Nombre de publications : 64
    Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
    • Versaevel, M., Luciano, M., Kalukula, Y., & Gabriele, S. (15 May 2024). "Mechanoresponse of curved epithelial monolayers lining bowl-shaped 3D microwells" [Poster presentation]. Approches Quantitatives du Vivant 2024, Vogüe, France.
    Périodiques scientifiques/Article
    • Luciano, M., Versaevel, M., Kalukula, Y., & GABRIELE, S. (2023). Mechanoresponse of Curved Epithelial Monolayers Lining Bowl-Shaped 3D Microwells. "Advanced Healthcare Materials", 2203377. doi:10.1002/adhm.202203377
    Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
    • Versaevel, M., Luciano, M., & Gabriele, S. (27 June 2023). "Mechanoresponse of epithelial monolayers to in-plane and out-of plane curvatures imposed by 3D microwells" [Poster presentation]. Journées plénières du GDR Bio-ingénierie des interfaces, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
    • Versaevel, M., Luciano, M., & Gabriele, S. (11 May 2023). "Mechanoresponse of epithelial monolayers to in-plane and out-of plane curvatures imposed by 3D microwells" [Poster presentation]. journées plénières GDR AQV, Oléron, France.
    Allocutions et communications diverses/Ouvrage destiné au grand public
    • Versaevel, M. (2023). "Explorer l'invisible 3.0: "Troublante empreinte"". Mons, Unknown/unspecified: MUMONS.
    • Versaevel, M., & Gabriele, S. (2023). "Explorer l'invisible 3.0: "Téléphones Cellulaires"". Mons, Belgium: MUMONS.
    Périodiques scientifiques/Article
    Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
    • Luciano, M., Versaevel, M., & Gabriele, S. (22 August 2022). "Curvature-induced epithelium reorganization within soft microniches" [Poster presentation]. CurvoBio2022, Berling, Germany.
    • Versaevel, M., Luciano, M., & Gabriele, S. (20 January 2022). "Curvature-induced epithelium reorganization within soft microniches" [Poster presentation]. Quantitative Approaches to Living Systems Days, Paris, France.
    Périodiques scientifiques/Article
    • Versaevel, M., Alaimo, L., Luciano, M., Mohammed, D., Bruyère, C., Vercruysse, E., & Gabriele, S. (12 March 2021). Collective migration during a gap closure in a two-dimensional haptotactic model. "Scientific Reports, 11", 5811.
    Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
    • Versaevel, M., Luciano, M., & Gabriele, S. (15 November 2021). "Curvature-induced epithelium reorganization within soft microniches" [Paper presentation]. 6th World Congress of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (TERMIS), Maastricht, Netherlands.
    • Versaevel, M., Alaimo, L., Seveau, V., Théodoly, O., & Gabriele, S. (10 June 2021). "Collective migration during a gap closure in a two dimensional haptotactic model" [Paper presentation]. Society for cell and developmental biology BSCDB - Mechanobiology webinars, virtual, Unknown/unspecified.
    Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
    • Versaevel, M., Luciano, M., & Gabriele, S. (28 October 2021). "Curvature-induced epithelium reorganization within soft microniches" [Poster presentation]. BSCDB Autumn Meeting : Mechanobiology in Cell Biology and Development, Ghent, Belgium.
    Périodiques scientifiques/Article
    • Alaimo, L., Luciano, M., Mohammed, D., Versaevel, M., Bruyère, C., Vercruysse, E., & Gabriele, S. (2020). Engineering slit-like channels for studying the growth of epithelial tissues in 3D confined spaces. "Biotechnology and Bioengineering", 1-10. doi:10.1002/bit.27446
    • Mohammed, D., Pardon, G., Versaevel, M., Bruyere, C., Alaimo, L., Luciano, M., Vercruysse, E., Pruitt, B. L., & Gabriele, S. (2020). Producing collagen micro-stripes with aligned fibers for cell migration assays. "Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering", 87-98.
    Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
    • Versaevel, M., Bruyère, C., Alaimo, L., Luciano, M., Vercruysse, E., & Gabriele, S. (27 January 2020). "Unraveling cell and tissue mechanotransduction with innovative microassays" [Poster presentation]. UMHAP, Mons , Unknown/unspecified.
    Périodiques scientifiques/Article
    • Bruyere, C., Versaevel, M., Mohammed, D., Alaimo, L., Luciano, M., Vercruysse, E., & Gabriele, S. (05 October 2019). Actomyosin contractility scales with myoblast elongation and enhances differentiation through YAP nuclear export. "Scientific Reports, 9" (15565).
    • Mohammed, D., Versaevel, M., Bruyere, C., Alaimo, L., Luciano, M., Vercruysse, E., Proces, A., & Gabriele, S. (20 August 2019). Innovative tools for mechanobiology: unravelling outside-in and inside-out mechanotransduction. "Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 7", 162.
    • Mohammed, D., Charras, G., Vercruysse, E., Versaevel, M., Lantoine, J., Alaimo, L., Bruyere, C., Luciano, M., Glinel, K., Delhaye, G., Theodoly, O., & Gabriele, S. (03 June 2019). Substrate area confinement is a key determinant of cell velocity in collective migration. "Nature Physics, 15", 858-866.
    Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
    • Versaevel, M., Alaimo, L., Luciano, M., Mohammed, D., Vercruysse, E., & Gabriele, S. (11 May 2019). "Collective migration during a gap closure in a two-dimensional haptotactic model" [Poster presentation]. Approche quantitative du vivant, Hyères, France.
    • Versaevel, M., Luciano, M., Vercruysse, E., Proces, A., Kazan, A., & Gabriele, S. (18 March 2019). "Unraveling cell and tissue mechanotransduction with innovative microassays" [Poster presentation]. UMHAP, Mons, Unknown/unspecified.
    Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
    • Versaevel, M., & Gabriele, S. (08 February 2018). "MatrXcell: improving cell culture assays with tunable hydrogel rigidities" [Paper presentation]. National symposium for applied biological sciences, Brussels, Belgium.
    Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
    • Versaevel, M., & Gabriele, S. (03 October 2018). "Epithelial closure over gradients of adhesiveness" [Poster presentation]. GDR 3070 : PHYSIQUE DE LA CELLULE AU TISSU, La-Chapelle-Gauthier, France.
    • Versaevel, M., & Gabriele, S. (21 September 2018). "Dynamics of epithelial closure over gradients of adhesiveness" [Poster presentation]. BSCDB and RBSM meeting: Cell and Tissue Mechanics in Physiology and Disease, Antwerpen, Belgium.
    Périodiques scientifiques/Article
    • Versaevel, M., Riaz, M., Corne, T., Grevesse, T., Lantoine, J., Mohammed, D., Bruyere, C., Alaimo, L., De Vos, W., & Gabriele, S. (02 January 2017). Probing cytoskeletal pre-stress and nuclear mechanics in endothelial cells with spatiotemporally controlled (de-) adhesion kinetics on micropatterned substrates. "Cell Adhesion and Communication, 11" (1), 98-109.
    Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
    • Mohammed, D., Riaz, M., Versaevel, M., Charras, G., Glinel, K., & Gabriele, S. (23 January 2017). "The Mechanosensitivity of motile Keratocytes" [Paper presentation]. Gordon Research Conference Directed Cell Migration, Galvestone (Texas), United States - Texas.
    Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
    • Versaevel, M., & Gabriele, S. (04 July 2017). "MatrXcell: improving brain cell culture by providing an optimized hydrogel microenvironment" [Poster presentation]. journée de l'institut Matériaux, Mons, Belgium.
    Périodiques scientifiques/Article
    • Riaz, M., Versaevel, M., Mohammed, D., Glinel, K., & Gabriele, S. (12 June 2016). Persistence of fan-shaped keratocytes is a matrix-rigidity-dependent process that require alpha5beta1 integrin engagement. "Scientific Reports, 6", 34141.
    Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
    • Versaevel, M., Bruyère, C., & Gabriele, S. (12 October 2016). "How does the cell interact with its physical environment?" [Paper presentation]. Journée Mécamolle, Liège, Belgium.
    Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
    • Versaevel, M., & Gabriele, S. (08 November 2016). "MatrXcell: improving cell culture assays with tunable hydrogel rigidities" [Poster presentation]. GDR 3070 Physique de la cellule au tissu, Arcachon, France.
    Parties d’ouvrages/Contribution à des ouvrages collectifs
    • Versaevel, M., Grevesse, T., Riaz, M., Lantoine, J., & Gabriele, S. (2014). Micropatterning Hydroxy-PAAm Hydrogels and Sylgard 184 Silicone Elastomers with Tunable Elastic Moduli. In "Methods in Cell Biology" (pp. 121). Elsevier.
    Périodiques scientifiques/Article
    • Versaevel, M., Braquenier, J.-B., Riaz, M., Lantoine, J., & Gabriele, S. (08 December 2014). Super-resolution microscopy reveals LINC complex recruitment at nuclear indentation sites. "Scientific Reports, 4", 7362. doi:10.1038/srep07362
    • Grevesse, T., Versaevel, M., & Gabriele, S. (28 August 2014). Preparation of Hydroxy-PAAm Hydrogels for Decoupling the Effect of Mechanotransduction Cues. "Journal of Visualized Experiments, 90", 51010.
    Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
    • Versaevel, M., Braquenier, J.-B., & Gabriele, S. (23 May 2014). "Super-resolution microscopy reveals a LINC complex recruitment at nuclear indentation sites" [Poster presentation]. Experimental approaches in mechanotransduction: from molecules to tissues and pathology, Bordeaux, France.
    Périodiques scientifiques/Article
    • Versaevel, M., Riaz, M., Grevesse, T., & Gabriele, S. (22 May 2013). Cell confinement: putting the squeeze on the nucleus. "Soft Matter, 9", 6665-6676.
    • Grevesse, T., Versaevel, M., Circelli, G., Desprez, S., & Gabriele, S. (29 January 2013). A simple route to functionalize polyacrylamide hydrogels for the independent tuning of mechanotransduction cues. "Lab on a Chip, 13", 777-780.
    Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
    • Versaevel, M., Riaz, M., & Gabriele, S. (31 July 2013). "On the mechanism of durotaxis in motile cells" [Paper presentation]. 50th annual meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, Brown University, Providence, United States.
    Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
    • Riaz, M., Versaevel, M., & Gabriele, S. (28 September 2013). "On the mechanism of durotaxis in motile cells" [Poster presentation]. 5th European Cell Mechanics Meeting, Obergurgl, Austria.
    Allocutions et communications diverses/Autre
    • Versaevel, M., Grevesse, T., Riaz, M., & Gabriele, S. (2013). "Plongée au cours des cellules".
    Périodiques scientifiques/Article
    • Riaz, M., Versaevel, M., & Gabriele, S. (2012). Etudes des propriétés rhéologiques de cellules vivantes par dé-adhésion. "Chimie Nouvelle".
    • Versaevel, M., Grevesse, T., & Gabriele, S. (14 February 2012). Spatial Coordination between Cell and Nuclear Shape within Micropatterned Endothelial Cells. "Nature Communications, 3", 671-683.
    Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
    • Grevesse, T., Versaevel, M., Riaz, M., & Gabriele, S. (26 October 2012). "Understanding the role of cell mechanics in physiopathology" [Paper presentation]. 5th CIRMAP Anniversary Workshop, Mons, Belgium.
    • Grevesse, T., Versaevel, M., Riaz, M., & Gabriele, S. (30 January 2012). "A simple route towards micro-engineered hydrogels for cell mechanotransduction assays" [Paper presentation]. 4th European Cell Mechanics Meeting, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
    Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
    • Riaz, M., Versaevel, M., & Gabriele, S. (05 September 2012). "The mechanical rigidity of extracellular matrix regulates morphology, direction and Persistence of motile cells" [Poster presentation]. EMBO CONFERENCE PHYSICS OF CELL: FROM SOFT TO LIVING MATTER, Hyères, France.
    • Riaz, M., Versaevel, M., & Gabriele, S. (02 September 2012). "The mechanical rigidity of extracellular matrix regulates morphology, direction and Persistence of motile cells" [Poster presentation]. Pierre-Gilles de Gennes advances school on cellular biophysics, Hyères, France.
    • Riaz, M., Versaevel, M., & Gabriele, S. (08 July 2012). "The mechanical rigidity of extracellular matrix regulates morphology, direction and Persistence of motile cells" [Poster presentation]. From Nonlinear physics to biology and medicine, cargèse, France.
    • Riaz, M., Versaevel, M., & Gabriele, S. (21 May 2012). "Cellular and nuclear mechanical properties probe by adhesion and de-­adhesion dynamics" [Poster presentation]. Frontiers in Biological Detection, Mons, Belgium.
    • Versaevel, M., Grevesse, T., & Gabriele, S. (21 May 2012). "Spatial coordination between cell and nuclear shape within micropatterned endothelial cells" [Poster presentation]. Frontiers in Biological Detection, Mons, Belgium.
    Allocutions et communications diverses/Article grand public
    • Versaevel, M., Grevesse, T., & Gabriele, S. (2012). Un noyau à toute épreuve. "FNRS Magazine n°89 (2012)".
    • Versaevel, M., Grevesse, T., & Gabriele, S. (2012). La forme du noyau. "Athena Magazine n°281".
    Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
    • Versaevel, M., Grevesse, T., Riaz, M., & Gabriele, S. (12 December 2011). "Relation between endothelial cell shape, structure and function" [Paper presentation]. Cell shape changes, Paris, France.
    • Versaevel, M., Grevesse, T., & Gabriele, S. (04 May 2011). "Mechanism of the spatial coordination between cell and nuclear shape" [Paper presentation]. 6th International conference on Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology, Luzern, Switzerland.
    Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
    • Versaevel, M., Grevesse, T., & Gabriele, S. (12 December 2011). "Mechanism of the spatial coordination between cell and nuclear shape" [Poster presentation]. Cell shape changes, Paris, France.
    • Versaevel, M., Grevesse, T., & Gabriele, S. (12 October 2011). "Spatial coordination between cell and nuclear shape within micropatterned endothelial cells" [Poster presentation]. Journées plénières du GDR 3070 'Physique de la cellule au tissu', Lille, France.
    • Riaz, M., Versaevel, M., Grevesse, T., & Gabriele, S. (12 October 2011). "Cellular  and  nuclear  mechanical properties  probed by  adhesion  and  de-adhesion  dynamics" [Poster presentation]. Journées plénières du GDR 3070 'Physique de la cellule au tissu', Lille, France.
    • Versaevel, M., Grevesse, T., & Gabriele, S. (04 May 2011). "Mechanism of the spatial coordination between cell and nuclear shape" [Poster presentation]. 6th International conference on Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology, Luzern, Switzerland.
    Périodiques scientifiques/Article
    • Gabriele, S., Versaevel, M., Preira, P., & Theodoly, O. (24 March 2010). A simple microfluidic method to select, isolate and manipulate single-cells in mechanical and biomechanical assays. "Lab on a Chip, 10", 1459-1467. doi:10.1039/C002257H
    Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
    • Versaevel, M., Grevesse, T., & Gabriele, S. (17 October 2010). "Mechanical Regulation of Nuclear Shape by Intracellular Pincer Forces" [Paper presentation]. Journées plénières du GDR 3070 'Physique de la cellule au tissu', Carry-le-Rouet, France.
    • Versaevel, M., Grevesse, T., & Gabriele, S. (25 March 2010). "Plongée au coeur des cellules" [Paper presentation]. Journées Math-Sciences, Mons, Belgium.
    Périodiques scientifiques/Article
    • Versaevel, M., Grevesse, T., Damman, P., & Gabriele, S. (30 November 2009). Nos cellules roulent des mécaniques. "Élement: le Magazine de l'Université de Mons, 3", 17-19.
    Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
    • Versaevel, M., & Gabriele, S. (08 October 2009). "Insights into endothelial cells mechanotransduction from microfluidics" [Poster presentation]. Journée scientifique annuelle de la Société Royale de Chimie, Liège, Belgium.
    • Versaevel, M., Gabriele, S., & Damman, P. (17 July 2009). "Insights into endothelial cells mechanotransduction from microfluidics" [Poster presentation]. 7th European Biophysics Congress, Genoa, Italy.
    • Versaevel, M., Grevesse, T., Damman, P., & Gabriele, S. (17 March 2009). "Mechanical Investigation of Single Living Cells" [Poster presentation]. Matinée des chercheurs, Mons, Belgium.