Number of publications : 45
Parts of books/Contribution to collective works
  • Debailleux, L., & Fanfone, M. (2024). Understanding the invisible: Interpretation of results in ultrasonic tomography of gothic masonry using metrology and geometry. In "Diagnosis of Heritage Buildings by Non-Destructive Techniques". Londres, United Kingdom: Elsevier.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a book
  • Fanfone, M., Debailleux, L., & Descamps, F. (2023). Caractérisation de l’altération de surface des pierres monumentales. In "Academic Journal of Civil Engineering (AJCE). VOLUME 40 NO 2 (2022) : Special Issue - NOMAD 2022" (pp. 1-11). France: Academic Journal of Civil Engineering (AJCE). doi:10.26168/ajce.40.2.32
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
  • Fanfone, M., Descamps, F., Debailleux, L., & Baele, J.-M. (16 November 2022). "Caractérisation de l’altération de surface des pierres monumentales" [Paper presentation]. Nouveaux Matériaux et Durabilité - NOMAD 2022, Montpellier, France.
Scientific conferences in universities or research centers/Scientific conference in universities or research centers
  • Gosselin Calvignac, D., Baró Zarzo José-Luis, & Debailleux, L. (09 November 2022). "Integration of rural architectural heritage: The case of the alquerías in northern Valencia" [Paper presentation]. VIBRarch 2022.
Books/Book published as author, translator, etc.
  • Debailleux, L., Santan Quintero, M., Verpoest, L., Dubois, M., Mouton, B., Bragard, P., Vegas, F., Mileto, C., Van Der Wee, B., Barlet, J., Hallot, P., Robbrecht, P., De Wolf, D., & Wilquin, H. (2021). "Patrimoine & Authenticité : Actes de la conférence". UMONS.
Scientific journals/Article
Scientific journals/Book review
  • Debailleux, L., & Cenci, J. (01 April 2019). Un avenir pour le réemploi des matériaux du patrimoine industriel oublié. "Lettre du Patrimoine, 54".
Scientific journals/Article
  • Wilquin, H., & Debailleux, L. (2019). Maison à Almada ( Portugal). "Archistorm : l'Architecture, l'Art... de A à Z".
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
  • Duroisin, N., Debailleux, L., & Hismans, G. (27 August 2019). "Utilisation de la réalité virtuelle pour évaluer les représentations spatiales des élèves" [Paper presentation]. Congrès des sciences, Mons, Belgium.
  • Debailleux, L. (16 June 2019). "Suggested method for the determination of the weathering index of ancient fired clay bricks" [Paper presentation]. 13th North American Masonry Conference, Salt Lake City, United States.
  • Cenci, J., & Debailleux, L. (07 February 2019). "Un avenir pour le réemploi des matériaux du patrimoine industriel oublié" [Paper presentation]. Réemploi dans le Bâtiment : quelles perspectives ? Partage d'expériences franco-belges, Mons, Belgium.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal
  • Debailleux, L. (2019). "Suggested method for the determination of the weathering index of ancient fired clay bricks" [Paper presentation]. 13th North American Masonry Conference, Salt Lake City, United States.
Scientific journals/Article
  • Debailleux, L., & Duroisin, N. (2018). Exploring Cultural Heritage Using Virtual Reality. "Lecture Notes in Computer Science".
  • Debailleux, L. (2018). The schmidt hammer rebound hardness for ancient fired clay bricks characterisation. "International Journal of Architectural Heritage".
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
  • Cenci, J., & Debailleux, L. (14 December 2018). "A future for the past - Reuse of industrial heritage materials" [Paper presentation]. 11° Study Day of INU - INTERRUPTIONS, INTERSECTIONS, SHARINGS AND OVERLAPPINGS. New perspectives for the territory, Naples, Italy.
  • Cenci, J., & Debailleux, L. (10 July 2018). "Recycling industrial built heritage... 'A material opportunity'" [Paper presentation]. Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Innovation, Cohesion 2018, Timisoara, Romania.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal
  • Cenci, J., & Debailleux, L. (2018). "A future for the past - Reuse of industrial heritage materials" [Paper presentation]. INTERRUPTIONS, INTERSECTIONS, SHARINGS AND OVERLAPPINGS. New perspectives for the territory, Naples, Italy.
Diverse speeches and writings/Other
  • Debailleux, L. (2018). "Terra Awards : Présentation inaugurale".
Reports/Internal report
  • Cenci, J., Debailleux, L., Fucelli, C., Pregardien, M., & Randour, L. (2017). "Etude des potentialités de reconversion du site des Vanneaux et du réemploi de ses matériaux".
Diverse speeches and writings/Article for a general audience
  • Avez, C., Coussement, G., Debailleux, L., Delaunois, F., Descamps, F., Ducobu, F., Dumont, E., Lupant, D., Rivière, E., & Vitry, V. (01 June 2017). Les techniques optiques de pointe au service de l'Ingénieur. "Polytech.News, 55".
Scientific journals/Article
  • Debailleux, L. (2014). Indexing system for recognising traditional timber framed structures. "International Journal of Architectural Heritage".
  • Wilquin, H., Sabbe, A., Choumil, C., & Debailleux, L. (01 April 2014). Tiébélé (Burkina Faso), préservation et perpétuation de la technique des enduits et des tracés symboliques sur les cases en terre. "Thema & Collecta, 3", 64-71.
Scientific journals/Article
  • Sabbe, A., Wilquin, H., & Debailleux, L. (2013). 3DMONS-Parametric 3D modeling of the city of Mons. "Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program".
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
  • Debailleux, L. (04 September 2013). "Structural analysis of gothic roof trusses in view of their conservation. Case study of St. Paul's Cathedral, Liège (Belgium)" [Paper presentation]. SHATIS. 2nd International Conference on Structural Health Assessment of Timber Structures, Trento, Italy.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster
  • Debailleux, L. (04 September 2013). "Structural analysis of gothic roof trusses in view of their conservation. Case study of St. Paul's Cathedral, Liège (Belgium)" [Poster presentation]. SHATIS. 2nd International Conference on Structural Health Assessment of Timber Structures, Trento, Italy.
Scientific journals/Book review
  • Wilquin, H., & Debailleux, L. (2012). Les tracés de Koumassi. "Lettre du Patrimoine", (25).
Scientific journals/Article
  • Debailleux, L. (2012). Patrimoine rural à pans-de-bois : proposition innovante d'aide à la gestion et à la conservation. "Cahiers Nouveaux (Les)", (82).
  • Debailleux, L. (2012). Architecture rurale; innovation pour l'étude des pans-de-bois. "Thema & Collecta".
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
  • Debailleux, L. (17 October 2012). "indexing system for traditional wooden frame structure recognition" [Paper presentation]. SAHC, Wroclaw, Poland.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal
  • Debailleux, L. (2012). "Structural analysis of gothic roof trusses in view of their conservation. Case study of St. Paul's Cathedral, Liège (Belgium)" [Paper presentation]. SAHC, Wroclaw, Poland.
  • Debailleux, L. (2012). "Structural analysis of historical constructions - SAHC 2012: Indexing system for traditional wooden frame structure recognition" [Paper presentation]. 8th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions, Wroclaw, Poland.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
  • Debailleux, L. (13 November 2010). "complementary approach for vernacular wooden frame structures reconstruction" [Paper presentation]. EuroMed 2010 - Third International conference, Limassol, Cyprus.
  • Debailleux, L. (01 May 2010). "complementary approach for vernacular wooden frame structures reconstruction" [Paper presentation]. 8th International symposium on conservation of monument in the mediterranean basin, Patras, Greece.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal
  • Debailleux, L. (2010). "Complementary approach for vernacular wooden frame structures reconstruction" [Paper presentation]. EuroMed 2010 - Third International conference, Limassol, Cyprus.
  • Debailleux, L. (2010). "Complementary approach for vernacular wooden frame structures reconstruction" [Paper presentation]. EuroMed 2010 - Third International conference, Limassol, Cyprus.
  • Debailleux, L. (2010). "Automatic recognition and reconstruction of traditional wooden frame structures in view of their conservation and/or restoration: Proceedings of 8th International Symposium on the Conservation of Monuments in the Mediterranean Basin May 31, 2010 - June 2, 2010. Patras, Greece" [Paper presentation]. 8th International Symposium on the Conservation of Monuments in the Mediterranean Basin, Patras, Greece.
  • Debailleux, L. (2010). "Automatic recognition and reconstruction of traditional wooden frame structures in view of their conservation and/or restoration" [Paper presentation]. 8th International Symposium on the Conservation of Monuments in the Mediterranean Basin, Patras, Greece.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster
  • Debailleux, L. (17 February 2010). "Méthodologie de typo-caractérisation informatique des structures anciennes en pans-de-bois en milieu rural en vue de leurs conservations" [Poster presentation]. Matinée des chercheurs MDC 2010, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Diverse speeches and writings/Article for a general audience
  • Debailleux, L. (2010). "[RE]VIE À VILLE : Polytech.News n°43".
Diverse speeches and writings/Other
  • Debailleux, L. (2010). "Explorer l'invisible : Patrimoine revisité".
In Press
Parts of books/Contribution to collective works
  • Debailleux, L., Duroisin, N., & Hismans, G. (In press). Utilisation de la réalité virtuelle comme outil d’apprentissage du patrimoine culturel. Expérimentations menées auprès d’élèves présentant un développement typique. In Loye & N. Duroisin (Eds.), "Evaluation, apprentissage et numérique". Switzerland: Peter Lang.
  • Debailleux, L. (In press). Les Visitandines de Mons. Un patrimoine, des visions partagées. In "Les Visitandines de Mons". Mons, Unknown/unspecified: Université de Mons.
Scientific journals/Article
  • Debailleux, L. (In press). Indexing system for recognising traditional timber framed structures. "International Journal of Architectural Heritage".
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
  • Wilquin, H., & Debailleux, L. (In press). "Restoration/Reconstruction. Small Historic Centers" [Paper presentation]. EAAE-ENHSA Network on conservation, .
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal
  • Debailleux, L., & Wilquin, H. (In press). "Valorisation et connexion. De l'échelle du territoire aux petits hameaux" [Paper presentation]. IV, EAAE-ENHSA (European Association for Architecture Education, Rome-Castelvecchio Calvisio, Italy.