Pierre DUEZ
Nombre de publications : 786
Parties d’ouvrages/Contribution à des ouvrages collectifs
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
  • Merenda, T., Juszczak, F., Ferier, E., Duez, P., Patris, S., Decleves, A.-E., & Nachtergael, A. (01 April 2024). Natural compounds proposed for the management of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. "Natural Products and Bioprospecting, 14" (24). doi:10.1007/s13659-024-00445-z
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
  • Vermaut, V., Jabbour, S., Blondelle, S., Duez, P., Patris, S., & Pardo, A. (20 March 2024). "DEVELOPMENT OF TRANSMURAL PHARMACEUTICAL CARE IN A GENERAL HOSPITAL" [Poster presentation]. 28th Congress of the EAHP (European association of hospital pharmacists), Bordeaux, France.
Conférences scientifiques dans des universités ou centres de recherche/Conférence scientifique dans des universités ou centres de recherche
  • Carette, J., Devos, L., Van Caneghem, C., Mahavy, C. E., Nachtergael, A., & Duez, P. (24 May 2024). "Exploring the biological activities of carotenoids on preformed Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms: focus on β-carotene and astaxanthin" [Paper presentation]. Pharmacognosy day, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
  • FAUQUET, J.* , Carette, J.* , DUEZ, P., Zhang, J., & NACHTERGAEL, A. (13 December 2023). Microfluidic Diffusion Sizing Applied to the Study of Natural Products and Extracts That Modulate the SARS-CoV-2 Spike RBD/ACE2 Interaction. "Molecules, 28" (24), 8072. doi:10.3390/molecules28248072
  • Manya Mboni, H., Faes, M., Fraselle, S., Compaore, M., Salvius, B. A., Joseph, K. B., Duez, P., Jean-Baptiste, L. S., & Stévigny, C. (September 2023). Evaluating phytochemical constituents and in-vitro antiplasmodial and antioxidant activities of Fadogiella stigmatoloba, Hygrophylla auriculata, Hylodesmum repandum, and Porphyrostemma chevalieri extracts. "Heliyon, 9" (9), 20103. doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e20103
  • Pizzolla, I., Aro, R., Duez, P., De Lièvre, B., & Briganti, G. (10 August 2023). Integrating Artificial Intelligence into Medical Education: Lessons Learned From a Belgian Initiative. "Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 34" (2), 401-424.
  • Nebie, B., Dabire, C. M., Bationo, R. K., Sosso, S., Nebie, R. C. H., Pale, E., & Duez, P. (03 June 2023). Composition chimique et potentiel antioxydant de l’huile essentielle obtenue par co-distillation de Mentha piperita L. et Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf du Burkina Faso. "International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 17" (2), 689-700. doi:10.4314/ijbcs.v17i2.32
  • Semay, I., Lemaur, V., Gekiere, A., Vanderplanck, M., Duez, P., Michez, D., & Gerbaux, P. (26 May 2023). Evaluation of Tandem Mass Spectrometry Experiments in the Negative Ionization Mode for Phenolamide Regioisomer Characterization. "Journal of Natural Products, 86" (5), 1274 - 1283. doi:10.1021/acs.jnatprod.3c00047
  • Gbolo Zoawe, B., Nachtergael, A., Tshibangu, D. S. T., Misengabu, N. M., Nsabatien, V., Memvanga, P. B., Tshilanda, D. D., Ngbolua, J.-P. K. N., Mpiana, P. T., & Duez, P. (25 March 2023). In Vitro Biological Activities of Drepanoalpha® Ethanolic Extract, A Justicia Secunda and Moringa Oleifera-Based Phytomedicine Proposed for The Symptomatic Treatment of Sickle Cell Disease. "Journal of Fundamental and Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 3" (2), 64-82. doi:10.18196/jfaps.v3i2.16000
  • Gossuin, Y., Duez, P., Blankert, B., Masson, C., Laurent, S., & Rousseau, C. (07 January 2023). NMR relaxometry to monitor chromium (VI) reduction by hydrogen peroxide, ascorbic acid and aluminum powder. "Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 61", 284-295. doi:10.1002/mrc.5332
  • Poivre, M., Antoine, M.-H., Kryshen, K., Atsapkina, A., Shikov, A. N., Twyffels, L., NACHTERGAEL, A., DUEZ, P., & Nortier, J. (06 January 2023). Assessment of the Cytotoxicity, Mutagenicity, and Genotoxicity of Two Traditional Chinese Herbs: Aristolochia baetica and Magnolia officinalis. "Toxins, 15" (1), 52. doi:10.3390/toxins15010052
  • Wang, X., Ma, Y., Xu, Q., Shikov, A. N., Pozharitskaya, O. N., Flisyuk, E. V., Liu, M., Li, H., Vargas-Murga, L., & Duez, P. (January 2023). Flavonoids and saponins: What have we got or missed? "Phytomedicine, 109", 154580. doi:10.1016/j.phymed.2022.154580
  • Mavungu, G. N., Mutombo, C. S., Numbi, D. M., Nsenga, S. N., Muyumba, W. N., Pongombo, C. S., Bakari, S. A., Nachtergael, A., Vandenput, S., Okombe, V. E., & Duez, P. (2023). Smallholders' knowledge about healing goat gastrointestinal parasite infections with wild plants in southern DR Congo. "Frontiers in Pharmacology, 14", 1124267. doi:10.3389/fphar.2023.1124267
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
  • Fauquet, J., Carette, J., Duez, P., Zhang Jiuliang, & Nachtergael, A. (09 December 2023). "Microfluidic Diffusional Sizing applied to the study of natural products and extracts that modulate the SARS-CoV-2 SpikeRBD/ACE2 interaction - Presentation" [Paper presentation]. The 6th ‘The Belt and Road’ International Conference on Traditional Medicine & 2023 Symposium on Traditional Medicine in the Post-Pandemic Era, Wuhan, China.
  • Duez, P., Bakari, S. A., Kahumba, J., Compaoré, M., Rasamiravaka, T., & Nachtergael, A. (06 December 2023). "Application of the WHO strategy for traditional medicines in African countries: combining TCM hospitals approaches and European Union herbal product regulations" [Paper presentation]. The 6th "The belt and road International conference on Traditional Medicine and 2023 Symposium on Traditional Medicine in post-pandemic era", Wuhan, China.
  • Aro, R., Ris, L., Manto, M., Nachtergael, A., & Duez, P. (05 December 2023). "3D neurosphere in vitro model to assess neurotoxicity" [Paper presentation]. Forum on Folk Medicines and Natural Products, Shiyan, Hubei, China.
  • Duez, P., & Fauquet, J. (05 December 2023). "Pharmacology and Toxicology of herbal products: the need for integrated actions" [Paper presentation]. Forum on Folk Medicines and Natural Products, Shiyan, China.
  • Fauquet, J., Carette, J., Duez, P., Zhang, J., & Nachtergael, A. (03 December 2023). "Microfluidic Diffusional Sizing applied to the study of natural products and extracts that modulate the SARS-CoV-2 SpikeRBD/ACE2 interaction - Presentation" [Paper presentation]. Séminaire du projet WBI "TCM-Cyt", Wuhan, China.
  • Fauquet, J., Carette, J., Nachtergael, A., & Duez, P. (20 September 2023). "2-minute flash poster presentation : Microfluidic Diffusional Sizing applied to the study of natural products and extracts that modulate the SARS-CoV-2 SpikeRBD/ACE2 interaction" [Paper presentation]. The 11th Good Practice in Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Association (GP-TCM RA) Annual Meeting, Leiden, Netherlands.
  • Aro, R., Briganti, G., & Duez, P. (17 May 2023). "IA et compétences transversales" [Paper presentation]. Journée des enseignants JDE 2023.
  • Duez, P. (18 April 2023). "KiBuLiHa. Chimie thérapeutique, Pharmacognosie et soutien à l'entreprenariat agricole. Les défis de l'intégration de la médecine traditionnelle aux soins de santé moderne en R.D. Congo" [Paper presentation]. Lancement du Réseau KiBuLiHa - Atelier de la cartographie des compétences et d’analyse des enjeux agro-alimentaires dans les zones de santé de la commune de Maluku (Province de Kinshasa) et territoire de Kasangulu (Province du Kongo Central), Kinshasa, Congo - Kinshasa.
  • Bakari A., Meerts, P., Vandenput, S., Okombe, V. E., Ngoy kihuya mwanuke, E., Ngoy, S. M., Kahola, T. O., Kampemba, M. F., Nkulu, F. J., Nachtergael, A., & Duez, P. (March 2023). "Multidisciplinary research as a powerful tool for enhancing, promoting, and protecting Congolese biodiversity: the PhytoKat model in Katanga" [Paper presentation]. 2nd International Conference on Biodiversity in the Congo Basin Challenges for the future, Kisangani, Congo - Kinshasa.
  • Nzuzi, M. G., Bakari, A. S., Nachtergael, A., Vandenput, S., Panda, S. K., Okombe, V. E., Luyten, W., & Duez, P. (2023). "Biological and phytochemical analyzes of 5 plants used against verminosis in goats in DR Congo: Anthelminthic screening, acetylcholinesterase inhibition, cytotoxicity and phenolic compound profiling" [Paper presentation]. 17th International Scientific Conference "The Vital Nature Sign", Vilnius, Lithuania.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
  • Ferier, E., Duez, P., Decleves, A.-E., & Nachtergael, A. (07 December 2023). "Evaluation of the anti-fatty liver disease properties of Chenopodium quinoa Willd" [Poster presentation]. The 6th "The belt and road International conference on Traditional Medicine and 2023 Symposium on Traditional Medicine in post-pandemic era", Wuhan, China.
  • Aro, R., Nachtergael, A., Ris, L., Manto, M., & Duez, P. (07 December 2023). "3D neurosphere in vitro model to assess neurotoxicity" [Poster presentation]. The 6th "The belt and road International conference on Traditional Medicine and 2023 Symposium on Traditional Medicine in post-pandemic era.
  • Mutombo, S. C., Ntumba, F., Bakari, S. A., Nachtergael, A., Duez, P., & Kahumba, J. B. (19 September 2023). "Combination of microscopy and HPTLC to authenticate Securidaca longepedunculata Fresen. samples, one of the highest-selling medicinal plants on Lubumbashi markets" [Poster presentation]. The 11th Annual Meeting of The Good Practice in Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Association, Leiden, Netherlands.
  • Nzoyisubiziki, J., Ngendahimana, A., Ngezahayo, J., Nachtergael, A., Sindayihebura, A., Bukuru, A., Ntakarutimana, V., Tabyaoui, M., & Duez, P. (19 September 2023). "Extension of the EU 'Traditional Herbal Medicine' concept to an oral transmission context: the case of the 5 anti-infectious medicinal plants most widely used in Burundi" [Poster presentation]. The 11th Annual Meeting of The Good Practice in Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Association, Leiden, Netherlands.
  • Fauquet, J., Carette, J., Nachtergael, A., & Duez, P. (18 September 2023). "Microfluidic Diffusional Sizing applied to the study of natural products and extracts that modulate the SARS-CoV-2 SpikeRBD/ACE2 interaction" [Poster presentation]. The 11th Good Practice in Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Association (GP-TCM RA) Annual Meeting, Leiden, Netherlands.
  • Aro, R., Nachtergael, A., Palmieri, C., Ris, L., & Duez, P. (18 September 2023). "Endogenous synthesis of tetrahydroisoquinolines from dietary precursors: Neurotoxicity assessment through in silico study and 3D neuro-sphere culture" [Poster presentation]. The 11th Annual Meeting of The Good Practice in Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Association, Leiden, Netherlands.
  • Jiang, D., Koko Elvire, Tran, T. Q., Nachtergael, A., & Duez, P. (17 September 2023). "Characterization and modulation of lipids involved in heme detoxification to overcome Plasmodium’s defense mechanisms" [Poster presentation]. The 11th Annual Meeting of The Good Practice in Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Association, Leiden, Netherlands.
  • Nzuzi, G. M., Panda, S. K., Okombe, V. E., Duez, P., & Luyten, W. (February 2023). "Studies on medicinal plants used by goat farmers in Lubumbashi (DR Congo): ethnobotanical investigations, anthelminthic screening and phytochemical profile" [Poster presentation]. Technological Innovations in Animal Science Research and Social Transformation, Bhubaneswar, India.
Mémoires et thèses/Thèse de doctorat
  • Semay, I. (2023). "Plant specialized metabolites as a resource for bee conservation: chemical profiling of medicinal and melliferous plant species" [Doctoral thesis, UMONS - Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/48335
Conférences scientifiques dans des universités ou centres de recherche/Conférence scientifique dans des universités ou centres de recherche
  • Jiang, D., Nachtergael, A., & Duez, P. (07 December 2023). "Characterization and modulation of lipids involved in heme detoxification to overcome Plasmodium’s defense mechanisms" [Paper presentation]. The 6th "The belt and road International conference on Traditional Medicine and 2023 Symposium on Traditional Medicine in post-pandemic era", Wuhan, China.
  • Jiang, D., Nachtergael, A., & Duez, P. (05 December 2023). "Characterization and modulation of lipids involved in heme detoxification to overcome Plasmodium’s defense mechanisms" [Paper presentation]. Forum on Folk Medicines and Natural Products, Shiyan, Hubei, China.
  • Duez, P., & Nachtergael, A. (03 December 2023). "The Laboratory of Therapeutic Chemistry & Pharmacognosy, UMons" [Paper presentation]. Séminaire du projet WBI "TCM-Cyt".
Périodiques scientifiques/N° entier
  • Kauffmann, J.-M., Schepers, H., Stévigny, C., & Duez, P. (Eds.). (2022). Trends in analytical methods for customs laboratories. "Talanta Open".
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
  • Aro, R., NACHTERGAEL, A., Ris, L., Manto, M., & Duez, P. (2022). Essential tremor: a three-dimensional neurosphere in vitro model to assess the neurotoxicity of harmane. "Journal of Traditional Chinese Medical Sciences". doi:10.1016/j.jtcms.2022.12.002
  • Aro, R., Nachtergael, A., Palmieri, C., Ris, L., & Duez, P. (02 November 2022). Endogenous Synthesis of Tetrahydroisoquinoline Derivatives from Dietary Factors: Neurotoxicity Assessment on a 3D Neurosphere Culture. "Molecules, 27" (21), 7443. doi:10.3390/molecules27217443
  • Scalia, A., Kindt, N., Trelcat, A., Nachtergael, A., Duez, P., Journe, F., & Carlier, S. (19 October 2022). Development of a Method for Producing oxLDL: Characterization of Their Effects on HPV-Positive Head and Neck Cancer Cells. "International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23" (20), 12552. doi:10.3390/ijms232012552
  • Mutombo, C. S., Bakari, S. A., Ntabaza, V. N., Nachtergael, A., Lumbu, J.-B. S., Duez, P., & Kahumba, J. B. (18 October 2022). Perceptions and use of traditional African medicine in Lubumbashi, Haut-Katanga province (DR Congo): A cross-sectional study. "PLoS ONE, 17" (10), 0276325. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0276325
  • Taco, V., Savarino, P., Benali, S., Villacrés, E., Raquez, J.-M., Gerbaux, P., Duez, P., & Nachtergael, A. (20 August 2022). Deep eutectic solvents for the extraction and stabilization of Ecuadorian quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) saponins. "Journal of Cleaner Production, 363", 132609. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.132609
  • Pardo, A., Ntabaza, V., Rivolta, M., Goulard, A., Sténuit, S., Demeester, R., Milas, S., Duez, P., Patris, S., Joris, M., Dony, P., & Cherifi, S. (26 July 2022). Impact of collaborative physician-pharmacist stewardship strategies on prophylactic antibiotic practices: a quasi-experimental study. "Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control, 11" (1), 100. doi:10.1186/s13756-022-01138-3
  • Mahavy, C. E., Mol, A., Andrianarisoa, B., Duez, P., Jaziri, M. E., Baucher, M., & Rasamiravaka, T. (28 June 2022). The Xanthophyll Carotenoid Lutein Reduces the Invasive Potential of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Increases Its Susceptibility to Tobramycin. "International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23" (13), 7199. doi:10.3390/ijms23137199
  • Kabore, D. S., Hema, A., Bazie, R., Kabre, E., Some, K., Pale, E., Some, I. T., Duez, P., & Nacro, M. (08 June 2022). Radical-Scavenging activities of total extracts and identification of four anthocyanin isomers from two purple-fleshed varieties of Ipomoea batatas L. produced in Burkina Faso, by hplc-ms/ms. "International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 16" (1), 464-480. doi:10.4314/ijbcs.v16i1.38
  • Bazie, B., Hema, A., Raoul Bazié, B. S., Kabré, E., Palé, E., Duez, P., & Nacro, M. (25 February 2022). HPLC-MS identification of three major flavonoids in the textile dye extract from dried leaves of Anogeissus leiocarpus. "Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry, 15" (1), 27-34. doi:10.52711/0974-4150.2022.00004
  • Taco, V., Palmieri, C., Duez, P., & Nachtergael, A. (2022). Optimized high-performance thin-layer chromatography-bioautography screening of Ecuadorian Chenopodium quinoa Willd. leaf extracts for inhibition of α-amylase. "JPC - Journal of Planar Chromatography - Modern TLC".
  • Brahmi, F., Lounis, N., Mebarakou, S., Guendouze, N., Yalaoui-Guellal, D., Madani, K., Boulekbache-Makhlouf, L., & Duez, P. (2022). Impact of Growth Sites on the Phenolic Contents and Antioxidant Activities of Three Algerian Mentha Species (M. pulegium L., M. rotundifolia (L.) Huds., and M. spicata L.). "Frontiers in Pharmacology, 13", 886337. doi:10.3389/fphar.2022.886337
  • Pardo, A., Ntabaza, V., Rivolta, M., Goulard, A., Sténuit, S., Demeester, R., Milas, S., Duez, P., Patris, S., Joris, M., Dony, P., & Cherifi, S. (2022). Impact of collaborative physician-pharmacist stewardship strategies on prophylactic antibiotic practices: a quasi-experimental study. "Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control".
Périodiques scientifiques/Autre
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
  • Bakari, A. S., Meerts, P., Vandenput, S., Okombe, V., Ngoy, E., Ngoy, S. M., Kahola, T. O., Kampemba, M. F., Nkulu, F. J., Nachtergael, A., & Duez, P. (06 November 2022). "Scientific collective intelligence as an asset for environmental preservation: the case of PhytoKat Project at UNILU" [Paper presentation]. COP27, Charm-el-Cheikh, Egypt.
  • Bakari, A. S., Meerts, P., Vandenput, S., Okombe, V., Ngoy, E., Ngoy, S. M., Kahola, T. O., Kampemba, M. F., Nkulu, F. J., Nachtergael, A., & Duez, P. (03 October 2022). "Recherche scientifique comme outil de protection de l’environnement : le modèle PhytoKat à l’UNILU" [Paper presentation]. Partie Scientifique de la PréCop27, Kinshasa, Congo - Kinshasa.
  • Gekiere, A., Gérard, M., Sculfort, O., Nonclercq, D., Gerbaux, P., Duez, P., & Vanderplanck, M. (30 July 2022). "Specialised metabolites in floral resources - Effects and detection in buff-tailed bumblebees" [Paper presentation]. International Society for Behavioral Ecology Congress 2022, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Carette, J., Colmant, S., Rasamiravaka, T., Nachtergael, A., El Jaziri, M., & Duez, P. (12 April 2022). "Biofilm architecture of Pseudomonas aeruginosa: a relevant key to improve the infectious diseases treatments" [Paper presentation]. Focus on Microscopy, Porto, Portugal.
  • Scalia, A., Kindt, N., Trelcat, A., Nachtergael, A., Duez, P., & Carlier, S. (10 February 2022). "Development of 'home-made' oxLDL to study the interplay between atherosclerosis and cancer: characterization of their effects on head and neck cancer cells" [Paper presentation]. Belgian Society of Cardiology Meeting, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Duez, P., Meerts, P., Vandenput, S., Okombe, V., Ngoy, E., Ngoy, S. M., Muyumba, W., Nzuzi, G., Nsenga, N., Numbi, M., Mutombo, C., & Bakari, A. (2022). "Worldwide access to healthcare. The challenges of traditional medicine integration in D.R. Congo tackled through the PhytoKat project (ARES)" [Paper presentation]. International conference on exploring the medical, (eco)-toxicological and socio-economic potential of natural extracts in Norther Vietnam, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
  • Semay, I., Vanderplanck, M., Nachtergael, A., Duez, P., Michez, D., & Gerbaux, P. (18 October 2022). "Study of pollen phenolamides by tandem mass spectrometry" [Poster presentation]. Journée Scientifique de la Société Royale de Chimie, Liège, Belgium.
  • Taco Taco, V., Savarino, P., Semay, I., Benali, S., Villacrès E., Raquez, J.-M., Gerbaux, P., Duez, P., & Nachtergael, A. (11 September 2022). "Eco-friendly extraction of bioactive metabolites from Ecuadorian quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) by natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES)" [Poster presentation]. 12th International Symposium of Drug Analysis - 32nd International Symposium on Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis.
  • Semay, I., Vanderplanck, M., Nachtergael, A., Duez, P., Michez, D., & Gerbaux, P. (28 August 2022). "Study of pollen phenolamides by tandem mass spectrometry" [Poster presentation]. International Mass Spectrometry Conference 2022, Maastricht, Netherlands.
  • Carette, J., Nachtergael, A., rasamiravaka, T., El Jaziri, M., & Duez, P. (22 March 2022). "Perturber le biofilm produit par Pseudomonas aeruginosa: une stratégie ambitieuse pour traiter les maladies infectieuses" [Poster presentation]. Evenement de Networking EpiCURA - UMONS, Mons, Belgium.
Rapports/Rapport de recherche externe
Mémoires et thèses/Mémoire de licence/master
  • Quintart, C. (2022). "Mise en place et optimisation d’un protocole de quantification de la bêta-hématine dans le cadre de l’évaluation mécanistique de composés à potentiel anti-plasmodial" [Master’s dissertation, UMONS - Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/44313
  • Fauquet, J. (2022). "Modulation de l’interaction SARS-CoV-2 SpikeRBD/ACE2 par des produits naturels" [Master’s dissertation, UMONS - Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/45324
Mémoires et thèses/Thèse de doctorat
  • Wells, M. (2022). "Development of a bioassay-guided fractionation protocol to unveil toad venoms as a new source of potential antimalarial candidates" [Doctoral thesis, UMONS - Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/44317
Conférences scientifiques dans des universités ou centres de recherche/Conférence scientifique dans des universités ou centres de recherche
  • Duez, P. (2022). "Il est important pour l'oncologie de compléter les connaissances relatives à l'usage, l'efficacité et la sécurité des plantes médicinales" [Paper presentation]. Séminaires du Service d'Oncologie, Hôpital Ambroise Paré, Mons, Belgium.
  • Duez, P. (2022). "Le cannabis thérapeutique. Incertitudes, sécurité, qualité et efficacité" [Paper presentation]. Commission des Matières transversales du Sénat belge : Rapport d'information Loi drogues 7-225, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
  • Muyumba Nonga, W., Mutombo Shakalenga, C., Sheridan, H., Nachtergael, A., & Duez, P. (01 December 2021). Quality control of herbal drugs and preparations: The methods of analysis, their relevance and applications. "Talanta Open, 4".
  • Nguyen, T. B.-L., Palmieri, C., Nguyen, K.-T. T., Le, D. H., Ngo, T. T., Tran, C. K., Nguyen, H. Q., Pham, H. T., Muller, M., Duez, P., & Nachtergael, A. (2021). HPTLC Fingerprinting and Cytotoxicity of Secondary Metabolites of Equisetum Diffusum D.Don Extracts. "International Journal of Plant, Animal and Environmental Sciences".
  • Sobhi, W., Tachour, R. A., Boutrid, N., Rahmoune, H., Amrane, M., & Duez, P. (17 October 2021). Nigella sativa for the management of hyperglycaemia and dyslipidemia. "American Heart Journal, 242", 174.
  • Kaboré, D. S., Hema, A., Kabré, E., Bazié, R., Sakira, A. K., Koala, M., Somé, P.-A. K., Palé, E., Somé, T. I., Duez, P., & Nacro, M. (25 September 2021). Identification of five acylated anthocyanins and determination of antioxidant contents of total extracts of a purple-fleshed Ipomoea batatas L. variety grown in Burkina Faso. "International Research Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 22" (7), 48-66.
  • Nguyen, T. B.-L., Thanh, N. L., Duez, P., & Thang, N. D. (22 September 2021). Ethanol Extract of Croton kongensis promotes cell cycle arrest and consequently inhibits anchorage-independent growth of cervical cancer Hela cells. "VNU Journal of Science:Natural Sciences and Technology, 37" (3), 75-81.
  • Sculfort, O., Gerard, M., Gekiere, A., Nonclerq, D., Gerbaux, P., Duez, P., & Vanderplanck, M. (07 September 2021). Specialized Metabolites in Floral Resources: Effects and Detection in Buff-Tailed Bumblebees. "Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9".
  • Sculfort, O., Gérard, M., Gekiere, A., Nonclercq, D., Gerbaux, P., Duez, P., & Vanderplanck, M. (2021). Specialized Metabolites in Floral Resources: Effects and Detection in Buff-Tailed Bumblebees. Front Ecol.Evol. 9:669352. "Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution".
  • Zhou, B., Yuan, Y., Shi, L., Hu, S., Wang, D., Yang, Y., Yuanhu, P., Kong, D., Shikov, A., Duez, P., Jin, M., Li, X. H., & Hu, X. (30 August 2021). Creation of an Anti-Inflammatory, Leptin-Dependent Anti-Obesity Celastrol Mimic with Better Druggability. "Frontiers in Pharmacology, 12", 2138.
  • Nguyen, B.-L., Kieu, K., Nguyen, L. T., Nguyen, K.-T., Nguyen, H., Pham, T.-H., Muller, M., Nachtergael, A., Duez, P., & Nguyen, D. T. (12 June 2021). Toxicity and anti-proliferative properties of Anisomeles indica ethanol extract on cervical cancer HeLa cells and Zebrafish embryos. "Life, 11" (3), 257.
  • Nachtergael, A., Lanterbecq, D., Spanoghe, M., Belayew, A., & Duez, P. (12 June 2021). Effects of chemopreventive natural compounds on the accuracy of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine translesion synthesis. "Planta Medica, 87" (10/11), 868-878.
  • Bazie, B., Hema, A., Bazié, B. Z. R., Kabré, E., Palé, E., Duez, P., & Nacro, M. (2021). HPLC-MS identification of two major flavonoids in the textile dye extract from fresh leaves of Mangifera indica. "Research Journal of Recent Sciences, 10" (4), 14-25.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
  • Traore, O., Compaoré, M., Hubinon, F., Okusa, P., Duez, P., Blankert, B., & Kiendrebeogo, M. (26 October 2021). "Diagnostic de la malaria: développement d'une méthode innovante de quantification du pigment malarique" [Paper presentation]. XIIIème Edition du Forum national de la Recherche Scientifique et des Innovations Technologiques (FRSIT), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
  • Nachtergael, A., Bakari, A., & Duez, P. (22 September 2021). "La stratégie de l'OMS pour les médecines traditionnelles. Application dans les pays en développement : le projet PhytoKat en R.D. Congo" [Paper presentation]. Assises de la Francophonie scientifiques de l'AUF, Université Politehnica de Bucarest, Bucarest, Romania.
  • Nzuzi, G., Okombe, E. V., Bakari, A., Nachtergael, A., & Duez, P. (14 July 2021). "Efficacité des anthelminthiques couramment employés en élevage caprins à Lubumbashi (RD Congo)" [Paper presentation]. Journées scientifiques 2021 de la Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire, Université de Lubumbashi, Lubumbashi, Congo - Kinshasa.
  • Nzuzi, G., Muyumba Nonga, W., Gauthier, M.-L., Panda, S. K., Luyten, W., Nachtergael, A., Vandenput, S., Bakari, A., Okombe, E. V., & Duez, P. (18 April 2021). "Anthelmintic screening of five Palmatilobae species used in Traditional Medicine in Katanga Province (DR Congo)" [Paper presentation]. 20th International Congress of the International Society for Ethnopharmacology, on-line, Unknown/unspecified.
  • Duez, P. (2021). "Quant à l'importance de compléter nos connaissances sur l'efficacité et la sécurité des plantes médicinales" [Paper presentation]. Plantes et cancers - risques et bénéfices, 1ères Rencontres "Plantes & Bien-Etre", Villers-la Ville, Belgium.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
  • Ntabaza-Ndage, V., Pardo, A., Nachtergael, A., Bakari, A., Duez, P., Kahumba Byanga, J., & Patris, S. (25 November 2021). "Surgical antibiotic prophylaxis in Lubumbashi University Clinics: A 3-years survey" [Poster presentation]. Networking EpiCURA-UMONS, Baudour, Belgium.
  • Semay, I., Vanderplanck, M., Nachtergael, A., Duez, P., Michez, D., & Gerbaux, P. (14 October 2021). "Study of pollen phenolamides by tandem mass spectrometry" [Poster presentation]. Journée annuelle de la Société Royale de Chimie, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Gossuin, Y., Laurent, S., Masson, C., Duez, P., & Blankert, B. (01 July 2021). "Following chromium (IV) reduction by low resolution nuclear magnetic relaxometry" [Poster presentation]. euromar.
  • Taco, V., Almachi, D., Bonilla, P., Benali, S., Raquez, J. M., Duez, P., & Nachtergael, A. (15 June 2021). "Thermal and rheological analysis of different natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES). Application to the eco-extraction of bioactive compounds from quinoa leaves (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.)" [Poster presentation]. 2nd International Meeting on Deep Eutectic Systems, Lisbonne (on-line), Portugal.
  • Gbolo Zoawe, B., Nachtergael, A., Ngbolua, K. N., Mpiana, P., & Duez, P. (26 April 2021). "Toxicological evaluation and biological activities of Drepanoalpha®, an anti-sickle cell disease Phytomedicine" [Poster presentation]. Evénement de maillage UMHAP - Université de Mons-Hôpital Ambroise Paré, Mons, Belgium.
Rapports/Rapport de recherche interne
  • Duez, P. (2021). "Bitter apricot seed and Peach seed Armeniacae semen amarum. Definition, Identification A and Identification B: comparison of processed vs unprocessed drugs [Document EDQM PA/PH/Exp. TCM/T (21) 91]".
  • Duez, P. (2021). "Chinese date Jujubae fructus. A possible semi-quantitative assay by immunodiffusion technique using the Yariv reagent [Document EDQM PA/PH/Exp. TCM/T (21) 84]".
  • Palmieri, C., & Duez, P. (2021). "Bitter apricot seed and Peach seed Armeniacae semen amarum & Persicae semen. HPTLC of processed vs unprocessed drugs [Document EDQM: PA/PH/Exp. TCM/T (21) 86]".
  • Palmieri, C., & Duez, P. (2021). "Loquat leaf-Eriobotryae folium: Semi-quantitative HPTLC (collaborative trial) [Document EDQM PA/PH/Exp. TCM/T (21) 57]".
Mémoires et thèses/Thèse de doctorat
  • Aro, R. (2021). "Pathogenesis of essential tremor: characterization of potentially involved endogenous alkaloids of dietary origin and evaluation of their activity on an original 3d neurosphere model" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/29601
  • Mwamba, P. T. (2021). "Etude de la falsification de médicaments et mise au point de méthodes analytiques pour détecter les antibiotiques de qualité inférieure" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/8643
  • Bashige, V. (2021). "Étude ethnobotanique, phytochimique et pharmacologique de plantes médicinales antimalariques de Bukavu ; Intérêt majeur de Dialium angolense Welw ex Oliv (Fabaceae)" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/30590
Parties d’ouvrages/Contribution à des ouvrages collectifs
  • Aro, R., Duez, P., Nachtergael, A., & Manto, M. (2020). Hampering essential tremor neurodegeneration in essential tremor: present and future directions. In A.-U. Rahman & Z. Amtul (Eds.), "Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - CNS and Neurological Disorders" (pp. 40-71). Bentham Science Publisher.
  • Carette, J., Nachtergael, A., Duez, P., El Jaziri, M., & Rasamiravaka, T. (2020). Natural compounds inhibiting pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm formation by targeting quorum sensing circuitry. In S. Dincer, M. S. Özdenefe, ... A. Arkut (Eds.), "Bacterial Biofilm". IntechOpen.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
  • Kaboré, D. S., Hema, A., Koala, M., Somé, K., Palé, E., Somé, T. I., Duez, P., & Nacro, M. (21 December 2020). Evaluation des teneurs en antioxydants et micronutriments des feuilles de onze variétés de Ipomoea batatas à chairs orange et pourpre produites au Burkina Faso. "Journal de la Société Ouest-Africaine de Chimie, 50", 1-10.
  • Bazié, B., Hema, A., Koala, M., Palé, E., Duez, P., & Nacro, M. (07 December 2020). Caractérisation d'extraits totaux de colorants à usage textile de dix plantes tinctoriales du Burkina Faso. "Journal de la Société Ouest-Africaine de Chimie, 49", 31-40.
  • Traore, O., Ouedraogo, A., Compaoré, M., Nikiema, K., Zombre, A., Kiendrebeogo, M., Blankert, B., & Duez, P. (16 November 2020). Social perceptions of malaria and diagnostic-driven malaria treatment in Burkina Faso. "Heliyon, 6", 05553. doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e05553
  • Mahavy, C. E., Duez, P., El Jaziri, M., & Rasamiravaka, T. (13 November 2020). African plant-based natural products with antivirulence activities to the rescue of antibiotics. "Antibiotics, 9" (11), 0830. doi:10.3390/antibiotics9110830
  • Bashige, V., Bakari, A., Okusa, P. N., Kahumba Byanga, J., Duez, P., & Lumbu Simbi, J.-B. (13 September 2020). Antimicrobial, antioxidant activities and toxicity on Cavia porcellus of Dialium angolense Welw. Ex Oliv, a traditional medicinal plant from Bagira in Eastern of DR Congo. "GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 13" (2), 166-180. doi:10.30574/gscbps.2020.13.2.0352
  • Bashige, V., Bakari, A., Okusa, P. N., Kahumba Byanga, J., Duez, P., & Lumbu Simbi, J.-B. (01 September 2020). Ethnobotanical study of plants used as antimalarial in traditional medicine in Bagira in Eastern RD Congo. "Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 9" (4), 01-14. doi:10.22271/phyto.2020.v9.i4a.11661
  • Speeckaert, N., Adamou, N. M., Hassane, H. A., Baldacci-Cresp, F., Mol, A., Goeminne, G., Boerjan, W., Duez, P., Hawkins, S., Neutelings, G., Hoffmann, T., Schwab, W., El Jaziri, M., Behr, M., & Baucher, M. (16 July 2020). Characterization of the UDP-glycosyltransferase UGT72 family in poplar and identification of genes involved in the glycosylation of monolignols. "International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21" (5018).
  • Brahmi, F., Nguyen, A.-T., Nacoulma, A. P., Sheridan, H., Wang, J., Guendouze, N., Madani, K., & Duez, P. (01 July 2020). Discrimination of Mentha species grown in different geographical areas of Algeria using 1H-NMR-based metabolomics. "Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 189", 113430. doi:10.1016/j.jpba.2020.113430
  • Nguyen, T. H., Nachtergael, A., Nguyen, T. M., Cornet, V., Duez, P., Muller, M., Huong, D. T. L., & Kestemont, P. (23 May 2020). In vitro and in vivo anti-inflammatory properties of the ethanol extract from Clerodendrum cyrtophyllum Turcz based on murine cells and zebrafish models. "Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 254", 112739. doi:10.1016/j.jep.2020.112739
  • Traore, O., Campaore, M., Okusa, P., Hubinon, F., Duez, P., Blankert, B., & Kiendrebeogo, M. (16 May 2020). Development and validation of an original magneto-chromatography device for the whole blood determination of hemozoin, the paramagnetic malaria pigment. "Microchemical Journal, 157".
  • Vanderplanck, M., Gilles, H., Nonclercq, D., Duez, P., & Gerbaux, P. (14 May 2020). Asteraceae paradox: Chemical and mechanical protection of taraxacum pollen. "Insects, 11(5)", 304 (16. doi:10.3390/insects11050304
  • Jiang, C., Wang, T., Xu, Z.-J., Xu, C., & Duez, P. (16 March 2020). Investigation on the mode of action of the traditional Chinese medical prescription Yiqihuoxue formula, an effective extravasation treatment for cerebral vascular microemboli in ApoE-/- mice. "World Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 6" (1), 112-120. doi:10.4103/wjtcm.wjtcm_8_20
  • Manya, H., Stévigny, C., Kalonda Mutombo, E., Keymeulen, F., Lumbu Simbi, J.-B., Kahumba Byanga, J., Ngezahayo, J., Duez, P., & Bakari, A. (01 January 2020). Antimalarial herbal remedies of Bukavu and Uvira areas in DR Congo: An ethnobotanical survey. "Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 249", 112422. doi:10.1016/j.jep.2019.112422
  • Valentin, B. C., Salvius, B. A., Ndjolo, O., Joh, K. B., Duez, P., & Jean-Baptiste, L. S. (01 January 2020). Antiplasmodial, inhibitor of hemozoin synthesis and antioxidant activities of some plants used as antimalarial drugs in Bagira (DR Congo). "International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Clinical Research, 2" (1), 01-08. doi:10.33545/2664763x.2020.v2.i1a.13
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
  • Povilaityte-Petri, V., Duez, P., & Kilpi, K. (10 December 2020). "Therapeutic landscapes based on green spaces of care ?" [Paper presentation]. International Conference Cultural Heritage for Mental Health 2, Gent, Belgium.
  • Duez, P. (19 November 2020). "Représentant de l'ARES-CRI" [Paper presentation]. European Higher Education Area (EHEA) Ministerial Conference 2020, Rome (on-line), Italy.
  • Duez, P. (21 September 2020). "Panelist invité & représentant de l'ARES-CCD" [Paper presentation]. Bologne dans un monde qui change, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Bakari, A., Meerts, P., Vandenput, S., Okombe, E. V., Ngoy, E., Ngoy, S. M., Kahola, T. O., Kampemba, M. F., Nkulu, F. J., Nachtergael, A., & Duez, P. (14 April 2020). "Le projet PhytoKat : Contribution à la protection du Miombo, ce patrimoine médicinal dans la région de Lubumbashi" [Paper presentation]. Séminaire Ville & Santé (UNILU, ULB et CIVIS), Avril 2020, Lubumbashi, Congo - Kinshasa.
  • Carette, J., Nachtergael, A., Duchateau, C., Stevigny, C., Palmieri, C., & Duez, P. (20 January 2020). "Plant microcopy training: Focus on adulteration" [Paper presentation]. Plant microscopy training, UMONS, Belgium.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication publiée dans un périodique
  • LOUCIF, K., BOULAHROUF, A., & Duez, P. (2020). Thermophilic Actinobacteria Derived from Algerian Ecosystem as an Alternative Strategy for Salt Tolerance in <em>Triticum durum</em>. "Proceedings". doi:10.3390/iecps2020-08776
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
  • Muyumba Nonga, W., Gauthier, M.-L., Nzuzi, G., Numbi Mujike, D., Sujoga, K. P., Palmieri, C., Bakari, A., Luyten, W., Lumbu Simbi, J.-B., Nachtergael, A., Ngoy, E., & Duez, P. (15 December 2020). "Phytochemical profiling and anthelmintic activity of root barks of Oldfieldia dactylophylla (Welw.ex Oliv.) J. Léon, an Euphorbiaceae used in traditional Congolese medicine" [Poster presentation]. Young Researchers' Overseas Day 2020, Bruxelles (Online), Belgium.
  • Poivre, M., Antoine, M.-H., Twyffels, L., Kryshen, K., Atsapkina, A., Shikov, A., Nachtergael, A., Duez, P., & Nortier, J. (10 May 2020). "Potentialisation par Magnolia officinalis des effets cytotoxiques, mutagènes et génotoxiques d'Aristolochia baetica mesurés in vitro sur la cellule tubulaire proximale HK-2" [Poster presentation]. 5ème Congrès de la Société Francophone de Néphrologie, Dialyse et Transplantation, Liège, Belgium.
Rapports/Rapport de recherche interne
  • Poupelloz, V., Boudali, L., Boucaud-Maitre, D., Grangier, E., Chinou, I., & Duez, P. (2020). "Assessment report on Allium sativum L., bulbus (Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products, EMA/HMPC/7686/2013)".
Mémoires et thèses/Thèse de doctorat
  • Traore, O. (2020). "Diagnostic de la malaria: développement d'une méthode innovante de quantification du pigment malarique et étude des représentations sociales de la maladie et de son diagnostic au Burkina Faso" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/30495
  • Mboni, M. H. (2020). "Etude de Porphyrostemma chevalieri (O. Hoffm.) Huch. & Dalziel, une plante réputée antipaludéenne dans la région de Bukavu et d'Uvira (RDC)" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/12029
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
  • Mwamba, P. T., Muindu, M., Kasongo, M., Mujinga, G. K., Zabakani, M., Kasongo, J. K., Tshamba, M., Nkwanga, J.-C., Marini, R., Duez, P., & Kalonji, N. J. B. (01 August 2019). Substandard/falsification antibacterial agents: a systematic review of liquid chromatographic and spectrophotometric methods for their detection. "American Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 10", 348-365. doi:10.4236/ajac.2019.108024
  • Marrelli, M., Pisani, F., Amodeo, V., Duez, P., & Conforti, F. (12 March 2019). Echinophora tenuifolia L. branches phytochemical profile and antiproliferative activity on human cancer cell lines. "Natural Product Research, 34" (18), 2664-2667. doi:10.1080/14786419.2018.1548457
  • Roch, A., Prodéo, J., Pierart, C., Muller, R., & Duez, P. (29 January 2019). The paramagnetic properties of malaria pigment, hemozoin, yield clues to a low-cost system for its trapping and determination. "Talanta, 197", 553-557. doi:10.1016/j.talanta.2019.01.090
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
  • Aro, R., Wauters, M., Nachtergael, A., Ris, L., Manto, M., & Duez, P. (21 November 2019). "3D neurons model for studying neurodegenerative disorders" [Paper presentation]. BelTox-Invitrom_IC3Rs Scientific Meeting 2019, Life Science Campus - Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.
  • Nachtergael, A., Bakari, A., & Duez, P. (24 September 2019). "The WHO strategy for traditional medicines. Application in developing countries ?" [Paper presentation]. 2019 Traditional Medicine International Cooperation Forum, Guangdong-Macau Traditional Chinese Medicine, Macao, China.
  • Bauer, R., Wolkinger, V., Duez, P., Lenihan, C., Reich, E., Scherübl, M., Guo, D.-A., Sabatini-Samori, C., Weber, M., & Rose, U. (08 August 2019). "The European Pharmacopoeia allows HPTLC limit tests for Chinese herbs as an alternative to assays" [Paper presentation]. 18th Meeting of Consortium for Globalization of Chinese Medicine (CGCM), Shanghai, China.
  • Noba, A., Bationo, R. K., Koala, M., Hema, A., Dabire, C., Palé, E., Duez, P., & Nacro, M. (06 August 2019). "Saba senegalensis fruit: Identification of major carotenoids by HPTLC-MS, assessment of total micronutrient and antioxidant contents" [Paper presentation]. 20th Annual SOACHIM Science Days.
  • Duez, P. (09 July 2019). "The Pharmacology and Toxicology Interest Group: An integrated action" [Paper presentation]. International Conference for Global Cooperation in Traditional Medicine in association with 7th GP-TCM RA Annual Meeting, Daegu , South Korea.
  • Carette, J., Randriantseheno, L., Nachtergael, A., Rasamiravaka, T., El Jaziri, M., & Duez, P. (02 July 2019). "Characterizing the biofilm architecture of P. aeruginosa and its mutants as a clue to develop new antiinfectious strategies" [Paper presentation]. Phytopharm 2019, Saint-Pétersbourg, Russia.
  • Nzuzi, G., Okombe, E. V., Vandenput, S., & Duez, P. (14 June 2019). "Activités anthelminthiques et étude du mécanisme d'action des composés chimiques de 5 espèces palmatilobées couramment utilisées en médecine traditionnelle Congolaise" [Paper presentation]. Journées Internationales de Recherche en Sciences de la Santé, Lubumbashi, Congo - Kinshasa.
  • Manya, H., Keymeulen, F., Kahumba Byanga, J., Duez, P., Lumbu Simbi, J.-B., & Stévigny, C. (14 June 2019). "Etude phytochimique et de l'activité antiplasmodiale de feuilles de Porphyrostemma chevalieri (O.Hoffm.) Hutch. & Dalziel" [Paper presentation]. Journées Internationales de Recherche en Sciences de la Santé, Lubumbashi, Congo - Kinshasa.
  • Mwamba, P. T., Palmieri, C., Marini, R., Duez, P., & Kalonji, N. J. B. (12 June 2019). "Development and application of total error strategy in the validation of UV-Visible spectrophotometric methods to detect substandard antibiotics" [Paper presentation]. Journées internationnales de recherche en sciences de la santé, Lubumbashi, Congo - Kinshasa.
  • Mwamba, P. T., Palmieri, C., Marini, R., Duez, P., & Kalonji, N. J. B. (12 June 2019). "Development and application of total error strategy in the validation of LC methods to detect substandard antibiotics" [Paper presentation]. Journées internationnales de recherche en sciences de la santé, Lubumbashi, Congo - Kinshasa.
  • Nsuadi, F., El Khattabi, C., Duez, P., Lami, J., & Pochet, S. (12 June 2019). "Plantes médicinales dans le traitement de l'hypertension artérielle" [Paper presentation]. Journées internationnales de recherche en sciences de la santé, Lubumbashi, Congo - Kinshasa.
  • Shalukoma, C., Duez, P., Stévigny, C., Bogaert, J., & Visser, M. (12 June 2019). "Application of a new ethnobotanical method 'PSSVV' in collecting data from traditional healers" [Paper presentation]. 19th International Congress of the International Society for Ethnopharmacology, Dresden, Germany.
  • Kalonji, N. J. B., Bokanya, A. I., Kalonji, M. B. G., Mwamba, P. T., & Duez, P. (06 June 2019). "Practice of geophagia by pregnant women in the Democratic Republic of Congo - Katanga. Epidemiological Data" [Paper presentation]. Joint 6th SASA International Conference, International Research In Africa, Toronto, Canada.
  • Aro, R., Diallo, A., Pichuèque, M., Wauters, M., Nachtergael, A., Ris, L., Duez, P., & Manto, M. (23 April 2019). "Evaluating the neurotoxicity of harmane, the B-carboline alkaloid incriminated in essential tremor by using 3D neurons model" [Paper presentation]. Belgian Molecular Imaging Congress 2019, Academy Palace, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Manya, M., Keymeulen, F., Compaoré, M., Kiendrebeogo, M., Kahumba Byanga, J., Duez, P., Lumbu Simbi, J.-B., & Stévigny, C. (23 April 2019). "Evaluation in vitro de l'activité antiplasmodiale d'extraits issus des feuilles de Porphyrostemma chevalieri (O.Hoffm.) Hutch. & Dalziel" [Paper presentation]. 3èmes Journées Scientifiques Paludisme, Kinshasa, Congo - Kinshasa.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
  • Povilaityte-Petri, V., Kilpi, K., Duez, P., & Nachtergael, A. (06 December 2019). "Medicinal plants and their use in forest-based interventions" [Poster presentation]. Biodiversity and Health, Multidisciplinary Workshop, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Mutombo Shakalenga, C., Bakari, A., Nachtergael, A., Duez, P., & Kahumba Byanga, J. (06 December 2019). "Traditional healers' practices for collecting and identifying medicinal plants in the Lubumbashi region, Haut-Katanga, DR Congo" [Poster presentation]. Biodiversity and Health, Multidisciplinary Workshop, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Povilaityte-Petri, V., Kilpi, K., Duez, P., & Nachtergael, A. (06 December 2019). "Medicinal plants and their use in forest-based interventions" [Poster presentation]. Biodiversity and Health, Multidisciplinary Workshop, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Semay, I., Vanderplanck, M., Nachtergael, A., Duez, P., Michez, D., & Gerbaux, P. (10 October 2019). "Research of an optimal flora for bee conservation" [Poster presentation]. Journée SRC - UMamur, Namur, Belgium.
  • Mulubwe, E., Karimi, S., Sas, M., Kaandorp, B., Duez, P., Groschup, M., & Op de Beeck, A. (29 September 2019). "Seroprevalence of CCHFV and RVFV in children near Lubumbashi, DRC" [Poster presentation]. 9th European Meeting on viral Zoonoses, Saint-Raphaël, France.
  • Bakari, A., Meerts, P., Vandenput, S., Okombe, E. V., Ngoy, E., Ngoy, S. M., Kahola, T. O., Kempemba, F., Nkulu, F. J., Nachtergael, A., & Duez, P. (24 July 2019). "The PhytoKat project in Katanga DR Congo: a multidisciplinary approach for solving environmental and societal problems" [Poster presentation]. 3rd OHCEA International One Health Conference | Harnessing One Health for Global Health Security, Kampala, Uganda.
  • Nachtergael, A., Bakari, A., & Duez, P. (10 July 2019). "The WHO strategy for traditional medicines" [Poster presentation]. International Conference for Global Cooperation in Traditional Medicine in association with 7th GP-TCM RA Annual Meeting, Daegu , South Korea.
  • Nzuzi, G., Okombe, E. V., Pongombo, S. C., Vandenput, S., Nachtergael, A., Bakari, A., & Duez, P. (10 July 2019). "Study of Congolese ethnoveterinary practices, a preliminary for the scientific evaluation of medicinal plants properties (DR Congo)" [Poster presentation]. International Conference for Global Cooperation in Traditional Medicine in association with 7th GP-TCM RA Annual Meeting, Daegu , South Korea.
  • Mutombo Shakalenga, C., Bakari, A., Nachtergael, A., Duez, P., & Kahumba Byanga, J. (09 July 2019). "The perception of traditional medicine by conventional health practitioners in Lubumbashi, Haut-Katanga province, DR Congo" [Poster presentation]. International Conference for Global Cooperation in Traditional Medicine in association with 7th GP-TCM RA Annual Meeting, Daegu , South Korea.
  • Taco, V., Duez, P., Palmieri, C., & Nachtergael, A. (01 July 2019). "HPTLC-bioautography for the evaluation of the antioxidant and anti-hyperglycemic activities of natural deep eutectic solvent extracts obtained from quinoa leaves (Chenopodium quinoa Willd)" [Poster presentation]. Phytopharm 2019, Saint-Pétersbourg, Russia.
  • Manya, M., Bakari, A., Keymeulen, F., Kahumba, J., Duez, P., Stévigny, C., & Lumbu Simbi, J.-B. (01 July 2019). "Antimalarial herbal remedies of Bukavu and Uvira, DR Congo" [Poster presentation]. 5èmes Journées AFERP, Angers, France.
  • Taco, V., Duez, P., Palmieri, C., & Nachtergael, A. (24 June 2019). "Natural deep eutectic solvents for the extraction of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) leaves bioactive compounds with antioxidant and anti-diabetic activities" [Poster presentation]. First international meeting on Deep Eutectic Systems, Lisboa, Portugal.
  • Kibwe, C., Bakari, A., Nachtergael, A., Ris, L., Duez, P., & Kahumba Byanga, J. (14 June 2019). "Biological and chemical study of plants used in the Katanga region as a treatment for neuropathies" [Poster presentation]. Journées internationnales de recherche en sciences de la santé, Lubumbashi, Congo - Kinshasa.
  • Muyumba Nonga, W., Bakari, A., Palmieri, C., Ngoy, E., Nachtergael, A., & Duez, P. (12 June 2019). "Chemical profiling of Katangan Vitex species used in traditional human and veterinary medecine (DR Congo)" [Poster presentation]. Journées internationnales de recherche en sciences de la santé, Lubumbashi, Congo - Kinshasa.
  • Mutombo Shakalenga, C., Bakari, A., Meerts, P., Nachtergael, A., Duez, P., & Kahumba Byanga, J. (12 June 2019). "The practice of Traditional Medicine in Lubumbashi, Haut-Katanga Province, DR Congo" [Poster presentation]. Journées internationnales de recherche en sciences de la santé, Lubumbashi, Congo - Kinshasa.
  • Bakari, A., Meerts, P., Vandenput, S., Okombe, E. V., Ngoy, E., Ngoy, S. M., Kahola, T. O., Kampemba, M. F., Nkulu, F. J., & Duez, P. (06 June 2019). "The Project Phytokat in Katanga (Democratic Republic of Congo): conditions for the integration of traditional medicine in modern healthcare and a model answer against anthropogenic erosion of biodiversity" [Poster presentation]. Joint 6th SASA International Conference, International Research In Africa, Toronto, Canada.
  • Muyumba Nonga, W., Gauthier, M.-L., Bakari, A., Palmieri, C., Ngoy, E., Lumbu Simbi, J.-B., Meerts, P., Nachtergael, A., & Duez, P. (06 June 2019). "Applications of High-Performance Thin Layer Chromatography to the discrimination of morphotypes of Vitex madiensis subsp milanjiensis and Vitex mombassae (Lamiaceae)" [Poster presentation]. Biodiversity and Health, Multidisciplinary Workshop, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Nsenga, S., Ilunga Wa Ilunga, E., Bakari, A., Duez, P., Ngoy, S. M., & Meerts, P. (06 June 2019). "Caractérisation de la variation morphologique des espèces médicinales du genre Vitex (Lamiaceae) dans le Haut-Katanga (R.D. Congo)" [Poster presentation]. Biodiversity and Health, Multidisciplinary Workshop, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Bashige, V., Bakari, A., Kahumba Byanga, J., Duez, P., & Lumbu Simbi, J.-B. (06 June 2019). "Antiplasmodial and antioxidant activities, acute toxicity and phytochemistry of leaf extracts of Dalbergia katangensis Lechenaud" [Poster presentation]. Joint 6th SASA International Conference, International Research In Africa, Toronto, Canada.
  • Numbi Mujike, D., Ngoy, S. M., Ilunga Wa Ilunga, E., Bakari, A., Duez, P., & Meerts, P. (06 June 2019). "Domestication des plantes médicinales du Haut˗Katanga (R.D. Congo) : croissance en pépinière de quatre espèces du genre Vitex (Lamiaceae)" [Poster presentation]. Biodiversity and Health, Multidisciplinary Workshop, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Nzuzi, G., Muyumba Nonga, W., Gauthier, M.-L., Panda, S. K., Luyten, W., Nachtergael, A., Vandenput, S., Bakari, A., Okombe, E. V., & Duez, P. (06 June 2019). "Anthelmintic screening of five Vitex species used in Traditional Medicine in Katanga Province (DR Congo)" [Poster presentation]. Biodiversity and Health, Multidisciplinary Workshop, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Aro, R., Diallo, A., Pichuèque, M., Wauters, M., Nachtergael, A., Ris, L., Duez, P., & Manto, M. (24 May 2019). "Reshaping our appraisal of environmental factors in Essential tremor including Harmane using 3D neural spheroid" [Poster presentation]. The 13th National Congress of the Belgian Society of Neuroscience, Palais des academies, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Muyumba Nonga, W., Bakari, A., Meerts, P., Nachtergael, A., Duez, P., & Kahumba Byanga, J. (17 May 2019). "Comparaison of chemical profiles of Vitex species used in traditional human and veterinary medicine (DR Congo) by HPTLC" [Poster presentation]. Phytoday 2019, ULB, Belgium.
  • Aro, R., Diallo, A., Pichuèque, M., Wauters, M., Nachtergael, A., Ris, L., Duez, P., & Manto, M. (17 May 2019). "Using 3D Neural Spheroid Cultures to assess Harmane Neurotoxicity" [Poster presentation]. EDT BCMB PhD Student Day 2019, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Taco, V., Duez, P., Palmieri, C., & Nachtergael, A. (05 May 2019). "HPTLC-bioautography for the evaluation of the antioxidant and anti-hyperglycemic activities of natural deep eutectic solvent extracts obtained from quinoa leaves (Chenopodium quinoa Willd)" [Poster presentation]. 4th Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference, Dresden, Germany.
  • Semay, I., Vanderplanck, M., Nachtergael, A., Duez, P., Michez, D., & Gerbaux, P. (26 April 2019). "Research of an optimal flora for bee conservation" [Poster presentation]. Journée des jeunes Chercheurs SRC - ULB, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Aro, R., Nachtergael, A., Ris, L., & Duez, P. (18 March 2019). "Evaluating the neurotoxic effect of Harmane in 3D neuronal cultures" [Poster presentation]. Workshop UMHAP Medical Research Center, Mons, Belgium.
  • Aro, R., Diallo, A., Pichueque, M., Nachtergael, A., Ris, L., & Duez, P. (05 March 2019). "Three-dimensional neuronal culture 'mini-brains' to evaluate the neurotoxic effects of the β-carboline alkaloid harmane" [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs, Mons, Belgium.
  • Carette, J., Randriantseheno, L., Nachtergael, A., Rasamiravaka, T., El Jaziri, M., & Duez, P. (05 March 2019). "Unravelling the biofilm architecture of P.aeruginosa and its mutants: a vital knowledge to tackle infectious diseases" [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs 2019 (MdC2019), Mons, Belgium.
Rapports/Rapport de recherche interne
  • Carette, J., Gbolo Zoawe, B., & Duez, P. (2019). "Etude de l'activité anti-drépanocytaire de plantes médicinales utilisée en médecine traditionnelle congolaise- Comité d'éthique".
  • Duez, P. (2019). "Choice of databases for assignment of botanical names [Document EDQM : PA/PH/Exp. TCM/T (19) 33]".
  • Palmieri, C., & Duez, P. (2019). "Collaborative Trial for a HPTLC limit test for minimum content of tetrahydropalmatine and corydaline in Corydalis rhizome [PA/PH/Exp. TCM/T (19) 1]".
  • Palmieri, C., & Duez, P. (2019). "Armeniacae amarum semen & Persicae semen. Introduction of a rancidity test and of an isocratic step in the LC Assay [Document EDQM : PA/PH/Exp. TCM/T (19)13]".
Mémoires et thèses/Thèse de doctorat
  • Ingels, A. (2019). "Contribution à l'étude de la sphaeropsidine A et de ses dérivés pour combattre certains cancers agressifs et en particulier, les mélanomes" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/22986
  • Lenaerts, C. (2019). "Défis et stratégies novatrices pour la quantification de la marinobufagénine : application au syndrome de prééclampsie" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/11041
Allocutions et communications diverses/Article grand public
Allocutions et communications diverses/Autre
  • Nachtergael, A., & Duez, P. (2019). "Démystifier l'utilisation des huiles essentielles".
  • Gélinne, C., & Duez, P. (2019). "La santé dans l'assiette".
  • Carette, J., Van Koninckxloo-Van Bever, A., Nachtergael, A., & Duez, P. (2019). "Tout s'explique : La zoopharmacognosie".
Parties d’ouvrages/Contribution à des ouvrages collectifs
  • Martín López, B., Church, A., Basak Dessane, E., Chenu, C., Christie, M., Gerino, M., Keune, H., Oteros Rozas, E., Paillard, S., Rossberg, A. G., Schröter, M., van Oudenhoven, A., Osipova, E., Aloe Karabulut, A., Avcioglu Çokçaliskan, B., Bilgin, A., Breeze, T., Bukvareva, E., Duez, P., ... Urbanc, M. (2018). Nature's contributions to people and quality of life. In M. Rounsevell, M. Fischer, A. Torre-Marin Rando, ... A. Mader (Eds.), "The IPBES regional assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services for Europe and Central Asia". Secretariat of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, Bonn, Germany.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
  • Povilaityte-Petri, V., & Duez, P. (28 November 2018). "Cultural heritage and nature in urban museums: unlocking potential for mental health" [Paper presentation]. Cultural Heritage for Mental Health Recovery International Conference, Gand, Belgium.
  • Povilaityte-Petri, V., Carette, J., & Duez, P. (14 November 2018). "Les plantes médicinales dans le paysage urbain contemporain" [Paper presentation]. Plantes médicinales: tradition culturelle et recherche de pointe (Scitech² ), UMONS, Belgium.
  • Carette, J., Van Koninckxloo-Van Bever, A., Nachtergael, A., & Duez, P. (07 November 2018). "La zoopharmacognosie: l'automédication chez les animaux" [Paper presentation]. Plantes médicinales: tradition culturelle et recherche de pointe (Scitech² ), UMONS, Belgium.
  • Povilaityte-Petri, V., Duez, P., & Kilpi, K. (11 October 2018). "Is an urban farm always a care farm?" [Paper presentation]. 14th International People Plant Symposium, IPPS2018, Nature-based solutions for health and well-being - Aspects of promotion, prevention and intervention, Malmö, Sweden.
  • Duez, P. (11 October 2018). "Pharmacology and chemistry of phytomedicines:a clue for the rational design of innovative drugs?" [Paper presentation]. Journée Scientifique de la Société Royale de Chimie, Mons, Belgium.
  • Povilaityte-Petri, V., Duez, P., & Kilpi, K. (11 October 2018). "The benefits of urban agriculture for enhancing human health in Brussels, Belgium" [Paper presentation]. 14th International People Plant Symposium, IPPS2018, Nature-based solutions for health and well-being - Aspects of promotion, prevention and intervention, Malmö, Sweden.
  • Taco, V., Iza, D., Borja, D., Villacrés, E., Duez, P., & Nachtergael, A. (24 September 2018). "Chemical profiling of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) leaves from Ecuadorian varieties using chromatographic techniques" [Paper presentation]. Conference of the University Botanical Garden. Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Puebla-Mexico, Mexico.
  • Bakari, A., Meerts, P., Vandenput, S., Okombe, E. V., Ngoy, E., Ngoy, S. M., Kahola, T. O., Kampemba, M. F., Nkulu, F. J., & Duez, P. (25 July 2018). "Le Projet PhytoKat ; une approche innovante pour contrer l'érosion de la végétation provoquée par l'activité anthropique dans le Katanga" [Paper presentation]. Conférence Internationale sur la Conservation de la Biodiversité et des services Ecosystémiques organisée conjointement par le CIBES et la GIZ, Kinshasa, Congo - Kinshasa.
  • Bakari, A., & Duez, P. (07 July 2018). "Traditional African Medicine: validation and modernization. The case of D.R. Congo" [Paper presentation]. 'Future Trends in Global Healthcare - Fusion of Traditional Medicines and Modern Technologies', The First Cambridge Belt & Road Initiative International Conference, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
  • Duez, P. (05 July 2018). "The Pharmacology and Toxicology Special Interest Group, an integrated action" [Paper presentation]. The 6th Annual Meeting of the Good Practice in Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Association (GP-TCM RA), London, United Kingdom.
  • Aro, R., Diallo, A., Pichueque, M., Wauters, M., Nachtergael, A., Ris, L., Duez, P., & Manto, M. (04 July 2018). "Assessing Harmane Neurotoxicity Using 3D Neural Spheroid Cultures: Reshaping Our Appraisal Of Environmental Factors With Mini-brains" [Paper presentation]. The 6th Annual Meeting of the Good Practice in Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Association, London, United Kingdom.
  • Povilaityte-Petri, V., & Duez, P. (20 June 2018). "Connecting people with nature through urban agriculture and gardening" [Paper presentation]. Nature Connections 2018, Derby, United Kingdom.
  • Bakari, A., Meerts, P., Vandenput, S., Okombe, E. V., Ngoy, E., Ngoy, S. M., Kahola, T. O., Kampemba, M. F., Nkulu, F. J., & Duez, P. (14 May 2018). "Le Projet PhytoKat ; approche pluridisciplinaire pour l'utilisation rationnelle des ressources médicinales dans le Haut-Katanga" [Paper presentation]. Symposium International 'Sol et sous-sol en République Démocratique du Congo, perspectives 2030-2035', Lubumbashi, Congo - Kinshasa.
  • Manya, H., Keymeulen, F., Ngezahayo, J., Bakari, A., Kalonda Mutombo, E., Kahumba Byanga, J., Duez, P., Stévigny, C., & Lumbu Simbi, J.-B. (30 January 2018). "Antimalarial herbal remedies of Bukavu and Uvira areas in DR Congo" [Paper presentation]. Troisièmes journées médicales, pharmaceutiques et odontologiques, UFR des Sciences de la Santé de l'Université Ouaga 1, Professeur J. KiZerbo, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
  • Numbi Mujike, D., Ngoy, S. M., Ilunga Wa Ilunga, E., Bakari, A., Duez, P., & Meerts, P. (07 December 2018). "Domestication et production en culture de plantes médicinales du Katanga" [Poster presentation]. 3rd Young Researchers Overseas Day, Royal Academy for Overseas Science, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Bakari, A., Meerts, P., Vandenput, S., Okombe, E. V., Ngoy, E., Ngoy, S. M., Kahola, T. O., Kampemba, M. F., Nkulu, F. J., & Duez, P. (07 December 2018). "Le projet PHYTOKAT à Lubumbashi (R.D. Congo): Conditions pour l'intégration de la médecine traditionnelle aux soins de santé modernes: caractérisation, validation biologique et culture ex situ de plantes médicinales" [Poster presentation]. 3rd Young Researchers Overseas Day, Royal Academy for Overseas Science, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Nsenga, S., Ngoy, S. M., Ilunga Wa Ilunga, E., Bakari, A., Duez, P., & Meerts, P. (07 December 2018). "Ecologie et conservation des plantes médicinales dans la région de Lubumbashi" [Poster presentation]. 3rd Young Researchers Overseas Day, Royal Academy for Overseas Science, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Carette, J., Nachtergael, A., Rasamiravaka, T., El Jaziri, M., & Duez, P. (27 August 2018). "Disturbing the P.aeruginosa biofilm architecture by natural products: an original strategy to synergize infectious diseases treatments: Julie Carette, Amandine Nachtergael, Tsiry Rasamiravaka, Mondher El Jaziri and Pierre Duez" [Poster presentation]. 66th Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research, Shanghai, China.
  • Thi Nguyen, B.-L., Wells, M., Nachtergael, A., & Duez, P. (26 August 2018). "Cytotoxicity study of Equisetum diffusum D. Don., Glochidion eriocarpum Champ. ex Benth., Clerodendrum cyrtophyllum Turcz. collected in Northern Vietnam" [Poster presentation]. 66th Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research, Shanghai, China.
  • Muyumba Nonga, W., Bakari, A., Palmieri, C., Ngoy, E., Nachtergael, A., & Duez, P. (26 August 2018). "Chemical profiling of Katangan Vitex species used in traditional human and veterinary medecine (DR Congo)" [Poster presentation]. 66th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research (GA) jointly with the 11th Shanghai TCM conference, Shangai, China.
  • Plumat, Q., Palmieri, C., Van Koninckxloo-Van Bever, A., Nachtergael, A., & Duez, P. (26 August 2018). "A general method for the detection of toxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids? Investigation of qPCR for measuring DNA adduction" [Poster presentation]. 66th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research (GA) jointly with the 11th Shanghai TCM conference, Shangai, China.
  • Povilaityte-Petri, V., Hammerl, M., & Duez, P. (06 July 2018). "Sustainable sourcing of medicinal food plants while respecting biodiversity: recent developments in the EU" [Poster presentation]. The 6th Annual Meeting of the Good Practice in Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Association (GP-TCM RA), London, United Kingdom.
  • Povilaityte-Petri, V., & Duez, P. (05 July 2018). "Use of Sweet flag (Acorus calamus L.) in Europe and Traditional Chinese Medicine" [Poster presentation]. The 6th Annual Meeting of the Good Practice in Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Association (GP-TCM RA), London, United Kingdom.
  • Taco, V., Duez, P., & Nachtergael, A. (04 July 2018). "Chemical profiling of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) extracts from Ecuadorian varieties using HPTLC-MS and HPLC-DAD" [Poster presentation]. The 6th Annual Meeting of the Good Practice in Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Association (GP-TCM RA), London, United Kingdom.
  • Plumat, Q., Palmieri, C., Van Koninckxloo-Van Bever, A., Nachtergael, A., & Duez, P. (04 July 2018). "Universal detection of toxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids in plants by qPCR" [Poster presentation]. The 6th Annual Meeting of the Good Practice in Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Association (GP-TCM RA), London, United Kingdom.
  • Carette, J., Nachtergael, A., Rasamiravaka, T., El Jaziri, M., & Duez, P. (03 July 2018). "Prospects on natural molecules disturbing Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms architecture" [Poster presentation]. The 6th Annual Meeting of the Good Practice in Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Association, London, United Kingdom.
  • Taco, V., Duez, P., & Nachtergael, A. (24 May 2018). "HPTLC and HPLC chemical profiling of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) leaves extracts obtained with natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES)" [Poster presentation]. 4th international conference : Green Chemistry and White Biotechnology :from innovation to business, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
Rapports/Rapport de recherche interne
  • Palmieri, C., & Duez, P. (2018). "Thunberg fritillary bulb Collaborative trial [Document PA/PH/Exp.TCM/T(18)75]". European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & HealthCare (EDQM), Strasbourg, France.
  • Palmieri, C., & Duez, P. (2018). "Peach seed,Armeniacae amarum seed [PA/PH/Exp.TCM/T(18)74]". European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & HealthCare (EDQM), Strasbourg, France.
  • Carette, J., Palmieri, C., Nachtergael, A., & Duez, P. (2018). "Persicae semen [PA/PH/Exp.TCM/T(18)39]". European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & HealthCare (EDQM), Strasbourg, France.
  • Carette, J., Palmieri, C., Nachtergael, A., & Duez, P. (2018). "Armeniacae amarum seed [PA/PH/Exp.TCM/T(18)40]". European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & HealthCare (EDQM), Strasbourg, France.
Mémoires et thèses/Mémoire de licence/master
  • Diallo, A. (2018). "Pathogenèse du tremblement essentiel : caractérisation de composés potentiellement impliqués et développement d'un modèle original basé sur les mini-brains" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/20893
  • Malfroy, J.-B. (2018). "Quelle est la place du Pharmacien d'officine dans la gestion de l'hypertension systolique isolée chez la personne âgée ?" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/35124
  • Koumba Maguena, R.-J. (2018). "Nouvelles perspectives d'origine naturelle pour la prise en charge des dépendances aux opioïdes" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/39831
  • Simons, M. (2018). "Extraction, profilage et dosage des aldéhydes de Maillard issus d'un extrait de viande sur-cuite" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/33557
Mémoires et thèses/Thèse de doctorat
  • Decroo, C. (2018). "Apport de la mobilité ionique couplée à la spectrométrie de masse à la caractérisation structurale des saponines de plantes et d'animaux marins" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/20323
  • Liu, M. (2018). "Discovery of new anthelmintic compounds and their mechanism of action" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/33377
  • Catteau, L. (2018). "Identification of natural molecules as antimicrobials or β-lactams resistance modifying agents against Staphylococcus aureus" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/847
Allocutions et communications diverses/Autre
  • Povilaityte-Petri, V., Carette, J., Van Koninckxloo-Van Bever, A., & Duez, P. (2018). "Workshop : Medicinale planten & natuurlijke voeding".
  • Povilaityte-Petri, V., Carette, J., & Duez, P. (2018). "Les plantes médicinales dans le paysage urbain contemporain".
  • Duez, P. (2018). "Les plantes médicinales: une longue histoire...toujours d'actualité".
Parties d’ouvrages/Contribution à des ouvrages collectifs
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
  • Tshingani, K., Mukumbi, H., Donnen, P., Duez, P., & Dramaix, M. (23 December 2017). Impact of Moringa oleifera Lam leaves supplementation on the body mass index and immune response of HIV patients on antiretroviral therapy. "BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 17", 420-432. doi:10.1186/s12906-017-1920-z
  • Brahmi, F., Guendouze, N., Hauchard, D., Okusa, P. N., Kamagaju, L., Madani, K., & Duez, P. (20 December 2017). Phenolic profile and biological activities of Micromeria graeca (L.) Benth.ex Rchb. "International Journal of Food Properties, 20", 2070-2083. doi:10.1080/10942912.2017.1362650
  • Rasamiravakaa, T., Raveloson, A., Rajaonarivelo, J. P., Rabemanantsoa, C., Andrianarisoa, B., Duez, P., & El Jaziri, M. (20 December 2017). Malagasy traditional treatments of infectious plant diseases exert anti-virulence activities against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Ralstonia solanacearum. "Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences, 7" (4), 377-382.
  • Bashige, V., Bakari, A., Mbuyi-Kalonji, S., Kahumba Byanga, J., Duez, P., & Lumbu Simbi, J.-B. (2017). Étude ethnobotanique, phytochimique et évaluation de l'activité antiplasmodiale de 13 plantes réputées antipaludéennes dans la commune du Kenya (Lubumbashi, RDC). "Phytothérapie". doi:10.1007/s10298-017-1152-x
  • Rasamiravakaa, T., Rajaonarivelo, J. P., Rabemanantsoa, C., El Jaziri, M., Andrianarisoa, B., & Duez, P. (20 December 2017). Malagasy traditional treatments for food crops: a tool to control potato bacterial diseases ? "Crop Protection, 102", 49-55. doi:10.1016/j.cropro.2017.08.011
  • Gossuin, Y., Okusa, P. N., Vuong, Q. L., & Duez, P. (06 November 2017). NMR relaxation properties of the synthetic malaria pigment beta-hematin. "Scientific Reports, 7", 14557. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-15238-3
  • Rasamiravakaa, T., Ngezahayo, J., Pottier, L., Oliveira Ribeiro, S., Souard, F., Hari, L., Stévigny, C., El Jaziri, M., & Duez, P. (14 June 2017). Terpenoids from Platostoma rotundifolium (Briq.) A. J. Paton alter the expression of quorum sensing-related virulence factors and the formation of biofilm in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1. "International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 18", 1270. doi:10.3390/ijms18061270
  • Poivre, M., & Duez, P. (23 April 2017). Biological activity and toxicity of the Chinese herb Magnolia officinalis Rehder & E. Wilson (Houpo) and its constituents. "Journal of Zhejiang University. Science. B, 18" (3), 194-214. doi:10.1631/jzus.B1600299
  • Bakari, A., Mwamba, M., Lumbu Simbi, J.-B., Okusa, P. N., Duez, P., & Kahumba Byanga, J. (25 March 2017). Hypoglycemic and antihyperglycemic activities of nine medicinal herbs used as antidiabetic in the region of Lubumbashi (D.R. Congo). "Phytotherapy Research, 31" (7), 1029-1033. doi:10.1002/ptr.5814
  • Pardo, A., Josse, T., Mespouille, L., Blankert, B., Dubois, P., & Duez, P. (26 January 2017). Synthesis of Quercetin-imprinted Polymer Spherical Particles with Improved Ability to Capture Quercetin Analogues. "Phytochemical Analysis, 28" (4), 289-296. doi:10.1002/pca.2674
  • Bournine, L., Bensalem, S., Fatmi, S., Bedjou, F., Mathieu, V., Iguer-Ouada, M., Kiss, R., & Duez, P. (23 January 2017). Evaluation of the cytotoxic and cytostatic activities of alkaloid extracts from different parts of Peganum harmala L.(Zygophyllaceae). "European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 9", 91-96. doi:10.1016/j.eujim.2016.10.002
  • Ngezahayo, J., Oliveira Ribeiro, S., Fontaine, V., Hari, L., Stévigny, C., & Duez, P. (20 January 2017). In vitro study of five herbs used against microbial infections in Burundi. "Phytotherapy Research, 31" (10), 1571-1578. doi:10.1002/ptr.5887
  • Giang, T. K., Bui, Q. T., Ngo, X. M., & Duez, P. (01 January 2017). Polyphenolic compounds and antioxidative activity of the Shan tea (Camellia sinensis var. Shan). "Journal des Sciences et Technologies Agricoles, 15" (4), 409-418.
Ouvrages/Ouvrage collectif publié en tant qu’éditeur ou directeur
  • Pelkonen, O., Duez, P., Vuorela, P. M., Vuorela, H., Pelkonen, O. (Ed.), Duez, P. (Ed.), Vuorela, P. M. (Ed.), & Vuorela, H. (Ed.). (2017). "Toxicology of Herbal Products". Springer.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
  • Traore, O., Okusa, P. N., Compaoré, M., Duez, P., Blankert, B., & Kiendrebeogo, M. (17 October 2017). "Développement d'un dispositif micro-fluidique magnétique pour le diagnostic de la malaria : modélisation et validation physico-chimique du procédé" [Paper presentation]. 1er Congrès Scientifique International de la SOPHATOX-BURKINA, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
  • Bashige, V., Bakari, A., Kahumba Byanga, J., Duez, P., & Lumbu Simbi, J.-B. (06 October 2017). "Antiplasmodial and antioxidant activities, acute toxicity and phytochemistry of leaf extracts of Dalbergia katangensis Lechenaud" [Paper presentation]. Joint 5th SASA International Conference & 2nd Rwanda Biotechnology Conference, 'Translational science and biotechnology advances in Africa', Kigali, Rwanda.
  • Bakari, A., Meerts, P., Vandenput, S., Okombe, E. V., Ngoy, E., Ngoy, S. M., Kahola, T. O., Kampemba, M. F., Nkulu, F. J., & Duez, P. (06 October 2017). "The project Phytokat in Katanga (Democratic Republic of Congo): Conditions for the integration of traditional medicine in modern healthcare and a model answer against anthropogenic erosion of biodiversity" [Paper presentation]. Joint 5th SASA International Conference & 2nd Rwanda Biotechnology Conference, 'Translational science and biotechnology advances in Africa', Kigali, Rwanda.
  • Kalonji, N. J. B., Boakanya, I. A., Kalonji, M. B. G., Mwamba, P. T., & Duez, P. (06 October 2017). "Practice of geophagia by pregnant women in the Democratic Republic of Congo - Katanga epidemiological data" [Paper presentation]. Joint 5th SASA International Conference & 2nd Rwanda Biotechnology Conference, 'Translational science and biotechnology advances in Africa', Kigali, Rwanda.
  • Carette, J., Nachtergael, A., Sinaeve, S., Stevigny, C., & Duez, P. (13 September 2017). "Plant Microscopy Training" [Paper presentation]. Plant Microscopy Training, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Povilaityte-Petri, V., & Duez, P. (11 September 2017). "Medicinal plants in Belgium" [Paper presentation]. Rural History. Panel 'Towards a sustainable use of medicinal plants. Historical perspectives on foraging, cultivation and use of medicinal plants in European countries', Leuven, Belgium.
  • Povilaityte-Petri, V., & Duez, P. (25 June 2017). "The benefits of urban medicinal gardens for human health" [Paper presentation]. Biodiversity and Health in the Face of Climate Change, Challenges, opportunities and evidence gaps, Bonn, Germany.
  • Povilaityte-Petri, V., & Duez, P. (09 June 2017). "Medicinal plants in the City of Brussels, Belgium" [Paper presentation]. Living in a global world: ethnobotany, local knowledge and sustainability. 58th Annual Meeting of the Society for Economic Botany, Bragança, Portugal.
  • Gossuin, Y., Okusa, P. N., Vuong, Q. L., & Duez, P. (08 June 2017). "Effect of the synthetic malaria pigment b-hematin on water NMR relaxation times: implications for malaria diagnosis by NMR" [Paper presentation]. 10th Conference on Fast Field-Cycling NMR Relaxometry, Mikołajki, Poland.
  • Povilaityte-Petri, V., & Duez, P. (05 June 2017). "Medicinal plants in the City of Brussels, Belgium" [Paper presentation]. Living in a global world: ethnobotany, local knowledge and sustainability. 58th Annual Meeting of the Society for Economic Botany, Bragança, Portugal.
  • Povilaityte-Petri, V., & Duez, P. (04 May 2017). "Medicinal plants and ethnobotanical knowledge in urban environments" [Paper presentation]. Nature and society: synergies, conflicts, trade-offs, An international conference on synergies, conflicts and trade-offs in the relationship between nature and society, Ghent, Belgium.
  • Povilaityte-Petri, V., & Duez, P. (02 May 2017). "Medicinal plants and ethnobotanical knowledge in urban environments" [Paper presentation]. Nature and society: synergies, conflicts, trade-offs, An international conference on synergies, conflicts and trade-offs in the relationship between nature and society, Ghent, Belgium.
  • Bakari, A., Meerts, P., Vandenput, S., Okombe, E. V., Ngoy, E., Ngoy, S. M., Kahola, T. O., Kampemba, M. F., Nkulu, F. J., & Duez, P. (20 March 2017). "The project PhytoKat in Katanga (DRC): conditions for the integration of traditional medicine in modern healthcare and a model answer against anthropogenic erosion of biodiversity" [Paper presentation]. Land and Poverty Conference 2017: 'Responsible Land Governance - Towards an Evidence Based Approach', Washington, United States - District of Columbia.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
  • Povilaityte-Petri, V., & Duez, P. (27 June 2017). "The benefits of urban medicinal gardens for human health" [Poster presentation]. Biodiversity and Health in the Face of Climate Change, Challenges, opportunities and evidence gaps, Bonn, Germany.
  • Gossuin, Y., Okusa, P. N., Vuong, Q. L., & Duez, P. (08 May 2017). "Effect of the synthetic malaria pigment beta-hematin on water NMR relaxation times: implications for malaria diagnosis by NMR" [Poster presentation]. General Scientific Meeting of the Belgian Physical Society, Mons, Belgium.
  • Carette, J., Nachtergael, A., & Duez, P. (07 March 2017). "Elaboration of Persicae semen and Armeniacae semen amarum monographs" [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs (MdC2017), Mons, Belgium.
  • Manya, H., Bashige, V., Bakari, A., Mbangu, M., Kahumba Byanga, J., Duez, P., Stévigny, C., & Lumbu Simbi, J.-B. (17 January 2017). "Evaluation of antiplasmodial activity of plants used in the treatment of malaria in Bukavu and Uvira: validation of a new biological screening tool, bioguided fractionation and isolation of active compounds" [Poster presentation]. Ecoles doctorales de l'ULB, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Rapports/Rapport de recherche interne
  • Nachtergael, A., & Duez, P. (2017). "Review of genotoxicity data obtained on PHARMATOKA Cranberry Purified Dry Extract: Bacterial reverse mutation test on five strains of Salmonella typhimurium His- Using B.N. Ames' Technique".
Mémoires et thèses/Thèse de doctorat
  • Bordignon, A. (2017). "Contribution à l'étude phytochimique de deux plantes endémiques de l'Ile de la Réunion, Vernonia fimbrillifera et Monimia rotundifolia" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/7451
  • Tshingani, K. (2017). "Amélioration de l'état nutritionnel des personnes vivant avec le Virus de l'Immunodéficience Humaine traitées aux antirétroviraux à Kinshasa, République Démocratique du Congo : Quid de la supplémentation au Moringa oleifera ? Enjeux, défis et perspectives en RDC" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/40310
Allocutions et communications diverses/Autre
  • Nachtergael, A., & Duez, P. (2017). "Report 2017-11-06".
  • Nachtergael, A., & Duez, P. (2017). "Report 2017-05-01: Genotoxicity data obtained on PHARMATOKA Cranberry Purified Dry Extract: 'Bacterial reverse mutation test on five strains of Salmonella typhimurium His- Using B.N. Ames' Technique' Study Number FSR-IPL 150503, Institut Pasteur de Lille, France, January 2016".
  • Carette, J., Nachtergael, A., & Duez, P. (2017). "Législations et normes qualités de la culture hydroponique".
Périodiques scientifiques/Compte rendu et recension critique d’ouvrage
  • Pardo, A., Duez, P., Generet, M., & STENUIT, S. (15 November 2016). Interactions médicaments-pamplemousse: conséquences cliniques et pharmacocinétiques. "Vaisseaux, Coeur, Poumons, 21" (9), 52-55.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
  • Zhou, J., Barry, J. A., Pan, J.-X., Wang, F.-F., Fu, Z.-Z., Hardiman, P. J., Duez, P., & Qu, F. (23 December 2016). An Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz extract alleviates hyperandrogenism of polycystic ovarian syndrome. "International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 9" (2), 2758-2767.
  • Mwamba, P. T., Rongorongo, E. K., Bashige, V., Mbayo, G. K., Ntabaza-Ndage, V., Sumbu, T. N., Numbi, E. W., Duez, P., & Kalonji, N. J. B. (23 November 2016). Preliminary study on counterfeiting of artemether and artesunate marketed in Lubumbashi. "Pharmacology and Pharmacy, 7" (05), 185-192. doi:10.4236/pp.2016.75024
  • Marius, L., Traoré, R., Ouédraogo, N., Kini, F., Tibiri, A., Duez, P., & Guissou, I. P. (23 November 2016). In vitro antioxidant activity and phenolic contents of different fractions of ethanolic extract from Khaya senegalensis A. Juss. (Meliaceae) stem barks. "African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 10" (23), 501-507. doi:10.5897/AJPP2016.4564
  • Zater, H., Huet, J., Fontaine, V., Benayache, S., Stévigny, C., Duez, P., & Benayache, F. (23 November 2016). Chemical constituents, cytotoxic, antifungal and antimicrobial properties of Centaurea diluta Ait. subsp. algeriensis (Coss. & Dur.) Maire. "Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine, 9" (6), 554-561. doi:10.1016/j.apjtm.2016.04.016
  • Mwamba, P. T., Rongorongo, E. K., Bashige, V., Mbayo, G. K., Ntabaza-Ndage, V., Sumbu, T. N., Numbi, E. W., Duez, P., & Kalonji, N. J. B. (23 November 2016). Preliminary survey of counterfeiting of albendazole and metronidazole marketed in Lubumbashi. "International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 8" (7), 282-287.
  • Rasamiravaka, T., Labtani, Q., Mol, A., Megalizzi, V., Rabemanantsoa, C., Duez, P., & El Jaziri, M. (07 July 2016). An active fraction from Dalbergia trichocarpa Baker disrupts the formation and maintenance of biofilms in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1. "International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, 3" (4), 124-133. doi:10.17148/IARJSET.2016.3427
  • Lavita, S., Aro, R., Kiss, B., Manto, M., & Duez, P. (12 June 2016). The Role of β-Carboline Alkaloids in the Pathogenesis of Essential Tremor. "Cerebellum, 15" (3), 276-284. doi:10.1007/s12311-015-0751-z
  • Ngezahayo, J., Pottier, L., Oliveira Ribeiro, S., Delporte, C., Fontaine, V., Hari, L., Stévigny, C., & Duez, P. (02 April 2016). Plastotoma rotundifolium aerial tissue extract has antibacterial activities. "Industrial Crops and Products, 86", 301-310. doi:10.1016/j.indcrop.2016.04.004
  • Bashige, V., Manya, H., Ntabaza-Ndage, V., Numbi Ilunga, E., Bakari, A., Kalonda Mutombo, E., Kahumba Byanga, J., Okusa Ndjolo, P., Duez, P., & Lumbu Simbi, J.-B. (2016). Étude ethnobotanique, biologique et chimique de plantes réputées anticariogènes à Lubumbashi - RD Congo. "Phytothérapie", 1-8. doi:10.1007/s10298-015-1004-5
  • Shalukoma, C., Bogaert, J., Duez, P., Stévigny, C., Pongombo, S. C., & Visser, M. (17 February 2016). Savoir local et accessibilité des plantes médicinales dans la région montagneuse de Kahuzi-Biega, RD Congo. "Bois et Forêts des Tropiques, 326" (4), 43-55.
  • Pardo, A., Duez, P., Generet, M., & Sténuit, S. (27 January 2016). Interactions médicaments-pamplemousse: conséquences cliniques et pharmacocinétiques. "Revue Médico-chirurgicale du CHU de Charleroi, 2016-1", 3-7.
  • Sobhi, W., Stévigny, C., Duez, P., Calderon, P. B., Atmani, D., & Benboubetra, M. (05 January 2016). Effect of lipid extracts of Nigella sativa seeds on the liver ATP reduction and alpha-glucosidase inhibition. "Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 29" (1), 111-117.
  • Bunel, V., Antoine, M.-H., Stévigny, C., Nortier, J., & Duez, P. (01 January 2016). New in vitro insights on a cell death pathway induced by magnolol and honokiol in aristolochic acids tubulotoxicity. "Food and Chemical Toxicology, 87", 77-87. doi:10.1016/j.fct.2015.11.020
  • Shalukoma, C., Duez, P., Bigirimana, J., Bogaert, J., Stévigny, C., Pongombo, S. C., & Visser, M. (01 January 2016). Characterization of traditional healers in the mountain forest region of Kahuzi-Biega, South-Kivu, DR Congo. "Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 20" (1), 25-41.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
  • Traore, O., Kiendrebeogo, M., Okusa, P. N., Compaoré, M., Duez, P., & Blankert, B. (17 October 2016). "Development of a magnetic microfluidic device for the diagnosis of malaria: modeling and physico-chemical validation of the process" [Paper presentation]. 19th Forum of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Duez, P. (14 October 2016). "Soutien des Etablissements d'Enseignement Supérieur de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles aux Projets de l'Université de Lubumbashi, R.D. Congo" [Paper presentation]. Colloque 'L'internationalisation de l'enseignement supérieur', Charleroi, Belgium.
  • Duez, P. (09 October 2016). "Future of the Pharmacology-toxicology interest group" [Paper presentation]. The 5th Annual Meeting of GP-TCM Research Association-cum-Summit on Compendium of Materia Medica and Innovative Drug Discovery in Chinese Medicine, Hong Kong, China.
  • Bakari, A., Meerts, P., Vandeput, S., Okombe, E. V., Ngoy, E., Ngoy, S. M., Kahola, T. O., Kampemba, M. F., Nkulu, F. J., & Duez, P. (06 October 2016). "The project PhytoKat in Lubumbashi, D.R. Congo: conditions for the integration of traditional medicine in modern healthcare" [Paper presentation]. European Onehealth/ Ecohealth Workshop, Belgian Community of Practice, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Nachtergael, A., Poivre, M., & Duez, P. (09 August 2016). "Indirect genotoxicity of herbal medicines" [Paper presentation]. The 5th Annual Meeting of GP-TCM Research Association-cum-Summit on Compendium of Materia Medica and Innovative Drug Discovery in Chinese Medicine, Hong Kong, China.
  • Bunel, V., & Duez, P. (08 August 2016). "Interactions of herbal extracts with drugs: possible mechanisms" [Paper presentation]. 'Pre-meeting Interest group discussion: the pharmacology and toxicology interest group', 'The 5th Annual Meeting of GP-TCM Research Association-cum-Summit on Compendium of Materia Medica and Innovative Drug Discovery in Chinese Medicine, Hong-Kong, China.
  • Duez, P. (08 August 2016). "Overview on Progress of the Pharmacology-toxicology interest group" [Paper presentation]. 'Pre-meeting Interest group discussion: the pharmacology and toxicology interest group', 'The 5th Annual Meeting of GP-TCM Research Association-cum-Summit on Compendium of Materia Medica and Innovative Drug Discovery in Chinese Medicine, Hong-Kong, China.
  • Bunel, V., & Duez, P. (22 July 2016). "Interactions of herbal extracts with drugs: possible mechanisms" [Paper presentation]. workshop 'The Future of Phytomedicines: What Are Key Principles?', Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Traore, O., Compaoré, M., Okusa, P. N., Kiendrebeogo, M., Blankert, B., & Duez, P. (20 July 2016). "Développement d'un dispositif microfluidique magnétique de diagnostic de la malaria: validation physico-chimique de la méthode" [Paper presentation]. Journées Doctorales du Département de Biochimie et Microbiologie, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
  • Nachtergael, A., Poivre, M., Charles, C., & Duez, P. (19 May 2016). "Interference with DNA damage repair and translesion synthesis: a possible mechanism for natural products chemoprevention and indirect genotoxicity" [Paper presentation]. 10th International Scientific Conference 'Vital Nature Sign', Vilnius, Lithuania.
  • Nachtergael, A., Poivre, M., Charles, C., & Duez, P. (19 May 2016). "Interference with DNA damage repair and translesion synthesis: a possible mechanism for natural products chemoprevention and indirect genotoxicity" [Paper presentation]. 10th International Scientific Conference 'Vital Nature Sign', Vilnius, Lithuania.
  • Poivre, M., & Duez, P. (24 March 2016). "Les huiles essentielles en aromathérapie : mythe ou réalité ?" [Paper presentation]. Exposition plantes médicinales (SciTech2), UMONS, Belgium.
  • Manya, H., Bashige, V., Bakari, A., Mbangu, M., Kahumba Byanga, J., Duez, P., Stévigny, C., & Lumbu Simbi, J.-B. (30 January 2016). "Enquête ethnobotanique, criblage chimique et biologique de plantes utilisées contre le paludisme en médicine traditionnelle à Bukavu et à Uvira /RD. Congo" [Paper presentation]. Journées Scientifiques Conjointes de la Faculté de Médecine, Pharmacie et Médecine Vétérinaire, Faculté de Médecine, UNILU, Lubumbashi, Congo - Kinshasa.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
  • Manya, M., Kahumba, B., Duez, P., Stévigny, C., & Lumbu Simbi, J.-B. (22 December 2016). "Survey of plants used in traditional medicine against malaria in Bukavu and Uvira /DR Congo" [Poster presentation]. Journée des Doctorants en Sciences Biomédicales, Sciences Dentaires, Sciences Médicales & Sciences Pharmaceutiques, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Manya, H., Bashige, V., Bakari, A., Mbangu, M., Kahumba Byanga, J., Duez, P., Stévigny, C., & Lumbu Simbi, J.-B. (22 December 2016). "Survey of plants used in traditional medicine against malaria in Bukavu and Uvira /DR Congo" [Poster presentation]. 16th Doctoral Day, Biomedical Sciences, Dentistry, Medical Sciences & Pharmaceutical Sciences, ULB, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Shalukoma, C., Duez, P., Bigirimana, J., Bogaert, J., Stévigny, C., Pongombo, S. C., & Visser, M. (06 October 2016). "Typology of healers in traditional medicine around the Kahuzi-Biega national Park, DR Congo" [Poster presentation]. European Onehealth/ Ecohealth Workshop, Belgian Community of Practice, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Povilaityte-Petri, V., & Duez, P. (06 October 2016). "Sustainable use of medicinal plants and their products" [Poster presentation]. European Onehealth/ Ecohealth Workshop, Belgian Community of Practice, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Poivre, M., Nachtergael, A., Antoine, M.-H., Nortier, J., Atsapkina, A., Kryshen, K., Shikov, A., & Duez, P. (09 August 2016). "Harmful plant combination: implication of the traditional Chinese herb Hou Po (Magnolia officinalis) in the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of Aristolochia sp" [Poster presentation]. The 5th Annual Meeting of GP-TCM Research Association-cum-Summit on Compendium of Materia Medica and Innovative Drug Discovery in Chinese Medicine, Hong Kong, China.
  • Poivre, M., Nachtergael, A., Antoine, M.-H., Nortier, J., Atsapkina, A., Kryshen, K., Shikov, A., & Duez, P. (11 July 2016). "Harmful plant combination: implication of Magnolia officinalis bark in the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of Aristolochia sp" [Poster presentation]. Phytopharm 2016, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
  • Bakari, A., Mwamba, M., Kalonji, N. J. B., Lumbu Simbi, J.-B., Duez, P., & Kahumba, B. (20 June 2016). "Discovery of active compounds from plants used as antidiabetics in traditional medicine in DR Congo" [Poster presentation]. African Pharma Congress, Cape Town, South Africa.
  • Bakari, A., Mwamba, M., Kalonji, N. J. B., Lumbu Simbi, J.-B., Duez, P., & Kahumba, B. (29 May 2016). "Discovery of active compounds from plants used as antidiabetics in traditional medicine" [Poster presentation]. 6th International Congress on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, CIPAM 2016, Coimbra, Portugal.
  • Poivre, M., Nachtergael, A., Atsapkina, A., Kryshen, K., Antoine, M.-H., Nortier, J., Shikov, A., & Duez, P. (18 May 2016). "Cytotoxicity and genotoxicity assessment of two traditional Chinese herbs (Aristolochia baetica and Magnolia officinalis) and their characterization" [Poster presentation]. 9ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs 2016 (MdC2016), Valenciennes, France.
  • Poivre, M., Nachtergael, A., Antoine, M.-H., Nortier, J., Atsapkina, A., Kryshen, K., Shikov, A., & Duez, P. (22 April 2016). "Implication of the traditional Chinese antioxidant herb Magnolia officinalis in the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of Aristolochia sp" [Poster presentation]. The FNRS contact group 'Oxidative Processes and Antioxidants' - New Frontiers in Oxidative Stress and Redox Regulation, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium.
Mémoires et thèses/Mémoire de licence/master
  • Borbouse, L. (2016). "Isolement, quantification et caractérisation phytochimique par HPTLC-MS des alcaloïdes et lignanes présents dans différents extraits de l'écorce du Magnolia officinalis Rehder & E.H. Wilson" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/7327
  • Nowak, C. (2016). "L'impact des facteurs environnementaux sur la maladie de Parkinson" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/25682
  • Sinaeve, S. (2016). "La TLC-MS pour la déréplication d'extraits de plantes" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/27940
  • Bertal, C. (2016). "Avancées dans la recherche de nouvelles plantes à activité antipaludique" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/16126
  • Bashige, V. (2016). "Etude ethnobotanique, phytochimique et activité biologique de plantes réputées antipaludéennes à Bagira en RDC" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/25709
  • Lepperre, D. (2016). "La médecine chinoise a-t-elle un intérêt, en opposition ou en complément à la médecine traditionnelle ?" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/37027
  • Duveau, A. (2016). "Mise en évidence d'allergènes dans diverse matrices alimentaires par Elisa et RT-PCR. Seuils de détection et influence de la température" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/28520
  • Gannoun, L. (2016). "La génotoxicité des alcaloïdes pyrrolizidiniques: tests de détection pour les adduits à l'ADN" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/7063
Mémoires et thèses/Thèse de doctorat
  • Labranche, N. (2016). "Les effets des microparticules diesel sur la fonction vasculaire" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/5806
  • Ngezahayo, J. (2016). "Plantes médicinales du Burundi et maladies infectieuses: enquête ethnobotanique et activités antibactériennes directe et indirecte de composés isolés de Platostoma rotundifolium (Briq.) A. J. Paton (Lamiaceae)" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/17645
  • Kalonda Mutombo, E. (2016). "Identification des alcaloïdes des Coccinellidae du Katanga Méridional et possibilité de valorisation de ces molécules" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/3758
Allocutions et communications diverses/Autre
  • Duez, P. (2016). "Les plantes médicinales: une longue histoire...toujours d'actualité".
  • Misselyn, A., Wynsberghe, D., Poivre, M., & Duez, P. (2016). "Les plantes médicinales : tradition culturelle et recherche de pointe".
  • Duez, P. (2016). "Les plantes médicinales: une longue histoire...toujours d'actualité".
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
  • Mwamba, P. T., Bakari, A., Rongorongo, E. K., Mukeba, D. M., Bokanya, A. I., Duez, P., & Kalonji, N. J. B. (05 November 2015). Enquête sur la contrefaçon de quelques anti-infectieux administrés per os commercialisés dans la ville de Lubumbashi. "Pan African Medical Journal, 22", 318-324. doi:10.11604/pamj.2015.22.318.7302
  • Ayina, K., Hema, A., Dabiré, C., Palé, E., Duez, P., Luhmer, M., & Nacro, M. (05 November 2015). Major anthocyanin structure elucidation and radical-scavenging activities of total anthocyanins extract from Terminalia catappa red leaves. "ChemXpress, 8" (1), 48-55.
  • Bunel, V., Qu, F., Duez, P., & Xu, Q. (05 November 2015). Herbal Medicines for Acute Kidney Injury: evidence, gaps and frontiers. "World Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 1" (3), 47-66. doi:10.15806/j.issn.2311-8571.2015.0019
  • Kahumba, J., Rasamiravakaa, T., Okusa Ndjolo, P., Bakari, A., Bizumukama, L., Kalonji, N. J. B., Kiendrebeogo, M., Rabemenantsoa, C., El Jaziri, M., Williamson, E. M., & Duez, P. (01 November 2015). Traditional African medicine: from ancestral knowledge to a modern integrated future. "Science, 350" (6259 Suppl), 61-S63.
  • Nachtergael, A., Poivre, M., Belayew, A., & Duez, P. (13 August 2015). In vitro genotoxicity tests point to an unexpected and harmful effect of a Magnolia and Aristolochia association. "Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 174", 178-186. doi:10.1016/j.jep.2015.07.045
  • Ngezahayo, J., Havyarimana, F., Hari, L., Stévigny, C., & Duez, P. (29 July 2015). Medicinal plants used by Burundian traditional healers for the treatment of microbial diseases. "Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 173", 338-351. doi:10.1016/j.jep.2015.07.028
  • Rasamiravakaa, T., Vandeputte, O. M., Pottier, L., Huet, J., Rabemanantsoa, C., Kiendrebeogo, M., Andriantsimahavandy, A., Rasamindrakotroka, A., Stévigny, C., Duez, P., & El Jaziri, M. (17 July 2015). Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm formation and persistence, along with the production of quorum sensing dependent virulence factors, are disrupted by a triterpenoid coumarate ester isolated from Dalbergia trichocarpa, a tropical legume. "PLoS ONE, 10" (7), 0132791. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0132791
  • Brahmi, F., Hauchard, D., Guendouze, N., Madani, K., Kiendrebeogo, M., Kamagaju, L., Stévigny, C., Chibane, M., & Duez, P. (18 June 2015). Phenolic composition, in vitro antioxidant effects and tyrosinase inhibitory activity of three Algerian Mentha species: M. spicata (L.), M. pulegium (L.) and M. rotundifolia (L.) Huds (Lamiaceae). "Industrial Crops and Products, 74", 722-730. doi:10.1016/j.indcrop.2015.04.038
  • Yamani, A., Bunel, V., Antoine, M.-H., Husson, C., Stévigny, C., Duez, P., Elachouri, M., & Nortier, J. (19 March 2015). Substitution between Aristolochia and Bryonia genus in North-Eastern Morocco: toxicological implications. "Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 166", 250-260. doi:10.1016/j.jep.2015.03.036
  • Guendouze-Bouchefa, N., Madani, K., Chibane, M., Boulekbache-Makhlouf, L., Hauchard, D., Kiendrebeogo, M., Stévigny, C., Okusa Ndjolo, P., & Duez, P. (01 February 2015). Phenolic compounds, antioxidant and antibacterial activities of three Ericaceae from Algeria. "Industrial Crops and Products, 70", 459-466. doi:10.1016/j.indcrop.2015.03.053
  • Williamson, E. M., Chan, K., Xu, Q., Nachtergael, A., Bunel, V., Zhang, L., Ouedraogo, M., Nortier, J., Qu, F., Shaw, D., Liu, X., Stevigny, C., Kahumba, J., Pelkonen, O., & Duez, P. (19 January 2015). Evaluating the safety of herbal medicines: Integrated toxicological approaches. "Science, 347" (6219 Suppl), 47-S49.
  • Bunel, V., Antoine, M.-H., Nortier, J., Duez, P., & Stévigny, C. (01 January 2015). Nephroprotective effects of ferulic acid, Z-ligustilide and E-ligustilide isolated from Angelica sinensis against cisplatin toxicity in vitro. "Toxicology in Vitro, 29" (3), 458-467.
  • Bunel, V., Antoine, M.-H., Nortier, J., Duez, P., & Stévigny, C. (01 January 2015). In vitro effects of Panax ginseng in aristolochic acid-mediated renal tubulotoxicity: apoptosis versus regeneration. "Planta Medica, 81" (5), 363-372. doi:10.1055/s-0035-1545839
  • Nachtergael, A., Coulembier, O., Dubois, P., Helvenstein, M., Duez, P., Blankert, B., & Mespouille, L. (01 January 2015). Organocatalysis paradigm revisited : are metal-free catalysts really harmless ? "Biomacromolecules, 16", 507-514. doi:10.1021/bm5015443
  • Bashige, V., Manya, H., Bakari, A., Sangwa, K., Kahumba, J., Duez, P., & Lumbu Simbi, J.-B. (01 January 2015). Prévalence et caractéristiques de l'automédication chez les étudiants de 18 à 35 ans résidant au Campus de la Kasapa de l'Université de Lubumbashi. "Pan African Medical Journal, 21", 107-119. doi:10.11604/pamj.2015.21.107.5651
  • Rasamiravakaa, T., Duez, P., El Jaziri, M., & Labtani, Q. (01 January 2015). The formation of biofilms by Pseudomonas aeruginosa: a review of the natural and synthetic compounds interfering with control mechanisms. "BioMed Research International, Article ID 759348". doi:10.1155/2015/759348
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
  • Duez, P. (26 November 2015). "Invited speaker & représentant de l'ARES-CCD" [Paper presentation]. Symposium 'Biodiversity and development, a global heritage', Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Duez, P. (26 November 2015). "Conserving and valorizing biodiversity: the medicinal flora of Madagascar', symposium 'Biodiversity and development, a global heritage" [Paper presentation]. Symposium 'Biodiversity and development, a global heritage', Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Duez, P. (09 November 2015). "Génériques et biosimilaires. Problématique de la bioéquivalence" [Paper presentation]. 'Médicaments biosimilaires : tour d'horizon', CHU Ambroise Paré, Belgium.
  • Poivre, M., Boisson, S., & Duez, P. (26 September 2015). "Doctorat et écoles doctorales (BURUNDI-R.D.CONGO-RWANDA)" [Paper presentation]. Réunion ARES-CCD, Kigali, Rwanda.
  • Poivre, M., & Duez, P. (29 April 2015). "Génotoxicité directe et indirecte de produits naturels" [Paper presentation]. Finale UMONS du concours 'Ma thèse en 180 secondes', Parc d'aventures scientifiques et de société (Pass), Frameries, Belgium.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
  • Bakari, A., Mwamba, M., Kalonji, N. J. B., Lumbu Simbi, J.-B., Duez, P., & Kahumba, B. (24 September 2015). "Discovery of active compounds from plants used as antidiabetic in traditional medicine" [Poster presentation]. Applied Biotechnology in Africa, Kigali, Rwanda.
  • Poivre, M., Nachtergael, A., Atsapkina, A., Kryshen, K., Belayew, A., Shikov, A., & Duez, P. (24 September 2015). "'Preliminary assessment of the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of an association Aristolochia baetica - Magnolia officinalis'" [Poster presentation]. Applied Biotechnology in Africa, Kigali, Rwanda.
  • Mwamba, M., Bakari, A., Rongorongo, E. K., Bokanya, A. I., Duez, P., & Kalonji, N. J. B. (24 September 2015). "Research of counterfeiting of artemisinin derivates in oral antimalarial combinations marketed in Lubumbashi" [Poster presentation]. Applied Biotechnology in Africa, Kigali, Rwanda.
  • Bunel, V., Qu, F., Duez, P., & Xu, Q. (18 August 2015). "Herbal medicines for acute kidney injury: evidence, gaps and frontiers" [Poster presentation]. 14th meeting of Consortium for Globalization of Chinese Medicine (CGCM), London, Canada.
  • Shalukoma, C., Duez, P., Bigirimana, J., Bogaert, J., Stevigny, C., Pongombo, S. C., & Visser, M. (15 July 2015). "Typology of traditional healers around the mountain forest of Kahuzi-Biega" [Poster presentation]. 2ème Symposium International AFERP-STOLON, Lyon, France.
  • Ngezahayo, J., Pottier, L., Oliveira Ribeiro, S., Fontaine, V., Hari, L., Stévigny, C., & Duez, P. (15 July 2015). "Antibacterial activity of pentacyclic triterpenoids acids from Platostoma rotundifolium aerial parts" [Poster presentation]. 2ème Symposium International AFERP-STOLON, Lyon, France.
  • Brahmi, F., Guendouze, N., Madani, K., Okusa Ndjolo, P., Kiendrebeogo, M., Kamagaju, L., Stevigny, C., Chibane, M., & Duez, P. (12 July 2015). "Phenolic profile, antibacterial, neuroprotective and cytotoxic properties of three algerian Mentha species" [Poster presentation]. Joint meeting of the GP-TCM Research Association, The TCM Chemistry Specialty Committee and the TCM Pharmaceutical Analysis Specialty Committee of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies, Mons, Belgium.
  • Guendouze-Bouchefa, N., Brahmi, F., Madani, K., Chibane, M., Kiendrebeogo, M., Stévigny, C., & Duez, P. (12 July 2015). "Polyphenols, cytotoxicity and enzymatic activities of three Ericaceae species from Algeria" [Poster presentation]. Joint meeting of the GP-TCM Research Association, The TCM Chemistry Specialty Committee and the TCM Pharmaceutical Analysis Specialty Committee of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies, Mons, Belgium.
  • Ngezahayo, J., Pottier, L., Oliveira Ribeiro, S., Fontaine, V., Hari, L., Stévigny, C., & Duez, P. (12 July 2015). "Triterpenoids from Platostoma rotundifolium and their antibacterial activity" [Poster presentation]. Joint meeting of the GP-TCM Research Association, The TCM Chemistry Specialty Committee and the TCM Pharmaceutical Analysis Specialty Committee of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies, Mons, Belgium.
  • Traore, O., Duez, P., Avaert, R., Haddadi, Z., Blankert, B., & Okusa Ndjolo, P. (12 July 2015). "An original diagnostic system for malaria to screen the antiplasmodial activity of African herbal medicines" [Poster presentation]. Joint meeting of the GP-TCM Research Association, The TCM Chemistry Specialty Committee and the TCM Pharmaceutical Analysis Specialty Committee of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies, Mons, Belgium.
  • Nachtergael, A., Lanterbecq, D., Gadenne, M., Belayew, A., & Duez, P. (12 July 2015). "Translesion synthesis modulators from natural products :: Analytical development, validation and applications" [Poster presentation]. Joint meeting of the GP-TCM Research Association, The TCM Chemistry Specialty Committee and the TCM Pharmaceutical Analysis Specialty Committee of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies, Mons, Belgium.
  • Poivre, M., Nachtergael, A., Belayew, A., & Duez, P. (12 July 2015). "Preliminary assessment of the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of an association Aristolochia - Magnolia" [Poster presentation]. Joint meeting of the GP-TCM Research Association, The TCM Chemistry Specialty Committee and the TCM Pharmaceutical Analysis Specialty Committee of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies, Mons, Belgium.
  • Manya, M., Bashige, V., Bakari, A., Mbangu, M., Kahumba, B., Stévigny, C., Lumbu Simbi, J.-B., & Duez, P. (12 July 2015). "Survey of plants used in traditional medicine against malaria in Bukavu and Uvira /DR Congo" [Poster presentation]. Joint meeting of the GP-TCM Research Association, The TCM Chemistry Specialty Committee and the TCM Pharmaceutical Analysis Specialty Committee of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies, Mons, Belgium.
  • Bashige, V., Manya, M., Bakari, A., Kahumba Byanga, J., Duez, P., & Lumbu Simbi, J.-B. (12 July 2015). "Ethnobotanical study of plants reputed antimalarial in the town of Bagira, South - Kivu in DR Congo" [Poster presentation]. Joint meeting of the GP-TCM Research Association, The TCM Chemistry Specialty Committee and the TCM Pharmaceutical Analysis Specialty Committee of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies, Mons, Belgium.
  • Rasamiravakaa, T., Duez, P., & El Jaziri, M. (12 July 2015). "New strategies for the control of bacterial infections: modulators of quorum sensing and biofilm formation from Malagasy Dalbergia species" [Poster presentation]. Joint meeting of the GP-TCM Research Association, The TCM Chemistry Specialty Committee and the TCM Pharmaceutical Analysis Specialty Committee of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies, Mons, Belgium.
  • Povilaityte-Petri, V., & Duez, P. (12 July 2015). "Role of medicinal and aromatic plants in modern urban communities of Brussels" [Poster presentation]. Joint meeting of the GP-TCM Research Association, The TCM Chemistry Specialty Committee and the TCM Pharmaceutical Analysis Specialty Committee of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies, Mons, Belgium.
  • Traore, O., Duez, P., Avaert, R., Blankert, B., & Okusa Ndjolo, P. (28 May 2015). "Développement d'un système fluidique exploitant les propriétés paramagnétiques de l'hémozoïne pour le diagnostic de la malaria" [Poster presentation]. Journées scientifiques sur la malaria 'Objectif : Zéro malaria en RDC', Université Bel Campus, Kinshasa, Congo - Kinshasa.
  • Poivre, M., Nachtergael, A., Belayew, A., & Duez, P. (22 May 2015). "A preliminary assessment of traditional Chinese herbs cytotoxicity and genotoxicity" [Poster presentation]. Journée d'études UMHAP - from lab to bedside, UMONS, Belgium.
  • Poivre, M., & Duez, P. (18 May 2015). "Génotoxicité directe et indirecte de produits naturels" [Poster presentation]. Première Journée scientifique du Pôle hainuyer 'La nutrition', Mons, Belgium.
  • Poivre, M., & Duez, P. (12 May 2015). "Génotoxicité directe et indirecte de produits naturels" [Poster presentation]. Journée scientifique du Pôle hainuyer (JSPH1), Mons, Belgium.
  • Okusa Ndjolo, P., & Duez, P. (12 May 2015). "Développement d'un système fluidique exploitant les propriétés paramagnétiques de particules d'hémozoïne pour le diagnostic de la malaria" [Poster presentation]. Journée scientifique du Pôle hainuyer (JSPH1), Mons, Belgium.
  • Lebailly, M., Poivre, M., Nachtergael, A., & Duez, P. (05 May 2015). "Determination of purity requirements for Chinese medicinal plants" [Poster presentation]. Présentation des posters pour les étudiants en Master Chimie de l'UMONS, Mons, Belgium.
  • Brahmi, F., Madani, K., Stevigny, C., Chibane, M., & Duez, P. (22 April 2015). "HPTLC method for quantitative determination of rosmarinic acid and evaluation of antioxidant capacity in the extracts of three Algerian mints" [Poster presentation]. 2nd Mediterranean symposium on medicinal and aromatic plants, Antalya, Turkey.
  • Bunel, V., Antoine, M.-H., Nortier, J., Duez, P., & Stévigny, C. (14 April 2015). "In vitro study for the identification of drugs able to prevent cisplatin-induced acute kidney injury" [Poster presentation]. C-KIN 2015 Annual Conference, Brussels, Belgium.
  • Yamani, A., Bunel, V., Antoine, M.-H., De Prez, E., Husson, C., Stevigny, C., Elachouri, M., Duez, P., & Nortier, J. (13 March 2015). "Traditional use of Aristolochia and Bryonia species in North-Eastern Morocco: an underestimated risk of acute tubular injury" [Poster presentation]. World Congress of Nephrology 2015, Cape Town, South Africa.
  • Traore, O., Duez, P., Avaert, R., Blankert, B., & Okusa Ndjolo, P. (10 March 2015). "Development of a fluidic device exploiting the paramagnetic susceptibility of hemozoin particles for malaria diagnosis" [Poster presentation]. 8ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs 2015 (MdC2015), Mons, Belgium.
  • Poivre, M., Nachtergael, A., Belayew, A., & Duez, P. (10 March 2015). "« Cytotoxicity and genotoxicity assessment of traditional Chinese herbal extracts »" [Poster presentation]. La matinée des chercheurs, Mons, Belgium.
Mémoires et thèses/Mémoire de licence/master
  • Lo Faso, M. (2015). "Quels sont les effets des polyphénols de cacao sur les troubles cognitifs de la maladie d'Alzheimer ?" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/7499
  • Liénard, A. (2015). "Approche de l'asthme en médecine traditionnelle" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/13770
  • Merlier, D. (2015). "Traitement de la leucémie myéloïde chronique par l'omacétaxine, alcaloïde de Cephalotaxus harringtonia" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/36198
Mémoires et thèses/Thèse de doctorat
  • Wimana, L. (2015). "ImmunoPet imaging using Zirconium89 radiolabeled trastuzumab to explore resistance in HER2+/MUC4+ breast cancer" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/19021
  • Nachtergael, A. (2015). "Dégâts à l'ADN et synthèse translésionnelle : étude des effets cellulaires de composés naturels" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/18612
  • Bakari, A. (2015). "Etude ethnobotanique, biologique et chimique de quelques plantes utilisées contre le diabète en Médecine Traditionnelle Congolaise" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/650
  • Helvenstein, M. (2015). "'Bioréacteur à base de cellules magnétiquement marquées pour l'étude de la biotransformation de substances d'intérêt pharmaceutique : développement et évaluation.'" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/14942
  • Girardi, C. (2015). "Recherche d'accepteurs de Michael à visées antiparasitaires à partir d'une Asteraceae : Pseudelephantopus spiralis (Less.) Cronquist" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/35108
  • El Hajj, P. (2015). "New prognosis markers and new targets for therapy in high risk melanoma: evaluation of TYP1 as a melanoma prognostic marker and its regulation by miRNA(s)" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/4156
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
  • Xu, Q., Feng, Y., Duez, P., Hendry, B. M., & Hylands, P. J. (19 December 2014). The hunt for antifibrotic and profibrotic botanicals. "Science, 346" (6216 Suppl.), 19-S20.
  • Bunel, V., Antoine, M.-H., Nortier, J., Duez, P., & Stévigny, C. (11 December 2014). Potential nephroprotective effects of the Chinese herb Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels against cisplatin tubulotoxicity. "Pharmaceutical Biology, 53" (7), 985-994. doi:10.3109/13880209.2014.951726
  • Pardo, A., Mespouille, L., Blankert, B., Trouillas, P., Surin, M., Dubois, P., & Duez, P. (27 August 2014). Quercetin-imprinted chromatographic sorbents revisited : optimization of synthesis and rebinding protocols for application to natural resources. "Journal of Chromatography. A, 1364", 128-139.
  • Okombe, E. V., Lumbu Simbi, J.-B., Stévigny, C., Vandenput, S., Pongombo, S. C., & Duez, P. (14 May 2014). Traditional plant-based remedies to control gastrointestinal disorders in livestock in the regions of Kamina and Kaniama (Katanga province, Democratic Republic of Congo). "Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 153" (3), 686-693. doi:10.1016/j.jep.2014.03.027
  • Hilou, A., Rappez, F., & Duez, P. (2014). Identification and quantification of phenolic compounds and flavonoids in anthelmintic ethnoveterinary plants used among Fulani and Mosse (Central Burkina Faso). "International Journal of Phytomedicine", (6), 87-92.
  • Bunel, V., Ouédraogo, M., Nguyen, A.-T., Stévigny, C., & Duez, P. (01 May 2014). Methods applied to the in vitro primary toxicology testing of natural products: State of the art, strengths and limits. "Planta Medica, 80", 1210-1226. doi:10.1055/s-0033-1360273
  • Okombe, E. V., Pongombo, S. C., Duez, P., & Vandenput, S. (01 May 2014). Remèdes vétérinaires traditionnels utilisés dans les élevages de chèvres à Lubumbashi et proche périphérie, R.D. Congo. "Phytothérapie, 12" (4), 234-241. doi:10.1007/s10298-014-0873-3
  • Okusa Ndjolo, P., Stévigny, C., Névraumont, M., Gelbcke, M., Van Antwerpen, P., & Duez, P. (01 May 2014). Ferulaldehyde and lupeol as direct and indirect antimicrobial compounds from Cordia gilletii (Boraginaceae) root barks. "Natural Product Communications, 9" (5), 619-622.
  • Charles, C., Nachtergael, A., Ouedraogo, M., Belayew, A., & Duez, P. (2014). Effects of chemopreventive natural products on non-homologous end-joining DNA double-strand break repair. "Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis", (768), 33-41. doi:10.1016/j.mrgentox.2014.04.014
  • Bensalem, S., Soubhye, J., Aldib, I., Bournine, L., Nguyen, A.-T., Vanhaeverbeek, M., Rousseau, A., Zouaoui Boudjeltia, K., Sarakbi, A., Kauffmann, J.-M., Nève, J., Prévost, M., Stévigny, C., Maiza-Benabdesselam, F., Bedjou, F., Van Antwerpen, P., & Duez, P. (16 April 2014). Inhibition of myeloperoxidase activity by the alkaloids of Peganum harmala L. (Zygophyllaceae). "Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 154" (2), 361-369. doi:10.1016/j.jep.2014.03.070
  • Pardo, A., Mespouille, L., Blankert, B., Dubois, P., & Duez, P. (24 February 2014). Molecularly imprinted polymers: compromise between flexibility and rigidity for improving capture of template analogues. "Chemistry, 20" (12), 3500-3509.
  • Brahmi, F., Madani, K., Stévigny, C., Chibane, M., & Duez, P. (01 January 2014). Algerian mint species: high performance thin layer chromatography quantitative determination of rosmarinic acid and in vitro inhibitory effects on linoleic acid peroxidation. "Journal of Coastal Life Medicine, 2" (12), 986-992.
  • Okusa Ndjolo, P., Rasamiravakaa, T., Vandeputte, O. M., Stévigny, C., El Jaziri, M., & Duez, P. (01 January 2014). Extracts of Cordia gilletii De Wild (Boraginaceae) quench the quorum sensing of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1. "Journal of Intercultural Ethnopharmacology, 3" (4), 138-143. doi:10.5455/jice.20140710031312
  • Nachtergael, A., Belayew, A., & Duez, P. (2014). Pyrosequencing for the quantitative assessment of 8-oxodG bypass DNA synthesis. "DNA Repair", (22), 147-152.
  • Hilou, A., Rappez, F., & Duez, P. (01 January 2014). Ethnoveterinary management of cattle helminthiasis among the Fulani and the Mossi (Central Burkina Faso): plants used and modes of use. "International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 8" (5), 2207-2221.
  • Kamagaju, L., Morandini, R., Gahongayire, F., Stevigny, C., Ghanem, G., Pirotte, G., & Duez, P. (2014). Survey on Skin Lightening Practices and Cosmetics in Kigali, Rwanda. "International Journal of Dermatology". doi:10.1111/ijd.12833
  • Bunel, V., Hamel, M., Duez, P., & Stévigny, C. (2014). Artifactual generation of an alkaloid in the course of Mondia whitei (Hook.f.) Skeels roots extraction: a clue to endogenous-formed bioactive compounds? "Phytochemistry Letters", (10), 101-106. doi:10.1016/j.phytol.2014.08.012
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
  • Bunel, V., Antoine, M.-H., Nortier, J., & Duez, P. (22 July 2014). "Exploration of herbal compounds for preventing CisPt-induced acute kidney injury" [Paper presentation]. Workshop organisé par l'Institute of Medicinal Plant Development (IMPLAD), Beijing, China.
  • Nachtergael, A., & Duez, P. (22 July 2014). "Presentation of the UMONS Therapeutical Chemistry and Pharmacognosy department and its research projects" [Paper presentation]. Workshop organisé par l'Institute of Medicinal Plant Development (IMPLAD), Beijing, China.
  • Duez, P. (18 July 2014). "Invited speaker" [Paper presentation]. The 3rd Annual Meeting of the GP-TCM Research Association and the 5th Annual Conference of the Specialty Committee of TCM Pharmaceutical Analysis of WFCMS, Nanjing, China.
  • Fan, Q., & Duez, P. (18 July 2014). "The GP-TCM RA Pharmacology and Toxicology Interest Group: an integrated action" [Paper presentation]. The 3rd Annual Meeting of the GP-TCM Research Association and the 5th Annual Conference of the Specialty Committee of TCM Pharmaceutical Analysis of WFCMS, Nanjing, China.
  • Bunel, V., Antoine, M.-H., Nortier, J., Duez, P., & Stévigny, C. (18 July 2014). "Exploration of herbal compounds for preventing CisPt-induced acute kidney injury" [Paper presentation]. The 3rd Annual Meeting of the GP-TCM Research Association and the 5th Annual Conference of the Specialty Committee of TCM Pharmaceutical Analysis of WFCMS, Nanjing, China.
  • Fontaine, C., Gilson, L., Stévigny, C., & Duez, P. (08 July 2014). "ULB UMONS PlantNut consultancy presentation" [Paper presentation]. Workshop 'Plants', Customs Laboratories European Network, Peyresq, France.
  • Duez, P. (08 July 2014). "Regulations and Trends of Herbal Application in EU" [Paper presentation]. Workshop 'Plants', Customs Laboratories European Network, Peyresq, France.
  • Duez, P. (08 July 2014). "Top ten causes that compromise the safety of plant products" [Paper presentation]. Workshop 'Plants', Customs Laboratories European Network, Peyresq, France.
  • Fontaine, C., Stévigny, C., & Duez, P. (08 July 2014). "Plants, plant saps, extracts and essential oils" [Paper presentation]. Workshop 'Plants', Customs Laboratories European Network, Peyresq, France.
  • Fontaine, C., Stévigny, C., & Duez, P. (08 July 2014). "Study on the composition and chemical analysis of plants" [Paper presentation]. Workshop 'Plants', Customs Laboratories European Network, Peyresq, France.
  • Fontaine, C., & Duez, P. (08 July 2014). "EU HMPC Herbal monographs: a possible solution to major tariff classification problems on plant products" [Paper presentation]. Workshop 'Plants', Customs Laboratories European Network, Peyresq, France.
  • Nachtergael, A., Charles, C., Gadenne, M., Spanoghe, M., Sauvaigo, S., & Duez, P. (20 March 2014). "Chimioprotection: lien alimentation <--> cancer?" [Paper presentation]. Atelier 'Le sport et la promotion de la santé pour tous, comme facteur de bien-être', Mons, Belgium.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication publiée dans un périodique
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
  • Brahmi, F., Khodir, M., Guendouze, N., Okusa Ndjolo, P., Kiendrebeogo, M., Stevigny, C., Duez, P., & Chibane, M. (26 October 2014). "Phenolic profiles of Algerian mints (M. spicata, M.pulegium and M.rotundifolia): Identification by RP-HPLC and evaluation of their biological activities" [Poster presentation]. The Second International Conference on 'Natural Health', Mostaganem University, Algeria.
  • Yamani, A., Bunel, V., Antoine, M.-H., De Prez, E., Huisson, C., Stévigny, C., Elachouri, M., Duez, P., & Nortier, J. (30 September 2014). "Remèdes traditionnels à base d'aristoloches et de bryone dioïque dans le Maroc oriental: risque d'intoxication des populations exposées" [Poster presentation]. 16ème Réunion commune de la Société de Néphrologie et de la Société Francophone de Dialyse, St Etienne, France.
  • Ngezahayo, N., Oliveira Ribeiro, S., Pottier, L., Fontaine, V., Hari, L., Stévigny, C., & Duez, P. (31 August 2014). "Antibacterial compounds from the ethyl acetate extract of Platostoma rotundifolium (Briq.) A. J. Paton (Lamiaceae)" [Poster presentation]. 62nd International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research (Gesellschaft fur Arzneipflanzenforschung - GA), Guimarães, Portugal.
  • Zater, H., Boudjerda, A., Huet, J., Oliveira Ribeiro, S., Benayache, S., Fontaine, V., Stévigny, C., Duez, P., & Benayache, F. (31 August 2014). "Antimicrobial effects of aerial parts from Algerian Centaury" [Poster presentation]. 62nd International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research (Gesellschaft fur Arzneipflanzenforschung - GA), Guimarães, Portugal.
  • Brahmi, F., Khodir, M., Guendouze, N., Okusa Ndjolo, P., Kiendrebeogo, M., Stevigny, C., Duez, P., & Chibane, M. (26 August 2014). "Phenolic profiles of Algerian mints (M. spicata, M.pulegium and M.rotundifolia): Identification by RP-HPLC and evaluation of their biological activities" [Poster presentation]. The Second International Conference on 'Natural Health', Alger, Algeria.
  • Nachtergael, A., Poivre, M., Belayew, A., & Duez, P. (18 July 2014). "A preliminary assessment of traditional Chinese herbs cytotoxicity and genotoxicity" [Poster presentation]. The 3rd Annual Meeting of the GP-TCM Research Association and the 5th Annual Conference of the Specialty Committee of TCM Pharmaceutical Analysis of WFCMS, Nanjing, China.
  • Nachtergael, A., Bunel, V., Williamson, E. M., Pelkonen, O., & Duez, P. (18 July 2014). "Top ten causes that can compromise the safety of herbal medicines" [Poster presentation]. The 3rd Annual Meeting of the GP-TCM Research Association and the 5th Annual Conference of the Specialty Committee of TCM Pharmaceutical Analysis of WFCMS, Nanjing, China.
  • Nachtergael, A., Coulembier, O., Dubois, P., Helvenstein, M., Duez, P., Blankert, B., & Mespouille, L. (22 June 2014). "Organocatalysis paradigm revised: are metal-free catalysts really harmless?" [Poster presentation]. Drug Analysis, Liège, Belgium.
  • Pardo, A., Blankert, B., Duez, P., Dubois, P., & Mespouille, L. (11 June 2014). "Compromise between flexibility and rigidity in molecularly imprinted polymers for template analogues sequestration" [Poster presentation]. Anniversary event of the Bulgarian Academy of Science, Sofia, Bulgaria.
  • Shalukoma, C., Stevigny, C., Duez, P., Bogaert, J., Joiris-Daou, V., Lejoly, J., De Cannière, C., Pongombo, S. C., & Visser, M. (22 May 2014). "The use of medicinal plants around the mountain forest of Kahuzi-Biega National Park, DR Congo" [Poster presentation]. AFERP & STOLON International Symposium, Brussels, Belgium.
  • Nachtergael, A., Charles, C., Spanoghe, M., Gadenne, M., & Duez, P. (13 February 2014). "Capillary electrophoresis to study DNA translesion synthesis" [Poster presentation]. 6ème Journée Scientifique du Pôle hainuyer, Mons, Belgium.
Mémoires et thèses/Mémoire de licence/master
  • Wauters, L. (2014). "Caractérisation de plantes médicinales et étude de leur génotoxicité" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/5061
  • Ozver, S. (2014). "La formation du pigment malarique" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/10588
  • Paradis, S. (2014). "Fonctionalisation d'un résonateur de balance à quartz" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/30213
  • Messaoudi, K. (2014). "Hépatotoxicité des plantes médicinales" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/26011
  • Compaoré, M. (2014). "La phytothérapie dans le traitement de l'hypertrophie bégnine de la prostate" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/22071
  • Poivre, M. (2014). "Génotoxicité de plantes médicinales utilisées en médecine traditionnelle chinoise" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/40347
Mémoires et thèses/Thèse de doctorat
  • Bunel, V. (2014). "Recherche de nouvelles substances naturelles d'intérêt dans la prévention de la fibrose rénale d'origine médicamenteuse" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/27971
  • Pardo, A. (2014). "Développement de polymères à empreintes moléculaires pour la reconnaissance d'analogues de produits naturels" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/28159
  • Kamagaju, L. (2014). "Problématique de la dépigmentation cutanée au Rwanda.Modulateurs de la tyrosinase extraits de plantes utilisées en médecine traditionnelle" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/1027
  • Hambye, S. (2014). "'Pentamidine et nouveaux analogues : développement analytique et évaluation de leur intérêt potentiel dans la dystrophie myotonique de type 1.'" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/32154
Allocutions et communications diverses/Autre
  • Collaboration avec les journalistes, & Duez, P. (2014). "Aloë vera is ook maar een plant".
  • Collaboration avec les journalistes, & Duez, P. (2014). "Aloe vera: on exagère un peu".
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
  • Okusa Ndjolo, P., Blankert, B., & Duez, P. (02 February 2013). MAGDIMAL - Mieux diagnostiquer la malaria, c'est mieux la combattre! "Élement: le Magazine de l'Université de Mons, 08", 32-33.
  • Nachtergael, A., Charles, C., Spanoghe, M., Gadenne, M., Belayew, A., & Duez, P. (01 January 2013). Measurement of translesion synthesis by fluorescent capillary electrophoresis: 8-oxodG bypass modulation by natural products. "Analytical Biochemistry, 440" (1), 23-31. doi:10.1016/j.ab.2013.05.010
  • Xu, Q., Bauer, R., Hendry, B. M., Fan, T.-P., Zhao, Z., Duez, P., Simmonds, M. S. J., Witt, C. M., Lu, A., Robinson, N., Guo, D.-A., & Hylands, P. J. (01 January 2013). The Quest for modernisation of Traditional Chinese Medicine. "BMC Complimentary & Alternative Medicine, 13", 132-143.
  • Kalonji, N. J. B., Duez, P., Ngoy Kabala, G., Tambwe Lumami, A., Kahumba Byanga, J., Faes, M., & Lumbu Simbi, J.-B. (01 January 2013). Evaluation de la qualité de quinine per os distribuée à Lubumbashi. "Lubumbashi Médical, 8", 26-30.
  • Bunel, V., Antoine, M.-H., Nortier, J., Duez, P., & Stevigny, C. (01 January 2013). Protective effects of schizandrin and schizandrin B towards cisplatin nephrotoxicity in vitro. "Journal of Applied Toxicology, 34" (12), 1311-9. doi:10.1002/jat.2951
  • Tidjani, S., Okusa Ndjolo, P., Zellaguia, A., Moreno Y Banuls, L., Stevigny, C., Duez, P., & Rhouati, S. (01 January 2013). Analysis of pyrrolizidine alkaloids and evaluation of some biological activities of Algerian Senecio delphinifolius Vahl (Asteraceae). "Natural Product Communications, 8" (4), 439-440.
  • Nacoulma, A. P., Vandeputte, O. M., De Lorenzi, M., El Jaziri, M., & Duez, P. (01 January 2013). Metabolomic-based study of the leafy gall, the ecological niche of the phytopathogen Rhodococcus fascians, as a potential source of bioactive compounds. "International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 14", 12533-12549. doi:10.3390/ijms140612533
  • Giang, T. K., Nguyen, T. H., Ngo, X. M., Nguyen, T. B. T., Pham, D. N., Nguyen, T. O., Phan, T. H., & Duez, P. (01 January 2013). Effects of raw material types on the chemical composition of Trung du tea variety (Camellia sinensis var. sinensis). "Journal des Sciences et Technologies Agricoles, 11" (3), 373-379.
  • Kamagaju, L., Morandini, R., Bizuru, E., Nyetera, P., Nduwayezu, J. B., Stevigny, C., Ghanem, G., & Duez, P. (01 January 2013). Tyrosinase modulation by five Rwandese herbal medicines traditionally used for skin treatment. "Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 146" (3), 824-834.
  • Zhou, J., Ouedraogo, M., Qu, F., & Duez, P. (01 January 2013). Potential genotoxicity of traditional Chinese medicinal plants and phytochemicals: an overview. "Phytotherapy Research, 27" (12), 1745.
  • Nsuadi Manga, F., El Khattabi, C., Fontaine, J., Berkenboom, G., Duez, P., Noyon, C., Van Antwerpen, P., Lami Nzunzu, J., & Pochet, S. (01 January 2013). Vasorelaxant and antihypertensive effects of methanolic extracts from Hymenocardia acida Tul. "Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 146" (2), 623-631.
  • Nacoulma, A. P., Vandeputte, O. M., De Lorenzi, M., El Jaziri, M., & Duez, P. (01 January 2013). Metabolomic-based study of the leafy gall, the ecological niche of the phytopathogen Rhodococcus fascians, as a potential source of bioactive compounds. "International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 14", 12533-12549.
  • Kamagaju, L., Bizuru, E., Minani, V., Morandini, R., Stevigny, C., Ghanem, G., & Duez, P. (01 January 2013). An ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants used in Rwanda for voluntary depigmentation. "Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 150", 708-717.
  • Xu, Q., Bauer, R., Hendry, B. M., Fan, T.-P., Zhao, Z., Duez, P., Simmonds, M. S. J., Witt, C. M., Lu, A., Robinson, N., Guo, D.-A., & Hylands, P. J. (01 January 2013). The Quest for modernisation of Traditional Chinese Medicine. "BMC Complimentary & Alternative Medicine, 13", 132-143.
  • Nachtergael, A., Charles, C., Spanoghe, M., Gadenne, M., Belayew, A., & Duez, P. (01 January 2013). Measurement of translesion synthesis by fluorescent capillary electrophoresis: 8-oxodG bypass modulation by natural products. "Analytical Biochemistry, 440" (1), 23-31.
  • Kamagaju, L., Morandini, R., Bizuru, E., Nyetera, P., Nduwayezu, J. B., Stevigny, C., Ghanem, G., & Duez, P. (01 January 2013). Tyrosinase modulation by five Rwandese herbal medicines traditionally used for skin treatment. "Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 146" (3), 824-834.
  • Zhou, J., Ouedraogo, M., Qu, F., & Duez, P. (2013). Potential genotoxicity of traditional Chinese medicinal plants and phytochemicals: an overview. "Phytotherapy Research".
  • Tidjani, S., Okusa Ndjolo, P., Zellaguia, A., Moreno Y Banuls, L., Stevigny, C., Duez, P., & Rhouati, S. (01 January 2013). Analysis of pyrrolizidine alkaloids and evaluation of some biological activities of Algerian Senecio delphinifolius Vahl (Asteraceae). "Natural Product Communications, 8" (4), 439-440.
  • Nsuadi Manga, F., El Khattabi, C., Fontaine, J., Berkenboom, G., Duez, P., Noyon, C., Van Antwerpen, P., Lami Nzunzu, J., & Pochet, S. (01 January 2013). Vasorelaxant and antihypertensive effects of methanolic extracts from Hymenocardia acida Tul. "Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 146" (2), 623-631.
  • Nacoulma, A. P., Megalizzi, V., Pottier, L., De Lorenzi, M., Thoret, S., Dubois, J., Vandeputte, O. M., Duez, P., Vereecke, D., & El Jaziri, M. (2013). Potent antiproliferative cembrenoids accumulate in tobacco upon infection with Rhodococcus fascians and trigger unusual microtubule dynamics in human glioblastoma cells. "PLoS ONE". doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0077529
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
  • Nachtergael, A., Charles, C., Spanoghe, M., Belayew, A., & Duez, P. (17 October 2013). "Measurement of translesion synthesis by fluorescence capillary electrophoresis and pyrosequencing.: 8-oxodG bypass modulation by natural products" [Paper presentation]. 17th Forum of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Spa, Belgium.
  • Bunel, V., Antoine, M., Nortier, J., Duez, P., & Stevigny, C. (30 August 2013). "In vitro assessment of the protective activity of Danggui against cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity" [Paper presentation]. 2ndAnnual meeting of the GP-TCM Research Association, Graz, Austria.
  • Bunel, V., Antoine, M., Nortier, J., Duez, P., & Stevigny, C. (29 August 2013). "In vitro assessment of the protective activity of Danggui against cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity" [Paper presentation]. 12th Meeting of Consortium for Globalization of Chinese Medicine (CGCM), Graz, Austria.
  • Nachtergael, A., Charles, C., Spanoghe, M., Belayew, A., & Duez, P. (28 August 2013). "Measurement of translesion synthesis by fluorescence capillary electrophoresis and pyrosequencing.: 8-oxodG bypass modulation by natural products" [Paper presentation]. 12th CGCM meeting, Graz, Austria.
  • Mespouille, L., Pardo, A., Duez, P., Blankert, B., & Dubois, P. (22 August 2013). "Compromise between flexibility and rigidity in molecularly imprinted" [Paper presentation]. 10th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering, Durham, United Kingdom.
  • Pardo, A., Mespouille, L., Dubois, P., Blankert, B., & Duez, P. (24 May 2013). "Molecularly imprinted polymers: towards new screening tools in drug discovery" [Paper presentation]. Journée de l'Institut de recherche en sciences et technologies de la santé, Mons, Belgium.
  • Duez, P. (24 May 2013). "First-line toxicological models for genotoxicity, teratogenicity and nephrotoxicity assessment of herbal products" [Paper presentation]. Symposium International de l'AFERP et du STOLON, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
  • Rajaonarivelo, J. P., Rabemanantsoa, C., El Jaziri, M., Andrianarisoa, B., Stévigny, C., & Duez, P. (19 December 2013). "Inventory and verification of the effectiveness of traditional practices against food crop disease ('ady gasy')" [Poster presentation]. 13ème Journée des Doctorants en Sciences Biomédicales, Sciences Dentaires, Sciences Médicales & Sciences Pharmaceutiques, ULB, Belgium.
  • Fontaine, C., Charles, C., Fagel, C., Stévigny, C., & Duez, P. (19 December 2013). "Modulation of non homologous end-joining DNA repair activities: a possible influence of food plants in chemoprevention or indirect genotoxicity ?" [Poster presentation]. 13ème Journée des Doctorants en Sciences Biomédicales, Sciences Dentaires, Sciences Médicales & Sciences Pharmaceutiques, ULB, Belgium.
  • Rodriguez, A., Kouegnigan, L., Fester, A., Cotton, F., & Duez, P. (19 December 2013). "Assessment of hydroxyurea genotoxic effects" [Poster presentation]. 13ème Journée des Doctorants en Sciences Biomédicales, Sciences Dentaires, Sciences Médicales & Sciences Pharmaceutiques, ULB, Belgium.
  • Ngezahayo, J., Oliveira Ribeiro, S., Fontaine, V., Hari, L., Stévigny, C., & Duez, P. (19 December 2013). "Antibacterial activity of the aerial parts of Platostoma rotundifolium (Briq.) A. J. Paton" [Poster presentation]. 13ème Journée des Doctorants en Sciences Biomédicales, Sciences Dentaires, Sciences Médicales & Sciences Pharmaceutiques, ULB, Belgium.
  • Rajaonarivelo, J. P., Rabemanantsoa, C., El Jaziri, M., Andrianarisoa, B., Stévigny, C., & Duez, P. (12 December 2013). "Inventaire et vérification de l'efficacité des pratiques traditionnelles de lutte contre les phytopathogènes ('Ady Gasy')" [Poster presentation]. Manifestation scientifique BIOMAD III, Campus Universitaire d'Ambondrona, Madagascar.
  • Nachtergael, A., Charles, C., Spanoghe, M., Belayew, A., & Duez, P. (06 December 2013). "DNA translesion synthesis modulation by natural products»" [Poster presentation]. 7ème symposium du GCNAS, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
  • Fontaine, C., Charles, C., Fagel, C., Stévigny, C., & Duez, P. (06 December 2013). "Modulation of non homologous end-joining DNA repair activities: a possible influence of food plants in chemoprevention or indirect genotoxicity?" [Poster presentation]. Septième symposium du Groupe de Contact FNRS Nutrition, Alimentation et Santé, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
  • Duez, P., Okusa Ndjolo, P., Blankert, B., Dufrane, D., Deckers, D., & Avaert, R. (26 November 2013). "MAGDIMAL, Magnetic diagnostic of malaria" [Poster presentation]. Journée ADISIF 'La recherche en Hautes Écoles', Namur, Belgium.
  • Rodriguez, A., Kouegnigan, L., Fester, A., Cotton, F., & Duez, P. (17 October 2013). "Genotoxic effects of hydroxycarbamide (hydroxyurea) in sickle cell patients?" [Poster presentation]. 5èmes Journées internationales de Toxicologie, Liège, Belgium.
  • Nachtergael, A., Charles, C., Spanoghe, M., Belayew, A., & Duez, P. (30 August 2013). "Measurement of translesion synthesis by fluorescence capillary electrophoresis and pyrosequencing.: 8-oxodG bypass modulation by natural products" [Poster presentation]. 2ndAnnual meeting of the GP-TCM Research Association, Graz, Austria.
  • Okusa Ndjolo, P., Haddadi, Z., & Duez, P. (30 August 2013). "Development of a simple TLC-bioautographic assay based on the inhibition of hemozoin synthesis for screening of natural sources antimalarial compounds" [Poster presentation]. 2nd Annual Meeting of The Good Practice in Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Association, Graz, Austria.
  • Charles, C., Nachtergael, A., Sauvaigo, S., Fontaine, C., Stevigny, C., & Duez, P. (28 August 2013). "Modulation of DNA damage repair and translesion synthesis: a possible mechanism for natural products chemoprevention and indirect genotoxicity?" [Poster presentation]. 12th CGCM meeting, Graz, Austria.
  • Pardo, A., Mespouille, L., Dubois, P., Blankert, B., & Duez, P. (30 June 2013). "Molecularly imprinted polymers: Towards receptor mimics for drug discovery" [Poster presentation]. 24th International Symposium on Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, Bologne, Italy.
  • Bensalem, S., Bournine, L., Moreno Banuls, L., Labruyere, C., Bedjou, F., Kiss, R., Stevigny, C., & Duez, P. (19 June 2013). "Cytostatic effect of seeds and roots extract of Peganum harmala L" [Poster presentation]. European Life Sciences Summit, Biomedica 2013, Aachen, Germany.
  • Zaatar, H., Huet, J., Benayache, S., Ngezahayo, J., Fontaine, V., Stevigny, C., Ongena, M., Benayache, F., & Duez, P. (19 June 2013). "Antifungal activity and direct antimicrobial effect of different extracts of C. diluta Ait. subsp. algeriensis (coss. & dur.)" [Poster presentation]. European Life Sciences Summit, Biomedica 2013, Aachen, Germany.
  • Bensalem, S., Bournine, L., Moreno Banuls, L., Labruyere, C., Bedjou, F., Kiss, R., Stevigny, C., & Duez, P. (07 June 2013). "Determination of anti-proliferative effect of roots and seeds extract of Algerian Peganum harmala L" [Poster presentation]. 27èmes Journées franco-belges de Pharmacochimie, 21èmes Conférences européennes du GP2A, Lille, France.
  • Pardo, A., Mespouille, L., Dubois, P., Blankert, B., & Duez, P. (04 June 2013). "Nouveaux type de polymères à empreinte moléculaire pour la recherche de molécules d'intérêt pharmaceutique" [Poster presentation]. Congrès biennal de l'Association Francophone des Sciences Séparatives, SEP 2013, Paris, France.
  • Pardo, A., Mespouille, L., Blankert, B., Dubois, P., & Duez, P. (24 May 2013). "MOLECULARLY IMPRINTED POLYMERS: TOWARDS RECEPTOR MIMICS FOR DRUG DISCOVERY" [Poster presentation]. Journée de l'Institut de recherche en sciences et technologies de la santé, Mons, Belgium.
  • Bunel, V., Hamel, M., Duez, P., & Stevigny, C. (24 May 2013). "Formation of alkaloid artifacts may contribute to explain the bioactivity of Mondia whitei (Hook.f.) Skeels" [Poster presentation]. Symposium International de l'AFERP et du STOLON, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Kamagaju, L., Morandini, R., Stevigny, C., Bizuru, E., Ghanem, G., Luhmer, M., & Duez, P. (24 May 2013). "Modulation of skin pigmentation by herbal extracts" [Poster presentation]. Symposium International de l'AFERP et du STOLON, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Ngezahayo, J., Okusa Ndjolo, P., Rajaonarivelo, J. P., Stevigny, C., Fontaine, V., Hari, L., & Duez, P. (24 May 2013). "Effects of extracts of Justicia subsessilis Oliv. aerial parts on methicilino - resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)" [Poster presentation]. Symposium International de l'AFERP et du STOLON, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Bensalem, S., Bournine, L., Moreno Y Banuls, L., Bruyère, C., Bedjou, F., Kiss, R., Stevigny, C., & Duez, P. (22 May 2013). "Anticancer effect of seeds and roots extract of Peganum harmala L" [Poster presentation]. AFERP & STOLON International Symposium, Brussels, Belgium.
  • Bakari, A., Mwamba, M., Kisimba, K., Stevigny, C., Lumbu Simbi, J.-B., Duez, P., & Kahumba, J. (22 May 2013). "Ethnobotanical and biological study of some herbs used as antidiabetic in Southern Katanga area/DR Congo" [Poster presentation]. AFERP & STOLON International Symposium, Brussels, Belgium.
  • ZAATER, H., Huet, J., Benayache, S., Kaabeche, M., Stevigny, C., Ongena, M., Benayache, F., & Duez, P. (22 May 2013). "Study of the antifungal activity of different extracts of Centaurea diluta Ait. subsp. algeriensis (coss. & durieu)" [Poster presentation]. AFERP & STOLON International Symposium, Brussels, Belgium.
  • Fontaine, C., Fagel, C., Charles, C., Stevigny, C., & Duez, P. (22 May 2013). "Study by micro-electrophoresis on chip of the influence of natural compounds on DNA double-strand break repair by non-homologous end-joining" [Poster presentation]. 10e Colloque des 3R, Presqu'île de Giens, France.
  • Charles, C., Nachtergael, A., Sauvaigo, S., Fontaine, C., Stevigny, C., & Duez, P. (22 May 2013). "Modulation of DNA damage repair and translesion synthesis: a possible mechanism for natural products chemoprevention and indirect genotoxicity ?" [Poster presentation]. AFERP & STOLON International Symposium, Brussels, Belgium.
  • Pardo, A., Mespouille, L., Dubois, P., Blankert, B., & Duez, P. (22 May 2013). "MOLECULARLY IMPRINTED POLYMERS: TOWARDS RECEPTOR MIMICS FOR DRUG DISCOVERY" [Poster presentation]. AFERP & STOLON International Symposium, Brussels, Belgium.
  • Kanangila, A., Stevigny, C., Duez, P., Kisimba, E., & Lumbu Simbi, J.-B. (22 May 2013). "Ethnobotanical survey of plants used against sickle cell disease in Lubumbashi area (DR Congo)" [Poster presentation]. AFERP & STOLON International Symposium, Brussels, Belgium.
  • Nachtergael, A., Charles, C., Spanoghe, M., Belayew, A., & Duez, P. (22 May 2013). "Measurement of translesion synthesis by fluorescence capillary electrophoresis. Application to the study of 8-oxodG bypass modulation by natural products" [Poster presentation]. 10e Colloque des 3R, Presqu'île de Giens, France.
  • Brahmi, F., Guendouze, H., Sheridan, H., Nacoulma, A. P., Stevigny, C., Duez, P., & Nguyen, A.-T. (22 May 2013). "Classification of Algerian Mentha species by NMR-based metabolomics" [Poster presentation]. AFERP & STOLON International Symposium, Brussels, Belgium.
  • Nsuadi-Manga, F., El Khattabi, C., Fontaine, J., Berkenboom, G., Duez, P., Noyon, C., Van Antwerpen, P., Lami Nzunzu, J., & Pochet, S. (22 May 2013). "Vasorelaxant proanthocyanidins from Hymenocardia acida tul" [Poster presentation]. AFERP & STOLON International Symposium, Brussels, Belgium.
  • Bilos, N., Pardo, A., Duez, P., Dubois, P., Mespouille, L., & Blankert, B. (17 May 2013). "Use of pentaerythritol as a template of substitution for the synthesis of molecularly imprinted polymers selective to orthosilicic acid" [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Belgian Polymer Group (BPG 2013), Houffalize, Belgium.
  • Pardo, A., Mespouille, L., Dubois, P., Blankert, B., & Duez, P. (16 May 2013). "MOLECULARLY IMPRINTED POLYMERS: TOWARDS RECEPTOR MIMICS FOR DRUG DISCOVERY" [Poster presentation]. Belgian Polymer Group, Houffalize, Belgium.
  • Bunel, V., Antoine, M.-H., Nortier, J., Duez, P., & Stevigny, C. (25 April 2013). "In vitro protective effects of Schisandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill. active compounds towards cisplatin tubulotoxicity" [Poster presentation]. Annual Scientific Meeting of the Belgian Society of Nephrology, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Nachtergael, A., Charles, C., Spanoghe, M., Belayew, A., & Duez, P. (12 March 2013). "Modulation of translesion synthesis through 8-oxo-dG by phytochemicals" [Poster presentation]. 7ième Matinée des Chercheurs, Mons, Belgium.
  • Pardo, A., Mespouille, L., Dubois, P., Blankert, B., & Duez, P. (12 March 2013). "Drug screening approach based on molecularly imprinted polymers" [Poster presentation]. 7ième Matinée des Chercheurs, Mons, Belgium.
  • Okusa Ndjolo, P., Blankert, B., & Duez, P. (12 March 2013). "Fighting malaria with an innovative diagnostic tool" [Poster presentation]. 7ème édition de la Matinée de Chercheurs, Mons, Belgium.
Mémoires et thèses/Mémoire de licence/master
  • Fagel, C. (2013). "Modulation de la réparation de l'ADN par une plante chinoise: Solanum lyratum" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/5072
  • Salade, L. (2013). "Optimisation de la technique d'échantillonnage headspace dans le cadre de l'analyse des huiles essentielles" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/6443
  • Sekfali, H. (2013). "Application des polymères micro-imprimés à l'étude des produits naturels" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/11425
  • Hennau In, H. (2013). "Alcaloïdes des feuilles de Lotus" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/25635
  • Parillaud, R. (2013). "Statuts réglementaires des produits naturels" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/29908
  • Haddadi, Z. (2013). "L'effet de quelques plantes médicinales africaines sur la formation du pigment malarique" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/26727
Mémoires et thèses/Thèse de doctorat
  • Nacoulma, A. P. (2013). "Reprogrammation métabolique induite dans les tissus hyperplasiques formés chez le tabac infecté par Rhodococcus fascians: aspects fondamentaux et applications potentielles" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/7209
  • Nsuadi Manga, F. (2013). "Activités vasculaires et antioxydantes d'espèces des genres Combretum et Hymenocardia, plantes présumées antihypertensives à Kinshasa et dans le Bas-Congo" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/8647
  • Manya, T. (2013). "Etude des effets antimicrobiens de quelques plantes présumées antidiarrhéiques utilisées par les tradipraticiens de Lubumbashi: cas des plantes antiamibiennes et antibactériennes" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/12972
  • Ngoy, E. (2013). "Etude phytochimique de Crossopteryx febrifuga et de Terminalia mollis, deux plantes réputées antidiarrhéiques utilisées à Lubumbashi et ses environs" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/2822
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
  • Shaw, D., Ladds, G., Duez, P., Williamson, E., & Chan, K. (01 November 2012). Pharmacovigilance of Herbal Medicine. "Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 140", 513-518. doi:10.1016/j.jep.2012.01.051
  • Ouedraogo, M., Baudoux, T., Stévigny, C., Nortier, J., Colet, J.-M., Efferth, T., Qu, F., Zhou, J., Chan, K., Shaw, D., Pelkonen, O., & Duez, P. (01 November 2012). Review of current and 'omics' methods for assessing the toxicity (genotoxicity, teratogenicity and nephrotoxicity) of herbal medicines and mushrooms. "Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 140", 492-512. doi:10.1016/j.jep.2012.01.059
  • Nsuadi Manga, F., El Khattabi, C., Fontaine, J., Berkenboom, G., Duez, P., Lami Nzunzu, J., & Pochet, S. (01 November 2012). Vascular effects and antioxidant activity of two Combretum species from Democratic Republic of Congo. "Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 142", 194-200.
  • Biringanine, G., Ouédraogo, M., Vray, B., Samuelsen, A. B., & Duez, P. (01 November 2012). Partial characterization of immunomodulatory polysaccharides from Plantago palmata Hook. f. s. leaves. "International Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry, 2012".
  • Zhang, L., Yan, J., Liu, X., Ye, Z., Yang, X., Chan, K., & Duez, P. (01 November 2012). Pharmacovigilance Practice and Risk Control of TCM in China. "Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 140", 519-525. doi:10.1016/j.jep.2012.01.058
  • Mazy, V., Rousseau, L., Glorieux, D., & Duez, P. (01 November 2012). Manger de la salade n'est pas sans risque : une cause rare d'intoxication digitalique familiale. "Journal Européen des Urgences et de Réanimation, 24", 187-190.
  • Rodriguez, A., Kouegnigan, L., Fester, A., Cotton, F., & Duez, P. (01 November 2012). Two assays to evaluate potential genotoxic effects of hydroxyurea in sickle cell disease patients. "Hemoglobin, 36" (6), 545-554.
  • Hema, A., Palé, E., Duez, P., Luhmer, M., & Nacro, M. (01 November 2012). Two diglucosylated anthocyanins from Combretum paniculatum flowers. "Natural Science, 4" (3), 166-169. doi:10.4236/ns.2012.43024
  • Charles, C., Chemais, M., Stevigny, C., Dubois, J., Nachtergael, A., & Duez, P. (14 July 2012). Measurement of the influence of flavonoids on DNA repair kinetics using the comet assay. "Food Chemistry, 135", 2974-2981.
  • Charles, C., Ouedraogo, M., Belayew, A., & Duez, P. (23 April 2012). On-chips microelectrophoresis for the study of in vitro non-homologous end-joining DNA double-strand break repair. "Analytical Biochemistry, 425" (1), 76-79.
  • Pardo, A., Mespouille, L., Dubois, P., Duez, P., & Blankert, B. (13 April 2012). Targeted extraction of active compounds from natural products by molecularly imprinted polymers. "Central European Journal of Chemistry, 10" ((3)), 751-765.
  • Okusa Ndjolo, P., Beuerle, T., Stevigny, C., & Duez, P. (01 April 2012). Absence of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in Cordia gilletii de wild (Boraginaceae). "Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 41", 1-2. doi:10.1016/j.bse.2011.12.002
  • Chan, K., Shaw, D., Simmonds, M. S. J., Leon, C. J., Xu, Q., Lu, A., Sutherland, I., Ignatova, S., Zhu, Y.-P., Verpoorte, R., Williamson, E. M., & Duez, P. (11 February 2012). Good practice in reviewing and publishing studies in herbal medicine, with special emphasis on describing Traditional Chinese Medicine and Chinese Materia Medica. "Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 140", 469-475. doi:10.1016/j.jep.2012.01.038
  • Marrelli, M., Menichini, F., Statti, G. A., Bonesi, M., Duez, P., & Conforti, F. (01 January 2012). Changes in the phenolic and lipophilic composition, in the enzyme inhibition and antiproliferative activity of Ficus carica L. cultivar Dottato fruits during maturation. "Food and Chemical Toxicology, 50" (3-4), 726-733.
  • Duez, P. (01 January 2012). L'activité Gestion des ressources naturelles dans les pays en développement à l'Université de Lubumbashi. "Élement: le Magazine de l'Université de Mons, 7", 28-29.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
  • Zhang, L., Du, X., Liu, X., Ye, Z., Yang, X., Meyboom, R., Chan, K., Shaw, D., & Duez, P. (30 October 2012). "Pharmacovigilance of Traditional Chinese Medicine Drugs in China" [Paper presentation]. 12th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Pharmacovigilance (ISoP 2012), Cancun, Mexico.
  • Charles, C., Nachtergael, A., Sauvaigo, S., & Duez, P. (21 October 2012). "Interference with DNA damage repair and translesion synthesis: a possible mechanism for natural products chemoprevention and indirect genotoxicity" [Paper presentation]. Shanghai International Conference for TCM and Natural Medicine, Shangai, China.
  • Okusa Ndjolo, P., Charles, C., Faes, M., Stevigny, C., & Duez, P. (16 July 2012). "Analyse de la qualité et de la composition des aliments : un outil indispensable pour la sécurité sanitaire des aliments et la protection des consommateurs'" [Paper presentation]. Forum International des Acteurs de l'Innovation, Kinshasa, Congo - Kinshasa.
  • Charles, C., Sauvaigo, S., Douki, T., & Duez, P. (01 June 2012). "Influence of secondary metabolites and food plant extracts on DNA Base Excision Repair activities" [Paper presentation]. 6ème symposium du Groupe de Contact Nutrition Alimentation Santé (GCNAS), Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
  • Pardo, A., Mespouille, L., Dubois, P., Blankert, B., & Duez, P. (07 May 2012). "NEW SYNTHESIS STRATEGIES OF MOLECULARLY IMPRINTED POLYMERS FOR ANALOGUES TEMPLATE MOLECULE TARGETING" [Paper presentation]. Seizième FORUM DES SCIENCES PHARMACEUTIQUES, Blankenberge, Belgium.
  • Ouedraogo, M., Baudoux, T., Stevigny, C., Nortier, J., Colet, J.-M., Efferth, T., Qu, F., Zhou, J., Chan, K., Pelkonen, O., & Duez, P. (15 April 2012). "First-line toxicological models for genotoxicity, teratogenicity and nephrotoxicity assessment of herbal products" [Paper presentation]. Good Practice in Traditional Chinese Medicine International Congress, Leiden, Netherlands.
  • Bunel, V., Antoine, M.-H., Nortier, J., Duez, P., & Stevigny, C. (15 April 2012). "Could Panax ginseng prevent aristolochic acid-induced nephrotoxicity?" [Paper presentation]. Good Practice in Traditional Chinese Medicine International Congress, Leiden, Netherlands.
  • Chan, K., Duez, P., Shaw, D., & Xu, Q. (12 April 2012). "SOP Panel for Literature Review" [Paper presentation]. GP-TCM Final Conference, Kerkrade, Netherlands.
  • Duez, P., & Nortier, J. (12 April 2012). "GP-TCM - Functional genomics and toxicology" [Paper presentation]. GP-TCM Final Conference, Kerkrade, Netherlands.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
  • Bunel, V., Antoine, M.-H., Nguyen, V., Nortier, J., Duez, P., & Stévigny, C. (20 December 2012). "Quantitative determination of β-catenin by immunofluorescence microscopy" [Poster presentation]. 12ème Journée des Doctorants en Sciences Biomédicales, Sciences Dentaires, Sciences Médicales, Sciences Pharmaceutiques, Brussels, Belgium.
  • Pardo, A., Mespouille, L., Blankert, B., Dubois, P., & Duez, P. (03 December 2012). "Molecularly imprinted polymers: new synthesis strategies for drug innovation" [Poster presentation]. MACRO BEGE, Houffalize, Belgium.
  • Pardo, A., Mespouille, L., Blankert, B., Dubois, P., & Duez, P. (26 October 2012). "New synthesis strategies for imprinted polymers targeted to analogues of a template molecule" [Poster presentation]. 5th anniversary of the Center of Innovation & Research in Materials and Polymers (CIRMAP), Mons, Belgium.
  • Nsuadi Manga, F., El Khattabi, C., Fontaine, J., Berkenboom, G., Duez, P., Noyon, C., Van Antwerpen, P., Lami Nzunzu, J., & Pochet, S. (16 October 2012). "Vascular and antihypertensive effects of 2 Combretum species from Democratic Republic of Congo" [Poster presentation]. 7th Day of the PhD students of the Doctoral School in Pharmaceutical Science, ULB/UMONS, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Pardo, A., Mespouille, L., Blankert, B., Dubois, P., & Duez, P. (16 October 2012). "New synthesis strategies for imprinted polymers targeted to analogues of a template molecule" [Poster presentation]. Day of the PhD students of the Doctoral School in Pharmaceutical Science ULB/UMONS, Brussels, Belgium.
  • Bunel, V., Antoine, M.-H., Nortier, J., Duez, P., & Stévigny, C. (16 October 2012). "Involvement of Asian white ginseng in aristolochic acids-mediated nephrotoxicity: a potential herb-herb interaction" [Poster presentation]. 7th Day of the PhD students of the Doctoral School in Pharmaceutical Science, ULB/UMONS, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Nachtergael, A., Charles, C., Shabaan, S., Spanoghe, M., & Duez, P. (16 October 2012). "Capillary electrophoresis to study in vitro DNA translesion synthesis through 8-oxo-dG : application to screening of natural products" [Poster presentation]. VIIe PhD Day de l'école doctorale en sciences pharmaceutiques ULB/UMONS, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Bunel, V., Antoine, M.-H., Nortier, J., Duez, P., & Stevigny, C. (30 August 2012). "Protective effect of Angelica sinensis radix against aristolochic acids-induced nephrotoxicity in vitro" [Poster presentation]. 22èmes Journées Scientifiques de STOLON, Paris, France.
  • Pardo, A., Mespouille, L., Dubois, P., Blankert, B., & Duez, P. (17 June 2012). "DEVELOPPEMENT DE POLYMERES A EMPREINTE MOLECULAIRE SELECTIFS ENVERS UN GROUPE DE MOLECULES ANALOGUES" [Poster presentation]. Séminaire résidentiel: Doctoriales franco-belges 2012, Tournai, Belgium.
  • Charles, C., Belayew, A., & Duez, P. (11 May 2012). "Influence of food plant extracts on non-homologous end-joining DNA double-strand breaks repair by on-chips microelectrophoresis" [Poster presentation]. 10ème Réunion du Groupe de Contact FNRS - Phénomènes oxydatifs et antioxydants, 'Oxidative stress and genotoxic response', Mons, Belgium.
  • Nachtergael, A., Charles, C., Mercier, C., Spanoghe, M., Gadenne, M., & Duez, P. (11 May 2012). "Fluorescence capillary electrophoresis to study in vitro DNA translesion synthesis through 8-oxo-dG" [Poster presentation]. Xème réunion du groupe de contact FNRS - Dommages à l'ADN et réponse génotoxique, Mons, Belgium.
  • Bunel, V., Antoine, M.-H., Nortier, J., Duez, P., & Stevigny, C. (11 May 2012). "Danggui: a Chinese herb that could prevent aristolochic acids-mediated nephrotoxicity" [Poster presentation]. 10ème Réunion du Groupe de Contact FNRS - Phénomènes oxydatifs et antioxydants, 'Oxidative stress and genotoxic response', Mons, Belgium.
  • Guendouze, N., Charifi, A., Hebbache, N., Madani, K., Chibane, M., Stevigny, C., & Duez, P. (11 May 2012). "The antioxidant activity of two Algerian plants belonging to the Ericaceae family" [Poster presentation]. 10ème Réunion du Groupe de Contact FNRS - Phénomènes oxydatifs et antioxydants, 'Oxidative stress and genotoxic response', Mons, Belgium.
  • Brahmi, F., Madani, K., Chibane, M., Hauchard, D., Stevigny, C., & Duez, P. (11 May 2012). "Radical-scavenging activity of two Algerian medicinal plants: Mentha spicata L. and Mentha pulegium L" [Poster presentation]. 10ème Réunion du Groupe de Contact FNRS - Phénomènes oxydatifs et antioxydants, 'Oxidative stress and genotoxic response', Mons, Belgium.
  • Pardo, A., Mespouille, L., Dubois, P., Blankert, B., & Duez, P. (10 May 2012). "NEW SYNTHESIS STRATEGIES FOR IMPRINTED POLYMERS TARGETED TO ANALOGUES OF A TEMPLATE MOLECULE" [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Belgian Polymer Group (BPG 2012), Blankenberge, Belgium.
  • Kamagaju, L., Morandini, R., Stevigny, C., Ghanem, G. E., & Duez, P. (15 April 2012). "Inhibition of melanogenesis and tyrosine hydroxylase by extracts from five Rwandese medicinal plants" [Poster presentation]. Good Practice in Traditional Chinese Medicine International Congress, Leiden, Netherlands.
  • Nachtergael, A., Charles, C., Spanoghe, M., Gadenne, M., & Duez, P. (11 March 2012). "Fluorescence capillary electrophoresis to study in vitro DNA translesion synthesis through 8-oxo-dG" [Poster presentation]. 9th Winter Research Conferences ('DNA Damage: formation, repair, health consequences and industrial issues'), Les Houches, France.
Mémoires et thèses/Mémoire de licence/master
  • Monfort, L. (2012). "Contrôle de qualité non ciblé de plantes médicinales chinoises" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/5004
  • Michel, N. (2012). "Etude des huiles essentielles de Ocimum de la région du Katanga (RDC)" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/4911
  • Baudier, E. (2012). "Applications hospitalières des huiles essentielles en Belgique francophone" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/9636
  • Narboni, A. (2012). "Demande d'autorisation de mise sur le marché des médicaments: contexte reglementaire et constitution d'un dossier" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/32475
  • Moutanabih, N. (2012). "Mise en évidence de l'activité antidrépanocytaire de plantes de la région du Katanga (RDC)" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/30424
Mémoires et thèses/Thèse de doctorat
  • Okusa Ndjolo, P. (2012). "Etude phytochimique et activité antimicrobienne directe et indirecte de Cordia gilletii De Wild (Boraginaceae)" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/1177
  • Kalonji, N. J. B. (2012). "Evaluation de la qualité des antipaludéens utilisés per os dans la ville de Lubumbashi" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/35082
Allocutions et communications diverses/Autre
  • Duez, P. (2012). "Les plantes chinoises utilisées comme médicaments en Europe".
  • Duez, P. (2012). "La sécurité des plantes chinoises utilisées comme médicaments en Europe".
Parties d’ouvrages/Contribution à des ouvrages collectifs
  • Bastin, J. F., Djibu, J. P., Havyarimana, F., Alongo, S., Kumba, S., Shalukoma, C., Motondo, A., Joiris, V., Stevigny, C., Duez, P., De Cannière, C., & Bogaert, J. (2011). Multiscalar analysis of the spatial pattern of forest ecosystems in Central Africa justified by the pattern/process paradigm: two case studies. In "Forestry, Research, Ecology and Policies" (pp. 79-98). Nova Science Pub Inc.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
  • Ouedraogo, M., Lamien-Sanou, A., Ramdé, N., Ouedraogo, A. S., Ouedraogo, M., Zongo, S. P., Goumbri, O., Duez, P., & Guissou, P. I. (23 December 2011). Protective effect of Moringa oleifera leaves against gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity in rabbits. "Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology, 65" (3), 335-339. doi:10.1016/j.etp.2011.11.006
  • Mukazayire, M.-J., Minani, V., Ruffo, C. K., Bizuru, E., Stevigny, C., & Duez, P. (18 November 2011). Traditional phytotherapy remedies used in Southern Rwanda for the treatment of liver diseases. "Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 138" (2), 415-431. doi:10.1016/j.jep.2011.09.025
  • Ouédraogo, M., Charles, C., Ouédraogo, M., Guissou, I. P., Stévigny, C., & Duez, P. (2011). An overview of cancer chemopreventive potential and safety of proanthocyanidins. "Nutrition and Cancer".
  • Conforti, F., Modesto, S., Menichini, S., Statti, G. A., Uzunov, D., Solimene, U., Duez, P., & Menichini, F. (01 January 2011). Correlation between environmental factors, chemical composition and antioxidative properties of Caper species growing wild in Calabria (S Italy). "Chemistry and Biodiversity, 8", 518-531.
  • Rajaonson, S., Vandeputte, O. M., Vereecke, D., Kiendrebeogo, M., Ralambofetra, E., Stevigny, C., Duez, P., Rabemanantsoa, C., Mol, A., Diallo, B., Baucher, M., & El Jaziri, M. (01 January 2011). Virulence quenching with a prenylated isoflavanone renders the Malagasy legume Dalbergia pervillei resistant to Rhodococcus fascians. "Environmental Microbiology, 13", 1236-1252. doi:10.1111/j.1462-2920.2011.02424.x
  • Sobhi, W., Khettal, B., Belmouhoub, M., Atmani, D., Duez, P., & Benboubetra, M. (01 January 2011). Hepatotoxicity and Langerhans islets regenerative effects of polar and neutral lipids of Nigella sativa L. in nicotinamide/streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. "Pteridines, 22", 97 - 104.
  • Conforti, F., Marrelli, M., Colica, C., Menichini, F., Perri, V., Uzunov, D., Statti, G.-C., Duez, P., & Menichini, F. (01 January 2011). Bioactive phytonutrients (omega fatty acids, tocopherols, polyphenols), in vitro inhibition of nitric oxide production and free radical scavenging activity of non-cultivated Mediterranean vegetables. "Food Chemistry, 129", 1413-1419. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2011.05.085
  • Bonesi, M., Okusa Ndjolo, P., Tundis, R., Loizzo, M. R., Menechini, F., Menechini, F., Stevigny, C., & Duez, P. (01 January 2011). Chemical composition, antioxidant properties and anticholinesterase activity of Cordia gilletii De Wild (Boraginaceae) leaves essential oil. "Natural Product Communications, 6", 253-257.
  • Vandeputte, O. M., Kiendrebeogo, M., Vereecke, D., Rasamiravakaa, T., Duez, P., Stevigny, C., Rajaonson, S., Diallo, B., Mol, A., Baucher, M., & El Jaziri, M. (01 January 2011). The flavanone naringenin reduces the production of quorum-sensing-controlled virulence factors in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1. "Microbiology, 157" (Pt 7), 2120-2132.
  • Mukazayire, M.-J., Tomani, J. C., Stevigny, C., Chalchat, J. C., Conforti, F., Menichini, F., & Duez, P. (01 January 2011). Essential oils of four Rwandese hepatoprotective herbs: Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry analysis and antioxidant activities. "Food Chemistry, 129", 753-760.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
  • Duez, P., Colet, J.-M., & Nortier, J. (25 November 2011). "First-line toxicological models for genotoxicity and nephrotoxicity assessment of herbal products" [Paper presentation]. Preparation of the new ITN Marie Curie project, Henley-on-Thames, United Kingdom.
  • Duez, P. (03 November 2011). "Les plantes médicinales : une longue histoire... toujours d'actualité" [Paper presentation]. Conférence du cycle 'Histoire de la Médecine', Extension UMONS, Mons, Belgium.
  • Duez, P. (14 October 2011). "Regulations and trends of herbal application in EU" [Paper presentation]. Workshop on herbal exports to US & EU markets, Chengdu, China.
  • Duez, P. (10 October 2011). "Regulations and trends of herbal application in EU" [Paper presentation]. Seminar on THMP registration in the EU, Beijing, China.
  • Duez, P. (29 September 2011). "GP-TCM - Introduction & brief progress of WP3" [Paper presentation]. WP1, WP3 and WP7 Joint Meeting of the GP-TCM consortium, Strasbourg, France.
  • Duez, P. (21 July 2011). "GP-TCM - Functional genomics and toxicology (Year 2)" [Paper presentation]. 2nd Annual General Meeting of the GP-TCM consortium, Braga, Portugal.
  • Chan, K., Duez, P., Shaw, D., & Xu, Q. (21 July 2011). "Good Practice Guidelines for Scientific TCM Publications" [Paper presentation]. 2nd Annual General Meeting of the GP-TCM consortium, Braga, Portugal.
  • Duez, P. (30 May 2011). "Natural products : Distinction between Medicines and Food Supplements?" [Paper presentation]. Meeting on the food chapters of Harmonization System/Combined Nomenclature, European Commission, Directorate General, Taxation And Customs Union (TAXUD), Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Nsuadi, F., El Khattabi, C., Berkenboom, G., Duez, P., Lami, J., & Pochet, S. (12 May 2011). "Vasorelaxant and antioxidant activities of Hymenocardia acida TUL" [Paper presentation]. 15ème Forum des Sciences Pharmaceutiques, Spa, Belgium.
  • Bunel, V., Antoine, M.-H., Nortier, J., Duez, P., & Stevigny, C. (12 May 2011). "In vitro model for assessment of nephrotoxicity and nephroprotection" [Paper presentation]. 15ème Forum des Sciences Pharmaceutiques, Spa, Belgium.
  • Bunel, V., Antoine, M.-H., Nguyen, K., Husson, C., Stevigny, C., Duez, P., & Nortier, J. (03 March 2011). "In vitro model assessing early nephrotoxicity of herbal products" [Paper presentation]. Annual Scientific Meeting of the Belgian Society of Nephrology, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Duez, P. (27 January 2011). "Approche de l'étude toxicologique des plantes utilisées en médecines traditionnelles" [Paper presentation]. Conférence Faculté de Pharmacie, Université de Lubumbashi, Lubumbashi, Congo - Kinshasa.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
  • Okombe, E. V., Pongombo, S. C., & Duez, P. (09 September 2011). "Anthelmintic activity of Vitex thomasii de Wild (Verbenaceae) root bark powder on Haemonchus contortus in goats" [Poster presentation]. HERBAN (Herbal products in animal health and nutrition, Antalya, Turkey.
  • Nsuadi, F., El Khattabi, C., Berkenboom, G., Duez, P., Lami, J., & Pochet, S. (12 June 2011). "Endothelium-dependent effects of medicinal plants from Democratic Republic of Congo on isolated rat aorta" [Poster presentation]. Trends in natural products Research, Kolymvari, Crète, Greece.
  • Pardo, A., Mespouille, L., Blankert, B., Dubois, P., & Duez, P. (12 May 2011). "QUERCETIN IMPRINTED POLYMERS: PREPARATION AND PROPERTIES AS SORBENT FOR SOLID-PHASE EXTRACTION" [Poster presentation]. Annual meeting of the Belgian Polymer Group, Houffalize, Belgium.
  • Charles, C., Belayew, A., & Duez, P. (02 May 2011). "Etude en microélectrophorèse capillaire de l'influence de produits naturels sur la réparation in vitro des cassures double-brin de l'ADN par recombinaison non-homologue" [Poster presentation]. 9ème Colloque des 3R : Réplication, Recombinaison et Réparation, Presqu'île de Giens, France.
  • Brahmi, F., Madani, K., Chibane, M., Hauchard, D., Stevigny, C., & Duez, P. (13 April 2011). "Phenolic composition and antioxidant evaluation of Algerian mints extracts" [Poster presentation]. Congrès International sur les Plantes Aromatiques et Médicinales (CIPAM), Cagliari, Italy.
  • Guendouze, N., Madani, K., Chibane, M., Hauchard, D., Stevigny, C., & Duez, P. (13 April 2011). "Study of the antioxidant activity and chromatographic profile of three Algerian plants belonging to the Ericaceae family" [Poster presentation]. Congrès International sur les Plantes Aromatiques et Médicinales (CIPAM), Cagliari, Italy.
  • Pardo, A., Duez, P., Mespouille, L., Blankert, B., & Dubois, P. (22 March 2011). "PREPARATION AND SELECTIVITY STUDY OF QUERCETIN IMPRINTED POLYMERS" [Poster presentation]. 6ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs (MDC 2011), Mons, Belgium.
Mémoires et thèses/Mémoire de licence/master
  • Bouvart, C. (2011). "Réglementation et aspects légaux concernant les produits laitiers et le fromage. Utilité d'une protection normative contre les toxines végétales, le cas du ptaquiloside" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/2669
  • Artyukh, O. (2011). "Les facteurs alimentaires influençant les enfants hyperactifs" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/10332
  • Hollerich, E. (2011). "Les représentations sociales et les motivations liées aux pratiques de dépigmentation féminine volontaire chez les adolescent(e)s (15-18 ans) à Butare (Rwanda)" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/12453
  • Liu Hoi, T. (2011). "Etude du Ligusticum chuanxiong et contribution à la mise au point d'une monographie analytique par l'introduction du DNA barcoding" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/17051
  • Nachtergael, A. (2011). "Etude de la synthèse translésionnelle d'ADN via la 8-oxo-dG" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/28869
  • Pipers, E. (2011). "Caractérisation de polymères à empreinte moléculaire" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/35627
  • Bakari, A. (2011). "Etude biologique et chimique de quelques plantes utilisées en médecine traditionnelle congolaise contre le diabète" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/12957
Mémoires et thèses/Thèse de doctorat
  • Mukazayire, M.-J. (2011). "Les plantes médicinales du Rwanda : activités hépatoprotectrices et inhibitrices du virus de l'hépatite C" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/14929
  • Okombe, E. V. (2011). "Activité antihelminthique de la poudre d'écorce de racine de Vitex thomasii De Wild (Verbenaceae) sur Haemonchus contortus chez la chèvre" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/22352
Parties d’ouvrages/Contribution à des ouvrages collectifs
  • Nguyen, A.-T., Malonne, H., Fontaine, J., Blanco, L., Vanhaelen, M., Figys, J., Zizi, M., & Duez, P. (2010). Phenolic Compounds from Plumbago zeylanica and their Cytotoxicity. In "Comprehensive Bioactive Natural Products Vol 6 : Extraction, Isolation & Characterization". Studium Press, New Delhi, India.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
  • Mukazayire, M.-J., Allaeys, V., Buc Calderon, P., Stevigny, C., Bigendako, M.-J., & Duez, P. (31 October 2010). Evaluation of the hepatotoxic and hepatoprotective effect of Rwandese herbal drugs on in vivo (guinea pigs barbiturate-induced sleeping time) and in vitro (rat precision-cut liver slices, PCLS) models. "Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology, 62" (3), 289-299.
  • Okusa Ndjolo, P., Stevigny, C., Devleeschouwer, M., & Duez, P. (01 October 2010). Optimization of the culture medium used for direct TLC-bioautography. Application to the detection of antimicrobial compounds from Cordia gilletii De Wild (Boraginaceae). "Journal of Planar Chromatography, 23", 245-249.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
  • Charles, C., Moreno Y Banuls, L., Belayew, A., & Duez, P. (22 December 2010). "Influence of natural compounds on non-homologous end-joining DNA double-strand breaks repair by on-chips microelectrophoresis" [Paper presentation]. 9ème Réunion du Groupe de Contact FNRS - Phénomènes oxydatifs et antioxydants, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Duez, P. (15 December 2010). "Possible strategies for the toxicological study of herbal medicines. Application to the study of traditional medicine" [Paper presentation]. Conférence Université Al Hawache, Homs, Tal-Kalack, Syria.
  • Charles, C., Moreno Y Banuls, L., Stevigny, C., Belayew, A., & Duez, P. (26 October 2010). "Effect of ten flavonoids, curcumin and indole-3-carbinol on in vitro DNA double-strand breaks repair" [Paper presentation]. 5ème symposium du Groupe de Contact FNRS - Nutrition, Alimentation et Santé (GCNAS), Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Duez, P. (19 October 2010). "Stratégies possibles pour l'étude toxicologique des plantes médicinales. Application aux médecines traditionnelles" [Paper presentation]. Conférence Institut des Hautes Etudes de Belgique, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Duez, P. (28 July 2010). "WP3 Session on functional genomics in toxicology study of CHM" [Paper presentation]. 1st Annual General Meeting of the GP-TCM consortium, Henley-on-Thames, United Kingdom.
  • Duez, P., Shaw, D., & Chan, K. (28 July 2010). "Introduction of the updated standard operating procedure for literature review" [Paper presentation]. 1st Annual General Meeting of the GP-TCM consortium, Henley-on-Thames, United Kingdom.
  • Duez, P., & Charles, C. (07 July 2010). "On-chips microelectrophoresis for the study of ex vivo NHEJ" [Paper presentation]. Meeting Fondation Recherche sur le Cancer et les Maladies du Sang, Laboratoire de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire du Cancer, Hôpital Kirchberg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
  • Bunel, V., Antoine, M.-H., Nguyen, V., Nortier, J., Duez, P., & Stévigny, C. (23 December 2010). "Experimental in vitro approach in detecting early nephrotoxic effects of natural products" [Poster presentation]. 10ème Journée des Doctorants - Sciences Biomédicales, Sciences Dentaires, Sciences Médicales, Sciences Pharmaceutiques, Brussels, Belgium.
  • Bunel, V., Antoine, M.-H., Nguyen, V., Nortier, J., Duez, P., & Stevigny, C. (22 December 2010). "Experimental in vitro approach to detect early nephrotoxic effect of natural products" [Poster presentation]. 9ème Réunion du Groupe de Contact FNRS - Phénomènes oxydatifs et antioxydants, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Brahmi, F., Madani, K., Chibane, M., Hauchard, D., Stevigny, C., & Duez, P. (22 December 2010). "Phenolic composition and antioxidant evaluation of Algerian mints extracts" [Poster presentation]. 9ème Réunion du Groupe de Contact FNRS - Phénomènes oxydatifs et antioxydants, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Guendouze, N., Madani, K., Chibane, M., Hauchard, D., Stevigny, C., & Duez, P. (22 December 2010). "Study of the antioxidant activity and chromatographic profile of three Algerian plants belonging to the Ericaceae family" [Poster presentation]. 9ème Réunion du Groupe de Contact FNRS - Phénomènes oxydatifs et antioxydants, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Pardo, A., Mespouille, L., Blankert, B., Dubois, P., & Duez, P. (24 September 2010). "'Preparation and characterization of quercetin imprinted polymers.'" [Poster presentation]. Drug Analysis, Antwerpen, Belgium.
  • Charles, C., Moreno Y Banuls, L., Belayew, A., Stevigny, C., & Duez, P. (21 September 2010). "Development of on-chips microelectrophoresis for the study of ex-vivo non-homologous end-joining DNA double-strand breaks repair. Effect of quercetin" [Poster presentation]. Drug Analysis, Antwerpen, Belgium.
  • Kani Kani, M., Bunel, V., Duez, P., & Stevigny, C. (16 September 2010). "Biologie et culture d'un produit forestier non ligneux, le kimbiolongo (Mondia whitei, Apocynaceae) au Bas-Congo (RD Congo)" [Poster presentation]. International Symposium on Botanical diversity: exploration, understanding and use, Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences and National Botanic Garden of Belgium, Belgium.
  • Pardo, A., Mespouille, L., Blankert, B., Dubois, P., & Duez, P. (10 May 2010). "'Development of molecularly imprinted polymers for the study of natural products.'" [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Belgian Polymer Group (BPG 2010), Blankenberge, Belgium.
Mémoires et thèses/Mémoire de licence/master
  • Ghyssens, N. (2010). "Plantes médicinales : aspects de génotoxicité" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/4700
  • Idhsaïn, A. (2010). "Apports du poisson zèbre à l'étude des produits naturels" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/19363
  • Cornette, J. (2010). "Détermination de la carnitine et des acylcarnitines dans le plasma par la technique de spectrométrie de masse en tandem" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/39681
  • Ngezahayo, J. (2010). "Extraction et identification des alcaloïdes pyrrolizidiniques à partir des feuilles de Crassocephalum vitellinum (Bentham) S. Moore" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/39115
  • Névraumont, M. (2010). "Etude phytochimique des activités antimicrobiennes et antioxydantes des racines de Cordia gilletii De Wild (Boraginaceae)" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/40098
  • Abaida, A. (2010). "Espèces asiatiques d'Amomum ey leurs adultérants. Etude bibliographique et contribution à la mise au point d'une monographie analytique" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/41084
  • Birihanyuma, A. (2010). "Traitements traditionnels des troubles du sommeil" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/40066
Parties d’ouvrages/Contribution à des ouvrages collectifs
  • Okusa Ndjolo, P., Stévigny, C., & Duez, P. (2009). Medicinal Plants: A Tool to Overcome Antibiotic Resistance ? In "Medicinal Plants: Classification, Biosynthesis and Pharmacology" (pp. 315-336). Nova Science Pub Inc.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
  • Murebwayire, S., Ingkaninan, K., Changewijit, K., Frédérich, M., & Duez, P. (01 January 2009). Triclisia sacleuxii (Pierre) Diels (Menispermaceae), A potential source of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. "Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 61" (1), 103-107.
Mémoires et thèses/Mémoire de licence/master
  • Pardo, A. (2009). "Les Polymères à empreinte moléculaire dans l'étude des produits naturels" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/19122
  • Moreno Y Banuls, L. (2009). "Méthodes d'étude de la réparation de l'ADN par recombinaison non homologue" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/3205
  • Rajohnesy, R. (2009). "Détection des acides aristolochiques dans les produits d'origine naturelle" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/8781
  • Van Helden, F. (2009). "Etude d'une plante à anthocyanes au Burkina Faso : le Bombax costatum" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/21352
  • Rappez, F. (2009). "Traitement des parasitoses gastro-intestinales chez les animaux d'élevage au Burkina Faso" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/40210
Parties d’ouvrages/Contribution à des ouvrages collectifs
  • Nguyen, A.-T., & Duez, P. (2008). Cytotoxic Anticancer Drugs from Medicinal Plants. In "Phytochemistry Research Progress" (pp. 193-208). Nova Science Pub Inc.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
  • Gnoula, C., Mégalizzi, V., De Neve, N., Sauvage, S., Ribaucour, F., Guissou, P. I., Duez, P., Dubois, J., Ingrassia, L., Lefranc, F., Kiss, R., & Mijatovic, T. (01 January 2008). Balanitin-6 and -7: Diosgenyl saponins isolated from Balanites aegyptiaca Del. display significant anti-tumor activity in vitro and in vivo. "International Journal of Oncology, 32", 5-15.
  • Murebwayire, S., Frédérich, M., Hannaert, V., Jonville, M.-C., & Duez, P. (01 January 2008). Antiplasmodial and antitrypanosomal activity of Triclisia sacleuxii ( Pierre) Diels. "Phytomedicine, 15", 728-733.
  • Dehon, G., Catoire, L., Duez, P., Bogaerts, P., & Dubois, J. (01 January 2008). Validation of an automatic comet assay analysis system integrating the curve fitting of combined comet intensity profiles. "Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 650" (2), 87-95.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
  • Mukazayire, M.-J., Tomani, J. C., Okusa Ndjolo, P., Chalchat, J. C., Stévigny, C., & Duez, P. (03 August 2008). "Chemical composition and evaluation of antioxidant and antimicrobial properies of Ocimum lamiifolium and Crassocephalum vitellinum essential oils" [Paper presentation]. 7th Joint Meeting of AFERP, GA, PSE & SIF (Natural products with pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, cosmetic and agrochemical interest), Athènes, Greece.
  • Okusa Ndjolo, P., Charles, C., Stévigny, C., Ngoy, E., Lumbu Simbi, J.-B., Devleeschouwer, M., & Duez, P. (03 August 2008). "Antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of twelve Congolese medicinal plants" [Paper presentation]. 7th Joint Meeting of AFERP, GA, PSE & SIF (Natural products with pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, cosmetic and agrochemical interest), Athènes, Greece.
  • Gosset, S., Duez, P., Devleeschouwer, M., Dutillieux, K., Bandella, A., Stévigny, C., & Noël, E. (03 August 2008). "Optimization of a rapid luminescence bioassay for the assessment of toxicity of contaminants in XTC's pills" [Paper presentation]. 7th Joint Meeting of AFERP, GA, PSE & SIF (Natural products with pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, cosmetic and agrochemical interest), Athènes, Greece.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
  • Gosset, S., Duez, P., Devleeschouwer, M., Dutillieux, K., Bandella, A., Stévigny, C., & Noel, E. (20 August 2008). "Optimization of a rapid luminescence bioassay for the assessment of toxicity of contaminants in XTC's pills" [Poster presentation]. Journée des Doctorants en Sciences Pharmaceutiques, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Mémoires et thèses/Mémoire de licence/master
  • Ngoy, E. (2008). "Etude de quelques plantes réputées antidiarrhéiques utilisées à Lubumbashi et dans ses environs" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/4893
  • Abeels, M. (2008). "Etude ethnobotanique et screening phytochimique de cinq plantes hépatoprotectrices utilisées par les tradipraticiens de Basse-Guinée" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/13410
  • Charles, C. (2008). "Extraits végétaux et propriétés antimicrobiennes directes et indirectes" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/19074
  • Bossé, J. (2008). "La microextraction en phase solide (SPME)" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/28509
  • Bandella, A. (2008). "Etude de la toxicité de comprimés d'Ecstasy par chromatographie sur couche mince couplée à un bioessai" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/40401
Mémoires et thèses/Thèse de doctorat
  • Murebwayire, M. (2008). "Propriétés antiplasmodiales, antitrypanosomales et inhibitrices d' acétylcholinestérase de Triclisia sacleuxii (Pierre) Diels" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/33238
Parties d’ouvrages/Contribution à des ouvrages collectifs
  • Duez, P. (2007). Ethnopharmacology, traditional medicine and cancer therapy in Africa. In "About cancer in Africa: from epidemiology to biomedical applications and perspectives". Institut National du Cancer, Boulogne-Billancourt, France.
  • Duez, P. (2007). Ethnopharmacologie, médecines traditionnelles, thérapies du cancer en Afrique. In "Cancer en Afrique: de l'épidémiologie aux applications et perspectives biomédicales". Institut National du Cancer, Boulogne-Billancourt, France.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
  • Okusa Ndjolo, P., Penge, O., Devleeschouwer, M., & Duez, P. (01 January 2007). Direct and indirect antimicrobial effects and antioxidant activity of Cordia gilletii De Wild (Boraginaceae). "Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 112" (3), 476-481.
  • Biringanine, G., Rønsted, N., Vanhaelen-Fastre, R., Vanhaelen, M., & Duez, P. (01 January 2007). Iridoids and phenylethanoid glycosides from Plantago palmata Hook. f. s. "Journal de la Société Ouest-Africaine de Chimie, 23", 35-40.
  • Gnoula, C., Guissou, P. I., Duez, P., Frédérich, M., & Dubois, J. (01 January 2007). Nematocidal compounds from the seeds of Balanites aegyptiaca. Isolation and structure elucidation. "International Journal of Pharmacology, 3" (3), 280-284.
  • Hema, A., Palé, E., Duez, P., Luhmer, M., & Nacro, M. (01 January 2007). Activités anti-radicalaires de trois anthocyanines monoglucosides isolées des graines de Glycine max. "Journal de la Société Ouest-Africaine de Chimie, 23", 61-66.
  • Wauthoz, N., Balde, A., Balde, E. S., Van Damme, M., & Duez, P. (01 January 2007). Ethnopharmacology of Mangifera indica L. Bark and Pharmacological Studies of its Main C-Glucosylxanthone, Mangiferin (Invited Review). "International Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1" (2), 112-119.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
  • Chemais, M., Stevigny, C., Dubois, J., & Duez, P. (13 October 2007). "Part of the cancer chemopreventive activities of flavonoids may be due to modulation of DNA repair : comet assay study of some flavonoids after alkylating DNA damage (II)" [Paper presentation]. Meeting of the Belgian Society for Cell and Developmental Biology and the FNRS Contact Group on Oxidative Stress and Antioxidants, 'Oxygen and reactive oxygen species in biology', Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
  • Okusa Ndjolo, P., Penge, A., Devleeschouwer, M., & Duez, P. (11 October 2007). "Antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of Cordia gilletii (Boraginaceae)" [Paper presentation]. Forum de la Société Belge des Sciences Pharmaceutiques, Spa, Belgium.
  • Kamagaju, L., Mukazayire, M.-J., Nyiligira, J., Mugiraneza, J. P., & Duez, P. (02 September 2007). "Preliminary phytochemical screening and acute toxicity of Aristolochia albida ethanolic extract" [Paper presentation]. 55th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant Research (Gesellschaft fur Arzneip?anzenforschung - GA), Graz, Austria.
  • Mukazayire, M.-J., Faes, M., Allaeys, V., Tomani, J. C., Stévigny, C., Buc Calderon, P., Chalchat, J. C., & Duez, P. (02 September 2007). "Free Radicals Scavenging and Hepatoprotective Activities of the Rwandese Medicinal Herb, Crassocephalum vitellinum. Composition of the essential oil" [Paper presentation]. 55th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant Research (Gesellschaft fur Arzneip?anzenforschung - GA), Graz, Austria.
  • Okusa Ndjolo, P., Stevigny, C., Devleeschouwer, M., & Duez, P. (02 September 2007). "Development of a suitable culture medium for TLC-bioautography. Application to the detection of antibacterial compounds from Cordia gilletii extracts" [Paper presentation]. 55th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant Research (Gesellschaft fur Arzneip?anzenforschung - GA), Graz, Austria.
  • Ingabire, G., Koumaglo, H. K., De Souza, C., Dotse, C. K., Anani, K., Kabera, J., Mukazayire, M.-J., & Duez, P. (02 September 2007). "Antimicrobial activity and preliminary phytochemical screening of Turraea heterophylla and Terminalia glaucescens used in Togo ethnomedecine to treat common infections" [Paper presentation]. 55th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant Research (Gesellschaft fur Arzneip?anzenforschung - GA), Graz, Austria.
  • Palé, E., Hema, A., Duez, P., Luhmer, M., & Nacro, M. (07 August 2007). "Modification de la polarité d'un composé anthocyanique de Ipomoea asarifolia. Détermination de la structure et de l'activité antioxydante" [Paper presentation]. 10èmes Journées Scientifiques de la Société Ouest Africaine de Chimie (S.O.A.CHIM), Cotonou, Benin.
  • Hema, A., Palé, E., Duez, P., Luhmer, M., & Nacro, M. (07 August 2007). "Activités anti-radicalaires de 3 anthocyanines monoglucosides isolées des graines de Glycine max" [Paper presentation]. 10èmes Journées Scientifiques de la Société Ouest Africaine de Chimie (S.O.A.CHIM), Cotonou, Benin.
  • Gosset, S., Dutillieux, K., Prévot, J., Rubini, A., Noël, E., & Duez, P. (15 July 2007). "Pill-Testing and Risk Reduction in the Province of Hainaut (Belgium)" [Paper presentation]. International Congress of Toxicology (Toxicology: discovery serving society), Montréal, Canada.
Mémoires et thèses/Mémoire de licence/master
  • Patris, S. (2007). "Développement d'un immunocapteur électrochimique pour le dosage des anticorps anti-Clostridium tetani" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/587
  • Crepin, G. (2007). "La place des plantes et de l'allopathie dans le traitement du SIDA" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/3247
  • Hambye, S. (2007). "Le traitement traditionnel du diabète au Sénégal (région de Dakar). Enquête sur l'utilisation des plantes traditionnelles" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/12032
  • Schelinsky, J. (2007). "Mise en oeuvre de la RT-PCR pour la détection d'allergènes dans des matrices alimentaires" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/10700
  • Chemais, M. (2007). "Modulation de la réparation de l'ADN par des substances d'origine naturelle" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/11576
  • Penninck, L. (2007). "Traitement traditionnel du paludisme dans la région de Dakar, Sénégal" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/11720
  • Porco, S. (2007). "Induction de la dégradation de l'ADN par le cadmium dans les plantes" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/30863
  • Gosset, S. (2007). "Caractérisation d'échantillons d'ecstasy saisis en Belgique par CCM couplée à un indicateur biologique" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/28364
Mémoires et thèses/Thèse de doctorat
  • Gnoula, C. (2007). "Caractérisation de propriétés nématocides et anti-tumorales de diverses balanitines extraites de Balanites Aegyptiaca(L.)Del" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/31817
  • Biringanine, G. (2007). "Etude phytochimique et immunopharmacologique de Plantago Palmata Hook f.s" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/32006
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
  • Nguyen, A.-T., Fontaine, J., Malonne, H., & Duez, P. (01 January 2006). Homoisoflavanones from Disporopsis aspera. "Phytochemistry, 67" (19), 2159-2163.
  • Murebwayire, S., Diallo, B., Luhmer, M., Vanhaelen-Fastre, R., Vanhaelen, M., & Duez, P. (01 January 2006). Alkaloids and amides from Triclisia sacleuxii (Pierre) Diels. "Fitoterapia, 77" (7-8), 615-617.
  • Gnoula, C., Dubois, J., Guissou, P. I., & Duez, P. (01 January 2006). 5-(and 6)-carboxyfluorescein diacetate as an indicator of Caenorhabditis elegans viability for the development of an in vitro anthelmintic assay. Validation of the technique. "Talanta, 71" (5), 1886-1892.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
  • Okusa Ndjolo, P., Penge, O., Devleeschouwer, M., & Duez, P. (21 August 2006). "Direct and indirect antimicrobial activity of Cordia gilletii extracts" [Paper presentation]. 54th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant Research (Gesellschaft fur Arzneip?anzenforschung - GA), Helsinki, Finland.
  • Mukazayire, M.-J., Allaeys, V., Buc Calderon, P., & Duez, P. (21 August 2006). "Evaluation of the hepatoprotective effect of Ocimum lamiifolium methanolic extract on acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in rats - precision cut liver slices" [Paper presentation]. 54th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant Research (Gesellschaft fur Arzneip?anzenforschung - GA), Helsinki, Finland.
  • Palé, E., Duez, P., Luhmer, M., & Nacro, M. (21 August 2006). "Modification of the polarity of an anthocyanin pigment. Structure determination and antioxidant activity" [Paper presentation]. 54th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant Research (Gesellschaft fur Arzneip?anzenforschung - GA), Helsinki, Finland.
  • Gnoula, C., Guissou, P. I., Dubois, J., & Duez, P. (21 August 2006). "Nematicidal compound from the seeds of Balanites aegyptiaca. Isolation and structure elucidation" [Paper presentation]. 54th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant Research (Gesellschaft fur Arzneip?anzenforschung - GA), Helsinki, Finland.
  • Okusa Ndjolo, P., Penge, O., Devleeschouwer, M., & Duez, P. (16 May 2006). "Effects of Cordia gilletii extracts on methicillino-resistant Staphylococcus aureus" [Paper presentation]. Drug Analysis 2006, Namur, Belgium.
  • Murebwayire, S., Frédérich, M., Hannaert, V., Jonville, M.-C., & Duez, P. (16 May 2006). "Antiplasmodial and antitrypanosomal activity of Triclisia sacleuxii ( Pierre) Diels" [Paper presentation]. Drug Analysis 2006, Namur, Belgium.
  • Mugeniwabagara, E., Segebarth, N., Duez, P., & Luhmer, M. (19 March 2006). "Interactions between Medicinal Plant Extracts and Conventional Drugs: a 19F NMR Study of Binding to Human Serum Albumin" [Paper presentation]. XXth GERM Conference, Blankenberge, Belgium.
  • Mukazayire, M.-J., Allaeys, V., Buc Calderon, P., Bigendako, M.-J., & Duez, P. (16 March 2006). "Protective effect on CCl4- and paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity of Rwandese traditional herbal drugs : in vivo and in vitro studies and preliminary phytochemical screening" [Paper presentation]. Drug Analysis 2006, Namur, Belgium.
Mémoires et thèses/Mémoire de licence/master
  • Mukazayire, M.-J. (2006). "Screening phytochimique préliminaire et activité hépatoprotectrice et antioxydante de 5 plantes médicinales rwandaises utilisées traditionnellement pour le traitement des troubles hépatiques" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/39800
  • Okusa Ndjolo, P. (2006). "Effets antimicrobiens directs et indirects, activité antioxydante des extraits de Cordia gilletii De Wild (Boraginaceae)" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/26340
  • Wauthoz, N. (2006). "Ethnopharmacologie de Mangifera indica L. en Guinée. Dosage densitométrique d'une C-glycosyl xanthone, la mangiférine, dans l'écorce de variétés locales" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/2088
  • Depreter, F. (2006). "Activité des proanthocyanidines au niveau du système cardio-vasculaire et recherche d'un mode d'action par étude de l'interaction entre le dimère B2 et les bases de l'ARN" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/6518
  • Allard, O.-H. (2006). "Isolement de nouveaux composés aux propriétés antimalariques à partir d'organismes marins" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/4794
  • Jullion, O. (2006). "Prise en charge du cancer par la médecine traditionnelle en Guinée Conakri. Etude préliminaire" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/12769
  • Saoud, V. (2006). "Aspects cellulaires et dysfonctionnement des hépatocytes dans l'obésité" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/15767
  • Mukahirwa, M. (2006). "Plantes médicinales et réversion de la résistance aux antibiotiques" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/19645
  • Nacoulma, A. P. (2006). "Evaluation de l'activité antidiabétique de plantes du Burkina Faso. Effet sur la sécrétion d'insuline" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/34157
Parties d’ouvrages/Contribution à des ouvrages collectifs
  • Nguyen, A.-T., Fontaine, J., Malonne, H., Vanhaelen, M., Dubois, J., Ky Pham, T., & Duez, P. (2005). Cytotoxicity of five plants used as anticancer remedies in Vietnamese traditional medicine. In "Recent Progress in Medicinal plants" (pp. 145-155). Studium Press, New Delhi, India.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
  • Poortmans, J.-R., Kumps, A., Duez, P., Fofonka, A., Carpentier, A., & Francaux, M. (01 January 2005). Effect of oral creatine supplementation on urinary methylamine, formaldehyde, formate. "Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 37" (10), 1717-1720.
  • Biringanine, G., Chiarelli, M.-T., Faes, M., & Duez, P. (01 January 2005). A validation protocol for the HPTLC standardization of herbal products : application to the determination of acteoside in leaves of Plantago palmata Hook. f. s. "Talanta, 69", 418-424.
  • Nguyen, A.-T., Fontaine, J., Claeys, M., Luhmer, M., Malonne, H., & Duez, P. (01 January 2005). A sugar ester and an iridoid glycoside from Scrophularia ningpoensis. "Phytochemistry, 66", 1186-1191.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
  • Gnoula, C., Guissou, P. I., Dubois, J., & Duez, P. (21 August 2005). "Pharmacological validation of a new in vitro anthelmintic assay using 5-(and 6)-carboxyfluorescein diacetate as an indicator of Caenorhabditis elegans viability" [Paper presentation]. International Congress and 53rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant Research (Gesellschaft fur Arzneip?anzenforschung - GA), Florence, Italy.
  • Nguyen, A.-T., Fontaine, J., Malonne, H., & Duez, P. (21 August 2005). "New and cytotoxic compounds from Disporopsis aspera" [Paper presentation]. International Congress and 53rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant Research (Gesellschaft fur Arzneip?anzenforschung - GA), Florence, Italy.
  • Dehon, G., Catoire, L., Bogaerts, P., Duez, P., & Dubois, J. (24 May 2005). "Validation d'un système de lecture automatique par essai comète intégrant le concept original de modélisation mathématique des profils d'intensité combinés" [Paper presentation]. Colloque de la Société de Pharmaco-Toxicologie Cellulaire (S.P.T.C.) et de la Société Française de Toxicologie Génétique (S.F.T.G.) : 'Nouvelles techniques d'imagerie : applications en toxicologie génétique et cellulaire', Paris, France.
  • Murebwayire, S., Diallo, B., Luhmer, M., Vanhaelen-Fastre, R., Vanhaelen, M., & Duez, P. (21 May 2005). "Alkaloids and amides from Triclisia sacleuxii (Pierre) Diels (I)" [Paper presentation]. International Congress and 53rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant Research (Gesellschaft fur Arzneip?anzenforschung - GA), Florence, Italy.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication poster
  • Dehon, G., Catoire, L., Bogaerts, P., & Duez, P. (02 May 2005). "Validation d'un système de lecture automatique par essai comète intégrant le concept original de modélisation mathématique des profils d'intensité combinés" [Poster presentation]. Journée de l'Ecole Doctorale en Sciences Pharmaceutiques, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Nguyen, A. T., Fontaine, J., Malonne, H., & Duez, P. (02 May 2005). "Structure elucidation and biological evaluation of cytotoxic constituents from Scrophularia ningpoensis and Disporopsis aspera" [Poster presentation]. Journée de l'Ecole Doctorale en Sciences Pharmaceutiques, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Murebwayire, S., Diallo, B., Luhmer, M., Vanhaelen-Fastre, M. R., Vanhaelen, M., & Duez, P. (02 May 2005). "Alkaloids from the roots of Triclisia sacleuxii" [Poster presentation]. Journée de l'Ecole Doctorale en Sciences Pharmaceutiques, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Mémoires et thèses/Mémoire de licence/master
  • Cafetieris, B. (2005). "Production d'acides aminés aromatiques à partir de cyanobactéries tropicales marines" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/1758
  • Farina, C. (2005). "Le régime crétois" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/11970
  • Taha, N. (2005). "Méthodes d'analyse des dérivés osidiques" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/34289
  • Dumonceau, I. (2005). "L'obésité infantile" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/26533
  • Prosnitz-Bodart, M. (2005). "Extraction bioguidée de Dryoptera filix-mas à l'aide d'un modèle d'activité nématicide basé sur Caenorhabditis elegans" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/24263
  • Mugeniwabagara, E. (2005). "Etude par la RMN 19F des interactions entre des phytomédicaments et l'albumine sérique humaine" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/28034
Mémoires et thèses/Thèse de doctorat
  • Nguyen, A.-T. (2005). "Structure elucidation and biological evaluation of cytotoxic constituents isolated from three vietnamese medicinal plants : Plumbago zeylanica, Scrophularia ningpoensis and Disporopsis aspera" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/16636
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
  • Duez, P., Dehon, G., & Dubois, J. (01 January 2004). Validation of raw data measurements in the comet assay. "Talanta, 63", 879-886.
  • Biringanine, G., Vray, B., Vercruysse, V., Vanhaelen-Fastre, R., Vanhaelen, M., & Duez, P. (01 January 2004). Polysaccharides extracted from the leaves of Plantago palmata Hook.f. induce nitric oxide and tumor necrosis factor-alfa production by interferon-gamma-activated macrophages. "Nitric Oxide, 12" (1), 1-8.
  • Dehon, G., Bogaerts, P., Duez, P., Catoire, L., & Dubois, J. (01 January 2004). Curve fitting of combined comet intensity profiles: A new global concept to quantify DNA damage by the comet assay. "Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 73" (2), 235-243.
  • Kumps, A., Vamos, E., Mardens, Y., Abramowicz, M., Genin, J., & Duez, P. (01 January 2004). Assessment of an electron-impact GC-MS method for organic acids and glycine conjugates in amniotic fluid. "Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease, 27" (5), 567-579.
  • Jacques, J.-P., Zombek, S., Guillain, C., & Duez, P. (01 January 2004). Cannabis : Les scientifiques sont d'accord plus qu'ils ne l'admettent. "Revue Médicale de Bruxelles, 25" (2), 87-92.
  • Nguyen, A.-T., Malonne, H., Duez, P., Vanhaelen-Fastre, R., Vanhaelen, M., & Fontaine, J. (01 January 2004). Isolation and structure determination of cytotoxic constituents from Plumbago zeylanica. "Fitoterapia, 75" (5), 500-504.
  • Somé, T. I., Semde, R., Ouedraogo, M., Karimi, A., Guissou, P. I., Duez, P., & Dubois, J. (01 January 2004). Validation of gentamicin congeners using HPLC with electrochemical detection: comparison with fluorimetric detection. "Comptes Rendus Chimie, 7", 1087-1093.
  • Jacques, J.-P., Zombek, S., Guillain, C., & Duez, P. (01 January 2004). Cannabis : Les scientifiques sont d'accord plus qu'ils ne l'admettent. "Journal de Pharmacie de Belgique, 59" (2), 57-62.
  • Kinnaert, E., Duez, P., Morandini, R., Van Houtte, P., & Ghanem, G. (01 January 2004). Cysteine but not glutathione modulates the radiosensitivity of human melanoma cells by affecting both survival and DNA damage. "Pigment Cell Research, 17", 275-280.
  • Gedik, C., Collins, A., Dubois, J., Duez, P., Kouegnigan, L., Rees, J.-F., Loft, S., Möller, P., Jensen, A., Poulsen, H., Riis, B., Weimann, A., Cadet, J., Douki, T., Ravanat, J.-L., Sauvaigo, S., Faure, H., Morel, I., Morin, B., ... Vaughan, N. (01 January 2004). Establishing the background level of base oxidation in human lymphocyte DNA: results of an interlaboratory validation study. "FASEB Journal, 19" (1), 82-84.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
  • Gnoula, C., Duez, P., Guissou, P. I., & Dubois, J. (12 December 2004). "Utilisation de la 5,6- carboxy-fluoresceine acétate comme indicateur de viabilité de Caenorhabditis elegans pour la mise au point d'un test anthelminthique in vitro. Validation de la technique" [Paper presentation]. Deuxièmes Journées Médicales et Pharmaceutiques du Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
  • Dehon, G., Kouegnigan, L., Kisir, I., Ouedraogo, M., Fondu, P., Ferster, A., Jacquemotte, M., Duez, P., & Dubois, J. (12 December 2004). "Essai comète - méthodologie et illustration de 2 applications : (1) Evaluation de la génotoxicité de pesticides fréquemment utilisés ; (2) Impact d'un traitement à l'hydroxyurée sur l'ADN de lymphocytes de patients drépanocytaires" [Paper presentation]. Deuxièmes Journées Médicales et Pharmaceutiques du Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
  • Duez, P., & Lejoly, J. (18 September 2004). "Le savoir-faire traditionnel en matière de plantes aromatiques et médicinales (PAM) des pays du pourtour de la Méditerranée sur Internet, une composante du projet pilote de la filière PAM du projet Euromed Heritage II «Filière Innovante» : Cas des programmes PHARMEL et PLAMENET" [Paper presentation]. Colloque International 'La valorisation de la biodiversité dans la perspective du développement local durable', Alger, Algeria.
  • Nguyen, A. T., Fontaine, J., Claeys, M., Luhmer, M., Malonne, H., & Duez, P. (31 July 2004). "Phenylpropanoid and iridoid glycosides from Scrophularia ningpoensis" [Paper presentation]. 2004 International Congress on Natural Products Research, Phoenix, United States - Arizona.
  • Kouegnigan, L., Fondu, P., Ferster, A., Dehon, G., Dubois, J., & Duez, P. (14 May 2004). "Single strand breaks and 8-oxodG in sickle cell disease treated by hydroxyurea" [Paper presentation]. 187th meeting of the Belgian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, together with the FNRS contact group on oxidative stress and antioxidants on: 'Reactive Oxygen Species: from signal transduction to in vivo effects', Liège, Belgium.
  • Muraille, V., Fazazi, K., Dehon, G., Dubois, J., & Duez, P. (14 May 2004). "Modulation of DNA repair : preliminary comet assay study of some flavonoids after alkylating DNA damage" [Paper presentation]. 187th meeting of the Belgian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, together with the FNRS contact group on oxidative stress and antioxidants on: 'Reactive Oxygen Species: from signal transduction to in vivo effects', Liège, Belgium.
  • Dehon, G., Catoire, L., Bogaerts, P., Duez, P., & Dubois, J. (06 May 2004). "Comet assay : description and validation of a fully automatic original analysis system integrating the mathematical modelling of comet profiles" [Paper presentation]. 12th forum of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Blankenberge, Belgium.
  • Nguyen, A.-T., Fontaine, J., Malonne, H., Vanhaelen, M., & Duez, P. (06 May 2004). "Phenolic compounds from Plumbago zeylanica and their cytotoxicity" [Paper presentation]. 12th forum of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Blankenberge, Belgium.
  • Biringanine, G., Vray, B., Vercruysse, V., Vanhaelen-Fastre, R., Vanhaelen, M., & Duez, P. (06 May 2004). "Polysaccharides extracted from Plantago palmata Hook.f. leaves induce nitric oxide and tumor necrosis factor-alfa production by interferon-gamma-activated macrophages" [Paper presentation]. 12th forum of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Blankenberge, Belgium.
  • Murebwayire, S., Diallo, B., Luhmer, M., Vanhaelen-Fastre, R., Vanhaelen, M., & Duez, P. (06 May 2004). "Alkaloids from the roots of Triclisia sacleuxii (I)" [Paper presentation]. 12th forum of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Blankenberge, Belgium.
  • Gnoula, C., Dubois, J., & Duez, P. (06 May 2004). "Carboxyfluorescein diacetate as an indicator of caenorhabditis elegans viability for the development of an in vitro anthelminthic assay. Validation of the technique" [Paper presentation]. 12th forum of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Blankenberge, Belgium.
Mémoires et thèses/Mémoire de licence/master
  • Kouegnigan-Rérambiah, L. (2004). "Application de l'essai comète à la recherche de cassures de l'ADN chez l'enfant drépanocytaire traité ou non par hydroxyurée" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/17609
  • Staquet, L. (2004). "Etude comparée de la dispensation entre pharmacie hospitalière et tradithérapeute" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/35638
  • Vandeput, C. (2004). "Traitement des morsures de serpent en Guinée : place de la phytothérapie" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/5699
  • Yang-Ting, F. (2004). "Etude d'une plante médicinale de Martinique : Morinda Citrifolia" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/23103
  • Borie, X. (2004). "Screening phytochimique des différents organes de Calotropis procera (Araliaceae)" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/24769
  • Pilcer, G. (2004). "Contamination du lait par l'Aflatoxine M1. Essai d'immuno-extraction sur microbilles magnétiques" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/30882
  • Khadija, F. (2004). "Produits naturels (flavonoïdes) et dégâts à l'ADN" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/27477
  • Assadourian, A. (2004). "Traitement de l'hypertension artérielle par les plantes guinéennes" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/31465
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
  • Duez, P., Dehon, G., Kumps, A., & Dubois, J. (01 January 2003). Statistics of the comet assay : a key to discriminate between genotoxic effects. "Mutagenesis, 18", 159-166.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
  • Dehon, G., Catoire, L., Bogaerts, P., Duez, P., & Dubois, J. (12 December 2003). "Description and validation of a fully automatic comet assay analysis system incorporating an original concept for comet profiles combination and modelling" [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Belgian Environmental Mutagen Society, Geel, Belgium.
  • Kouegnigan, L., Dehon, G., Duez, P., Dubois, J., Ferster, A., & Fondu, P. (07 October 2003). "Mutagenèse et cassure chromosomique : impact de l'hydroxyurée" [Paper presentation]. Journée du Réseau de Recherche Clinique sur la Drépanocytose, Université Paris VI, Faculté de Médecine Saint-Antoine, Paris, France.
  • Kinnaert, E., Duez, P., Morandini, R., Dubois, J., Van Houtte, P., & Ghanem, G. (17 September 2003). "Cysteine but not GSH modulates the radiosensitivity of human melanoma cells by affecting both survival and DNA damage" [Paper presentation]. 11th Meeting of the European Society for Pigment Cell Research, Gand, Belgium.
  • Nguyen, A.-T., Malonne, H., Fontaine, J., Vanhaelen, M., & Duez, P. (31 August 2003). "A phytochemical analysis and cytotoxicity study of two Vietnamese medicinal plants, Scrophularia ningpoensis Hemsl. and Disporopsis aspera Engl" [Paper presentation]. 51st Annual Congress of the Society for Medicinal Plant Research ('Fascination, Facts, Future'), Kiel, Germany.
  • Dehon, G., Catoire, L., Bogaerts, P., Duez, P., & Dubois, J. (29 August 2003). "Description and validation of a fully automatic original system developed for the acquisition and measurement of comets obtained by the single cell gel electrophoresis" [Paper presentation]. Comet Assay Workshop N°5, Aberdeen, United Kingdom.
  • Kinnaert, E., Duez, P., Dubois, J., & Ghanem, G. (01 March 2003). "Measurement of radio-induced DNA damage in human melanoma cells" [Paper presentation]. European Standards Committee on Oxidative DNA Damage Workshop, Valencia, Spain.
  • Biringanine, G., Vercruysse, V., Vray, B., Vanhaelen-Fastre, R., Duez, P., & Vanhaelen, M. (28 February 2003). "Polysaccharides extracted from Plantago palmata induce nitric oxide production by IFN--activated mouse peritoneal macrophages" [Paper presentation]. 27th Landelijk Overleg Farmacognosie Symposium, Anvers, Belgium.
  • Nguyen, A.-T., Malonne, H., Duez, P., Vanhaelen-Fastre, R., Fontaine, J., & Vanhaelen, M. (28 January 2003). "Isolation and structure determination of potential cytotoxic constituents from Plumbago zeylanica" [Paper presentation]. 27th Landelijk Overleg Farmacognosie Symposium, Anvers, Belgium.
  • Duez, P., Dehon, G., & Dubois, J. (01 January 2003). "Comet assay : validation of raw data measurements" [Paper presentation]. European Standards Committee on Oxidative DNA Damage Workshop, Firenze, Italy.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
  • Ravanat, J.-L., Douki, T., Duez, P., Gremaud, E., Herbert, K., Lassere, L., Saint-Pierre, C., Favier, A., & Cadet, J. (01 January 2002). Cellular background level of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine : an isotope based method to evaluate artefactual oxidation of DNA during its extraction and subsequent work-up. "Carcinogenesis, 23", 1911-1918.
  • Collins, A., Gedik, C., Wood, S., White, A., Dubois, J., Duez, P., Rees, J.-F., Legall, R., Degand, L., Loft, S., Jensen, A., Poulsen, H., Weimann, A., Jensen, B. R., Cadet, J., Douki, T., Ravanat, J.-L., Faure, H., Tripier, M., ... Smith, E. (01 January 2002). Inter-laboratory validation of procedures for measuring 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine / 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine in DNA. "Free Radical Research, 36", 239-245.
  • Collins, A., Gedik, C., Vaughan, N., Wood, S., White, A., Dubois, J., Duez, P., Dehon, G., Rees, J.-F., Loft, S., Möller, P., Poulsen, H., Riis, B., Weimann, A., Cadet, J., Douki, T., Ravanat, J.-L., Sauvaigo, S., Faure, H., ... Smith, E. (01 January 2002). Comparative analysis of baseline 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine in mammalian cell DNA, by different methods in different laboratories: an approach to consensus. "Carcinogenesis, 23", 2129-2133.
  • Riis, B., Collins, A., Gedik, C., Wood, S., White, A., Dubois, J., Duez, P., Rees, J.-F., Legall, R., Degand, L., Loft, S., Jensen, A., Poulsen, H., Weimann, A., Jensen, B. R., Cadet, J., Douki, T., Ravanat, J.-L., Faure, H., ... Smith, E. (01 January 2002). Comparison of results from different laboratories in measuring 8-oxo-2'-deoxyguanosine in synthetic oligonucleotides. "Free Radical Research, 36", 649-659.
  • Kumps, A., Duez, P., & Mardens, Y. (01 January 2002). Metabolic, nutritional, iatrogenic and artifactual sources of urinary organic acids: a comprehensive table. "Clinical Chemistry, 48", 708-717.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
  • Kumps, A., Duez, P., & Mardens, Y. (02 September 2002). "An EI-SIM GC-MS method for 24 organic acids and acylglycines in amniotic fluid" [Paper presentation]. 7th Annual Meeting of the Belgian Society for Mass Spectrometry, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
  • Dehon, G., Bogaerts, P., Duez, P., & Dubois, J. (01 September 2002). "Mathematical modelling of global comet profiles, a new method for the quantification of DNA damage by the single-cell gel electrophoresis assay ('comet assay')" [Paper presentation]. Eurotox 2002, Budapest, Hungary.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
  • Duez, P., Hanocq, M., & Dubois, J. (01 January 2001). Photodynamic DNA damage mediated by δ-aminolevulinic acid-induced porphyrins. "Carcinogenesis, 22", 771-778.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
  • Duez, P., Dehon, G., & Hanocq, M. (01 September 2001). "Porphyrines endogènes et fragmentation de l'ADN cellulaire par les UVA: mesure par essai comète" [Paper presentation]. Réunion de la Société Française de Pharmacotoxicologie Cellulaire 'Les cibles cellulaires des polluants de l'environnement', Toulouse, France.
  • Duez, P., Dehon, G., Hanocq, M., & Dubois, J. (01 March 2001). "Statistical interpretation of DNA damage measurements by the comet assay (single-cell gel electrophoresis)" [Paper presentation]. Fifth Winter Research Conference on Free Radicals, Val-Cénis, France.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
  • Duez, P., Helson, M., Somé, T. I., Dubois, J., & Hanocq, M. (01 January 2000). Chromatographic determination of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine in cellular DNA : a validation study. "Free Radical Research, 33", 243-260.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
  • Duez, P., Dubois, J., & Hanocq, M. (19 May 2000). "Essai Comète et détection de dommages photo-induits : application à l'étude d'un photo-sensibilisant endogène" [Paper presentation]. Réunion du groupe de contact FNRS Phénomènes Oxydatifs et Antioxidants 'Des aspects fondamentaux aux aspects cliniques des radicaux libres et des antioxidants', Namur, Belgium.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
  • Kumps, A., Duez, P., Genin, J., & Mardens, Y. (01 January 1999). Gas chromatography - Mass spectrometry analysis of organic acids : altered quantitative response for aqueous calibrators and dilute urine specimens. "Clinical Chemistry, 45", 1297-1300.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
  • Duez, P., Dubois, J., & Hanocq, M. (01 December 1999). "La photo-activation de porphyrines endogènes induit des dégâts oxydatifs dans l'ADN cellulaire" [Paper presentation]. Premières Journées Médicales et Pharmaceutiques du Burkina Faso - Santé et Développement, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
  • Duez, P., Helson, M., Dubois, J., & Hanocq, M. (01 March 1999). "Determination of 8-oxo-2'-deoxyguanosine in cultured cells DNA by high performance liquid chromatography with UV and amperometric detections : a validation study" [Paper presentation]. Fourth Winter Research Conference on Free Radicals, Valloire, France.
  • Duez, P., Helson, M., Dubois, J., & Hanocq, M. (01 March 1999). "UVA and visible light photodynamic DNA damage mediated by d-aminolevulinic acid induced porphyrins" [Paper presentation]. Fourth Winter Research Conference on Free Radicals, Valloire, France.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
  • Kumps, A., Mardens, Y., Duez, P., & Genin, J. (01 May 1997). "Long-term analytical validation of urinary organic acids quantification by gas chromatography - mass spectrometry" [Paper presentation]. Seventh International Congress on Inborn Errors of Metabolism, Vienne, Austria.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
  • Duez, P., Kumps, A., & Mardens, Y. (01 January 1996). GC-MC profiling of urinary organic acids evaluated as a quantitative method. "Clinical Chemistry, 42", 1609-1615.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
  • Kumps, A., Duez, P., Genin, J., & Mardens, Y. (01 September 1996). "Quantification by GC-MS in scan mode : a validation study for urinary organic acids" [Paper presentation]. First annual meeting of the Belgian Society for Mass Spectrometry, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
  • Duez, P., Milcamp, A., Guissou, P. I., & Hanocq, M. (01 January 1994). Comparison between HPTLC-densitometry and HPLC for the determination of strictosamide in Nauclea latifolia root bark. "Journal of Planar Chromatography, 7", 5-9.
  • Bonnier, H., Delvordre, P., Postaire, E., Basquin, M., Duez, P., Gallie, J. C., Nachet, F., Pothier, J., Galand, N., Libotte, C., Fortin, V., & Viel, C. (01 January 1994). Preliminary results of a collaborative study of overpressured derivatization. "Journal of Planar Chromatography, 7", 117-121.
  • Kumps, A., Duez, P., & Mardens, Y. (01 January 1994). Gas chromatographic profiling and determination of urinary acyl-carnitines. "Journal of Chromatography. B, Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 658", 241-248.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
  • Mardens, Y., Kumps, A., & Duez, P. (01 May 1994). "Quantification of urinary organic acids analyzed by gas chromatography - mass spectrometry (GC-MS)" [Paper presentation]. Sixth International Congress on Inborn Errors of Metabolism, Milan, Italy.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
  • Schenkel, E., Duez, P., & Hanocq, M. (01 January 1992). Stereoselective determination of cucurbitine in Cucurbita spp seeds by gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. "Journal of Chromatography. A, 625", 289-298.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
  • Duez, P., Livaditis, A., Guissou, P. I., Sawadogo, M., & Hanocq, M. (01 January 1991). Use of an Amoeba proteus model for in vitro cytotoxicity testing in Phytochemical research. Application to Euphorbia hirta. "Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 34", 235-246.
  • Duez, P., Chamart, S., & Hanocq, M. (01 January 1991). Post-chromatographic derivatization in Quantitative Thin-Layer Chromatography. Pharmaceutical applications. "Journal of Planar Chromatography, 4" (1), 69-76.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
  • Duez, P., Milcamp, A., Guissou, P. I., & Hanocq, M. (10 June 1991). "Comparison between HPTLC-densitometry and HPLC for the determination of strictosamide in Nauclea latifolia root bark" [Paper presentation]. Premier Congrès de Chromatographie Planaire, Châtenay-Malabry, France.
  • Duez, P., & Hanocq, M. (10 June 1991). "Post-chromatographic derivatization in Quantitative Thin-Layer Chromatography. Pharmaceutical applications" [Paper presentation]. Premier Congrès de Chromatographie Planaire, Châtenay-Malabry, France.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
  • Lévy, O., Duez, P., Lejoly, J., Hanocq, M., & Sawadogo, M. (01 January 1990). Contenu en cucurbitine de Cucurbita spp cultivées au Burkina Faso. "Médecine Traditionnelle et Pharmacopée, 3" (2), 129-141.
  • Lévy, O., Duez, P., Chamart, S., Lejoly, J., Sawadogo, M., & Hanocq, M. (01 January 1990). Cultivation of Holarrhena floribunda for conessine production in Burkina Faso : allometric relations. "Pharmaceutical Biology, 28" (4), 285-295.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
  • Duez, P., & Hanocq, M. (11 October 1990). "Post-chromatographic derivatization in Quantitative Thin-Layer Chromatography. Pharmaceutical applications" [Paper presentation]. Symposium 'De rol van Planaire Chromatografie (DLC) in de farmaceutische en biomedische wetenschappen', Gand, Belgium.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
  • Lardinois, , Duez, P., Chamart, S., Lejoly, J., Hanocq, M., Guissou, P. I., Sawadogo, M., & Molle, L. (01 January 1988). Etude des conditions d'optimalisation d'une culture de Datura stramonium au Burkina Faso. "Médecine Traditionnelle et Pharmacopée, 2" (1), 31-45.
  • Duez, P., Chamart, S., Hanocq, M., & Sawadogo, M. (01 January 1988). Determination of cucurbitine in Cucurbita spp seeds by HPTLC-densitometry and HPLC. "Journal of Planar Chromatography, 1" (4), 313-316.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
  • Duez, P., Chamart, S., Lejoly, J., Hanocq, M., Zéba, B., Sawadogo, M., Guissou, P. I., & Molle, L. (01 January 1987). Etude de la variation en conessine des écorces de branches de Holarrhena floribunda au Burkina Faso. "Annales Pharmaceutiques Françaises, 45" (4), 307-313.
  • Lardinois, , Duez, P., Chamart, S., Lejoly, J., Hanocq, M., Guissou, P. I., Sawadogo, M., & Molle, L. (01 January 1987). Etude des conditions d'optimalisation d'une culture de Cassia italica au Burkina Faso. "Médecine Traditionnelle et Pharmacopée, 1" (1), 5-27.
  • Duez, P., Chamart, S., Lejoly, J., Hanocq, M., Zéba, B., Sawadogo, M., Guissou, P. I., & Molle, L. (01 January 1987). Potentialités d'utilisation rationnelle du Rauvolfia vomitoria en médecine traditionnelle. "Médecine Traditionnelle et Pharmacopée, 1" (1), 29-46.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
  • Duez, P., Chamart, S., Lejoly, J., Hanocq, M., Zéba, B., Sawadogo, M., Guissou, P. I., & Molle, L. (01 January 1986). Etude des stations naturelles et des conditions de culture de Rauvolfia vomitoria Afz au Burkina Faso en relation avec les teneurs en alcaloïdes. "Tropicultura, 4" (3), 100-108.
  • Dame, C., Duez, P., Guissou, P. I., Sawadogo, M., Chamart, S., Hanocq, M., Lejoly, J., Molle, L., & Zéba, B. (01 January 1986). Essai de culture du Datura innoxia au Burkina Faso : évolution des teneurs en hyoscine et hyoscyamine au cours de la croissance. "Tropicultura, 4" (1), 7-14.
  • Duez, P., Chamart, S., Vanhaelen, M., Vanhaelen, R., Hanocq, M., & Molle, L. (01 January 1986). Comparison between HPTLC-densitometry and HPLC for the determination of ajmaline, reserpine and rescinnamine in Rauvolfia vomitoria root bark. "Journal of Chromatography. A, 356", 334-340.
  • Duez, P., Chamart, S., Vanhaelen, M., Hanocq, M., & Molle, L. (01 January 1986). Comparison of high-performance thin-layer chromatography-densitometry and gas-liquid chromatography for the determination of conessine in Holarrhena floribunda stem bark. "Journal of Chromatography. A, 351", 140-143.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
  • Duez, P., Chamart, S., Vanhaelen, M., Vanhaelen, R., Hanocq, M., & Molle, L. (01 May 1986). "Comparison between HPTLC-densitometry and HPLC for the determination of ajmaline, reserpine and rescinnamine in Rauvolfia vomitoria root bark" [Paper presentation]. Second International Symposium on Drug Analysis, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
  • Dame, C., Duez, P., Hanocq, M., Lejoly, J., Molle, L., & Zéba, B. (01 January 1985). Essai de culture du Cassia italica au Burkina Faso : évolution des teneurs en sennosides au cours de la croissance. "Tropicultura, 3" (1), 58-64.
  • Duez, P., Vanhaelen, M., Vanhaelen, R., Hanocq, M., & Molle, L. (01 January 1985). Comparison between TLC-densitometry and HPLC for the determination of hyoscyamine and hyoscine in leaves, fruit and seeds of Datura. "Journal of Chromatography. A, 329", 415-421.
Périodiques scientifiques/Article
  • Duez, P., Vanhaelen, M., Vanhaelen, R., Hanocq, M., & Molle, L. (01 January 1984). Comparison between HPTLC-fluorometry and HPLC for the determination of sennosides A and B in Senna (Cassia spp) pods and leaves. "Journal of Chromatography. A, 303", 391-395.
Colloques et congrès scientifiques/Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
  • Duez, P., Chamart, S., Hanocq, M., & Sawadogo, M. (01 December 1984). "Dosage de la cucurbitine dans les graines de Cucurbita pepo par photodensitométrie sur HPTLC et par HPLC" [Paper presentation]. Journée Chromatographie du Fonds National pour la Recherche Scientifique, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Duez, P., Vanhaelen, M., Vanhaelen, R., Hanocq, M., & Molle, L. (01 March 1984). "Nouvelle méthode de dosage des sennosides A et B par CCM haute performance et fluodensitométrie" [Paper presentation]. Forum des Sciences Pharmaceutiques, Gand, Belgium.