Nombre de publications : 102
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Gerodez, A., De Geest, K., Dos Santos, M., Attia, M., Boschmans, M., Steensels, M., Dufrasne, F., Tafforeau, L., Van Borm, S., Demeret, C., & Barbezange, C. (29 September 2024). "Virus-host interaction to assess the zoonotic potential of avian influenza viruses ?" [Poster presentation]. Options XII for the control of Influenza, Brisbane, Australia.
- Kindylides, S., Ingrao, F., Tafforeau, L., Hostyn, P., Steensels, M., & Lambrecht, B. (05 September 2024). "Identification of host and viral factors responsible for the increased virulence of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 viruses" [Poster presentation]. 9th International Influenza Meeting, Muenster, Germany.
- Decloux, A., Gillet, N., & Tafforeau, L. (10 April 2024). "Functional characterization of the interplay between the APOBEC host deaminases and the SARS-CoV-2 proteins and their role in SARS-CoV-2 evolution" [Poster presentation]. XXVIe Journées Francophones de Virologie, Bruxelles, Belgium.
- Decloux, A., Collard, M., Sellier, A., Renier, M., Gillet, N., & Tafforeau, L. (14 February 2024). "SARS-CoV-2 restriction by the APOBEC3 innate immune effectors" [Poster presentation]. Viruses 2024- a world of viruses, Barcelone, Spain.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Lamotte, L.-A., & Tafforeau, L. (13 April 2023). Generation of an A549 ISRE-Luciferase Stable Cell Line. "Journal of Virological Methods, 316", 114731. doi:10.1016/j.jviromet.2023.114731
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Gerodez, A., Dos Santos, M., Van Lint, C., Tafforeau, L., Steensels, M., & Barbezange, C. (14 December 2023). "Virus host interaction networks to identify cellular factors required for the adaptation of avian influenza viruses to humans" [Paper presentation]. 11th annual BelVir Symposium, Brussels, Belgium.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Delhermite, J., Tafforeau, L., Sharma, S., Marchand, V., Lattuca, R., Desiderio, S., Motorin, I., Bellefroid, E., & Lafontaine, D. (18 January 2022). Systematic mapping of rRNA 2'-O methylation during frog development and involvement of the methyltransferase Fibrillarin in eye and craniofacial development in Xenopus laevis. "PLoS Genetics, 18" (1), 1010012. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1010012
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Lamotte, L.-A., Demeret, C., & Tafforeau, L. (17 May 2022). "Interactions between Influenza A virus NS1 and the Human ubiquitin- proteasome system" [Paper presentation]. 4th annual meeting of the Namur research pole in infectiology.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Phuengpornsawan, V., Maton, I., Masuy, T., & Tafforeau, L. (17 May 2022). "Ribosomal stalk protein RPLP0 interacts with IAV NS1 and PA-X, is essential host factor for virus replication" [Poster presentation]. fourth annual meeting of the Namur research pole in infectiology.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Lamotte, L.-A., & Tafforeau, L. (19 November 2021). How Influenza A Virus NS1 Deals with the Ubiquitin System to Evade Innate Immunity. "Viruses, 13" (11). doi:10.3390/v13112309
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Lamotte, L.-A., Demeret, C., & Tafforeau, L. (13 December 2021). "Interactions between Influenza A virus NS1 and the Human ubiquitin-proteasome system" [Paper presentation]. 9th BelVir meeting, Brussels, Belgium.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication publiée dans un périodique
- Absil, L., Rigaux, E., Tafforeau, L., Body, J.-J., Nonclercq, D., & Journe, F. (01 April 2021). Involvement of FXR in the OPG/RANKL pathway of breast and prostate cancer cells. "Bone Reports, 14", 101036. doi:10.1016/j.bonr.2021.101036
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Kazan, A., Tafforeau, L., & Gabriele, S. (30 March 2021). "how do cell and nuclear shape changes influence the nucleolus ?" [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs 2021, Valenciennes, France.
- Lamotte, L.-A., Demeret, C., & Tafforeau, L. (30 March 2021). "Interactions between Influenza A virus NS1 protein and Human ubiquitin-proteasome system" [Poster presentation]. Mardi des chercheurs, Valenciennes, France.
Conférences scientifiques dans des universités ou centres de recherche/Conférence scientifique dans des universités ou centres de recherche
- Tafforeau, L. (14 December 2021). "Functional interaction between viral and host cell proteins, in the context of the influenza A virus infection" [Paper presentation]. seminar for master students in biochemistry, university of Patras (Greece).
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Absil, L., Journe, F., Larsimont, D., Body, J.-J., Tafforeau, L., & Nonclercq, D. (10 July 2020). Farnesoid X receptor as marker of osteotropism of breast cancers through its role in the osteomimetism of tumor cells. "BMC Cancer, 20", 640. doi:10.1186/s12885-020-07106-7
- Coppée, F., Lechien, J., Decleves, A.-E., Tafforeau, L., & Saussez, S. (01 July 2020). Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2: virus mutations in specific European populations. "New Microbes and New Infections, 36", 100696. doi:10.1016/j.nmni.2020.100696
- Lefevre, M., Flammang, P., Aranko, A. S., Linder, M. B., Scheibel, T., Humenik, M., Leclercq, M., Surin, M., Tafforeau, L., Wattiez, R., Leclère, P., & Hennebert, E. (02 June 2020). Sea star-inspired recombinant adhesive proteins self-assemble and adsorb on surfaces in aqueous environments to form cytocompatible coatings. "Acta Biomaterialia, 112", 62-74. doi:10.1016/j.actbio.2020.05.036
Mémoires et thèses/Thèse de doctorat
- Dallons, M. (2020). "Etude de l'effet protecteur du récepteur GPR91 dans le cadre de la toxicité cardiaque induite par la doxorubicine : de l'approche métabonomique à la validation in vitro sur cellules H9C2" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.
Documents pédagogiques/Notes de cours et syllabus
- Tafforeau, L. (2020). "Biologie Moléculaire, Fascicule II".
Allocutions et communications diverses/Autre
- Tafforeau, L. (2020). "Présentation de la plate-forme de diagnostic COVID-19 mise en place à l'UMONS".
- Tafforeau, L. (2020). "Présentation de la plate-forme de diagnostic COVID-19 mise en place à l'UMONS".
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Phuengpornsawan, V., & Tafforeau, L. (18 December 2019). "Deciphering how influenza A virus hijacks the host cellular translation machinery during cell infection" [Paper presentation]. 3rd annual meeting of the Namur research pole in infectiology, Namur, Belgium.
- Flammang, P., Lefevre, M., Tafforeau, L., Wattiez, R., Leclère, P., & Hennebert, E. (17 September 2019). "Recombinant sea star adhesive protein for biomedical applications" [Paper presentation]. New Frontiers in Biofabrication: From Biomolecules to Tissues and Organs, Leuven, Belgium.
- Algrain, M., Lengerer, B., Hennebert, E., Tafforeau, L., Leclère, P., & Flammang, P. (09 September 2019). "Temporary adhesion in sea stars: From molecules to mechanics" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on adhesion in aqueous media: from biology to synthetic materials (AAM2019), Dresden, Germany.
- Lefevre, M., Flammang, P., Tafforeau, L., Wattiez, R., Hennebert, E., & Leclère, P. (21 March 2019). "Production de protéines adhésives biomimétiques de l'étoile de mer Asterias rubens et caractérisation de leurs propriétés mécaniques par microscopie à force atomique" [Paper presentation]. Forum des Microscopies à sonde locale, Carry-le-Rouet, France.
- Bisconti, M., & Tafforeau, L. (01 February 2019). "Caractérisation fonctionnelle de l'interaction entre PB2, sous-unité de la polymérase du virus de la grippe, et la déadénylase PAN2" [Paper presentation]. 21ème édition du prix Adrien Bauchau, Namur, Belgium.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Lamotte, L.-A., Demeret, C., & Tafforeau, L. (18 December 2019). "Interactions between Influenza A virus NS1 protein and Human ubiquitin-proteasome system" [Poster presentation]. 3rd annual meeting of the Namur research pole in infectiology, Namur, Belgium.
- Furgiuele, S., Descamps, G., Tafforeau, L., Tagliatti, V., Journe, F., & Saussez, S. (06 September 2019). "Development and application of the CRISPR-Cas9 technique in human cell lines of head and neck cancers infected with human papillomavirus" [Poster presentation]. Ecole Doctorale en Cancérologie, UCL, Belgium.
- Algrain, M., Lengerer, B., Hennebert, E., Leclère, P., Tafforeau, L., & Flammang, P. (03 September 2019). "Temporary adhesion in sea stars: From molecules to mechanics" [Poster presentation]. Adhesion 19, Bristol, United Kingdom.
- Lamotte, L.-A., Demeret, C., & Tafforeau, L. (17 May 2019). "Interactions between Influenza A virus NS1 protein and Human ubiquitin-proteasome system" [Poster presentation]. EDT BCMB PhD Student Day 2019, Bruxelles, Belgium.
- Algrain, M., Lengerer, B., Hennebert, E., Leclère, P., Tafforeau, L., Wattiez, R., & Flammang, P. (05 March 2019). "Localization and characterization of Asterias rubens adhesive proteins" [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs, Mons, Belgium.
- Phuengpornsawan, V., & Tafforeau, L. (05 March 2019). "Deciphering how influenza A virus hijacks the host cellular translation machinery during cell infection" [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs 2019 (MdC2019), Mons, Belgium.
- Lefevre, M., Flammang, P., Tafforeau, L., Wattiez, R., Leclère, P., & Hennebert, E. (05 March 2019). "Production of biomimetic sea star adhesive proteins and characterization of their mechanical properties by scanning probe microscopy" [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs 2019 (MdC2019), Mons, Belgium.
- Lamotte, L.-A., Demeret, C., & Tafforeau, L. (05 March 2019). "Interactions between Influenza A virus NS1 protein and Human ubiquitin-proteasome system" [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs 2019 (MdC2019), Mons, Belgium.
Mémoires et thèses/Mémoire de licence/master
- Krynska, H., & Tafforeau, L. (2019). "Study of the potential deubiquitination role of PAN2 on PB2, a subunit of Influenza virus polymerase" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.
Documents pédagogiques/Notes de cours et syllabus
- Tafforeau, L. (2019). "Biologie Moléculaire, fascicule I".
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Lefevre, M., Flammang, P., Tafforeau, L., Wattiez, R., Leclère, P., & Hennebert, E. (21 November 2018). "Production and characterization of recombinant sea star adhesive proteins" [Paper presentation]. 3rd International Conference on Biological and Biomimetic Adhesives (ICBBA 2018), Haifa, Unknown/unspecified.
- Algrain, M., Lengerer, B., Hennebert, E., Leclère, P., Tafforeau, L., Wattiez, R., & Flammang, P. (11 October 2018). "Localization and characterization of Asterias rubens adhesive proteins: Algrain Morgane, Lengerer Birgit, Hennebert Elise, Leclère Phillipe, Tafforeau Lionel, Wattiez Ruddy, Flammang Patrick" [Paper presentation]. CIBIM (Centre Interuniversitaire de Biologie Marine), Liège, Unknown/unspecified.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Lamotte, L.-A., Demeret, C., & Tafforeau, L. (30 November 2018). "Interactions between Influenza A virus NS1 protein and Human ubiquitin-proteasome system" [Poster presentation]. 2nd Annual meeting of the Namur Research Pole in Infectiology, Namur, Belgium.
- Phuengpornsawan, V., & Tafforeau, L. (30 November 2018). "Deciphering how influenza A virus hijacks the host cellular translation machinery during cell infection" [Poster presentation]. 2nd Annual meeting of the Namur Research Pole in Infectiology, Namur, Belgium.
- Algrain, M., Lengerer, B., Hennebert, E., Leclère, P., Tafforeau, L., Wattiez, R., & Flammang, P. (21 November 2018). "Localization and characterization of adhesive proteins in Asterias rubens" [Poster presentation]. 3rd International Conference on Biological and Biomimetic Adhesives (ICBBA 2018).
- Lefevre, M., Flammang, P., Tafforeau, L., Wattiez, R., Hennebert, E., & Leclère, P. (21 August 2018). "Production of biomimetic sea star adhesive proteins and characterization of their mechanical properties by scanning probe microscopy" [Poster presentation]. International Conference on Scanning Probe Microscopy on Soft and Polymeric Materials (SPMonSPM 2018), Leuven, Belgium.
- Algrain, M., Lengerer, B., Hennebert, E., Leclère, P., Tafforeau, L., Wattiez, R., & Flammang, P. (29 May 2018). "Localization and characterization of sea star adhesive proteins" [Poster presentation]. 16th International Echinoderm Conference, Nagoya, Unknown/unspecified.
- Lefevre, M., Flammang, P., Tafforeau, L., Wattiez, R., Leclère, P., & Hennebert, E. (27 March 2018). "Une colle venue des étoiles ... de mer" [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs (MdC2018), Valenciennes, France.
- Algrain, M., Lengerer, B., Hennebert, E., Leclère, P., Tafforeau, L., Wattiez, R., & Flammang, P. (27 March 2018). "Localization and characterization of sea star adhesive proteins" [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs (MdC2018), Valenciennes, France.
- Lefevre, M., Flammang, P., Tafforeau, L., Wattiez, R., Hennebert, E., & Leclère, P. (19 March 2018). "Production et caractérisation de protéines adhésives recombinantes d'étoile de mer (Asterias rubens)" [Poster presentation]. Forum des Microscopies à Sonde Locale, La Rochelle, France.
Mémoires et thèses/Mémoire de licence/master
- Bisconti, M., & Tafforeau, L. (2018). "Caractérisation fonctionnelle de l'interaction entre PB2, sous-unité de la polymérase du virus de la grippe, et la déadénylase PAN2" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.
Documents pédagogiques/Autre
- Bisconti, M., Tafforeau, L., & Angers, A. (2018). "Régulation de la ligase de l'ubiquitine Itch par la protéine LITAF et conséquences de cette interaction sur l'ubiquitylation de deux substrats de Itch : Endophiline et c-Jun".
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Brasseur, L., Hennebert, E., Fievez, L., Caulier, G., Bureau, F., Tafforeau, L., Flammang, P., Gerbaux, P., & Eeckhaut, I. (16 June 2017). The Roles of Spinochromes in Four Shallow Water Tropical Sea Urchins and Their Potential as Bioactive Pharmacological Agents. "Marine Drugs, 15" (6), 179.
- Leymarie, O., Meyer, L., Tafforeau, L., Lotteau, V., Da Costa, B., Delmas, B., Chevalier, C., & Le Goffic, R. (2017). Influenza virus protein PB1-F2 interacts with CALCOCO2 (NDP52) to modulate innate immune response. "Journal of General Virology".
- Deschamps, T., Bazot, Q., Leske, D. M., MacLeod, R., Mompelat, D., Tafforeau, L., Lotteau, V., Maréchal, V., Baillie, G. S., Gruffat, H., Wilson, J. B., & Manet, E. (13 March 2017). Epstein-Barr Virus Nuclear Antigen 1 interacts with Regulator of Chromosome Condensation 1 dynamically throughout the cell cycle. "Journal of General Virology, 98" (2), 251-265. doi:10.1099/jgv.0.000681
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Lefevre, M., Flammang, P., Tafforeau, L., Wattiez, R., Leclère, P., & Hennebert, E. (06 March 2017). "Production and testing of recombinant sea star adhesive proteins" [Poster presentation]. First General Action Meeting COST ACTION CA 15216 : European Network of Bioadhesion Expertise (ENBA), Vienna, Austria.
Mémoires et thèses/Mémoire de licence/master
- Lamotte, L.-A., & Tafforeau, L. (2017). "Caractérisation fonctionnelle de protéines liées à des cancers dans la biogenèse du ribosome chez l'Homme" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.
Documents pédagogiques/Autre
- Algrain, M., & Tafforeau, L. (2017). "Etude de la biogenèse du ribosome dans les cellules infectées par le virus Influenza A".
- Lamotte, L.-A., Prouin, C., & Tafforeau, L. (2017). "Sélection et amélioration de la chicorée industrielle".
Allocutions et communications diverses/Autre
- Tafforeau, L. (2017). "Intervention à la radio Vivacité sur la synthèse d'un burger végétal au goût de viande".
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Bar, D. Z., Charar, C., Dorfman, J., Yadid, T., Tafforeau, L., Lafontaine, D., & Gruenbaum, Y. (09 August 2016). Cell size and fat content of dietary-restricted Caenorhabditis elegans are regulated by ATX-2, an mTOR repressor. "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113" (32), 4620-9.
Documents pédagogiques/Notes de cours et syllabus
- Hennebert, E., & Tafforeau, L. (2016). "Syllabus de travaux pratiques de biologie cellulaire".
- Hennebert, E., & Tafforeau, L. (2016). "Syllabus de travaux pratiques de Biologie moléculaire".
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Tafforeau, L. (07 July 2015). Qu'en est-il de la biogenèse des ribosomes chez l'homme ? : About the ribosomal biogenesis in human. "MS. Medecine Sciences, 31" (6-7), 622-628. doi:10.1051/medsci/20153106015
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Ernst, F. G., Tafforeau, L., Griselin, A., Marchand, V., Motorin, Y., & Lafontaine, D. L. (19 August 2015). "The involvement of two intersubunit ribosomal RNA base modifications in the differential translation of stress-response transcripts" [Paper presentation]. 10th International conference on Ribosome Synthesis.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
- Delhermite, J., Tafforeau, L., Bellefroid, E., & Lafontaine, D. (19 August 2015). "Implication of ribosome assembly factors in Xenopus laevis development" [Poster presentation]. 10th EMBO Conference on Ribosome Synthesis, Brussels, Belgium.
Documents pédagogiques/Notes de cours et syllabus
- Hennebert, E., & Tafforeau, L. (2015). "Travaux pratiques de Biologie Cellulaire".
- Tafforeau, L. (2015). "Embryologie animale comparée et causale".
- Tafforeau, L. (2015). "Biologie Cellulaire".
Conférences scientifiques dans des universités ou centres de recherche/Conférence scientifique dans des universités ou centres de recherche
- Tafforeau, L. (March 2015). "La biogenèse du ribosome, rôle des modifications des ARN ribosomiques" [Paper presentation]. Seminar given at UMONS.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Bazot, Q., Deschamps, T., Tafforeau, L., Siouda, M., Leblanc, P., Harth-Hertle, M. L., Rabourdin-Combe, C., Lotteau, V., Kempkes, B., Tommasino, M., Gruffat, H., & Manet, E. (01 September 2014). Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen 3A protein regulates CDKN2B transcription via interaction with MIZ-1. "Nucleic Acids Research, 42" (15), 9700-9716. doi:10.1093/nar/gku697
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Tafforeau, L.* , Zorbas, C.* , Langhendries, J.-L., Mullineux, S.-T., Stamatopoulou, V., Mullier, R., Wacheul, L., & Lafontaine, D. (22 August 2013). The complexity of human ribosome biogenesis revealed by systematic nucleolar screening of pre-rRNA processing factors. "Molecular Cell, 51" (4), 539-551. doi:10.1016/j.molcel.2013.08.011
- de Chassey, B., Aublin-gex, A., Ruggieri, A., Meyniel-Schlicklin, L., Pradezynski, F., Davoust, N., Chantier, T., Tafforeau, L., Mangeot, P. E., Ciancia, C., Perrin-cocon, L., Bartenschlager, R., André, P., & Lotteau, V. (11 July 2013). The Interactomes of Influenza Virus NS1 and NS2 Proteins Identify New Host Factors and Provide Insights for ADAR1 Playing a Supportive Role in Virus Replication. "PLoS Pathogens, 9" (7). doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1003440
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Neveu, G., Cassonnet, P., Vidalain, P.-O., Rolloy, C., Mendoza, J., Jones, L. M., Tangy, F., Muller, M., Demeret, C., Tafforeau, L., Lotteau, V., Rabourdin-Combe, C., Travé, G., Dricot, A., Hill, D. E., Vidal, M., Favre, M., & Jacob, Y. (08 December 2012). Comparative analysis of virus-host interactomes with a mammalian high-throughput protein complementation assay based on Gaussia princeps luciferase. "Methods, 58" (4), 349-359. doi:10.1016/j.ymeth.2012.07.029
- Juillard, F., Bazot, Q., Mure, F., Tafforeau, L., Macri, C., Rabourdin-Combe, C., Lotteau, V., Manet, E., & Gruffat, H. (01 April 2012). Epstein-Barr virus protein EB2 stimulates cytoplasmic mRNA accumulation by counteracting the deleterious effects of SRp20 on viral mRNAs. "Nucleic Acids Research, 40" (14), 6834-6849. doi:10.1093/nar/gks319
- Bourai, M., Lucas-Hourani, M., Gad, H. H., Drosten, C., Jacob, Y., Tafforeau, L., Cassonnet, P., Jones, L. M., Judith, D., Couderc, T., Lecuit, M., André, P., Kummerer, B. M., Lotteau, V., Desprès, P., Tangy, F., & Vidalain, P.-O. (01 March 2012). Mapping of Chikungunya Virus Interactions with Host Proteins Identified nsP2 as a Higly Connected Viral Component. "Journal of Virology, 86" (6), 3121-3134. doi:10.1128/jvi.06390-11
- Tafforeau, L., Rabourdin-Combe, C., & Lotteau, V. (2012). Virus-human cell interactomes. "Methods in Molecular Biology". doi:10.1007/978-1-61779-455-1_6
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Zorbas, C., Tafforeau, L., Langhendries, J.-L., Mullineux, S.-T., Stamatopoulou, V., Mullier, R., & Lafontaine, D. (23 August 2012). "Probing the human nucleolar proteome for novel pre-rRNA processing factors" [Paper presentation]. 9th International Conference on ribosome synthesis, Banff, Canada.
- Lotteau, V., de Chassey, B., André, P., Rabourdin-Combe, C., Tafforeau, L., Chantier, T., & Aublin-gex, A. (11 May 2012). "METHODS FOR SCREENING SUBSTANCES CAPABLE OF MODULATING THE REPLICATION OF AN INFLUENZA VIRUS".
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Tafforeau, L., Chantier, T., Pradezynski, F., Pellet, J., Mangeot, P. E., Vidalain, P.-O., André, P., Rabourdin-Combe, C., & Lotteau, V. (01 December 2011). Generation and comprehensive analysis of an influenza virus polymerase cellular interaction network. "Journal of Virology, 85" (24), 13010-13018. doi:10.1128/jvi.02651-10
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Pellet, J.* , Tafforeau, L.* , Lucas-Hourani, M.* , Navratil, V., Meyniel, L., Achaz, G., Guironnet-Paquet, A., Aublin-gex, A., Caignard, G., Cassonnet, P., Chaboud, A., Chantier, T., Deloire, A., Demeret, C., Le Breton, M., Neveu, G., Jacotot, L., Vaglio, P., Delmotte, S., ... Vidalain, P.-O. (01 January 2010). ViralORFeome: an integrated database to generate a versatile collection of viral ORFs. "Nucleic Acids Research, 38", 371-D378. doi:10.1093/nar/gkp1000
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Juillard, F., Bazot, Q., Mure, F., Tafforeau, L., Rabourdin-Combe, C., Lotteau, V., Manet, E., & Gruffat, H. (04 September 2010). "EB2, the EBV viral mRNA export protein interacts with SRP20, a factor implicated in cellular mRNA splicing and export" [Paper presentation]. 14th Biennal Conference of the International Association for Research on Epstein-Barr Virus & Associated Diseases, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
- Bazot, Q., Tafforeau, L., Rabourdin-Combe, C., Lotteau, V., Gruffat, H., & Manet, E. (04 September 2010). "EBNA3A represses CDKN2A and CDKN2B expression through interaction with MIZ-1" [Paper presentation]. 14th Biennal Conference of the International Association for Research on Epstein-Barr Virus & Associated Diseases, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Pellet, J., Meyniel, L., Vidalain, P.-O., de Chassey, B., Tafforeau, L., Lotteau, V., Rabourdin-Combe, C., & Navratil, V. (29 October 2009). pISTil: a pipeline for yeast two-hybrid Interaction Sequence Tags identification and analysis. "BMC Research Notes, 2". doi:10.1186/1756-0500-2-220
Conférences scientifiques dans des universités ou centres de recherche/Conférence scientifique dans des universités ou centres de recherche
- Tafforeau, L. (November 2009). "Introduction à la Biologie des Systèmes, études des interactions entre protéines virales et cellulaires" [Paper presentation]. Seminar given during a practical course "interactions protéines-acides nucléiques", D. Lafontaine, 1st Master degree BBMC, ULB.
- Tafforeau, L. (01 September 2009). "Characterization of the influenza polymerase cellular interactants" [Paper presentation]. 4th FluPol Meeting (6th European framework), London, United Kingdom.
- Tafforeau, L. (02 February 2009). "Identification of Influenza polymerase subunits host-cell interacting partners, advancement" [Paper presentation]. 3d FluPol meeting (6th European framework), Barcelona, Spain.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- de Chassey, B.* , Navratil, V.* , Tafforeau, L.* , Hiet, M.-S., Aublin-gex, A., Agaugué, S., Meiffren, G., Pradezynski, F., Faria, B. F., Chantier, T., Le Breton, M., Pellet, J., Davoust, N., Mangeot, P. E., Chaboud, A., Penin, F., Jacob, Y., Vidalain, P.-O., Vidal, M., ... Lotteau, V. (04 November 2008). Hepatitis C virus infection protein network. "Molecular Systems Biology, 4". doi:10.1038/msb.2008.66
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Tafforeau, L., de Chassey, B., Navratil, V., André, P., Rabourdin-Combe, C., & Lotteau, V. (16 June 2008). "Hepatitis C virus infection network" [Paper presentation]. 6th international conference on pathways, networks and systems medicine, Chania, Greece.
- Tafforeau, L., de Chassey, B., Navratil, V., André, P., Rabourdin-Combe, C., & Lotteau, V. (27 March 2008). "Cartographie et analyse globale des interactions entre les protéines du virus de l'hépatite C et les protéines cellulaires" [Paper presentation]. Xèmes journées francophones de virologie, Paris, France.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication publiée dans un périodique
- de Chassey, B., Navratil, V., Tafforeau, L., André, P., Rabourdin-Combe, C., & Lotteau, V. (06 August 2008). Hepatitis C virus infection protein network. "International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 12", 175. doi:10.1016/j.ijid.2008.05.437
Conférences scientifiques dans des universités ou centres de recherche/Conférence scientifique dans des universités ou centres de recherche
- Tafforeau, L. (October 2008). "Cartographie et analyse globale des interactions entre protéines virales et cellulaires" [Paper presentation]. Seminar given during the course "relations hôtes-pathogènes", Prof. J.J. Letesson, 1st Master BBMC, UNamur.
- Tafforeau, L. (05 September 2008). "Identification of Influenza polymerase subunits host-cell interacting partners" [Paper presentation]. 2d FluPol meeting (6th European framework), Madrid, Spain.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Guiguen, A., Soutourina, J., Dewez, M., Tafforeau, L., Dieu, M., Raes, M., Vandenhaute, J., Werner, M., & Hermand, D. (01 March 2007). Recruitment of P-TEFb (Cdk9-Pch1) to chromatin by the cap-methyl transferase Pcm1 in fission yeast. "EMBO Journal, 26" (6), 1552-1559. doi:10.1038/sj.emboj.7601627
Conférences scientifiques dans des universités ou centres de recherche/Conférence scientifique dans des universités ou centres de recherche
- Tafforeau, L. (November 2007). "Cartographie et analyse globale des interactions entre les protéines du virus de l’hépatite C et les protéines humaines" [Paper presentation]. Seminar given at URBM, UNamur (invited by Prof. J. Vandenhaute).
- Tafforeau, L. (09 October 2007). "Viral interactomes : progress, problems and solutions for Influenza" [Paper presentation]. 1st FluPol meeting (6th European Framework), Marburg, Germany.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Tafforeau, L., Le Blastier, S., Bamps, S., Dewez, M., Vandenhaute, J., & Hermand, D. (01 October 2006). Repression of ergosterol level during oxidative stress by fission yeast F-box protein Pof14 independently of SCF. "EMBO Journal, 25" (19), 4547-4556. doi:10.1038/sj.emboj.7601329
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Hentges, P., Van driessche, B., Tafforeau, L., Vandenhaute, J., & Carr, A. M. (01 October 2005). Three novel antibiotic marker cassettes for gene disruption and marker switching in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. "Yeast, 22" (13), 1013-1019. doi:10.1002/yea.1291
- Van driessche, B.* , Tafforeau, L.* , Hentges, P., Carr, A. M., & Vandenhaute, J. (01 October 2005). Additional vectors for PCR-based gene tagging in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe using nourseothricin resistance. "Yeast, 22" (13), 1061-1068. doi:10.1002/yea.1293
Mémoires et thèses/Thèse de doctorat
- Tafforeau, L. (2005). "Approche génétique et biochimique du rôle des protéines à F-box chez Schizosaccharomyces pombe" [Doctoral thesis, UNamur - Université de Namur]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Bamps, S.* , Westerling, T.* , Pihlak, A., Tafforeau, L., Vandenhaute, J., Makela, T. T. P., & Hermand, D. (24 December 2004). Mcs2 and a novel CAK subunit Pmh1 associate with Skp1 in fission yeast. "Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 325" (4), 1424-1432. doi:10.1016/j.bbrc.2004.10.190
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
- Hermand, D.* , Bamps, S.* , Tafforeau, L., Vandenhaute, J., & Makela, T. T. P. (14 March 2003). Skp1 and the F-box protein Pof6 are essential for cell separation in fission yeast. "Journal of Biological Chemistry, 278", 9671-9677. doi:10.1074/jbc.m211358200
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
- Tafforeau, L., Bamps, S., Hermand, D., & Vandenhaute, J. (07 April 2003). "Pof14, une protéine à F-box impliquée dans un SCF ?" [Paper presentation]. Levure, modèle et outil (VI), Genève, Switzerland.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication publiée dans un périodique
- Bamps, S., Hermand, D., Tafforeau, L., Makela, T. T. P., & Vandenhaute, J. (01 August 2002). Regulation of the Mcs2 C-type cyclin in fission yeast. "Yeast, 19", 282.
Conférences scientifiques dans des universités ou centres de recherche/Conférence scientifique dans des universités ou centres de recherche
- Tafforeau, L. (09 September 2002). "Function of the new SCF-Pof14" [Paper presentation]. NORFA (Nordic Academy for Advanced Studies) meeting, Helsinki, Finland.