Nombre de publications : 11
    Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
    • Hansotte, L., & Galdiolo, S. (16 July 2023). "Parents’ cognitive biases and their child’s externalizing behavior: study of bidirectional influences and CBMT’s efficacy" [Paper presentation]. 18th World Congress for the World Association for Infant Mental Health, Dublin, Ireland.
    Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
    • Galdiolo, S., Culot, S., Hansotte, L., & Meillerais, S. (15 July 2023). "Parents' neuroticism and postpartum depression: the mediating role of interpretation bias" [Poster presentation]. World Association for Infant Mental Health, Dublin, Ireland.
    • Hansotte, L., Mauroy, A., Gaugue, J., & Galdiolo, S. (26 May 2023). "French validation of the Highly Sensitive Child Scale (HSC-21) and development of the Interpersonal Reactivity Index for Parents (IRIP)" [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences, Mons, Belgium.
    • Cetko, C., Meillerais, S., Hansotte, L., & Denis, J. (25 May 2023). "Improving Clinical Assessments in Couple Interactions Analysis of Verbal and Nonverbal Communication" [Poster presentation]. CLINICAL CHALLENGES AND THEORETICAL MODELS New dialectical relationships, Mons, Belgium.
    Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
    • Hansotte, L., & Galdiolo, S. (20 June 2022). "Parents’ cognitive biases towards their child displaying externalizing behaviors (EB)" [Poster presentation]. 26th Biennial Meeting of the ISSBD (International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development.
    • Stolnicu, A.-M., Meillerais, S., & Hansotte, L. (19 June 2022). "Family dynamics regarding adolescents’ agency following divorce" [Poster presentation]. 26th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the study of Behavioural Development, Rhodes, Greece.
    • Hansotte, L., & Galdiolo, S. (02 June 2022). "Religion is not always a protective factor for sexual minorites’ menthal health: Role of internalized homophobia" [Poster presentation]. The 75th anniversary of the Belgian Association of Psychological Sciences.
    • Stolnicu, A., Meillerais, S., & Hansotte, L. (2022). "Family dynamics regarding adolescents’ agency following divorce. In 26th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the study of Behavioural Development" [Poster presentation]. ISSBD.
    Périodiques scientifiques/Article
    • Lin, G.-X.* , Hansotte, L.* , Szczygieł, D., Meeussen, L., Roskam, I., & Mikolajczak, M. (September 2021). Parenting with a smile: Display rules, regulatory effort, and parental burnout. "Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 38" (9), 2701 - 2721. doi:10.1177/02654075211019124
    • Hansotte, L.* , Nguyen, N.* , Roskam, I., Stinglhamber, F., & Mikolajczak, M. (2021). Are all Burned Out Parents Neglectful and Violent? A Latent Profile Analysis. "Journal of Child and Family Studies, 30" (1), 158 - 168. doi:10.1007/s10826-020-01850-x
    • Lin, G.-X.* , Szczygieł, D.* , Hansotte, L.* , Roskam, I., & Mikolajczak, M. (2021). Aiming to be perfect parents increases the risk of parental burnout, but emotional competence mitigates it. "Current Psychology". doi:10.1007/s12144-021-01509-w