polarization Effects in Molecular Junctions: The Role of Metal Induced Gap States. "Advanced Functional Materials, 24" (39), 6154.
- Guillerm, B., Lemaur, V., Cornil, J., Lazzaroni, R., Dubois, P., & Coulembier, O. (09 July 2014). Ammonium betaines : efficient ionic nucleophilic catalysts for the ring-opening polymerization of L-lactide and cyclic carbonates. "Chemical Communications, 50", 10098-10101.
- Thiry, D., Francq, R., Cossement, D., Guillaume, M., Cornil, J., & Snyders, R. (01 June 2014). A detailed description of the chemistry of thiol supporting plasma polymer films. "Plasma Processes and Polymers, 11" (6), 606-615. doi:10.1002/ppap.201400015
- Ligot, S., Guillaume, M., Gerbaux, P., Thiry, D., Renaux, F., Cornil, J., Dubois, P., & Snyders, R. (24 March 2014). Combining Mass Spectrometry diagnostic and density functional theory calculations for a better understanding of the plasma polymerization of ethyl lactate. "Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 118", 4201-4211. doi:10.1021/jp411244x
- Osella, S., Gueskine, V., Cornil, J., & Beljonne, D. (19 March 2014). Coherent Electron Transmission Across Nanographenes Tethered to Gold Electrodes: Influence of Linker Topology, Ribbon Width and Length. "Journal of Physical Chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces, 118", 7643-7652.
- Guillerm, B., Lemaur, V., Ernould, B., Cornil, J., Lazzaroni, R., Gohy, J.-F., Dubois, P., & Coulembier, O. (27 January 2014). A one-pot two-step efficient metal-free process for the generation of PEO-b-PCL-b-PLA amphiphilic triblock copolymers. "RSC Advances, 4", 10028-10038.
- Idé, J., Méreau, R., Ducasse, L., Castet, F., Bock, H., Olivier, Y., Cornil, J., Beljonne, D., D'Avino, G., Roscioni, O. M., Muccioli, L., & Zannoni, C. (24 January 2014). Charge Dissociation at Interfaces Between Discotic Liquid Crystals: The Surprising Role of Column Mismatch. "Journal of the American Chemical Society, 136", 2911-2920.
- Osella, S., Samori, P., & Cornil, J. (01 January 2014). Photoswitching Azobenzene Derivatives in Single Molecule Junctions: A Theoretical Insight into the I/V Characteristics. "Journal of Physical Chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces, 118", 18721.
- Castet, F., D'Avino, G., Muccioli, L., Cornil, J., & Beljonne, D. (01 January 2014). Charge Separation Energetics at Organic Heterojunctions: On the Role of Structural and Electrostatic Disorder. "Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 16", 20279-20290.
- Salammal, S. T., Balandier, J.-Y., Arlin, J. B., Olivier, Y., Lemaur, V., Wang, L., Beljonne, D., Cornil, J., Kennedy, A. R., Geerts, Y. H., & Chattopadhyay, B. (01 January 2014). Polymorphism in Bulk and Thin Films: The Curious Case of Dithiophene-DPP (Boc)-Dithiophene. "Journal of Physical Chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces, 118", 657-669.
- Cornil, D., Van Regemorter, T., Beljonne, D., & Cornil, J. (01 January 2014). Work Function Shifts of ZnO Surfaces upon Deposition of Self-Assembled Monolayers: A Theoretical Insight. "Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 16", 20887-20899.
- Massillamani, A. M., Osella, S., Liscio, A., Fenwick, O., Reinders, F., Mayor, M., Palermo, V., Cornil, J., & Samori, P. (01 January 2014). Light-Induced Reversible Modification of the Work Function of a New Perfluorinated Biphenyl Azobenzene Chemisorbed on Au(111). "Nanoscale, 6", 8969.
- Mityashin, A., Roscioni, O. M., Muccioli, L., Zannoni, C., Geskin, V., Cornil, J., Janssen, D., Steudel, S., Genoe, J., & Heremans, P. (01 January 2014). Multiscale Modelling of the Electrostatic Impact of Self-Assembled Monolayers Used as Gate Dielectric Treatment in Organic Thin-Film Transistors. "ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 6", 15372.
- Venkateshvaran, D., Nikolta, M., Sadhanala, A., Lemaur, V., Zelazny, M., Kepa, M., Hurhangee, M., Kronemeijer, A. J., Pecunia, V., Nasrallah, I., Romanov, I., Broch, K., McCulloch, I., Emin, D., Olivier, Y., Cornil, J., Beljonne, D., & Sirringhaus, H. (01 January 2014). Approaching Disorder-Free Transport in High Mobility Conjugated Polymers. "Nature, 515", 384-388.
Ouvrages/Ouvrage collectif publié en tant qu’éditeur ou directeur
- Beljonne, D., Cornil, J., Beljonne, D. (Ed.), & Cornil, J. (Ed.). (2014). "Multiscale Modelling of Organic and Hybrid Photovoltaics". Springer, 2014.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Cornil, J. (19 December 2014). "Modeling of Materials and Processes in Organic Photovoltaics" [Paper presentation]. Third Thematic Day of the Institute of Energy, Mons, Belgium.
- Guillerm, B., Lemaur, V., Cornil, J., Lazzaroni, R., Dubois, P., & Coulembier, O. (06 November 2014). "Metal free ROP of cyclic esters and carbonates with ammonium betaines : a compromise between ionic and hydrogen bonding catalysis" [Paper presentation]. GFP annual meeting, Saint-Malo, France.
- Carroy, G., Lemaur, V., Laurent, M., Morsa, D., De Winter, J., De Pauw, E., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (05 November 2014). "Combining mass spectrometry and computational chemistry to study non convalent interactions in gas phase" [Paper presentation]. Journée annuel de l'EDT Chim ULB, Bruxelles, Belgium.
- Ligot, S., Lemaur, V., Cornil, J., Benali, S., Dubois, P., & Snyders, R. (02 July 2014). "Development of a plasma polymer layer as tunable barrier coating for PLA" [Paper presentation]. The 1st Research Day of the Materials Research Institute, Mons, Belgium.
- Thiry, D., Francq, R., Guillaume, M., Cornil, J., & Snyders, R. (28 May 2014). "A detailed description of the chemistry of thiol-supporting plasma polymer films" [Paper presentation]. E-MRS Spring 14 Meeting, Lille, France.
- Carroy, G., Lemaur, V., Morsa, D., De Winter, J., De Pauw, E., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (13 April 2014). "HomotropicAllosterism: In-Depth Structural Analysis of the Gas-Phase Noncovalent Complexes Associating a Double-Cavity Cucurbit[n]uril-Type Host and Size-Selected Protonated Amino Compounds" [Paper presentation]. NVMS Meeting, Rolduc, Netherlands.
- De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., Craven, K., Cornil, J., Dubois, P., Dugourd, P., & Gerbaux, P. (21 January 2014). "Ion Mobility for Synthetic Polymers: Drift Tube versus TRI-WAVE® Comparison" [Paper presentation]. University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France.
- Cornil, J. (01 January 2014). "Electronic Processes at Interfaces Involving Organic Semiconductors: A Quantum-Chemical Insight" [Paper presentation]. 7th International Symposium on Flexible Organic Electronics - ISFOE14, Thessalonique, Greece.
- Cornil, J. (01 January 2014). "Electronic Processes at Interfaces Involving Organic Semiconductors: A Theoretical Insight" [Paper presentation]. Invited seminar, Université de Lille, France.
- Cornil, J. (01 January 2014). "Charge Transport in Organic Semiconductors: From Molecular Junctions to Organic Thin Films" [Paper presentation]. Invited seminar, Université de Rennes, France.
- Cornil, J. (01 January 2014). "Electronic Processes at Interfaces Involving Organic Semiconductors: A Quantum-Chemical Insight" [Paper presentation]. Invited seminar, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States - Georgia.
- Cornil, J. (01 January 2014). "Structural and Electronic Properties in Polymer-Based Solar Cells: A Theoretical Insight" [Paper presentation]. European Optical Society meeting EOSAM14, Berlin, Germany.
- Cornil, J. (01 January 2014). "A la Découverte du Monde de l'Electronique Organique" [Paper presentation]. Conférence invitée, Institut des Frères Maristes, Mouscron, Belgium.
- Cornil, J. (01 January 2014). "Multiscale Modelling of Materials for Organic Electronics" [Paper presentation]. Scientific Day on Numerical Simulation Techniques for Industrial Purpose, Solvay, NOH, Belgium.
- Cornil, J. (01 January 2014). "Fermi Level Pinning and Orbital Polarization Effects in Functional Molecular Junctions: The Role of Metal Induced Gap States" [Paper presentation]. E-MRS 2014, Lille, France.
- Cornil, J. (01 January 2014). "Multiscale Modelling of Charge and Exciton Transport in Organic Semiconductors" [Paper presentation]. CECAM Workshop 'Charge Transport in Organic Materials, Bremen, Germany.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Raza, M., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., Caillard, A., El Mokh, M., Thomann, A. L., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (11 December 2014). "On the phase formation of zirconium oxide thin films" [Poster presentation]. International conference on reactive sputter deposition 2014, Ghent, Belgium.
- De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., CRAVEN, K., Chirot, F., Cornil, J., Dubois, P., Dugourd, P., & Gerbaux, P. (07 November 2014). "ONE STEP FURTHER IN THE FOLDING OF MULTIPLY CHARGED SODIUM CATIONIZED POLYLACTIDES : ION MOBILITY MASS SPECTROMETRY AND MOLECULAR MODELLING" [Poster presentation]. GSK Annual Meeting of BSMS, Wavre, Belgium.
- Carroy, G., Laurent, M., Lemaur, V., De Winter, J., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (07 November 2014). "Supramolecular mass spectrometry: association of MS methods to computational chemistry to access, at a molecular level, systems relevant to host-guest chemistry" [Poster presentation]. GSK Annual Meeting of BSMS, Wavre, Belgium.
- Carroy, G., Laurent, M., Lemaur, V., Morsa, D., De Winter, J., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (09 October 2014). "Supramolecular mass spectrometry: association of MS methods to computational chemistry to access, at a molecular level, systems relevant to host-guest chemistry" [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of SRC, Namur, Belgium.
- De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., CRAVEN, K., Chirot, F., Cornil, J., Dubois, P., Dugourd, P., & Gerbaux, P. (09 October 2014). "ONE STEP FURTHER IN THE FOLDING OF MULTIPLY CHARGED SODIUM CATIONIZED POLYLACTIDES : ION MOBILITY MASS SPECTROMETRY AND MOLECULAR MODELLING" [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of SRC, Namur, Belgium.
- De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., CRAVEN, K., Chirot, F., Cornil, J., Dubois, P., Dugourd, P., & Gerbaux, P. (24 August 2014). "ONE STEP FURTHER IN THE FOLDING OF MULTIPLY CHARGED SODIUM CATIONIZED POLYLACTIDES : ION MOBILITY MASS SPECTROMETRY AND MOLECULAR MODELLING" [Poster presentation]. 20th International Mass Spectrometry Conference, Geneva, Switzerland.
- Raza, M., Van Regemorter, T., Cornil, J., Thomann, A. L., Caillard, A., El Mokh, M., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (02 July 2014). "Understanding the phase formation in zirconium oxide thin films" [Poster presentation]. 1st Researcher's Day of the Materials Research Institute, Mons, Belgium.
- Raza, M., Van Regemorter, T., Cornil, J., Caillard, A., El Mokh, M., Thomann, A. L., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (10 June 2014). "Understanding the phase formation in zirconium oxide thin films" [Poster presentation]. Plasma-Surface Interaction 2nd IAP workshop on plasma diagnostics, Reims, France.
- Raza, M., Van Regemorter, T., Cornil, J., Caillard, A., El Mokh, M., Thomann, A. L., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (06 April 2014). "Understanding the phase formation in zirconium oxide thin films" [Poster presentation]. 72th IUVSTA workshop, Schloss Seggau , Austria.
Parties d’ouvrages/Contribution à des ouvrages collectifs
- Cornil, J. (2013). Electronic Structure at Organic/Organic Interfaces: A Quantum-Chemical Insight. In "Muliscale Modelling Methods for Applications in Maerials Science" (pp. 277-293). I.Kondov and G.Sutmann.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Osella, S., Cornil, D., & Cornil, J. (27 November 2013). Work function modification of the (111) gold surface covered by long alkanethiol-based self-assembled monolayers. "Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 16", 2866-2873.
- Demeter, D., Jeux, V., Leriche, P., Blanchard, P., Olivier, Y., Cornil, J., Po, R., & Roncali, J. (11 October 2013). Tuning of the Photovoltaic Parameters of Molecular Donors by Covalent Bridging. "Advanced Functional Materials, 23", 4854-4861.
- Lemaur, V., Muccioli, L., Zannoni, C., Beljonne, D., Lazzaroni, R., Cornil, J., & Olivier, Y. (04 October 2013). On the Supramolecular Packing of High Electron Mobility Naphtalene Diimide Copolymers: The Perfect Registry of Asymmetric Branched Alkyl Side Chains. "Macromolecules, 46", 8171-8178.
- Cornil, D., & Cornil, J. (05 June 2013). Work Function Shift of the (111) Gold Surface upon Deposition of Self-Assembled Monolayers Based on Alkanethiol Derivatives. "Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 189", 32-38.
- D'Avino, G., Mothy, S., Muccioli, L., Zannoni, C., Wang, L., Cornil, J., Beljonne, D., & Castet, F. (04 June 2013). Energetics of Electron-Hole Separation at P3HT/PCBM Heterojunctions. "Journal of Physical Chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces, 117", 12981-12990.
- Grisanti, L., Olivier, Y., Wang, L., Athanasopoulos, S., Cornil, J., & Beljonne, D. (31 May 2013). Triplet Exciton Diffusion in Anthracene Crystal: Role of Local and Non-local Electron-Phonon Interactions. "Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter, 88", 035450.
- Lemaur, V., Carroy, G., Poussique, F., Chirot, F., De Winter, J., Isaacs, L., Dugourd, P., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (05 May 2013). Homotropic Allosterism: In-Depth Structural Analysis of the Gas-Phase Noncovalent Complexes Associating a Double-Cavity Cucurbit[n]uril-Type Host and Size- Selected Protonated Amino Compounds: /. "ChemPlusChem, 78", 959-969.
- Thiry, D., Britun, N., Konstantinidis, S., Dauchot, J.-P., Guillaume, M., Cornil, J., & Snyders, R. (16 April 2013). Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Effect of the Inductive-to-Capacitive Transition in Propanethiol Plasma Polymer Chemistry. "Journal of Physical Chemistry, 117" (19), 98-43-9851. doi:10.102/jp400829z
- Thiry, D., Britun, N., Konstantinidis, S., Dauchot, J.-P., Guillaume, M., Cornil, J., & Snyders, R. (16 April 2013). An Experimental and Theoretical Study on the Effect of the Inductive-to-Capacitive Transition on Propanethiol Plasma Polymer Chemistry. "Journal of Physical Chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces, 117", 9843-9851.
- Di Meo, F., Lemaur, V., Cornil, J., Lazzaroni, R., Duroux, J. L., Olivier, Y., & Trouillas, P. (18 February 2013). Free Radical Scavenging by Natural Polyphenols: Atomic versus Electron Transfer. "Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 117", 2082-2092.
- Fernandez-Hernandez, J., Beltran, J. I., Lemaur, V., Gavez-Lopez, M. D., Chien, C. H., Polo, F., Orselli, E., Frölich, R., Cornil, J., & De Cola, L. (05 February 2013). Iridium(III) Emitters Based on 1,4-disubstituted-1-H-1,2,3,triazoles as Cyclometalating Ligand: Synthesis, Characterization, and Electroluminescent Devices. "Inorganic Chemistry, 52", 1812-1824.
- Van Dyck, C., Gueskine, V., Kronemeijer, A. J., de Leeuw, D. M., & Cornil, J. (24 January 2013). Impact of derivatization on electron transmission through dithienylethene-based photoswitches in molecular junctions. "Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 15", 4392-4404.
- Balandina, T., Van der Meijden, M., Ivasenko, O., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., Lazzaroni, R., Kellogg, R. M., & De Feyter, S. (21 January 2013). Self-Assembly of Asymmetrically Functionalized (6)Helicene at Liquid/Solid Interfaces. "Chemical Communications, 49", 2207-2209.
- Stas, S., Balandier, J.-Y., Lemaur, V., Fenwick, O., Tregnago, G., Quist, F., Cacialli, F., Cornil, J., & Geerts, Y. (04 January 2013). Straightforward Access to Diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP) Dimers. "Dyes and Pigments, 97", 198-208.
- Cornil, J., Verlaak, S., Martinelli, N., Mityashin, A., Olivier, Y., Van Regemorter, T., Muccioli, L., Zannoni, C., Castet, F., Beljonne, D., & Heremans, P. (01 January 2013). Exploring the Energy Landscape of the Charge Transport Levels in Organic Semiconductors at the Molecular Scale. "Accounts of Chemical Research, 46", 434-443.
- Cornil, D., Li, H., Woods, C., Pourtois, G., Brédas, J. L., & Cornil, J. (01 January 2013). Interface Dipole at Metallic Surfaces Covered by Methylthiolated and Perfluoromethylthiolated Self-Assembled Monolayers: Influence of the Basis set and Decomposition Scheme. "Chemphyschem: A European Journal of Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry, 14", 2939-2946.
- Cornil, D., Li, H., Woods, C., Pourtois, G., Brédas, J.-L., & Cornil, J. (01 January 2013). Interface Dipole at Metallic Surfaces Covered by Methylthiolated and Perfluoromethylthiolated Self-Assembled Monolayers: Influence of the Basis set and Decomposition Scheme. "Chemphyschem: A European Journal of Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry, 14", 2939.
- Niedzialek, D., Lemaur, V., Dudenko, D., Shu, J., Hansen, M. R., Andreasen, J. W., Pisula, W., Mullen, K., Cornil, J., & Beljonne, D. (01 January 2013). Probing the Relation Between Charge Transport and Supramolecular Organization Down to the Angström Resolution in a Benzothiadiazole-cyclopentadithiophene Copolymer. "Advanced Materials, 25", 1939-1947.
- Mityashin, A., Cornil, J., Zannoni, C., & Heremans, P. (2013). New Predictive Modeling Approach to Boost the Development of Organic Electronics. "EE-Times Europe", 30-31.
- Balandier, J.-Y., Henry, N., Arlin, J.-B., Sanguinet, L., Lemaur, V., Niebel, C., Chattopadhyay, B., Kennedy, A. R., Leriche, P., Blanchard, P., Cornil, J., & Geerts, Y. H. (01 January 2013). Synthesis and Characterization of Isomerically Pure Anti-and Syn-Anthradiindoe (ADI) Derivatives. "Organic Letters, 15", 302-305.
- Lemaur, V., Garroy, G., Poussigue, F., Chiriot, F., De Winter, J., Isaacs, L., Dugourd, P., & Cornil, J. (01 January 2013). Homotropic Allosterism: In-depth Structural Analysis by Mass Spectrometry and Computational Chemistry of the Gas-phase Non Covalent Complexes Associating a Ditopic Cucurbituril Host and Size-selected Protonated Amino Compounds. "ChemPlusChem, 78", 959-969.
- Kirkus, M., Knippenberg, S., Beljonne, D., Cornil, J., Janssen, R. A. J., & Meskers, S. C. J. (01 January 2013). Synthesis and Optical Properties of Pyrrolo {3,2-b}pyrrole-2,5{1H,4H}-dione {iDPP}-Based Molecules. "Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 117", 2782-2789.
- Idé, J., Mothy, S., Savoyant, A., Fritsch, A., Aurel, P., Méreau, R., Ducasse, L., Cornil, J., Beljonne, D., & Castet, F. (01 January 2013). Interfacial Dipole and Band Bending in Model Pentacene/C60 Heterojunctions. "International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 113", 580-584.
- Lörtscher, E., Gueskine, V., Gotsmann, B., Fock, J., Sorensen, J. K., Bjornholm, T., Cornil, J., Van der Zant, H. S. J., & Riel, H. (01 January 2013). Bonding and Electronic Transport Properties of Fullerene and Fullerene Derivatives in Break-Junction Geometries. "Small, 9", 209-214.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Guillerm, B., Coulembier, O., Ernould, B., Gohy, J.-F., Lemaur, V., Cornil, J., Lazzaroni, R., & Dubois, P. (13 December 2013). "Synthesis of well-defined biodegradable amphiphilic copolymers by a green chemistry way" [Paper presentation]. ICFPAM, Auckland, New Zealand.
- Cornil, J. (22 October 2013). "Electronic Processes at Interfaces Involving Organic Semiconductors" [Paper presentation]. CECAM Workshop 'Structure-Property Relationships of Molecular Precursors to Organic Electronics', Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Cornil, J. (17 September 2013). "Multiscale Modelling of the Key Electronic Processes in Organic Solar Cells" [Paper presentation]. CECAM Tutorial on 'Multiscale Modelling Methods for Applications in Materials Science', Jülich, Germany.
- Van Dyck, C., Geskin, V., & Cornil, J. (06 September 2013). "Impact of derivatization on electron transmission through dithienylethene-based photoswitches in molecular junctions" [Paper presentation]. European Conference on Molecular Electronics (ECME), Londres, Unknown/unspecified.
- Cornil, J. (05 September 2013). "Designing Molecules and Understanding Key Electronic Processes in Organic Photovoltaics" [Paper presentation]. 15th congress of the European Society for Photobiology, Liège, Belgium.
- Thiry, D., Guillaume, M., Cornil, J., & Snyders, R. (04 August 2013). "Towards the understanding of the influence of the substrate temperature on the chemical composition of propanethiol plasma polymers films" [Paper presentation]. 21st International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Cairns , Australia.
- Van Dyck, C., Geskin, V., & Cornil, J. (11 July 2013). "Transport through molecular nanojunctions: ballistic regime" [Paper presentation]. Seminar at Institut des Sciences Chimiques de Rennes, Rennes, France.
- Konstantinidis, S., Geumez, G., Van Regemorter, T., Cornil, J., & Snyders, R. (29 May 2013). "OXYGEN-DEFICIENT ZIRCONIA THIN FILMS SYNTHESIZED BY REACTIVE MAGNETRON SPUTTERING" [Paper presentation]. ICMCTF, San Diego, United States - California.
- De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., CRAVEN, K., Cornil, J., Dubois, P., Dugourd, P., & Gerbaux, P. (08 May 2013). "Ion mobility for synthetic polymers : drift tube versus Tri-Wave" [Paper presentation]. 31st Informal meeting on mass spectrometry, Palerme, Italy.
- De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., CRAVEN, K., Cornil, J., Dubois, P., Dugourd, P., & Gerbaux, P. (24 April 2013). "Ion mobility for synthetic polymers : drift tube versus Tri-Wave" [Paper presentation]. 7th international symposium mass spectrometry and related techniques in advanced analytical science, Manchester, United Kingdom.
- Cornil, J. (23 April 2013). "A la Découverte du Monde de l'Electronique Organique" [Paper presentation]. Université du Temps Libre, Mons, Belgium.
- Cornil, J. (09 April 2013). "Electronic Processes at Interfaces based on Organic Semiconductors: a Theoretical Insight" [Paper presentation]. Invited seminar, Université de Rennes, France.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Carroy, G., Lemaur, V., Morsa, D., De Winter, J., De Pauw, E., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (10 October 2013). "HomotropicAllosterism: In-Depth Structural Analysis of the Gas-Phase Noncovalent Complexes Associating a Double-Cavity Cucurbit[n]uril-Type Host and Size-Selected Protonated Amino Compounds" [Poster presentation]. Journée annuelle de la SRC, 'La catalyse hétérogène, science et outil de la chimie moderne', Mons, Belgium.
- Lemaur, V., Carroy, G., Poussique, F., Chirot, F., De Winter, J., Isaacs, L., Dugourd, P., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (10 October 2013). "Homotropic Allosterism: In-Depth Structural Analysis of the Gas-Phase Noncovalent Complexes Associating a Double-Cavity Cucurbit[n]uril-Type Host and Size- Selected Protonated Amino Compounds: /" [Poster presentation]. Journée annuelle de la SRC, 'La catalyse hétérogène, science et outil de la chimie moderne', Mons, Belgium.
- Guillerm, B., Coulembier, O., Ernould, B., Gohy, J.-F., Lemaur, V., Cornil, J., & Dubois, P. (17 May 2013). "Metal-free elaboration of biodegradable and antifungal polymeric emulsion based on amphiphilic triblock copolymers" [Poster presentation]. BPG Annual meeting, Houffalize, Belgium.
- Van Dyck, C., Geskin, V., & Cornil, J. (12 March 2013). "Impact of derivatization on electron transmission through dithienylethene-based photoswitches in molecular junctions" [Poster presentation]. La matinée des chercheurs, Mons, Belgium.
Mémoires et thèses/Thèse de doctorat
- Thiry, D. (2013). "Experimental and theoretical study of the synthesis of thiol-based plasma polymers" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/33845
Allocutions et communications diverses/Autre
- Cornil, J. (2013). "Les matériaux du futur".
- Van Dyck, C., Geskin, V., & Cornil, J. (2013). "De la micro à la nano-électronique: les jonctions moléculaires fonctionnelles : Vulgarized seminar for Institute of Physics lunch-seminar".
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Van Regemorter, T., Guillaume, M., Fuchs, A., Lennartz, C., Gueskine, V., Beljonne, D., & Cornil, J. (06 November 2012). Methodological Aspects of the Quantum-Chemical Description of Interface Dipoles at TTF/TCNQ Interfaces. "Journal of Chemical Physics, 137", 174708.
- Van Regemorter, T., Guillaume, M., Sini, G., Sears, J., Gueskine, V., Brédas, J. L., Beljonne, D., & Cornil, J. (28 August 2012). Density Functional Theory for the Description of Charge Transfer Processes at TTF-TCNQ Interfaces. "SHS Web of Conferences, 78", 1273.
- Stadler, R., Cornil, J., & Geskin, V. (17 August 2012). Electron Transfer Through a Single Barrier Inside a Molecular for Weak and Intermediate Coupling. "Journal of Chemical Physics, 137", 074110.
- Mothy, S., Guillaume, M., Idé, J., Castet, F., Ducasse, L., Cornil, J., & Beljonne, D. (09 August 2012). Tuning the Interfacial Electronic Structure at Organic Heterojunctions by Chemical Design. "Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 3", 2374-2378.
- Meng, F., Hervault, Y. M., Norel, L., Costuas, K., Van Dyck, C., Gueskine, V., Cornil, J., Hng, H. H., Rigaut, S., & Chen, X. (05 August 2012). Photo-Modulable Molecular Transport Junctions based on Organometallic Molecular Wires. "Chemical Science, 3", 3113-3118.
- Crivillers, N., Osella, S., Van Dyck, C., Lazzerini, G. M., Cornil, D., Liscio, A., Di Stasio, F., Mian, S., Fenwick, O., Reinders, F., Neuburger, M., Treossi, E., Mayor, M., Palermo, V., Cacialli, F., Cornil, J., & Samori, P. (31 July 2012). Large Work Function Shift of Gold Induced by a Novel Perfluorinated Azobenzene-Based Self-Assembled Monolayer. "Advanced Materials, 25", 432-436.
- Kirkus, M., Wang, L., Mothy, S., Beljonne, D., Cornil, J., Janssen, R. A. J., & Meskers, S. C. J. (03 July 2012). Optical Properties of Oligothiophene Substituted Diketopyrrolopyrrole Derivatives in Solid Phase: Joint J and H-type Aggregation. "Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 116", 7927-7936.
- Cornil, J., & Beljonne, D. (01 July 2012). Séparation des Charges dans les Cellules Solaires Organiques: Un nouveau Paradigme. "Élement: le Magazine de l'Université de Mons, 7", 36-37.
- Treier, M., Arlin, J.-B., Rizié, C., Geerts, Y. H., Lemaur, V., Cornil, J., & Samori, P. (30 March 2012). Ambipolar organic field-effect transistors with balanced mobilities through solvent-vapour annealing induced phase-separation of bi-component mixtures. "Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 22", 9509-9512.
- Bakulin, A. A., Rao, A., Pavelyev, V. G., Van Loosdrecht, P. H. M., Pshenichnikov, M. S., Niedzialek, D., Cornil, J., Beljonne, D., & Friend, R. H. (21 January 2012). The Role of Driving Energy and Delocalized States for Charge Separation in Organic Semiconductors. "Science, 335", 1340-1344.
- M., J., Niebel, C., Balandier, J.-Y., Leroy, J., A., M., Stas, S., A., V. V., Cornil, J., & Geerts, Y. H. (07 January 2012). Quaterthiophene-based Dimer Containing an Ethylene Bridge: Molecular Design, Synthesis and Optoelectronic Properties. "Tetrahedron, 68", 349-355.
- Rand, B. P., Cheyns, D., Vasseur, K., Giebink, N. C., Mothy, S., Yi, Y., Coropceanu, V., Beljonne, D., Cornil, J., Brédas, J. L., & Genoe, J. (01 January 2012). The impact of Molecular Orientation on the Photovoltaic Properties of a Phthalocyanine/Fullerene Heterojunction. "Advanced Functional Materials, 22", 2987-2995.
- Nénon, S., Méreau, R., Salman, S., Castet, F., Van Regemorter, T., Clima, S., Beljonne, D., & Cornil, J. (01 January 2012). Structural and Electronic Properties of the TTF/ZnO(10-10) Interface: Insights from Modelling. "Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 3", 58-63.
- Wetzelaer, G. J. A. H., Kuik, M., Olivier, Y., Lemaur, V., Cornil, J., Fabiano, S., Loi, M. A., & Blom, P. W. M. (01 January 2012). Asymetric Electron and Hole Transport in a High-Mobility N-type Conjugated Polymer. "Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter, 86", 165203.
- Coulembier, O., Lemaur, V., Josse, T., Minoia, A., Cornil, J., & Dubois, P. (01 January 2012). Synthesis of poly(L-lactide) and gradient copolymers from a L-Lactide/trimethylene carbonate eutectic melt. "Chemical Science, 3", 723-726. doi:10.1039/c2sc00590e
- Mityashin, A., Olivier, Y., Van Regemorter, T., Rolin, C., Verlaak, S., Martinelli, N., Beljonne, D., Cornil, J., Genoe, J., & Heremans, P. (01 January 2012). Unraveling the Mechanism of Molecular Doping in Organic Semiconductors. "SHS Web of Conferences, 78", 1535-1539.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Cornil, J. (06 December 2012). "Charge Transport in Organic Semiconductors : From Molecular Junctions to Supramolecular Assemblies" [Paper presentation]. Robert J. Silbey Memorial Symposium on Theory for Experimentalists, Atlanta, United States - Georgia.
- Van Dyck, C., Geskin, V., & Cornil, J. (03 December 2012). "Electron transmission through diarylethene-based photoswitches in molecular junctions: Impact of substituents in molecular electronics" [Paper presentation]. ElecMol International Conference, Grenoble, France.
- Thiry, D., Britun, N., Konstantinidis, S., Dauchot, J.-P., Guillaume, M., Cornil, J., & Snyders, R. (26 October 2012). "Synthesis of thiol-based plasma polymers films : correlation between plasma and film chemistry" [Paper presentation]. 5th CIRMAP Anniversary Workshop, Mons, Belgium.
- Cornil, J. (09 October 2012). "Electronic Processes at Interfaces based on Organic Semiconductors: a Theoretical Insight" [Paper presentation]. Invited seminar, Aachen, Germany.
- Thiry, D., Britun, N., Konstantinidis, S., Dauchot, J.-P., Guillaume, M., Cornil, J., & Snyders, R. (11 September 2012). "Study of the transition between capacitive and inductive modes on propanethiol plasma polymer properties: correlation between plasma and film chemistry" [Paper presentation]. 13th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.
- Cornil, J. (08 July 2012). "Electronic Processes at Interfaces Involving Organic Semiconductors: A Theoretical Insight" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Science and Technology of Synthetic Metals 2012, Atlanta, United States - Georgia.
- Van Dyck, C., Geskin, V., & Cornil, J. (21 June 2012). "Transport through molecular nanojunctions: ballistic regime" [Paper presentation]. Seminar at University of Minnesota (Pr. Dan Frisbie), Minneapolis, United States.
- Cornil, J. (19 June 2012). "Modelling of Materials and Nanotechnologies: From Ab Initio to Macro-Simulations" [Paper presentation]. Industrial Technologies 2012, Aarhus, Denmark.
- Cornil, J. (06 June 2012). "Theoretical Modelling of the Key Electronic Processes in Organic Solar Cells" [Paper presentation]. TYC Energy Materials Workshop, London, United Kingdom.
- Van Dyck, C., Geskin, V., & Cornil, J. (29 May 2012). "Transport through molecular nanojunctions: ballistic regime" [Paper presentation]. Seminar at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States - Georgia.
- Cornil, J. (08 May 2012). "L'Electronique Plastique: De Nouveaux Matériaux pour de Nouveaux Défis" [Paper presentation]. Collège Belgique, Namur, Belgium.
- Cornil, J. (02 May 2012). "Charge Transport in Supramolecular Assemblies: An Atomistic Description" [Paper presentation]. Invited seminar, Rennes, France.
- De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., Ballivian, R., Chirot, F., Coulembier, O., Antoine, R., Lemoine, J., Cornil, J., Dubois, P., Dugourd, P., & Gerbaux, P. (30 March 2012). "Size dependence of the folding of multiply charged sodium cationized polylactides revealed by ion mobility mass spectrometry and molecular modelling" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Rolduc, Netherlands.
- Cornil, J. (08 March 2012). "Electronic Processes at Interfaces Based on Organic Semiconductors: A Theoretical Insight" [Paper presentation]. Workshop on 'Organic Electronics', Linköping, Sweden.
- Van Dyck, C., Geskin, V., & Cornil, J. (02 February 2012). "NEGF-DFT characterization of diarylethene-based photoswitches: Impact of substituents" [Paper presentation]. 3rd European Symposium on Computing Pi-Conjugated Systems, Mons, Belgium.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Van Dyck, C., Geskin, V., & Cornil, J. (09 July 2012). "Impact of derivatization on electron transmission through dithienylethene-based photoswitches in molecular junctions" [Poster presentation]. International Conference on Science and Technology of Synthetic Metals (ICSM), Atlanta, United States - Georgia.
- Van Dyck, C., Geskin, V., & Cornil, J. (10 February 2012). "NEGF-DFT Study of the Electronic Structure and Transport Properties of Diarylethenes for Photoswitches" [Poster presentation]. Quantum Chemistry in Belgium 10, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Coulembier, O., Lemaur, V., Josse, T., Minoia, A., Cornil, J., & Dubois, P. (10 December 2011). Synthesis of poly(L-lactide) and gradient copolymers from a L-lactide/trimethylene carbonate eutectic melt. "Chemical Science, 3", 723-726.
- Sebaihi, N., Cornil, J., & Viville, P. (01 November 2011). Diodes Electroluminescentes Organiques (OLED) Emettrices de Lumière Blanche: Caractéristiques et Applications pour l'Eclairage'. "Techniques de l'Ingénieur. Analyse Chimique et Caractérisation, IN145", 1-9.
- Oton, F., Pfattner, R., Pavlica, E., Olivier, Y., Moreno, E., Puigdollers, J., Bratina, G., Cornil, J., Fontrodona, X., Mas-Torrent, M., & Rovira, C. (21 October 2011). Electron-Withdrawing Substituted Tetrathiafulvalenes as Ambipolar Semiconductors. "Chemistry of Materials, 23", 851-861.
- Chen, Z., M., B., Lemaur, V., G., R., Cornil, J., Heeney, M., McCulloch, I., & Sirringhaus, H. (27 September 2011). Origin of the Different Transport Properties of Electron and Hole Polarons in an Ambipolar Polyselenophene-Based Conjugated Polymer. "Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter, 84", 115211.
- Oton, F., Pfattner, R., Oxtoby, N. S., Mas-Torrent, M., Wurst, K., Fontrodona, X., Olivier, Y., Cornil, J., Veciana, J., & Rovira, C. (16 September 2011). Benzodicarbomethoxytetrathiafulvalene Derivatives as Soluble Organic Semiconductors. "Journal of Organic Chemistry, 76", 154-163.
- Oton, F., Pfattner, R., Pavlica, E., Olivier, Y., Bratina, G., Cornil, J., Puigdollers, J., R., A., X., F., Mas-Torrent, M., Veciana, J., & Rovira, C. (02 September 2011). Electronic and Structural Characterization of a Tetrathiafulvalene Compounds as a Potential Candidate for Ambipolar Transport Properties. "CrystEngComm, 13", 6597-6600.
- De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., Ballivian, R., Chirot, F., Coulembier, O., Antoine, R., Lemoine, J., Cornil, J., Dubois, P., & Dugourd, P. (2011). 'Size dependence on the folding of multiply charged sodium cationized polylactides revealed by ion mobility mass spectrometry and molecular modelling'. "Chemistry".
- Balandier, J.-Y., Quist, F., Sebaihi, N., Niebel, C., Tylleman, B., Boudard, P., Bouzakraoui, S., Lemaur, V., Cornil, J., Lazzaroni, R., Geerts, Y. H., & Stas, S. (27 June 2011). Donor/Acceptor-Substituted Anthradithiophene Materials: Synthesis, Optical and electrochemical Properties. "Tetrahedron, 67", 7156-7161.
- Schweicher, G., Paquay, N., Amato, C., Resel, R., Koini, M., Talvy, S., Cornil, J., Lemaur, V., Geerts, Y., & Gbabode, G. (27 June 2011). Toward Single Crystal Thin Films of Terthiophene by Directional Crystallization Using a Thermal Gradient. "Crystal Growth and Design, 11", 3663-3672.
- Ripaud, E., Olivier, Y., Leriche, P., Cornil, J., & Roncali, J. (24 June 2011). Polarisability and Internal Charge Transfer in Thiophene-Triphenylamine Hybrid PI-Conjugated Systems. "Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 115", 9379-9386.
- De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., Ballivian, R., Chirot, F., Coulembier, O., Antoine, R., Lemoine, J., Cornil, J., Dubois, P., Dugourd, P., & Gerbaux, P. (06 June 2011). Size dependence of the Folding of Multiply Charged Sodium Cationized Polylactides Revealed by Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry and Molecular Modelling. "Chemistry, 17", 9738-9745.
- Balandier, J.-Y., Quist, F., Stas, S., Tylleman, B., Ragoen, C., Mayence, A., Bouzakraoui, S., Cornil, J., & Geerts, Y. (01 June 2011). Dimers of Anthrathiophene and Anthradithiophene Derivatives: Synthesis and Characterization. "Organic Letters, 13", 548-551.
- Chang, J. F., Sakanoue, T., Olivier, Y., Uemera, T., Dufourg-Madec, M. B., Yeates, S. G., Cornil, J., Takeya, J., Troisi, A., & Sirringhaus, H. (25 May 2011). Hall Effect Measurements Probing the Degree of Charge-Carrier Delocalization in Solution-Processed Crystalline Molecular Semiconductors. "Physical Review Letters, 107", 066601.
- Fernandez-Hernandez, J. M., Yang, C. H., Beltran, J., Lemaur, V., Polo, F., Frölich, R., Cornil, J., & De Cola, L. (20 May 2011). Control of the Mutual Disposition of Cyclometalated Ligands in Cationic Ir(III) Complexes: Synthesis, Spectroscopy and Device Efficiency of the Different Isomers. "Journal of the American Chemical Society, 133", 10543-10558.
- Crivillers, N., Liscio, A., Di Stasio, F., Van Dyck, C., Osella, S., Cornil, D., Mian, S., Lazzerini, G. M., Fenwick, O., Orgiu, E., Reinders, F., Braun, S., Fahlman, M., Mayor, M., Cornil, J., Palermo, V., Cacialli, F., & Samori, P. (13 May 2011). Photoinduced Work Function Changes by Isomerization of a Densely Packed Azobenzene-Based SAM on Au: A Joint Experimental and Theoretical Study. "Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13", 14302-14310.
- Idé, J., Méreau, R., Ducasse, L., Castet, F., Olivier, Y., Martinelli, N., Cornil, J., & Beljonne, D. (01 March 2011). Supramolecular Organization and Charge Transport Properties of Self-Assembled PI-PI Stacks of Perylene Diimide Dyes. "Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 115", 5593-5603.
- Chizhik, A. M., Berger, R., Chizhik, A. I., Lyubimtsev, A., Viani, L., Cornil, J., Bär, S., Hanack, M., Hulliger, J., Meixner, A. J., Egelhaaf, H. J., & Gierschner, J. (01 February 2011). Polarized Fluorescence from Single Stopcock Molecules at Channel Entrances of an All-Organic Host Guest Compound. "Chemistry of Materials, 23", 1088-1090.
- Balandier, J.-Y., Sebaihi, N., Boudard, P., Lemaur, V., Quist, F., Niebel, C., Stas, S., Tylleman, B., Lazzaroni, R., Cornil, J., & Geerts, Y. H. (2011). Anthradithiophene Derivatives Substituted on Positions 2,8 by Formyl and Triphenylamine Units: Synthesis, Optical and Electrochemical Properties. "European Journal of Organic Chemistry", 3131-3136.
- Oberhumer, P. M., Huang, Y. S., James, D. T., Tu, G., Beljonne, D., Cornil, J., Albert-Seifried, S., Kim, J. S., Huck, W. T. S., Greenham, N. C., Hodgkiss, J., & Friend, R. H. (01 January 2011). Tuning the Electronic Coupling in a low Bandgap Donor-Acceptor Copolymer via the Placement of Side-Chains. "Journal of Chemical Physics, 134", 114901.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Van Dyck, C., Geskin, V., & Cornil, J. (17 September 2011). "NEGF-DFT Study of the Electronic Structure and Transport Properties of Diarylethenes for Photoswitches" [Poster presentation]. European Summerschool of Quantum Chemistry, Palermo, Italy.
Mémoires et thèses/Thèse de doctorat
- De Winter, J. (2011). "In depth determination of the connectivity and topology of newly synthesized (co)polymers by state-of-the-art mass spectrometry" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/10692
Parties d’ouvrages/Contribution à des ouvrages collectifs
- Martinelli, N., Olivier, Y., Muccioli, L., Minoia, A., Brocorens, P., Ruiz Delgado, M. C., Zannoni, C., Beljonne, D., Lazzaroni, R., Brédas, J. L., & Cornil, J. (2010). Charge Transport in Organic Semiconductors: A Multiscale Modelling. In "Functional Supramolecular Architectures for Organic Electronics and Nanotechnology" (pp. 3-37).
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Xuan, Y., Liu, X., Desbief, S., Leclère, P., Lazzaroni, R., Berggren, M., Cornil, J., Emin, D., & Crispin, X. (28 October 2010). Thermoelectric Properties of Conducting Polymers : The Case of Poly(3-hexyl thiophene). "Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter, 82", 115454.
- Sorensen, J. K., Fock, J., Pedersen, A. H., Jennum, K., Bechgaard, K., Kilsa, K., Gueskine, V., Cornil, J., Bjornhölm, T., & Nielsen, M. B. (20 October 2010). Fulleropyrrolidine End-Capped Molecular Wires for Molecular Electronics - Synthesis, Spectroscopic, Electrochemical and Theoretical Characterization. "Journal of Organic Chemistry, 76", 245-263.
- Beljonne, D., Cornil, J., Castet, F., Muccioli, L., Zannoni, C., & Brédas, J.-L. (04 October 2010). Electronic Processes at Organic/Organic Interfaces: Insight from Modelling and Implications for Opto-Electronic Devices. "Chemistry of Materials, 23", 591-609.
- Cornil, D., & Cornil, J. (01 October 2010). Metal Work Function Modification Using Self-Assembled Monolayers: A Quantum-Chemical Insight. "Chimie Nouvelle, 105", 2-7.
- Balandrier, J. Y., Quist, F., Amato, C., Bouzakraoui, S., Cornil, J., Sergeev, S., & Geerts, Y. (28 September 2010). Synthesis of Soluble Oligothiophenes Bearing Cyano Groups, Their Optical and Electrochemical Properties. "Tetrahedron, 66", 9560-9572.
- Lara-Avila, S., Danilov, A., Gueskine, V., Bouzakraoui, S., Kubatkin, S., Cornil, J., & Bjornhölm, T. (23 September 2010). Bianthrone in a Single-Molecule Junction: Conductance Switching with a Bistable Molecule Facilitated by Image Charge Effects. "Journal of Physical Chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces, 114", 20686-20695.
- Martinelli, N., Idé, J., Sanchez-Carrera, R. S., Coropceanu, V., Brédas, J. L., Ducasse, L., Castet, F., Cornil, J., & Beljonne, D. (07 September 2010). Influence of Structural Dynamics on Polarisation Energies in Anthracene Single Crystals. "Journal of Physical Chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces, 114", 20678-20685.
- Boon, F., Desbief, S., Cutaia, L., Douhéret, O., Minoia, A., Ruelle, B., Clément, S., Coulembier, O., Cornil, J., Dubois, P., & Lazzaroni, R. (16 August 2010). Synthesis and characterization of nanocomposites based on functional regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene) and multiwall carbon nanotubes. "Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 31" (16), 1427-1434. doi:10.1002/marc.201000183
- Martinez-Boubetta, C., Beltran, J. I., Balcells, L., Konstantinovic, Z., Valencia, S., Schmitz, D., Arbiol, J., Estrade, S., Cornil, J., & Martinez, B. (08 July 2010). Ferromagnetism Transparent MgO Thin Films. "Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter, 82", 024405.
- De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., Marsal, P., Coulembier, O., Cornil, J., Dubois, P., & Gerbaux, P. (01 July 2010). Mechanistic Study of the Collision-Induced Dissociation of Sodium-Cationized Polylactide Oligomers: A Joint Experimental and Theoretical Investigation. "Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 21" (7), 1159-1168. doi:10.1016/j.jasms.2010.03.026
- Liedtke, A., O' Neill, M., Kelly, S. M., Kidney, S. P., Van Averbeke, B., Boudard, P., Beljonne, D., & Cornil, J. (22 June 2010). Optical Properties of Light-Emitting Nematic Liquid Crystals: A joint Experimental and Theoretical Study. "Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 114", 11975-11982.
- Leenen, M. A. M., Cuccinotta, F., Viani, L., Pisula, W., Mavrinskiy, A., Gierschner, J., Cornil, J., Prodi-Schwab, A., Thiem, H., Müllen, K., & De Cola, L. (20 June 2010). Electronic Properties and Supramolecular Organization of Terminal Bis-alkylethynyl-substituted Benzodithiophenes. "Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 114", 14614-14620.
- Tsuwi, J., Berger, R., Labat, G., Couderc, G., Behrnd, N. R., Ottiger, P., Cucinotta, F., Schürmann, K., Bertoni, M., Viani, L., Gierschner, J., Cornil, J., Prodi-Schwab, A., De Cola, L., Wübbenhorst, M., & Hulliger, J. (14 May 2010). Alignment and Relaxation Dynamics of Dye Molecules in Host-Guest Inclusion Compounds as probed by Dielectric Spectroscopy. "Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 114", 6956-6963.
- Sancho Garcia, J. C., Perez-Jimenez, A. J., Olivier, Y., & Cornil, J. (13 May 2010). Molecular Packing and Charge Transport Parameters in Crystalline Organic Semiconductors from First-Principles Calculations. "Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 12", 9381-9388.
- Yang, C. H., Beltran, J. I., Lemaur, V., Cornil, J., Hartmann, D., Sarfert, W., Bizzarri, C., & De Cola, L. (09 May 2010). Iridium Metal Complexes Containing N-heterocyclic Carbene Ligands for Blue Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells. "Inorganic Chemistry, 49", 9891-9901.
- Viani, L., Olivier, Y., Athanasopoulos, S., da Silva Filho, D. A., Hulliger, J., Brédas, J.-L., Gierschner, J., & Cornil, J. (06 April 2010). Theoretical Characterization of Charge Transport in One-Dimensional Collinear Array of Organic Conjugated Molecules. "Chemphyschem: A European Journal of Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry, 11" (5), 1062-1068. doi:10.1002/cphc.200900892
- Tzamalis, G., Lemaur, V., Karlsson, F., Holtz, P. O., Andersson, M., Crispin, X., Cornil, J., & Berggren, M. (01 April 2010). Fluorescence Light Emission at 1 eV from a Conjugated Polymer. "Chemical Physics Letters, 489" (1-3), 92-95. doi:10.1016/j.cplett.2010.02.049
- Macchi, G., Botta, C., Calzaferri, G., Catti, M., Cornil, J., Gierschner, J., Meinardi, F., & Tubino, R. (20 March 2010). Weak Forces at Work in Dye-Loaded Zeolite Materials: Spectroscopic Investigation on Cation-Sulfur Interactions. "Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 12" (11), 2599-2605. doi:10.1039/B919880F
- Lemaur, V., Bouzakraoui, S., Olivier, Y., Brocorens, P., Burhin, C., El Beghdadi, J., Martin-Hoyas, A., Jonas, A. M., Serban, D. A., Vlad, A., Boucher, N., Leroy, J., Sferrazza, M., Melinte, S., Sergeev, S., Geerts, Y., Lazzaroni, R., Cornil, J., & Nysten, B. (18 March 2010). Structural and Charge-Transport Properties of a Liquid-Crystalline a,w-Disubstituted Thiophene Derivative: A Joint Experimental and Theoretical Study. "Journal of Physical Chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces, 114" (10), 4617-4627. doi:10.1021/jp9070423
- Linares, M., Beljonne, D., Cornil, J., Lancaster, K., Brédas, J.-L., Verlaak, S., Mityashin, A., Heremans, P., Fuchs, A., Lennartz, C., Idé, J., Méreau, R., Aurel, P., Ducasse, L., & Castet, F. (25 February 2010). On the Interface Dipole at the Pentacene-Fullerene Heterojunction: A Theoretical Study. "Journal of Physical Chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces, 114" (7), 3215-3224. doi:10.1021/jp910005g
- Denis, L., Marsal, P., Olivier, Y., Godfroid, T., Lazzaroni, R., Hecq, M., Cornil, J., & Snyders, R. (22 February 2010). Deposition of Functional Organic Thin Films by Pulsed Plasma Polymerization: A Joint Theoretical and Experimental Characterization. "Plasma Processes and Polymers, 7" (2), 172-181. doi:10.1002/ppap.200900131
- Martinez-Boubeta, C., Beltran, J. I., Batcells, L., Konstantinovic, Z., Valencia, S., Schmitz, D., Arbiol, J., Estrade, S., Cornil, J., & Martinez, B. (01 January 2010). Ferromagnetism in Transparent MgO Thin Films. "Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter, 82", 024405.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Van Dyck, C., Geskin, V., & Cornil, J. (04 October 2010). "NEGF-DFT characterization of diarylethene photoswitches : impact of substituents" [Paper presentation]. International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering (ICCMSE), Kos, Greece.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Van Dyck, C., Geskin, V., & Cornil, J. (05 December 2010). "NEGF-DFT Study of the Electronic Structure and Transport Properties of Diarylethenes for Photoswitches" [Poster presentation]. ElecMol International Conference, Grenoble, France.
- Van Dyck, C., Geskin, V., & Cornil, J. (14 April 2010). "NEGF-DFT Study of the Electronic Structure and Transport Properties of Diarylethenes for Photoswitches" [Poster presentation]. One-P European Spring School, Erice, Italy.
- Van Dyck, C., Geskin, V., & Cornil, J. (26 January 2010). "NEGF-DFT Study of the Electronic Structure and Transport Properties of Diarylethenes for Photoswitches" [Poster presentation]. Quantum Chemistry in Belgium 9th Edition, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
Allocutions et communications diverses/Autre
- Van Dyck, C., Geskin, V., & Cornil, J. (2010). "NEGF-DFT Characterization of photoswitching Diarylethenes".
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Verlaak, S., Beljonne, D., Cheyns, D., Rolin, C., Linares, M., Castet, F., Cornil, J., & Heremans, P. (09 December 2009). Electronic Structure and Geminate Pair Energetics at Organic/Organic Interfaces: The Case of Pentacene/C60 Heterojunction. "Advanced Functional Materials, 19" (23), 3809-3814. doi:10.1002/adfm.200901233
- Jakobsson, F. L. E., Marsal, P., Braun, S., Falhman, M., Berggren, M., Cornil, J., & Crispin, X. (22 November 2009). Tuning the Energy Levels of Photochromic Diarylethene Compounds for Opto-Electronic Switch Devices. "Journal of Physical Chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces, 113" (42), 18396-18405. doi:10.1021/jp9043573
- Brédas, J.-L., Norton, J. S., Cornil, J., & Coropceanu, V. (17 November 2009). Molecular Understanding of Organic Solar Cells: The Challenges. "Accounts of Chemical Research, 42" (11), 1691-1699. doi:10.1021/ar900099h
- Olivier, Y., Muccioli, L., Lemaur, V., Geerts, Y., Zannoni, C., & Cornil, J. (29 October 2009). Theoretical Characterization of the Structural and Hole Transport Dynamics in Liquid-Crystalline Phthalocyanine Stacks. "Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 113" (43), 14102-14111. doi:10.1021/jp9061169
- Martinelli, N. G., Savini, M., Muccioli, L., Olivier, Y., Castet, F., Zannoni, C., Beljonne, D., & Cornil, J. (23 October 2009). An Atomistic Description of Polymer Dielectrics/Pentacene Interfaces: Influence of Electrostatic Interactions on Charge Mobility Values. "Advanced Functional Materials, 19" (20), 3254-3261. doi:10.1002/adfm.200901077
- Karsten, B. P., Viani, L., Gierschner, J., Cornil, J., & Janssen, R. A. J. (24 September 2009). On the Origin of Small Band Gaps in Alternating Thiophene - Thienopyrazine Oligomers. "Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 113" (38), 10343-10350. doi:10.1021/jp9050148
- Martinelli, N. G., Olivier, Y., Ruiz Delgado, M. C., Pigg, K. R., da Silva Filho, D. A., Sanchez-Carrera, R. S., Venuti, E., Della Valle, R. G., Brédas, J.-L., Beljonne, D., & Cornil, J. (14 September 2009). Influence of Intermolecular Vibrations on the Electronic Coupling and Charge-Transport Properties of Organic Semiconductors: A Molecular Dynamics and Quantum-Chemical Study of the Anthracene and Perfluoropentacene Single Crystals. "Chemphyschem: A European Journal of Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry, 10" (13), 2265-2273. doi:10.1002/cphc.200900298
- Karsten, B. P., Bijleveld, J. C., Viani, L., Cornil, J., Gierschner, J., & Janssen, R. A. J. (14 August 2009). Electronic Structure of Small Band Gap Oligomers Based on Cyclopentadithiophenes and Acceptor Units. "Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 19" (30), 5343-5350. doi:10.1039/b901374a
- Geskin, V. M., Stadler, R., & Cornil, J. (11 August 2009). Multideterminant Assessment of Mean Field Methods for the Description of Electron Transport in the Weak Coupling Regime. "Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter, 80", 085411. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.80.085411
- Viani, L., Poulsen Tolbod, L., Jazdzyk, M., Patrinoiu, G., Cordella, F., Mura, A., Bongiovanni, G., Botta, C., Beljonne, D., Cornil, J., Hanack, M., Egelhaaf, H. J., & Gierschner, J. (06 August 2009). Spatial Control of 3D Energy Transfer in Supramolecular Nanostructured Host-Guest Architectures. "Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 113" (31), 10566-10570. doi:10.1021/jp904415z
- Winfield, J. M., Van Vooren, A., Park, M. J., Hwang, D. H., Cornil, J., Kim, J. S., & Friend, R. H. (21 July 2009). Charge-Transfer Character of Excitons in Poly[2,7-(9,9-di-n-octylfluorene)(1-x)-co-4,7-(2,1,3-benzothiadiazole)(x)]. "Journal of Chemical Physics, 131" (3), 035104. doi:10.1063/1.3177327
- Tylleman, B., Gbabode, G., Amato, C., Buess-Herman, C., Lemaur, V., Cornil, J., Gomez Aspe, R., Geerts, Y., & Sergeyev, S. (14 July 2009). Metal-Free Phthalocyanines Bearing Eight Alkylsulfonyl Substituents: Design, Synthesis, Electronic Structure, and Mesomorphism of New Electron-Deficient Mesogens. "Chemistry of Materials, 21" (13), 2789-2797. doi:10.1021/cm900383c
- Srinivasan, G., Villanueva-Garibay, J. A., Müller, K., Oelkrug, D., Milian Medina, B., Beljonne, D., Cornil, J., Wykes, M., Viani, L., Gierschner, J., Martinez-Alvarez, R., Jazdzyk, M., Hanack, M., & Egelhaaf, H. J. (07 July 2009). Dynamics of Guest Molecules in PHTP Inclusion Compounds as Probed by Solid-State NMR and Fluorescence Spectroscopy. "Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 11" (25), 4996-5009. doi:10.1039/b820604j
- Boucher, N., Leroy, J., Sergeyev, S., Lemaur, V., Lazzaroni, R., Cornil, J., Geerts, Y., & Sferrazza, M. (01 July 2009). Mesomorphism of Dialkylterthiophene Homologues. "Synthetic Metals, 159" (13), 1319-1324. doi:10.1016/j.synthmet.2009.02.041
- Stadler, R., Geskin, V. M., & Cornil, J. (25 March 2009). Screening Effects in a Density Functional Theory-Based Description of Molecular Junctions in the Coulomb Blockade Regime. "Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter, 79" (11), 113408, 1-4. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.79.113408
- Brocorens, P., Van Vooren, A., Chabinyc, M., Toney, M., Shkunov, M., Heeney, M., McCulloch, I., Cornil, J., & Lazzaroni, R. (20 March 2009). Solid-State Supramolecular Organization of Polythiophene Chains Containing Thienothiophene Units. "Advanced Materials, 21" (10-11), 1193-1198. doi:10.1002/adma.200801668
- Avilov, I. V., Geskin, V. M., & Cornil, J. (24 February 2009). A Quantum-Chemical Characterization of the Origin of Dipole Formation at Molecular Organic/Organic Interfaces. "Advanced Functional Materials, 19" (4), 624-633. doi:10.1002/adfm.200800632
- Macchi, G., Medina, B. M., Zambianchi, M., Tubino, R., Cornil, J., Barbarella, G., Gierschner, J., & Meinardi, F. (14 February 2009). Spectroscopic Signatures for Planar Equilibrium Geometries in Methyl-Substituted Oligothiophenes. "Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 11" (6), 984-990. doi:10.1039/B810915J
- Carmen Ruiz Delgado, M., Pigg, K. R., da Silva Filho, D. A., Gruhn, N. E., Sakamoto, Y., Suzuki, T., Malavé Osuna, R., Casado, J., Hernandez, V., Lopez Navarrete, J. T., Martinelli, N. G., Cornil, J., Sanchez-Carrera, R. S., Coropceanu, V., & Brédas, J.-L. (04 February 2009). Impact of Perfluorination on the Charge-Transport Parameters of Oligoacene Crystals. "Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131" (4), 1502-1512. doi:10.1021/ja807528w
- Gierschner, J., Huang, Y. S., Vanaverbeke, B., Cornil, J., Friend, R. H., & Beljonne, D. (28 January 2009). Excitonic versus Electronic Couplings in Molecular Assemblies: The Importance of Non Nearest-Neighbour Interactions. "Journal of Chemical Physics, 130" (4), 044105. doi:10.1063/1.3065267
Parties d’ouvrages/Contribution à des ouvrages collectifs
- Brédas, J.-L., Cornil, J., Beljonne, D., Lazzaroni, R., & Leclère, P. (2008). Molekulare Electronik/ Neuroelektronik/ Verformbare elektronische Werkstoffe/ Herstellung von Nanostrukturen. In "Nanotechnologie edited by M.Wautelet (Oldenbourg Verlag)" (pp. 81-166).
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Gerbaux, P., De Winter, J., Cornil, D., Ravicini, K., Pesesse, G., Cornil, J., & Flammang, R. (08 December 2008). Non Covalent Interactions between (18-Crown-6)-Tetracarboxylic Acid and Amino Acids : Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry Investigation of the Chiral Recognition Processes. "Chemistry, 14" (35), 11039-11049. doi:10.1002/chem.200801372
- van Hal, P. A., Smits, E. C. P., Geuns, T. C. T., Akkerman, H. B., de Brito, B. C., Perissinotto, S., Lanzani, G., Kronemeijer, A. J., Geskin, V. M., Cornil, J., Blom, P. W. M., de Boer, B., & de Leeuw, D. M. (01 December 2008). Upscaling, Integration and Electrical Characterisation of Molecular Junctions. "Nature Nanotechnology, 3" (12), 749-753. doi:10.1038/nnano.2008.305
- Karsten, B. P., Viani, L., Gierschner, J., Cornil, J., & Janssen, R. A. J. (30 October 2008). An Oligomer Study to Small Band Gap Polymers. "Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 112" (43), 10764-10773. doi:10.1021/jp805817c
- Kim, J. S., Lu, L., Sreearunothai, P., Seeley, A., Yim, K. H., Petroezza, A., Murphy, C. E., Beljonne, D., Cornil, J., & Friend, R. H. (01 October 2008). Optoelectronic and Charge Transport Properties at Organic/Organic Semiconductor Interfaces : Comparison between Polyfluorene-Based Polymer Blend and Copolymer. "Journal of the American Chemical Society, 130" (39), 13120-13131. doi:10.1021/ja803766j
- Olivier, Y., Muccioli, L., Zannoni, C., & Cornil, J. (17 September 2008). Charge Transport in Conjugated Materials: From Theoretical Models to Experimental Systems. "AIP Conference Proceedings, 1046", 32-35.
- Stadler, R., Geskin, V. M., & Cornil, J. (17 September 2008). A Theoretical View on Unimolecular Rectifiers. "Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 20" (37), 374105. doi:10.1088/0953-8984/20/37/374105
- Stadler, R., Geskin, V. M., & Cornil, J. (04 September 2008). Towards a Theoretical Description of Molecular Junctions in the Coulomb Blockade Regime Based on Density Functional Theory. "Physical Review, 78" (11), 113402. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.78.113402
- Van Vooren, A., Kim, J. S., & Cornil, J. (02 May 2008). Intrachain versus Interchain Electron Transport in Poly(fluorene-alt-benzothiadiazole): A Quantum-Chemical Insight. "Chemphyschem: A European Journal of Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry, 9" (7), 989-993. doi:10.1002/cphc.200700847
- Stadler, R., Geskin, V. M., & Cornil, J. (11 April 2008). Theoretical Study of Substitution Effects in Unimolecular Rectifiers. "Advanced Functional Materials, 18" (7), 1119-1130. doi:10.1002/adfm.200701209
- Aloshyna, M., Milian Medina, B., Poulsen, L., Moreau, J., Beljonne, D., Cornil, J., Di Silvestro, G., Cerminara, M., Meinardi, F., Tubino, R., Detert, H., Schrader, S., Egelhaaf, H. J., Botta, C., & Gierschner, J. (25 March 2008). Oligophenylenevinylenes in Spatially Confined Nanochannels: Monitoring Intermolecular Interactions by UV/Vis and Raman Spectroscopy. "Advanced Functional Materials, 18" (6), 915-921. doi:10.1002/adfm.200700647
- Castet, F., Aurel, P., Fritsch, A., Ducasse, L., Liotard, D., Linares, M., Cornil, J., & Beljonne, D. (24 March 2008). Electronic Polarization Effects on Charge Carriers in Anthracene: A Valence Bond Study. "Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter, 77" (11), 115210, 1-14. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.77.115210
- Olivier, Y., & Cornil, J. (01 January 2008). Etude Théorique du Transport de Charge dans les Matériaux Organiques Conjugués : De la Vision Moléculaire aux Propriétés Macroscopiques. "Chimie Nouvelle, 26" (99), 27-30.
- Viville, P., Godfroid, T., Dauchot, J.-P., Cornil, J., Beljonne, D., & Lazzaroni, R. (01 January 2008). Surfaces Plastiques Berceaux de Lumière Surfaces Plastiques Moissonneuses de Lumière. "Élement: le Magazine de l'Université de Mons, 1", 11-12.
Parties d’ouvrages/Contribution à des ouvrages collectifs
- da Silva Filho, D. A., Olivier, Y., Coropceanu, V., Brédas, J.-L., & Cornil, J. (2007). Theoretical Aspects of Charge Transport in Organic Semiconductors: A Molecular Perspective. In "Organic Field-Effect Transistors" (pp. 1-27). CRC Press.
- Beljonne, D., Cornil, J., Coropceanu, V., da Silva Filho, D. A., Geskin, V. M., Lazzaroni, R., Leclère, P., & Brédas, J.-L. (2007). On the Transport, Optical, and Self-Assembly Properties of pi-Conjugated Materials: A Combined Theoretical/Experimental Insight. In "Handbook of Conducting Polymers" (pp. 1-46). Boca Raton, United States: CRC Press.
- Crispin, X., Andersson, P., Robinson, N. D., Olivier, Y., Cornil, J., & Berggren, M. (2007). Photochromic Diodes. In "Semiconducting Polymers" (pp. 579-612). Weinheim, Unknown/unspecified: VCH.
- Brédas, J.-L., Cornil, J., Beljonne, D., Lazzaroni, R., & Leclère, P. (2007). L'électronique Moléculaire/ La Neuroélectronique/ L'Electronique Plastique/ Fabrication des Nanostructures. In A. Decroly, R. Lazzaroni, ... M. Wautelet (Ed.), "Les Nanotechnologies Deuxième édition edited by M. Wautelet (Dunod)" (pp. 75-167). DUNOD.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Lemaur, V., Cornil, J., Didier, D., Mujawase, A., & Sergeyev, S. (01 November 2007). A Joint Theoretical and Experimental Insight into the Electronic Structure of Chromophore Derived from a 6H,12H-5,11-Methanodibenzo[b,f][1,5]diazocine Scaffold. "Helvetica Chimica Acta, 90" (11), 2087-2095. doi:10.1002/hlca.200790216
- Schmidt, K., Brovelli, S., Coropceanu, V., Beljonne, D., Cornil, J., Bazzini, C., Caronna, T., Tubino, R., Meinardi, F., Shuai, Z., & Brédas, J.-L. (25 October 2007). Intersystem Crossing Processes in Non-Planar Aromatic Heterocyclic Molecules. "Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 111" (42), 10490-10499. doi:10.1021/jp075248q
- Milian, B. M., Van Vooren, A., Brocorens, P., Gierschner, J., Shkunov, M., McCulloch, I., Lazzaroni, R., & Cornil, J. (02 October 2007). Electronic Structure and Charge-Transport Properties of Polythiophene Chains Containing Thienothiophene Units: A Joint Experimental and Theoretical Study. "Chemistry of Materials, 19" (20), 4949-4956. doi:10.1021/cm071279m
- Avilov, I. V., Minoofar, P., Cornil, J., & De Cola, L. (04 July 2007). Influence of Substituents on the Energy and Nature of the Lowest Excited States of Heteroleptic Phosphorescent Ir(III) Complexes: A Joint Theoretical and Experimental Study. "Journal of the American Chemical Society, 129" (26), 8247-8258. doi:10.1021/ja0711011
- Cornil, J., Brédas, J.-L., Zaumseil, J., & Sirringhaus, H. (01 July 2007). Ambipolar Transport in Organic Conjugated Materials. "Advanced Materials, 19" (14), 1791-1799. doi:10.1002/adma.200602922
- Van Vooren, A., Lemaur, V., Ye, A., Beljonne, D., & Cornil, J. (04 June 2007). Impact of Bridging Units on the Dynamics of Charge Generation and Recombination in Organic Solar Cells. "Chemphyschem: A European Journal of Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry, 8" (8), 1240-1249. doi:10.1002/cphc.200700130
- da Silva Filho, D. A., Coropceanu, V., Fichou, D., Gruhn, N. E., Bill, T., Gierschner, J., Cornil, J., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 June 2007). Hole-Vibronic Coupling in Oligothiophenes: Impact of Backbone Torsional Flexibility on Relaxation Energies. "Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 365" (1855), 1435-1452. doi:10.1098/rsta.2007.2025
- Sergeyev, S., Pouzet, E., Debever, O., Levin, J., Gierschner, J., Cornil, J., Gomez Aspe, R., & Geerts, Y. (14 May 2007). Liquid Crystalline Octaalkoxycarbonyl Phthalocyanines: Design, Synthesis, Electronic Structure, Self-Aggregation, and Mesomorphism. "Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 17" (18), 1777-1784. doi:10.1039/b617856a
- Cornil, D., Olivier, Y., Geskin, V. M., & Cornil, J. (01 May 2007). Depolarization Effects in Self-Assembled Monolayers: A Quantum-Chemical Insight. "Advanced Functional Materials, 17" (7), 1143-1148. doi:10.1002/adfm.200601116
- Bell, T. D. M., Stefan, A., Lemaur, V., Bernhardt, S., Müllen, K., Cornil, J., Beljonne, D., Hofkens, J., Van Der Auweraer, M., & De Schryver, F. C. (01 May 2007). Non-conjugated, Phenyl Assisted Coupling in Through Bond Electron Transfer in a Perylenemonoimide-Triphenylamine System. "Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences, 6" (4), 406-415. doi:10.1039/B617913D
- Coropceanu, S., Cornil, J., da Silva Filho, D. A., Olivier, Y., Silbey, R. J., & Brédas, J.-L. (11 April 2007). Charge Transport in Organic Semiconductors. "Chemical Reviews, 107" (4), 926-952. doi:10.1021/cr050140x
- Brustolin, F., Surin, M., Lemaur, V., Romanazzi, G., Sun, Q., Cornil, J., Lazzaroni, R., Sommerdijk, N. A. J. M., Leclère, P., & Meijer, E. W. (12 March 2007). The Self-Assembly of Amphiphilic Oligothiophenes: Hydrogen Bonding and Poly(glutamate) Complexation. "Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 80" (9), 1703-1715. doi:10.1246/bcsj.80.1703
- Fron, E., Bell, T. D. M., Van Vooren, A., Schweitzer, G., Cornil, J., Beljonne, D., Toele, P., Jacob, J., Müllen, K., Hofkens, J., Van Der Auweraer, M., & De Schryver, F. C. (24 January 2007). CT-CT Annihilation in Rigid Perylene End-Capped Pentaphenylenes. "Journal of the American Chemical Society, 129" (3), 610-619. doi:10.1021/ja064794e
- Poulsen, L., Jazdzyk, M., Communal, J. E., Sancho-Garcia, J. C., Mura, A., Bongiovanni, G., Beljonne, D., Cornil, J., Hanack, M., Egelhaaf, H. E., & Gierschner, J. (01 January 2007). Three-Dimensional Energy Transport in Highly Luminescent Condensed Media: A Combined Quantitative Experimental and Theoretical Study. "Journal of the American Chemical Society, 129", 8585-8593.
- Gierschner, J., Cornil, J., & Egelhaaf, H. J. (01 January 2007). Optical Bandgaps of p-Conjugated Organic Materials at the Polymer Limit: Experiment and Theory. "Advanced Materials, 19" (2), 173-191. doi:10.1002/adma.200600277
- Cornil, J., Beljonne, D., & Lazzaroni, R. (01 January 2007). Les Ecrans d'Affichage Flexibles. "Journal des Ingénieurs, 103", 6-12.
- Beljonne, D., & Cornil, J. (01 January 2007). Les Senseurs Chimiques et Biologiques Basés sur des Polymères Conjugués. "Chimie Nouvelle, 96", 85-91.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Palma, M., Levin, J., Lemaur, V., Liscio, A., Palermo, V., Cornil, J., Geerts, Y., Lehmann, M., & Samori, P. (01 December 2006). Self-Organization and Nanoscale Electronic Properties of Azatriphenylene-Based Architectures: A Scanning Probe Microscopy Study. "Advanced Materials, 18" (24), 3313-3317. doi:10.1002/adma.200601437
- Puigmarti-Luis, J., Minoia, A., Uji-i, H., Rovira, C., Cornil, J., De Feyter, S., Lazzaroni, R., & Amabilino, D. B. (04 October 2006). Non-Covalent Control for Bottom-Up Assembly of Functional Supramolecular Wires. "Journal of the American Chemical Society, 128" (39), 12602-12603. doi:10.1021/ja0640288
- Beljonne, D., & Cornil, J. (10 September 2006). Senseurs Chimiques et Biologiques Basés sur des Polymères Conjugués. "Techniques de l'Ingénieur, RE69", 1-13.
- Costanza, E., Tonelli, D., Scalmani, G., & Cornil, J. (07 September 2006). Theoretical Investigation of the Electronic and Optical Properties of Oligothiophenes upon Methyl, Thiol, and Thiomethyl Substitution. "Polymer, 47" (19), 6692-6697. doi:10.1016/j.polymer.2006.07.016
- Lindell, L., Burquel, A., Jackobsson, F. L. E., Lemaur, V., Berggren, M., Lazzaroni, R., Cornil, J., Salaneck, W. R., & Crispin, X. (05 September 2006). Transparent, Plastic, Low-Work-Function Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) Electrodes. "Chemistry of Materials, 18" (1855), 4246-4252. doi:10.1021/cm061081m
- Olivier, Y., Lemaur, V., Brédas, J.-L., & Cornil, J. (18 May 2006). Charge Hopping in Organic Semiconductors: Influence of Molecular Parameters on Macroscopic Mobilities in Model One-Dimensional Stacks. "Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 110" (19), 6356-6364. doi:10.1021/jp0571933
- de Halleux, V., Hayer, A., Köhler, A., El-Garoughy, A., Meijer, E. W., Barbera, J., Tant, J., Levin, J., Lehmann, M., Gierschner, J., Cornil, J., & Geerts, Y. (20 April 2006). Highly Fluorescent Crystalline and Liquid-Crystalline Columnar Phases of Pyrene-Based Structures. "Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 110" (15), 7653-7659. doi:10.1021/jp0573689
- Sreearunothai, P., Morteani, A. C., Avilov, I. V., Cornil, J., Beljonne, D., Friend, R. H., Phillips, R. T., Silva, C., & Herz, L. M. (24 March 2006). Influence of Copolymer Interface Orientation on the Optical Emission of Polymeric Semiconductor Heterojunctions. "Physical Review Letters, 96" (11), 117403. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.96.117403
- Burquel, A., Lemaur, V., Beljonne, D., Lazzaroni, R., & Cornil, J. (16 March 2006). Pathways for Photoinduced Charge Generation and Recombination at Donor-Acceptor Heterojunctions: The Case of Oligophenylenevinylene-Perylene Bisimide Complexes. "Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 110" (10), 3447-3453. doi:10.1021/jp055719d
- Beckers, E. H. A., Meskers, S. C. J., Schenning, A. P. H. J., Chen, Z., Würthner, F., Marsal, P., Beljonne, D., Cornil, J., & Janssen, R. A. J. (18 January 2006). The Influence of the Intermolecular Orientation on the Photoinduced Charge Transfer Kinetics in Self-Assembled Aggregates of Donor-Acceptor Arrays. "Journal of the American Chemical Society, 128" (2), 649-657. doi:10.1021/ja0568042
Parties d’ouvrages/Contribution à des ouvrages collectifs
- Cornil, J., Lemaur, V., Steel, M. C., Dupin, H., Burquel, A., Beljonne, D., & Brédas, J.-L. (2005). Electronic Structure of Organic Photovoltaic Materials: Modelling of Exciton Dissociation and Charge Recombination Processes. In "Organic Photovoltaics: Mechanisms, Materials, and Devices" (pp. 161-182).
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Abdel-Mottaleb, M. M. S., Gomar-Nadal, E., Surin, M., Uji-I, I., Mamdouh, W., Veciana, J., Lemaur, V., Rovira, C., Cornil, J., Lazzaroni, R., Amabilino, D. B., De Feyter, S., & De Schryver, F. C. (21 November 2005). Self-Assembly of Tetrathiafulvalene Derivatives at a Liquid-Solid Interface: Compositional and Constitutional Influence on Supramolecular Ordering. "Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 15" (43), 4601-4615. doi:10.1039/b509336h
- Cornil, J., Beljonne, D., & Lazzaroni, R. (10 November 2005). Les Ecrans d'Affichage Enroulables. "Techniques de l'Ingenieur, IN-22", 1-7.
- Tant, J., Geerts, Y., Lehmann, M., De Cupere, V., Zucchi, G., Laursen, B. W., Björnholm, T., Lemaur, V., Marcq, V., Burquel, A., Hennebicq, E., Gardebien, F., Viville, P., Beljonne, D., Lazzaroni, R., & Cornil, J. (03 November 2005). Liquid Crystalline Metal-Free Phthalocyanines Designed for Charge and Exciton Transport. "Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 109" (43), 20315-20323. doi:10.1021/jp054778o
- Geskin, V. M., Grozema, F. C., Siebbeles, L. D. A., Beljonne, D., Brédas, J.-L., & Cornil, J. (03 November 2005). Impact of the Computational Method on the Geometric and Electronic Properties of Oligo(phenylenevinylene)s Radical Cations. "Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 109" (43), 20237-20243. doi:10.1021/jp0519417
- Sancho Garcia, J. C., & Cornil, J. (12 July 2005). Anchoring the Torsion Potential of Biphenyl at the Ab Initio Level: the Role of Basis Set versus Correlation Effects. "Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 1" (4), 581-589. doi:10.1021/ct0500242
- Lehmann, M., Kestemont, G., Gomez Aspe, R., Buess-Herman, C., Koch, M. J. H., Debije, M. G., Piris, J., de Haas, M. P., Warman, J. M., Watson, M. D., Lemaur, V., Cornil, J., Geerts, Y., Gearba, R., & Ivanov, D. A. (20 May 2005). High Charge Carrier Mobility in p-Deficient Discotic Mesogens: Design and Structure-Property Relationship. "Chemistry, 11" (11), 3349-3362. doi:10.1002/chem.200400586
- Lemaur, V., Steel, M. C., Beljonne, D., Brédas, J.-L., & Cornil, J. (27 April 2005). Photoinduced Charge Generation and Recombination Dynamics in Model Donor/Acceptor Pairs for Solar Cell Applications: A Full Quantum-Chemical Treatment. "Journal of the American Chemical Society, 127" (16), 6077-6086. doi:10.1021/ja042390l
- Dini, D., Hanack, M., Egelhaaf, H. J., Sancho Garcia, J. C., & Cornil, J. (31 March 2005). Synthesis of Axially Substituted Tetrapyrazinoporphyrazinato Metal Complexes for Optical Limiting and Study of their Photophysical Properties. "Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 109" (12), 5425-5432. doi:10.1021/jp048752t
- Sancho Garcia, J. C., Brédas, J.-L., Beljonne, D., Cornil, J., Martinez-Alvarez, R., Hanack, M., Poulsen, L., Gierschner, J., Mack, H. G., Egelhaaf, H. J., & Oelkrug, D. (24 March 2005). Design of p-Conjugated Organic Materials for One-Dimensional Energy Transport in Nanochannels. "Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 109" (11), 4872-4880. doi:10.1021/jp045364i
- Geskin, V. M., Cornil, J., & Brédas, J.-L. (14 February 2005). Polaron Formation and Symmetry Breaking. "Chemical Physics Letters, 403" (1-3), 228-231. doi:10.1016/j.cplett.2004.12.101
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Brédas, J.-L., Beljonne, D., Coropceanu, V., & Cornil, J. (01 October 2004). Electro-Active PI-Conjugated Oligomers and Polymers: A Molecular Picture of Charge-Transfer Processes. "Educación Química, 15", 61-69.
- Karzazi, Y., Crispin, X., Kwon, O., Brédas, J.-L., & Cornil, J. (01 January 2004). Theoretical Insight into the Interfacial Interactions Between Gold Surface and Self-Assembled Monolayers Made of Conjugated Molecular Wires. "Chemical Physics Letters, 387", 502-508.
- Sancho Garcia, J. C., Poulsen, L., Gierschner, J., Martinez-Alvarez, R., Hennebicq, E., Hanack, M., Egelhaaf, H. E., Oelkrug, D., Beljonne, D., Brédas, J.-L., & Cornil, J. (01 January 2004). Theoretical Characterization and Design of End-substituted Distyrylbenzenes as Excitation Shuttles in One-dimensional Channels. "Advanced Materials, 16", 1193-1197.
- Sancho Garcia, J. C., Foden, C., Grizzi, I., Greczinsky, G., de Jong, M. P., Salaneck, W. R., Brédas, J.-L., & Cornil, J. (01 January 2004). Joint Theoretical and Experimental Characterization of the Structural and Electronic Properties of poly(dioctylfluorene-alt-N- butylphenyl diphenylamine). "Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 108", 5594-5599.
- Brédas, J.-L., Beljonne, D., Coropceanu, V., & Cornil, J. (01 January 2004). Charge-Transfer and Energy-Transfer Processes in PI-Conjugated Oligomers and Polymers: A Molecular Description. "Chemical Reviews, 104", 4971-5003.
- Sancho Garcia, J. C., & Cornil, J. (01 January 2004). Assessment of Recently Developed Exchange-Correlation Functionals for the Description of Torsion Potentials in pi-conjugated Molecules. "Journal of Chemical Physics, 121", 3096-3101.
- Kwon, O., Coropceanu, V., Gruhn, N. E., Durivage, J. C., Laquindanum, J. G., Katz, H. E., Cornil, J., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 2004). Characterization of the Molecular Parameters Determining Charge Transport in Anthradithiophene. "Journal of Chemical Physics, 120", 8186-8194.
- Crispin, X., Cornil, J., Friedlein, R., Okudaira, K. K., Lemaur, V., Crispin, A., Kestemont, G., Lehmann, M., Fahlman, M., Lazzaroni, R., Geerts, Y., Wendin, G., Ueno, N., Brédas, J.-L., & Salaneck, W. R. (01 January 2004). Electronic Delocalization in Discotic Liquid Crystals: A Joint Experimental and Theoretical Study. "Journal of the American Chemical Society, 126", 11889-11899.
- Lemaur, V., da Silva Filho, D. A., Coropceanu, V., Lehmann, M., Geerts, Y., Piris, J., Debije, M. G., van de Craats, A. M., Senthilkumar, K., Siebbeles, L. D. A., Warman, J. M., Brédas, J.-L., & Cornil, J. (01 January 2004). Charge Transport Properties in Discotic Liquid Crystals: A Quantum-Chemical Insight into Structure-Property Relationships. "Journal of the American Chemical Society, 126", 3271-3279.
- Kubatkin, S., Danilov, A., Hjort, M., Cornil, J., Brédas, J.-L., Stuhr-Hansen, N., Hedegard, P., & Bjornhölm, T. (01 January 2004). Single Electron Transistor with a Single Conjugated Molecule. "Current Applied Physics, 4", 554-558.
- Lehmann, M., Lemaur, V., Cornil, J., Brédas, J.-L., Goddard, S., Grizzi, I., & Geerts, Y. (01 January 2004). Hexaazatriisothianaphthenes: New Electron-transport Mesogens ? "Tetrahedron, 60", 3283-3291.
- Fan, F. R. F., Lai, R. Y., Cornil, J., Karzazi, Y., Brédas, J.-L., Cai, L., Cheng, L., Yao, Y., Price Jr., D. W., Dirk, S. M., Tour, J. M., & Bard, A. J. (01 January 2004). Electrons are Transported Through Phenylene-Ethynylene Oligomer Monolayers via Localized Molecular Orbitals. "Journal of the American Chemical Society, 126", 2568-2573.
- de Halleux, V., Calbert, J. P., Brocorens, P., Cornil, J., Declercq, J. P., Brédas, J.-L., & Geerts, Y. (01 January 2004). 1,3,6,8-Tetraphenylpyrene Derivatives: Towards Fluorescent Liquid Crystalline Columns ? "Advanced Functional Materials, 14", 649-659.
Parties d’ouvrages/Contribution à des ouvrages collectifs
- Brédas, J.-L., Cornil, J., Beljonne, D., Lazzaroni, R., & Leclère, P. (2003). L'Electronique Moléculaire / La Neuroélectronique / L'Electronique Plastique / Fabrication des Nanostructures. In M. Wautelet (Ed.), "Les Nanotechnologies" (pp. 75-154). Dunod 2014.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Sun, H., Zhao, Z., Spano, F. C., Beljonne, D., Cornil, J., Shuai, Z., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 2003). Absorption and Emission in Quaterthienyl Thin Films. "Advanced Materials, 15", 818-822.
- Cornil, J., Gueli, I., Dkhissi, A., Sancho Garcia, J. C., Hennebicq, E., Calbert, J. P., Lemaur, V., Beljonne, D., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 2003). Electronic and Optical Properties of Polyfluorene and Fluorene-Based Copolymers: A Quantum-Chemical Characterization. "Journal of Chemical Physics, 118", 6615-6623.
- Sancho Garcia, J. C., Horowitz, G., Brédas, J.-L., & Cornil, J. (01 January 2003). Effect of an External Electric Field on the Charge Transport Parameters in Molecular Organic Semiconductors. "Journal of Chemical Physics, 119", 12563-12568.
- Lemaur, V., Hennebicq, E., Cornil, J., Beljonne, D., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 2003). Quantum Chemistry as a Tool to Probe Electronic and Optical Processes in Organic Materials. "Chimie Nouvelle, 82", 73-78.
- Kubatkin, S., Danilov, A., Hjort, M., Cornil, J., Brédas, J.-L., Stuhr-Hansen, N., & Bjornhölm, T. (01 January 2003). Single-Electron Transistor of a Single Organic Molecule with Access to Several Redox States. "Nature, 425", 698-701.
- Calbert, J. P., Cornil, J., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 2003). Les Matériaux Semiconducteurs Organiques: Aspects Fondamentaux des Mécanismes de Transport. "Chimie Nouvelle, 81", 5-8.
- Neuteboom, E. E., Meskers, S. C. J., van Hal, P. A., van Duren, J. K. J., Meijer, E. W., Janssen, R. A. J., Dupin, H., Pourtois, G., Cornil, J., Lazzaroni, R., Brédas, J.-L., & Beljonne, D. (01 January 2003). Alternating Oligo(p-phenylene vinylene) - Perylene Bisimide Copolymers: Synthesis, Photophysics, and Photovoltaic Properties of a New Class of Donor-Acceptor Materials. "Journal of the American Chemical Society, 125", 8625-8638.
- Vallee, R. A. L., Vancso, G. J., van Hulst, N. F., Calbert, J. P., Cornil, J., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 2003). Molecular Fluorescence Lifetime Fluctuations: On the the Possible Role of Conformational Effects. "Chemical Physics Letters, 372", 282-287.
- Karzazi, Y., Cornil, J., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 2003). Theoretical Investigation of the Origin of Negative Differential Resistance in Substituted Phenylene Ethynylene Oligomers. "Nanotechnology, 14", 165-171.
- Sancho Garcia, J. C., Brédas, J.-L., & Cornil, J. (01 January 2003). Assessment of the Reliability of the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof Functionals in the Determination of Torsion Potentials in -Conjugated Molecules. "Chemical Physics Letters, 377", 63-68.
- Cheng, Y. C., Silbey, R., da Silva Filho, D. A., Calbert, J. P., Cornil, J., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 2003). Three-Dimensional Band Structure and Band-Like Mobility in Oligoacene Single Crystals: A Theoretical Investigation. "Journal of Chemical Physics, 118", 3764-3774.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Karzazi, Y., Cornil, J., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 2002). Resonant Tunneling Processes along Conjugated Molecular Wires: A Quantum-Chemical Description. "Advanced Functional Materials, 12", 787-794.
- Pourtois, G., Beljonne, D., Cornil, J., Ratner, M. A., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 2002). Photoinduced Electron-Transfer Processes Along Molecular Wires Based on Phenylenevinylene Oligomers: A Quantum-Chemical Insight. "Journal of the American Chemical Society, 124", 4436-4447.
- Crispin, A., Crispin, X., Fahlman, M., Dos Santos, D. A., Cornil, J., Johansson, N., Bauer, J., Weissörtel, F., Salbeck, J., Brédas, J.-L., & Salaneck, W. R. (01 January 2002). Influence of Dopant on the Electronic Structure of Spiro-Oligophenyl-Based Disordered Organic Semiconductors. "Journal of Chemical Physics, 116", 8159-8167.
- Brédas, J.-L., Beljonne, D., Cornil, J., Calbert, J. P., Shuai, Z., & Silbey, R. (01 January 2002). Electronic Structure of pi-conjugated Oligomers and Polymers: A Quantum-Chemical Approach to Transport Properties. "Synthetic Metals, 125", 107-116.
- Laurent, P., Vanden Eynde, J.-J., Van Haverbeke, Y., Dubois, P., Michel, A., Rant, U., Zojer, E., Leising, G., Van Dorn, L., Gruhn, N. E., Cornil, J., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 2002). Synthesis and Characterization of Novel para- and meta-Phenylenevinylene Derivatives: Fine Tuning of the Electronic and Optical Properties of Conjugated Materials. "Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 106", 6442-6450.
- Brédas, J.-L., Calbert, J. P., da Silva Filho, D. A., & Cornil, J. (01 January 2002). Organic Semiconductors: A Theoretical Characterization of the Basic Parameters Governing Charge Transport. "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 99", 5804-5809.
- Karzazi, Y., Cornil, J., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 2002). Resonant Tunneling Diodes Based on Molecular Wires Incorporating Spacers: A Quantum-Chemical Study. "Nanotechnology, 13", 336-340.
- Cornil, J., Karzazi, Y., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 2002). Theoretical Characterization of Electronic Switches Based on Organic Conjugated Molecules. "PHANTOMS Newsletter, 6", 11-13.
- Crispin, X., Gueskine, V., Crispin, A., Cornil, J., Lazzaroni, R., Salaneck, W. R., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 2002). Characterization of the Interface Dipole at Organic/Metal Interfaces. "Journal of the American Chemical Society, 124", 8131-8141.
- Cornil, J., Karzazi, Y., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 2002). Negative Differential Resistance in Phenylene Ethynylene Oligomers. "Journal of the American Chemical Society, 124", 3516-3517.
- Cornil, J., Lemaur, V., Calbert, J. P., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 2002). Charge transport in discotic liquid crystals: A molecular scale description. "Advanced Materials, 14", 726-729. doi:10.1002/1521-4095(20020517)14:10<726::AID-ADMA726>3.0.CO;2-D
Parties d’ouvrages/Contribution à des ouvrages collectifs
- Cornil, J., Dos Santos, D. A., Lazzaroni, R., Malagoli, M., & Brédas, J.-L. (2001). A Theoretical Insight into Organic Interfaces in Electro-Optic Devices. In W. R. Salaneck, K. Seki, A. Kahn, ... J. J. Pireaux (Eds.), "Conjugated Polymer and Molecular Interfaces: Science and Technology for Photonic and Optoelectronic Applications" (pp. 39-72). Marcel Dekker.
- Beljonne, D., Shuai, Z., Cornil, J., Dos Santos, D. A., & Brédas, J.-L. (2001). On the Nature of Electronic Excitations in Luminescent Conjugated Polymers: A Quantum-Chemical Flavor. In "Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology, Elsevier Science" (pp. 7943-7947). Elsevier Science.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Cornil, J., Gruhn, N. E., Dos Santos, D. A., Malagoli, M., Lee, P. A., Barlow, S., Thayumanavan, T., Marder, S. R., Armstrong, N. R., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 2001). Joint Experimental and Theoretical Characterization of the Electronic Structure of 4,4'-bis(m-tolylphenylamino)biphenyl (TPD) and Substituted Derivatives. "Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 105", 5206-5211.
- Beljonne, D., Cornil, J., Calbert, J. P., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 2001). Charge Transport in Conjugated Materials: Insight from Quantum-Chemical Calculations. "Proceedings of SPIE: The International Society for Optical Engineering, 4279", 147-152.
- Pascal, L., Vanden Eynde, J.-J., Van Haverbeke, Y., Dubois, P., Rant, U., Zojer, E., Leising, G., Lazzaroni, R., Cornil, J., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 2001). Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Oligo(phenylenevinylene) Derivatives. "Synthetic Metals, 119", 183-184.
- Cornil, J., Calbert, J. P., Beljonne, D., Silbey, R., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 2001). Interchain Interactions in pi-Conjugated Oligomers and Polymers: A Primer. "Synthetic Metals, 119", 1-6.
- Cornil, J., Calbert, J. P., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 2001). Electronic Structure of the Pentacene Single Crystal: Relation to Transport Properties. "Journal of the American Chemical Society, 123", 1250-1251.
- Beljonne, D., Shuai, Z., Cornil, J., Calbert, J. P., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 2001). On the Luminescence Efficiency of Polymer Light-Emitting Diodes: A Quantum-chemical Investigation. "Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 144", 57-62.
- Comoretto, D., Dellepiane, G., Marabelli, F., Tognini, P., Stella, A., Cornil, J., Dos Santos, D. A., Brédas, J.-L., & Moses, D. (01 January 2001). Experimental and Theoretical Studies of the Anisotropical Complex Dielectric Constant of Highly Stretch-Oriented Poly(p-phenylene vinylene). "Synthetic Metals, 116", 107-110.
- Comoretto, D., Marabelli, F., Tognini, P., Stella, A., Cornil, J., Dos Santos, D. A., Brédas, J.-L., Moses, D., & Dellepiane, G. (01 January 2001). Optical Properties of Highly Oriented Poly(p-phenylene-vinylene). "Synthetic Metals, 124", 53-58.
- Beljonne, D., Cornil, J., Sirringhaus, H., Brown, P. J., Shkunov, M., Friend, R. H., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 2001). Optical Signature of Delocalized Polarons in Conjugated Polymers. "Advanced Functional Materials, 11", 229-234. doi:10.1002/1616-3028(200106)11:3<229::AID-ADFM229>3.0.CO;2-L
- Cornil, J., Beljonne, D., Calbert, J. P., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 2001). Interchain Interactions in Organic pi-Conjugated Materials: Impact on Electronic Structure, Optical Response, and Charge Transport. "Advanced Materials, 13", 1053-1067. doi:10.1002/1521-4095(200107)13:14<1053::AID-ADMA1053>3.0.CO;2-7
- Karzazi, Y., Cornil, J., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 2001). Negative Differential Resistance (NDR) Behavior in Conjugated Molecular Wires Incorporating Spacers: A Quantum-Chemical Description. "Journal of the American Chemical Society, 123", 10076-10084. doi:10.1021/ja010152+
Parties d’ouvrages/Contribution à des ouvrages collectifs
- Cornil, J., Calbert, J. P., Beljonne, D., Dos Santos, D. A., & Brédas, J.-L. (2000). Influence of Structural Organization on Optical and Transport Properties in Organic Materials. In S. P. Ermer, J. R. Reynolds, J. W. Perry, A. K. Y. Jen, ... Z. Bao (Eds.), "Electrical, Optical and Magnetic Properties of Organic Solid-State Materials V" (pp. 1.4.1-7). Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Muccini, M., Schneider, M., Taliani, C., Sokolowski, M., Umbach, E., Beljonne, D., Cornil, J., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 September 2000). Effect of Wave-Function Delocalization on the Exciton Splitting in Organic Conjugated Materials. "Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter, 62", 6296-6300.
- Coheur, P.-F., Cornil, J., Dos Santos, D. A., Birkett, P. R., Lievin, J., Brédas, J.-L., Walton, D. R. M., Taylor, R., & Colin, R. (08 April 2000). Photophysical Properties of Muliply-Phenylated C70 Derivatives. Spectroscopic and Quantum-Chemical Investigations. "Journal of Chemical Physics, 112", 6371-6381.
- Cornil, J., Calbert, J. P., Beljonne, D., Silbey, R., & Brédas, J.-L. (07 April 2000). Charge Transport versus Optical Properties in Semiconducting Crystalline Organic Thin Films. "Advanced Materials, 12", 978-983. doi:10.1002/1521-4095(200006)12:13<978::AID-ADMA978>3.0.CO;2-S
- Beljonne, D., Cornil, J., Silbey, R., Millié, P., & Brédas, J.-L. (08 March 2000). Interchain Interactions in Conjugated Materials: The Exciton Model Versus the supermolecular Approach. "Journal of Chemical Physics, 112", 4749-4758.
- Cornil, J., Beljonne, D., Dos Santos, D. A., Calbert, J. P., Shuai, Z., & Brédas, J.-L. (2000). A Theoretical Insight into the Solid-State Optical Properties of Luminescent Materials: The Supermolecular Approach. "Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences. Série IV, Physique, Astrophysique", 403-408.
- Coheur, P.-F., Cornil, J., Dos Santos, D. A., Birkett, P. R., Lievin, J., Brédas, J.-L., Walton, D. R. M., Taylor, R., Kroto, H. W., & Colin, R. (11 February 2000). Photophysical Properties of Hexa-functionalized C60 Derivatives: Spectroscopic and Quantum-chemical Investigations. "Journal of Chemical Physics, 112", 8555-8566.
- Cornil, J., Beljonne, D., Dos Santos, D. A., Calbert, J. P., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 2000). Intermolecular Interactions in Electroluminescent Conjugated Materials. "Thin Solid Films, 363", 72-75.
- Comoretto, D., Dellepiane, G., Marabelli, F., Cornil, J., Dos Santos, D. A., Brédas, J.-L., & Moses, D. (01 January 2000). The Optical Constants of Highly Stretch-Oriented Poly(p-phenylene vinylene): A Joint Experimental and Theoretical Study. "Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter, 62", 10173-10184.
- Cornil, J., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 2000). Les Matières Plastiques Emettrices de Lumière: En Route vers la Télévision du Futur. "Chimie Nouvelle, 72", 3183-3187.
- Hill, I. G., Kahn, A., Cornil, J., Dos Santos, D. A., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 2000). Occupied ans Unoccupied Electronic levels in Organic PI-Conjugated Molecules: Comparison between Experiment and Theory. "Chemical Physics Letters, 317", 444-450. doi:10.1016/S0009-2614(99)01384-6
- Zojer, E., Buchacher, P., Wudl, F., Cornil, J., Calbert, J. P., Brédas, J.-L., & Leising, G. (01 January 2000). Excited State Localization in Organic Molecules Consisting of Conjugated and Nonconjugated Segments. "Journal of Chemical Physics, 113", 10002-10012. doi:10.1063/1.1323263
- Martin, R. E., Gubler, U., Cornil, J., Balakina, M., Boudon, C., Bosshard, C., Gisselbrecht, J. P., Diederich, F., Günter, P., Gross, M., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 2000). Monodisperse Poly(triacetylene) Oligomers Extending from Monomer to Hexadecamer: Joint and Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Physical Properties. "Chemistry, 6", 3622-3635. doi:10.1002/1521-3765(20001002)6:19%3C3622::AID-CHEM3622%3E3.0.CO;2-L
Parties d’ouvrages/Contribution à des ouvrages collectifs
- Brédas, J.-L., Dos Santos, D. A., Cornil, J., Beljonne, D., & Shuai, Z. (1999). Electronic Structure of Isolated and Interacting -Conjugated Oligomer and Polymer Chains: A Quantum-Chemical Approach to Optical and Charge-Transfer Phenomena. In J.-L. Brédas (Ed.), "Conjugated Polymers, Oligomers, and Dendrimers: From Polyacetylene to DNA" (pp. 133-160). Francqui Symposium Library.
- Cornil, J., Dos Santos, D. A., Beljonne, D., Shuai, Z., & Brédas, J.-L. (1999). Gas Phase to Solid State Evolution of the Electronic and Optical Properties of Conjugated Chains: A Theoretical Investigation. In G. Hadziioannou & P. van Hutten (Eds.), "Semiconducting Polymers" (pp. 87-114). Wiley-VCH.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Gübler, U., Bosshard, C., Günter, P., Balakina, M. Y., Cornil, J., Brédas, J.-L., Martin, R. E., & Diederich, F. (15 November 1999). Scaling Law for the Second-order Hyperpolarizability in Poly(triacetylene) Molecular Wires. "Optics Letters, 24", 1599-1601.
- Cornil, J., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 1999). Lichtemitterende Kunststoffen: De Weg narr de Toekomstige Beeldschermen. "Chemie Magazine, 5", 10-14.
- Halls, J. J. M., Cornil, J., Dos Santos, D. A., Hwang, D. H., Holmes, A. B., Brédas, J.-L., & Friend, R. H. (01 January 1999). Excited-State Energy- and Charge- Transfer at Polymer/Polymer Interfaces. "Synthetic Metals, 101", 105-106.
- Cornil, J., Dos Santos, D. A., Silbey, R., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 1999). The Role of Intermolecular Interactions on the Optical and Charge-Transfer Properties of Conjugated Polymers. "Synthetic Metals, 101", 492-495.
- Brédas, J.-L., Beljonne, D., Cornil, J., & Dos Santos, D. A. (01 January 1999). Electroluminescence in Semiconducting Conjugated Polymers and Oligomers: A Quantum-Chemical Perspective. "International Journal of Polymeric Materials, 44", 341-355.
- Halls, J. J. M., Cornil, J., Dos Santos, D. A., Silbey, R., Hwang, D. H., Holmes, A. B., Brédas, J.-L., & Friend, R. H. (01 January 1999). Charge and Energy Transfer Processes at Polymer/Polymer Interfaces: A Joint Experimental and Theoretical Study. "Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter, 60", 5721-5727.
- Beljonne, D., Shuai, Z., Cornil, J., Dos Santos, D. A., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 1999). On the Nature of Electronic Excitations in Poly(paraphenylenevinylene): A Quantum-Chemical Investigation. "Journal of Chemical Physics, 111", 2829-2841.
- Coheur, P.-F., Cornil, J., Dos Santos, D. A., Birkett, P. R., Liévin, J., Brédas, J.-L., Janot, J. M., Seta, P., Leach, S., Walton, D. R. M., Taylor, R., Kroto, H. W., & Colin, R. (01 January 1999). Photophysical Properties of C60Cl6, C60Ph5Cl and C60Ph5H. "Synthetic Metals, 103", 2407-2410.
- Cornil, J., Vanderdonckt, S., Lazzaroni, R., Dos Santos, D. A., Thys, G., Geise, H., Yu, L. M., Szablewski, M., Bloor, D., Logdlund, M., Salaneck, W. R., Gruhn, N. E., Lichtenberger, D., Lee, P. A., Armstrong, N. R., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 1999). Valence Electronic Structure of -Conjugated Materials: Simulation of the Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectra with Semiempirical Hartree-Fock Approaches. "Chemistry of Materials, 11", 2436-2443.
- Zojer, E., Cornil, J., Leising, G., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 1999). Theoretical Investigation of Phenylene-based Materials in their Pristine and Doped State. "Optical Materials, 12", 307-310.
- Brédas, J.-L., Cornil, J., Beljonne, D., Dos Santos, D. A., & Shuai, Z. (01 January 1999). Excited-State Electronic Structure of Conjugated Oligomers and Polymers: A Quantum-Chemical Approach. "Accounts of Chemical Research, 32", 267-276.
- Zojer, E., Cornil, J., Leising, G., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 1999). Theoretical Investigation of the Geometric and Optical Properties of Neutral and Charged Oligophenylenes. "Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter, 59", 7957-7968.
- Brocorens, P., Zojer, E., Cornil, J., Shuai, Z., Leising, G., Müllen, K., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 1999). Theoretical Characterization of Phenylene-Based Oligomers, Polymers, and Dendrimers. "Synthetic Metals, 100", 141-162.
Parties d’ouvrages/Contribution à des ouvrages collectifs
- Cornil, J., Beljonne, D., Parente, V., Lazzaroni, R., & Brédas, J.-L. (1998). Geometric and Electronic Structure and Optical Response of Oligo- and Polythiophenes: Relation to their Use in Electro-Optic and Photonic Devices. In "Handbook of Oligo- and Polythiophenes" (pp. 317-360). Wiley.
- Beljonne, D., Cornil, J., Heeger, A. J., & Brédas, J.-L. (1998). The low-lying excited states of luminescent conjugated polymers: Theoretical insight into the nature of the photogenerated species and intersystem crossing processes. In "Photonic and Optoelectronic Polymers". ACS, Washington DC.
- Brédas, J.-L., Cornil, J., Dos Santos, D. A., Beljonne, D., & Shuai, Z. (1998). Electronic Structure and Optical Response of Electroluminescent Conjugated Polymers. In L. Chiang, L. Dalton, A. Jen, J. R. Reynolds, ... M. Rubner (Eds.), "Electrical, Optical and Magnetic Properties of Organic Solid-State Materials IV" (pp. 293-304). Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings.
- Cornil, J., Beljonne, D., & Brédas, J.-L. (1998). A Quantum Chemical Approach to Conjugated Oligomers: The Case of Oligothiophenes. In K. Mullen & G. Wegner (Eds.), "Electronic Materials - The Oligomer Approach" (pp. 432-446). Wiley.
- Coheur, P.-F., Cornil, J., Dos Santos, D. A., Birkett, P. R., Liévin, J., Brédas, J.-L., Janot, J. M., Seta, P., Leach, S., Walton, D. R. M., Taylor, R., Kroto, H. W., & Colin, R. (1998). Photophysical Properties of Some Hexa-Functionalized C60 Derivatives. In K. M. Kadish & R. S. Ruoff (Eds.), "Recent Advances in the Chemistry and Physics of Fullerenes and Related Materials". The Electrochemical Society Proceedings Series.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Comoretto, D., Dellepiane, G., Moses, D., Cornil, J., Dos Santos, D. A., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 1998). Polarized Reflectivity Spectra of Strech-Oriented Poly(p-phenylene vinylene). "Chemical Physics Letters, 289", 1-7.
- van Haare, J. A. E. H., Havinga, E. E., Van Dongen, J. L. J., Janssen, R. A. J., Cornil, J., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 1998). Redox States of Long Oligothiophenes: Two Polarons on a Single Chain. "Chemistry, 4", 1509-1522.
- Beljonne, D., Dos Santos, D. A., Cornil, J., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 1998). Theoretical Investigation of the Singlet and Triplet Excitations in Cyano-Substituted Oligo(phenylene vinylene)s. "Annual Technical Conference / Society Plastic Engineers, 2", 1291-1295.
- Muccini, M., Lunedei, E., Beljonne, D., Cornil, J., Brédas, J.-L., & Taliani, C. (01 January 1998). Polarized Absorption and Davydov Splitting in -Sexithienyl Single Crystals at 4.2 K. "Journal of Chemical Physics, 109", 10513-10520.
- Dos Santos, D. A., Beljonne, D., Cornil, J., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 1998). Electronic Structure of Singlet and Triplet Excited States in Cyano-Substituted Oligo(phenylene vinylene)s. "Chemical Physics, 227", 1-10.
- Cornil, J., Dos Santos, D. A., Crispin, X., Silbey, R., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 1998). Influence of Interchain Interactions on the Absorption and Luminescence of Conjugated Oligomers and Polymers: A Quantum-Chemical Characterization. "Journal of the American Chemical Society, 120", 1289-1299.
Parties d’ouvrages/Contribution à des ouvrages collectifs
- Brédas, J.-L., Gueskine, V., Dos Santos, D. A., Beljonne, D., & Cornil, J. (1997). Organic Molecular Wires: Theoretical Analysis of the Electronic Coupling to Metal Electrodes and of the Influence of Derivatization. In S. Joachim & S. Roth (Eds.), "Atomic and Molecular Wires, NATO-ASI Series E: Applied Sciences". Kluwer.
- Brédas, J.-L., Cornil, J., Meyers, F., & Beljonne, D. (1997). Electronic Structure and Optical Response of Highly Conducting and Semiconducting Conjugated Polymers and Oligomers. In T. A. Skotheim, J. R. Reynolds, ... R. L. Elsenbaumer (Eds.), "Handbook of Conducting Polymers, 2nd Edition". Marcel Dekker.
- Beljonne, D., Cornil, J., Dos Santos, D. A., Shuai, Z., & Brédas, J.-L. (1997). Excited States in Polyparaphenylene Vinylene and Related Oligomers: Theoretical Investigation of Their Relation to Electrical and Optical Properties. In N. S. Sariciftci (Ed.), "Primary Photoexcitations in Conjugated Polymers: Molecular Exciton versus Semiconductor Band Model" (pp. 559-586). World Scientific Publishing Company.
- Brédas, J.-L., Gueskine, V., Dos Santos, D. A., Beljonne, D., & Cornil, J. (1997). Organic Molecular Wires: Theoretical Analysis of the Electronic Coupling to Metal Electrodes and of the Influence of Derivatization. In S. Joachim & S. Roth (Eds.), "Atomic and Molecular Wires, NATO-ASI Series E: Applied Sciences" (pp. 47-59). Kluwer.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Miller, E. K., Lee, K., Cornil, J., Pei, Q., Wudl, F., Heeger, A. J., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 1997). Observation of Photoinduced Charge Transfer in Conducting Polymer/Fullerene Composites Using a High-bandgap Polymer. "Synthetic Metals, 84", 631-632.
- Demanze, F., Cornil, J., Garnier, F., Horowitz, G., Valat, P., Yassar, A., Lazzaroni, R., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 1997). Tuning of the Electronic and Optical Properties of Oligothiophenes via Cyano Substitution: A Joint Experimental and Theoretical Study. "Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 101", 4553-4558.
- Brédas, J.-L., Beljonne, D., Cornil, J., Lazzaroni, R., & Dos Santos, D. A. (01 January 1997). Electronic Structure of Luminescent Conjugated Polymers: Relevance to Polymer-based Light-Emitting Diodes. "Annual Technical Conference / Society of Plastic Engineers, 2", 1404-1408.
- Cornil, J., Beljonne, D., Heller, C. M., Campbell, I. H., Laurich, B. K., Smith, D. L., Bradley, D. D. C., Mullen, K., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 1997). Photoluminescence Spectra of Oligo(paraphenylenevinylene)s: A Joint Theoretical and Experimental Characterization. "Chemical Physics Letters, 278", 139-145.
- Beljonne, D., Cornil, J., Shuai, Z., Brédas, J.-L., Rohlfing, F., Bradley, D. D. C., Ricci, V., Torruelas, W., & Stegeman, G. I. (01 January 1997). General Model for the Description of the Third-order Optical Nonlinearities in Conjugated Systems: Application to the β-carotene Molecule. "Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter, 55", 1505-1516.
- Libert, J., Cornil, J., Dos Santos, D. A., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 1997). From Neutral Oligoanilines to Polyaniline: A Theoretical Investigation of the Chain-Length Dependence of the Electronic and Optical Properties. "Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter, 56", 8638-8650.
- Johansson, N., Dos Santos, D. A., Guo, S., Cornil, J., Fahlman, M., Salbeck, J., Schenk, H., Arwin, H., Brédas, J.-L., & Salaneck, W. R. (01 January 1997). Electronic Structure and Optical Properties of Electroluminescent Spiro-type Molecules. "Journal of Chemical Physics, 107", 2542-2549.
- Dos Santos, D. A., Beljonne, D., Cornil, J., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 1997). Spatial Extent of the Singlet and Triplet Excitons in Cyano-substituted Oligo(phenylenevinylene)s. "Synthetic Metals, 84" (1025-1026).
- Brédas, J.-L., Beljonne, D., Cornil, J., Dos Santos, D. A., & Shuai, Z. (01 January 1997). Electroluminescence in Semiconducting Conjugated Polymers and Oligomers: A Quantum-chemical Approach. "Philosophical Transactions. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 355" (735-747).
- Cornil, J., Dos Santos, D. A., Beljonne, D., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 1997). Cyano-Substituted Polyparaphenylene Vinylene: Description of the Nature of the Lowest Singlet and Triplet Excited States. "Proceedings of SPIE: The International Society for Optical Engineering, 3148", 72-81.
- Bongiovanni, G., Botta, C., Brédas, J.-L., Cornil, J., Ferro, D. R., Mura, A., Piaggi, A., & Tubino, R. (01 January 1997). Conformational Analysis and Optical Characterization of Oligothiophene Inclusion Compounds. "Chemical Physics Letters, 278", 146-153.
- Cornil, J., Beljonne, D., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 1997). Towards a Coherent Description of the Nature of the Photogenerated Species in the Lowest-lying One-photon Allowed Excited State of Isolated Conjugated Chains. "Synthetic Metals, 84", 1029-1030.
- Cornil, J., Heeger, A. J., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 1997). Effects of Intermolecular Interactions on the Lowest Excited State of Luminescent Conjugated Polymers and Oligomers. "Chemical Physics Letters, 272", 463-470.
Parties d’ouvrages/Contribution à des ouvrages collectifs
- Cornil, J., Beljonne, D., Martin, S., Bradley, D. D. C., Hagler, T. W., Cha, M., Torruelas, W., Stegeman, G. I., & Brédas, J.-L. (1996). Vibronic Contributions in Frequency-dependent Linear and Nonlinear Optical Processes: A Joint Experimental and Theoretical Study. In F. Kajzar, V. M. Agranovich, ... C. Y. Lee (Eds.), "Photoactive Organic Materials: Science and Application". Kluwer.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Cornil, J., Beljonne, D., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 1996). Towards a Better Understanding of Polymer-Based Light-Emitting Diodes: A Theoretical Insight into the Basic Phenomena. "Synthetic Metals, 78", 209-217.
- Cornil, J., Beljonne, D., Dos Santos, D. A., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 1996). Poly(p-phenylenevinylene) as Active Layer in Light-Emitting Diodes: A Theoretical Investigation of the Effects of Derivatization. "Synthetic Metals, 76" (101-104).
- Beljonne, D., Cornil, J., Friend, R. H., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 1996). Theoretical Investigation of the Lowest Singlet and Triplet States in Oligo(phenylenevinylene)s and Oligothiophenes. "Synthetic Metals, 76", 61-65.
- Brédas, J.-L., Cornil, J., & Heeger, A. J. (01 January 1996). The Exciton Binding Energy in Luminescent Conjugated Polymers. "Advanced Materials, 8", 447-452.
- Beljonne, D., Cornil, J., Brédas, J.-L., Friend, R. H., & Janssen, R. A. J. (01 January 1996). Influence of Chain Length and Derivatization on the Lowest Singlet and Triplet States and Intersystem Crossing in Oligothiophenes. "Journal of the American Chemical Society, 118", 6453-6461.
- Rohlfing, F., Bradley, D. D. C., Eberhardt, A., Mullen, K., Cornil, J., Beljonne, D., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 1996). Electroabsorption Spectroscopy of β-carotene and α,ω-bis(1,1-dimethylheptyl)-1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15-hexadecaocatene. "Synthetic Metals, 76", 35-38.
Parties d’ouvrages/Contribution à des ouvrages collectifs
- Cornil, J., Beljonne, D., Brédas, J.-L., & Heeger, A. J. (1995). The Low-lying Excited States of Luminescent Conjugated Polymers: A Theoretical Insight into the Nature of the Photogenerated Species and Intersystem-Crossing Processes. In "Photonic and Optoelectronic Polymers" (pp. 308-321). ACS, Washington DC.
- Cornil, J., Beljonne, D., Shuai, Z., Bradley, D. D. C., & Brédas, J.-L. (1995). The Lowest Excited States in Oligo(phenylenevinylene)s: A Theoretical Investigation of Optical Absorption Spectra and Geometry Relaxation Phenomena. In "Polymers and Other Advanced Materials: Emerging Technologies and Business Opportunities" (pp. 327-334). Plenum Press.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Cornil, J., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 1995). Nature of the Optical Transitions in Charged Oligothiophenes. "Advanced Materials, 7", 295-297.
- Cornil, J., Beljonne, D., Shuai, Z., Hagler, T. W., Campbell, I. H., Mullen, K., Spangler, C. W., Bradley, D. D. C., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 1995). Vibronic Structure in the Optical Absorption Spectra of Phenylene Vinylene Oligomers: A Joint Experimental and Theoretical Study. "Chemical Physics Letters, 247", 425-432.
- Cornil, J., Beljonne, D., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 1995). Nature of Optical Transitions in Conjugated Oligomers. II. Theoretical Characterization of Neutral and Doped Oligothiophenes. "Journal of Chemical Physics, 103" (842-849).
- Cornil, J., Beljonne, D., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 1995). Nature of Optical Transitions in Conjugated Oligomers. I. Theoretical Characterization of Neutral and Doped Oligo(phenylenevinylene)s. "Journal of Chemical Physics, 103", 834-841.
- Poplawski, J., Ehrenfreund, E., Pugh, R., Ibrahim, M., Frank, A. J., Cornil, J., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 1995). Photogeneration of Polarons in Sexithiophene Oligomers. "Synthetic Metals, 69", 401-402.
- Cornil, J., Beljonne, D., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 1995). Poly(p-Phenylene Vinylene) in Light Emitting Diodes: Nature of the Lowest Singlet and Triplet Excited States and Effects of Derivatization. "Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering, 72", 459-460.
- Cornil, J., Dos Santos, D. A., Beljonne, D., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 1995). Electronic Structure of Phenylene Vinylene Oligomers: Influence of Donor/Acceptor Substitutions. "Journal of Physical Chemistry, 99", 5604-5611.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Cornil, J., Beljonne, D., Friend, R. H., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 1994). Optical Absorptions in Poly(paraphenylene vinylene) and Poly(2,5-dimethoxy-1,4-paraphenylene vinylene) Oligomers. "Chemical Physics Letters, 223", 82-88.
- Bröms, P., Fahlman, M., Dannetun, P., Xing, K. Z., Salaneck, W. R., Moratti, S., Holmes, A. B., Friend, R. H., Cornil, J., Dos Santos, D. A., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 1994). Optical Absorption Studies of Sodium Doped Poly(cyanoterephthalylidene). "Synthetic Metals, 67", 93-96.
- Poplawski, J., Ehrenfreund, E., Cornil, J., Brédas, J.-L., Pugh, R., Ibrahim, M., & Frank, A. J. (01 January 1994). Photoinduced Absorption Study of Sexithiophene; Evidence for Photogeneration of Polarons. "Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 256", 407-413.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Cornil, J., Ehrenfreund, E., Moses, D., Heeger, A. J., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 1993). Soliton Charge Storage in Doped β-Carotene: Consistency of Optical Absorption and ESR Measurements with Calculations of the Molecular and Electronic Structure. "Materials Science Forum, 122".
- Ehrenfreund, E., Moses, D., Lee, K., Heeger, A. J., Cornil, J., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 1993). Solitons in Doped β-Carotene Films : Optical Absorption and ESR Studies. "Synthetic Metals, 55-57", 4707-4713. doi:10.1016/0379-6779(93)90806-8
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Ehrenfreund, E., Moses, D., Heeger, A. J., Cornil, J., & Brédas, J.-L. (01 January 1992). Doped β-Carotene Films : Spinless Charge Storage Stabilized by Structural Relaxation. "Chemical Physics Letters, 196", 84-90.