Intervention at the level of the practical work and exercises of: * Artificial intelligence (MA1 -IG- Mons) * Data structures and algorithms (Civil BA1 ing of Mons and Charleroi) * Object-oriented methodology (BA1 Civil Engineering) * Mobile applications of exploitation of contents (BA3 IG of Mons) * Web Technology (MA1 IG Charleroi) * Internet of Things (MA1 Archi of Mons) * Database (BA3 IG of Mons) * Projects related to NAO and pepper robots (BA3 IG or MA1) * Project related to breast medical imaging (BA3 MA1 or TFE)
His research focuses on breast imaging. The goal of his PhD thesis project is to produce a method for early prediction of intra-tumor response to chemotherapy by comparing three-dimensional 3D MRI images. El Adoui's research is diverted towards the use of Deep Learning algorithms to produce a optimized models for predicting the breast cancer response to chemotherapy.