Quentin MENET
Number of publications : 104
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal
  • Equeter, L., Cools, A., Cultrera, L., Dupont, N., Fays, V., Giancola, K., Gillet, M., Glineur, C., Heyman, M., Invernizzi, S., Lucassen, L., Main, J., Mégret, A., Menet, Q., Mincheva, R., Pirson, F., Sobczak, F., Thiebault, F., Vachaudez, A., ... Vitry, V. (2024). Abstract book du Mardi des Chercheurs 2024. "Abstract book du Mardi des Chercheurs".
Scientific journals/Article
  • Menet, Q., & Papathanasiou, D. (2023). Structure of sets of bounded sequences with a prescribed number of accumulation points. "Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society". doi:10.1090/proc/16663
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
  • Menet, Q. (09 October 2023). "Dynamical properties of operators on Fréchet spaces" [Paper presentation]. Maurice Fréchet: Les mathématiques, l'abstrait et le concret, Paris, France.
  • Menet, Q. (08 September 2023). "Common hypercyclicity and covering" [Paper presentation]. Seminar Analysis Brussels Ghent Liège Trier, Liège, Belgium.
  • Menet, Q. (09 August 2023). "The Frequency of Chaos" [Paper presentation]. Universality, Zeta-Functions, and Chaotic Operators, Luminy, France.
  • Menet, Q. (06 April 2023). "Linéabilité - Nombres prescrits de points d'accumulation" [Paper presentation]. Séminaire "Algèbre, Dynamique et Arithmétique", Calais, France.
Dissertations and theses/Doctoral thesis
  • Agneessens, K. (2023). "Frequently Hypercyclic Random Vectors" [Doctoral thesis, UMONS - Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/46838
Diverse speeches and writings/Conference given outside the academic context
  • Menet, Q. (2023). "Les systèmes dynamiques ou l'art d'itérer" [Paper presentation]. 24h de mathématique au Collège Saint-Julien, Ath, Belgium.
Scientific journals/Article
  • Menet, Q. (2022). Inverse of frequently hypercyclic operators. "Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu". doi:10.1017/S1474748021000025
  • Martin, Ö., Menet, Q., & Puig, Y. (July 2022). Disjoint frequently hypercyclic pseudo-shifts. "Journal of Functional Analysis, 283" (1), 109474. doi:10.1016/j.jfa.2022.109474
  • Menet, Q., Bayart, F., & Costa, F. J. (2022). Common hypercyclic vectors and dimension of the parameter set. "Indiana University Mathematics Journal, 71" (4), 1763-1795.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
  • Menet, Q. (20 October 2022). "Common hypercyclicity and covering" [Paper presentation]. International workshop on Functional Analysis on the occasion of the 60th birthday of Carmen Fernandez and Antonio Galbis, Valencia, Spain.
  • Menet, Q. (20 September 2022). "Typical properties of operators on lp-spaces" [Paper presentation]. Progress in Functional Analysis: Methods and Applications 2022.
  • Menet, Q. (27 June 2022). "1991 : A small step for Godefroy and Shapiro, one giant leap for linear dynamics" [Paper presentation]. Functional Analysis in Lille.
  • Menet, Q. (18 May 2022). "Les jeux de Banach-Mazur et la théorie des opérateurs" [Paper presentation]. Ecole de Printemps du GDR AFHP, Calais, France.
  • Menet, Q. (25 April 2022). "L'hypercyclicité commune et l'art du recouvrement" [Paper presentation]. Séminaire Analyse & Géométrie, Marseille, France.
Diverse speeches and writings/Conference given outside the academic context
  • Menet, Q. (2022). "Les systèmes dynamiques : la science des orbites !" [Paper presentation]. Printemps des Sciences, Mons, Belgium.
Scientific journals/Article
  • Charpentier, S., Grosse-Erdmann, K., & Menet, Q. (01 December 2021). Chaos and frequent hypercyclicity for weighted shifts. "Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 41", 3634-3670.
  • Grivaux, S., Matheron, E., & Menet, Q. (01 October 2021). Does a typical lp-space contraction have a non-trivial invariant subspace? "Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 374" (10), 7359-7410.
  • Menet, Q. (01 August 2021). Invariant subspaces for Fréchet spaces without continuous norm. "Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 149" (8), 3379-3393.
  • Grivaux, S., Matheron, E., & Menet, Q. (23 June 2021). Linear dynamical systems on Hilbert spaces: Typical properties and explicit examples. "Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, 269" (1315), 1-147.
  • Ernst, R., Esser, C., & Menet, Q. (06 March 2021). U-frequent hypercyclicity notions and related weighted densities. "Israel Journal of Mathematics, 241", 817-848.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
  • Menet, Q. (02 December 2021). "How to shift from frequent hypercyclicity to chaos?" [Paper presentation]. Frontiers of Operator Theory, Luminy (CIRM), France.
  • Menet, Q. (07 July 2021). "Linear Dynamics" [Paper presentation]. 1st EUNICE Math Symposium, (online), Unknown/unspecified.
  • Menet, Q. (16 June 2021). "A-hypercyclicity" [Paper presentation]. Four Days in Linear Dynamics, The University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli (online), Italy.
Scientific journals/Article
  • Menet, Q. (01 September 2020). Inverse of U-frequently hypercyclic operators. "Journal of Functional Analysis, 279" (4).
  • Menet, Q. (15 February 2020). A bridge between U-frequent hypercyclicity and frequent hypercyclicity. "Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 482" (2).
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
  • Menet, Q. (11 November 2020). "Jeux de Banach-Mazur, espace de contractions et injectivité" [Paper presentation]. Journées annuelles du GDR AFHP, CIRM, France.
  • Menet, Q. (02 October 2020). "Sous-espaces invariants et noyaux de seminormes" [Paper presentation]. Séminaire d'Analyse Fonctionnelle, Lille, France.
Diverse speeches and writings/Other
  • Menet, Q. (2020). "Les systèmes dynamiques ou l'art d'itérer".
Scientific journals/Article
  • Bès, J., Menet, Q., Peris, A., & Puig, Y. (15 January 2019). Strong transitivity properties for operators. "Journal of Differential Equations, 266", 1313-1337.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
  • Menet, Q. (25 October 2019). "Dynamic behaviors of the inverse of an operator" [Paper presentation]. Workshop d'automne de l'ANR Front, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
  • Menet, Q. (14 March 2019). "Le chaos linéaire: un paradoxe?" [Paper presentation]. Colloquium du LMPA, Calais, France.
Diverse speeches and writings/Other
  • Menet, Q., Leroy, D., Muylaert, C., & Vande Meerssche, F. (2019). "Les Eclaireurs : Moyen-Orient, Effet Papillon et Economie Vertueuse".
Scientific journals/Article
  • Menet, Q. (01 December 2018). Invariant subspaces for non-normable Fréchet spaces. "Advances in Mathematics, 339", 495-539.
  • Menet, Q. (05 January 2018). Existence of common hypercyclic subspaces for the derivative operator and the translation operators. "Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales. Serie A Matemáticas, 113" (2), 487-505.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
  • Menet, Q. (15 October 2018). "Invertible operators and dynamical properties" [Paper presentation]. Workshop on Functional Analysis and Operator Theory, Valencia, Spain.
  • Menet, Q. (03 July 2018). "Invariant subspaces in Fréchet spaces" [Paper presentation]. Pawel Domanski Memorial Conference, Bedlewo, Poland.
Dissertations and theses/Doctoral thesis
  • Mestiri, M. (2018). "Common A-hypercyclicity" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/9373
Scientific journals/Article
  • Menet, Q. (13 February 2017). Linear chaos and frequent hypercyclicity. "Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 369", 4977-4994.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
  • Menet, Q. (20 October 2017). "Invariant subspaces in Fréchet spaces" [Paper presentation]. Seminario del IUMPA, Valencia, Spain.
  • Menet, Q. (09 October 2017). "Invariant subspaces in Fréchet spaces" [Paper presentation]. Journées du GDR AFHP, Bordeaux, France.
  • Menet, Q. (26 June 2017). "Typical properties of hypercyclic operators on Hilbert Spaces" [Paper presentation]. CEDYA (Congreso de Ecuaciones Diferenciales y Aplicaciones), Logrono, Spain.
  • Menet, Q. (06 March 2017). "Sous-espaces invariants pour les espaces de Fréchet" [Paper presentation]. Séminaire Analyse et Géométrie, Marseille, France.
Scientific journals/Article
  • Menet, Q., Peris, A., Bès, J., & Puig, Y. (01 October 2016). Recurrence properties of hypercyclic operators. "Mathematische Annalen, 366", 545-572.
  • Menet, Q., Bayart, F., & Ernst, R. (01 July 2016). Non-existence of frequently hypercyclic subspaces for P(D). "Israel Journal of Mathematics, 214", 149-166.
  • Menet, Q., Ernst, R., & Charpentier, S. (15 June 2016). Gamma-supercyclicity. "Journal of Functional Analysis, 270", 4443-4465.
  • Bouyer-Decitre, P., Brihaye, T., Carlier, P., & Menet, Q. (2016). Composition of stochastic timed automata. "Lecture Notes in Computer Science".
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
  • Menet, Q. (10 October 2016). "Periodic points at the service of hypercyclicity" [Paper presentation]. Journées du GDR AFHP, Toulouse, France.
  • Menet, Q. (15 June 2016). "A rich family of weighted operators" [Paper presentation]. Séminaire d'Analyse de l'Université Polytechnique de Valencia, Valencia, Spain.
  • Menet, Q. (06 June 2016). "Periodic points at the service of hypercyclicity" [Paper presentation]. Conference of the Belgian, Royal Spanish and Luxembourg Mathematical Societies, Logrono, Spain.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal
  • Bouyer, P., Brihaye, T., Carlier, P., & Menet, Q. (2016). "Compositional Design of Stochastic Timed Automata" [Paper presentation]. Computer Science Symposium in Russia, Saint-Pétersbourg, Russia.
Dissertations and theses/Doctoral thesis
  • Heuwelyckx, F. (2016). "Lookback options with floating strike and binomial approximations" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/39183
Scientific journals/Article
  • Brihaye, T., Haddad, A., & Menet, Q. (2015). Simple strategies for Banach-Mazur games and sets of probability 1. "Information and Computation".
  • Menet, Q., & Bès, J. (01 December 2015). Existence of common and upper frequently hypercyclic subspaces. "Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 432", 10-37.
  • Menet, Q. (06 June 2015). Existence and non-existence of frequently hypercyclic subspaces for weighted shifts. "Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 143" (6), 2469-2477.
  • Menet, Q. (28 May 2015). Hereditarily hypercyclic subspaces. "Journal of Operator Theory, 73" (2), 385-405.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
  • Menet, Q. (27 November 2015). "Linear Chaos and Frequent Hypercyclicity" [Paper presentation]. Operator Algebra Seminar, Leuven, Belgium.
  • Menet, Q. (28 September 2015). "Linear Chaos and Frequent Hypercyclicity" [Paper presentation]. Frontiers of Operator Dynamics, CIRM (Luminy), France.
  • Menet, Q. (25 August 2015). "Linear dynamical systems" [Paper presentation]. 3rd Heidelberg Laureate Forum, Heidelberg, Germany.
  • Menet, Q. (16 June 2015). "Linear Chaos and Frequent Hypercyclicity" [Paper presentation]. Workshop Functional Analysis Valencia, Valencia, Spain.
  • Bouyer, P., Brihaye, T., Carlier, P., & Menet, Q. (09 June 2015). "Compositional Design of Stochastic Timed Automata" [Paper presentation]. Annual seminar of the LSV, Dourdan, France.
  • Menet, Q. (08 June 2015). "Different notions of hypercyclicity and hypercyclic subspaces" [Paper presentation]. Recent Trends in Operator Theory and Function Theory, Lille, France.
  • Bouyer, P., Brihaye, T., Carlier, P., & Menet, Q. (08 May 2015). "Compositional Design of Stochastic Timed Automata" [Paper presentation]. Méthodes formelles et Vérification, Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium.
  • Menet, Q. (13 March 2015). "Propriétés de récurrence des opérateurs hypercycliques" [Paper presentation]. Séminaire d'Analyse Fonctionnelle, Lille, France.
  • Bouyer, P., Brihaye, T., Carlier, P., & Menet, Q. (12 March 2015). "Composition of stochastic timed automata" [Paper presentation]. ERC Workshop in Verification, Vienne, Austria.
  • Bouyer, P., Brihaye, T., Carlier, P., & Menet, Q. (25 February 2015). "Composition of stochastic timed automata" [Paper presentation]. Frontiers of Formal Methods, Aachen, Germany.
  • Menet, Q. (13 February 2015). "Linear Chaos and Frequent Hypercyclicity" [Paper presentation]. Analysis Seminar, Houston, United States - Texas.
  • Menet, Q. (11 February 2015). "Linear Chaos and Frequent Hypercyclicity" [Paper presentation]. Linear Analysis Seminar, College Station, United States.
  • Menet, Q. (30 January 2015). "Hypercyclic subspaces" [Paper presentation]. Banach Spaces Seminar, College Station, United States.
  • Menet, Q. (12 January 2015). "Chaos linéaire et fréquente hypercyclicité" [Paper presentation]. Séminaire d'analyse et géométrie, Marseille, France.
Diverse speeches and writings/Other
  • Du Brulle, C., & Menet, Q. (2015). "Après le doctorat, place au postdoctorat".
Scientific journals/Article
  • Bertrand, N., Bouyer, P., Brihaye, T., Menet, Q., Baier, C., Groesser, M., & Jurdzinski, M. (2014). Stochastic Timed Automata. "Logical Methods in Computer Science".
  • Charpentier, S., Menet, Q., & Mouze, A. (01 December 2014). Closed universal subspaces of spaces of infinitely differentiable functions. "Annales de l'Institut Fourier, 64" (N° spécial), 297-325.
  • Menet, Q. (01 April 2014). Hypercyclic subspaces and weighted shifts. "Advances in Mathematics, 255", 305-337.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
  • Menet, Q. (27 November 2014). "Chaos linéaire et fréquente hypercyclicité" [Paper presentation]. Séminaire d'Initiation à l'Analyse, Paris, France.
  • Menet, Q. (14 November 2014). "Linear Chaos and Frequent Hypercyclicity" [Paper presentation]. Istanbul Analysis Seminars, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Menet, Q. (13 October 2014). "Chaos linéaire et fréquente hypercyclicité" [Paper presentation]. Journées du Gdr AFHP, Lille, France.
  • Menet, Q. (17 July 2014). "Existence of common hypercyclic subspaces" [Paper presentation]. IWOTA, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  • Menet, Q. (12 June 2014). "Existence of frequently hypercyclic subspaces" [Paper presentation]. FNRS Group - Functional Analysis, Esneux, Belgium.
  • Menet, Q. (21 May 2014). "Shifts à poids sur lp et sous-espaces fréquemment hypercycliques" [Paper presentation]. Journées Cortenaises d'Analyse Mathématiques, Corte, France.
  • Menet, Q. (15 May 2014). "Existence de sous-espaces fréquemment hypercycliques" [Paper presentation]. Séminaire d'Initiation à l'Analyse, Paris, France.
Scientific journals/Article
  • Menet, Q. (01 December 2013). Hypercyclic Subspaces on Fréchet Spaces Without Continuous Norm. "Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 77" (4), 489-520.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
  • Menet, Q. (31 October 2013). "Hypercyclic subspaces" [Paper presentation]. Nord Pas de Calais / Belgium Congress of Mathematics, Mons, Belgium.
  • Menet, Q. (28 October 2013). "Banach-Mazur games" [Paper presentation]. Nord Pas de Calais / Belgium Congress of Mathematics, Valenciennes, France.
  • Menet, Q. (07 October 2013). "Shifts à poids sur lp et sous-espaces fréquemment hypercycliques" [Paper presentation]. Séminaire d'analyse et géométrie, Marseille, France.
  • Menet, Q. (27 August 2013). "Simple strategies for Banach-Mazur games and fairly correct systems" [Paper presentation]. Fourth International Symposium on Games, Automata, Logics and Formal Verification, Borca di Cadore, Italy.
  • Menet, Q. (13 June 2013). "Hypercyclic subspaces on Fréchet spaces without continuous norm" [Paper presentation]. Operators on Banach spaces: Banach space Meeting 2013, Castro Urdiales, Spain.
  • Menet, Q. (02 May 2013). "Hypercyclic subspaces for weighted shifts" [Paper presentation]. Measure Theory Seminar, Kent, United States.
  • Menet, Q. (02 May 2013). "Hypercyclic subspaces in Fréchet spaces without continuous norm" [Paper presentation]. Measure Theory Seminar, Kent, United States.
  • Menet, Q. (30 April 2013). "Dynamical systems and hypercyclic operators" [Paper presentation]. Colloquium (Department of mathematical sciences), Kent, United States.
  • Menet, Q. (17 April 2013). "Hypercyclic subspaces on Fréchet spaces" [Paper presentation]. Analysis Seminar, Bowling Green, United States.
  • Menet, Q. (10 April 2013). "Hypercyclic subspaces" [Paper presentation]. Analysis Seminar, Bowling Green, United States.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal
  • Brihaye, T., & Menet, Q. (2013). "Simple strategies for Banach-Mazur games and fairly correct systems" [Paper presentation]. International Symposium on Games, Automata, Logics and Formal Verification, Borca di Cadore, Italy.
Dissertations and theses/Doctoral thesis
  • Menet, Q. (2013). "Existence and non-existence of hypercyclic subspaces" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/1687
Diverse speeches and writings/Article for a general audience
  • Brihaye, T., & Menet, Q. (2013). Topology, probability, games and verification. "Notes de la cinquième BSSM".
Scientific journals/Article
  • Bouyer, P., Brihaye, T., Jurdzinski, M., & Menet, Q. (04 December 2012). Almost-Sure Model-Checking of Reactive Timed Automata. "Proceedings IEEE Computer Society Bioinformatics Conference, QEST 2012", 138-147.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
  • Menet, Q. (30 October 2012). "Sous-espaces hypercycliques dans les espaces de Fréchet" [Paper presentation]. Journées du Gdr AFHP, Marne-La-Vallée, France.
  • Menet, Q. (12 October 2012). "Sous-espaces hypercycliques dans les espaces de Fréchet" [Paper presentation]. Séminaire d'Analyse Fonctionnelle, Lille, France.
  • Menet, Q. (02 May 2012). "Hypercyclic subspaces and weighted shifts" [Paper presentation]. Seminario del IUMPA, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain.
Scientific journals/Article
  • Menet, Q. (20 December 2011). Sous-espaces fermés de séries universelles sur un espace de Fréchet. "Studia Mathematica, 207" (2), 181-195.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
  • Menet, Q. (20 October 2011). "Sous-espaces fermés de séries universelles" [Paper presentation]. Journées 2011 du Gdr AFHA, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
  • Menet, Q. (13 October 2011). "Sous-espaces hypercycliques et shifts à poids" [Paper presentation]. Séminaire d'Initiation à l'Analyse, Paris, France.
Diverse speeches and writings/Article for a general audience
  • Grosse-Erdmann, K., & Menet, Q. (2011). "Le chaos linéaire : un paradoxe ?"