Stéphane DUPONT
Prof. Stéphane Dupont teaches a range of classes covering theoretical as well as good practices aspects of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Software Engineering. These are offered to both Engineering as well as Computer Sciences students, and in both the cities of Mons and Charleroi. Artificial intelligence and machine learning classes cover: - S-INFO-810: Selected topics in artificial intelligence - I-ILIA-027: Advanced topics in Artificial Intelligence - I-ISIA-104: Audio Processing (co-held with Prof. Thierry Dutoit) - I-ISIA-200: Artificial Intelligence Challenges (co-held with several colleagues) Software engineering classes cover: - I-ILIA-004: Advanced Modeling and Programming - I-ILIA-102: JAVA Modeling and Programming - S-INFO-103 & S-INFO-852: Model-driven Software Development Most of these classes are intimately related to research activities, giving the opportunity for the course content to remain up-to-date, as well as to propose master’s students project topics in line with current scientific and engineering research questions.
Prof. Stéphane Dupont received the Electrical Engineering and PhD degrees at the Faculty of Engineering of Mons (FPMs, Belgium), respectively in 1995 and 2000. He was a visiting researcher at “Institut Dalle Molle d'intelligence artificielle perceptive” (IDIAP, Switzerland) in 1997. He was post-doctoral associate at the International Computer Science Institute (ICSI, California) from October 2000 to February 2002. There, he participated to the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) activity on robust distributed speech recognition over wireless networks. In 2002, he joined the Multitel innovation center (Belgium), where he headed the speech recognition research group. In 2008, he joined the University of Mons (UMONS, Belgium) to develop research activities in signal processing and machine learning, as well as their use in the creative sector. He was deputy coordinator of the Infortech Research Institute (ICT Research) of UMONS from 2010 to 2013, and the head of a machine intelligence research group at the Numediart Research Institute (Creative Industries) until 2021. He took part in several large scale research projects, including the EU-funded DIVINES and ILHAIRE projects that he coordinated, as well as the LinkedTV, i-Treasures, iMOTION, JOKER and IGLU projects. Stéphane Dupont interests are in deep learning and multimodality (language, sound, images, etc.). He authored/co-authored over 150 publications in these areas. He is now also transferring deep learning technology to innovative tools, through a new start-up entrepreneurial venture.