Number of publications : 324
Scientific journals/Article
- Savorianakis, G., Rousseau, C., Sergievskaya, A., Rosolen, G., Voué, M., Maes, B., & Konstantinidis, S. (2024). Plasmonic Resonance Shifts in Gold Nanoparticles-Thermochromic VO 2 Thin Film Hybrid Platforms: A Joint Experimental and Numerical Study. "Advanced Materials Interfaces". doi:10.1002/admi.202400172
- Protsak, M., Biliak, K., Nikitin, D., Pleskunov, P., Tosca, M., Ali-Ogly, S., Hanuš, J., Hanyková, L., Červenková, V., SERGIEVSKAYA, A., KONSTANTINIDIS, S., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., Cieslar, M., Košutová, T., Popelář, T., Ondič, L., & Choukourov, A. (2024). One-step synthesis of photoluminescent nanofluids by direct loading of reactively sputtered cubic ZrN nanoparticles into organic liquids. "Nanoscale". doi:10.1039/d3nr03999d
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
- Konstantinidis, S. (2024). "Materials processing by low temperature plasmas" [Paper presentation]. Plasma School, Bad Honnef, Germany.
- Konstantinidis, S. (2024). "Sputtering onto Liquids for the synthesis of nanoparticles suspensions and beyond" [Paper presentation]. Plasma School, Bad Honnef, Germany.
- Konstantinidis, S. (2024). "Sputtering onto Liquids for the synthesis of nanoparticles suspensions and beyond" [Paper presentation]. Plasma Surface Engineering, Erfurt, Germany.
- Konstantinidis, S., Savorianakis, G., Maes, B., Martin, N., & Voué, M. (2024). "Thermochromic VO2 - Gold Nanoparticle hybrid thin films as tunable plasmonic platforms" [Paper presentation]. European Materials Research Society 2024 Spring Meeting.
- Konstantinidis, S., Savorianakis, G., Maes, B., Martin, N., & Voué, M. (2024). "Tunable plasmonic platforms made of thermochromic VO2 thin films combined with gold -nanoparticles" [Paper presentation]. 17th International Symposium on Sputtering & Plasma Processes - ISSP 2024, Kyoto, Japan.
Scientific journals/Article
- Zang, R., Bowen, C., Basset, P., Falconi, C., Borras, A., Konstantinidis, S., Adelung, R., & Ventura, J. (21 November 2023). Triboelectric and piezoelectric advances in Europe and North America. "Nano Energy, 120", 109113. doi:10.1016/j.nanoen.2023.109113
- Eneren, P., Sergievskaya, A., Aksoy, Y. T., Umek, P., KONSTANTINIDIS, S., & Vetrano, M. R. (2023). Time-resolved in situ nanoparticle size evolution during magnetron sputtering onto liquids. "Nanoscale Advances". doi:10.1039/d3na00312d
- Leonova, K., Konstantinidis, S., & Britun, N. (18 August 2023). Ion formation in thermionic-emission-assisted hot magnetron sputtering discharge. "Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 32" (8), 08LT01. doi:10.1088/1361-6595/acee1d
- Chauvin, A., Savorianakis, G., Horak, L., Dopita, M., Voué, M., Konstantinidis, S., Reniers, F., & Snyders, R. (08 May 2023). Photothermal properties of aluminum oxide/Ag nanoparticles cermet-based coating synthesized by reactive magnetron co-sputtering. "Surface and Coatings Technology, 466", 129595. doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2023.129595
- Sergievskaya, A., Alem, H., & Konstantinidis, S. (12 April 2023). Magnetron sputtering onto nonionic surfactant for 1-step preparation of metal nanoparticles without additional chemical reagents. "Nanotechnology, 34" (26), 265601. doi:10.1088/1361-6528/acc7a9
- Biliak, K., Nikitin, D., Ali-Ogly, S., Protsak, M., Pleskunov, P., Tosca, M., SERGIEVSKAYA, A., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., KONSTANTINIDIS, S., Košutová, T., Černochová, Z., Štěpánek, P., Hanuš, J., Kousal, J., Hanyková, L., Krakovský, I., & Choukourov, A. (31 January 2023). Plasmonic Ag/Cu/PEG nanofluids prepared when solids meet liquids in the gas phase. "Nanoscale Advances, 5" (3), 955 - 969. doi:10.1039/d2na00785a
- Michiels, M., Britun, N., Caillard, A., Thomann, A. L., Snyders, R., & KONSTANTINIDIS, S. (2023). Insights on film growth conditions on a floating substrate during reactive Ar/O<sub>2</sub> bipolar High Power Impulse magnetron sputter deposition. "Journal of Physics: D Applied Physics". doi:10.1088/1361-6463/acaff4
- Konstantinidis, S., Bol, F.-E., Savorianakis, G., Umek, P., & Sergievskaya, A. (2023). Characterization of the nanoparticle suspension by operando absorption spectrophotometry during sputtering onto liquids. "Instrumentation Science and Technology", 1-13. doi:10.1080/10739149.2023.2223627
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
- Hattori, T., Naoto Saito, Savorianakis, G., Zikriya Khan, Konstantinidis, S., Daniel Lundin, & Tetsuhide Shimizu. (12 December 2023). "Characteristics of the peak current evolution in reactive multi-pulse HiPIMS of vanadium in Ar/O2" [Paper presentation]. Reactive Sputter Deposition (RSD), Leipzig, Germany.
- Konstantinidis, S., Bol, F.-E., Jauquet, V., Odent, J., & Sergievskaya, A. (12 December 2023). "Sputtering onto liquids for the synthesis of nanoparticles suspensions and beyond" [Paper presentation]. RSD2023, Leipzig, Germany.
- Konstantinidis, S. (24 November 2023). "Plasma diagnotics" [Paper presentation]. International Symposium on Coatings for Energy (ISC4E 2023), Benguerir, Morocco.
- Savorianakis, G., Konstantinidis, S., Voué, M., Maes, B., & Nicolas Martin. (10 November 2023). "Enhancing the Electrical and Optical Properties of Thermochromic VO2: The Impact of Nanostructuring and Gold Nanoparticles" [Paper presentation]. AVS 69, Portland, United States.
- Konstantinidis, S., Jauquet, V., Bol, F.-E., Sergievskaya, A., Umek, P., & Odent, J. (13 September 2023). "From sputtering onto liquids to functional nanoparticle - hydrogel composites" [Paper presentation]. Nanoworkshop 2023, Plön, Germany.
- Leonova, K., Konstantinidis, S., & Britun, N. (11 September 2023). "Sputtered atom density – target heating correlation in hot magnetron sputtering discharge" [Paper presentation]. Plasma thin film international union meeting PLATHINIUM, Antibes, France.
- Leonova, K., Savorianakis, G., Mizohata, K., Korkos, S., Janssens, O., Sarakinos, K., Depla, D., Britun, N., & Konstantinidis, S. (09 July 2023). "Influence of target heating on the growth of Nb coatings during hot magnetron sputtering" [Paper presentation]. The International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases ICPIG XXXV, Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands.
- Konstantinidis, S., Halem, H., De winter, J., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., & Sergievskaya, A. (01 June 2023). "Synthesis of (gold) nanoparticles by DCMS and HiPIMS using a liquid substrate" [Paper presentation]. European Materials Research Society Spring meeting.
- Konstantinidis, S. (2023). "Materials processing by low temperature plasmas - Magnetron sputter deposition for thin film growth and beyond" [Paper presentation]. Plasma School Bad Honnef, Bad Honnef, Germany.
Scientific conferences in universities or research centers/Scientific conference in universities or research centers
- Bol, F.-E., Konstantinidis, S., & Sergievskaya, A. (29 June 2023). "Sputtering of silver onto silicone oils: nanoparticle formation and mass transfer into the bulk solution" [Paper presentation]. Workshop for Multi-Functional Materials: From Synthesis to Applications, valenciennes, France.
Scientific journals/Article
- Biliak, K., Nikitin, D., Ali-Ogly, S., Protsak, M., Pleskunov, P., Tosca, M., Sergievskaya, A., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., Konstantinidis, S., Košutová, T., Černochová, Z., Štěpánek, P., Hanuš, J., Kousal, J., Hanyková, L., Krakovský, I., & Choukourov, A. (2022). Plasmonic Ag/Cu/PEG Nanofluids Prepared when Solids Meet Liquid in the Gas Phase. "Nanoscale Advances". doi:10.1039/x0xx00000x
- Sergievskaya, A., Absil, R., Chauvin, A., Yusenko, K. V., Veselý, J., Godfroid, T., & Konstantinidis, S. (22 November 2022). Sputtering onto liquids: how does the liquid viscosity affect the formation of nanoparticles and metal films? "Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 25", 2803-2809. doi:10.1039/d2cp03038a
- Leonova, K., Britun, N., & Konstantinidis, S. (08 June 2022). Target heating and plasma dynamics during hot magnetron sputtering of Nb. "Journal of Physics: D Applied Physics, 55" (34), 345202. doi:10.1088/1361-6463/ac72d0
- Patel, K., Sergievskaya, A., Chauhan, S., & Konstantinidis, S. (28 May 2022). Heating of liquid substrate by low-pressure sputtering plasma. "Journal of Applied Physics, 131" (20), 203301. doi:10.1063/5.0089214
- Sergievskaya, A., Chauvin, A., & Konstantinidis, S. (04 January 2022). Sputtering onto liquids: a critical review. "Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 13", 10-53.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
- Sergievskaya, A., Chauvin, A., Bol, F.-E., & Konstantinidis, S. (06 December 2022). "Magnetron sputtering onto liquids: the effect of liquid viscosity on the formation of nanoparticles and thin films" [Paper presentation]. The International Conference on Reactive Sputter Deposition - RSD 2022, Gent, Belgium.
- Sergievskaya, A., Bol, F.-E., Patel, K., Chauvin, A., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., & Konstantinidis, S. (05 December 2022). "Sputtering onto liquid substrates, Towards the synthesis of nanoparticles" [Paper presentation]. Japan-Belgium Bilateral Research Workshop on Plasma-based Processes for Advanced Surface Treatments, Tokyo, Japan.
- Konstantinidis, S., Savorianakis, G., Sergievskaya, A., Mita, K., Shimizu, T., Maes, B., & Voué, M. (14 November 2022). "Thermochromic VO2 thin films for smart window applications and temperature-controlled plasmonic response" [Paper presentation]. The International Symposium on Advanced Coatings and Applications, Benguerir, Morocco.
- Chauvin, A., Savorianakis, G., Voué, M., Konstantinidis, S., Reniers, F., & Snyders, R. (14 September 2022). "Insights into the photothermal properties of Al2O3-Ag cermet coatings made by reactive magnetron co-sputtering" [Paper presentation]. 18th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Erfurt, Germany.
- Sergievskaya, A., Bol, F.-E., Patel, K., Chauvin, A., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., & Konstantinidis, S. (11 September 2022). "Magnetron Sputtering onto Liquids: from Plasma-Liquid Interactions to Nanoparticle Growth" [Paper presentation]. The 22nd International Vacuum Congress (IVC-22), Sapporo, Japan.
- Leonova, K., Britun, N., & Konstantinidis, S. (September 2022). "Optical diagnostics of hot-target magnetron sputtering discharge" [Paper presentation]. THE 22ND INTERNATIONAL VACUUM CONGRESS IVC-22, Sapporo, Japan.
- Konstantinidis, S. (22 June 2022). "Possibilities offered by plasma-based magnetron sputtering processes for the synthesis of functional thin films and surfaces" [Paper presentation]. The 6th International Conference on Nanogenerators and Piezotronics.
- Savorianakis, G., Sergievskaya, A., Maes, B., Voué, M., & Konstantinidis, S. (03 June 2022). "MIT- controlled plasmonic response of thermochromic materials" [Paper presentation]. European Materials Research Society.
- Chauvin, A., Savorianakis, G., Voué, M., Konstantinidis, S., Reniers, F., & Snyders, R. (03 June 2022). "Study of the synthesis of Al2O3-Ag cermets by reactive magnetron co-sputtering for photothermal applications" [Paper presentation]. 2022 Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS).
- Sergievskaya, A., Lefranc, M., Raquez, J.-M., Odent, J., & Konstantinidis, S. (2022). "Magnetron sputtering of copper onto liquids for the production of flexible polymer composites" [Paper presentation]. 11th International Colloids Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Konstantinidis, S., Savorianakis, G., Sergievskaya, A., Maes, B., & Voué, M. (2022). "Temperature-controlled plasmonic response of magnetron sputtered VO2 thin film - gold nanoparticles hybrid materials" [Paper presentation]. The 22nd International Vacuum Congress (IVC-22), Sapporo, Japan.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster
- Savorianakis, G., Voué, M., & Konstantinidis, S. (12 September 2022). "Adhesion Kinetic Study of Gold Nanoparticles Functionalization using APTMS by Total Internal Reflection Ellipsometry (TIRE)" [Poster presentation]. International Workshop on Imaging Ellipsometry - IEW2022, Mons, Belgium.
- Savorianakis, G., Sergievskaya, A., Voué, M., & Konstantinidis, S. (06 September 2022). "Synthesis of Vanadium Dioxide Thin Films Coupled with Gold Nanoparticles for Highly-Tunable Devices" [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs.
Scientific journals/Article
- Sergievskaya, A., O'Reilly, A., Alem, H., De Winter, J., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., & Konstantinidis, S. (09 August 2021). Insights on the Formation of Nanoparticles Prepared by Magnetron Sputtering Onto Liquids: Gold Sputtered Onto Castor Oil as a Case Study. "Frontiers in Nanotechnology, 3".
- Michiels, M., Hemberg, A., Godfroid, T., Douheret, O., Colaux, J. L., Moskovkin, P., Lucas, S., Caillard, A., Thomann, A. L., Laha, P., Terryn, H., Voué, M., Panepinto, A., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (05 July 2021). On the relationship between the plasma characteristics, the microstructure and the optical properties of reactively sputtered TiO2 thin films. "Journal of Physics: D Applied Physics, 54" (41), 415202. doi:10.1088/1361-6463/ac118e
- Chauvin, A., Sergievskaya, A., Fucikova, A., Antunes Corêa, C., Vesely, J., Cornil, J., Cornil, D., Dopita, M., & Konstantinidis, S. (28 June 2021). Insights into the growth of nanoparticles in liquid polyol by thermal annealing. "Nanoscale Advances, 3", 4780.
- Savorianakis, G., Mita, K., Shimizu, T., Konstantinidis, S., Voué, M., & Maes, B. (13 May 2021). VO2 nanostripe-based thin film with optimized color and solar characteristics for smart windows. "Journal of Applied Physics, 129", 185306. doi:10.1063/5.0049284
- Moskovkin, P., Maszl, C., Schierholz, R., Breilmann, W., Petersen, J., Pflug, A., Muller, J., Raza, M., Konstantinidis, S., von Keudell, A., & Lucas, S. (2021). Link between plasma properties with morphological, structural and mechanical properties of thin Ti films deposited by high power impulse magnetron sputtering. "Surface and Coatings Technology".
- SERGIEVSKAYA, A., O'Reilly, A., Chauvin, A., Vesely, J., PANEPINTO, A., De Winter, J., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., & Konstantinidis, S. (20 April 2021). Magnetron sputter deposition of silver onto castor oil: The effect of plasma parameters on nanoparticle properties. "Colloids & Surfaces A, 615".
- Raza, M., Boulet, P., Pierson, J.-F., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (17 January 2021). Thermal stability of oxygen vacancy stabilized zirconia (OVSZ) thin films. "Surface and Coatings Technology, 409", 126880. doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2021.126880
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
- Konstantinidis, S. (20 October 2021). "High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering, Overview and applications" [Paper presentation]. Applications des technologies de traitement de surfaces par plasma pulsé, Liège, Belgium.
- Konstantinidis, S. (05 October 2021). "HIPIMS overview and applications" [Paper presentation]. Workshop on « pulsed plasma surface treatment technology», Saarbrücken, Germany.
- Konstantinidis, S. (01 October 2021). "High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering (HiPIMS), from plasma analysis to thin film and nanoparticle synthesis" [Paper presentation]. 5 th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics, on line, Unknown/unspecified.
- Sergievskaya, A., O'Reilly, A., Chauvin, A., Patel, K., De Winter, J., Vesely, J., Alem, H., Panepinto, A., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., & Konstantinidis, S. (23 September 2021). "Synthesis of nanoparticles by magnetron sputtering of gold, silver, and copper targets onto vegetable oils" [Paper presentation]. E-MRS 2021 Fall Meeting, online, Unknown/unspecified.
- Konstantinidis, S., O'Reilly, A., Patel, K., Chauvin, A., De Winter, J., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., Panepinto, A., Vesely, J., Alem-Marchand, H., & Sergievskaya, A. (16 September 2021). "Magnetron sputtering of copper, silver and gold onto oils for nanoparticle synthesis" [Paper presentation]. Plathinium, Online, France.
- Sergievskaya, A., Chauvin, A., Patel, K., De Winter, J., Vesely, J., Alem, H., Panepinto, A., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., & Konstantinidis, S. (07 September 2021). "Synthesis of metal nanoparticles by magnetron sputtering onto vegetable oils" [Paper presentation]. 10th International Workshop on Functional Nanocomposites, Varese, Villa Cagnola, Italy.
- Konstantinidis, S., Matthis, L., Sergievskaya, A., Raquez, J. M., & Odent, J. (07 September 2021). "Flexible polymer composites prepared by magnetron sputtering of copper onto liquids" [Paper presentation]. 10th International Workshop on Functional Nanocomposites, Varese, Villa Cagnola, Italy.
- Konstantinidis, S., O'Reilly, A., Patel, K., Chauvin, A., De Winter, J., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., Panepinto, A., Vesely, J., Alem-Marchand, H., & Sergievskaya, A. (18 June 2021). "Sputtering onto liquids for nanoparticle synthesis" [Paper presentation]. 11th International Conference on HiPIMS, Online, Unknown/unspecified.
- Leonova, K., Britun, N., & Konstantinidis, S. (14 June 2021). "Magnetron Sputtering with a Hot Niobium Target" [Paper presentation]. 9th symposium on Functional Coatings and Surface Engineering FCSE-2021.
- Konstantinidis, S. (09 March 2021). "High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering for the growth of functional metal oxide thin films" [Paper presentation]. ISPlasma2021/IC-PLANTS2021, Online, Japan.
- Konstantinidis, S. (20 January 2021). "On the synthesis of Titanium Dioxide, from DCMS to Bipolar HiPIMS" [Paper presentation]. HiPIMS Today, Online, Unknown/unspecified.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster
- Sergievskaya, A., Konstantinidis, S., Bittencourt, C., Ana, G. B., Martin, R., & Kirill, Y. (09 December 2021). "Magnetron sputter deposition of copper onto liquids: understanding the chemical post synthetic transformations of copper nanoparticles" [Poster presentation]. 13th BESSY@HZB User Meeting, Online, Unknown/unspecified.
- Savorianakis, G., Sergievskaya, A., Voué, M., & Konstantinidis, S. (02 December 2021). "Synthesis of thermochromic VO2 thin film coupled with gold nanoparticules for a temperature-dependent plasmonic signal" [Poster presentation]. General Scientific Meeting 2021 of the Belgian Physical Society, Hasselt, Belgium.
- Savorianakis, G., Konstantinidis, S., Voué, M., Maes, B., Mita, K., & Shimizu, T. (14 June 2021). "VO2 Nanoribbon-based Thin Film with Upgraded Color and Solar Performance for Smart Windows" [Poster presentation]. Functional Coatings and Surface Engineering, online , Unknown/unspecified.
Scientific journals/Article
- Tonneau, R., Moskovkin, P., Müller, J., Melzig, T., Haye, E., Konstantinidis, S., Pflug, A., & Lucas, S. (2020). Understanding the role of energetic particles during the growth of TiO2 thin films by reactive magnetron sputtering through multi-scale Monte Carlo simulations and experimental deposition. "Journal of Physics: D Applied Physics".
- Chauvin, A., Sergievskaya, A., Abdel-Aziz, E. M., Fucikova, A., Antunes Correa, C., Vesely, J., Duverger-Nédellec, H., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., Tessier, P.-Y., Dopita, M., & Konstantinidis, S. (17 August 2020). Co-sputtering of gold and copper onto liquids: a route towards the production of porous gold nanoparticles. "Nanotechnology, 31", 455303.
- Rtimi, S., Konstantinidis, S., Britun, N., Nadtochenko, V., & Khmel, I. (12 January 2020). New Evidence for Ag-Sputtered Materials Inactivating Bacteria by Surface Contact without the Release of Ag Ions: End of a Long Controversy? "ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 12(4)", 4998-5007. doi:10.1021/acsami.9b15859
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
- Chauvin, A., Sergievskaya, A., Fucikova, A., Antunes Corêa, C., Vesely, J., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., Dopita, M., & Konstantinidis, S. (27 November 2020). "Sputtering onto liquids: the behaviour of nanoparticles under thermal annealing" [Paper presentation]. Struktura 2020, Virtual, Unknown/unspecified.
- Chauvin, A., Sergievskaya, A., Abdel-Aziz, E. M., Antunes Corêa, C., Tessier, P.-Y., Dopita, M., & Konstantinidis, S. (25 September 2020). "Insights into the synthesis of porous nanoparticles: from sputtering onto liquids to dealloying" [Paper presentation]. MSE congress, virtuel, Unknown/unspecified.
- Sergievskaya, A., O'Reilly, A., Panepinto, A., & Konstantinidis, S. (11 February 2020). "Synthesis of nanoparticles by magnetron sputtering of silver and gold onto castor oil" [Paper presentation]. Workshop on Plasma-Based Synthesis of Nanomaterials, Prague, Czechia.
- Chauvin, A., Abdel-Aziz, E. M., Konstantinidis, S., Tessier, P.-Y., & Dopita, M. (10 February 2020). "Synthesis of gold ring-shape nanoparticles using co-sputtering over liquids" [Paper presentation]. Workshop on Plasma-Based Synthesis of Nanomaterials, Prague, Czechia.
Scientific journals/Article
- Thomann, A. L., Caillard, A., Raza, M., El Mokh, M., Cormier, P.-A., & Konstantinidis, S. (2019). Energy flux measurements during magnetron sputter deposition processes. "Surface and Coatings Technology".
- Moens, F., Citlalli Schram, I., Konstantinidis, S., & Depla, D. (14 August 2019). On the microstructure of magnesium thin films deposited by magnetron sputtering. "Thin Solid Films, 689".
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
- Konstantinidis, S. (09 October 2019). "High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering for the Synthesis of Functional Metal Oxide Thin Films" [Paper presentation]. 11th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide and Related MAterials for Electronics and Optics, Nara, Japan.
- Michiels, M., Hemberg, A., Paint, Y., Caillard, A., Thomann, A. L., Colaux, J. L., Lucas, S., Panepinto, A., Britun, N., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (24 September 2019). "Bipolar high-power pulsed magnetron sputtering (BPH) of titanium dioxide: influence of electrical parameters on the discharge and film properties" [Paper presentation]. Plathinium 2019, Antibes, France.
- Konstantinidis, S., Britun, N., Panepinto, A., Adzhani, S., Yang, M., & Shimizu, T. (15 September 2019). "SYNTHESIS OF ZIRCONIUM OXIDE THIN FILMS BY REACTIVE HIPIMS UNDER PEAK CURRENT REGULATION" [Paper presentation]. Plathinium, Antibes, France.
- Konstantinidis, S. (05 July 2019). "High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputteringof Thin films" [Paper presentation]. 14th Annual Meeting of the High-performance Tribological Surface Processing Division of Japan, Gifu, Japan.
- Konstantinidis, S., Carette, X., Debièvre, B., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., Leclère, P., Raquez, J. M., Gautier, N., Gautron, E., & El Mel, A.-A. (11 June 2019). "Sputtering metals on liquid substrates for nanoparticle synthesis" [Paper presentation]. The 15th International Symposium on Sputtering and Plasma Processes, Kanazawa, Japan.
- Shimizu, T., Adzhani, S., Britun, N., Panepinto, A., Yang, M., & Konstantinidis, S. (11 June 2019). "Synthesis of zirconium oxide thin films by reactive HiPIMS under peak current regulation by pulse frequency control" [Paper presentation]. The 15th International Symposium on Sputtering and Plasma Processes, Kanazawa, Japan.
- Caillard, A., Graillot-Vuillecot, R., Thomann, A. L., Konstantinidis, S., Millon, E., & Cachoncinlle, C. (10 June 2019). "Titanium and titanium oxide thin films deposition by 'Hot target' Magnetron Sputtering" [Paper presentation]. 24th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Naples, Italy.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal
- Konstantinidis, S., Carette, X., Debièvre, B., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., Leclère, P., Raquez, J. M., Gautier, N., Gautron, E., & El Mel, A.-A. (2019). "Sputtering metals on liquid substrates for nanoparticle synthesis" [Paper presentation]. The 15th International Symposium on Sputtering and Plasma Processes, Kanazawa, Japan.
- Shimizu, T., Adzhani, S., Britun, N., Panepinto, A., Yang, M., & Konstantinidis, S. (2019). "Synthesis of zirconium oxide thin films by reactive HiPIMS under peak current regulation by pulse frequency control" [Paper presentation]. The 15th International Symposium on Sputtering and Plasma Processes, Kanazawa, Japan.
- Mita, K., Adzhani, S., Panepinto, A., Noirfalise, X., Savorianakis, G., Voué, M., Guyot, C., Yang, M., Shimizu, T., & Konstantinidis, S. (2019). "On the synthesis of VOx thin film by reactive magnetron sputtering" [Paper presentation]. The 15th International Symposium on Sputtering and Plasma Processes, Kanazawa, Japan.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster
- Michiels, M., Panepinto, A., Dedoncker, R., Depla, D., Muller, J., Moskovkin, P., Lucas, S., Voué, M., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (06 December 2019). "Magnetron reactively sputtered TiO2 thin films: dependence of optical properties on the energy deposited per atom" [Poster presentation]. International Conference on Reactive Sputter Deposition RSD, Braunschweig, Germany.
- michiels, M., Muller, J., Moskovkin, P., Lucas, S., Voué, M., & Konstantinidis, S. (06 December 2019). "Deposition of TiO2 thin films by various reactive magnetron sputter deposition processes: the dependence of optical properties on the energy deposited per atom" [Poster presentation]. International Conference on Reactive Sputter Deposition RSD, Braunschweig, Germany.
- Sergievskaya, A., O'Reilly, A., Panepinto, A., & Konstantinidis, S. (05 December 2019). "Synthesis of nanoparticles by magnetron sputtering of silver onto castor oil" [Poster presentation]. International Conference on Reactive Sputter Deposition RSD, Braunschweig, Germany.
- Chauvin, A., Fucikova, A., Konstantinidis, S., Abdel-Aziz, E. M., Antunes Corêa, C., Duverger-Nédellec, E., Tessier, P.-Y., & Dopita, M. (17 October 2019). "Sputtering of binary alloy nanoparticles onto liquid substrate : A new way for the synthesis of nanoporous nanoparticles" [Poster presentation]. EMRS Fall meeting, Warsaw, Poland.
- Thomann, A. L., Graillot-Vuillecot, R., Konstantinidis, S., Lecas, T., & Caillard, A. (24 September 2019). "Measuring the energy flux at the substrate during plasma based deposition techniques: a way to investigate both the sputtering process and the film growth" [Poster presentation]. Plathinium 2019, Antibes, France.
- Mita, K., Adzhani, S., Panepinto, A., Noirfalise, X., Guyot, C., Voué, M., Yang, M., Shimizu, T., & Konstantinidis, S. (11 June 2019). "On the synthesis of VOx thin film by reactive magnetron sputtering" [Poster presentation]. The 15th International Symposium on Sputtering and Plasma Processes, Kanazawa, Japan.
- Mita, K., Silmina, A., Panepinto, A., Noirfalise, X., Savorianakis, G., Voué, M., Guyot, C., Yang, M., Shimizu, T., & Konstantinidis, S. (23 January 2019). "On the synthesis of VOx thin film by reactive magnetron sputtering" [Poster presentation]. The 15th International Symposium on Sputtering and Plasma Processes, Kanazawa, Japan.
Learning materials/Course notes
- Konstantinidis, S. (2019). "Quelle alimentation pour quel plasma ? : Pulvérisation cathodique en régime d'impulsion de haute puissance (HiPIMS)".
Scientific journals/Article
- Rtimi, S., Nadtochenko, V., Khmel, I., Konstantinidis, S., Britun, N., & Kiwi, J. (28 October 2018). Monitoring the energy of the metal ion-content plasma-assisted deposition and its implication for bacterial inactivation. "Applied Surface Science, 467-468", 749-752. doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2018.10.207
- Carette, X., Debièvre, B., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., Leclère, P., Maes, B., Gautier, N., Gautron, E., El Mel, A.-A., Raquez, J. M., & Konstantinidis, S. (15 October 2018). On the Sputtering of Titanium and Silver onto Liquids, Discussing the Formation of Nanoparticles. "Journal of Physical Chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces, 122" (46), 26605-26612. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b06987
- Raza, M., Sanna, S., dos Santos Gomez, L., Gautron, E., El Mel, A.-A., Pryds, N., Snyders, R., Konstantinidis, S., & Esposito, V. (04 October 2018). Near interface ionic transport in oxygen vacancy stabilized cubic zirconium oxide thin films. "Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20", 26068-26071. doi:10.1039/c8cp05465g
- Rtimi, S., Konstantinidis, S., Britun, N., Bensimon, M., Khmel, I., & Nadtochenko, V. (09 August 2018). Extracellular bacterial inactivation proceeding without Cu-ion release: Drastic effects of the applied plasma energy on the performance of the Cupolyester (PES) samples. "Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 239", 245-253.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
- Shimizu, T., Adzhani, S., Ikeda, S., Yang, M., Britun, N., & Konstantinidis, S. (07 December 2018). "Evolution of ion flux composition in reactive HiPIMS of zirconium oxide under peak current regulation by pulse frequency control" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Reactive Sputter Deposition, Ghent, Belgium.
- Moens, F., michiels, M., Depla, D., & Konstantinidis, S. (21 September 2018). "Tuning the ion energy by bipolar HiPIMS to control of the Mg thin film microstructure" [Paper presentation]. 16th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster
- Cormier, P.-A., Tonneau, R., Moskovkin, P., Lucas, S., & Konstantinidis, S. (06 December 2018). "Can we use the Normalized Energy Flux to control the microstructure of reactively sputtered titanium dioxide thin films?" [Poster presentation]. International Conference on Reactive Sputter Deposition, Ghent, Belgium.
- Konstantinidis, S., Cormier, P.-A., Tonneau, R., Moskovkin, P., & Lucas, S. (20 September 2018). "Can the normalized energy flux at the substrate control the microstructure of reactively sputtered TiO2 thin films ?" [Poster presentation]. 16th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.
- Caillard, A., Thomann, A. L., Lecas, T., & Konstantinidis, S. (17 September 2018). "Heat flux investigation of the low temperature oxidation of a titanium thin film freshly deposited by magnetron sputtering" [Poster presentation]. 16th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.
- Carette, X., Debièvre, B., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., Leclère, P., Maes, B., Gautier, N., Gaudron, E., El Mel, A. A., Raquez, J. M., & Konstantinidis, S. (17 September 2018). "Sputtering Metals on Liquid Substrates for Nanoparticle Synthesis" [Poster presentation]. 16th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (PSE 2018), Garmisch-Partenkirchen , Germany.
Diverse speeches and writings/Other
- Konstantinidis, S. (2018). "Synthèse de films minces par pulvérisation magnétron : de la PVD à l'I PVD".
Scientific journals/Article
- Moens, F., Konstantinidis, S., & Depla, D. (2017). The target material influence on the current ulse during High-Power PUlsed Magnetron Sputtering. "Frontiers in Physics".
- Dervaux, J., Cormier, P.-A., Moskovkin, P., Douheret, O., Konstantinidis, S., Lazzaroni, R., Lucas, S., & Snyders, R. (19 September 2017). Synthesis of nanostructured Ti thin films by combining glancing angle deposition and magnetron sputtering: A joint experimental and modeling study. "Thin Solid Films, 636", 644-657. doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2017.06.006
- Britun, N., Konstantinidis, S., Belosludtsev, A., Silva, T., & Snyders, R. (01 March 2017). Quantification of the hysteresis and related phenomena in reactive HiPIMS discharges. "Journal of Applied Physics, 121", 171905. doi:10.1063/1.4977819
- Hecimovic, A., Britun, N., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (04 January 2017). Sputtering process in the presence of plasma self-organization. "Applied Physics Letters, 110".
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
- Konstantinidis, S., Raza, M., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., Lucas, S., Pierson, J.-F., Boulet, P., Rinnert, H., Horwat, D., dos Santos Gomez, L., Esposito, V., Sanna, S., & Snyders, R. (07 July 2017). "On the synthesis and properties of sputter deposited Oxygen Vacancy Stabilized Zirconia Thin Films" [Paper presentation]. International Symposium on Sputtering Processes, Kanazawa, Japan.
- Moens, F., Konstantinidis, S., & Depla, D. (14 June 2017). "r-HiPIMS of Magnesium Oxide" [Paper presentation]. 8 th International Conference on Fundamentals and Applications of HIPIMS, Braunschweig, Germany.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal
- Britun, N., Belosludtsev, A., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (2017). "In-situ diagnostics of high-power impulse magnetron sputtering: from non-reactive sputtering and spokes to reactive sputtering" [Paper presentation]. The 13th Int'l Symposium for Sputtering and Plasma Processes (ISSP-2015), Kanazawa, Japan.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster
- Carette, X., Chauvin, A., Gautron, E., El Mel, A. A., Raquez, J. M., & Konstantinidis, S. (07 July 2017). "Magnetron sputtering onto liquid substrates: towards the synthesis of nanoparticles" [Poster presentation]. International Symposium on Sputtering Processes, Kanazawa, Japan.
Scientific journals/Article
- Raza, M., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., Lucas, S., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (30 November 2016). Oxygen vacancy stabilized zirconia (OVSZ); a joint experimental and theoretical study. "Scripta Materialia, 124", 26-29. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2016.06.025
- El Mel, A. A., Tessier, P.-Y., Gautron, E., Ding, J., Choi, C.-H., Konstantinidis, S., Snyders, R., Bittencourt, C., & Molina-Luna, L. (13 April 2016). Controlling the Formation of Nanocavities in Kirkendall Nanoobjects through Sequential Thermal Ex Situ Oxidation and In Situ Reduction Reactions. "Small, 12" (21), 2885-2892. doi:10.1002/smll.201600396
- Thiry, D., Konstantinidis, S., Cornil, J., & Snyders, R. (28 February 2016). Plasma diagnostics for the low-pressure plasma polymerization process: A critical review. "Thin Solid Films, 646", 19-44.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
- Britun, N., Belosludtsev, A., Konstantinidis, S., Da Ponte Silva, T., & Snyders, R. (02 December 2016). "Quantitative study of reactive HiPIMS discharge: the dynamics of the O ground state atoms" [Paper presentation]. Int'l conference 'Reactive sputter deposition 2016' (RSD-2016), Ghent, Belgium.
- Raza, M., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., Lucas, S., Thomann, A. L., Caillard, A., El Mokh, M., Pierson, J.-F., Boulet, P., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (08 November 2016). "Phase formation and stability of reactive sputtered zirconium dioxide thin films" [Paper presentation]. AVS 63rd symposioum, Nashville, United States - Tennessee.
- Dervaux, J., Cormier, P.-A., Konstantinidis, S., Lucas, S., Moskovkin, P., & Snyders, R. (19 October 2016). "Nanostructured thin films as photoanode by combining GLAD and magnetron sputtering: a joint experimental and modeling study" [Paper presentation]. AVS 62nd Symposium & Exhibition, San Jose, United States.
- Britun, N., Hecimovic, A., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (10 October 2016). "Visualizing the ground state particle dynamics in HiPIMS discharges" [Paper presentation]. 69th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference (GEC-2016), Workshop 3, Bochum, Germany.
- Konstantinidis, S., Raza, M., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., Pierson, J.-F., Boulet, P., Lucas, S., & Snyders, R. (16 September 2016). "Oxygen vacancy stabilized zirconia thin films: A joint experimental and theoretical study" [Paper presentation]. PSE Conference Germany 2016, Garmisch, Germany.
- Hergot, L., Britun, N., Silva, T., Ricard, A., & Konstantinidis, S. (15 September 2016). "A source of atomic oxygen for reactive magnetron sputter deposition of oxide thin films" [Paper presentation]. PSE Conference Germany 2016, Garmisch, Germany.
- Konstantinidis, S. (06 July 2016). "The total energy flux at the substrate: is it the sole parameter governing the phase formation of reactively sputtered metal oxide thin film ?" [Paper presentation]. 43rd European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics, Leuven, Belgium.
- Dervaux, J., Cormier, P.-A., Konstantinidis, S., Lucas, S., Moskovkin, P., & Snyders, R. (30 June 2016). "Nanostructured thin films as photoanode by combining GLAD and magnetron sputtering: a joint experimental and modeling study" [Paper presentation]. International Conference Material Science in the Age of Sustainability, La Havane, Cuba.
- El Mel, A. A., Molina-Luna, L., Buffière, M., Tessier, P.-Y., Du, K., Choi, C.-H., Kleebe, H.-J., Konstantinidis, S., Bittencourt, C., & Snyders, R. (03 May 2016). "Steering atomic diffusion in oxide nanotubes in situ via a direct control of local defects created by e-beam irradiation" [Paper presentation]. European Materials Research Society Meeting, Lille, France.
- Konstantinidis, S. (28 April 2016). "THE TOTAL ENERGY FLUX: IS IT THE SOLE PARAMETER GOVERNING THE PHASE FORMATION OF TRANSITION METAL OXIDE THIN FILMS ?" [Paper presentation]. International conference on metalugical coatings and thin films, San Diego, United States - California.
- Dervaux, J., Cormier, P.-A., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (31 March 2016). "Dye grafting on nanostructured TiO2 prepared by GLAD and reactive magnetron sputtering for solar cells applications" [Paper presentation]. MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit, Phoenix, United States - Arizona.
- Dervaux, J., Cormier, P.-A., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (30 March 2016). "N-doped TiO2 by GLAD and co-reactive magnetron sputtering for solar cells applications" [Paper presentation]. MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit, Phoenix, United States - Arizona.
- Panepinto, A., Dervaux, J., Cormier, P.-A., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (29 March 2016). "N-doped TiO2 by GLAD and co-reactive magnetron sputtering for solar cells applications" [Paper presentation]. MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit, Phoenix, United States - Arizona.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster
- Carette, X., Gautron, E., El Mel, A. A., Snyders, R., Raquez, J. M., & Konstantinidis, S. (01 December 2016). "Sputtering metal atoms onto liquid substrates: Towards the synthesis of polymer - metal nanoparticles composites" [Poster presentation]. International Conference on Reactive Sputter Deposition, Gent, Belgium.
- Hecimovic, A., Britun, N., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (12 September 2016). "Influence of plasma self-organization on the ground state atoms in HiPIMS discharge" [Poster presentation]. Int'l conference PSE-2016, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.
- Dervaux, J., Cormier, P.-A., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (05 July 2016). "Synthesis of porous nanocrystalline TiO2 thin films by glancing angle reactive magnetron sputtering" [Poster presentation]. 3rd Researcher's Day of the Materials Research Institute, Mons, Belgium.
- Carette, X., Dubois, P., Snyders, R., Raquez, J. M., & Konstantinidis, S. (04 July 2016). "Towards a one-step synthesis of polymer metal nanoparticles systems by magnetron sputtering on ionic liquids" [Poster presentation]. 3ème Journée de l'Institut Matériaux, Mons, Belgium.
- Carette, X., Dubois, P., Snyders, R., Raquez, J. M., & Konstantinidis, S. (24 May 2016). "Towards a one-step synthesis of polymer-metal nanoparticles systems by magnetron sputtering on ionic liquids" [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Belgian Polymer Group (BPG 2016), Hasselt, Belgium.
- Hergot, L., Britun, N., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (18 May 2016). "A source of atomic oxygen for reactive magnetron sputter deposition of oxide thin films" [Poster presentation]. 9ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs 2016 (MdC2016), Valenciennes, France.
- Raza, M., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., Lucas, S., Thomann, A. L., Caillard, A., El Mokh, M., Pierson, J.-F., Boulet, P., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (08 May 2016). "Phase formation and stability of reactive sputtered zirconium dioxide thin films" [Poster presentation]. Plasma-Surface Interaction IAP workshop, Nancy, France.
Dissertations and theses/Master’s dissertation
- Panepinto, A. (2016). "Synthèse de films minces nano-structurés de TiO2:N par pulvérisation magnétron co-réactive associée au GLAD pour l'élaboration de cellules solaires de Grätzel" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.
Diverse speeches and writings/Other
- Konstantinidis, S. (2016). "En route vers le futur".
Parts of books/Contribution to collective works
- Britun, N., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (2015). Diagnostics of magnetron sputtering discharges by resonant absorption spectroscopy. In "Plasma Science and Technology. ed by T. Mieno". INTECH Publishing.
- Britun, N., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (2015). Laser-Induced Fluorescence Diagnostics of Magnetron Sputtering Discharges. In "Horizons in World Physics. Volume 286, ed by A. Reimer". Nova Science Pub Inc.
Scientific journals/Article
- El Mel, A. A., Stephant, N., Harmont, J., Thiry, D., Chauvin, A., Chettab, M., Gautron, E., Konstantinidis, S., Granier, A., & Tessier, P.-Y. (2015). Creating nanoporosity in silver nanocolumns by direct exposure to radio-frequency air plasma. "Nanoscale".
- Britun, N., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (02 June 2015). An Overview on Time-Resolved Optical Analysis of HiPIMS Discharge. "Plasma Processes and Polymers, 12", 1010-1027.
- Britun, N., Palmucci, M., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (29 April 2015). Particle visualization in high- power impulse magnetron sputtering. II. Absolute density dynamics. "Journal of Applied Physics, 117", 163303.
- Britun, N., Palmucci, M., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (29 April 2015). Particle visualization in high- power impulse magnetron sputtering. I. 2D density mapping. "Journal of Applied Physics, 117", 163302.
- El Mel, A. A., Ershov, S., Britun, N., Ricard, A., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (01 January 2015). Combined optical emission and resonant absorption diagnostics of an Ar-O 2 -Ce reactive magnetron sputtering discharge. "Spectrochimica Acta. Part B, Atomic Spectroscopy, 103-104", 99.
- Dervaux, J., Cormier, P.-A., Konstantinidis, S., Di Ciuccio, R., Coulembier, O., Dubois, P., & Snyders, R. (01 January 2015). Deposition of porous titanium thin films as anode materials for dye sensitized solar cells. "Vacuum, 114", 213-220.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
- Britun, N., Palmucci, M., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (10 December 2015). "Progress in time- and space- resolved characterization of HiPIMS discharges" [Paper presentation]. Int'l conference 'Reactive sputter deposition 2015', Paris, France.
- Dervaux, J., Cormier, P.-A., Konstantinidis, S., Moskovkin, P., Lucas, S., & Snyders, R. (19 October 2015). "Synthesis of Crystallized and Nanostructured TiO2 Thin Films by Reactive Magnetron Sputtering for Application as Photoanode in Dye Sensitive Solar Cells" [Paper presentation]. AVS 62nd Symposium & Exhibition, San Jose, United States.
- Dervaux, J., Cormier, P.-A., Konstantinidis, S., Lucas, S., Moskovkin, P., & Snyders, R. (04 July 2015). "Nanostructured thin films as photoanode by combining GLAD and magnetron sputtering: a joint experimental and modeling study" [Paper presentation]. ISPC - 22nd International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Antwerp, Belgium.
- Dervaux, J., Cormier, P.-A., Konstantinidis, S., Lucas, S., Moskovkin, P., & Snyders, R. (08 June 2015). "Nanostructured thin films as photoanode by combining GLAD and magnetron sputtering: a joint experimental and modeling study" [Paper presentation]. NANOWAL (The Wallonia Network for Nanotechnologies) and MAIN (The MAterials, Interfaces and Nanostructures Doctoral School) on Nanomaterials and Energy, Mons, Belgium.
- Britun, N., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (03 June 2015). "Two-dimensional density mapping in HiPIMS discharge" [Paper presentation]. 20-th Int'l Colloquium on Plasma Processes (CIP-2015), St. Etienne, France.
- Francq, R., Cormier, P.-A., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (02 June 2015). "Deposition of ZnO-Ag thin films by Reactive Magnetron Co-Sputtering: Structural and Morphological Characterisations" [Paper presentation]. 20th International Colloquium on Plasma Processes, Saint-Etienne, France.
- Konstantinidis, S. (01 June 2015). "Physical Vapour Deposition of thin films: from DC to High-Pow 15:45 Magnetron Sputtering" [Paper presentation]. 20th International Colloquium on Plasma Processes, Saint-Etienne, France.
- Konstantinidis, S. (20 May 2015). "High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering" [Paper presentation]. Doctoral school on Reactive Sputter Desposition, Gent, Belgium.
- Konstantinidis, S. (19 May 2015). "A (brief) introduction to plasma diagnostics" [Paper presentation]. Doctoral school on Reactive Sputter Desposition, Gent, Belgium.
- Raza, M., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., Thomann, A. L., Caillard, A., El Mokh, M., Gautron, E., El Mel, A. A., Lucas, S., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (11 May 2015). "Understanding the phase formation of reactive sputtered zirconium oxide thin films; A joint experimental and theoretical study" [Paper presentation]. E-MRS Spring meeting symposium on Protective coatings and thin films (EE), 11th -15th of May, Lille, France.
- Konstantinidis, S., Dervaux, J., Cormier, P.-A., & Snyders, R. (21 April 2015). "Synthesis of Porous Crystalline TiO2 Thin Films by Glancing Angle Reactive Magnetron Sputtering" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, San Diego, United States - California.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal
- Konstantinidis, S., Raza, M., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., Boulet, P., Pierson, J.-F., Lucas, S., & Snyders, R. (2015). "OXYGEN VACANCY STABILIZED CUBIC ZIRCONIA" [Paper presentation]. MIATEC-RSD 2015, Paris, France.
- Britun, N., Palmucci, M., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (2015). "Visualizing the physical phenomena in high-power impulse magnetron sputtering by optical diagnostics" [Paper presentation]. The Thirteenth International Symposium on Sputtering and Plasma Processes (ISSP 2015), Kyoto, Japan.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster
- Hergot, L., Britun, N., Da Ponte Silva, T., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (09 December 2015). "Production of atomic oxygen by a microwave plasma" [Poster presentation]. MIATEC-RSD 2015, Paris, France.
- Britun, N., Palmucci, M., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (05 July 2015). "Particularities of particles propagation under high-power impulse magnetron sputtering" [Poster presentation]. 22nd International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC 22), Antwerp, Belgium.
- Raza, M., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., Caillard, A., El Mokh, M., Thomann, A. L., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (30 June 2015). "On the phase formation of zirconium oxide thin films" [Poster presentation]. 2nd Researcher's Day of the Materials Research Institute, Mons, Belgium.
- Hergot, L., Britun, N., Da Ponte Silva, T., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (30 June 2015). "Influence of the oxygen atom flux on the properties of metal oxide thin films synthesized by Reactive Magnetron Sputtering : Part 1 : Production of atomic oxygen by a microwave plasma" [Poster presentation]. 2nd Researcher's Day of the Materials Research Institute, Mons, Belgium.
- Cuynet, S., Caillard, A., Lecas, T., Konstantinidis, S., Bigarré, J., Buvat, P., & Brault, P. (03 June 2015). "Time resolved study of the HiPIMS palladium, platinum and gold post-discharge" [Poster presentation]. 20th International Colloquium on Plasma Processes, Saint-Etienne, France.
- Dervaux, J., Cormier, P.-A., Konstantinidis, S., Lucas, S., Moskovkin, P., & Snyders, R. (15 May 2015). "Nanostructured Ti thin films by combining GLAD and magnetron sputtering: a joint experimental and modeling study" [Poster presentation]. 2nd Researcher's Day of the Materials Research Institute, Mons, Belgium.
- Roche, R., Letertre, L., Kassa, H. G., Douheret, O., Dervaux, J., Di Ciuccio, R., Coulembier, O., Dubois, P., Konstantinidis, S., Snyders, R., Lazzaroni, R., Dumas, P., & Leclère, P. (11 May 2015). "A comprehensive electrical AFM approach to study hybrid inorganic/organic photovoltaic solar cells in ambient conditions" [Poster presentation]. E-MRS Spring Meeting, Symposium E 'Materials design and processing concepts for efficient and stable organic, hybrid, perovskite and dye solar cells', Lille, France.
- Raza, M., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., Caillard, A., El Mokh, M., Thomann, A. L., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (10 March 2015). "On the phase formation of zirconium oxide thin films" [Poster presentation]. 8ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs 2015 (MdC2015), Mons, Belgium.
- Letertre, L., Roche, R., Kassa, H. G., Douheret, O., Dervaux, J., Di Ciuccio, R., Bougouma, M., Coulembier, O., Dubois, P., Konstantinidis, S., Snyders, R., Doneux, T., Buess-Herman, C., Lazzaroni, R., Dumas, P., & Leclère, P. (10 March 2015). "Étude à la nano-échelle de mélanges hybrides pour applications photovoltaïques" [Poster presentation]. 8ème édition de la Matinée de Chercheurs, Mons, Belgium.
- Konstantinidis, S., El Mel, A. A., Bittencourt, C., Hemberg, A., Godfroid, T., & Snyders, R. (10 March 2015). "Cold plasma based technologies to engineer nanostructures" [Poster presentation]. 8ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs 2015 (MdC2015), Mons, Belgium.
- Francq, R., Cormier, P.-A., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (10 March 2015). "Structural, Chemical and morphological characterization of ZnO-Ag composite prepared by reactive magnetron co-sputtering" [Poster presentation]. 8ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs 2015 (MdC2015), Mons, Belgium.
- Dervaux, J., Cormier, P.-A., Konstantinidis, S., Lucas, S., Moskovkin, P., & Snyders, R. (06 March 2015). "Nanostructured Ti thin films by combining GLAD and magnetron sputtering: a joint experimental and modeling study" [Poster presentation]. Matinée des chercheurs (MDC2015), Mons, Belgium.
Scientific journals/Article
- Dervaux, J., Cormier, P.-A., Konstantinidis, S., Di Ciuccio, R., Coulembier, O., Dubois, P., & Snyders, R. (2014). Deposition of porous titanium oxide thin films as anode material for dye sensitized solar cells. "Vacuum". doi:10.1016/j.vacuum.2014.10.016
- Barker, P., Konstantinidis, S., Lewin, E., Britun, N., & Patscheider, J. (2014). An investigation of c-HiPIMS discharges during titanium deposition. "Surface and Coatings Technology".
- Cormier, P.-A., balhamri, A., Thomann, A. L., Dussart, R., semnar, N., Lecas, T., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (2014). Titanium oxide thin film growth by magnetron sputtering: Total energy flux and its relationship with the phase constitution. "Surface and Coatings Technology".
- Britun, N., Minea, T., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (14 May 2014). Plasma diagnostics for understanding the plasma-surface interaction in HiPIMS discharges: a review. "Journal of Physics: D Applied Physics, 47", 224001.
- El Mel, A. A., Molina-Luna, L., Buffière, M., Tessier, P.-Y., Du, K., Choi, C.-H., Kleebe, H.-J., Konstantinidis, S., Bittencourt, C., & Snyders, R. (01 April 2014). Electron beam nanosculpting of Kirkendall oxide nanochannels. "ACS Nano, 8" (2), 1854-1861.
- El Mel, A. A., Buffière, M., Ewels, C., Molina-Luna, L., Faulques, E., Colomer, J.-F., Kleebe, H.-J., Konstantinidis, S., Snyders, R., & Bittencourt, C. (01 January 2014). Zn based nanoparticle-carbon nanotube hybrid materials: Interaction and charge transfer. "Carbon, 66", 442-449.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
- Dervaux, J., Cormier, P.-A., Konstantinidis, S., Di Ciuccio, R., Coulembier, O., Dubois, P., & Snyders, R. (18 December 2014). "Synthesis of porous nanocrystalline TiO2 thin films by glancing angle reactive magnetron sputtering" [Paper presentation]. 14th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.
- Britun, N., Palmucci, M., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (15 September 2014). "Gas rarefaction related phenomena in HiPIMS discharges" [Paper presentation]. 14th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.
- Thomann, A. L., Caillard, A., El Mokh, M., Raza, M., De Vreese, A., semnar, N., Dussart, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (13 July 2014). "Deposition conditions and sputtering regime studied via energy transfer measurements" [Paper presentation]. XXII Europhysics Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases», (ESCAMPIG), Greifswald, Germany.
- Britun, N., Palmucci, M., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (10 June 2014). "Visualization of sputtering dynamics in high-power impulse magnetron sputtering discharge" [Paper presentation]. AIP International Workshop on Plasma-Surface Interaction, Reims, France.
- Britun, N., Palmucci, M., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (10 June 2014). "Time-resolved absorption spectroscopy measurements in" [Paper presentation]. Second IAP workshop on Plasma diagnostics, Reims, France.
- Britun, N., Palmucci, M., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (29 April 2014). "Time-resolved plasma diagnostics in Reactive High-power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering Discharges" [Paper presentation]. 41st International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, San Diego, United States - California.
- Konstantinidis, S., Cormier, P.-A., Thomann, A. L., balhamri, A., Dussart, R., semnar, N., Lecas, T., & Snyders, R. (11 April 2014). "The energy flux - phase constitution relationship for reactively magnetron sputtered titanium dioxide thin films" [Paper presentation]. 72th IUVSTA workshop, Schloss Seggau , Austria.
- Konstantinidis, S. (18 February 2014). "High power impulse magnetron sputtering" [Paper presentation]. Vacuum Deposition Technologies for films and coatings, Sevilla, Spain.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster
- Raza, M., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., Caillard, A., El Mokh, M., Thomann, A. L., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (11 December 2014). "On the phase formation of zirconium oxide thin films" [Poster presentation]. International conference on reactive sputter deposition 2014, Ghent, Belgium.
- Raza, M., Van Regemorter, T., Cornil, J., Thomann, A. L., Caillard, A., El Mokh, M., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (02 July 2014). "Understanding the phase formation in zirconium oxide thin films" [Poster presentation]. 1st Researcher's Day of the Materials Research Institute, Mons, Belgium.
- Raza, M., Van Regemorter, T., Cornil, J., Caillard, A., El Mokh, M., Thomann, A. L., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (10 June 2014). "Understanding the phase formation in zirconium oxide thin films" [Poster presentation]. Plasma-Surface Interaction 2nd IAP workshop on plasma diagnostics, Reims, France.
- Raza, M., Van Regemorter, T., Cornil, J., Caillard, A., El Mokh, M., Thomann, A. L., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (06 April 2014). "Understanding the phase formation in zirconium oxide thin films" [Poster presentation]. 72th IUVSTA workshop, Schloss Seggau , Austria.
- Dervaux, J., Cormier, P.-A., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (06 April 2014). "Synthesis of porous nanocrystalline TiO2 thin films by glancing angle reactive magnetron sputtering" [Poster presentation]. 72th IUVSTA workshop, Schloss Seggau , Austria.
Learning materials/Course notes
- Konstantinidis, S. (2014). "Introduction to surface and materials processing by cold- plasma based methods".
- Konstantinidis, S. (2014). "High power impulse magnetron sputtering".
Scientific journals/Article
- Palmucci, M., Britun, N., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (19 September 2013). Rarefaction windows in a high-power impulse magnetron sputtering plasma. "Journal of Applied Physics, 114", 113302. doi:10.1063/1.4821514
- Cormier, P.-A., Thomann, A., Dolique, V., balhamri, A., Dussart, R., semnar, N., Lecas, T., Brault, P., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (21 July 2013). IR emission from the target during plasma magnetron sputter deposition. "Thin Solid Films, 545", 44-49.
- Britun, N., Palmucci, M., Konstantinidis, S., Gaillard-Schwaderle, M., & Snyders, R. (03 July 2013). Time-resolved temperature study in a high-power impulse magnetron sputtering discharge. "Journal of Applied Physics, 114". doi:10.1063/1.4812579
- Palmucci, M., Britun, N., Da Ponte Silva, T., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (09 May 2013). Mass spectrometry diagnostics of short-pulsed HiPIMS discharges. "Journal of Physics: D Applied Physics, 46". doi:10.1088/0022-3727/46/21/215201
- Thiry, D., Britun, N., Konstantinidis, S., Dauchot, J.-P., Guillaume, M., Cornil, J., & Snyders, R. (16 April 2013). Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Effect of the Inductive-to-Capacitive Transition in Propanethiol Plasma Polymer Chemistry. "Journal of Physical Chemistry, 117" (19), 98-43-9851. doi:10.102/jp400829z
- Britun, N., Ershov, S., El Mel, A. A., Konstantinidis, S., Ricard, A., & Snyders, R. (07 April 2013). Resonant optical absorption spectroscopy of Ce. "Journal of Physics: D Applied Physics, 46".
- El Mel, A. A., Buffière, M., Tessier, P.-Y., Konstantinidis, S., Xu, W., Du, K., Wathuthanthri, I., Choi, C.-H., Bittencourt, C., & Snyders, R. (26 February 2013). Highly Ordered Hollow Oxide Nanostructures: The Kirkendall Effect at the Nanoscale. "Small, 9" (17), 2838-2843. doi:10.1002/smll.201202824
- El Mel, A. A., Buffière, M., Bouts, N., Gautron, E., Tessier, P.-Y., Bittencourt, C., Henzler, K., Gutmann, P., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (11 January 2013). Growth control, structure, chemical state, and photoresponse of CuO/CdS radial p-n junction nanowire arrays. "Nanotechnology, 24" (26), 265603-10.
- Cormier, P. A., Balhamri, A., Thomann, A., Dussart, R., Semmar, N., Mathias, J., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (07 January 2013). Measuring the energy flux at the substrate position during magnetron sputter deposition processes. "Journal of Applied Physics, 110".
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
- Molina-Luna, L., schildt, S., Buffière, M., Du, K., Choi, C.-H., Kleebe, H.-J., Konstantinidis, S., Snyders, R., Bittencourt, C., & El Mel, A. A. (04 December 2013). "Controlled Morphological Transformation of Highly Ordered Hollow Oxide Nanostructures Fabricated by the Nanoscale Kirkendall Effect" [Paper presentation]. MRS fall meeting, Boston, United States - Massachusetts.
- El Mel, A. A., Buffière, M., Konstantinidis, S., Tessier, P.-Y., Xu, W., Du, K., Choi, C.-H., Bittencourt, C., & Snyders, R. (11 September 2013). "Understanding the Kirkendall effect at the nanoscale in Cu/CuO system" [Paper presentation]. 19th International Vacuum Congress (IVC), Paris, France.
- Cormier, P.-A., balhamri, A., Thomann, A. L., Dussart, R., semnar, N., Lecas, T., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (11 September 2013). "Energy flux measurements at the substrate position during reactive and non reactive magnetron sputter deposition processes" [Paper presentation]. 19th International Vacuum Congress (IVC), Paris, France.
- Palmucci, M., Britun, N., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (09 September 2013). "Time-Resolved Laser Diagnostics in High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering Discharges" [Paper presentation]. 19th International Vacuum Congress (IVC), Paris, France.
- Britun, N., Palmucci, M., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (11 July 2013). "Combined optical diagnostics of a high-power impulse magnetron sputtering discharge" [Paper presentation]. 12th International Symposium on Sputtering & Plasma Processes (ISSP), Kyoto, Japan.
- Palmucci, M., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (08 July 2013). "Dynamics of Short Pulses High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering Ti - Ar/O2 Discharges through Time- and Energy- resolved Mass Spectrometry" [Paper presentation]. 12th International Symposium on Sputtering & Plasma Processes (ISSP), Kyoto, Japan.
- Konstantinidis, S. (07 July 2013). "Plasma chemistry and energetics during the synthesis of metal oxide thin films by High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering" [Paper presentation]. EMRS, Strasbourg, France.
- Konstantinidis, S. (03 July 2013). "Reactive High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering: plasma diagnostics and thin film synthesis" [Paper presentation]. PBII&D, Poitiers, France.
- Nouvellon, C., Michiels, M., Roobroek, A., Guinet, Y., Britun, N., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (12 June 2013). "High-power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering of CNx" [Paper presentation]. International HiPIMS conference, Braunschweig, Germany.
- Konstantinidis, S., Geumez, G., Van Regemorter, T., Cornil, J., & Snyders, R. (29 May 2013). "OXYGEN-DEFICIENT ZIRCONIA THIN FILMS SYNTHESIZED BY REACTIVE MAGNETRON SPUTTERING" [Paper presentation]. ICMCTF, San Diego, United States - California.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal
- El Mel, A. A., Buffière, M., Bouts, N., Gautron, E., Bittencourt, C., Guttmann, P., Tessier, P.-Y., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (2013). "Growth control of CuO nanowires on copper thin films: Toward the development of pn nanojunction arrays" [Paper presentation]. Winter Simulation Conference, Sentosa Island , Singapore.
- El Mel, A. A., Buffière, M., Tessier, P.-Y., Xu, W., Du, K., Choi, C.-H., Konstantinidis, S., Bittencourt, C., & Snyders, R. (2013). "Fabrication of highly ordered hollow oxide nanostructures based on nanoscale Kirkendall effect and Oswald ripening" [Paper presentation]. IEEE INEC 2013, Sentosa Island, Singapore.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster
- De Vreese, A., Mendizabal, L., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (12 November 2013). "The synthesis of copper oxides thin films by DC and MPP processes" [Poster presentation]. IAP Symposium, Anvers, Belgium.
- Raza, M., Geumez, G., Van Regemorter, T., Cornil, J., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (08 November 2013). "Understanding the phase formation in zirconium oxide thin films" [Poster presentation]. Workshop on Fundamentals of plasma-surface interactions, Antwerp, Belgium.
- Dervaux, J., Cormier, P.-A., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (08 November 2013). "Synthesis of porous nanocrystalline TiO2 thin films by glancing angle reactive magnetron sputtering" [Poster presentation]. PSS2013, Manchester, Unknown/unspecified.
- Palmucci, M., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (08 July 2013). "Dynamics of Short Pulses High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering Ti - Ar/O2 Discharges through Time- and Energy- resolved Mass Spectrometry" [Poster presentation]. 12th International Symposium on Sputtering & Plasma Processes (ISSP), Kyoto, Japan.
- Britun, N., Palmucci, M., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (12 June 2013). "Time- and space- resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy in a short-pulse HiPIMS discharge" [Poster presentation]. International HiPIMS conference, Braunschweig, Germany.
- Britun, N., Palmucci, M., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (12 June 2013). "Time- and space- resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy in a short-pulse HiPIMS discharge" [Poster presentation]. International HiPIMS conference, Braunschweig, Germany.
- Thiry, D., Britun, N., Konstantinidis, S., Dauchot, J.-P., Denis, L., & Snyders, R. (12 March 2013). "Effect of a transition from capacitive to inductive mode on propanethiol plasma polymer properties" [Poster presentation]. 7ème édition de la Matinée de Chercheurs, Mons, Belgium.
- El Mel, A. A., Buffière, M., Bouts, N., Gautron, E., Bittencourt, C., Guttmann, P., Tessier, P.-Y., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (03 January 2013). "Growth control of CuO nanowires on copper thin films: Toward the developement of p-n nanojunction arrays" [Poster presentation]. IEEE INEC 2013, Sentosa Island, Singapore.
- El Mel, A. A., Buffière, M., Tessier, P.-Y., Xu, W., Du, K., Choi, C.-H., Konstantinidis, S., Bittencourt, C., & Snyders, R. (03 January 2013). "Fabrication of highly ordered hollow oxide nanostructures based on nanoscale Kirkendall effect and Oswald ripening" [Poster presentation]. IEEE INEC 2013, Sentosa Island, Singapore.
Dissertations and theses/Doctoral thesis
- Palmucci, M. (2013). "Time-resolved diagnostic of High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering Discharges" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.
Scientific journals/Article
- Palmucci, M., Britun, N., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (20 September 2012). Energy- and time-resolved mass spectrometry diagnostic of short-pulses HiPIMS discharges. "Belvac News, 40" (3), 1-4.
- Britun, N., Palmucci, M., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (11 September 2012). Time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence diagnostics in a HIPIMS discharge. "IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 39", 012013.
- Hemberg, A., Dauchot, J.-P., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (04 June 2012). Evaporation assisted high power impulse magnetron sputtering: The deposition of tungsten oxide as a case study. "Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology. A, Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films, 30" (4).
- Nouvellon, C., Michiels, M., Dauchot, J.-P., Archambeau, C., Laffineur, F., Silberberg, E., Delvaux, S., Cloots, R., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (19 February 2012). Deposition of titanium oxide films by reactive High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering (HiPIMS): Influence of the peak current value on the transition from metallic to poisoned regimes. "Surface and Coatings Technology, 206" (16), 3542-3549.
- Thiry, D., Britun, N., Konstantinidis, S., Dauchot, J.-P., Denis, L., & Snyders, R. (15 February 2012). Altering the sulfur content in the propanethiol plasma polymers using the capacitive-to-inductive mode transition in inductively coupled plasma discharge. "Applied Physics Letters, 100" (7). doi:10.1063/1.3686902
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
- Konstantinidis, S. (24 December 2012). "Optical diagnotics during HiPIMS discharges" [Paper presentation]. Training School on High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering (HIPIMS), Sheffield, United Kingdom.
- De Vreese, A., El Mel, A. A., Buffière, M., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (13 December 2012). "Influence of the DC magnetron sputtering parameters on copper oxide thin film characteristics" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Reactive Sputter Deposition 2012 - RSD2012, Ghent, Belgium.
- Palmucci, M., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (05 November 2012). "Dynamics of Reactive High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering Discharges through Time- and Energy- resolved Mass Spectrometry" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Reactive Sputter Deposition 2012 - RSD2012, Ghent, Belgium.
- Thiry, D., Britun, N., Konstantinidis, S., Dauchot, J.-P., Guillaume, M., Cornil, J., & Snyders, R. (26 October 2012). "Synthesis of thiol-based plasma polymers films : correlation between plasma and film chemistry" [Paper presentation]. 5th CIRMAP Anniversary Workshop, Mons, Belgium.
- Hemberg, A., Konstantinidis, S., Dauchot, J.-P., & Snyders, R. (11 September 2012). "ION FLUX-FILM STRUCTURE RELATIONSHIP DURING REACTIVE MAGNETRON SPUTTERING OF TUNGSTEN" [Paper presentation]. 13th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.
- Thiry, D., Britun, N., Konstantinidis, S., Dauchot, J.-P., Guillaume, M., Cornil, J., & Snyders, R. (11 September 2012). "Study of the transition between capacitive and inductive modes on propanethiol plasma polymer properties: correlation between plasma and film chemistry" [Paper presentation]. 13th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.
- Konstantinidis, S. (11 September 2012). "On the deposition rate during High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering" [Paper presentation]. 13th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.
- Britun, N., Palmucci, M., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (10 September 2012). "Towards deeper understanding of a HiPIMS discharge by time-resolved optical plasma diagnostics" [Paper presentation]. 13th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.
- Konstantinidis, S. (11 June 2012). "Introduction à la PVD ... vers l'I-PVD" [Paper presentation]. Ecole thématique revêtements 3D, Grenoble, France.
- Konstantinidis, S., Leroy, W. P., Depla, D., & Snyders, R. (24 April 2012). "ANGLE-RESOLVED ENERGY ?UX MEASUREMENTS OF A HIPIMS-POWERED ROTATING CYLINDRICAL MAGNETRON IN REACTIVE AND NON-REACTIVE ATMOSPHERE" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Metalurgical Coatings and Thin Films, San Diego, United States - California.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a book
- Belmonte, T., Konstantinidis, S., & Sanchez - Lopez, J.-C. (2012). "Proceedings of Symposium K on Protective Coatings and Thin Films, E-MRS 2011 Conference: Surface and Coatings Technology" [Paper presentation]. European Materials Research Society Spring meeting, Nice, France.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster
- El Mel, A. A., Ershov, S., Britun, N., Konstantinidis, S., Ricard, A., & Snyders, R. (13 December 2012). "Combined optical emission and absorption diagnostics of an Ar-O2-Ce reactive sputtering discharge" [Poster presentation]. International Conference on Reactive Sputter Deposition 2012 - RSD2012, Ghent, Belgium.
- Palmucci, M., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (26 October 2012). "Time- and Energy-resolved Mass Spectrometry Study of a Reactive High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering Discharge" [Poster presentation]. 5th Anniversary of the Center for Innovation and Research in MAterials and Polymers (CIRMAP), Mons, Belgium.
- De Vreese, A., El Mel, A. A., Buffière, M., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (26 October 2012). "Influence of the reactive DC magnetron sputtering parameters on copper oxide thin film characteristics" [Poster presentation]. 5th Anniversary of the Center for Innovation and Research in MAterials and Polymers (CIRMAP), Mons, Belgium.
- Hemberg, A., Renaux, F., Dauchot, J.-P., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (26 October 2012). "Ion flux- structure relationship during magnetron sputtering of WO3. Applications to the design of NO2 sensors" [Poster presentation]. 5th CIRMAP Anniversary Workshop, Mons, Belgium.
- De Vreese, A., El Mel, A. A., Buffière, M., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (06 October 2012). "Influence of the reactive DC magnetron sputtering parameters on copper oxide thin film characteristics" [Poster presentation]. Low Temperature Plasma Physics: Basics and Applications', 17th European Summer School, Bad Honnef , Germany.
- Thomann, A., Cormier, P. A., Semmar, N., Dussart, R., Balhamri, A., & Konstantinidis, S. (10 September 2012). "ADVANTAGES OF ENERGY INFLUX MEASUREMENTS IN LOW PRESSURE PLASMA PROCESSES" [Poster presentation]. 13th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.
- Palmucci, M., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (07 September 2012). "Time- and Energy-resolved Mass Spectrometry Study of a Reactive High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering Discharge" [Poster presentation]. Plasma Diagnostics Workshop, Dublin, Ireland.
- Palmucci, M., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (10 July 2012). "Time- and Energy-resolved Mass Spectrometry Study of a Reactive High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering Discharge" [Poster presentation]. XXI Europhysics Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases», (ESCAMPIG), Viana do Castelo, Portugal.
Scientific journals/Article
- Hemberg, A., Konstantinidis, S., Renaux, F., Dauchot, J.-P., & Snyders, R. (28 October 2011). Ion flux-film structure relationship during magnetron sputtering of WO3. "European Physical Journal: Applied Physics, 56".
- Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (28 October 2011). Reactive ionized physical vapor deposition of thin films. "European Physical Journal: Applied Physics, 56".
- Konstantinidis, S., Jiang, K., Roobroek, A., Renaux, F., & Schneider, J.-M. (03 May 2011). Pulsed Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition of Alumina Thin Films: Influence of the Duty Cycle on Structure and Elastic Properties. "Plasma Processes and Polymers, 8", 651-657.
- Britun, N., Godfroid, T., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (06 April 2011). Time-resolved gas temperature evolution in pulsed Ar-N2 microwave discharges. "Applied Physics Letters, 98".
- Leroy, W. P., Konstantinidis, S., Mahieu, S., Snyders, R., & Depla, D. (01 March 2011). Angular-resolved energy flux measurements of a dc- and HIPIMS-powered rotating cylindrical. "Journal of Physics: D Applied Physics, 44".
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
- Konstantinidis, S., Geumez, G., & Snyders, R. (09 December 2011). "Tailoring the phase constitution of zirconia thin films during reactive magnetron sputtering" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Reactive Sputter Deposition 2011 - RSD2011, Linkoping, Sweden.
- Britun, N., Palmucci, M., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (08 December 2011). "Time-resolved gas temperature study in Ar-N2 reactive HiPIMS discharges" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Reactive Sputter Deposition 2011 - RSD2011, Linkoping, Sweden.
- Cormier, P. A., Dolique, V., Thomann, A., Balhamri, A., Konstantinidis, S., Dussart, R., & Semmar, N. (08 December 2011). "Direct energy influx measurement in reactive magnetron sputtering" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Reactive Sputter Deposition 2011 - RSD2011, Linkoping, Sweden.
- Thomann, A., Cormier, P. A., Dussart, R., Semmar, N., Mathias, J., Balhamri, A., Konstantinidis, S., & Kersten, H. (16 November 2011). "Energy influx measurements in low pressure plasmas for material processing" [Paper presentation]. ITFPC & MIATEC 2011, Nancy, France.
- Konstantinidis, S. (15 November 2011). "On the deposition of oxide layers by High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering" [Paper presentation]. ITFPC & MIATEC 2011, Nancy, France.
- Snyders, R., Geumez, G., & Konstantinidis, S. (03 November 2011). "On the Phase Formation of Reactively Sputtered ZrO2 Thin Films" [Paper presentation]. AVS 58th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition, Nashville, United States - Tennessee.
- Hemberg, A., Renaux, F., Dauchot, J.-P., Snyders, R., & Konstantinidis, S. (30 October 2011). "HIGH-POWER IMPULSE MAGNETRON SPUTTERING OF WO3. INFLUENCE OF THE PULSE PARAMETERS ON THE DISCHARGE" [Paper presentation]. AVS 58th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition, Nashville, United States - Tennessee.
- Snyders, R., Balhamri, A., Hemberg, A., & Konstantinidis, S. (20 September 2011). "Reactive IPVD processes: new insights into the thin films growth mechanisms" [Paper presentation]. the 8th asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Dalian city, China.
- Britun, N., Palmucci, M., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (06 July 2011). "Time-resolved evolution of the sputtered species ground state densities in a HIPIMS discharge" [Paper presentation]. Int'l conference ISSP-2011, Kyoto, Japan.
- Konstantinidis, S. (06 July 2011). "On the synthesis of oxide layers by High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering" [Paper presentation]. 18th International Colloquium on plasma processes , CIP 2011, Nantes, France.
- Thiry, D., Britun, N., Konstantinidis, S., Dauchot, J.-P., Denis, L., & Snyders, R. (06 July 2011). "Effect of a transition from capacitive to inductive mode on propanethiol plasma polymer properties" [Paper presentation]. 18th International Colloquium on plasma processes , CIP 2011, Nantes, France.
- Konstantinidis, S. (05 July 2011). "Physical vapor deposition of thin films : from DC to High Power Impulse magnetron sputttering" [Paper presentation]. 18th International Colloquium on plasma processes , CIP 2011, Nantes, France.
- Palmucci, M., Britun, N., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (05 July 2011). "Plasma diagnostic of High power impulse magnetron sputtering discharges: time-averaged and time-resolved mass spectrometry" [Paper presentation]. 18th International Colloquium on plasma processes , CIP 2011, Nantes, France.
- Hemberg, A., Konstantinidis, S., Renaux, F., Dauchot, J.-P., & Snyders, R. (05 July 2011). "Ion flux-film structure relationship during magnetron sputtering of WO3" [Paper presentation]. 18th International Colloquium on plasma processes , CIP 2011, Nantes, France.
- Konstantinidis, S. (01 July 2011). "Work Group 1, Plasma Generation" [Paper presentation]. 2nd HIPP Processes WG-Workshop (COST MP 804), Braunschweig, Germany.
- Cormier, P. A., Balhamri, A., Thomann, A., Konstantinidis, S., Dussart, R., Semmar, N., & Mathias, J. (29 June 2011). "Direct energy influx measurements in High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering" [Paper presentation]. 2nd International Conference on Fundamentals and Industrial Applications of HIPIMS, Braunschweig, Germany.
- Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (28 June 2011). "Reactive magnetron sputtering... a versatile technology for TiO2 thin films synthesis" [Paper presentation]. HTPP 11 - High-Tech Plasma Processes, Bruxelles, Belgium.
- Alamis, J., Sarakinos, K., & Konstantinidis, S. (05 May 2011). "High Power Pulsed Magnetron Sputtering: a Review of Magnetron Ion Sputtering" [Paper presentation]. ICMCTF 2011, San Diego, United States - California.
- Zhirkov, I., Paternoster, C., Mràz, S., Schneider, J.-M., Konstantinidis, S., Snyders, R., & Delplancke - Ogletree, M. P. (25 April 2011). "Correlation between titanium oxide microstructure and plasma chemistry and energetics" [Paper presentation]. 2011 MRS Spring Meeting and Exhibit, San Francisco, United States.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal
- Britun, N., Palmucci, M., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (2011). "Time-resolved evolution of the sputtered species ground state densities in a HIPIMS discharge" [Paper presentation]. Int'l conference ISSP-2011, Kyoto, Japan.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster
- Thiry, D., Britun, N., Konstantinidis, S., Dauchot, J.-P., Denis, L., & Snyders, R. (11 October 2011). "Effect of a transition from capacitive to inductive mode on propanethiol plasma polymer properties" [Poster presentation]. 16th european plasma summer school, Bad Honnef, Germany.
- Britun, N., Palmucci, M., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (28 June 2011). "Time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence diagnostics in the HIPIMS plasma" [Poster presentation]. Second Int'l conference 'HIPIMS', Braunschweig, Germany.
- Hemberg, A., Konstantinidis, S., Renaux, F., Dauchot, J.-P., & Snyders, R. (22 March 2011). "REACTIVE HIGH-POWER IMPULSE MAGNETRON SPUTTERING OF WO3: INFLUENCE OF THE PULSE PARAMETERS ON THE DISCHARGE AND FILM CHARACTERISTICS" [Poster presentation]. 6ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs (MDC 2011), Mons, Belgium.
Scientific journals/Article
- Jiang, K., Sarakinos, K., Konstantinidis, S., & Schneider, J.-M. (29 July 2010). Low temperature synthesis of a-Al2O3 films by high-power plasma-assisted chemical vapour deposition. "Journal of Physics: D Applied Physics, 43" (32), 325202. doi:10.1088/0022-3727/43/32/325202
- Sarakinos, K., Alamis, J., & Konstantinidis, S. (25 February 2010). High power pulsed magnetron sputtering: A review on scientific and engineering state of the art. "Surface and Coatings Technology, 204" (11), 1661-1684. doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2009.11.013
- Sarakinos, K., Alami, J., & Konstantinidis, S. (01 January 2010). High power pulsed magnetron sputtering: A review on scientific and engineering state of the art. "Surface and Coatings Technology, 204", 1661-1684.
- Sarakinos, K., Music, D., Mràz, M., To Baben, M., Jiang, K., Nahif, F., Braun, A., Zilkens, C., Konstantinidis, S., Renaux, D., Cossement, D., Munnik, F., & Schneider, J.-M. (01 January 2010). On the phase formation of sputtered hafnium oxide and oxynitride films. "Journal of Applied Physics, 108" (014904), 8.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract
- Konstantinidis, S. (10 December 2010). "The synthesis of oxide layers by High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering" [Paper presentation]. Ninth International Conference on Reactive Sputter Deposition 2010 - RSD2010, Gent, Belgium.
- Britun, N., Palmucci, M., Balhamri, A., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (09 December 2010). "Time-resolved and space-resolved laser-induced fluorescence diagnostics of reactive HiPIMS Ti discharge" [Paper presentation]. Ninth International Conference on Reactive Sputter Deposition 2010 - RSD2010, Gent, Belgium.
- Konstantinidis, S. (08 December 2010). "The synthesis of oxide layers by High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering" [Paper presentation]. Ninth International Conference on Reactive Sputter Deposition 2010 - RSD2010, Gent, Belgium.
- Konstantinidis, S. (09 October 2010). "On the deposition rate during High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering" [Paper presentation]. Doctoral day on Physical Vapor Deposition, Mons, Belgium.
- Cormier, P. A., Thomann, A., Dussart, R., Semmar, N., Mathias, J., Stahl, M., Kersten, H., Balhamri, A., & Konstantinidis, S. (04 October 2010). "Direct measurement of the energy influx at the substrate in low pressure plasma discharges" [Paper presentation]. 63rd GEC and 7th ICRP joint conference, Paris, France.
- Konstantinidis, S., Mràz, S., Balhamri, A., Palmucci, M., Emmerlich, J., Schneider, J.-M., & Snyders, R. (13 September 2010). "On the deposition rate during High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on plasma surface engineering, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.
- Britun, N., Godfroid, T., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (13 September 2010). "Temperature diagnostics by optical emission spectroscopy in a microwave discharge with different gas mixtures" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on plasma surface engineering, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.
- Snyders, R., Balhamri, A., Konstantinidis, S., Schneider, J.-M., & Mràz, S. (30 June 2010). "Reactive magnetron sputtering... a versatile technology for TiO2 thin films" [Paper presentation]. HTPP 11 - High-Tech Plasma Processes, Bruxelles, Belgium.
- Jiang, K., Sarakinos, K., Konstantinidis, S., & Schneider, J.-M. (24 April 2010). "Low temperature synthesis of a-Al2O3 films by High Power Plasma assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition (HPPCVD)" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Metalurgical Coatings and Thin Films, San Diego, United States - California.
- Balhamri, A., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (05 April 2010). "Deposition of Titanium Oxide films by High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering" [Paper presentation]. PIRM 4 - 4ème congrès International Physique des Interactions Rayonnement Matière, Dakhla, Morocco.
- Konstantinidis, S. (22 March 2010). "Ionized physical vapor deposition of metal oxide thin films" [Paper presentation]. European conference on Nano film, Liège, Belgium.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster
- Balhamri, A., Konstantinidis, S., Cormier, P. A., Thomann, A., & Snyders, R. (09 December 2010). "Direct Measurement of the Energy Flux on the substrate during the growth of Titanium Oxide thin films by DC and High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering" [Poster presentation]. Ninth International Conference on Reactive Sputter Deposition 2010 - RSD2010, Gent, Belgium.
- Hemberg, A., Konstantinidis, S., Renaux, F., Bittencourt, C., Dauchot, J.-P., & Snyders, R. (09 December 2010). "High-Power impulse magnetron sputtering of WO3 : Study of the influence of the pulse parameters on the deposition rate" [Poster presentation]. Ninth International Conference on Reactive Sputter Deposition 2010 - RSD2010, Gent, Belgium.
- Balhamri, A., Konstantinidis, S., Cormier, P. A., Thomann, A., & Snyders, R. (08 December 2010). "Direct Measurement of the Energy Flux on the substrate during the growth of Titanium Oxide thin films by" [Poster presentation]. Ninth International Conference on Reactive Sputter Deposition 2010 - RSD2010, Gent, Belgium.
- Hemberg, A., Konstantinidis, S., Bittencourt, C., Renaux, F., Dauchot, J.-P., & Snyders, R. (18 November 2010). "High-Power impulse magnetron sputtering of WO3 : Study of the influence of the pulse parameters on the deposition rate" [Poster presentation]. Ecole doctorale MAIN, Mons, Belgium.
- Hemberg, A., Navio Bernabeu, C., Konstantinidis, S., Renaux, F., Bittencourt, C., Snyders, R., Hecq, M., & Dauchot, J.-P. (08 October 2010). "Structural characterization of tungsten oxide thin films deposited by balanced and unbalanced magnetron sputtering" [Poster presentation]. Doctoral day on sputtering, Mons, Belgium.
- Palmucci, M., Balhamri, A., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (08 October 2010). "Time-resolved and time averaged mass spectrometry study of High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering discharges" [Poster presentation]. Doctoral day on sputtering, Mons, Belgium.
- Balhamri, A., Konstantinidis, S., Cormier, P. A., Thomann, A., & Snyders, R. (08 October 2010). "Measurement of Energy flux on the substrate during the growth of Titanium Oxide by dcMS and HiPIMS" [Poster presentation]. Doctoral day on sputtering, Mons, Belgium.
- Britun, N., Godfroid, T., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (27 June 2010). "Optical emission diagnostics in the microwave discharge" [Poster presentation]. HTPP 11 - High-Tech Plasma Processes, Bruxelles, Belgium.
- Balhamri, A., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (27 June 2010). "Synthesis of Titanium Oxide thin films by High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering (HiPIMS): Study of the transition between metallic and oxidized regimes and the film phase constitution" [Poster presentation]. HTPP 11 - High-Tech Plasma Processes, Bruxelles, Belgium.
- Cormier, P. A., Thomann, A., Dussart, R., Semmar, N., Mathias, J., Antonin, O., Boisse-Laporte, C., Minea, T., Balhamri, A., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (15 June 2010). "Measurements of the energy influxes at the substrate in plasma sputtering processes" [Poster presentation]. Magnetron, Ion processing & Arc Technologies European Conference, Metz, France.
- Hemberg, A., Konstantinidis, S., Bittencourt, C., Renaux, F., Dauchot, J.-P., & Snyders, R. (15 June 2010). "High-Power impulse magnetron sputtering of WO3 : Study of the influence of the pulse parameters on the deposition rate" [Poster presentation]. MIATEC 2010, Metz, France.
- Palmucci, M., Balhamri, A., Konstantinidis, S., & Snyders, R. (15 June 2010). "Time-resolved and Time-averaged Mass Spectrometry Study of High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering Discharges" [Poster presentation]. Magnetron, Ion processing & Arc Technologies European Conference, Metz, France.
- Konstantinidis, S., Balhamri, A., Mràz, S., Palmucci, M., Emmerlich, J., Schneider, J.-M., & Snyders, R. (24 April 2010). "How to control self-sputtering during high power pulse magnetron sputtering (HPPMS)" [Poster presentation]. International Conference on Metalurgical Coatings and Thin Films, San Diego, United States - California.
- Hemberg, A., Navio Bernabeu, C., Konstantinidis, S., Renaux, F., Bittencourt, C., Dauchot, J.-P., Hecq, M., & Snyders, R. (23 April 2010). "Structural characterization of tungsten oxide thin films deposited by balanced and unbalanced magnetron sputtering" [Poster presentation]. Journée de l'école Doctorale Thématique CHIM, UMONS, Unknown/unspecified.
- Balhamri, A., Konstantinidis, S., Dauchot, J.-P., Hecq, M., & Snyders, R. (06 April 2010). "Plasma-surface interaction during High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering" [Poster presentation]. PIRM 4 - 4ème congrès International Physique des Interactions Rayonnement Matière, Dakhla, Morocco.
- Hemberg, A., Navio Bernabeu, C., Konstantinidis, S., Renaux, F., Snyders, R., Bittencourt, C., Hecq, M., & Dauchot, J.-P. (17 February 2010). "Effect of the geometry magnetron sputtering on the growth of tungsten oxide thin films" [Poster presentation]. Matinée des Chercheurs, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Scientific journals/Article
- Snyders, R., Jiang, K., Music, D., Konstantinidis, S., Markus, T., Reinholdt, A., Mayer, J., & Schneider, J.-M. (01 January 2009). Composition-constitution-morphology relationship of Al2O3 thin films deposited by plasma assisted chemical vapor deposition. "Surface and Coatings Technology, 204" (1-2), 215-221.
- Music, D., Konstantinidis, S., & Schneider, J.-M. (01 January 2009). Equilibrium Structure of delta-Bi2O3 from First Principles. "Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter, 21" (175403).
Parts of books/Contribution to collective works
- Konstantinidis, S., Gaboriau, F., Gaillard-Schwaderle, M., Hecq, M., & Ricard, A. (2008). Optical diagnostics during reactive magnetron sputtering. In "Reactive Sputter Deposition". Springer.
Scientific journals/Article
- Ehiasarian, A., Vetushka, A., Hecimovic, A., & Konstantinidis, S. (01 January 2008). Ion composition produced by HIPIMS discharges near the substrate. "Journal of Applied Physics, 104" (083305).
Scientific journals/Article
- Konstantinidis, S., Hemberg, A., Dauchot, J.-P., & Hecq, M. (2007). Deposition of Zinc Oxide layers by High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering. "Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology. Part B".
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal
- Konstantinidis, S., Hemberg, A., Tromont, A., Dauchot, J.-P., & Hecq, M. (2007). "Deposition of Metal Oxide layers by High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering" [Paper presentation]. 50th Annual Technical Conference of the Society of Vacuum Coaters, Louisville, United States.
Scientific journals/Article
- Konstantinidis, S., Ganciu, M., Dauchot, J.-P., & Hecq, M. (01 January 2006). Transport of ionized metal atoms in High Power Pulsed Magnetron Discharges assisted by an inductively coupled plasma. "Applied Physics Letters, 88-1" (21501).
- Konstantinidis, S., Dauchot, J.-P., Ganciu, M., Ricard, A., & Hecq, M. (01 January 2006). Influence of pulse duration on the plasma characteristics in High-Power Pulsed Magnetron Discharges. "Journal of Applied Physics, 99-1" (13307).
- Konstantinidis, S., Dauchot, J.-P., & Hecq, M. (01 January 2006). Dépôt de films d'oxyde de titane par Magnétron Pulsé à Haute Puissance. "Actes des 4èmes Journées Magnétron et Arcs pour le Dépôts de Couches Minces, 28".
- Konstantinidis, S., Dauchot, J.-P., & Hecq, M. (01 January 2006). Titanium oxide thin films deposited by High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering. "Thin Solid Films, 515" (1182).
Scientific journals/Article
- Konstantinidis, S., Ricard, A., Snyders, R., Vandeparre, H., Dauchot, J.-P., & Hecq, M. (01 October 2005). Characterization of an Ar/N2 reactive amplified magnetron discharges by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy and Glow Discharge Mass Spectrometry. "Surface and Coatings Technology, 200" (1-4), 841-845. doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2005.02.192
- Ganciu, M., Konstantinidis, S., Paint, Y., Dauchot, J.-P., Hecq, M., de Poucques, L., Vasina, P., Mesko, M., Imbert, J. C., Bretagne, J., & Touzeau, M. (01 January 2005). PREIONISED PULSED MAGNETRON DISCHARGES FOR IONISED PHYSICAL VAPOUR DEPOSITION. "Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 5" (2481).
- Ganciu, M., Hecq, M., Dauchot, J.-P., Konstantinidis, S., Bretagne, J., de Poucques, L., & Touzeau, M. (28 September 2005). "Process and apparatus for pulsed magnetron sputtering".
Scientific journals/Article
- Konstantinidis, S., Ricard, A., Ganciu, M., Dauchot, J.-P., Ranea, C., & Hecq, M. (01 March 2004). Measurement of ionic and neutral densities in amplified magnetron discharges by pulsed absorption spectroscopy. "Journal of Applied Physics, 95" (5), 2900-2905.
Scientific journals/Article
- Konstantinidis, S., Nouvellon, C., Dauchot, J.-P., Wautelet, M., & Hecq, M. (19 September 2003). RF amplified magnetron source for efficient titanium nitride deposition. "Surface and Coatings Technology, 174-175", 100-106.
Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal
- Konstantinidis, S., Ricard, A., Ganciu, M., Dauchot, J.-P., Wautelet, M., & Hecq, M. (2003). "A Study of an Ionized Magnetron Source by Pulsed Absorption Spectroscopy" [Paper presentation]. Society of Vacuum Coaters 46th Annual Technical Conference, San Francisco, United States.
Scientific journals/Article
- Ricard, A., Nouvellon, C., Konstantinidis, S., Dauchot, J.-P., Wautelet, M., & Hecq, M. (19 July 2002). Density and temperature in an inductively amplified magnetron discharge for titanium deposition. "Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology. A, Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films, 20" (4), 1488-1491.
- Nouvellon, C., Konstantinidis, S., Dauchot, J.-P., Wautelet, M., Jouan, P.-Y., & Ricard, A. (01 July 2002). Emission spectrometry diagnostic of sputtered titanium in magnetron amplified discharges. "Journal of Applied Physics, 92" (1), 32-36.
- Ricard, A., Konstantinidis, S., Nouvellon, C., Wautelet, M., Dauchot, J.-P., & Hecq, M. (19 February 2002). Diagnostics optiques de plasmas d'aluminium et de titane, pulvérisés par décharge magnétron amplifiées. "Vide (Le), 305" (3), 602-607.
- Ricard, A., Nouvellon, C., Konstantinidis, S., Dauchot, J.-P., Wautelet, M., Hecq, M., Lambillon, L., & Héau, C. (2002). Diagnostics d'un plasma de titane pulvérisé par décharge magnétron amplifiée. Spectrométrie d'émission et d'absorption optique. "Vide (Le)".
- Nouvellon, C., Konstantinidis, S., Dauchot, J.-P., & Hecq, M. (19 February 2002). Diagnostics d'un plasma de titane pulvérisé par décharge magnétron amplifiée par une spire RF. Spsectrométrie de masse et sonde de Langmuir. "Vide (Le), 304" (2), 243.