Kristel Mazy coordinates the Master in Urban Planning and Territorial Development UMONS-ULB, in Charleroi, in which she teaches :
- Outlines of programming: analysis and issues of sustainable urban planning (shared studio)
- Land sobriety: diagnostics, issues and planning perspectives. This teaching unit integrates the courses:
- Morphological mutations and territorial representations
- Public action and land sobriety
- Urban Project: processes and systems of actors. She teaches within the Master in Architecture “Territories, Strategies, Landscapes” architectural composition studio (shared project studio)
Its research and teaching themes on urban planning, focus on the evolution of strategies, urban planning tools and actor systems, in coveted contexts or under land pressure within the framework of No Net Land Take policies,like the city-port, city-agriculture interfaces or urban wastelands. Its research is generally applied within the framework of public funding (INNOViris, FEDER, FNRS).